The VA appeals decision review quick start guide offers Veterans more clarity and control over the decision review process.
The Appeals Modernization Act improves the appeals process for Veterans and their families by giving them choice over how VA reviews their disagreement with a claim decision, ensuring Veterans receive faster, clearer decisions.
The new rating schedule guarantees both men and women Veterans are evaluated equally.
Veterans with a compensation appeal can now view their past and current appeals issues, receive alerts for deadlines when action is required and more.
VA plans to redesign the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program to enable service members to receive disability benefit decisions the day after their discharge.
Over the last four years, Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) employees have worked hard to serve our Veterans, their families and survivors and to move the organization into the digital age.
Twitter Chat Attracts health care candidates. VA Careers recently hosted [...]
You may have received an email from VA last week [...]
The federal initiative to provide timely decisions on disability payments [...]
VA has joined the White House and other federal agencies to address the challenges of and strengthen services for military family members.