Like the Veterans we serve, rural communities are as diverse and exciting as you can imagine. You may find an opportunity to be closer to family and friends, or just enjoy a greater sense of privacy. Perhaps the lower cost of living or even the allure of open space appeals to you.

Today, we’ll visit a region steeped in history and explore the Chillicothe VA Medical Center in Chillicothe, Ohio: a city that was the center of political life in the Northwest Territory and later Ohio, serving as capital of both.

Growth in the region happened in no small part thanks to the development of Camp Sherman, a military installation that would eventually become the site of the region’s first VA hospital and, ultimately, the Chillicothe VAMC.

The facility provides local Veterans with outstanding care and conducts important medical research. Chillicothe VAMC is also a teaching hospital offering clinical rotations in medical, dental and mental health specialties.

Work at VA

Visit VA Careers now to learn more about the history of Chillicothe and the Chillicothe VA Medical Center, as well as what the region and the facility have to offer today. A rural community may be just what you’re looking for to make the most of your career and your life outside of the workplace.

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  1. Gerald Finley September 25, 2024 at 19:35 - Reply

    Most of the information in these news releases apply only to people where there are major hospitals or clinics, I would like to see the same thing done to the state Veterans nursing homes, Particularly Panama City, Florida, or places Where is VA either state or federal rent? Dead space in civilian activities. Maybe it would be helpful to those veterans

  2. Donald Sexton September 25, 2024 at 03:01 - Reply

    Beware, this is an awful place ridden with banal, dishonest, harmful, immoral, & outright evil people that commit civil, criminal, & human rights violations with atrocity including abduction, torture, assault & battery, fraud, slander, persecution, terrorism including threaten & harass family along with incidents of bias, discrimination, & racist-hate motivated assault & battery that are indulged as there is no protection, support, or representation but irresponsibility, neglect, negligence, evade accountability, betrayal, coverup, obstruction, further abuse, endanger, harm, & violations from reprisal & retaliation by systemic corruption amid Veteran Exploitation Industrial Complex ridden with malfeasance, bribery, nepotism, & cronyism among violations happening that are prevalent across USA & Ohio among kleptocracy, complicit shills, & conniving parasitic NGOs including Ross county courts. The Veteran’s Administration indulges dangerous violators that really deserve prison & should get paraded to lockup at the penal facility which is near this awful cursed place along OH-104. Every moral person aware about these conniving parasitic harmful malevolent conditions promoted & indulged by outright evil people should reconsider military involvement with USA.

    • Joe Mama September 25, 2024 at 18:19 - Reply

      Dude chill

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