Are you tired of meaningless job opportunities and looking for a career working for a Veteran-friendly company? VA’s Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) is sponsoring an “Employment Extravaganza.”
VR&E, formerly Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment, is a program designed to help Veterans explore employment options and address education or training deficiencies. Veterans with a service-connected disability of at least 10% that limits their ability to work or prevents them from working may be eligible for VR&E.
VR&E is hosting a virtual career fair during June for military-experienced job seekers to meet employers across the country who have direct hire opportunities and other employment initiatives.
When is it?
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 31-June 30, 2022, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. (ET).
PLEASE NOTE—You must register for each event individually
Who is eligible?
This event is solely for transitioning service members and Veterans.
How do I register?
All job seekers are required to register for each event separately. Only the first 1,000 registrations per event will be accepted. Don’t wait, the slots are filling fast!
June 7 – US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
June 14 – Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
June 21 – Social Security Administration (SSA)
June 28 – US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
June 29 – Department of Transportation (DOT)
Veterans may receive VR&E services to help with job training, employment accommodations, resume development and job seeking skills coaching. Other services may be provided to assist Veterans and service members in starting their own businesses or independent living services for those who are severely disabled and unable to work in traditional employment. To learn more about the VR&E program, visit the VR&E Process page, and the tabs and links on their web page.
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Most of the events are full, but not all. (ie: Cisco, Synchrony, CSGI) I would suggest keep checking because people are denying registration.
I am not able to register for any of these but this would be very helpful to keep me from being jobless.
The information required in federal resumes discriminates against older veterans, do you want to hire a qualified veteran or not?
I am a military retiree who works for Discover Financial Services. I would consider we are a veteran friendly employer. We have a very active Employee Resource Group (ERG) for reservists and veterans. We have all kinds of open positions in our company. How can we participate in these hiring opportunities?
You can send an email to our corporate mailbox ( Please include information about your company.
Unable to register
Is this just for veterans or can their spouses also be included in this event?
Hello Daryl,
Unfortunately, this event is solely for transitioning service members and Veterans due to the limited capacity.
You can send an email to our corporate mailbox. Please include information about your company. email:
Are all of the event days now booked up?
I wasn’t able to register to anything
No there are still some spots available; limited spots (cisco, apple, irs, synchrony, DOT, sierra7, CSGI, and NG). Please email our corporate box if you cannot get registered for the event. Email:
How can an organization be included In the hiring events?
I am sorry for your experience. All of the companies listed are Veteran friendly and want to hire Veterans. All companies have been vetted and most have taken an extra step by adding VR&E to their application page to make sure they can be pulled from the majority.
I played the direct higher games the VA I had all the qualifications even more than what was needed for the job interview for the job at a VA hiring fair in Marion Indiana was told I had the job. HR told him to hire me got a phone call four days later by the Director of the department telling me I needed to re-interview and come in the next day because she didn’t like the questions what was asked she ended up hiring her best friend who was not a veteran what a joke
Charles that has happened quit a few times with various companies that said that they hire veterans. I’ve experienced your same scenario and found out that the lady in HR and the supervisor had a family member hired.
It’s all bullsht. They can careless about veterans.