On Veterans Day 2022, the National Park Service unveiled a lifetime pass providing free entrance to national parks for Veterans and their families. The Interagency Military Lifetime Pass waives entrance fees for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and standard amenity recreation fees for the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sites for current military service members and their dependents, Veterans and Gold Star Families.
Veterans and their families have free access to approximately 2,000 public locations spread out across more than 400 million acres of public lands, which host activities to fit any lifestyle—from serene to high octane, including hiking, fishing, paddling, biking, hunting, stargazing, camping, and much more.
The Military Pass has been expanded to include a pass that does not expire for Veterans and Gold Star Family members. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2022 authorized a free lifetime pass to national parks and other federal recreational lands for eligible Veterans and Gold Star Families. In recent years, they were able to receive annual passes.
Are you eligible?
For purposes of this program, a Veteran is identified as an individual who has served in the United States Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserve, and is able to present one of the following forms of valid (unexpired) identification:
- Department of Defense Identification Card
- Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)
- Veteran ID Card
- Veterans designation on a state-issued U.S. driver’s license or identification card
Gold Star Families are next of kin of a member of the United States Armed Forces who lost his or her life in a “qualifying situation,” such as a war, an international terrorist attack, or a military operation outside of the United States while serving with the United States Armed Forces.
The America the Beautiful – the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass (Interagency Pass) Program
The Interagency Pass Program includes a free annual pass for active-duty members of the U.S. Military and their dependents. Current Military service members must show a valid (unexpired) Department of Defense ID. Dependents of current service members must show a valid (unexpired) DD Form 1173 AD or DEC.
Other free or discounted passes, including some lifetime passes, are available for persons with permanent disabilities, fourth grade students, volunteers and senior citizens age 62 years or older.
How to get your Interagency Pass
Interagency Passes can be obtained in person while visiting a participating site. Visit Places to Get Interagency Passes for a searchable list and be sure to contact the site before you go, to make sure they are open and have passes in stock. In addition, Military passes, as well as those for seniors and persons with permanent disabilities, are available online through the USGS Online Store with an additional processing fee. Existing passes remain valid. You do not need to obtain a new pass if you already have a Lifetime Senior or Access Pass.
For more information about eligibility and passes, visit Free Entrance to National Parks for Veterans and Gold Star Families (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov).
The participating agencies also offer several fee-free days for everyone throughout the year to mark days of celebration and commemoration. Examples of fee-free days include the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., National Public Lands Day, Veterans Day and the signing of the Great American Outdoors Act.
Fee-free days and fee policies vary among the agencies, so it’s best to check the agency website or contact the site you plan to visit in advance of your trip.
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Hopefully the general public never sees the comments here. If you dont understand how the internet works please have someone who does complete the orocess. If you got a lifetime pass paid for or free and you are still alive, it shouldnt be difficult to figure out if you need to renew a LIFETIME PASS
M Soules hit the bullseye on this one. If you already have one wether paid for or free, no need to point it out just enjoy not having to do it again. All I hear to often is what the VA didnt give out for free, yet given the opportunity to get something for free there are some complaining about a $10 non mandatory fee. That fee is a convenience fee.
I’m a veteran and I have mine for about 20 years. I don’t believe I need to renew it, since it is a lifetime pass.
My FREE pass says it cost $10?
This was very good information. Thanks for publishing.
Waiting for a nurse to call me appointment with Dr. karatela Carretera.
[Editor: Do NOT publish your sensitive information on the internet. I have removed it from this comment.]
Gee, I don’t have anything but a dd214,. What is wrong with your organization?
I’ve read folks having a lot of confusion were to apply the pass. This is the link I used https://store.usgs.gov/MilitaryPass scroll down until you see the green box “Determine Eligibility”. Hope this helps.
I went to Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Area in Las Vegas Nevada, Had my DL, Digital Vet ID, (the only form of ID the VA gives out anymore), and My DD Form 214. I was told by the attendant I needed a hard card from the VA to get my Pass. I was also told The National Park Service is administering this.
Why is it so difficult to do something that should be so simple? I have only used one thing of my VA benefits in 40 years being a Vet, my Loan on my house and had to fight to get that. I guess I should have expected this! FUBAR people FUBAR
Hi William, try going to the following website https://store.usgs.gov/MilitaryPass. Scroll down the page until you see green box “Determine Eligibility”. When you select what applies to you more information will be displayed. If you apply online there is a $10 processing fee however if you go in person with applicable documentation I believe its free. Hope this helps.
Went to Illinois Waterway in Ottawa Illinois and got the pass in five minutes.
Seeing is believing!
I’m in.. Pass
We’d like a Free Lifetime Pass.
Yes, I would like to fill something out to qualify for a life time pass for all parks in the US!
Could not believe how easy it was to get mine. The content in the paragraphs under the “How to get your Interagency Pass” heading worked great. Able to do via texting credentials. Pass and hangtag arrived on a Sat after texting my credentials on a Thu.
I drove to Holiday Ranch farm at Benbrook Lake, Benbrook and the employee was able to give me a one year pass (she was out of the lifetime passes until next year). It was quick and she was very polite and cheerful. I will go back to get the Lifetime pass at a later time. She also gave me a “look” pass to this COE park.
Easy to get. Just so a search for where these are issued. My DL reflects veteran and so she declined to see my DD214 as a back up. Great experience
How to apply?
Sounds good.
I would like to have a pass
All that info but don’t see where I can apply for a pass can you update me on getting a pass?
Can’t figure out how to get the free lifetime pass!!!!
Go to listed locations, National Parks etc
This says as of Veterans Day 2022 but I’ve had mine for years. Does this mean that I need to renew mine?
I think you’re good. At least I hope so, I’m in the same boat.
Same here.
I know the answer is here and I’m just missing it but how do I get my pass? I’m a veteran with a VHIC.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Lee Smith
Your VHIC card will work. Unfortunately, you sometime have a hoop or 2 to go thru but you’ll get in free.
And all it took was being denied Veterans Assistance for the tenth time because every administration in our history seems to refuse to care for the people they send out to fight other country’s wars.
I thank you for finally understanding that many of us disabled veterans do not receive info. concerning how to obtain national/state park passes & here we are! I may be able to obtain a permanent national park pass for my country I fought for. I am a 100% disabled veteran of the USCG and reside in Maine for good and I thank whom of you recognized that it would be a great, thoughtful benefit for all retired and/or disabled veterans!
Thank you for these services to veterans!! Every bit counts & is appreciated!
Kwasi F., USN(ret)
For what it is worth. I do have an access card. I planned to go fishing at mauldin park located on lake Texarkana. I called the park to check and see if it was okay for me to fish from the bank inside the park. I was told I would be required to pay for a campsite before being able to fish. I was told I could get the site for 12 dollars. I explained I would only be fishing for three or four hours. This made no difference. I then asked if I brought my boat and used their boat ramp to launch. I got the same story about the campsite. I then asked why I could launch from Atlanta state park with no fee. I was told they are different in their regulations. I believe one should be able to bank fish and when needed be able to use the boat ramp without a fee. So as I see it the access card doesn’t help.
so this is onlty for National Parks, and not state? Like Custer state park?
What of us who have already purchased an “America the Beautiful Lifetime Senior Pass” for $80.00. Is a reimbursement in order, or S.O.L.?
I see a lot of comments below about no path to getting the pass. It is true that it is a little convoluted but if you look in the paragraph that says “How to get your Interagency Pass”. There is a link (indicated by blue text) that says “Places to get Interagency passes”. That link will take you to a page that lets you select which state you are in and will identify all the places that issue the passes. It has another link on that page (also blue text) that is for the “USGS Online Store”. That is where you purchase the pass online. It cost $10.
Will this cover parking at the boat launch
Sounds like the free pass cost $ 10.00. If I go to the park, it”s $ 15.00 gas. thanks a lot.
Doesn’t tell where and how I get my life time park card.
What is the mentality of offering this free lifetime pass to nat’l parks and only offering information on how to get our military I.D. ? Why isn’t there a place to actually get to the free pass sight? Why does all the VA stuff have to be a game with the VA? It does nothing other than frustrate us.
See Cecotti November 18, 2022.
hey brother, it states just go to a park and ask. I got mine at the Arch in St Louis. No problem what so ever. I had purchased a ticket, in advance, to go to the top, they reimbursed me the cost, applied the discount and reissued the ticket. There are still some cost associated with access,
I drove up to the gate pass at Joshua Tree and showed them my VA health card, passed the lady $10 and got an on the spot Lifetime Pass.
I was hoping for reindeers and sparkling Twinklebells but was told they were all on break, so all I got was four days of unbelievable starlight forever.
Suck it up, recruit. That’s it. Do it.
va sends this with no link and no way of actually getting this pass or instructions
[Editor: There are several links inside the story. Please click for more information.]
does this include for hunting in the National Forests?
I think I already have this, is there a way of checking a system to see if I’m listed. I’m retired Air Force, disabled Veteran and VA patient. I have my retired military ID and VA patient ID card.
Thanks VA and National Park Service.
God Bless America
(I already have a free Senior pass – but thanks for recognizing all veterans.)
How is this card FREE when we are being charged $80 to get one?
Go to the bottom for the Veterans Lifetime Pass …. it’s $10, not free, but it depends on how often you’ll use it.
Tried to register and get a pass for veteran but site not working- the dropdown menu for branch of service is not working so it wont ket me go on.
There are lots of versions of the Free Access pass. If you are over 60 and like to camp, the Senior Pass, although it costs $85, is worth it. The Se for pass allows free entry to the National Parks and Monuments AND gives you 50% off on individual campsites. (Yurts, cabins and group sites not included.)
We have a very large veteran community that lives around Military Bases. It would be great if us vets could go to a ticket and tour office on a Base or Post and get the pass.
Good News! Vets should have this boon for Vets and their families!
Where is the camping? I called the Forest Service but they say no discounts on camping. It would be excellent if camping is included!
“Veterans and their families have free access to approximately 2,000 public locations spread out across more than 400 million acres of public lands, which host activities to fit any lifestyle—from serene to high octane, including hiking, fishing, paddling, biking, hunting, stargazing, camping, and much more.”
Where is the camping? I called the Forest Service but they say no discounts on camping. It would be excellent if camping is included!
The way I read this Bill was if you already have a VA ID, then you only have to show that at one of the federal parks etc. to gain entrance. I don’t believe you need a special park pass to get in these areas. But you can apply for a VA ID online anytime and you can print it out so you don’t have to wait.
I am a Vietnam Veteran how and where can I get the pass for the Federal Parks, Thank You, Ronald Howard
Frankly, the comments in here scare me. Our country’s security was in the hands of people who read a well-written article describing who qualifies and how to get one then ask, “Do I qualify?” and “How do I get one?” or complain that the VA is playing games. Our recruiting standards must not have included reading comprehension.
Right there in big bold letters: Are you eligible? and How to get your Interagency Pass.
Thanks for your service, but oh, brother.
This is great news, my wife and I love U.S.A. National Parks
VA makes everything complicated.
Yeah, that “Go to the park and get one free” is pretty complicated.
The VA isn’t complicating this. It is the National Park Service that is offering the free pass. The VA is only offering to help vets get a VA identification that will work to obtain a pass from the Parks Service of you don’t already have ID that identifies you as a veteran. They are offering you a solution and a service.
Here is a url to purchase a lifetime military pass, I contacted a ranger at Acadia National Park, one of the designated sites. The cost is $10.00 bucks for processing, if you go to the park with id in hand there is no charge.
This process is how to do it online without having to go to the park
I live in Minnesota and I’m looking forward to getting a pass to the National Park’s, I have a 100% disability If you could let me know where to get, the pass!
What is the mentality of offering this free lifetime pass to nat’l parks and only offering information on how to get our military I.D. ? Why isn’t there a place to actually get to the free pass sight? Why does all the VA stuff have to be a game with the VA? It does nothing other than frustrate us.
Well, thanks for nothing (again).
I suppose you didn’t read this part? Sheesh. You want them to come to your house? Why expend taxpayer money to fund the infrastructure for a website? Just to the park and get one.
How to get your Interagency Pass
Interagency Passes can be obtained in person while visiting a participating site. Visit Places to Get Interagency Passes
The VA isn’t the one offering the free passes. They are reporting that the National Parks Service is offering them. All the VA is saying is that you can get a VA card which is acceptable identification that can be used to obtain the pass from the Parks Service if you lack another method of identification.
it isn’t difficult, just take your military ID, or veterans ID and present it to the ranger at the entrance to the park. you will get a pass on the spot.
I have my Veterans designation on a state-issued U.S. driver’s license or identification card and other documents if needed. How do I apply for a lifetime pass to national forests?
This is an outstanding program for all Veterans and Gold Satr Families!
I would like to know where and how I can apply for a free pass to National Parks? I am a 100% service connected veteran and live in Lincoln, Nebraska.
i live in northwest Indiana, where can i go to get the pass
I,m a veteran us army and a senior 64 Year old Minnesota
My husband was a Veteran and 100% disabled. I am his spouse and my husband pass away 2 years back. Am I eligible to receive the free pass to state parks
I lost my pass card so how do I get a replacement? or do I have to reapply?
I live in Dyersburg, TN where is the nearest park I can pick-up my pass?
I would to have more information r: The National Parks Free Pass
Retired ID ????
How can I get a VHIC I’m being seen at the VA med clinic in Searcy,Ar.
I’m a disabled veteran and wanted know if I qualify
You qualify. Just goto a National Park and show your VA medical card and ask for the lifetime pass
My son is my Caregiver and my question to you is can he get a card as well ? Reason being is at 99 years old I can’t get around by myself anymore. Hence my son Gabe who not only helps me get around he actually watches everything I do. So for me to use a card like this I would have to rely on that Gabe would want to go as well. Can’t go if he doesn’t come along.
99 yrs old…wow!! I’d love to hear the stories you must have
how can I apply online for a pass
Go to this address, go down the page and cklick on military passes, click button that says check eligibility, at that point you will be in the usgs (US government store) you will have to upload a copy of your veteran id, and will cost $10 bucks for processoing, if you go to a national park with id on hand irs free
Screw your whole system!!!!!!
Does this mean I do not need a fishing license and or a hunt license?
Wade, if you are at least 50% disabled through the VA you can apply for a hunting/fishing license through your local VA office. It’s a lifetime license & should only be $100 to $125 one time. Mine was $110 here in NC
If u live in Texas and 100% your hunting and fishing license or free
I’m just a vet, but I might be able to clear up some of these questions. This program is new because it is for all veterans, all veterans. The previous life, Time passes were for 100% disabled, Purple Heart, POW, and some other exceptions. Veterans outside of this category were previously allotted one year passes which had to be renewed. They are now offering lifetime passes for all veterans. I think this is wonderful as all veterans should have the use of national parks for free, along with firefighters policeman, and possibly some other public servants. Congratulations veterans we have been heard. !!!
Are family eligible?
My husband had a Golden Age Pass but lost it a couple of years ago. He has recently started receiving VA benefits and his VA medical care. But…they say (In Florida VA office) that he has to wait til he gets up to Ohio this coming summer before he applies for his Free Lifetime Military Pass. His Drivers’ License and legal address in in Ohio, even though he lives in Florida for 7 months and in Ohio for 5 months. Is there any way the VA can assist him in getting his pass before this coming summer?
I would like a card for all parks
Is this different than the free lifetime pass I got a couple years ago?? This article makes it sound like something new but I got one years ago….I am not sure what the requirements were when I got it. Maybe it was a free lifetime pass for wounded vets??? I am a purple heart recipient, maybe that was it?? Anyway, they sent me the pass and a decal that is supposed to be hung on your rearview mirror for parking etc (which may answer some of those asking why you just cant show your id when entering)
Yeah, I availed of this program last year, and I ‘m just a regular former military no combat no injuries (just the good memories) but I guess last year they didn’t have enough cards to issue out, so what you would do is just provide your VA card and or a Drivers License with VETERAN affixed (which you get thru the VA then present to DMV). and you got in for FREE.
I’m hearing that if you have service connected disability rating (per VA Health Benefits Card or other verified source) that the ACCESS Pass will give me added benefits, like discount on camping site fees and maybe other park amenities.? Where can I verify & find more info on this?
Most federal campgrounds you receive 50% off.
I was aboard the USS Galveston Navy ship from Nov. 1963-Nov. 1967. My VA records show that we were in Vietnam waters at this time and were exposed to Agent Orange.
Can I get this Free Pass to these National Parks?
And if so, how do I apply?
Thanks, John
This is GOOD
I don’t have any of the documents listed above.
I can get a copy of my DD-214.
Will that do ?
You can get an ID from your local VA it’s free
I don’t have any of the documents listed above.
I can get a copy of my DD-214.
Will that do ?
You can not use the DD-214 but you can go to any VA hospital, walk in the front door, show your DD-214 and drivers license and they’ll issue you a picture VA card. With it you can get the pass. I got my pass at a rangers station in a National Forest.
I decided to go through the USGS Store. It was easy to get to but a bit of a hassle setting up my account and ordering. Probably due to my lack of computer savvy. Pass will be mailed to me in 7-21 days. Worth the $10 fee to me.
Thank you
Why not just accept active military or veterans IDs. KISS!!!
Because it is a federal bureaucracy.
I already have the Park Pass as the 62 and older – it was $10 when I go it and now it’s $80. I have used it to a few places and it’s great! If I lost the card, I would need to pay the current price for a new one. This way, I’d get a new one for free! Very cool.
You just need to show your vet card at the park station you’re going to and get it there for free with no extra charges. Everyone in your vehicle gets in for free!
I had never heard of this pass if not for the woman at the gate I showed my va service connection disability card to I would have never got it !!!
It’s shameful how this country gos out of its way to stick their veterans out of something every chance they get
My husband and I go to Sturgis, bad lands and Custer, National Parks DO NOT HONOR free entrance to the National partks! even with and ID, Military or otherwise!
I go to Sturgis to, and I found out that Custer is a state park not a national park. Therefore it is not covered under the pass and also parking at some venues is not covered, but is for most.
I’m retired military (Army 26 years) and have been to numerous National Parks including the Badlands twice. I’ve never had an issue getting in for free.
Maybe you had a new park Ranger working the front entrance.
If he lost his life during war or a campaign you can.
Other ways if you are 62 or disabled you can.
Or everyone can buy an America the Beautiful annual access pass for $80. If you like to camp, it’ll pay for itself in one trip.
Make it clear and simple to apply on line here for the veterans lifetime pass! This definitely does NOT do that!
My husband had 100% disability rating. As a wife, am I qualified for these passes?
Thank you.
I’d like to apply for the free card
Really Appreciate this site, there’s always something of interest & now this info on National Parks offering free pass to them is well-deserved by those eligible. I proudly keep my Veteran ID card w/me at all times right next to my driver’s license.
It’s already posted but here it is again: If a government issued military ID, or veteran status on a state driver’s license, is required to get the pass, why not just use that without the additional requirements? But at least this veteran’s perk is available to all vets and not just disabled vets (like 99% of VA benefits). A better name for the VA is DVA: Disabled Veterans Affairs. ALL veterans should have all benefits and disabled veterans should have these plus additional benefits they require for their disabilities.
I am a disabled combat veteran of the Korean war. I am 90 years old and dont know where I can get my pass. My wife is
my full provider.
Every national forest has a ranger station. Just walk in the front door and the receptionist will take care of you and issue you a card in a few minutes. Make sure you have your VA id.
Would like to correspond with you. I am 91, Sgt. USMC. Combat Vet, Korean War. Was good friends of some Fennimore’s in Scouting, back in 1945-1948
Will a DD-214 make me eligible
I got mine with a DD 214. Just make sure you have a picture ID. I also did this in person, so I’m not sure if you can do this on the computer
As a Five- year WIDOW of a US Vietnam Veteran and a retired Senior, Do I Need to Apply for these Passes?
Sure, if you want one.
There is absolutely no valid information on how to obtain the veterans lifetime pass to National Parks, roll out was not ready for prime time
Are you serious? The links are in the article. If you missed it, here you go: https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/veterans-and-gold-star-families-free-access.htm
There are two sources identified in the article. One online with a required fee and one in person at a issuing site. It also has a link to find an issuing site.
My husband died on AD and left me and 3 young children behind (18 mo, and 2x 5yos). Yet we don’t fit your definition of Gold Star due to the cause of death. Parks are cathartic for all military family survivors irrespective of how our AD loved ones died.
Well, this is pretty damn cool. I see a lot of complaints on here but come on this couldn’t be easier. You go to your local BLM office or to the park that you were going to visit anyway and get the pass. If, for some reason, you can’t wait and have to have it before you go it costs $10 bucks to have it processed online. You are paying for the convenience not the actual card. Too easy.
I got mine this summer and used it at Olympic national park.
Flew into Seattle, took the rail from airport to the ferry dock going to Bainbridge island, then took a bus from Clallam transit called the Strait Shot straight to Port Angeles, then hopped on a shuttle to the Visitor Center up top in the Olympic range.
Oh, and i just walked into a local National Forest office presented my IDs and got one. Easy.
Thank you National Parks!!!
I agree with one of the commenters below. You need to go to your local agency to get your pass.
Click on the link to find yours. Follow the directions.
I have been using the Interagency Pass for the past 15 years…this not something New.
The Pass is Lifetime and never needs to be renewed. It works at National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, US Army Corp of Engineers.
Amen Brother!
Judging by some of the comments here, some of you vets need to grow up and if you have something to say, do it in a constructive manner and contact the OPR for this directly.
As a retired Mustang Officer since the Nam until I retired in 1997, really tired of you expecting the world and this nation to owe you anything past what you deserve. We got paid, some of us compensated with education benefits and for those of us career types, disability pay deducted from our retirements as non-taxable income.
Beyond that and my military retirement, all else is gravy and most I will never use.
Considering the present Democratic Party is sticking it to use vets once again and we are now less than 10% of the US population, we are now back where we were as Nam vets or worse yet, survivors of the Korean War.
Again, respond with facts to this offer’s OPR and let’s look like we are not a part of the despicable rabble we all cam home to and truly care less about us until they are drafted for the coming World War.
Thanks You! Well said.
As someone who’s sat on bricks & bricks of $100 dollar bills meant for Iraqis and Afghans, I can tell you all the complaining for FREE stuff is well worth the effort. any FREE stuff , not just for vets but for all Americans.
I used to work for the parks and I believe the charges were only for camping. Would be really interested if you actually were charged entrance fees with an America The Beautiful Pass. It seems maybe at some parks you could have still had to pay for others in your party. It would come down to park by park rules regarding some things, which I am pretty well removed from now. One example that comes to mind is if a Cave Tour was run by a vendor, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten free admission in that case, and paid a reduced amount for the tour ticket.
How do Igo about to get the free park pass “military lifetime” online…what is the website?
Only Gold Star families can fill out the form online and get it sent to them. I assume it’s because of the volume. Check here for your local office: https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/pickup-pass-locations.htm
Still laughing, 45 seconds in the video they say veteran’s and gold star family’s are not eligible. I doubt they will even publish my comments.
Saw that! I think he meant to say NOW, instead of not.
Lots and Lots of complainers on here!! If you read the instructions you wouldn’t need to complain! It says go to a park (make sure it is open and has passes on hand) or FOR A FEE you can get it ONLINE. The previous Act I believe was only for disabled veterans with a valid VA disability card that said “service connected”, now it is open to ALL VETERANS, it is not a scam, there is no red tape, and it only takes a few minutes at the guest desk at a park. Quit whining and act like a veteran should act, with dignity!
Well said ! Its like cutting wood measure twice cut once. If we don’t understand lets just take a step back and read it again to try and understand.Try what they are telling us to do. As always if that doesn’t work Ask!
My husband Gabriel N. George was a Veteran. Passed away in 2010. Will the family be eligible to get free access national parks?
I have been trying for two days to get my Military Pass. I was able to get an account and log on and enter all info and download proof. I even received a email back saying that my eligibility has been verified. It tells me to click on the USGS site to complete my order. However, for two days whenever I click on the link it tells me that the USGS site is under maintenance.. So I called the phone number and have now been on hold for over 20 minutes. This is terrible service and there doesn’t seem to be a solution. I want to get my lifetime pass from the USGS store as then my pass will have my name on it.
Please advise me as to what I should do
Is my Golden Age Passport still effective? Or do I need to get the new Interagencey Pass?
This was already enacted back in November 2020 by the previous administration. I went to Harper’s Ferry, WV 2 years ago and showed my Maryland driver’s license that had my veteran status on it, and they immediately issued me one of these cards. There was literally no reason to pass a new act unless it was to try to signal some kind of political statement.
At that time, only disabled vets could get the card with the unlimited access.
Please check yourself.
I got mine in 2014…They did away with the program for a little while, though if you have a card already you are good to go. Don’t make this a political thing. No one cares.
I have a valid Pa. drivers license with the designated veterans id on it, do I just present this at any of the National Parks admissions or do I have to do anything further to get in for free?
It is a scam like everything else with the VA.
This is SO WONDERFUL & soo appreciated! My husband is so proud of his service in the U. S. Airforce for 21 yrs. We are very excited to be able to use this pass ! Thank you so very much .
Best regards,
Roger Swearingen & family
They say it’s a free card to get into The National parks but then there’s an $80 card you have to buy does that make sense
Is this different than the National Parks lifetime pass?
hmm.. when i put the Military card in my cart, as instructed, it shows $10 with a $5 processing fee… how is that free?
It’s $80 to get this pass. So much for FREE.
When I saw this, I went out and applied and have received my card. However, it is a annual pass and expires in a year. Sounds like “lifetime pass” is no so and will have to keep re-applying every year. I’m going to find out what the deal is.
Why do we have to go to a park to get the pass? I don’t live near one so going to one would be part of a special trip. To go there and find out that they have no clue about the free pass program for vets is nuts! Why can’t you set up an application process online to obtain the pass, everything else is done online, this makes no sense!
Why can’t you just show your veterans card at each park? Why the need to have a pass ,?
Why not just show the veteran’s ID card. Save the money creating a new card.
Pass can be displayed in the park. You aren’t going to display your card for personal information reasons, etc.
Post my first comment. Post it. Why should I show “moderation” with the truth?
Moderation: The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions:
“he urged them to show moderation”
So is there any benefit for a service-connected disability Access Pass holder to get this Veteran’s card?
where do i apply I’m 100 disabled
If you have a veteran status on your state issued ID (i.e., driver’s license), show it to the park ranger at the gate on entry and they should just give you one.
Same here. I got mine at the gate of the Petrified forest in AZ. Have used same card at several other Parks since. All I did was show the gate guy my VA card and he made one up on the spot. Took 5 mins. Free
How do you apply for this card
Where is my first comment? Are you pulling a “Facebook”?
Definition of moderation.
The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions:
“he urged them to show moderation”
While the free pass sounds great, many park like Mt Rushmore and Great Smokey Mountains now charge a parking fee which is not covered by the pass. Parking is now considered a concession which the pass espressly does not cover.
Another Governmental clusterf-ck, as far as I can tell. If it means another piece of governmental plastic in my wallet, you can keep it. You act like a group of E-4s trying to mop a floor. It will never be done correctly and the easy way will not enter your minds. Easy way: A single card for retired/disabled veterans. Between Feds, State, and local officials I have 7 cards. WTF? BTW, I use VA benefits as little as I can. You folks abandoned me when I was at my worse medically. Look it up. You f-cking abandoned me. You f-cking abandoned me!!!
Dear Mr. Potts,
You were abandoned, as were so many vets, in time of need. I hear you. I am sorry for you. I hope things can be better for you going forward. I am the wife of a disabled vet, and understand your frustration and disappointment. Please never stop seeking help…every now and then a gem will appear.
Would love to get one of these passes from the national park
I’m a veteran and did not know this program ever existed. I’m going to apply right now. Thank you.
let me know how you apply online if you go that route……….thanks!
You can click on the link to the USGS where you can order the pass online. Make sure you click on the right one. Other options will cost more than the $10 processing fee.
Of course, getting it in person is free as they have a ready stock of them (and rangers to staff the office), and don’t have to buy envelopes and postage.
I clicked the link to the USGS to order online. I see the Military passes available at the link but there is no ordering link online. I can only order online, there is no ordering online available.
I had understood that vets were able to get the free lifetime pass since the beginning of the year, and had got that info from this site, the VA News. When I went to the local US Parks Office to obtain that pass they had no clue what I was talking about. I was told to come back at another time and maybe they’d have the info I was talking about including any forms that I would have to fill out. Over the year, I went a total of 3 times and as of date they’ve received no information or forms concerning free lifetime passes for military vets. So, until they receive such information, this vet will not be able to obtain that free lifetime pass, even if the VA News says it is so. Although, since the News says it is so, again, I’ll be taking another trip to the local US Parks Office to see if they got the same info as the VA News. But isn’t that how government entities work, left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. It would be nice to be able to have access to the Parks, especially since not being able to, due to costs……..
Take this information with you during your next visit. The program started on 11 Nov, and they may not have had the information available when you went. They can enter the website and respond accordingly. Hope this helps.
Please clear up my confusion. I currently have an Access America the Beautiful Card for me (100% disabled vet) and my spouse. I believe it is also lifetime. Is access to national and federal parks the same as lifetime military pass? Also, are these passes only for vet and spouse or do they extend to family members? Thanks for your reply. Semper Fi!
Hi, Bruce. I also have a lifetime Access America card. What they did was extend the same benefit to anyone who is a veteran with a new card called the Military Pass. So, you don’t need to get a new one.
Those with military dependent IDs can get an annual pass. Dependents of current service members must show a valid (unexpired) DD Form 1173 AD or DEC. That’s because active duty military hasn’t yet completed their service to earn Veteran status.
Bruce, I too have the lifetime Access Pass due to a service connected disability. I did a little research and found that this is the only pass that offers discounts for “amenities” such as camping, boat launch or tours for you and your immediate campsite party. The Military Lifetime pass does not. Sorry bros. My suggestion is if you have even if you have a 10% disability, apply for the access pass as it gives deeper discounts.
From USGS: The Access Pass and both the Senior-Annual and Senior-Lifetime Pass are the only passes that may provide a discount on some expanded amenity fees such as camping.
Keyword may. All is subject to modification at any time without warning. It is the government.
Does this include out of state fishing/hunting stamp, National Forest stamps, streams and lakes?
Thank You for taking care of our Veterans
100% VA Disability
How do I submit?
DOD Card (I have)
VA Health Card (I have)
Please walk me threw it.
USGS website. America the Beautiful Access Pass. Free if you walk in to a local office or park entrance. Processing fee if done online. I paid $10
I am a widow of a 100 % benefited Naval VietNam veteran. I receive widows VA monthly benefits. Why do VA widows not have an ID card to obtain these discounts? Some stores such as Home Depot or Lowes accept the DD214 to obtain military discount s for VA widows but many will only accept an ID
I am also widow of 100% disabled Vet and receive monthly stipend. I could benefit from this perk as well. ESPECIALLY because I live 3/4 time in trailer …
Gold star families are included. Best to you
I called my local National Park they have the lifetime passes and they stated there is a date set for when these passes will be released. However they didn’t know the date ????
Trying to figure out the date that I can pick up my pass please
Oh called my local National Park they have the lifetime passes and they stated there is a date set for when these passes will be released. However they didn’t know the date ????
Trying to figure out the date that I can pick up my pass please
Does this apply to retired military who have a valid ID card? Sounds like a great and overdue program!!
This is a confusing mess.
Stated simply, I understand that a Veteran’s ID entitles the vet and his family to free access to National Parks. Why complicate this by requiring enrollment and visits to places where passes are issued. The ID card should be the pass.
Another case of bureaucratic, make work, positional power, job security for civil servants.
Thanks for listening.
Announcement of simplification suggested would be welcomed by many, I am sure.
Hogwash. There has to be management and controls in place for any program otherwise it becomes a free for all. And you shameful Civil Servant bashing tells me all I need to know about your politics. Civil Servants serve our country in many different and useful ways and you’re just looking for an excuse to be negative against government.
The reason is that your pass has to be displayed on your vehicle, like any other pass. And generally speaking, you don’t want to put your photo ID hanging from your mirror to get stolen. Or for thieves to identify you and ambush you in the parking lot and steal your car.
Already had brought one but awesome anyway
not sure what is required for free admission. i have a va id card, is that all that is required of something additional?
Veterans who have Health Care Identification Cards should not need to apply for a separate card to gain access to the Parks. They should only need to show their Veterans ID or Activity Duty ID Cards. It’s good Veterans and Activity Duty are Rewarded for their military time in this manner.
Do I still have to obtain a fishing license to fish?
I tried to access the link to order the pass on both Safari and Chrome and both noted an error. The link does not work.
Does this include national forests ; some do charge a parking/use fee?
I’ve tried the link, doesn’t seem to be working. Anyone else having difficulty with this?
Me too!!! 30 minutes and right back to the beginning. Pete Cavarnos
Yea, I cant find the link to apply online………
Looks like one big BS game with the VA ……….as per usual.
This may be a silly question, but is this a year round pass or just on Veterans Day and other major days as listed above? Do we have to purchase anything?
Year around
I have the card. I sent for it earlier in the year. We used it in September traveling to Zion, Bryce, the North and South rim on the Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde and the Sand Dunes in Colorado. This will gain you park access. It will not pay for your camping unless I wasn’t able to take advantage of it. I agree that this is long overdue .
I am the widow of a 100 persent disabled Vet. I have an ID card, do I qualify?
It seems we do not … but others have commented that we should.
This site is about as useful as t-ts on a boar hog.
Thank you for remembering us, particularly those who lost a family member. All of us who have served, regardless of Branch, have a deep brother/sisterhood, and those of us who lost a fellow service member are grateful to have the opportunity to gather or seek solace alone in our beautiful Parks.
80 years late after two world wars! Congress gets free access to parks, public transportation, and free postage. Only 50% of military income is considered for retirement. There’s a lot to be done to improve military salaries and the benefits for their families sacrifice.
This past summer, my thirteen-year-old grandson came to visit me and I was able to take him to visit one of the national parks that we have in Puerto Rico. El Morro is a fortress built by the Spanish. Thanks to the fact that I had my free access card, we were able to spend a very pleasant day. I am very grateful for the support you give to veterans.
A much appreciated benefit for those that served our nation and it’s ideals. Thank you!
Thank you for taking care of our Veterans.
God Bless the USA!
This is Awesome nice job
Do this lifetime national parks entrances includes US Territories?
There seems to be a lot of confusion related to the FREE LIFETIME PARKS passes. I have a VHIC card and obviously a veteran. My question is just exactly what does this pass provide for me (and does it also apply to my family/wife)?
I would like to visit some of the parks in the Pacific Northwest although I live in Colorado. I am just confused as to what the total benefit of having this pass provides and any hidden monetary agendas therein.
A little confusing. At 75 that’s easy…LOL
I live in Missouri. Where can I get my pass for free entry to National Parks ?
I plan to travel to several parks this coming year
I have a Vets ID card. I am also on full disability. (Vietnam)
Thanks in advance for any help
Thank you all
Thank you so much fir the invitation and opportunity to join.
And you still need a fishing and hunting license correct?
Nice program. But… Now I can’t afford the Gas to get to any parks… “Only in America”…!
My comment is…? “Awaiting Moderation”…? Are you kidding me…? Freedom of speech just Gone here too…?
[Editor: I delete SSNs from comments several times a week (folks, please don’t post your PII in comments on the internet), and way more spam than one would think is possible.]
Apparently that has happened to my severely negative post about the VA. I have been “Facebooked”.
Thank you President Biden, especially for stopping Trump from selling off Government Owned Land to Oil & Mining Companies.
My husband died 9/2018 of service connected illness. Would I qualify for the parks pass?
I’m very confused with this overwritten information about the free lifetime pass to the national parks for veterans. I don’t see anywhere to apply for it. And the store goes nowhere. Can somebody please contact me and help me join and receive the pass.
Thank you,
Hugh Russell, USMC 83 -88
Semper Fi, Hugh!
Generally, they’re at the park where you want to visit. Just make sure you have the qualifying ID and stop at the ranger’s office when you go there and ask for your Lifetime Military Pass. The only place to get it online is to go to the United States Geological Service (USGS) website and pay a $10 processing fee. If you want to get it in person before your trip, look for offices in your state that are close by. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) oftentimes has offices in larger cities. You can look up where to get the passes in person. I don’t think I can place links to websites here – but you can look at the end of the article for this section and click the link under ‘Places to Get Interagency Passes’ or ‘USGS Online Store’.
“How to get your Interagency Pass
Interagency Passes can be obtained in person while visiting a participating site. Visit Places to Get Interagency Passes for a searchable list and be sure to contact the site before you go, to make sure they are open and have passes in stock. In addition, Military passes, as well as those for seniors and persons with permanent disabilities, are available online through the USGS Online Store with an additional processing fee. Existing passes remain valid. You do not need to obtain a new pass if you already have a Lifetime Senior or Access Pass.”
This was a gift from the Trump Administration on Veteran’s Day in 2020.
Yep. I posted something similar, but my comment was removed.
My husband who was a Veteran receiving a 10% disability checked passed away in 2021. I have his health ID card and DD214 papers.
Am I, as his widow, eligible for the free park service card?
There are contractors running federal campgrounds and also handle reservations (Ocala National Forest Campgrounds for example. At half price they charge me 16 dollars per night which is very reasonable. However, they charge me 8.50 for a reservation fee and you can only get a space by making a reservation. Thus, I pay 24.50 for a night. That is not right.
I think that it’s great for we vets! Now if we could only get the STATES involved in a program like this it would get even better!
A lot of us don’t get the chance to travel to NATIONAL PARKS and the many STATE PARKS that are closer would be wonderful! I realize that the Federal Govt. Is separate from State parks but a little “persuasion” might do the trick? Thanks for your effort for the Nat. Parks program ?
Some states do offer a similar program; I’ve had a card in Utah that gives me access to all State Parks for many years now.
Not sure about all states, but Maryland state parks accept the veteran status on your state issued ID.
This sounds great and I’ll get in gear and apply. Thank you Jim
I know the above description says “…for Veterans and their families…” but, I’m uncertain after reading the comments if family members are included in the discount? Does the pass include free park entrance for family members for all categories of veterans described in this prospectus? If so, what ID do family members need to show? Can I just vouch that someone is my spouse or child? Thanks.
I am a 100% disabled veteran and would like to participate in this program. However I am in the hospital, I have been and will be for awhile, is there anyway you could send one to me. I might lose this site or forget about this great opportunity. I don’t have a printer,at home or at the hospital. Please let me know!
Where do I go to get one?
The passes are wonderful. But when visiting Trunk Bay in St John VI, I found it disappointing to again be told my Military Pass, (I am a service 70% connected veteran), only provide free entry for myself and not my wife, son, daughter in law, and their son, who was free being but a year old. Why cannot the pass be extended to all US territories?
I wish to apply for Veterans passes for free entrance to National Parks!
I wish to apply for the Veterans pass for free entrance to National Parks.
I would love a park pass. I served in the navy in Vietnam. I am now 100% disabled from Agent Orange.
Am a vet, I hike a lot does this pass cover the national trails like the Pacific Crest trail (PCT), continental divide trail (CDT) and the many other national trails??? Plz advise.
Thank you
I’m happy to see this, as even I couldn’t enter for free after retiring from National Park law enforcement and am a Vietnam era vet. I had to buy a lifetime pass at age 62. Oh well, glad to see this offered finally..
I know what you mean. I got my pass 14 years ago when I turned 62. At that time I was working in Iraq supporting the military. After I came back I had problems that had occurred while in Vietnam 1966-1967. I’m ow 100% disabled due to those problems! And now the start giving the military the breaks!!! Any way I just know what you mean!!
Great gift for me and all veterans. I have multiple identification tickets with a driver license noted and my VA card. I use the VA for everything even though I have other options and now it’ll work for the parks.. Thanks!
Thanks for passing the Bill to allow veterans free entry. Is these only for Federal? State parks not included?
2 Questions…
1) How is this different than just showing my Veteran’s ID card? I believe that parks have been free to all Vets for a couple years now, and indeed have gotten into parks by just showing my Veteran’s ID card. Is this a change, and will my Veteran’s ID card no longer work to gain entrance? Good to see this new pass, but not sure what’s changed or why this is an improvement.
2) Does this new card count for half price camping in National Park and Forest Service campgrounds, or do I still need to buy the Senior Lifetime (age 62) Pass for $80 to get that? If this new pass is the same as the senior interagency pass, but without the half price camping, then I might as well just buy the senior pass – I’ll save more money in the long run on campground fees…
Where was this in 69 ?
I guess the bill that was passed was long overdue to allow US veterans to enter without charge and see the place we have fought for without reservation. Thank you so much for the privileged.
I was told the price was being increased so I purchased mine can I get a refund?
I love that it’s also open to fourth grade students! Yes, I read the whole thing. And I’m a Marine!
I am wondering if this still applies to families of veterans we have lost … I lost my veteran husband, only 52, to Covid nine and a half months ago, which has been incredibly difficult. In seeing this email, I remembered he had an unlimited parks pass and I am wondering if anyone knows if it is transferable to the family, or if I could apply for one myself.
I am totally confused. The article states the new pass will allow: “Veterans and their families have FREE access to approximately 2,000 public locations spread out across more than 400 million acres of public lands, which host activities to fit any lifestyle—from serene to high octane, including hiking, fishing, paddling, biking, hunting, stargazing, camping, and much more.”
As I read further and was just about to apply for the new pass, I saw this: “You DO NOT need to obtain a new pass if you already have a Lifetime Senior or Access Pass.” Well, I already DO have a lifetime senior pass that I had to purchase a few years ago. It allows me HALF PRICE camping at US Forest Service lands.
But, since “The Interagency Military Lifetime Pass WAIVES entrance fees for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and STANDARD RECREATION AMENITY FEES for the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sites”, I will most certainly have to get the new pass in order to realize these more inclusive benefits!
The article needs to be revised and re-written to explain this.
Does having this pass mean that the Veteran can fish on these properties without a fishing license for the state on which land you are visiting ? Ca doesn’t require proof of residency for discount fishing license. Why don’t other states do the same. Why do veterans especially disabled have to pay to fish in the country we were drafted to defend ? Thanks for you help. Little at a time.
Go to Texas I’m 100% disabled and I get a resident combo hunting and fishing(fresh water no salt water) license!!!
Are widows of retired veterans eligible for a Lifetime membership?
I think this is a great thing for Vets.
I am wasting my time, over (1/2 hour).
I do not see an application form any where on the site.
If you want this almost 83 year old veteran to receive a pass make it simple!
[Editor: Please click on any of the several hyperlinked words/phrases in the post. These will take you where you need to be.]
what is the address for me, a veteran, to get the Natl Parks Pass? I live in Gilbert, AZ?
I’d like to extend my appreciation to our Government and all others who have stepped up to the plate for us veterans and Gold star families. It is especially gratifying around Veterans day when so many businesses and others show their appre iation to us for serving. Whether it be in the form of a meal,a thank you, or a Lifetime pass to our National Parks. Please be grateful, I can remember a time we didn’t even get a welcome home. I FOR ONE AM EXTREMLEY THANKFUL.
This should also apply to STATE parks in the veteran’s home state. I’m a USAFSS
Vietnam veteran, enlisted in 1968 at my home in Texas, returned in 1972 honorably
discharged, and have been here in Texas ever since. I was BORN here in Texas and
I SHOULD be able to go to any STATE park free of charge and get a hunting/fishing
license FREE of charge.
And while I’m at it talking to the VA….WHY can’t we have a VA hospital/clinic in
Pecos, Reeves county, Texas??……they have a NEW hospital just opened and the old
hospital has nothing wrong with it. There are THOUSANDS of us veterans in Reeves, Ward, Winkler, Loving, Jeff Davis, Culberson counties that have to go HUNDREDS of
miles to medical appointments (IF we can get one) at El Paso, Big Springs, San Antonio, Waco in Texas or Albuquerque in New Mexico……which is a hardship on us
according to the VA if it is over 40 miles to a VA facility.
I’m a lifetime member of the DAV too….they aren’t doing anything for us in the area either.
I have a DV license plate that allows me to pass. Is that all I need, or am I required to get the pass card?
What I think is going to happen is the Vets will get the dreggs, the dried up hamburger meal on Veterans day free meal. These lifetime passes should be to any facility at any time of the year. No thank you. It’s insulting.
I’m a Vietnam Navy vet and was issued a card last June as I entered Yellowstone National Park. I didn’t even have to get out of my car. I managed to tour the park for two days and departed the day before the flooding started.
It’s this pass available to veteran’s widows?
I lost my husband Ronald harden to agent orange csncer
I’m a retiree. was told I had a free pass with just my ID card….so what’s new here? Or did they just expand the program for Gold Star Families.
Can Widow’s receive this
Hey Sam, why follow then? lol it’s like watching news that pisses us off, why do it? enjoy the wildlife and do some fn yoga :-P Army ENG Hooah! Thanks for the pass y’all!
After an hour of following links I still have no idea of how to order a pass other than going to one of the sites that distribute passes. Attempted to set up account & it fails, repeatedly.
It’s not hard to understand. A great gesture to those that enjoy traveling to National Parks. You served and deserve this privilege.
I am a disabled Vet from Viet Nam 1972-1973 how do I get this pass
This is old news. Why is it being presented as a new “benefit”?
Now this is an epic and a Very long overdue example of notable benefit for all Veterans & families and very much appreciated!!! There is so much more that should be done and I Thank you!
How is something is free when you’re asking for $10.00
Can I just show my retired military ID card to gain entrance to the parks instead of applying for a Life Time Pass?
so all i need is my military id card
Where online do I get a Veteran’s ” Interagency Military Lifetime Pass” I do not see an online link at their website.
I’ve tried and tried and tried to order online for weeks but, all I see is an ad for lifetime military passes, a few pictures of lifetime military passes, and no links to order them. Maybe my State Representative can help me figure out this VA News game.
The Military Pass does not entitle you to discount camping.
The Access pass is free if you have a disability “Available for: US citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Applicants must provide documentation of permanent disability and residency or citizenship.” It entitled to get 50% off camping.
Are spouses of retired veterans eligible for the free passes as well?
How does one get their free pass?
How do I obtain the free pass I’m a disabled veteran with medical card issued by the va
The National Parks charge is Per Car, Not per person. If you are the driver of a car entering a National Park & have a Golden Pass, You & everyone in your car get in Free. UNLESS that has changed within the past 5 or 6 years!
Many places charge a fee even with the pass. Starting March 2023 Smokey Mountains will change a fee if stopping more then 15 min in the park.
“Interagency passes (aka America the Beautiful passes) will NOT be accepted in lieu of the parking tag and will NOT provide a discount for the purchase of the parking tag.” The military pass is an America the Beautiful pass. Two America the beautiful passes “Senior” and “Access” offers campsites at 50% off.
The Access pass is free with a Dr note saying you are permanently disabled. You can read about passes below.
My husband died about 14 months ago of Covid. He was 100% disabled vet. So I do receive his widows pension from the VA. Am I entitled to any of these benefits? All I have of his is his DD 214.
Thanks very much for letting me know about the free passes!
I live by a lake. Smithville lake in Smithville Mo.
They charge to go in, could I use the pass to get into this lake?
Owned by Coor of engineers
Take care of lake Smithville mo
Had mine for the last ten years already, Under Disabled Veteran. Show your id at the gate and ask for the pass. It is a great savings
My husband, Gerald E. Brewer, was a 100% disabled Veteran and passed away 6/27/2020. Am I eligible to receive one of these lifetime passes?
so, how can i get a list of all parks, recreation areas that qualify. i am a vet, with each of the cards listed above, but i really don’t know what or where all these parks are that qualify. that would be helpful in vacation planning… thx in advance.
Very important info for us all
sounds great until you get to the part about online applications requiring a processing fee…nope…
Be helpful service thank you
good deal for all the veterans
Should remain for disabled Veterans as this lessons they’re sacrifice.
My husband died of exposure to Agent Orange. I get a pension because of this.
Am I eligible for the pass?.
This is great, but I HATE the VA’s and state agencies’ inability to verifying veteran status with a current military CAC. The amount of time I’ve wasted over the years trying to verify my veteran status while I’ve been carrying a military ID is mind-numbingly stupid. Can we please enter the 21st Century before it’s over. I get there are more veterans than active military, but I can do so much now with my CAC and verifying my veteran status is not one of them.
The VA Website to apply for a “Veteran ID Card” does not work. The site shows a “page loading circle” that goes round and round indefinitely. This is the url for the site: https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/apply/
VA Department leadership intentions are good but execution is so often poor in so many areas. I am vet amputee with 100% service connected rating, so I know of what I speak. I would like to get the Veteran ID card. Please help. The VA Web page on which to apply does not work — I have copied the Web page with the never ending loading circle as proof of this. I hope the VA will contact me from my contact info provided. I also provide it in this text: Thomas M. Kelty
[Editor: Link works just fine.]
I’m proud to be a veteran and an American and was proud and honored to serve in Vietnam with the US Coast Guard from 1969 to 1973
I am a 100% DAV from the Vietnam Era. Prior to the US Government privatizing the Reservation System as a Disabled Veteran presenting appropriate paper work I never needed to make a reservation to get a campsite at any Federal or State Parks and Forests year round. Do to my disabilities and ongoing medical appts I am unable to make reservations in advance like most disabled people we need to be able to use our Government Parks and Campgrounds on a daily basis without a reservation.. I am not alone there are numerous Disabled Veterans as well as disabled children and others in the same situation. The individuals that have privatized the system have made themselves exempt from the Americans with Disability Act. Discriminating against the disabled by requiring lengthy reservations.
This is very confusing! I go to the site listed and it’s $80.00 dollars. Plus no talk about DD214? USGS is the site I’m referring to, to get a pass. Very confusing. Who the hell is this USGS? Sounds like a scam!!!!
[Editor: The United States Geological Survey was founded in 1879. You can always be sure that a .gov website is real. That said, the passes are at NPS, not USGS. The link was above, in the story: https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/veterans-and-gold-star-families-free-access.htm ]
What is a dependents DD Form 1173 AD or DEC and how do I access one for my wife?
I’m a DAV with a VA ID.
Hearing damage and PTSD
where is the online site to order the vet lifetime pass….have been trying for days.
No dd 214 fishy!!!!
Do I just need my retired ID, or do I need to sign up?
I’m a 100% Permanently Disabled Vietnam Veteran. I must be missing something because it looks like I qualify for this program, but I don’t see how to apply.
Do I have to pay for my wife or relative when i drive into the Parks?
Thank you,
This is great! Question, my husband a veteran passed from a 100% disability in 2017 at age 42. Would I qualify along with my 2 minor children?
If so, how do I apply?
I had a pass that I signed up for about 20 years ago and have miss placed or lost it since then. How may I get a new one? Do I apply all over again ?
My husband has a card for parks. He passed away 2 years ago. Can I still use the card? I notice a few other people are asking the same question. Thanks
I live in Scottsdale Arizona where can I apply for the free national Park card
I have an medical va id that states am 100% military service connected do i just show them my va card at an park to get in free ?
Give me freedom and get out of the way. Just want to be myself!
Am I, as the widow of a deceased Viet Name veteran who was 100% disabled eligible for this pass? My last renewal of my military ID has an “Indefinite” expiration date. I have always obtained by ID cardsd at Camp LeJeune in NC. Can they help me obtain this or should I go to the local veteran representative at the New Hanover County offices. Thank you.
How do I get the lifetime pass? I don’t see anywhere it says its free???
If I have a retired military ID card do I still need a separate National Park pass.
Thank you America.
I am a retired service member
Where do I go to get my Lifetime Pass or who do I contact?
Thanks for your hard work. Can’t wait to visit a park. It’s great to be appreciated.
Thanks you for acknowledging us!
My husband has tried to get an ID card and after filling out several papers, he was denied. All they kept saying was that he has to sign up for health benefits which he does not qualify for. So how does he simply aquire an ID card??????
I am a vet with a Vet card but I received a senior pass a number of years ago but then was told during one visit that the program no longer existed and I would have to pay for entrance. Totally confused
Do I need to apply for a special card?
Or use a current ID card
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am so glad to hear that I an my family can visit National parks for free. We will make good use of this because we enjoy the outdoors and nature.
Does this include state parks? Thanks.
Truly a wonderful gift to Veterans and Gold Star familes.
Veterans already have that privilege, what are you people trying to pull? Just another sub agency trying to rip off American Veterans!!! Shameful
Who wrote this confusing*** article. And every link takes you to another link.
This is a wonderful gesture for all of these families – WELL DONE!
Every link in this article leads to no where, how do I sign up for a lifetime military pass to national parks, I have a vetrans health card , there is no link to actually get a pass so this article and the links are totally useless
because I’m a Veteran, I’ve had a free pass for some years. So, this is political BS.
I assume you are service-connected, which was the criteria. This is now for ALL veterans and it’s also interagency. Why so negative?
It has been free, on an annual basis, for years. All you had to do was apply or ask at the park, with an ID.
It has been active for the past 2.5 years, instituted during Covid.
He just needed someone/thing to b!tch at. Common sense and facts weren’t in the equation.
Sam may be suffering from the cornarectaidis disability. Sh-ttyoutlook sydrome.
Thank you@ JD
US Army
Californis Army N G
Agreed! Thanks for posting.
JD you are 100% correct. Just be happy for every other veteran, good for you that you had earlier. Some people can never be happy but always rather complain
Yes, the interagency extension is certainly beneficial to this veteran and avid hiker.
I agree…the negativity is not warranted. I am a Retired Veteran and would never respond in such a manner. You have made yourself an example of how NOT to be.
Sam sounds like you’re a complainer to me. I’m a proud veteran and was glad to hear of this blanket free pass for those of us that served our country willingly. There are 4 generations of us in my family and I’m the second generation. If you can’t say something nice (as Bambi said in the children’s book) don’t say nothing at all! J Penning US Army, 19 Months of service in Vietnam. Count your Blessings. Maybe you’re out of those too?
Ignorance is bliss…
Mike. Camping may be at a reduced rate. I have a America the Beautiful (Service Connected Disabled) and I get Free admission to all National Sites, but 50% off camping and recreational fees.
Your world is small. There is a big world outside of yours. You should use your GI Bill and go to school, you might be less angry. Anger comes from confusion, and you seem very. Have a nice day, and god bless.
i’m also a veteran, but no service connected disability. so yes, this is a big deal. but do wish there was some sort of vetting process via DD214 or something. seems ripe for abuse.
No Sam, now ALL veterans can get the pass. I also have pass as a service connected disabled veteran.
You know, Sam, some of us didn’t know we could get this pass – not everyone is your age or has your knowledge. I’m glad I read it here today. Just because you know something doesn’t mean others do … and letting others know it’s available through advertising it doesn’t make it political bs.
For a veteran, you’re uninformed. I’m also a veteran. I was not eligible for any national park pass until two years ago, because passes were only available if you had a disability rating. Veterans and gold stars got nothing, until two years ago when they were authorized for an annual pass. I got one, but it has to be renewed every year, and only being good for a year, there was always the possibility of it being cancelled. Now it has been codified as a lifetime benefit for all veterans and gold star families, not just disabled veterans.
Okay brain child. You are probably a 100% disabled veteran. Those people already were authorized the lifetime passes prior to this. Or you received it when you weren’t really authorized.
Go back to bed.
lol. Nothing political here. No need to make it as such.
America the rage-ridden. I miss the civility and true honor of the 1950’s. Try some positive thinking.
This pass does not have to be renewed every year as in the past. I have enjoyed the free annual pass myself.
Sam, now all veterans can enter our Parks without charge; despite your somewhat deriding post, Gold Star families can now gain access without the usual fees. This is a beautiful gesture and gift to those who lost a family member and to those of us who lost a fellow brother or sister in arms. I have had a Handicapped Pass for years; the Parks I have visited have given me solace and Peace. You and I were issued passes for our service that we paid for with our bodies and minds. Our brothers and sisters deserve the same. We all gave some, and some gave all to ensure our nation’s future.
This is great! I currently have a Veteran’s America the Beautiful Pass. However, you had to renew each year (since they authorized it a couple of year’s ago) and it was only valid for 1 yr. That was because funding was not previously guaranteed for the following year. Thank the Democratic Congress for this…
I have also had a free pass but the passes are now lifetime instead of having to be renewed each year. I do not get why anyone would think this is a political move.
No need to be negative. Always good to inform the vets out there again. Some did not know. Also, there were programs before that had one year passes that had to be renewed each year and now they are lifetime. Also, there were previous programs for service connected disabled veterans.
This is only a positive thing. Glad to see they are offering this lifetime pass to veterans.
I’m curious as to why a DD 214 isn’t on the list of acceptable documents. Seems idiotic that the one form that’s the basis of acquiring most other forms of veterans ID isn’t acceptable in showing veterans status?
Because a dd-214 is NOT ‘a form of identification’ as required. It’s a piece of printer paper with random words all over it. You can’t board an airplane with it at TSA either. Reading comprehension – learn it !
Most likely bc the DD-214 hasn’t a pic on it
DD214 has no photos. The others do.
The DD-214 is not a photo identification.
You can use your DD-214 as a supporting document to obtain a veteran ID or Veteran Health ID.
That’s the government for you.
As a former VHA employee of 23 years and a current 100% SC disabled Veteran, DD-214s are an easy document to alter, defraud or detect identity theft than official ID cards. I’ve seen more bogus DD214s in my days than fake ID cards. Plus many DD214s are very delicate piece of paper that might not survive constant wear and tear when presenting documentation.
Your DD-214 does not have a photo on it.
Most of us have been working with the VA as patients of health care facilities and have the Veteran Health card. Not all people have this valuable card to help us out, so get a Veteran Health card and get your FREE Pass to all of Americas beautiful places.
Unfortunately, a DD-214 can easily be falsified. So in order to deter false documents passing by. It’s first checked via a VA facility and then they confirm veteran status.
I’m not sure of the official reason but I’m glad I don’t have to take my DD214 around everywhere. It’s not the most sturdy of documents. Once I had it noted on my driver’s license, this saved a whole lot of nervousness. Now it can sit in the safe.
There is no photo on DD-214, it can’t show your identity.
If you have a DD214 you should have a USID/DDUSID which should satisfy the DoDID requirement. I retired earlier this year and that’s the ID card issued to me to access on-base amenities.
This may be because A, the DD214 is such a vital document and is so large that the vast majority of veterans realize the need to keep it secured, rather than try to carry it in your wallet.
If I was going into a recreational site, it would be very inconvenient to carry an 8 x 11-1/2 inch piece of paper, especially one that’s made of such delicate paper as mine are (I have several). Also, carrying it around frequently would quickly destroy it.
The other forms that they mention are ID cards which fit in your wallet, and are made of more durable material, like a credit card size.
Pretty sure someone manning the gate at a NPS park would accept it.
my question also
Thank you for supporting our great Veterans! God Bless them
I have a Military America the Beautiful Pass. Is It still
active after the one year expiration or Is It Life Time
Never expires?
Hi. I am a gate attendant for the ACE.
I am a bit confused on how to serve our Gold Star families.
Do they have in their possession a card that identifies them as a Gold Star family? A letter?
In other words. how am I going to identify them?
Obviously. I haven’t issued one or been asked for one.
May i assume our qualifying Vets will be issued a life time pass, as well?That will be great!
I couldn’t figure out why we were issuing retired Vets “annual passes” and not life time passes, as I would tell the Vet, ” I don’t know anyone who will un- retire”.
Look on driver license lot states have veteran on there an does grown adult kids get in free also
I have known a few who “un-retired” and went back in the service. The one thing that does not retire is the oath we took when we signed up to serve, honor, and protect this great nation.
One would hope that your supervisor would (a) have already given you the information to do your job, or (b) have the information but waiting for you to request it…
IIRC it was a matter of authority. I don’t remember the specifics but basically the annual passes were able to be authorized by one authority without oversight, but it required more red tape and bureaucracy from a higher authority before the lifetime passes could be codified.
Several of the passes make no sense — since veterans are eligible for a lifetime “military” pass, why only issue annual passes to active duty military? After all, anyone who is active duty military is going to become a veteran whenever they cease to be active duty military!
Similarly why have an annual “Senior” pass? How many seniors does DOI think are ever going to become too young to qualify?
I understand the $10 processing fee on the USGS online store even though $10 does seem a little high just for mailing out the physical pass when the same physical pass is free if you go to one of the issuing sites. But how in the world does USGS justify the $80 processing fee for a Senior pass that is also free if you go to one of the issuing sites to pick it up?
Gold star dependents have a dependent ID card that states in the status section Active Duty – Dec for deceased
As a Gold Star spouse, I have an ID card. Gold Star children under 18 also carry an ID card.
Alternatively, parents and siblings that are part of our Gold Star families do not get issued an ID. I am not sure about siblings, but parents should have a copy of the service member’s death certificate or a letter.
Sorry I can’t answer all of your questions. Hope this helps to clarify some.
Have a great day!
I’ve been using my “America The Beautiful Pass” and I’m a Service Connected Disabled Veteran. Most of the parks I visited charged me 50% of the fees to get in or camp. I was under the impression I was supposed to be free. I’m guessing the people at the gates were not informed?
I’m a disabled service-connected veteran, as well as a senior citizen, and I had to pay full fare to get into Mount Rushmore a couple of years ago.
Entrance is one thing, camping is another, you are not getting free rent.
I believe it’s always been free admission and 50% camping, and the RV camp at yellowstone is not “Camping”
They are correct, it’s 50% off amenities, such as camping, and 100% of your entry fee.
Paul, the free admittance is for daily use or entrance. Camping/boat ramp access/other services are only supposed to be reduced if you are 100% disabled…
I used to work for the parks and I believe the charges were only for camping. Would be really interested if you actually were charged entrance fees with an America The Beautiful Pass. It seems maybe at some parks you could have still had to pay for others in your party. It would come down to park by park rules regarding some things, which I am pretty well removed from now. One example that comes to mind is if a Cave Tour was run by a vendor, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten free admission in that case, and paid a reduced amount for the tour ticket.
As a veteran, do I have to buy a lifetime
Pass for just me or each and every one
Will the one pass cover everyone
Just you Dale unless others plan on visiting without you.
I have had a Golden Age Passport (Lifetime Admission Permit) to Any U.S. National Park for over 20 years now; I bought it at the Entrance to Yellowstone Park for $10.00 when I was 60 & have visited many parks since. The Pass is good for the driver & any of his passengers. When I bought it, it was just for Seniors 60 & up. Nothing was available for Veterans at that time, even though I am a Veteran. I have to say, I have definitely gotten my 10 bucks worth!!!
That is an awhsome program for vets and their families
Thanks for the enfoe. My boyfriend had the pass. My new boyfriend would like it after he gets out of n the service.
How and where do I have to or need to go to apply for my free life time national parks pass
He can get the free military pass now too. Just have to get a new one every year.
My husband died of a war related disease. So he is now dead which makes him 100% disabled do I and my son qualify for one of these passes? Or, would he still have to be alive to get this honor? He’s been dead for 15 years as of today.
Is camping in developed camp grounds included?
No it is not. Only entrance into the Parks.
Is that my family from WASHINGTON
so is this just a day use pass? or can I use “undeveloped” camp sites for free using this pass??
Developed camp grounds in national parks and monuments are 50% off with these cards.
thanks for the info!! how about “undeveloped” camp sites (camp sights without water, electric)?
It has to do with other protected information that is on your dd214. I asked this same question when getting my pass two weeks ago at Acadia.
The Interagency Military Lifetime Pass waives entrance fees for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and standard amenity recreation fees “Standard amenity fees” is vague. Will have to look it up.
Thanks for the information as I respect the information u have given thanks again
My now deceased husband served in the US Army, and in the Korean War. He received VA benefits from war injuries, was a 100 percent disabled, and died from service-connected injuries in 2017 at the age of 84. As his widow, I receive
DAV-DEC survivor benefits and
hold a DOD Uniformed Services ID
and Privilege card. I’m 73. Do I qualify for the Military Pass and/or InterAgency Pass? Does this include free camping for 7(or 10?) days at State Parks in Oregon, like he qualified for when he was alive?
I would think so. It wouldn’t hurt to apply. Good luck.
This is a wonderful option for us veterans, thank you.
I have the same situation as Susan above whose husband died. My husband of 38yrs died 19th of April from 100% service related disability. I am supposed to receive same benefits as he was allowed. Although he was medically challenged and never got to enjoy life he deserved. Would I need to contact someone at the VA for my answer? Ty.
Yes. Contact your local VA and will direct you.
Yes, Contact a VA Rep. in your area. They should be able to help you with all the benefits you are entitled to. + I would think that should also include a Free Pass to the National Parks. He should be able to inform you of Any & All benefits you are entitled to! Good luck Robin!
Widow of ? service connect
No discount for parks
The Ranger looked it up
Go to the nearest VA Regional Office and apply. Do not go to the VA Hospital, that’s only for medical treatment.
There should be a VA Regional Office somewhere close to where you live. Or, just google VA. Gov……Regional Office and your State.
All claims are initiated at the Regional Office.
Surviving spouses seem to be eligible for the free annual military pass, but not the lifetime pass. I assume they do it that way to verify eligibility each year (since you probably lose this benefit if you remarry.)
I have the same questions as I qualify for everything based on my husbands service. He passed away September. 2021 from service connected conditions.
Susan check out this link. You may apply for a pass from the state of Oregon.
It doesn’t include camping fees. It states that the veteran and/or family members get free admission to the park.
Do you mean DIC? Disability Indemnity Compensation? I’m not familiar with DEC