On Thursday, VA announced an updated version of its 1959 mission statement:
“To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.”
The new mission statement is inclusive of all those who have served in our nation’s military—including women Veterans—as well as Veteran families, caregivers, and survivors. VA currently serves more than 600,000 women Veterans, the fastest growing cohort of Veterans. VA also serves more than 50,000 Veteran caregivers, more than 600,000 Veteran survivors, and millions of Veterans who did not serve in combat.
In crafting the new mission statement, VA surveyed roughly 30,000 Veterans. Among Veterans surveyed, the new version of VA’s mission statement was chosen over the current version by every age group; by men and by women; by LGBTQ+ Veterans; and by white, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian and American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans.
“Whenever any Veteran, family member, caregiver or survivor walks by a VA facility, we want them to see themselves in the mission statement on the outside of the building,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “We are here to serve all Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors—and now, our mission statement reflects exactly that.”
In addition to two rounds of surveys, VA conducted dozens of small-group engagements with Veterans to understand what was most important to them in a VA mission statement, then incorporated that feedback into quantitative research. The new mission statement reflects that VA serves all of the heroes who have served our country, regardless of their race, gender, background, sexual orientation, religion, zip code or identity.
The previous mission statement was: “To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise ‘to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.'” The previous mission statement is posted in roughly 50% of VA’s facilities. Over the coming months, VA’s new mission statement will replace the previous version.
Secretary McDonough hosted an event commemorating the new mission statement, featuring speeches from a woman Veteran, a caregiver and a survivor about what it means to feel included in VA’s mission.
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Im posting all over News.va.gov common points week after week
only to prove one thing more than anything. Its one sided. No one
has proven my idea for a Toxic Exposure Pathology Center are bad.
They just plan to ignore it, and it like the veterans will go away.
But, no matter where I go its a handful of people in control positions
that want to keep pushing there own personal agendas. Like with
this GWI shield event March 28th. They pretty much dictate there
narrow view of how things will go and stiff hand any real suggestions.
They love one line remarks from people, as long as they dont get
specific enough to show flaws in the programs. Just go along with
them. Keep things in a circular loop. Snobs locked into the past.
None of this is a discussion, and Im damn sure not welcome to any
executive discussions. Just like with my former VA advisory committee,
just fade away – and our problem is solved.
The executive branch is counting on “Armies of one” writing one liner
remarks, and missing the bigger picture. So the PACT act can provide
false hope the next year and keep people distracted – hoping to get
just there claim resolved. Then finding out later this year thousands
were turned away over word play and gimmicks that didnt have to be.
VA’s next move shortly is to turn off public comments altogether and
just put out one sided media. As they did with a second version of this
mission statement article. No comments, all is well. Silence is consent.
I didnt go away, but you all should notice how in VA’s eyes I dont exist
right in front of you all. Just like so many VA meetings Ive attended for years
including the recent Feb 9th 2023 VA Research Advisory Committee that I did a
powerpoint presentation about the same things.
There is a message her in all this, only VA employees matter here – the rest of us
are cattle to be ignored. They dont have to talk to us, there not public servants
any more. they are above the law, and will dictate to us the scraps they will doll
out. $296 billion budget and millions still doing without.
It just keeps getting worse. I know, Ive watched it blank for 26 years and this
really kicked off in 2000 when the Pentagon and VA turned away grass roots
from there meetings. Ive been there for each iteration as the decades passed.
Now, total shut out with the medias help.
The real message here is divide and conquer, beat people into submission.
If your arent wealthy, celebrity, or part of any regulatory process – then you
just dont matter. Since 2010 this only sped up and become a way of keeping
its own internal regulators at bay too. Ignoring committees, OIG, NAS, GAO, and
such right in front of them. DOJ never stepping in. Government Reform, HVAC,
and Ethics walking away. Since 2018 its truly vile, sinister.
Im fighting back here after being completely ignored since 2010. So that VA
can ignore GWI healthcare and benefits issues. They did. Then gut the research
crowd in 2012 and hobble the loudest voices. If I have nothing, then why let me
present to a VA federal committee in Feb 2023.
No one helps no one, and its real clear here. Only, Im writing books in these
public comments rather than one liners. Its not devoid of content. VA is watching
this with great glee. Knowing what they can get away with just with me. That
apathy is going to help them silence there problems. Wait me out like they
have much of the last 26 years. Hurry up and die Kirt, we dont care. We just
simply dont give a damn. That my service in a war was only to benefit the
wealthy of America, they deserve comfort – not me. Im very expendable.
“Whenever any Veteran, family member, caregiver or survivor walks by a VA facility, we want them to see themselves in the mission statement on the outside of the building.”
A clear reading says it all…who is outside the building…? any Veteran, family member, caregiver, or, survivor…!
About as clear as any Freudian slip could be…!
The federal government is not the beneficiary in this instance…it is the veteran and family members.
How can a singer at this event mess up the words to the anthem? Disrespectful.
Thank you!!!
Talk about double standards.
VA is working over time to make my claim fails. Im 100% certain that the
Sec of VA Denis McDonough is behind this. Using his position to punish
vets he doesnt like.
Im down to one thing left out of all the other items I filed. My back injury
that has done nothing but get worse over 33 years.
Today was the exam for that with QTC. Showed up early, no one else there
so didnt have to wait. Civilian clinic.
The exam takes off, and she is only asked to measure me.
Didnt address my Sacral and lumbar regions that have totally degenerated
compressed disc touching. Osteocytes and fragmented bone. Thoracic
stenosis. Lumbar scoliosis. I wasnt that way before the war and its not
Claims VA spine imaging is only up to 2005. Ive got imaging every damn
year that shows it. But, its abdominal CT, chest X-rays, abdominal MRI.
She cant use them because these images are not labeled spine. She isnt
even being asked for a opinion on this. No flexibility.
My back is a train wreck thanks to the military, and all they are going to
say is nothing happened above sacral region. Because QTC and VA didnt
ask or look at any real Genesis notes. 33 years of agonizing daily pain, nope, we
will find a way to cheat even this.
Now I have to fight this in my damn C-File, and add a 21-4138 spelling this
fact out. No current imaging? Your fine, get lost?
Im positive Sec of VA is behind this, he has told VA to make sure that in no
way do I get any help at all. He has a axe to grind, I must be punished.
20 years of this since 2002. You would not believe what it got to get that
rating in 2002. PACT act changed nothing for me or Gulf war vets. NOTHING
unless your terminal. Now VA will make that I dont get a increase on
something that is obvious – over word play.
This has been 100% the opposite of help. $296 billion dollar agency
that to me punishes vets more than it helps them. Bloated waste.
Is this VA’s mission statement? Care for some and its conditional. We
damn sure got to keep those vets making $170,000 a year with benefits
but not people like me. One solid year of watching how those like me
in extreme poverty have no rights in VA even with the PACT act.. The
dozens of ways Im still being cheated. Thank god we have the OIG,
Congress, and DOJ to help those making $170,000 to be comfortable
in VA. People like me, why are you here asking – your kind isnt welcome.
Why don’t they just change it to the way the VA treats all veterans “Delay and Deny until they all die”
I served 6 years Army Reserves,but because I didn’t have 180 days active duty,they say I can’t have any benefits except FHA and education. But they still classify me as a veteran. Why no benefits then.
Champ VA needs to include dental and vision for dependents who do not have access to or cannot afford to purchase it privately.
These fckers could care less about you. Trust me, i used to work in a senior position for this “agency.” One in 20 people who work for RO’s give a damn about us. I was one of them that cared about veterans, and they openly made my job so unbearable that I was forced to retire early. These a–holes do not care about you. They ruined my life and several other people that worked at the RO i worked for. They have an issue with veterans who care about us. Imagine an Agency that actually discriminates against its own employees who are combat veterans. For those of you that care and are in this position, trust me, get the hell out of the VA and do something constructive with your life. God will judge these a–holes. Don’t let them ruin your life and career.
I am beyond livid now.
Had allowed the idea of TBI in my claim to see where it had progressed
up to today. Maybe, just maybe VA had taken a more scientific approach
and realized this was a physiological neurological condition. Not so.
QTC sets me up with ForeFront Bahavior Health and a psychiatrist in
Austin. I was expecting a neurological exam and understand any possible
structural issues. Instead, your sending me to a person not familiar with
conflict or blast injuries. Basically, to give me a somatic diagnosis and
say my problems are self inflicted. Nope, those migraines have no true
physical issues – must be stress. Guy cant handle stress.
So to say the PACT act doesnt benefit me now is a huge understatement.
Because about the only two things left were back injury increase and
possible TBI. I didnt say a damn thing about needing psychiatry and
start a life time of insulting forced psychiatric mistreatment like Ive
seen so many others endure. From Dr. Charles Engle at Walter Reed
Army Hospital to Dr. Stephen Hunt in Seattle. I damn sure know what
happens to PTSD cases that allow this. Which is why I backed away from
this in 1994 and again in 2022.
Enough insulting us. Twisting the meaning into behavioral medicine to write
off vets as self inflicted garbage over structural neurological damage. As
I cope just fine with it physically, by retraining my brain with techniques
to compensate for memory loss and cognitive numerical mistakes. Of which
impressed the VA WRIISC that over 20 years I improved in some areas.
Without therapy or coaching. Though I have a 4th grade math level that will
never improve. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and computers to compensate.
But, the majority of jobs are beyond me because of this. I didnt will this on me.
I was brilliant in the Army, and Distinquishged honor grad at AIT. They offered me
a CIA slot because of my EMP expertise. They had to rewrite the 52D AIT books.
I dont lay around saying “poor me”, I fight every day, and out do myself in
other ways. I do the impossible all the time. But, I only focus on my strengths
left versus trying to modify some elements that will never improve. Have had
to give up so much these last 20 years. Like art, which is very upsetting. Was
a tremendous artist long ago. Gifted.
I see TBI right now is a mistake in this arena even today. VA has chosen
the lazy way out, and does not care about the true outcome. Because your
not going to fix the damage, you plan to humiliate, and drive these people
away. Medicate, insult, and push them as collateral damage. Ive lived with
that for 30 years now. Forget physical structure, just keep asking us stupid
question like do you have bad thoughts, wrong thoughts. You feel like hurting
yourself? You think bad thoughts right? You keep asking it over and over till these
people think it. I know, the damn WRIISC TBI survey is that way. Hours of it.
Suggestive imprinting. Cruel.
My claim now a huge disaster, and I have to avoid a “No show”, cancel and
fight again with regional. Im now trapped in a meaningless loop. All the other
things I cant even get addressed. Not on the PACT act list.
You should treat TBI as structural, and treat these people with respect. A
behavioral clinic is a trap to push them down the wrong road. I know, Ive
dealt with hundreds of vets that did this over decades. I was on a VA benefits
committee roaming the halls of VBA. Its a trap!!!!!! VSO’s know it.
Got my hopes up, and now Im drowning in quick sand.
It wasn’t nothing wrong with President Lincoln original statement. Why did President Lincoln version needed changing?
Military Retirees need access to DENTAL CARE!!!! Most all Dentist have opted out of DELTA DENTAL B/C they claim DELTA DENTAL does NOT pay enough for the value of their work, and it takes up to a year in most cases to get paid by DELTA DENTAL INSURANCE for services rendered, and regardless of whatever Major Carrier offers Delta Dental Insurance!!! Most dentist will not even accept Premier Care if it’s Delta Dental!!!!
A possible solution??? Why can’t military retirees in dire need of dental care use their Delta Dental PPO/High Insurance at VA Medical Clinics/Hospitals which offer dental care services??? That way it’s a win/win situation all the way around for Govt/VA & Military Veterans who cannot afford $ 700 dollars – $1,000 dollars just for walking in the door for first visit & then…incredible more sums of money for each visit thereafter!!! Everyone in Govt seems to have access to reasonable dental care!!!
I like it. I’m tired of the perception that only men are veterans, only men use the VA for healthcare. Now we need Congress to back this up and provide equal services for all. Community Care does not do this.
Do you notice one big obvious glowing thing here? Im one of the loudest
Gulf War veterans out there pointing out issue after issue to VA. Served on
a VA federal Advisory committee. Presented a powerpoint about our plight
in Feb 9th 2023 to the VA RAC that made Stars and Stripes. Im pushing PACT
act issues and the need for a Toxic Exposure Pathology Center. That 3.317
doesnt work and every program tied to gulf war does not work. For 30 plus
years its all old, and not being updated in our favor.
Been in the face of the Sec of VA the whole time, calling him out. Calling out
VA and the VA RAC. Congress, White house, and others.
They are ignoring me openly right in front of your all. Over and over, month
after month. They can do everyone this way based on how they did me.
The new era of one sided veterans issues.
Is this the new mission statement? Veterans should not be seen or heard?
Because this all has been very one sided this last year. VA has done all it
can to play me down and pretend I never said anything. All is well. That
I have nothing to offer here. Those VA Facebook pirates haunting you, too bad
so sad. Your on your own. Not our fault or problem. Works for us.
There is a message here alright, and silence is consent.
How dare you change President Lincoln’s words. And why the quotation marks? You are quoting anyone, now.
Do us all a favor and undo this asinine change.
President Lincoln’s words are a comfort, yours… not so much.
I think this says volumes as well. Looked it up.
What you dont see on this? Anything about the PACT act in Waco
on or days before March 18th 2023. This is VA’s Central Texas official
Facebook page for veterans.
Further proof VA did NOT want people knowing about Waco till
it was too late. They tanked the PACT act in Waco on purpose, Mostly
to make sure I wasnt there. How petty and malicious.
Again, Im 100% certain the Sec of VA Denis McDonough was behind
this. He had to of leaned on William Negron to do this.
26 years of this down here, Im not new to this or stupid.
I talked to the people at Temple VA EH, they knew nothing. I believe
them. Because they talk to me and share with me, VA punishes that.
The Waco PACT act roll out was sabotaged to fail on purpose March 2023.
Limit turn out and people applying.
Shame on you for changing the original statement are we going to cancel Lincoln too?
I am a veteran of the US Air Force from June/1969 thru March/1973. I enrolled in the VA in Salisbury NC in 2010. I had surgery in 2010 and again in 8 months later. During which time I began drawing my Social Security, at which point the VA cut me off saying I made too much money and could no longer receive benefits. They wouldn’t even give me time to find a doctor in private sector before cutting me off from my medicines. I have had a bitter taste for the VA ever since. I served but was cut off. So, what has changed? I would like to know.
Marvin Hill
The one thing that comes across when dealing with Sec of VA Denis McDonough is I dont matter.
It doesnt matter what I offer or how much I say it. The only thing that matters is his career and
getting him in the media. Even if things are going wrong.
The media is on his side, and wants to write pro-government articles here in Texas. Works great
from him. Everything is fine, no problems. all going smooth. No its not!!!!!!!!
Mission statement? There is the public one, and then there is the private agenda one that is
completely in conflict with it. I can assure you there are all kinds of internal memorandums
putting the blame on everyone around him. Bad executive decisions and blame games that
will ripple for the next decade VA wont fix with its next Secretary. Like it did with Sec of VA
Eric Shinseki that VA let stand.
He is counting on “no one helps no one” right now to play as dirty as possible. Ive been in
the cross hairs the last year and boy has it been obvious on VA Facebook. Your on your own
in so many ways. If the veterans ever rallied as a group the real story would get out. But, not
till things have failed for a year or more and things get delayed further out.
Gosh, if VA put as much energy into acknowledging and fixing its mistakes as it does in trying
to bluff them – imagine where things would be now. Nope, Toxic Exposure Pathology Center
will go 10 years before its instituted and long after it could have helped us. My recommendations
have been mostly spot on since 2005, things that VA is just now beginning to notice or do.
Decades later. Thats my legacy, watching things take decades over nothing.
They held a Waco PACT act March 18th 2023. Rather than several weeks notice to give vets a chance to attend William Negron of Public Affairs announced it 4 days before it would happen. Some media put it out 2 days before it would happen. The WACO VAMC and its communication council system said nothing. Everyone involved this time media wise were the same people that did not go to the December Temple roll out. Each knew me, and made sure not to ask me questions about it. So in essence, as the local critic of the PACT act I was not invited to attend. Im 100% positive this was at the request of Sec of VA Denis McDonough. because word cant get out about tissue collection and the need for a Toxic Exposure Pathology Center to aid veterans. That the PACT act is not helping with my current claim. 400 days from now I get my first no. OIG reported that VBA reviewers are not up to the job. QYT cant handle the processing backlog as 3rd party. Nope, its critical to portray all this as going so well. Genesis Portal cant do its job if it has no hard evidence in it collected over decades. ILER isnt ready. Right now, best you can hope for is imaging and self reporting. There is no Toxic exposure data collection that is hard evidence, and claims will fail. Yep, its mission critical to keep people like me from the media so they can say “All is well, nothing went wrong, go home, and wait for your zero rating”.
Just got off the phone with QYT that schedules C&P exams for VA. They are so over loaded that they have management pull excessive shifts to cover for backlog. Poor thing calling me 9am on a Sunday. Seems veterans think 800-682-9701 and 213-474-2799 are scam numbers – wont talk to them. Then this is further complicated by hackers posing as veterans these folks have to screen out. The 3rd party method here is slowing claims processing to a stand still. Further delaying people. This person was NOT bragging about the PACT act. She has to work so much harder to make up for its flaws. Over and over Im proving Im a subject matter expert here because Im living it. The people who volunteer to me I cant even use there names for fear they will be labeled whistle blowers and fired. Anyone willing to work in this arena Ive been trying to help keep them with VA. Puts me in a awful spot caught between both sides.
I’m a Honorable Veteran who served. I’m 100% disabled. I’m illegally denied VA medical and forced to pay out of pocket for all medical needs here in Lubbock Texas. I had to continue to file against one Nurse Practitioner for altering my medical records at least 14 times to have them amended back right. It was this same corrupt Nurse Practitioner,along with her heinous co workers written false statements that banded me from my rightful medical care. I filed tons of complaints with the Washington VA hot line,which turns out to be a joke. My name is Mr. Wendell Taylor for the record. Also,not my out of pocket medical cost me thousands, but does VA Honor me? Nope! And the real reason happens to be racial on it’s face
I was expose to hazards chemicals daily, performing weapons maintenance during my 7 years Active duty. Never worked with chemicals before and worked for the Government behind a desk after enlistment until retirement. I had symptoms for many years and was eventually diagnosed with CLL leukemia. Have been fighting the VA to have my exposure recognized for many years. I don’t fit into their carefully little chosen check boxes so they just keep denying my claim. Frustrating to say the lease, they want me to go away. Honestly, they only care when it make political points for the agency. I know and understand the frustration many Vets feel when they don’t receive recognition and care for their work aliments.
I worked for the VA for 30 years, retiring as a GS 12 Rating Specialist, plus 3 years in the Army. I find this change to be totally asinine. I’m confident that almost every other VA retiree, veteran, and most of the current employees will find this to be a disgrace.
What numbnuts in Central Office came up with this brilliant idea? That person should be downgraded and reassigned to White River Junction.
With all due respect, like most other patriotic marketing spiels that I’ve heard directed at we down in the trenches dealing with a systemic lack of discipline, decorum and respect, get to the core of the issue, and that to me, is the complete lack of discipline at all the front desks throughout whichever particular VAMC of which I speak. There is no real “Our Patients Are ALL Heroes” or “Our Workers Are ALL Heroes” spirit anymore because staff discipline and morale is lower than a fruitless mail-call for a third-week basic trainee in Fort Polk. Right on.
Ok, left a previous reply to a Nam Vet here to contact the DAV for help but now see it was deleted? Well, typical for the VA, it asks for honest opinions and when it gets them it deletes the ones that it doesn’t like, been the same for decades, every new Director of hospitals in the VA is unreachable, the Secretary..no matter what Party puts them in office – just does business as usual ignoring geriatric vets in favor of younger headlines grabbing ones so it can get a bigger cut of the federal budget, then when it actually shows up, the money melts away while new projects sit unfinished for years. West LA VA in So. California is a prime example, they were given $50 million to build a brand new building and 6 years later the Business Office and Engineers couldn’t find the money to finish it! The new CLC of(Community Living Center for skilled nursing populated mostly by our geriatric veterans who have nowhere else to go) at VA Long Beach is still majorly unfinished , not even the outside is done in 3 years, meanwhile the wood is getting soaked …just like the taxpayer… and the old vets can’t even get heat in their rooms at night, engineering ( who has heat in their offices I’ll bet) can’t seem to find time to fix it! Oh yes, tell us again about Housing all of us! Hud/VASH help is a joke, they won’t help you get a place until you find it on your own, and then won’t negotiate for you if your not a combat vet..let me tell you something…there is No Peace Time…that’s just a term Congress calls those of us who managed by luck to avoid being in combat because at any minute of any day without us Peace Time Vets there..you’d be fighting our enemies here in America on your own streets .
The VA needs to offer Dental Care for all Veterans regardless of how long they served! Dental Care is Health Care! Do it NOW!
As a Gulf War veteran writing to Sec of VA Denis McDonough the last year,
its pretty safe to say that this is all smoke and mirrors.
For a year I outlined each issue I found with him and others at VA. Each time
he blew me off or passed me onto other departments under him. He never
extended a courtesy of writing me himself.
1. How badly my Gulf war registry exam went, not even taking my vitals signs.
2. Trying to get a WRIISc exam set up when the WRIISC wouldnt even allow me
to email or call them. Had to get it done through the secretaries office.
3. My WRIISC exam became a night mare when the head of the clinic vanished
and no one could reach him. No marching orders. Then wasted my time with
20 hour mostly psychiatric test rather than true physical exams. Made huge
deal how this would get my rating decision boosted only to find him soft peddle
PTSD at the end. A somatic illness rating that screws your rating. They refused
my request for genomic sequencing and adipose tissue resection for full spectro-
chemical analysis of its content. They did however do my request for 6 weeks
of blood lab baseline
4. ABHOR burn pit registry was horrendous, could not get past the qualification
screen that would not offer Gulf war locations in lower Iraq. No oil well fields,
Wadi batin, other other regions of south Iraq. Once through after a month of trying,
I got the exam which was over as fast as it started. Then off to Xray and PFT.
Did not look at anything that would prove toxic exposures.
5. Attended the Temple VAMC PACT act role out only to find it missing certain
details. Afterwards I challenged in the mediaas the first critic of the PACT act.
Sec of VA came to Waco where the article came out, but dodged me that day
as I spoke at the VA RAC meeting in Hawaii via Webex.
6. Toxic Exposures screening was barely 10 minutes and went no where.
7. All year long I kept pushing the problems with the Gulf war programs not
having a healthcare / benefits soap box to address our issues. The RAC
is research only. Boy did they dodge this.
8. Did the best presentation of my life at the Feb 9th 2023 RAC meeting about
the problems with Gulf war and the RAC itself. Made it into Stars and Stripes.
Crickets from the Sec of VA. Even though the committee agreed tissue
collection should take front stage.
9. That PL 105-368 desperatrly needs revision as do other Gulf war laws. Bring
them up to 2023. 20 plus years after the fact.
10. SS 3,317 should be changed from UDX ( undiagnosed ) to location and time
of service. 92% rejection rate.
11. We need a Toxic Exposure Pathology Center to deal with unique deployment
issues rather than standard clinics. Forensic style approach but not post
12. That the PACT act is mostly terminal care, and once I applied it at the Waco
Regional VBA it failed me. My current claim is a joke.
13. That Facebook Pirates have taken over the VA Facebook account and badger
people writing there. I got hit by identity theft and they used my likeness to
try and fake out others. Badgered my public comments. Told the Sec of VA,
handed to media relations who pretty much told me tough luck. Thats the risk
you take? No, thats what cowards do to run off critics. Let the hackers have it?
14. When I complain, Sec of VA tended to take it out on others under him and
then people took it back out on me. Pass the buck and blame others for bad
policy decisions at executive level.
Suffice to say at no point all year long did the Sec of VA treat me
anything but a nuisance he would not face himself. I consider him a coward and
one of the lowest people I dealt with in 26 years on the hill.
Ive known 6 Presidents and 8 secretaries of VA. I rate Sec of VA Denis McDonough
to that of Sec of VA Eric Shinseki and he resigned in disgrace. About the same
demeanor and methods. Best was Sec of VA Anthony Principi and they cut his
throat. Many werent there long enough.
Come December 2023, the real back lash comes as the denials start to hit. Thousands
get rejected on the PACT act ratings. Some get 10% to 30%. The terminal ones
get help as they die. Bit late for them.
You want nice from me, treat me like a person, and we will talk. This Sec of VA treated
me like I was gum stuck to his shoe. 3rd world citizen unworthy of his time. Cant
say that makes me warm and fuzzy for him. He will do you all the same way and
a year from now he will move on – after he burns enough people. Tries to keep bluffing.
Im just angry that I have to wait for another Sec of VA to get sworn in, and only hope
he isnt worse. Which up till now has been the trend. Another year of waiting. Wasted.
I’m a disabled combat veteran of OIF (2004-2005). I was receiving VA benefit of unemployability due to my disability. However, somehow missed to submit VA Form 20-0995 on a timely manner because I’ve never received the letter for requesting the form in the first place. Therefore, the VA have made a quick decision have my unemployability taken away all together. I personally the decision that the VA have made was inappropriate and not fair. I’d like the VA to restore and reinstate my unemployability as quickly as possible. Thank you.
Very good views,but then should include all ALS veterans whom may have served in the Naval Reserves beyond the 90 days .
Should we leave them behind or should we give them the Benifits rightly deserved.
Whether for training or not,I am a victim of this disease and now degenerating and denied Benifits
Unable to walk, problems to swallow tablets, with my voice rapidly changing
Nice to know programs by the United State Government for Veterance
As a Viet Nam Vet DAV, myself, I’ve found that in most all areas of our V.A. Hospital {Truman V.A.} I have received excellent health treatment, professional expertise, and with respect. However, with that being said, there is one area that is lacking in sufficient expertise, that area in particular is eye care. 1 star out of 5 is the best they get from me on eye care. Again, that being said, only the eye doctor seems to not be able to pass the test. Seems like she is more suitable to work somewhere else. Words are like knives and cut deeply sometimes, eye care is important to me. I too will die from A.O. schematic heart disease, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Our V.A. gets 4 stars, with only one lacking area. Mission not accomplished. I am not finished with that yet; I don’t give up that easily. My heart goes out to all Vets, and volunteers that support us. I am an organ doner and if Monsanto has left me with anything useable, I hope someone can get it.
Yea right. They have some health nut in charge who don’t believe in any pain meds. When your old and have bone on bone and need several surgery’s you need pain medicine. They even stopped giving tramadol over a year ago. They don’t get their helping push old people and disabled people into going to methadone clinics that don’t help get off narcotics they push more and more pills on people. It’s a racket that makes money for the drug companies off of state and federal money. When people are taking almost 200 mg a day who were taking 40 mg of narcotics like hydrocodone what’s wrong with that picture? People like me won’t go to those clinics and have to suffer because they think they their passing laws for all makes them feel better and screw those not even thought about in their laws.
I to have pain all through out my body……I’m a Nam Vet with 100% due to AO and 4 Cancers…….I was taking 5 mg of Hydrocodone 4x a day, went to new Pain Management Dr and he increase to 7.5mg, pain level decreased and so did mt BP, now off BP meds, so my high BP was caused by pain???……..now changed PM Dr and must go thru the process from scratch to get my meds all because Lebanon VA does not have a Pain Management Clinic……..what VA Hosp, does not not have a PM clinic…….I have received great care at Lebanon but now must go to outside PM DR, they have no clue what we Vets are going thru…….I’m going on 77 and all I want is my years left to be pain free both with my body and mt mind just trying to get my meds…….I hear Lebanon will soon have a PM clinic which will make things much easier, I hope…….we Vets are not asking for anything more then fair and complete care…we gave now it is the Governments chance to give back………..GOOD LUCK to all VETS…….keep fighting for what we are OWED
Yea right.
I find the VA facilities in Kentucky to be world class. And yes, I have traveled the world. I have experienced nothing short of professional, respectful healthcare on every visit.
my daughter camille messner is my care giver .she is taking care of me. so my life is very good now without her l dont no what i would do . she is having a big issue getting her comp . is their any thing she can do that to move forword. she is meeting a service officer at the st.louis v.a. this monday around noon. can you help with this >? if so t.y.
What a joke
I wish I could help….the caregiver program is all smoke and mirrors. There is clearly a very small in group who recieve stipends….the rest denied with no rational simply…because we say so.
The fact is that in fiscal year 2024 this fraudulent program is budgeted 1,800,000,000 (1.8 billion dollars) there are approximately 55 000 eligible participants….that factors to 32,727.27 per participant….and what did I get for my service to my spouse ( 100% service connected total and permanent disabled Army veteran)..? Two photo copied one sheet folded newsletters one of which is all about the wonderful summer vacations the VA staff would have. It is a personal insult and an insult to good conscious…Mr. Anderson. The rightful beneficiaries of that one point eight billion dollars are the veteran’s and thier families and not the VA, the VISN, the veteran’s franchise fund nor any other sort. Good luck to us both sir and to your family who also has and continues to serve.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and have constantly asked for help to financially collect benefits, gone to meetings with other vets, gone for help in Las Vegas at VA hospital. Have sent paperwork(apparently sent back). I am 74 years old on Social Security only.
Contact the DAV ..Disabled American Veterans you can get the info on their online website. They will help any honorably discharged veteran get the disability compensation and other veterans benefits they serve. They will help any such veteran..comet or non combat veterans, war or non war veterans, etc. I am a Life Member of Post #5 in Los Angeles but you do not have to join the DAV to be helped and their services are free. They have been helping veterans for over 50 years and are very good at what they do for veterans. Call them, be polite, and you’ll be helped. Be aware that even when they get the VA on board with paying whatever level of compensation is appropriate by VA law and/or your military era and/or any disability you may have from that Era ..it can take up to 2 years to get benefits if you qualify. Many do. I wish you the best of luck.
I applied for caregiver support for my wife and got denied because I use a walker. If I let go of walker I will be on the ground because of my neuropathy. My wife has been my caregiver since 2017.
Changing the mission statement is not real change, it is lip simply service!! The government, the VA should tart by PROVIDING REAL MEDICAL CARE FOR ALL VETERANS. PERIOD!
How interesting. Did you know that I have been waiting for almost a year to get the results of an ultrasound? I was told that I might die. That’s why the ultrasound was ordered. Anyways…
The VA has once again left Vets without meds for pain. Some of us cannot take NSAIDS and MUST take opiates. Now the VA will not give due to the crisis. They do not deal with people one on one, but as an entity. You cannot get cutting edge treatments, or the like. It is time for our government to give us all 100 percent paid medicare and be done with the monstrosity that is the VA. We all simply deserve better care, less wait times and access to everything we need! Get on with it!
I am a Nam Vet 100% from AO and have no problem with my VA Hosp giving me my opiates my problem is going to an outside Pain Man Dr cause my VA Hosp has no Pain Man Clinic…….how dumb all Vets are in pain and we DO NOT take for a high but to live pain free
As a female veteran, I’ve found the VA is severely lacking in it’s care for most veterans, especially women. I served 9 years and can’t get any care from the VA because I am listed as low priority. I thought I’d at least qualify for long term care when I get old but apparently not. Can’t even get care for service related injuries because I didn’t claim disability. Think twice before enlisting folks.
List your service connected disabilities on your claim form VA FORM 41-4142 AND WRITE A PERSONAL STATEMENT INCLUDING A BUDDY STATEMENT OF YOUR DISABILITIES.