VA’s Claim Status Tool allows Veterans to quickly view the status of their VA claim, decision review or appeal online through This free service allows Veterans the flexibility to access and monitor their claim online or from their mobile device 24/7. Veterans can select the time of day that best suits their schedule. 

To begin, simply create a secure, personal online account on using the free or services. You can also sign in your account with your existing,, DS Logon, or MyHealtheVet account.

Once online, you have instant access to view your claim, upload any required information and download available decision letters without having to wait for a person to process your request.  

Some new features include:

  • User-friendly interface: Easier to navigate and find what you need.
  • Real-time notifications: Get up-to-date information about your claim status instantly.
  • Mobile optimization: Manage your claim on your phone or tablet, from anywhere.
  • Clearer information: See your claim details presented more clearly, making it easier to understand the status and next steps.

This is one of several recent updates aimed to improve the digital self-service experience of the VA Claim Status Tool, making it easier to view and manage your VA claim and quickly locate the information you need online.  

These updates are part of VA’s commitment to provide Veterans with the best possible service and support.

Please visit the How to check your VA claim, appeal, or decision review status online page on for step-by-step instructions on using the tool.

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  1. Rolando Rañada July 10, 2024 at 21:05

    Why not add email address on accessing web site. Currently only U.S. Phone numbers are only use to send access code. Veterans residing overseas have no access.

  2. D July 10, 2024 at 20:55

    I originally filed a disability claim in September of 2020. It was denied . Upon appeal the wrong paperwork was submitted. The right paperwork has been submitted for I believe over a year. I can get nowhere with this web site. I am currently being treated in the VA health care system for my malady. They have denied my disability but are treating me for it and have been for over four years. Does that make sense?

  3. Dan Baker July 10, 2024 at 20:23

    I found that the VA is only interested in denying claims. Apparently this new way to check the progress of your claim will only increase your frustration and anger as they work toward denying your claim.
    The VA sucks!

  4. Janice Henrichs July 10, 2024 at 19:53

    This system does not give you access to what was said at your C&P exam. It took 3 months for the C&p to get to the VA. I called a couple times a week to find out if they received the report. Finally the VA received it and now it’s 3 more months of waiting.
    One of my other claims which the judge sent back as he disagreed is still in limbo. The C&p examiner did not need me to come in as she said she had all the info she needed. Her report should be on my claim status so I can see it!

  5. David Arnold July 10, 2024 at 19:01

    This is nothing new. I see on my higher level review which is 9 months old now. It has been back on the reviewer desk since March 12 but yet the last status update was February 9. This information was provided to me by the individual I talked to the last 2 times I called the VA to check the status.

  6. Andrew Knaster July 10, 2024 at 18:08

    This sounds very good, but all that it provides me with is a quick way to view the fact that the VA has denied my claim for an injury incurred on active duty that was operated on in an Army Medical Center that needed to be fixed in a civilian hospital after I left active duty. I use to think that the VA cares. It seems it only cares about how much money it can deny veterans with legitimate service related injuries.

  7. Scott Reid July 1, 2024 at 03:37

    This article makes it sound like this has already happened, but it has not. My claim has be the same for 5 months now.

  8. Richard Belflower June 30, 2024 at 18:40

    Veterans need electronic access to their own Claims File in addition to this “enhancement”! And we need this now! I have submitted my FOIA request for my claims file on April 22, 2024. As of this note it is June 30, 2024 the status is Evidence gathering , review, and decision. which started on May 1, 2024. I not sure why VSOs and the VA can pull this up on the computer and yet veterans have to wait MONTHS and file a FOIA request to gain access to what is rightfully their own information. Let veterans have electronic access through there VA login!

    Also, this tool needs to break down Evidence gathering , review, and decision to two separate status “Evidence Gathering” then Review and Decision” because these are two separate entities that perform these functions.

    • Scott July 10, 2024 at 22:39

      Well said Richard

  9. Tom June 30, 2024 at 11:21

    its the same information no updated version…geez

  10. Tom June 30, 2024 at 11:19

    ive tried this system for over 1 hour and its the SAME information doesnt give a updated version

  11. Roberto June 29, 2024 at 11:06

    What a bunch of false information in this article. I have been using it frequently after they started bumping everyone off of the eBenefits site about 2 years ago, which in my opinion was slightly better than this “Enhanced” site. Who are you trying to fool. The information is okay for an initial claim, but submit a supplemental or HLR and you’re in the abyss! You feel like they forgotten about you and the only recourse is to call the 1-800-827-1000, and that’s another FUBAR issue! It’s a game of roulette, you may get a good experience but more often it will be a bad one. Let’s see, phone cuts off because they’re working remotely, hear a barking dog in the background, phone doesn’t cut off but you can only hear every other word they say, the the worst is that they read you a scripted response. If you are lucky, you’ll get that one CSR who will listen and actually be help full (they may call that CSR Rouge). I had one CRS say, “Its the same status as the last time you called”! Really!!!! Make the site better by having the same steps for HLR and Supplementals, that will truly be “Enhanced” .

  12. Michael Hein June 29, 2024 at 08:46

    Just let’s you see that nothing is being done on your claim and it sits months in limbo. It is as failed a system as it always has been. And calling does nothing. At least they say Thank You for Your Service. How about thanking me by processing my claim!

  13. Al June 28, 2024 at 16:27

    When does this roll out?

  14. Jesus Molina June 28, 2024 at 09:34

    When is this update supposed to happen? I use the app and go online and it provides the same vague information.

  15. Patrick June 28, 2024 at 06:43

    However, it is nev er truly updated, so expect no real truthful answers!!!

  16. BYUNG R. KIM June 27, 2024 at 13:11

    I reported Optum Serve for the lying scumbags they are. The examiner I had back in October of 2023 would not take my evidence I pulled from my “in service medical records” that the VA had. He said he already had or saw them. Then he lied on the report/exam and said I had no symptoms or evidence and denied my claim for hypertension. I appealed that with a Supplemental and it was assigned to Optum Serve again. Then Optum looked at my medical records from the WRIISC from Palo Alto. Funny thing is that I live in Southern California and my medical facility that I go to is the Tibor Rubin VA Long Beach Medical Center. Those two places are around 353 miles apart. I had reported the examiner from Optum Serve from the first C&P exam earlier. Now I get screwed over this second exam over a really stupid mistake. Why didn’t the VA claims examiner catch this? Why don’t ALL VA CLAIMS EXAMINERS CHECK VETERANS CURRENT MEDICAL RECORDS FOR WHAT CURRENT MEDICATIONS THEY ARE TAKING???? OR IF THEY HAVE A PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN WITH THE VA HEALTH SYSTEM CURRENTLY AND CHECK WITH THEM???? HOW IS THAT NOT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE? WHY IS THAT NOT CHECKED RIGHT FROM THE GET GO? WHY IS THAT NOT AT THE FRONT OF THE CLAIM ALONG WITH ANY CURRENT LAB RESULTS AND TEST RESULTS IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS, IF ANY? SIMPLE, RIGHT? IT’S 2024, FOR GUDETAMA’S SAKE!!! TECHNOLOGY…. THEN SOMEONE AT ASK.VA.GOV BLAMED ME FOR NOT GIVING THE CLAIMS EXAMINER THE CORRECT INFORMATION FROM THE BEGINNING. FOR GUDETAMA’S SAKE… REALLY? HOW MANY YEARS HAVE I HAD TO DO THIS? YOU GUYS ARE A MESS.

  17. Sean Killeen June 26, 2024 at 10:26

    Unfortunately this is the most failed system I have ever had the privilege of ever using? Currently my profile account on this “tool” does not represent anything in real time that is actually transpiring in any way? Currently my profile states that I’m in stage 3 out of 5 wich is the decion phase? Basically it is stating that there is nothing further required from me at this time? In reality, I have been scheduled for multiple C&P exams that are not represented anywhere or at anytime on my page that is visible causing confusion, validity and giant delays in my time involved to complete my claim as well as confusion.

  18. Tim L. Brook June 26, 2024 at 04:48

    Wasteful $ on junk that freezes my screen.
    What we need is some AI Reviewers.
    Can you imagine submitting a claim at 3am, & A.I. give an instant decision, instead of waiting years for a human error-filled decision?

  19. Patrick F. Bryan June 21, 2024 at 13:28

    This system is poorly if ever properly updated and kept updated and is there for useless and a waist of funding!!

  20. Roger K Growden June 21, 2024 at 10:19

    When checking the claim status, there is no information as to why there is a delay or explanation of why it’s confirmed and continued. Continued until when, forever? I have a claim that is confirmed and continued for over 3 years. “Government speak” means little or nothing to those not in the government and is usually to confuse the issue. Plain English in lay terms would be great.

  21. ELMORE June 20, 2024 at 19:18

    Please take into consideration WWII, Vietnam Veterans and others are in the ages ranging between 70-100 years of age and would be the most likely needing to their check claims, benefits status and my health VA. Mobile device platforms such as phones, tablets, notebooks, desktops and laptops can be extremely challenging to navigate for many veterans. The process of securing a personal online account itself is very challenging to the point of remembering correct answers to security questions or not being unable to correctly answer questions be locked out, login and access to your online account is then suspended. Any assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

  22. Jimmy June 20, 2024 at 18:54

    I have a claim that was initiated Oct 2023 it is still under review the claim status that is on the website is completely different from what the person on the 800 phone number tells me both can’t be true I would like some feedback

    • Scott July 10, 2024 at 22:45

      Do you have a DAV REP or another group helping you out ?
      If not get one.

  23. Kenneth John Rummel June 20, 2024 at 16:13

    system works a lot better when you update it occasionally

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