VA has a strong network of individuals who attended Historically Black Colleges or Universities (HBCUs), and recently, Kendra Lee, associate director of VA Bedford, and Shannon Jordan, engagement and workforce diversity lead in VA’s Office of Health Equity, visited VA Careers’ “Talk About It Tuesday” to discuss their HBCU experiences.

“A lot of what you pick up at HBCUs will serve you well at VA,” Jordan said. “That integrity ingrained in you, the belief in using your education and gifts to serve the greater good. The grit you develop… you find ways to learn what you need to learn, accomplish whatever you need to accomplish. Maybe you don’t have as many resources as other places, but you get the job done.”

“You want to be passionate about what you do, you want to be smart about what you do, you want to work hard, and you want to make sure it has a long-lasting impact,” Lee explained. “Those characteristics prepared me to work for an organization that has high reliability principles, and that is VA.”

Work at VA

Hear more from Lee and Jordan—including their advice to recent graduates—at VA Careers now, where you can also learn about VA’s efforts to connect HBCU graduates and students on LinkedIn.

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  1. Mark Edwards August 14, 2024 at 11:47

    All this focus on “equality” and “diversity” in hiring is a total waste of time, money and resources. Focus the and resources and energy on better health care for veterans!! Get rid of this DEI BS! Vote RED.

  2. Antonio R Cassagnol August 14, 2024 at 10:23

    HBCUs are vital part of the American life, culture, and education! They serve a vital role in providing critical service to the USA! The VA recognition of HBCUs is awesome and encourages HBCU graduates to apply for VA jobs and services! It’s vitally important that we have a diverse workforce that represent all faucets of the American population. Diversity is a professional multiplier that strengthens the talents and effectiveness of the workforce! Awesome job Department of Veteran Affairs!!!

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