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TERRA Search Promise has been completing POW/MIA research, recovery and repatriation missions since October 2020. Joining this unique mission allows Veterans to explore their service-connected past while influencing their own future.

“It is an honor for us to be involved in the global effort to bring our fallen comrades home to rest. We have a very real stake in the game,” said PJ Dermer, retired colonel and Terra Search Promise founder.

There are a variety of areas to serve from historical research to deployment. If your interests lie in military history, cultural and physical geography, archaeology, anthropology, project management, complex planning, logistics or leadership dynamics, please visit the Terra Search website for more information.

In fiscal year 2023, some 25,000 volunteers served more than 3.5 million hours at VA. Volunteers are a priceless asset to Veterans and VA.

Volunteering is good for your health, and it can enhance your overall mental, social and physical well-being. Volunteering also helps build stronger community connections, encourages physical activity and movement, and can alleviate loneliness, reduce depression and increase positive thinking. 

Check out volunteer opportunities at your nearest VA .

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  1. Thomas joseph Haddad September 19, 2024 at 01:39 - Reply

    I would like to do anything I can to help my fellow vets who are pow /mia

  2. Billy Ray Wilson September 18, 2024 at 23:25 - Reply

    As a former Project 404 and Joint Casualty Resolution Center assignee, I welcome any true attempt to recover the remains of US Missing In Action from the Vietnam Era.The organization cited may or may not know but the Missing In Action from the cited war have been classified as: Deceased, Body Not Recovered or Deceased, Body Not Recovered.

    Last year, I made a trip to the U.S. Embassy, Vientiane, Laos, to seek answers on why the remains of a RAVEN Forward Air Controller, US pilots on temporary duty in Laos, had not been recovered. Sadly, in my opinion, the failure of remains recovery has been and continues to be politics.

    I truly hope your organization has integrity and honor and will disgrace the lives of our countrymen and great nation.


  3. David September 18, 2024 at 19:50 - Reply

    This article makes no sense. How exactly are you assisting with “POW/MIA research, recovery and repatriation” at your local state VA?

  4. Gene Knight September 18, 2024 at 18:59 - Reply

    I can take care of the MIA system for the VA and DIA/POW/MIA I know all of them.

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