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At Face the Fight, we are dedicated to supporting Veterans and addressing the critical issue of Veteran suicide. This year, we are proud to collaborate with Starbucks to amplify VA’s Buddy Check Week, Oct. 21–25, 2024.

This initiative is crucial for raising awareness about mental health and providing essential support to Veterans, service members, their families, caregivers and survivors. Military and Veteran caregivers, who are championed by the Elizabeth Dole Foundation—a key strategic partner in Face the Fight’s coalition-building efforts—play a vital role in this mission, as they are often the first line of support for Veterans facing mental health challenges. Together with Starbucks, we’re hoping to make a significant impact in encouraging valuable peer-to-peer connections through:

  • Gift Card Donation: Starbucks is donating $10 gift cards to Face the Fight, which will be given to the first 10,000 individuals who Take the Pledge to check-in with 10 Veterans during VA’s Buddy Check Week. Gift cards will be sent via email on a first-come, first-serve basis, and will be distributed by early November.
  • Training Support: Take the free “Face the Fight: Basics of Veteran Suicide Prevention” training. This training equips participants with the skills to support Veterans in need, ensuring that more people are prepared to make a meaningful difference.

“We believe in the power of human connection and always aim to contribute positively to the communities we serve, and in support of these beliefs are honored to collaborate with Face the Fight in this important initiative,” said Leslie Jones, Veteran and Military Engagement at Starbucks. “By working together, we can help create a supportive environment for our Veterans, their families and those who care for them.”

We need your help in this vital mission. Please take the free Face the Fight training and be prepared to support a Veteran in need. Your participation can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

Together, we will create a strong, connected community for all those who have served our country and those who support them. 

Read more about Face the Fight at Face the Fight: Raising awareness and support for Veteran Suicide Prevention.

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Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

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  1. Not October 10, 2024 at 18:24 - Reply

    TEN vet buddies?? Tone deaf- how many of us even still know ten other living vets?

  2. Frank Bowers October 10, 2024 at 13:34 - Reply

    If one drinks star buck coffee they need to get a good cup of real coffee at any cafe as I am from La. I for sure would not drink their slop water.

  3. Mickey Green October 10, 2024 at 01:56 - Reply

    I pledge to check in with my vet buddies

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