Are you a Veteran who served at least two periods of service? In other words, did you reenlist? If so, there’s a chance that you’re eligible for additional G.I. Bill benefits.
Today, VA announced that it has updated its process for awarding G.I. Bill benefits. This means that many Veterans who served multiple periods of military service (for example, Veterans who reenlisted) may be eligible for additional benefits for themselves or their beneficiaries.
Specifically, under the previous policy, eligible Veterans who served at least two periods of service were forced to choose between the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post-9/11 GI Bill for a maximum of 36 months of G.I. Bill benefits. Under the updated policy, Veterans will no longer have to make that choice when they apply for benefits, meaning that they can qualify for up to 48 months of G.I. Bill benefits.
Many Veterans are also now eligible for additional, retroactive benefits. Specifically, Veterans who served at least two periods of service—one that qualified them for the Montgomery G.I. Bill and a second that qualified them for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill—may be eligible to receive up to 12 months of additional G.I. Bill benefits (bringing them to a total of 48 months). These Veterans may be eligible to receive 12 months of additional, retroactive G.I. Bill benefits (bringing them to a total of 48 months).
Who qualifies for this expansion?
Veterans who served at least two periods of service—one that qualifies for the Montgomery G.I. Bill and a second that qualifies for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill—may be able to receive additional GI Bill® benefits.
Will I be notified if I’m eligible?
Yes, VA will be distributing communications to potentially impacted beneficiaries.
My G.I. Bill benefits expired. Will there be an extension if I’m found eligible?
To receive an expiration date extension, applications must be submitted by Oct. 1, 2030.
Do I need to do anything?
Of the 1.04 million Veterans who may potentially be eligible for additional benefits, VA will be able to automatically adjudicate the claims for approximately 660,000 without any further action required on their part. For all remaining Veterans, VA will be reaching out to them directly to encourage them to file a claim.
When is the deadline to apply for those who need to take action?
Oct. 1, 2030.
To learn more about this change, including how to apply, visit the Rudisill info on VBA’s education service webpage.
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I’m looking for my GI Bill, I need to know if I had any part of the GI Bill, I got back in 1974
When can we expect the email notification to the eligible veterans to go out.
My GI, bill has expired am I still eligible.
Never used any education benefits, I had the old GI Bill join the Marines in 1972 reenlisted several times retired in 93 Do i have any education benefits?
I served in the US Navy (mar 75 – Mar 79) for 4 years and later in the Maryland National Guard June 84 – June 87)and received two honorable discharges and for pay purposes I have yielded to my country 11.5 years of service, am I eligible for VA benefits educational? Larry Carroll
Not under the provisions of this story, which requires you to serve active duty during the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) period AND during the 9/11 GI Bill period. You did neither.
You MAY be eligible for some Montgomery GI Bill benefits. To me, (I’m not an expert in any way) looks like your best bet is that you had 45 months education benefit from the Vietnam Era GI Bill that may have converted to MGIB in 1990. Check in with the VA.
Hey, I got screwed with the Reagan Era VEEP which I PAID INTO 1 dollar and the government matched with 2 dollars for a maximum benefit of 8100 dollars for college AFTER the Gulf War. We did not have Mont GI or the giveaway nowadays. Am I bitter…HELL YES! 8100 means 300 dollars a month for 27 months. Try paying for anything with that. How about a retro GI for those that got screwed during the lean REAGAN years when overpriced bombers that never dropped a bomb were more important than serviceman.
You knew what was being offered. You thought it was a good deal. You accepted the offer.
Someone else got a better deal later on. That doesn’t change your situation in any way.
Current military members only get 2% retirement pay per year of service (40% for 20yrs or 60% for 30yrs retirement). Your generation got 2.5%… so 50-75% retirement.
Should all retirees from the Reagan era get their retirement reduced to match what others are getting?
Do Officers qualify? Since we do not reenlist, however many of us received Voluntary Indefinite Status. Dose going from the National Guard after 8+ years in the Enlisted ranks. After going through OCS and being Commissioned, went on active duty and served an additional 11 years. Would any of this type of service count for additional benefits?
Don’t waste your time asking questions here.
“The comments section is for opinions and feedback on this particular article; this is not a customer support channel. If you are looking for assistance, please visit Ask VA or call 1-800-698-2411. Please, never put personally identifiable information (SSAN, address, phone number, etc.) or protected health information into the form — it will be deleted for your protection.”
[Editor: This is correct.]
I am definitely interested !!!
I served twenty years and seven months in the U.S. Army National Guard. I currently receive a small military pension. Is my thirteen year old son eligible for the G.I. Bill that I never used please?
Yes. Just have him apply when he is able to in college.
I think it’s very unfair that for every day we aren’t in school we don’t get BHA. How are we supposed to pay bills during school breaks or federal holidays? December-January is the worst….and for those that go to schools that do summer breaks..ugh.
This is a very good point. I hope they do something about it soon!
Back when the Post 9/11 GI Bill first started, they paid for breaks. They changed it a couple of years later. I doubt they will revert back to paying break pay.
What about those of us who used up all 36 months of benefits and then had to come out of pocket to finish our degree? Will there be a way to receive reimbursement?
That’s my question as well
I am waiting on the same news. I had to finish my Masters on my own dime. I hope their will be a way for us to receive reimbursement.
Does this pertain to those of us who were promised 48 months of Vietnam Era G.I. Bill benefits, but got out of the military too late to use them?
I personally served honorably for twenty years after enlisting under the terms of the Vietnam Era program. I got out of the service in 87′ and tried to take night courses one at a time, driving 30 miles to college. I was about one fourth of the way through my benefits when they were pulled in December 1990, and I was never reimbursed. The result was that I was not able to finish a program or obtain my master’s degree, thus greatly affecting my life and future earnings. I would never ask for anything I’m not entitled to, but this was something we were promised, and that we earned by putting our lives on the line. I have addressed this issue to my Congressman from Texas, John Carter, who is working to rectify this for us, but the VA and Congress should have never deceived us in this manner, and they should be the ones to FINALLY fix this. P.S. At this point I’m too old to go back to school, but I feel some measure of monetary compensation is in order. I’m sure the thousands of others affected would also be grateful. Please look into this. Thank you. – Sincerely, Kelvin Schmitz, LT, USNR (Ret).
I served 4 years starting in 1961. In the middle of this year I need to renew my membership.
How do I do this?
Hey VA! You going to post my comments or what?
I was part of stop loss. While I was in Illinois National Guard. I was actived and sent to Iraq. For a year. Does that time in the Army count?
WOW! Wiped my previous comment off of here. Tell me, how are you going to compensate me for the month-and-a-half I was scrambling to pay my bills by selling off my memories and personal belongings to pay for my rent and electricity? How are you going to compensate me for the fact that since I was unable to get a TIMELY RESPONSE from VA about WHY my Post-9/11 payment was so short and my credit score tanking? Does this mean you will be paying Arizona State University the money owed to them so I can get my B.S. in Finance Diploma?
Just would like to know so I can start planning.
Does this apply to stop loss?
Please include link or information on how to request extension
I have a side note for the future. I feel that veterans should get to buy in for dental. It is so damn expensive! Thanks, Les
I would like to known if I am eligible;
How much more time do I have left on my GI Bill for college?
I really hope that this article is accurate and up to date because I have been waiting to pick up after I was let down in 2020 when the VA ended its VRRAP program AND in the middle of me transitioning from Seattle, Washington back to my home of origin after the military. I was accepted and ready to attend the Catholic University of America to complete my Social Work degree when these services ended and I was left homeless without a place to live and without educational benefits. I have since then housed myself by serving in the homeless arena and because of my skillset and my ability to multi-task, property management, etc., I was able to attain housing but also I am trapped because I need my degree to be able to continue to complete in the field. I need this article to be true so that I can reach self sustainability like I was able to in Seattle, WA and continue to pursue my service commitment to those that are unhoused. I Used my educational benefits until they were ended. I would just like to be able to get assistance with housing and completing my degree, that is all I ask from the VA because I deserve it. Every veteran should have this opportunity after serving…
Sorry to hear that. Please pass this resource to those you are trying to help. Search for HUD VASH, people describe it as section 8 for vets.
Will the additional 12 months GI Bill benefits be transferred to dependents as the Post 9/11 GI Bill allows?
This is what I am wondering as a dependent. My mom used her 36 months to get her degree and now there is an extension, she was hoping it could be transferred to me, but she is already retired.
If your mom has a services connected disability rating, you may be eligible for Chapter 35 VA benefits. Look into it.
How long should we expect to wait until the benefits update and are available for use? Im currently on my last few months of benefits and could use the extra months to close out the school year.
What I don’t understand about this that it excludes other veterans from participating in this program. I am disabled veteran, I’ve been trying to upgrade my computer skills .I’ve been denied VR&E put in an appeal a year ago I still haven’t received any information on the status.After multiple requests, I thought
I would be eligible for this but again I’m excluded why not include all veterans not just a limited section of veterans don’t we all deserve to be able to upgrade our skills
Fayetteville VA 7300 Raeford Road North Carolina Eye Clinic;
Some staff are wearing attire that advocates “other than” VA Professionalism I. e.
Nose Rings
Can I get a pair of hearing aids please?
I retired on June 30th 2011, have not used any of my Post 911 educational benefit, how many yrs do I have to use my benefit?
Thank you,
Hi – someone from the VA should respond… But as far as I know, you have your entire life to use your benefits. The family members have a limit though – like 26 for children.
Trump removed all expiration dates… so no time limit on MGIB or Post 911 GI bill benefits…. even if your MGIB expired at the 10 yr piint, the removal made them available again so long as you had not exhausted your 4 yrs… and if this happened and you were still in service, Active, Reserve or Guard, and had a reenlistemint, you qualified for the 4th yr under post 911…
[Editor: Please find the correct information, here: ]
Correction: In your case, you must use the GI Bill within 15 years, so I believe that will be 2026 for you. Perhaps you have about a year and a half left of benefits. You’ll want to confirm it with the VA. There are plenty of ways to use it outside of regular University, so you can look into that. Here’s the breakdown of recent Gi Bills:
– VEAP and MGIB had a 10 year window.
– Post 9/11 GI Bill had a 15 year window if you separated prior to 1 January 2013.
– If you separated from active duty on or after 1 January 2013, there is no expiration date.
I do not know if I qualify for this could you let me know if I do.
Does the possible extension of GI Bill benefits only apply to active-duty soldiers or are National Guard Veterans eligible as well. I served 4 years active service, and have served 26 years in the National Guard with one deployment.
Applies to any all veterans… active, reserve, guard, veteran w 2 enlistments and retired or disabled w/VA rating… benefits vary based on rating and service connected status.
Hmm. When I joined up in mid-’73 I was promised GI Bill benefits. With the end of the Vietnam war there was introduced the “Vietnam-era”GI Bill, which was said to be good for 10 years from date of discharge or December of 1989, which ever came last.
However, when I went to use this “benefit” beginning in 1988 someone had changed the wording to read “whichever comes first”.
I am not holding my breath on this “adjustment” to the GI Bill.
I enlisted in 74′ under the original terms of the Vietnam Era G.I. Bill, which promised 48 months of free education and mentioned nothing about an expiration date. Much later we were told our benefits had to be used within 10 years or by December 1989, whichever came first. Sadly, I took the government at its word believing it would honor its commitment to us. I got out of the military in 87′ and attended night school one course at a time while working to support my family. I was about one fourth of the way through my benefits when they were unceremoniously pulled, leaving me high and dry, and unable to finish a program or obtain my master’s degree. I too feel that those of us (thousands) who were affected by this should be compensated, especially when you consider President Biden wanting to give free college to people who have never served a day in the military.
I have put two separate comments regarding the Vietnam Era G.I.Bill fiasco, and both were removed. It’s like there is a conspiracy to keep us quiet as if it never happened.
[Editor: All comments—–including those submitted overnight and over the weekend—–go into moderation prior to publishing.]
Thanks for the clarification, and thanks for re-posting my comments.
I served and used the Montgomery GI bill. I have a MA currently but would like for any extra monies to be awarded to my 21 yr old son who is currently in his Jr. year of a 4 year college in Newberry, SC. I read that dependents could be eligible. If so, please let me know so I can begin the process asap.
I sure wish the VA would reconsider those of us caught up in the Post Vietnam VEAP program where we were counseled NOT to give money and were NOT allowed to participate in the Montgomery GI program. You’ve bypassed a lot of veterans!
I was caught up in this as well. I really didn’t understand the scope of VEAP. Please provide any info if I can qualify for anything regarding the GI bill. I served from 1981 to 2001.
To be proactive who do we call and ask if we are eligible and if need to file the necessary paperwork?
Call the GI Bill Hotline, or click through above article and it will tell you how to apply.
I was screwed in 1985 with the VEAP program and signed up for VEAP and the bonds – they only took out the bonds and i didnt know ho to read an LES so after months in Millington i ahd no idea i wasnt paying into the VEAP program – then my division chief asked me why i wasnt signed up for VEAP at my first command and i said i signed up in orlando bootcamp? PSD never took out the money and in 1987 i think they offered VEAP stepchildren the Montgomery GI Bill – you still had to pay the 2700 to get5400 or 7100 ( i think) to get the MGGIB so i went to PSD Norfolk and filled out my allotment form – problem was we were in a squadron and went on detachment to the boat, the clerk didnt get to the allotment form because or PN’s picked up our records onto the kennedy to meet the granfather clause for VEAP stepchildren crappy program so there was no where to put my allotment. 2 months later it wasnt coming out and missed the deadline. 1998 i was finishing my degree through TA but wanted to make sure i tried to get a decision to allow me to pay the 2700 to get the MGGIB for after the service – the VA said denied (not about helping a veteran screwed over by the system – willing to pay 2700 to get the MGGIB but they say no) and wouldnt allow me to pay the money for VEAP when MGGIB paid 1200 – so its not about helping veterans and its not about allowing me to pay over 2x the MGGIB pay in – its about cost savings benifts AND NOT VETERANS BENEFITS. NOT ABOUT VETERANS AND HELPING THEM OR ALLOWING THEM TO PAY MORE THAN 2X THE MGGIB TO GET BENIFITS. I qualified for the 9-11 GI bill and used to near the end, then mine expires because i wasnt eligible when they paid a different pt of money giving more benefits to recent sailors, soldiers and airman. It said they would waiver if you had any time left but went passed 10 years —- money saving veteran screwing organization depending on when congress allows more money to give more time.
I was discharged honorably in 1970; I had to extend active service for governments convenience; am I eligible for one more year of gi bill benefits? Please respond!
I served and reenlisted in the regular US Army a total of 9 years then reenlisted in the National Guard
Trying to find out if I have any benefits coming to me as I have never have applied for them
I retired in 1991, can I transfer this time to my Granddaughter?
Veterans who joined before July 1, 1985, during the VEAP program, were not eligible for the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) when it was implemented. The Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act of 1996 allowed VEAP enrollees to switch to MGIB benefits, but only if they were on active duty on October 9, 1996, when the bill was signed. This left many pre-1985 veterans who didn’t elect to keep their VEAP benefits without access to any GI Bill benefits.
I served from 1984–1991 (during the MGIB period but was not eligible for it), had broken service, and then served again from 2001–2015, during which I earned the Post-9/11 GI Bill.
The Supreme Court’s decision suggests that veterans who served during the MGIB period and meet general eligibility requirements may qualify for those benefits—even if they didn’t enroll. However, some of us never ‘gave up the MGIB for the Post-9/11’ simply because we weren’t eligible for the MGIB to begin with. I’m curious how the VA will ultimately decide for those of us from the VEAP era.
Holy crap, Bob. You and I are in almost exactly the same circumstance, even to the dates. I served from Jan 1984-Dec 1990, not eligible for MGIB because I was under VEAP. I then had a break in service, and served again from 2001-2014 (when I retired). When I came back in 2001, they told me I wasn’t eligible for MGIB because I was a VEAP-area enlistee. I did earn the Post-9/11 GI Bill, but never had to “relinquish” my MGIB because I never had it.
I think this really falls into the category of “falling between the cracks,” and I hope someone at the VA realizes this and fixes it.
Wow – this is almost scary weird… I got out in Jan. ’91 – so one month after you. Our service dates are so close, and our ‘break’ is almost the exact same. We’re living parallel lives or something. I can’t wrap my brain around it.
Yes, we’re definitely in a gray area, and I’m going to pursue it further… I still have the full 3 years, and my youngest child ‘might’ use it. If not, I’ll continue my education – and 4 years would be much better.
1. Masters in Government, Harvard, because the proseminar wasn’t complete after two semesters, and wasn’t accepted yet in the masters program, the program halted my whole program so now have to finish proseminar out of pocket and can’t afford that, especially since its in Cambridge proper… Wish this new GI bill may I go for my proseminar without the problem of the VA paying?
2. Can I transfer these benefits, I am 100 percent total and… so can’t go back in to transfer the benefits… still a chance I can transfer the benefits…??
thanks and Happiest of New Years
A good thing. But there is also a category of vets left out. Here is my situation. I used my 48 months of Vietnam Era educational benefits. I joined the Reserves at SEPS in 79 and drilled for many years. Mobilized twice after 9/11 for another year or more of active service including Iraq. But no corresponding additional education VA benefit. Oh well.
So then how do I get REIMBURSED for the months I had to scramble to find money to pay my bills and having my credit score shot to hell because my benefits got cut on me at the end of my degree? Plus, does that mean the school I couldn’t pay for gets reimbursed so that I can actually get my B.S. Diploma in Finance from Arizona State? Would really like to know.
This is great but what if I was denied benefits for my Masters and ended up taking out loans? Will they pay my back the equivalent value? Sure hope so…
It would be nice if those that were under VEAP got some additional education benefits.
What if you served one period of service, paid into Montgomery, but then the post 9/11 GI bill became the standard during your service? In other words, everything is the same except it’s one period of service.
So my benefits expired in 2021. I am currently using VR&E at the lower rate. Will the 12 months be automatic or do I need to do something? The article says it’s going to take 22 months and I might be done by then.
Does this apply to reenlisting in the reserves (first contract was active duty)
I served the U.S. Navy for 21 years and I retired in April 1993. As far as I know, I used partially the old Montgomery GI bill.
My questions are listed below:
1. Am I eligible or entitle to these additional VA educational benefits even though I am already 74 years old?
2. Can I use these VA educational benefits in the Philippines since I live 6 months here every year and 5-6 months in Lakewood, California?
Okay, your email title caught my interest. But, the lelltale of heartlessness, is to broadcst it as if VA is doing this for ALL veterans.
Yet, one finds that 2 tours is NOT enough.
I also served w a disability, neither I or Induction Screening, knew about. Yet, having been diagnosed after discharge, VA has proved itself despondent about honoring their mistakes w disability benefits.
Perhaps VA might use the excess funding, to re-wire their computers to excluded emails from everyone they already decided to exclude from all those benefits.
That appears as a driver drawing attention, by blaring horn for no applicable reason.
ASKVA has been down for over a week. Do you know when it will be up and running.
I need more GI Bill money.
My daughter recently used my 911 GI Bill for her bachelor’s degree and graduated 2023 can these new benefits be transferred to her for future education?
I enlisted Sept 1976 and retired on early retirement program in May 1995. I believe I used up all of my old GI bill benefits and few months used on Chapter 31. Would they add 12 more months to whatever is left in my entitlement?
Once again we Vietnam Veteran’s are left out.
it shouldnt be this way for Nam vets.
I believe you qualify. The VA should have sent you an email that you qualify under the program.
Thousands of us have waited waited over 30 years for Congress and the VA to rectify the Vietnam Era GI Bill fiasco. To my knowledge, late Senator John McCain introduced legislation to make things right for those involved, but this effort led nowhere. My Congressman, John Carter R-TX, is currently looking into this, but excuse me if I am less than optimistic, since our current leadership would rather provide free college to people who’ve never served a day in the military than to those who served faithfully and to whom it was promised.
I tried to have my Congressman help with 2 additional Gibill changes with no traction. (1) allow the service member to apply their remaining benefits towards student loans. This would not only help existing members but recruitment efforts. Personally I went to expensive schools that exceed my allocation (USC, Harvard) and resulted in federal loans. (2) Eliminate reenlistment requirements for benefits transfer and let the service member transfer their Gibill to spouse or kids at their own will.
What is this with two terms?
What about veterans who WEREN’T indecisive and served 1 term for 25 freakin’ years?
People who gave a third or more of their lives in service – is it just to heck with them? And they’re going to give another year to people who bailed then came crawling back?
That’s a load of dung.
Would a veteran be able to transfer these benefits to a dependent?
Great News
Wow it wouldbe nice if that were available to me but I got out in 1995 so I guess not. I would love to take some welding classes
What if a veteran used up all GI bill benefits of 36 months and got student loans for a masters. Is that masters eligible to have the loans paid off if they get the additional 12 months now?
There are a number of veterans like myself who enlisted when education benefits were called Veterans Education Assistance Program (VEAP) and since I had not paid into VEAP at the time it was converted to the current GI Bill, I lost all education benefits. So, even though I served 20 years active duty and am a veteran of the 1st Gulf War, I have never had education benefits. I always thought that was a crappy way to handle that.
Here is my situation: I served enlisted in the Army National Guard from 1989-1995, then in the IRR from 1995-1997. I used the Montgomery GI Bill for reservists when I went to college from 1990-1994. It was like a whopping $200 a month or something. Then I went on active duty as an officer in 2000 and served for 20 years. I thought I would get the post 9-11 GI Bill, but all I got was 14 months of benefits for it because of my previous GI Bill use . . . does this mean I will get another 12 months? For a total of 26 months of post-911 GI Bill benefits? That would be great!
Will the additional benefits come with the payment for bah?
I am the spouse of my deceased husband, Joseph Edwin Mitchell, United States Army.
[Editor: Please do not publish SSN or other sensitive information on the internet. I have deleted it from your comment.]
How does this affect the people that didn’t use their GI bill when they got out because I would like help repair to home I live in and possibly buy the other half farm but doubtful it will do any good.
I served for 23 years. I used my educational resources (TA) while I was active duty. Received my BBA right after my retirement. Afterwards, I pursued a Master of Ministry degree and completed that. I reached my delimiting date in June 2023, yet I still had approximately $16,000 of educational benefits. This caused me to have to put my second Masters on hold. I pray ? I am one of the veterans that has additional benefits. I am only two classes from my Masters in Biblical Studies. Please let me know what the next step of action is that I need to take. Thank you for the educational opportunities that I have been given to serve others, hopefully as a Mission or Discipleship Pastor.
I gifted mine to my children before I retired w the proper ADSC, so they will now get 48mths vs the 36, or is this just for the veteran?
How will the benefits be carried out? Will the ere be a stipend like with the Post 9/11? Or will it depend on which benefit you used previously? For example, if you use the P9/11, does it mean that you would now receive the benefits under the MGIB?
As a former Personnelman Second Class and a Veteran who qualifies for this, I will tell you this, you have to exhaust all of the MGIB first, then the post 9/11 kicks in. All they are saying is that if you qualified for both they will be gifting you an additional 12 months of the P9/11. The article says the VA will automatically extend it and you do nothing. If they do not extend this offer to you, you have until 2030 to apply to find out if you are qualified.
This will obviously take time to run its course and I am positive that the majority of the veterans educational personnel at your college knows very little about this yet.
So my suggestion is to give it a few semesters and let other students go through the frustration of paving the way so by the time you apply it will already be a subject the VA and the college are knowledgeable and well versed in.
So if I exhausted my MGIB then it’s possible I can still use my P9/11?
Benefits you say?
I can’t even get the DAV rep in Jackson ms to fill out his part of the form needed to represent me with the VA.
I paid into and used 8 months of the MGIB, while on active duty and obtained my BS and MA on active duty. I transfered the remaining entitlement to the PGIB to my dependents after serving more than the required 10 years. My hope is to obtain up to the additional 12 months of benefit or at the very least I get the entitlement restored back to 36 months from the 28 I currently have.
Try filing through your account.
Hey Mike! I recommend reaching out to your local Veteran Service Office to assist. I had the American Legion assigned to mine with no involvement from me. Your local rep is below. Hope it helps!
Mamie Pickett Brown
Veterans’ Service Officer
316 South President Street
Jackson, MS 39205-0686
Phone: 601.968.5408
How do I use the extra 12 months of my post 9/11 gi bill? I used 36 months already.
Remember it’s not just for college but also for training or certification fees or tradeschool etc, or wait to give to your children.
My understanding is that if you used your 36 months of Post 9/11 GI Bill, and meet the criteria for this – it will give you 12 months of Montgomery GI Bill only. Not 12 additional months of Post 9/11.
ugh, darn – I was hoping it would be an additional 12 months of P911-GIB
I served 30 years in the Unites States Marine Corps and my dependants used my GI Bill benefits for college. I served from 1982 until 2012, do I fall into that window of qualifying for the additional 12 months?
All who who are entitled to both GI bill should get what they were promised, signed up for, served for, earned period. No short changing the very people who went and fought for freedom. Many died and can’t receive not even a penny in this benefit.
Give the living what they are entitled to. Twelve additional months is a rip off.
Do the right thing and show some dignity.
Well, if you put it like that, those who signed up before 9/11 would only get MGIB since that’s what we agreed to and had no idea that the GI Bill would be changing. This is really great that some eterans are able to get more than what they were promised and signed up for.
I believe they are being generous to all who have served. I don’t understand your point stating it is a rip off.
This is great news, especially for veterans who have already exhausted their benefits.
I served during the Vietnam war and when I etsedi went to school for 1 year how dppopes this affect my scolding benifits they said after 10 years I was n longer eligible when I tried to go back
Please read my entries above. Thousands of us got caught up in this, believing the government would stand by the commitment it made to us when we enlisted.
What of you were stop lossed for 2yrs vs reenlisted?
That’s my question too. I was stop-lossed for an extra 15 months in 2008-09 for a trip to Iraq. I never technically re-enlisted though.
Unfortunately I don’t think this counts. Your paperwork will read differently than someone who reenlisted, or someone who did two terms that weren’t back to back. I hope you qualify, but the way claims work, I feel like they will deny them where they can.
I have the same question. Glad to see it asked. Hopefully somebody can answer this.