In a recent video message from his desk at VA Central Office, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins addressed media concerns that Veterans’ benefits might be targeted for cuts.
“I’m the Secretary of VA, and I’m telling you right now, that’s not happening… the reality is, Veterans benefits aren’t getting cut,” Collins said. “In fact, we are actually giving and improving services.”
He went on to emphasize that the Veterans Benefits Administration is clearing cases faster than ever and that VA remains mission-focused by doing what it is supposed to do.
Now, in his first full week on the job, Collins also addressed concerns about the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and rumors regarding access to Veterans’ personal information. He clarified that DOGE representatives at VA are reviewing contracts to ensure operations remain efficient and that resources are directed toward services for Veterans.
“I’m happy to partner with them to find things we need to get rid of so we can put the money where it belongs… back with our Veterans,” he said.
Collins reinforced VA’s dedication to fulfilling its mission under President Trump’s leadership and concluded his message with an assurance of ongoing transparency regarding developments at VA.
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The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an [...]
These politicians will say whatever they need to say to make it seem as if they care. They don’t care about me or you. I have been fighting for disability compensation since 2018 and my claims continue to get denied by someone sitting in a cubicle making decisions about whether or not my injuries were caused by my service to this country. The way the VA is set up is backwards. The VA shouldn’t be denying anyone their benefits that they earned. In fact, the VA should be the ones to prove that the injuries you sustained weren’t from the military, not the other way around. The way this country treats its veterans is shameful. Now we have a new Secretary of the Va but the same old BS. No transparency . I would love to talk to this Va Secretary but they have no interest in fixing this disaster. Just collect a paycheck that is paid for by you and me .
DAC (Disabled American Veterans) has nothing to do with and does not receive any money from the government. DAV exists to help veterans, their widows/widowers and dependants deal with VA.
I sent am email to the DAV a month ago asking them to help me with my claim.. I still haven’t received any response. It is good that the President is getting rid of the dead beats.
s south korea 67-68 agent orange–7 years + if presumption of exposure is verified by VA
if diseases are on the VA list that VA excepts THEN why would the VA deny benefits it may be the system GOOD LUCK
fellow veterans please lets try to mind our words and stand by if we have nothing positive to contribute on this message forum- lets try to work together as i write this their are 2,238 comments on here and some are well intentioned, some are revealing our divide amongst our sides. I am on neither side I am with all of you as fellow Americans. This forum has been open since 05 November 2010, this thread has gotten the most comments ever and some are positive other’s are honest. I want to leave a food for thought moment, you are drowning in the ocean and the person who can save you is from across the aisle your political opposite. Is our divide animosity so strong that we may think it best to drown instead of receiving support from a fellow American.
aguilar santos
Fuck that. Fuck trump and fuck anyone who supports him. They are a threat and should be treated as such. Your both sides nonsense accomplishes nothing.
We need to get rid of nonVetrans in Key administration positions of regional VA Offices
Yes! They are mostly contractors. They are in charge of approving our benefits.
It’s sad that there are so many misinformed or ignorant postings on this site against President Trump. The government is going to run out of money and no one is going to get any benefits if the US goes bankrupt and the currency is devalued and we lose the dollar as a reserve currency. Most government offices, need to be reformed, but accurately reformed.. the number of NGO’s ripping off the taxpayer is phenomenal.
Eat shit, moron. Trump supporters are traitors and fascists.
I don’t trust them yet.
Don’t trust trump loyalists ever.
This person was on a network espousing how they cut only those who need cutting. Acknowledging he states lawyer first in his bio, where does he get his healthcare? Have gotten nothing but excellent service at the VA as did my father. Thank you Veterans.
More talk—–Wants you to think ,he talks the talk, to make things happen—-I can not see the end of my claim and it’s on it’s 13th month —-no communication anywhere in this Circus, travel on your time and gas and then wait for ages to even get reimbursed ——this is a like real life scene from FBI last Monday——-that was the truth.- check the reruns on Paramont that is what 100’s of our Vets are going thru.
great now find those files and pay them been ready since 2023 oct was to pay may 2024 o ou are the only one per admirals etc who is at that pay level to okd and pass to payables then after 286 pd they are the oldest wating then take pf the next bunch it is not hard sit down and get this done about 3 hrs of your time also cant communicate stil waiting for pass code so where is that email. next is there no funds to take care this tell the yrue factsor jd is over this dept need help i will drive there and read each file you neglecting for some reason retirement is noexcuse so sPitit out i am older than you. so man show some guts if this postion is beyond your norm then step aside
I’m wondering what happened to Mike Nachinek over the department of Veterans affairs? I couldn’t even get a case number through my father’s illness John Paul Brewer retired US Navy. My cases are at Mayes county in appeal . I sent complaints today online to HHS and I would like prosecution due to a letter from Donald J Trump President to stop false hospice.
Very unliley that anything gets better, when so many people (incluyding a ton of VETS) are getting fired. Sounds like more fo that “Just Believe me” stuff. Would love an IG that is a retired VET put in place and the VA leadership actually woirks with him to cut waste but employ imprvement prgrams WITH Measurable metrics.
One of the problems I have experienced is when I ask for a referral for community care outside of the VA. Sometimes it takes several months. Case in point, it took me from September last until March 11 this year 2025. I found out it was sent to VA several times. It was found to be on head dentist in Tuskegee since Jan 18 of this year. Had to get another’s Doctor to override last week. This happens quite often with my primary doctor at the Podeshef Clinic in Columbus Ga.
Thank you
Billy Cumbie
Dear Honorable secretary of Veterans affairs. Please contact the President to force prosecution around a Sept 17 2019 VA case filed in the Mayes county courts with inspector general HHS complaints made today. I will have to go back and submit Medicare and Medicaid information. Please study cases at for international false profiling around healthcare that led to inveigling,elder abuse,medical restraints through false hospice under Sheriff Mike Reed Pryor Ok
You will not get a meaningful response from these incompetent fascists. They do not care about veterans.
These community care are kids fresh out of college. Community Care really SUCKS!!!!!!!
Do,you really expect Vets to believe this pack of lies? Trump just cut 37,000 VA jibs!!!!
Well, you’ll be happy to know that a federal judge just ruled that no employees at the VA will be terminated. Those who have must be reinstated immediately. VA secretary Collins has lost all credibility with the veterans and really should step down.
On behalf of veterans everywhere, go fuck yourself.
The harm against Veterans has been going on since 1979, not just ten years!!! Will a female disabled Veteran be harmed, treated badly, and attempted lethal harm if she goes to the VA now? West Virginia VA treated me very well and cared about my health. But in other VA hospitals, there was way too much violent, destructive, intentional harm!!! Acting above the law like we don’t matter only certain ones. Never corrected, or those attacking Veterans never held accountable!!! Can we female Veterans, whistleblower Veterans, and Veterans that people don’t like to get to go to the VA without being harmed in any way? I hope so without people toying with our lives!!! Than you for being there for us!!!
Dear Sec Collins, Here is an email I sent out earlier today CONGRATULATING one of your employees but offering CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS/SUGGESTIONS to improve the services being provided by the VA FMP office to those of us who live/work outside the USA.
Dear Ms. Grace, (and Mr/Ms No Name Regional Office Director, CMS/VA Pittsburgh Regional Office (311)),
More great news!!! I received notification yesterday that the VA had been SUCCESSFUL in transferring my first payment from the VA ELECTRONICALLY. So, thank you once again, Ms. Grace, for making this happen so promptly!!! I hope that Sec Collins’ office has commended you on your outstanding CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!
HOWEVER, consistent with the promises that Sec Collins made on 5 Feb 2025: still leaves me with more questions.
We’re going to deliver timely access to care and benefits for every eligible Veteran, family member, caregiver and survivor.
We’re going to put Veterans at the center of everything VA does, focusing relentlessly on customer service and convenience.
We’re going to challenge the status quo in order to find new and better ways of helping VA beneficiaries.
We’re going to celebrate the vast majority of VA employees who do a great job every day and hold employees accountable when they fall short of the mission.
We’re going to provide Veterans with the health care choices they have earned while maintaining and improving VA’s direct health care capabilities.
In the context of these promises, and given I am still holding Mr/Ms No Name Regional Office Director, CMS/VA Pittsburgh Regional Office (311) accountable for all these SNAFUS, given the original amount the VA transferred was $8,278.18 but the actual money credited to our account was only $8,139.08, I want to know WHY was I PENALIZED $139.10 (1.68%) when you were told originally that my preference was to use a dollar-dominated account? Does this meet the letter or intent of what Sec Collins has promised us? Is this what any Vet deserves for his/her service?
So here are the questions I am raising with the expectations that the yet-to-be-identified Regional Office Director, CMS/VA Pittsburgh Regional Office (311), will not only provide ANSWERS but will be PROACTIVE in making or facilitating the appropriate changes to bring the EXISTING policy and procedures in line to REFLECT the LETTER and INTENT of the COMMITMENTS Sec. Collins promised.
QUESTIONS NEEDING ANSWERS AND CORRECTIVE/REMEDIAL ACTIONS from Mr/Ms. No Name Regional Office Director, CMS/VA Pittsburgh Regional Office (311) to meet the letter and intent of Sec. Collins promises:
1) I originally provided a local USD dollar account with my local bank, but the VA informed me that they cannot/will not transfer to the dollar account, only to an Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) dominated account. Why should I, having provided my services to our country and now as a CUSTOMER of the VA, be expected to incur the risk of exchange rate fluctuations? Why have I been penalized $139.10 because the VA cannot/did not follow my original instructions?
2) Why isn’t the VA ITEMIZING the payments? The VA paid $8,278.18, but how much of that was against the DISABILITY ($471.23 X 13 months = $5,482.49), and how much of that was REIMBURSEMENT of VA APPROVED payments for out-of-pocket medical expenses? ($29,775.06 through 23 Jan 2025) Without a detailed itemization showing what the VA FMP has paid and what you have not yet paid, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, for either you or us to manage the cash flows.
As noted, this email with attachments is being submitted on Sec Collin’s message page.
Thank you again!!
Dr. PDG, Jakarta
Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, CDT, CCE, MScPM, MRICS
Senior Technical Advisor, PT Mitrata Citragraha
You will not get a response from those incompetent fascists. They do not care about veterans. Don’t believe their lies.
You are a liar.
Quit lying and eat shit, trumpie.
Fuck you and fuck doge and fuck trump you fuckers. You have alienated queer veterans and you are fucking liars. Rot in hell where you belong. I hope this administration crashes and burns and takes all you supporters with it. Fucking traitors all of you. Piss off.
Why are our comments and questions on here being deleted? That just proves that the basic intent of the current VA administration is to manage what we hear and say in this forum because the administration is about to screw us out of our disability and benefits, While they swear they aren’t going to eliminate them. 80,000 firings will surely devastate veterans care and services.
No mention of a national day of rallies IN SUPPORT OF VETERANS… in state capitols.
March 15, noon, GO to your state capitol please.
Ok chief I’m a 60% DV served in the Air Force so you say there is no cuts at the VA. So all the Veterans that they laid off is made up that’s why no one believes in the government anymore its just hurry up and wait BS. if you served you know what that means. How can anyone work for a person that has dodged service and made fun of veterans all the time. This fool lost my respect when he talked shit about Sen. John McClain and now he has a Nazi doing something about waste ok, where is the money that he has saved its are money tax payer money not the governments. God save the USA from these idiots.
Why are our comments and questions on here being deleted? That just proves that the basic intent of the VA is to manage what we hear and say in this forum because the administration is about to screw us out of our disability and benefits, While they swear they aren’t going to eliminate them.
Whoever came up with your new log in system to my health vet, should be fired. It took me over an hour just to figure out how to sign in. Do you think a guy at my age could do this? Having to take numerous pictures of my driver’s license is just over the top. I had to take several pictures to get an approval. I am really upset with this nonsense. I am not a computer expert. What do you mean having to put in a website? Most people do not know their website.
That is what I would like to know. I haven’t been able to log in since December becuase of it.
Ok so it isn’t just me having this issue. Since late mid December I haven’t been able to log in. No matter what site I am sent to in order to correct the issue it fails.
Thank you for that information, my husband is 100% Vietnam vet,he also have PTSD,and agent orange disability.Glad to know he will be taking care of.We both are disable.I used to work for VA Hospital in the 1990’s and they were not good at all,a lot of messy people who was really mean, even before Trump was president,I had a hard time getting help from VA, and the hospital was awful, we had a hard time getting him approved for disibility.Still have a problem getting appointments and things he need,I hope things get better with Present Trump.
I am so pleased that the Agent Orange claims. Will not end.
I was exposed in the 1960s and now suffer from CLL leukemia.
My claim was opened in September of 2024. And I am in the process of submitting evidence of exposure.
Edward N Peters
[Editor: Do NOT publish your SSN or other personal information on the internet. I have removed it from your comment.]
He lied in Congress and he is still doing it. He is just another lying puppet MAGA MAGGOT!
He is a veteran
Doesn’t matter; still a fascist traitor.
Being a veteran doesn’t automatically make you a good person. I’ve known many great people during my time in the service but also plenty of not so great people. I bet this new puppet is just as greedy and gluttonous as his master regardless of years of service. Stock up and get ready vets, I don’t see this ending without bloodshed on US soil.
My husband, Wayne A Pfuhl, was a US Army veteran and a retired police officer. His ashes were interred at the Ft Snelling National Cemetery in Minnesota on December 23, 2024. I placed a request for the Presidential Memorial Certificate for my husband to be signed by Donald J Trump. Can you advise if or when this request will be honored?
Glad to hear this. but not convincing enough about Dodge. Dodge is BREAKING every law in its path, and he had not one word to say about that. He must be another Trump suck up.
If you are associated with Trump Administration, I don’t believe you.
That’s why you’ll always be a sheep.
I hear Putin unzippig his fly. Line up to service him like a good tRumper. ?
Lick that boot, bow-n-scrap like a good tRumptard.
Sheep are the ones who don’t blindly follow something?
All this is confusing. I was trying to check my husband’s appointments on My Healthevet and got into this website. So many changes – they just changed the login procedures and now not sure what is happening. My husband uses Community Care for many appointments as getting appointments at the VA clinic was impossible or took months. Hopefully, the new Fredericksburg clinic will change that. It is very nice, but empty. As the speciality clinics are moved in I’m sure it will fill up. Most of the staff members are pleasant and do a good job. Mostly, the procedures for getting care could use some changes.
Woundering why the VA clinic In Athens ohio will not put our president’s picture up .They had know problem putting Biden picture on the wall !!!
I can’t stand looking at Trump, he is a criminal grifter.
MR. Collins keep up the great work. I for one have had nothing but good experiences with the VA. There is a lot of hateful comments in this thread must be the Air Force. Keep up the good work, people need to relax and trust the process.
well, don’t expect those good experiences to continue as these cuts will result in fewer personnel to help with paperwork, doctors to find and treat illnesses, and facility maintenance personel.
Next they will be requiring all disabled vets to be “re-assessed” under requirements that will push them out of care and into the streets. Trump doesn’t like losers that get captured or injured.
fellas… fellas Much emotion discharged in all this commentary. BUT I FEEL YOU ALL! This battle for benefits is real for many a soldier who deserves what’s his… But for all the others who never proved themselves during their time of service, then shame on you for taking what’s not yours!
As for our new secretary, Doug Collins (and regardless of political orientation), we deserve to give this man the benefit of doubt but keep him in the “cross hairs” by measuring every word he says…. Verifying every promise he makes… Monitoring his deeds! And if he fails, let’s expose him then…. BUT if he performs and “does what he says he is going to do when he says he is going to do it”..then he deserves our praise and support.
That’s right fellas, lets grant this man the opportunity to prove himself battle ready.
Time will ALWAYS either prove you or expose you!
What the hell are you talking about. Does everyone who served have to receive a Purple Heart. I am USN and went to Nam and was washed over the side of my ship off the coast at 2 in the AM. We were pulling plane guard for the Midway. I served 3 tours, so bite ne. KMAMF.
Why would anyone trust him when he’s straight up lying to us?
I am outraged that, as the purported leader of the VA, you are not doing everything you possibly can to disrupt and thwart this clear authoritarian plan to cut federal jobs, VA healthcare, and every other society-improving program that actually does good in this country. You should be ashamed of yourself, but it appears no one up there in the exec branch even has the ability to feel shame. So I am ashamed for you, and all those like you, who talk out of both sides of your mouth when trying to justify your actions. It’s reprehensible, and if you are not willing to lie down in front of the DOGE bulldozer for your constituency then you should just resign for principle and let someone more qualified and dedicated take the reins. Get out while you still have some semblance of a soul. Not that you ever did, by the looks of it.
trump hired him. Of course he’s a loyalist.
I am completely shocked at the betrayal of this administration to its veterans. From mass firings across the federal government not based off performance of duties which affect numerous veterans to now cutting all their benefits and forcing the veterans around our nation who paid in blood t o have the bean counters turn their back on our veterans and have them suffer medically and possibly face homelessness is very disturbing and shameful. These actions will come full circle when all the veterans get a chance to vote this next go round and based off the above this administration is going to have to own this when the chips fall on them. So disgusting and shameful. May god have no mercy for these actions. I pray that we have no veterans die due to these actions.
Mr. Collins needs to crawl back into the hole he crawled out of. This is a privatization scheme. This is capitalism run amok. This is corruption in broad daylight. Someone’s going to have fat contracts and it won’t help the veteran. Traitors, all of you.
Doug you are blue falcon , and a coward!! I bet you are receiving full benefits, while veterans are getting their taken away. Everyone sees through your lying Ass!
Why did you make a video to lie.? The cuts are posted on the Congressional Budget site. What is your problem? Can you read? I’m not sure you can because i am not sure you are qualified to hold the position.
As a service connected veteran I will be looking for a more streamlined VA system with better care. Staff that actually care about us the veterans.
Va Secretary. Please stop acting incompetent. You have not been in office long enough to know what is or not good for the VA. Certainly letting Thousands go to any other means than Retirement is not being responsible or competent. Veterans signed a contract: Service Time and in return, life time treatment by VA. Not even you can or should try to do anything to derail such.
You took an oath of office. That Oath was not to a Man, King, Queen, Lunatic, or wannabe Dictator. The VA cannot afford to let anyone go without cause. Stop listening to Trump or anyone else.
Reduced service levels are just the first steps towards privatizing the VA.
You create a problem by cutting funding and service levels, and then say the solution is to privatize the system so the rich can get richer.
Complete BS from this guy, he accepted slashing jobs in the VA. Then when people actually working at the VA say hey this is hurting us and hurting vets he goes on air and denies that lost jobs are causing issues. A total scumbag who will throw us all under the bus and rip away our benefits just to benefit himself and his masters.
Doug Collins is the definition of a Bravo Foxtrot.
Respectfully – This sounds like you’ve never called the public phone number for the VA. How is cutting your workforce going to make a vital and already understaffed department better able to help our Vets&their families? A huge percentage of VA workers are vets themselves, including disabled vets. Isn’t one of the goals to get Americans working? In past administrations when specific Fed jobs were deemed redundant the workers were retrained and given the opportunity for more efficient, needed jobs at equal if not higher pay. How is kicking these hard working Americans into the unemployment line pro-America? It seems like the ‘cuts ledger’ has only 1 side; these people (who’ve never served in the military, some of these kids are barely old enough to enlist) who are taking a slegehammer to the workforce seem to be (purposely?) neglectful of the future losses these cuts will cause. It can already take months for vets to be seen for therapy, medical care, job training etc. The faster our vets can get the benefits they need, to stay healthy and back to joining their families and communities, the better off for all of us. There are reports the VA Suicide Hotline is going to stop training because .. heaven forbid.. there are mentions of ‘LGBTQ’ in the training materials. While individuals are free to fear whoever they want the fact is LGBTQ people exist, there have always been LGBTQ Americans who have served our country. Shame on anyone trying to blame them for these ridiculous cuts -Turning your back not only on them, but on every other service member who is at the point of considering suicide is unconscionable. Please show what the US Military is supposed to stand for: protect our fellow Americans. Countries are not ‘businesses’ working to make profits for a handful of shareholders. The measure of ‘greatness’ isn’t a high profit margin. Stop selling out our veterans for a handful of businessmen who’ve never served and see those who did as ‘suckers’.
I live in a rural area. We do not have local VA health care. This requires us to travel sometimes hours to get health care. I’m the last month travel pay has been turned over to a new agency that will not allow any contact from veterans and is denying my claims that have been verified valid requiring us to overload the appeal system to wait years to have valid claims paid while we suffer to obtain care so that someone in Washington can claim they are reducing fraud. There is no fraud here, when you can assign a contact number for vets to call in and review travel claim I will believe that you are not cutting. I have had 3 claims denied in the last month and need care. If you care, contact me… Then I will believe you aren’t blowing smoke.
Sure my stepdad been dead 3 yrs and still no grave marker.
Then why Mr Secretary is the Legion having to push the Major Richard Star Act. Currently, combat-injured veterans face a reduction in their retirement pay for every dollar of disability compensation they receive. You lie. What’s next? Thank you for being another puppet in the Trump Musk Romper Room show. Resign sir.
I find your videos to be absolutely arrogant and condescending. You do cheerleading for a POTUS who a 34x felon who DOES NOT respect vets. You say none of these haphazard cuts will affect healthcare but that is absolutely NOT TRUE and you know it. Stop lying! You KNOW the Veterans “Veterans Access Act” paves the way for pushing most and eventually ALL VA provided healthcare out into the Community so… Stop Lying (or hey, if you were unaware, see the assessment of this bill on Military.Com). You must be aware that there’s a GOP proposal to REDUCE VA disability payments by 30% once a disabled vet reaches 65.. right? Where are ya with that Mr. Doug? You’re also aware of the GOP proposal to reduce the healthcare services to those under 30% right Doug? Where are you with that? VA’s routinely SCORE HIGHER during Joint Commission audits than their civilian counterparts…. WHY Doug, would you want to dismantle a system proven to be better than outside hospitals? VA should be “the model” as their focus is on providing top-notch heath care rather than maximizing profit.
All those recent illegal firings now have the backing of a Federal Judge and have been ordered to be restored. Where were you for these employees? You just went along and broke the law… Then started spinning it. WHY? What is your motivation Doug? OPM’s now blaming the Agencies saying they never “ordered” you to do it… The OMB genius guy VOUGHT wants everyone traumatized. YOUR WORKFORCE is traumatized Doug… How do you expect a traumatized work-force to deliver top-notch care? How do you expect to attract and keep the best when YOU are literally terrorizing your staff and their families? Employees wont trust management for the next decade or longer and just how many of them are Vets that are being affected? You have to do better. If you cannot stand up to POTUS and his illegal actions, you aren’t fit to represent Veterans in OUR Affairs. If you are unable to tell the truth or do your job, please do the right thing and just resign. Right now you are absolutely tarnishing any legacy you might have had… The question is why? You ain’t no good ole boy, so stop with the bs ‘eh?
Where I am, my VA Doctor is the best doctor I’ve had. She is attentive, takes time to listen, and is very compassionate. She is leaving the VA because she is overwhelmed with the workload. The VA counselor I’ve been seeing for my PTSD is getting ready to leave because he is overbooked and sometimes double booked. I’m lucky if I get to meet with him once a month, (at my VA disability hearing I was instructed to see a therapist at least twice a month). There aren’t enough personnel to meet what is required. The pay is low, they get treated like robots, so they are leaving for the private sector. I have no idea how I’ll manage without my doctor and therapist. Getting hung out to dry after my service.
I am not having fun or enjoying life as much today as the Veterans Association says their accounting records show I was overpaid by them a couple of years ago.
I am told the Biden Administration and his Veteran System says I overpaid. The employee stated my old pension of $1413.00 a month would be $327.00 from now on. They reply,”there is nothing I can do about it as their accounting shows the proof. They never sent me any accounting or proof.
Thank god. I am 72 and get $1060.00 a month for social security. It was kind of a surprise for this old Vietnam veteran who is now having to live on $1387.00 a month.
I just remember my old motto,”Things can only get better.” I am grateful though as I have God, family and you, my great friends in my life. I hate to post this but per the internet and on the Veterans sites it is an ongoing problem for over 50,000 veterans who are currently appealing this. Anyway, just wondering, can you help? Get the word out?
Thank you.
please stop the cuts – you can’t cut your way to better health care. firing VA employees and reinvesting the savings doesn’t make sense. Government employees provide better service than contractors and in most cases at less cost.
Blaming the press for news about significant cuts in VA personal is bogus. We veterans are not stupid. The fact that thousands of people are in fact being cut from the VA employee rolls (including veterans) is bound to have a detrimental effect on the delivery of benefits.
And you did not address the question of whether Musk and his team of slash and burn expertise executioners will have, or do already have, access too our personal information. Instead you spoke about their reviewing contracts These actions are extremely worrisome to me and many others like me.
In this day and age, when “retribution” seems to be the operative word, I may be sticking my neck out by posting these comments, but as a conscious veteran I feel compelled to speak my piece, which I assume is still permitted in this great country!
I retired from the Army in May of 1995. I didn’t apply for any disability rating until 17 years after I retired. My experience through out this entire time has been that the VA operates in a 3 word doctrine , Discourage, Delay and Deny. I watched as my neighbor who was a decorated Vietnam veteran of the 1st Cavalry Division kept applying for a disability rating for years due to combat wounds and Agent Orange exposure and after 5 years of trying he was awarded a whopping 0% disability rating. He passed away 2 years ago. I am rated at 70% currently but should be higher . My question for you sir is : Who sits on these revue boards and what qualifications due they have to make these decisions ? From some of claims that have been denied I think they are just unqualified people who can’t see the obviousness of why some claims are submitted. Please look into this ! I would also like to add that wait times for appointments at the Floyd Lindstrom VA clinic in Colorado Springs is way to long as it also is at the Rocky Mountain Regional Medical Center in Aurora Colorado. The excuse they both use is lack of staffing . When I ask for community care because the wait times are so long it takes another long period before you get an authorization. When there is an issue with getting a response from someone for anything and you contact a patient advocate, it takes sometimes 10 days to get a response from the. and just today I received an email from the the VA western Colorado health system that the Patient Advocate office hours are now limited again due to staffing issues. PLEASE FIX THIS !!
Why has the Indianapolis Radabush VA Hospital project to build a new Hospital been put on Hold??
Please assure us that The PACT Act will remain intact. We fear that laws passed by the previous administration will be targeted for DOGE scrutiny and removal. My husband is a “Bluewater Vet.” His Parkinson’s Disease and dementia are related to his Navy service in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam era, and we are grateful for the financial assistance provided by the PACT Act for his increasing need for care. Respectfully,
The out sourcing of disabilty claims is a nightmare for Veterans in many cases. Secretary Collins VA has our records. Many of us have records on file tha VA can provide by contacting a non VA intermediary. They often don’t have the Veterans records and the ask the veteran to to do the leg work in acquiring the records on their own. That can be beyond the capabilities of many us and a valid claim of a veteran may bo by the wayside and may be denied. Thiscan be simplified by VA keeping outside services who are I’ll equipped to provide proper service to the veteran. The want us to travel to their arranged places for tests. Many times they are many miles from our homes. When we have VA facilities in our local communities. I just had serious brain surgery and can not travel to locations for An EEG and another for an EKG and another for an XRAY and another for a psychiatric exam. This is out of control when all of these tests are in the VA records already. The aneurysm claim is linked to my service disability for high blood pressure. I need my claim to be expedited and granted 100% due to unemployability. I can not work with all of the issues that I have. This is not unique many of my fellow veterans are in this maze of VA red tape. I will assure you my local VA Clinic is outstanding but VA disability benefits go to outsourcing for further testing. Not necessary. This needs to get to VA Secretary Collins desk.
I want the medical services at a VA Health care facility. Stop sending veterans to the private sector unless they specifically ask for that. Reducing staff means you’ll be trying to force veterans out of the VA health care system and into the private sector again. Stop denying it and stop doing it.
Thank you for saying this part. This has been my experience with the VA since 2020 and I hate it. When the VA was forced to use the private sector due to the CARE Act, I ended up being lost, forgotten and ignored by the private sector with the VA being unwilling to intervene. I’ve been without care for 5 years now. It took me years to get in to now have nothing and no faith in the system.
Glad I left my VA job then too because I would’ve been fired for sure.
Thanks, Trump for fucking me and many other Vets over them and continuing to fuck us now, you Russian traitor. How the hell has any of what Trump has done has been good for us Vets?
Please partner with habitat for humanity to provide homes to vets. There are thousands of abandoned houses across the nation that they could refurbish and give to homeless vets
I truly agree with this. It saddens me to see our boys in the streets… wondering about with a million thoughts in their minds…. No mission….no battle buddies….HOMELESS!
I will personally work on this! Not via HUD and their red tape protocolos and policies, but via the private sector. I am designing $30,000 handicap-ready compact homes that can be built on a large track of land as cluster homes and be financed via our VA home loan benefits.
In essence, these will be Communities for vets only.
Mr. Collins
As Secretary of the VA, your job is to fight for Veterans Benefits rather than just accept the loss of 80,000 jobs. If you plan to just accept this loss you should resign.
Chet Hebble
I will be asking the VFW,DAV , American Legion , Vietnam veterans of America, and all veterans groups to appeal to DOGE not to destroy the improvements that President Trump made in his first term in office. As someone who has personally dealt with downsizing of a organization I can understand the hard choices we need to make by contributing to the National Debt. I will be asking that Veterans Administration do a Four percent reduction in force for the first year 2025, Then five percent in 2026 . The total distruption of the Veterans Administration is not needed or necessary.
You are piece of crap Mr Collins. You and your drug addled south African asshole and go jump off a bridge. Its pretty clear that you, POTUS, and all republicans could care less about VETs.
GO piss up a rope you fascist.
Don your comments to Mr. Collins are totally uncalled for. I hope you don’t always have this attitude.
He has only been in the job three weeks. Your nasty post should of been deleted…………………………….
While your intentions sound good, why should anyone believe what you are telling us now? Trump and Musk are cutting things daily and the VA was already short. While the contention is that nothing will change for us Veterans, there have been too many lies, changes, etc., coming from the top, on a regular basis. Why should anyone trust you when you take your directions from these same unreliable people? With short staff already in place and open positions, cutting will only contribute to decreased care and less top notch providers.
As the saying goes: You can fool all the people some of the time and You can fool some of the people all of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. Unfortunately you may be fooling enough of the people in the short term. I’m waiting to see improvements to the system not its demise. In the short term you may find yourself to be the bureaucrat hearing “YOU ARE FIRED”, And it may not even be your fault. You may not have been able to find enough fraud and abuse or at least to say that you have. There will be no next comment. I am a registered independent voter. A veteran who has thus far been treated fairly and respectfully by the VA. What is going on now does not have the appearance of fairness. Why call for balancing the budget while at the same time asking for tax cuts? Show some common sense first make progress on the deficit and come back in two years to get paid for any progress made.
Self promoting political hackery. Not a word is sincere or believable. The current VA secretary has no intention of honoring commitments made to veterans. I recently had a visit to the ER at a VA medical center, and the nursing staff is freaking out. How does frightening and overworking medical staff improve veteran care?
It is sad and embarrassing to see the comments from the free loaders that did nothing to earn the benefits talking crap based on their mistaken political beliefs. Grow up and get a job instead of expecting handouts. They should cut the benefits for all that didn’t serve in combat or do a full 20. No more welfare for the lazy.
Gary, I served 20 years, and in 2 combat locations. I dont expect handouts. I am not a free loader. DID YOU????
It pisses me off that this Administration full of draft dodgers and notorious for disrespectful comments about veterans are now in charge, what a mess. YOU SIR NEED TO REEVALUATE YOUR COMMENTS OR MOVE BACK TO RUSSIA, YOU FIT RIGHT INTO THE TRUMP MINDSET> .
Gary, KMA and lick trumps boots.
Combat does not happen with all of the support people also in boots—Medical corpsman here—was medical staff on the ground back home in hospitals that serve those who come back also important to you. Maybe that view from your high horse needs to adjust. We were ALL important in our jobs so that you could do yours.
I have the upmost respect for Dog Collins. I listened to his video presentation and it left me with more questions than answers. As a service connected veteran, not 100%, I have been able to access the on base recreational facilities for camping with my family and guest for the last several years. We recently reserved camping sites as before and paid the necessary fees. A week or so later I received a call from veterans services on base that the regulations have changed and the benefits have been restricted to veterans with 100% disability and of course the normal active duty, retired, and reserve. The Service Connected veterans with less than 100% disabilities have lost some of their benefits. I would like clarification please. Thank you.
How much money does the VA spend on promo items like pen sets, coin purses drink coolers and MANY OTHER ITEMS FRIG MANEGNETS A TPON OF CRAP?
Hey, Comrade Collinski…I hate it when someone pisses on my leg and tells me it’s raining out. And I hate it more when it’s a Trump ass-kisser doing it. Do everyone a favor and keep your lies to yourself.
Secretary Collins:
Cutting 82,000 jobs will indeed cut our benefits. This proposed cut is not a media fantasy, it exists in an official memo–and you know that.
I am a Purple Heart Combat Veteran, and I want you to know that the VA provides excellent health care with its very limited resources. The VA has been running on a reduced budget already, so it cannot absorb a slashing of 82,000 personnel and still provide benefits we now have. Wait times will further degrade. My local facility has already eliminated paid reception and desk jobs and replaced them with unpaid volunteers. There is no slack.
Please honor your pledge to ensure our VA will continue to provide good health care. Go to bat for us.
Va has been trying to get the iu and they are trying take away after 67 will the 200.000 over 67 will get the shaft and loose loss what states provide. Like home tax, free fishing licenses and much more Texas will give no home tax relief for my wife if i die. I am 82 years old and it want long before I will die .
You piece of garbage! You, trump, musk and vance are ALL GARBAGE!!!!
Maybe you should have done something and served in the real military rather than talk crap.
Secretary Collins,
In your video, you stated, “I’m happy to partner with them to find things we need to get rid of so we can put the money where it belongs… back with our Veterans,”
First, you must rely on the outstanding professionals in the VA’s Office of the Inspector General. Those folks know what they seek, honed by years of collective experience in the organization. They, not some group of uncleared people unfamiliar with the working and, often, legally required processes of the VA, are the BEST to continue their diligence in finding better ways to carry on the VA mission. They are your most valuable resources for improving the VA and investigating and uncovering fraud and corrupt practices. Further, your statement “…find things we need to get rid of…” speaks volumes about someone with very little experience in the processes involved. The key to gaining efficiency and effectiveness is not to “get rid of” but to find ways to IMPROVE the quality and the processes that help achieve the mission. As long as your “partners” try to trash the system they don’t understand, there can never be acceptable change for the better.
At first, 1400 probationary VA employees were fired. And, now, you recently announced another 80,000 to be fired. How do you expect the VA to better assist Veterans, especially in areas like getting appointments more rapidly if you are firing the people who answered the phones? You must realize that the people you call partners, including the president, do not have the best interests of Veterans in mind – he has already called us “suckers” and “losers.” And, from everything I have you say, you don’t care about veterans either. You better get this straight: we are neither. We have defended our nation against threats like this before and will again. We are Veterans, and we Vote. We had a term for “shipmates” like you, Bravo Foxtrot. So far, you have earned it.
Ger Elon Musk OUT OF THE VA. He doesnt care about VETERANS. NO PRIVATIZATION
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just noticed your disclaimer that whatever a Veteran post, the post is going to be changed to more moderate wording. To that I say what I post is my 1st amendment right, so hand off the wording…………………..
Dam!!!, I cannot believe you took the time to make another video with NO Factual basis (all lies). I am 80 years old, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and your good old boy down home speaking is as phony as the word coming out of your mouth. The V.A. clinic where I go for healthcare has a hard time servicing all of the Veteran who need help due to MUSK and Trump cuts. The more you cut employees the Longer and longer it is going to be to schedule an appointment for care. Not enough Doctors, nurses or medical folks with the right expertise to care for Veteran’s needs. I believe MUSK and TRUMP would rather have all of the Veteran who served this Great Country Die off rather than help them with their healthcare. I guess you don’t remember what NON-MILITARY (draft dodger) said about the Navy Hero Senator McCain. Trump doesn’t RESPECT him because he got CAPITURED, Tortured, something he or Musk will never experience…………..
I just want to know, why is it that the first thing every party, democrats and republicans always wants to cut veterans benefits and social security??? I would think the kickbacks being taken away from the politicians would pretty much take care of the deficit, wouldn’t you agree??
Please secure jobs for the healthcare providers at the VA. These GREAT folks are overwhelmed with veterans requiring their services. It would benefit our veterans if you could increase the number of healthcare workers and decrease the number of bureaucrats (most of whom are quite useless). In fact the folks at the Wisconisin Evidence Intake Center have NO idea what they are doing when it comes to Vietnam Navy Veterans. These people cannot even determine longitude and latitude on a map when determining where a ship was stationed according to the ship’s deck logs. This puts our Navy Vets at a disadvantage when applying for benefits. Please Mr. Secretary sort out this bureaucratic MESS!!! Thank You
You overwhelmingly voted for a reduction in EVERYTHING, so stop whining. Trump was correct when he said veterans are a bunch of suckers.
Collins, you are lying. Stop lying to veterans!! We have been betrayed. Lincoln made promises when he created the Veterans administration to care for those that shouldered the burden of this country’s wars. Trump, DOGE and Elon Musk are bragging about cuts. Trump has never respected us. He calls us suckers. He says he has no respect for POW’s because they are losers for getting captured. He doesn’t want the most injured of us all to be brought out at public events. We remember. I will never forget this country’s betrayal. I used to take great pride in serving my country. No longer.
I have been dealing with the VA sense I retired in 1998. The past month VA help has been better than the past 20 years. I got a referral that I needed for back issues I have had for worn out hip joints from running 5 miles a day while in the military.
I see many posts on this site condemning the new administration. Most are unhinged. With nothing more than Ad Hominem attacks on a man they never met. Whom they hate, with a hate a demon would be proud of. Not even willing to hear the truth, but are influenced by a political party that would leave them to die on the battle field just like in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, or Abby Gate in 2021.
Thank you Mr Collins for taking control of a broken health care system for us veterans that in the past would allow us to die in pain rather than give us the treatments we earned for our service. May God be your guide and give you his wisdom and strength to write the ship that was left to list in the mothball grave yard.
Veteran care is being impacted already.
Along with many of the previous comments I don’t believe anything you say. You are allowing a draft dodger who knows nothing about military service and is known to badger and insult military people make decisions on something as important as our veterans, he is getting rid of the pact act for revenge my husband gave up so much and is now a 100% disabled. I can not express how disgusted I am with this administration
DOGE wants to fire as many as 80,000 VA workers. How does this not impact Veterans who receive care at facilities around the country that are being threatened with closure and the loss of workers? Providing easy to access care to our Veterans is part of their benefits we the people (via our government including our Presidents) promised to them, is it not?
All we ask for is the earned return for our signature that’s it nothing more nothing less.
He’s a liar. It’s been a right wing project for decades to defund VA until it barely functions. Then they complain about how it’s too big a bureaucracy and it’s failing vets. This is all in an effort to give the medical contacts to their wealthy friends. The VA is the only public healthcare in this country, and it is much beloved, so they have to destroy it. Hands off VA!
Mr. Secretary,
The biggest issue I see with the current mandate to cut jobs is that it focuses solely on reducing headcount rather than improving efficiency or service quality. If the goal were truly to streamline operations, the mandate should focus on identifying inefficiencies within the department—many of which appear to be intentional. The VA routinely slows the processing of claims and services, seemingly as a cost-saving measure. By creating delays, veterans are forced to wait for care, which in turn reduces the VA’s immediate financial obligations.
A personal example: My therapist switched practices, and I requested that my authorization be transferred to the new location. Despite providing all necessary information immediately, Community Care first authorized the original practice instead. When I pointed out the mistake, they canceled my authorization entirely. Then, only after I followed up multiple times, I was told there was a two-month backlog for new authorizations. A simple administrative change took four months to resolve, during which my mental health deteriorated. I can only imagine what happens to veterans with more severe conditions who lack the ability to advocate for themselves.
To make matters worse, I was informed that this authorization was intended to close my need for therapy. That decision should not be made by bureaucrats—it should be between me and my therapist. Given the lasting impact of my military service, I will likely need mental health support for the rest of my life.
If the VA is serious about reducing waste, it should start by identifying policies and procedures that seem intentionally designed to create bureaucratic delays in services. These inefficiencies do not just inconvenience veterans—they actively harm those in need of care. Additionally, the VA should conduct audits to identify deceased veterans whose benefits are still being paid, preventing unnecessary financial loss without restricting care for the living.
The current approach to cost-cutting prioritizes hitting a number over people. It’s time to focus on real reform.
Additionally, another approach to improving efficiency and accountability in military and veteran affairs would be to consolidate the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) budget into the Department of Defense (DoD) budget. Instead of the VA receiving a separate allocation, a designated percentage of the DoD’s total budget could be earmarked for veteran care.
Currently, VA funding is a little over 41% of the DoD’s budget. Setting a benchmark of 40% as a starting point would save approximately $5 billion, while still maintaining strong veteran support. This shift would place greater responsibility on the DoD to prioritize the long-term health and well-being of service members, ensuring that decisions made during active duty do not create unnecessary burdens on the VA system later.
Additionally, this reform would introduce accountability mechanisms within the DoD. Right now, the DoD operates with virtually no financial checks and balances, as any effort to reduce or restructure its budget is often framed as being anti-military. By tying VA funding directly to the DoD’s budget, poor decision-making or inefficiencies within the military would have real financial consequences, forcing leadership to be more strategic about both spending and personnel policies.
Of course, there would also need to be a separate accountability mechanism for the VA to ensure that the reallocation of funds results in better, not worse, services for veterans.
I previously submitted similar ideas to the White House for consideration by the Department of Governmental Operations and Efficiency (DOGE), along with an offer to volunteer my expertise as a BA and MBA-educated veteran honor student. Unfortunately, I received no response. You have my name Mr. Secretary, I’m the only one I know of, feel free to have someone contact me.
Would be even better if you didn’t reduce the benefits for a 100% disabled veteran because YOU made a mistake and paid me $1600 too much educational benefits when we’re sending money to every country, known and unknown, to pay for:
* $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”
* $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland
* $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam
* $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
* $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
* $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
* $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt
* Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation
* Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
* “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
* Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries
* Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban
But good on you taking back $100 from me every month
I appreciate what you said in your video. I have 3 claims that have been in limbo for months. Just trying to get the disability rating I deserve is a task I shouldn’t have to fight. I served in Desert Storm and Somalia (PACT ACT) and keep getting denied. Please fix that. It’s been months on these claims and they haven’t moved. DOGE needs to get involved with that aspect. People like Marc in his rude statement, should not be listened to. I’m a proud Veteran and I appreciate you. Thank you, sir.
Deleting veterans comments because you dislike the words is not going to change the outcome for those that steal our benefits. Don’t forget who trained us and what we were trained for a$$clowns.
You were an election denier who signed his name to a brief seeking to overturn a free and fair election. No facts in that brief just made up hog wash.
Now you are head of the VA appointed by Trump. You got your payback for supporting him.
You should be ashamed of supporting that lie on the record.
Firing VA staff for no reason will only hurt veterans.
Every time I go to the VA I now have to avoid looking at your picture as well as Trumps.
There is no reason to be nasty to Mr.Collins.He has only been in the job a couple of weeks. Totally disrespectful.
Gold Star Wife
Get off your knees and grow a spine. It’s unbelievable how a coward like you can actually run Veteran’s Affairs.
Mr Collins thank you for your post and video. I am a Air Force veteran from the 60’s and over all the VA has been good to me. However I hope you will look at the VA billing system which in my opinion is in great need to be upgraded, I am on a copay for some things and the way the VA handles this is a total mess. Just have someone check my account and it should be oblivious. I am treated out of the Columbia MO VA.I would be more thank happy to talk to someone about this. Thanks John
You miserable asshat! All you are is a “Tool” for an “Orange Painted” fool of a fascist. Your plans will harm those who you say, that you are there to serve. Grow a Spine!
Wow! A *lot* of comments here! Just wanted to say that I’ve been dealing with VA since ’76 and realistically in the past 6 years or so has it been consistently great for me. But now I can imagine which services are going to be axed, delayed and impaired with cuts… And basically cuts just for the sake of cuts (with a sword not scalpel), without actually looking at and identifying areas that could be cut, or further improved for matter. I hate to say it but it feels like, “hey let’s do what Elon’s doing because, hey, he’s the richest man in the world” even though helping veterans who served their country is far cry from buying satellite and rocket companies.
Sadly, I have noticed a slow down with processing claims Since the election, I am a supporter of President Trump but I think there’s been a mistake at the VA and it’s gonna cost all of us pain. We cannot even ask for a projected date for the resolution of one’s claim. Normally it would take about 45 days to approve or disapprove a claim now I am at 60 days in step number two and Fear that there will be no definite time resolution it could go on for months or years. I’m losing confidence in the system. This is very scary at 71 years old now I don’t have a lot of time. And from reading the comments below from my brothers, it appears that I’m not alone, the secretary remember is a politician first. So it appears that these cuts at the VA are in fact impacting veterans in a negative way. That’s why I came to read these comments one can only come to the conclusion that we as veterans are going to be hurt. How sad.
This administration gives a ratsass about veterans. Hell, the Dictator in Chief called us losers.
We will pay the bill for our votes.
Really Johnny? So that’s why POTUS DJT started the Veteran Crises Hot Line in his first 4 years? Giving us Veterans a hotline to call if we need help. Maybe you should stop watching the paid for media outlets like CNN and MSNBC.
You actually believe that Trump created the VA helpline? The suicide prevention line? He did not. I worked in the field. Trump created nothing but problems for the active duty and now veterans. Those lines are not the work of Trump. Anything having to do with mental health related lines were already in practice. He takes credit for others’ work.
The Department of Veterans Affairs established the Veterans Crisis Line in 2007 as a 24/7 resource to provide confidential help to veterans and their loved ones in need of support.
In 2022, the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline transitioned from the standard 10-digit phone number to the more recognizable 3-digit number, 988.
To reach the Veterans Crisis Line, callers can now dial 988 and press 1. The line is accessible through call, text, or chat.
The intent of this shift was to make the phone number for the Lifeline easier to remember and more accessible for people who need immediate crisis support.
Jerry the veterans crisishotline has been going since 2007 you couldn’t be more wrong
So, what did you think he was going to do while you watched him lie to the American people? Then you voted for him. You are a fool for believe his lies!!! The Bible warns of increasing lies and deception in the “last days,” with passages like 2 Timothy 3:1-9 describing a time of moral decay and a strong delusion where people will reject truth and embrace falsehoods.
In 2000, DOD and VA conspired to drive off grass roots groups. We used
to be invited to Pentagon briefs. But, with the creation of Deployment
Health – only members of the military family alliance that were chartered
by Congress were allowed to attend any more. Service groups were fine
with this. Less disruptions. Less to compete with. DOD cuts us off.
By 2002, DOD slowly started to also cut off the service groups from certain
events as well. Limiting access to information. By 2003, all were distracted
with OIF OEF.
2004, Deployment Health did all it could to pad, and hide any medical problems
surfacing from Afghanistan, Iraq. West Nile Virus, Acinetobacter Baumannii,
Visceral and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, and IED as well as EOD injury issues.
By 2005, VA no longer allowed grass roots upstairs to meet with staff. Only
service groups. Service groups were fine with this. IOM / NIH began cutting off
grassroots and service groups from its workshops.
By 2010, VA started driving away the service groups. Not briefing them on
certain things. As did DOD. Sec of VA Eric Shinseki had grudge matches with
anyone publishing news or materials he didnt approve. Then he resigned
in disgrace.
By 2012 VA and DOD actively started removing advocates from committees
and functions. Started rigging VA committees with internal ringers that would
not publish, seeking out congress, or rock the boat. Media started writing less
and less veteran stories.
2016 would be the last serious batch of veteran related congressional hearings.
Congress no longer wanted the service groups and limited them to there
budget proposals in the spring. After this, it was mostly OEF and OIF till the
PACT act became necessary.
2021 came along, Covid let VA and DOD keep every one at bay. Limit meetings
to video conference. Stopped answering phones. Now media is on board and
no longer writing veterans stories. Cutting VSOs out as well. Google started
blocking any websites that said anything harsh about VA and DOD.
2024, VA started removing public comments from its meetings and ignored
any still up. VA stopped writing anyone outside of VA that wasnt part of
the inner circle. Openly opposing the service groups. No one was welcome
upstairs and the dont have to answer phones, email.
2025, Trump and Elon step in to take advantage of this vacuum to gut most
agencies, and with VA disregard for veterans – there is no loyalty. So no job
is secure and everyone is threatened. Your public comments here are largely
angry veterans spewing at you with no loyalty. You may have a few ringers
on the inside still supporting you, yes men, its not enough to stop the wave
of cuts coming. because there is no unification across the boards.
This all started with DODs need to hide in plain sight, and lump all wars into
the Deployment Health catch all. Make everything generic. Seems like now is
the time to team up with all sides, eras, and the service groups like it was
before DOD undermined all this. Strength in numbers. Now is a good time
to post a public voting format within VA of what its veterans want. Instead
of telling them what they want.
Keep the current path, it all ends in chaos. Stop insulting people, keep things
simple – and just provide the service you supposed to minus the games. At
least with this purge at VA, you will unite people alright – an angry mob that
you betrayed protesting in unison in front of your doors. The elitist days of
snobs looking down on the public is about to unravel. More of the same
and worse failed. Each angry vet created is for a lifetime, and dont think they
just plan to keep taking this. Millions betrayed, Im so thrilled Im not you.
Thank you for breakdown.
Secretary Collin’s, I hate to see anyone lose their jobs but the answer to the problem isn’t quantity of people, it’s quality of people. My amazing VA primary care doctor retired and was replaced by a provider who personally insulted me the first time she saw me and has treated me like garbage. Now shdoes not want me for a patient and I don’t go to the doctor even when it is needed. I suffer daily! we have a beautiful new facility here in Columbus GA but I’m not sure what the purpose of building it was. It appears to be a big empty building.
I am grateful for t he OUTSIDE care I get from the VA. Seeing outside providers is the only way I get quality care except for mental health care I receive. Why can’t I see someone outside the VA for primary care?
If you are going to reduce the VA work force by 83,000 employees. That means that 82,000 veterans will loose their jobs.
As a veteran, how is that supposed to be OK with me?
Absolutely Trump propaganda!! DOGE, project 2025 & Trump’s entire agenda is anti American, anti democracy, pro Russia & meant to advance the mega rich. Cutting the VA workforce by %20 (70,000) is not advancing the mission, it’s sabotaging the delivery of services to veterans. Musk/DOGE could start by eliminating the waste & abuse in Musk’s numerous billion dollar government contracts. You are part of Trump’s “revenge/retribution administration. We are not fools. Those who speak out I’m sure will be targeted by Trump’s administration.
i have being trying to fight the VA for over 18 years and the only goal for the VA is to see us die and never get our entitlements. Sadly the VA is not here to help us Veterans but to impede us from getting help, aid and ensure that many of us never get our entitlements. I have seen many brothers and sisters die because the doings of the criminal organization known as the VA. I have being trying to disability retire from my current job but all can only be attainable if i ever get my 100% total and perm but even as my law firm fights for me, I still do not see the light because the criminal organization known as the VA will do anything to ensure we vets never get our entitlements and just die to completely push us away.
Myself and many of my brothers at arms have been fighting the VA for years due to the VA denying everything illegally, unlawfully and simply in spite. I personally have being fighting the VA over 18 years and they illegaly remove % for our records to lower our profiles. after many years and many law firms i was able to get a 90% because they denied many ailments that where proved to began while in service but they have continue to deny myself and many of our brothers and sisters our rights. I was even downgraded illegaly to 80% without no appt, no proof or anything.
When I left the military in 2007 I have no idea what i needed to do with the VA because nobody ever helped me or guided me to what my entitlements were, i had no idea. So since then i have been fighting this uphill battle. I have helped dozens of vets so they do not have to go through what i have been going thru for almost 20 battle. and thankfully most have been able to get their entitlements assigned properly due to getting out prepared and with good guidance.
I am pursuing disability retirement from my current job due to my ailments but finally receiving my 100% total and permanent that I deserve is imperative and hopefully my current law firm will be able to finally.
The VA is supposed to be here to help us Veterans but they are only here to hurt us and worse.
You are a LIAR!!
Hell yeah he is. He must think we’re stupid.
I’m a disable Vietnam vet and have been dealing with the VA since the early 70s.
All I can say about Secretary Collins’ “kicking the can” message is that it’s just more self serving BS from the Draft Dodger in Chief and his MAGA minions.
The VA has always been chronically understaffed, underfunded, and overwhelmed by requests for care so how is removing 1000s of employees, many of them veterans, along with programs and funding going to help anything or anybody, let along improve things?
The plain truth is that it’s not and if Sec. Collins goes along with this farce it just proves that he’s more interested in keeping his place at the tax payer funded feed trough than he is in helping veterans.
All you boot lickers are disgusting.
Stop by Doug Collins office, make him tell you to your face that he supports cutting 80k VA jobs.
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 2042
I’m decorated, injured and former member of socom with full benefits, and have NEVER had an issue with my benefits or staff. Yes, there’s been a few messups but always resolved. We as veterans earned benefits and should greatly appreciate what we get. The members of other agencies who also put in work have often gotten none. Can it be inproved? Always !!!! It hasn’t even been 2 months. Breathe in people.
While I am not in the same league at 60%, I also have had the best care at the VA for my SC injuries. However, I do not want to wait while my fellow veterans are harmed by the actions by this political appointee Collins. He does not appear to speak truth.
Central to these efforts is a pragmatic and disciplined approach to eliminating waste and bureaucracy, increasing efficiency and improving health care benefits and services to veterans,” said Collins. Collins is in support of cutting VA health care workers. He is a fake Jesus loving liar. He will need increased security
Army veteran.
I listened to your comments on “making the VA more efficient”.
70k job losses….are NOT the way you make the VA more efficient.
My suggestion? Check yourself into a VA mental ward.
Ooooh my mistake…the wait will increase from 6 months to 2 years to see a doctor with your cuts in VA.
Just lunacy.
Why is the va allowed to use there own math when dealing with veterans disabilities I happen to be 100 percent disabled but va math makes it 70 percent to me this is a huge slap in the face of veterans who put there lives on the line then find out the very agency that is supposed to be helping veterans comes up with this formula I am not naive they use this tool to save money off the backs of those who have sacrificed themselves I would love to new secretary to address this issue.
So please explain to me why I’m still a homeless veteran trying to deal with SSVF or VASH and human beings that should not be working in Customer Service or social work in Sacramento CA.
Just saw this liar on PBS. “Veterans benefits aren’t being cut”.
Where does Trump find these dumb hicks to run his government?
Who is this joker…?
DOGE needs to focus on the top and work its way down. Why don’t they first look at how much The White House spends daily? Or why in 2000 we had a surplus and now in the trillions in debt. Hmm could it have been that we were in two conflicts for almost two decades. It was ridiculous the amount of money spent there. Why don’t they look at how much we spent on defense contracts all those years. Or maybe we increased our force during those times for the surges. Why haven’t we drawn down the force? It was done after Vietnam and first Gulf War. DOGE is focusing on making the rich richer and the poor poorer. I defended my country for 21 years active duty with multiple deployments. Is this what our country has become, full of lies from the top down? If each person in our Nation could do one kind act WE the people would become a Great Nation Again.
Hey 1sg, Newsflash, in 2000 the United states didn’t have a surplus. Check your facts before you spew bullshit.
How about you get the fact Cpt. Clueless.
n 2000, the United States federal government had a budget surplus of $236.9 billion, the largest in U.S. history at the time. This was the third consecutive year of a surplus.
The total revenue for 2000 was $2,025 billion, an increase of $197.7 billion from 1999
The total outlays for 2000 were $1,788.1 billion, an increase of $85.2 billion from 1999
The surplus was 2.4% of the gross domestic product (GDP)
The surplus was the largest as a share of the economy since 1948
Other budget highlights
The surplus was the result of the Clinton administration’s economic policies
The surplus was the result of a $363 billion reduction in the publicly held debt between 1998 and 2000
The surplus was the result of eight consecutive years of fiscal improvement
Additional information
The federal budget for 2000 was a spending request submitted by President Bill Clinton to fund government operations for the period from October 1999 to September 2000.
Dear Secretary Collins,
In your recent X post, you said the word duplicative. Please consider this: When a veteran is considered for benefits, the VA will send the member to a VA-sanctioned vendor to confirm the disability. Why do this when the member was already tasked to have a certified MD acknowledge the condition via a Nexus letter. Are the physician’s credentials, words, and signature stamps not worthy of acknowledgment of the condition?
Another cost-saving measure might be to allow retired members who utilize TRICARE Primary Managers (already sanctioned to care for veterans), as the determining authority. Adding a VA vendor to this process is duplicative since TRICARE Primary Managers are already vetted to care for retirees.
Their is a memo CNN obtained from your office requiring the firing of 70,000 DVA employees. That’s 20% of the DVA workforce. You stated, “concerns that Veterans’ benefits might be targeted for cuts”, “I’m the Secretary of VA, and I’m telling you right now, that’s not happening… the reality is, Veterans benefits aren’t getting cut”, “In fact, we are actually giving and improving services.” The memo is published and factual. How is removing the workforce by 20% improve healthcare services, compensations and pensions, the PACT ACT, DVA medical housing, suicide prevention, and other disabled veteran services. It takes 9 months to get an appointment with a neurologist in Tucson DVA. Veterans have died waiting for DVA appointments. Senator McCain took actions to improve the Tucson DVA by adding the doctors you want to fire. YOU LIE and must have no care for veteran services, just veteran service reductions. Prove me wrong with facts, not lies. I had lots of respect for Republicans, but not for the person, proven a liar by a court jury, guilty of 34 incidents of fraud appointing you as Secretary of DVA. I have no respect for the Republicans siding with fear of this fraudster. You too sides with the Fraudster with praise due to fear to stand up to the fraudster.
Nine months is too long to wait in order to be seen by a VA neurologist. I also would like to better understand how removing 70,000 to 80, 000 VA employees will lead to better care for veterans.
I stopped believing you at CNN.
I personally visited the Fredericksburg 3 VA Clinic in Fredericksburg, Virginia on 3 March 2025. It is a beautiful facility that was not adequately staffed. I was told that the lab would only be open until 2 pm and that none of the specialty providers were available at that location due to funding. Secretary Collins, I implore you to have the honor and morals to do the right thing for your fellow veterans. We are hearing you tell us that VA services are not being affected as we watch it happen in real time. You have a moral imperative to do the right thing for the women and men who have honorably served this country. I expect more of you than this.
My husband has enjoyed VA benefits for many years and I am glad to read in this article that benefits are not going to be cut. I believe this info needs to be published on every news channel over and over. The American veterans need to know for sure that their benefits are not going to be cut in this attempt to make our country more accountable in the spending that is done.
Please tell the people . The left media seems to be spreading false information about Care for our veterans.
my son was wounded in Iraq 2006,with TBI then MS. in a wheelchair, and went to Sneedville,Tenn. with a woman he married. I was notified Nov. 15/2021 by a person I had asked for info. that my son was dead. I have done alot of work to find out info. I was told died from MS> but I have alot of info. and statement from EMT. ,my son was left to starve to death. and I also found out more info. about other wounded . and us mothers call them “military maggots” who marry disabled vets for the funds. and I have dates ,times, and people who allowed my son to die this terrible way. I need to talk to someone who will look into not only about my son but others. this is not what my son deserved. Sgt. Dennis Keoki Cabanting served proudly ,only to die alone and neglected by so many
AP article today 3/5/25 reports on an internal document outlining plans to fire 80,000 VA employees.
American veterans demand an explanation from Doug Collins.
How does this benefit veterans and their families?
What services will be affected?
How will benefits be affected? How will they be “improved”?
Can Doug Collins provide an explanation? Or is Doug Collins lying to veterans?
As a 100% disabled vet (after a long 10 year battle) why does not the spouse get full benefits? They aren’t covered by the VA, they do not get Dental, they have to us ChampVA which alot of physicians do not take. Seems it would make alot of sense if they were covered just like the veteran is and could use the VA benefits he/she is entitled to. When you break it down, the spouse really doesn’t get benefits that are needed. Why is this:
Define faster. My 95 yr old mother is still waiting . Her case was filed for Aid and Attendance in Virginia in March 2024 and has been ” open ” since October 2024. It is now March 2025. Since she is over 85 , they were supposed to expidite it. I think they hope she will die first.
Good day Secretary Collins, I got to say that something needs to be done to stop trump and maga. Tariffs! Really! The cost of living is already ridiculous. Folks working 2 or 3 jobs to make rent. I came from a Military family. My Dad, Brother and Myself. How can this person justify what he doing to us? Now he claims the flag is his. Bull Shit Sincerely. Alan Anderson
I am pretty sure it has slowed down dramatically since Jan 20th. It was a 15 day turn around between steps, now its months before we see any movement.
The bva wing of the VA are full of unscrupulous lawyers and liers denying everything they can from veterans that need help the most. They don’t even try and hide their lies. It’s abysmal and this Collins fellow looks ominous and definitely insincere. He’s a lap dog for Trump. Good luck Vets
Had hearing test at local VA add was told witch hearing aids I was getting and I told him I didn’t want that brand and he ordered them anyway. I told him again I didn’t want that brand and he said they are what I need and try them. Twice going back for adjustment and still ringing in my ears. Went back because the right one quit working. He said he would send it off for repair and once again I explained I didn’t want them. He said it’s been over six months and he couldn’t send them back. Once again I told him he should have done that on day one. He had no words. So now I have to go to Costco and get a new pair of what I want.
I would like to see the VA look into the current practice of hosing the retired military on their disability payments. Any veteran who serves long enough to be eligible for disability gets the full amount tax free. if you are retiree, you get hosed out of the amount of your disability right out of your retirement payment. This inequjity applies to anyone with less than 50 pct disability. This is a capricious and wholly unfair practice referred to as the “VA waiver”. They take your money that you earned, with one hand and give it back to you as your oh so generous disability payment. The kicker is it is tax free. BFD. The standard deduction accounts for that if you are not filing long form. In the years since I retired in 1991 I have been stiffed out of several hundred thousand dollars by this asinine waiver. your reward for extra decades of service is to get hosed out of your actual disability by having it removed from your earned retirement. Bravo! If they overpay you for any reason on the disability side, they come after you as if it was not your own money in the first place. Honestly speaking, other than a slight tax advantage, there is NO disability for the military retiree should he fall under fifty percent. I would have more than my presenet 40 pct, but you can only fight them for so long before you just give up. Someone in power ought to look at the so called VA waiver and return fairness to those of us who served long and faithfully and are treated like second class citizens compared to those who did not stay til retirement and get the entire amount without any money coming out of their p;ockets.
Dear Mr. Secretary, At the VA here in Atlanta, they have a third party reviewing xrays. We used to be ale to view the reports and images on MyHealthEVet but now, we are unable to see either of those because of third party review. Those are our records and the y should be put into our records and allow us access to them so that we can see and understand what’s going on. If a third party is used, it must be made clear that the images and reports belong to the veteran and must be available for the veteran to have access to. Also, the VA uses some kind of strange mathematical formula to determine disability ratings. They like to brag about the fact that they aways err on the side of the veteran. That is an absolute lie. Can anything be done to change the formula that they use to determine ratings?
Dear Mr Secretary; I had a dental procedure done in Dec 2024,that I had to pay out of picket for. I mailed in the proper form 10-320 for reimbursement, with explanation and receipts. Today they are telling me I can appeal it. This isn’t how the President set community care. Go to any doctor pay for it and get reimbursed. Needs to be fixed! $1500. For a root canal.
Are Vietnam vets claims given quicker consideration because of advanced age?
Are Vietnam veterans claims addressed in a different manner than others? I.E. advanced age given more consideration?
I am an 81 year old Vietnam veteran with 13 years military service (Infantry and Intelligence) and another 17 years working in DIA and the Old Soldiers Home.
I know used car salesmen with better pitches than this. You should resign rather than allow several thousand VA employees to be summarily fired. It is hard for me to believe that you were a military chaplain. You are a disgrace to the uniform you wore and should be ashamed of yourself. Do the right thing and resign.
Today March 2, 2025 White house Froze VA funding! I am deeply sad and just beyond words as to how horribly cruel it is of our own government to freeze funding for the VA.
Has the President or his $ slashers stepped inside a VA hospital recently??? If they did they would witness many America Loving Veterans who have suffered severe atrocities of war or put their lives on the line for the benefit of all Americans to live safer lives. These same veterans are waiting and waiting and waiting for the serious medical care they need! They are all suffering in fear of dying in the hospitals because our government is showing a callous, uncaring temperament towards these hero’s!
It’s not just that many are in pain waiting for surgeries, it’s that the anxiety and panic amongst everyone, personnel included are at a high pitch! Who is helping? Who is helping? Who is helping these desperate, anxiety , pain ridden good folks! This is an American Abomination of an All Time High!!
I was cut $500 it put me in a bad place I can”t pay all my bills!
Kathrine Clark, aka Kommie Katie, Congressional 5th District, Massachusetts lies about VA benefits. Please let her know the “gas lighting” has to stop. He lies are an abomination.
“Hello Edwin,
Late last week, Donald Trump and Elon Musk fired thousands of veterans and VA employees . That’s thousands of families suddenly without an income and millions of veterans carelessly put at risk.
This will mean longer waits for medical appointments, fewer VA home loans, more homeless veterans, longer claims, and worse PTSD support for vets in need. Of course, Trump isn’t just breaking our commitment to veterans for no reason. All of this chaos is an attempt to give a $2 trillion handout to billionaires .
That’s the Republican agenda in a nutshell: More for billionaires, less for vets.
This isn’t what people voted for. Republicans in Washington are openly betraying our veterans and we can’t let them get away with it.
An image of Congresswoman Clark’s signature.
Congresswoman Katherine Clark
Democratic Whip”
My comment for today, I would like to Thank each one of you 2,050 for there service that has posted on here.Being a Navy brat my father was in the service 30 years, my husband was military and I worked on the military base 33 years serving all active,retired,reserves. Reading all these comments it is hard to understand when I took my job to heart and gave it my all. It is a shame that all of you have to play a waiting game. Gold Star Wife
Instead of American Taxpayers being forced to thank Veterans for their “service”, Veterans should be forced to thank American Taxpayers for their money. Veterans are a fat and self-entitled class of government-dependent parasites whose very existence is unAmerican.
You pos you veterans are parasites? WTF are you talking about asshole us veterans put our lives on the line so you can live your cushy life.
It’s obvious you never served your country, you are probably on welfare sucking the tits of American taxpayers. You sir should fu$k off.
Mr. Bender, I do hope that you will be able to allow your anger to eventually dissipate and know that Veterans are citizens who chose to volunteer to enter military service. As a five year old child, I was sitting on my father’s lap watching President Kennedy giving his speech after taking the oath of office. I was struck by his presentation and especially when he said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country”. President Truman served in WW1 as an Army Captain of artillery, his unit was in combat throughout the war in France, President Kennedy was the Commanding Officer (in the Navy) of the PT-109, in WW2 which was engaged in seek and destroy missions in the South Pacific. President Lyndon Johnson was a Navy Lieutenant Commander who served in Australia and the South Pacific during WW2. My father volunteered for the Army in 1950 and served in the Korean War as a Medic in the 23rd Infantry Regiment. He was in the invasion force that landed at Inchon; he was wounded three times in separate battles and was awarded the Bronze Star with’V’ for Valor in late 1952. He was a quiet Veteran and was simply a citizen who went to War as it was his duty to serve. He and the millions of other citizens that have served were all honorable individuals and your ugly statement demeans their sacrifices.
Republicans haven’t told the truth since president Ford.
Someone is bitter…..Thank you for your taxpayer money. It will help provide the much-needed medical care after putting our lives on the line for ungrateful people like you. People like you assume you’re safe and secure because you are in the United States, the police, the FBI, etc. are a barricade and will protect us. Let me ask you this, who protects them? What are they going to do when a military-like Russia’s or China’s attack us? Do you think the police are going to be able to stop them?? Negative my ungrateful friend it takes young men and women like the ones in our military and our veterans to take the fight to our enemies thus returning to keep America safe. So next time, instead of running your mouth and being bitter towards what our country and its citizens have promised to provide us for our willingness to put our lives on the line, say thank you and move on!
My dad’s va check. Is short 1900 dollars they told him that the program that pays him for at home help care is being cut? I want answers and another thing got cut also they told hi m it was an executive order
Good video, although I don’t necessarily believe what he says about the press and Doge, and current VA actions certainly aren’t a positive for we veterans. In addition, your actions as a Representative and current actions by Trump & Doge certainly make me, and others question whether we can believe you. But for now, I certainly hope you’re right. If not, you’ll get this video sent right back with a remark that his word isn’t worth the space it occupies.
Director Collings is a joke; he doesn’t have a clue. The most recent round of cuts has impacted my VA healthcare in two ways. First, I was to have a laser ablation procedure in my throat in April. When I called the VA yesterday, I was told that the contract for the laser machine had been cancelled due to the Trump/Musk/ Collins initiative. (Several of the hospitals in the area have a lease agreement to share the machine to reduce the cost. Now the hospital is waiting to find out when and if the contract can be renegotiated.
Second, I have two VA compensation claims on hold evidently because the DOGE administration let go the workers who are assisting with the claims process.
Now the administration has rescinded their idiotic decisions, but the damage is done.
My procedure is delayed, and my claims are further delayed.
What the administration is doing is fraudulent and a disservice to our veterans.
Denying and/or reducing benefits for which Vets have qualified- especially when they have been receiving those benefits and relying on them- is cruel and un-American. Equally cruel and unwise is curtailing of survivor benefits. Who will want to serve this country when all incentives to do so are removed entirely? Also, once the disability is designated, along with the qualifying percentage, and the Vet is receiving compensation from the VA, it is unconscionable to reduce or curtail compensation on which that Vet relies. I am aware that some Vet benefits appear to be windfalls. However when time served earning what is essentially a minimum wage is considered, this seeming “windfall” looks more like appreciation for service. In addition, I have to note that disparaging and smug comments, (made by Vets who are not experiencing problems with benefits), are inappropriate and not in accordance with the spirit of service. Sanguine comments that mock and dismiss the harm caused by indiscriminate denial of benefits to fellow Vets says a lot about the integrity of the commenter. I would not choose to be in a situation wherein I would have to, as a service member, rely on such an individual to honor their oath and commitment.
Your extreme right views and support for all Trump’s wants and desires and your stint with Georgia’s 9th Congressional District, one of the most Republican districts in the country, belie your claim that no cuts will be made to the VA system. And your support of DOGE, claiming that they are doing exactly what is necessary is laughable. Rolling Stone reports: “Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Doug Collins’ tenure is off to a rocky start. The former Georgia congressman and unapologetic Donald Trump loyalist began by releasing a series of videos assuring that “despite the rhetoric, there would be no cuts at VA.” These videos preceded two rounds of layoffs at the department — first, 1,000 employees, many of them veterans, and then another 1,400 last week. Notably, Collins was not being forced to make these cuts by Trump or the so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Instead, he appears to be slashing VA jobs simply to win favor with Trump and Elon Musk.”
You may not like Rolling Stone, but even the AP has reported: “VA pauses billions in cuts lauded by Musk as lawmakers and veterans decry loss of critical care. The Department of Veterans Affairs has temporarily suspended billions of dollars in contract cuts after an uproar that critical veterans health services were harmed, lawmakers and veterans service organizations said Wednesday. ”
I could quote many more news outlets, but you would simply falsely state they are all false claims. I give up.
“Extreme right views” is all these veterans need to hear. You are a fake news consumer, aka Pravda Propaganda. Do some basic research. Your cognitive dissonance won’t let the facts in. Yes, the VA is notorious for their delay, deny and die ideology with it comes to veteran benefits. I’ve been fighting the VA for ten years. The battle continues. I will beat them at their own game.
The Democrat Communist Party Pravda Propaganda machine feeds us nothing except FEAR PORN. Fear is an emotional reaction. Using Critical thinking skills, logic and commonsense is the cure. Fight, Fight, Fight and win.
My heart goes out to Vets like Malcolm (who wrote on Malcolm February 28, 2025 at 09:01), and :
“VA Secretary Doug Collins, I was exposed to Agent Orange while I was stationed at (Udon) Thailand in 1974, I have developed Leukemia due to my exposure…The VA just reduced my compensation on chronic lymphoma leukemia from 100% to 0%….My anxiety went through the roof”.
I am a registered nurse formerly employed by the VA. Meddling with the disability qualification requirements and percentages is CRUEL, SENSELESS, UNWISE, and just WRONG. If they are eliminated or reduced (and they should not be), then the Vets or their survivors whom are already qualified should not be denied the disability benefits earned and that they have been receiving. It is not wise to eliminate any of the few incentives for Americans to enter the military, as it is. They give life and limb. How can this be happening in the United States of America?
Thank you, Barbie Roelofs, for speaking out. At 74 that was devastating news. I’m sure all of these comments fall on deaf ears…
What about Health programs?
Not to be trusted. Trump will push him to eat his words. Especially since VA personnel are being disrespected and “fired” by the thousands.
Thank you Mr. Collins. May God Bless you in your job as new VA Secretary.
WOW, what a used car salesman presentation
Keep it up va I go to Hampton va for my
Treatment and meds thanks
For the service sir no complaints and wife gets her champ va everything is great for her
Sir, I think you need to rescind your assurances that veterans benefits would not be cut.
the CBO is beating the drum again this year for reduction or elimination of va disability pay.
They do this annually and cause much angst among veterans.
It appears to me that if their scheme is enacted, it drive thousands of widows into poverty
because of the loss of Total disability by their husband and concomitantly DIC.
Veterans who have been receiving IU 100% for years have been unable to establish IRAs’
and other retirement instruments. They are unable to work. They also are uninsurable
for life insurance because of their disabilities.
I voted for Donald Trump, I can say factually that the veterans community are re-thinking
their decision. I am 100% p/t from Vietnam. There is a tidal wave coming, these ill advised
proposals will pave the way for the Democrats to retake the house and senate.
I can state unequivocably that if these idiotic actions become reality I will be changing parties.
Is this really what these bureaucrats want for disabled veterans
LOL. Trump worked hard for over eight years to tell the world that he would dismantle everything great about America. Real Americans warned you a thousand times. You failed America with your votes for Trump. Own it.
VA Secretary Doug Collins, I was exposed to Agent Orange while I was stationed at Udorn Thailand in 1974, I have developed Leukemia due to my exposure…The VA just reduced my compensation on chronic lymphoma leukemia from 100% to 0%….My anxiety went through the roof
Imagine your 1SG letting another 1SG come into your company and discharging Soldiers at will. Collins let Musk do that. Proof that Collins won’t even protect his own workforce for the benefit of veterans.
Imagine your 1SG sucking up to the CSM like Collins sucks up to Trump.
Secretary Collins … I would like to apologize, sir, for the need to say what I am about to say. Simply stated, I do not believe a word you said. On the one hand, with only a month on the job, you have not had a lot of time to prove your loyalties. On the other hand, we all know your reputation and, to be frank, do not believe for one minute that your priorities and loyalties are to the Veterans who defended our country and whose sacrifices have made your job possible in the first place. On behalf of millions of American Veterans, living and dead, I challenge you to prove to us, in the same way that we have proven our loyalty to our country, that you intend to be loyal to us. That’s it in a nutshell. Forgive me again, sir, but now the ball is in your court. History will record for all time where your loyalties lie.
I second what John Washbush said here 100 percent. History and The Lord both will record your actions!
Mr Secretary Collins, I would like to extend my sincere THANK YOU to Ms. Grace Brumley, from the International Direct Deposit Team, VA Regional Office 351 – Muskogee, OK, for solving the 14 month long delay in my payments by getting Electronic Transfer rather than paying by checks being issued by the Foreign Medical Program (FMP) Office
Ms. Grace Brumley exemplified your challenge to ” focus relentlessly on customer service and convenience” and I hope that your office will recognize her efforts to “solve REAL PROBLEMS” being faced by Veterans in receiving payments or other services we have earned.
Thank you!!!
Dr. PDG, Jakarta, Indonesia
Stop doing videos and stand up to Trump and tell us what you’re doing instead of on a video. I do not trust this.
Why aren’t you doing press conferences instead of videos? These one-way videos make it seem like the director is afraid soemone will ask questions and demand real data.
Why are they firing most researchers ones that are in the middle of studies that was already paid fo outside the VA makes no sense and all was to try and help the veterans i thought that was your job to help the veterans i was in the hospital on the 24 th. And everyone was scared about having a job if you think that helps the veterans your wrong and i voted for trump.
Welcome to the Find Out stage of FAFO.
Why is the VA not properly paying its Community Care Providers, specifically Therapeutic Massage. We took a 24% rate cut in October of 2023 in the middle of the worst inflation we have ever seen. This caused many providers to cancel their contracts and others to reduce the number of veterans served. This action is directly responsible for the suffering of our Veterans. Please fix this problem!
VA Secretary Collin’s ….DOGE= Dog “Shit”…They are cutting essential Personnel, How are us as Veterans suppose to get the care we need when the VA Facilities & Community Care are empty…..These are some of the most dangerous & corrupt cuts that ever could happen…..Rag-Bag Elon Musk(not even From our United States)..?? You need to explain yourself Sir, when you say you agree what (So called DOGE) is doing or are you committed to standing up for myself & my Brothers & Sisters (Veterans)…these cut @ VETERAN AFFAIRS… Secretary Collin’s has done nothing to speed up anything (except THE AGENDA) Veterans want “REAL ANSWERS” not the Politically Correct answers…..Our Veterans Employees deserve better than this Crazy Shit that is happening to them & thier Families….Lead,Follow or get out of the way!!!
Listening the emotional outbursts of liberals are annoying and bothersome. Grow up do some research.
Why are the VA facilities empty?
“Collins said he would seek to bring more employees into the office rather than allowing them to telework, though he noted he was bound by collective bargaining agreements that represent 80% of the VA workforce. He similarly pledged to follow labor contracts and all other legal processes when seeking to fire more department staff, though he said he would ultimately not be restricted in getting rid of malfeasant workers. “
The VA demeans veterans when it does not permit admission into the VA medical system because of an income above some low level.
I hope Doug can help with the LOGIN.GOV over reach of Veterans personal information. I’m absolutely disgusted with the VA as it pertains to that, specifically!
The VA is indeed clearing cases faster than before, but only because they are declining more than ever. Veterans hospitals are not improving, they are getting worse, The VA hospital I attend is very short handed on doctors and I learned yesterday that 2 more of our really good doctors are leaving the VA. Loosing Doctors and the hiring freeze is causing a 2 to 4 month wait to get an appointment. I applied for counselling at my VA due to depression and am having to wait almost 2 months to see a councilor. I have been fighting for my VA disability since 2010 and am still being denied. I can truly understand why Veterans commit suicide.
Not worried about privacy info being exposed. After all, Equifax was hacked to the tune of 143 million citizens, so it figures that all of my info is already floating around the dark web somewhere!
Your living in a friggin dream world!!! The VA in both NJ and wills Barre have done everything and did DESTROY
My ability to pass any background check by leaking out flat out toxic gaslighting lies all were from a fake woman rep 1 when I used to live in Jersey and now in wills Barre pa both were not related to each other but the pa VA hates vets so much when I applied for my PTSD and my broken bones from army they will call either 2 things “Nutzo or slutz”!! They deliberately infected me with a toxin from a surgical instrument in wills Barre pa and made me so ill I couldn’t even walk! The top brass gives orders to make sure you don’t get your benefits and if they find out you got them before admin finds out they litterly make sure you never go there again, so I tried waiting 2 years and went to one in upstate NY not only did they tried to lie to me, they wanted a surgery to go to the Bronx NYC for the dental surgery that would “take months” to recover when I said you know how can I have surgery when there is no teeth to pull? I knew the last wills Barre didn’t pay the community care dentist and I had to call a congressman to get the va to pay the dentist that and I’m guessing did not sit well with the top brass in Willsk Barre so a vendetta was made without my knowledge, so it’s a good guess that they want to give you the same dental treatment that John Gotti got in prison. The gov gave him cancer in a dental filling, and that’s what I’m guessing they have tried to do to me, this was a warning for me never to go back to Any Va!!! Willsk Barre is run like the Mafia.!!!!
Rep Collins , I not writing this to complain about the service of care providers in our community but, lol I have one small issue that we don’t have a VA hospital in Anchorage or Fairbanks,Alaska. I am lucky enough to be able to go to Chief Andrew clinic in Fairbanks and just to let you know I have received the best care I have ever received from VA. My issue is if I go to the VA clinic it’s over a damn computer and a nurse doing everything a Dr is supposed to do to help me. I don’t know how you feel about having to sit and talk to a doctor over a computer. When just down the street I get to see a doctor in person and God as my witness I can say that I have never been seen and treated like I’m a King ever time. We’re wasting our money on a clinic that works over a computer and I don’t see why we should pay for that kind of treatment. I would like to see that my fellow Veterans get the same treatment that I do thank you for listening to me. Per capital we have more veterans than any other state. Thanks Ron
Mr Collins , you are saying one thing , but in reality you do the opposite. I do not trust you, along with other veterans. You are allowing VA employees to be fired, possible changes in healthcare and disability. Whenever there are budget cuts, veterans are the first on the chopping block. Veterans do not want a yes man for the current administration. We want someone that will fight for us. We have earned every damn VA benefit. The current administration could care less about us. Trump is allowing an unqualified and unelected man to make decisions about the VA programs. Musk is the hit man for Trump and they are destroying everything that we know. You are either for veterans or you are not. Find your spine, voice and protect veterans. We have served our country through wars and conflicts. It is your responsibility to fight for us. Freedom is not free.
Great to that we got a Secretary that cares about Veterans. Let’s see if he’ll get us more than an annual 1-2% COLA increase. Congress goes and proposes a 40% pay increase for themselves and only about 10% served in the armed forces defending our country and the citizens of it.
Some of us are deemed unemployable and struggle paycheck to paycheck. Like myself.
I honestly don’t believe, or trust you.
As a Trump loyalist, your true allegiance is not to us, the veterans, but rather to the President.
From your previous term, you should be well versed on the “Concurrent Pay” issue.
Why hasn’t this been taken care of. Even (then) Sen. Harry Reid made it his FIRST bill submission. It always gets buried.
I was ripped off for half my 30 years of disabled retirement. When I received $400 for disabiliy, my meager enlisted retirement check was struck with a $400 deduction.
President Lincoln established Concurrent Pay to help the enlisted soldier. It also was meant to put the responsibility of disabled Officers (then Aristocrats) on themselves. This is no longer close to fair today (although I have no idea why an officer gets 2-5 times more than this combat/retired/disabled Green Beret).
Show us what you are made of. You should be our Governor or Senator. I hope you are the man I think you are.
Lead the charge, Sir!!! I have no dog in this fight as I’m now 100% (after a 29 year fight). But, our Brothers in Arms don’t deserve this.
And, if President Trump wants to give away money, skip the people who won’t work and slide it over to us who have been screwed and fighting with our finger nails to get a fair shake. Otherwise, take care of the brothers behind me.
God Bless
De Oppresso Liber
He is correct. Many INSANE people who listen to FOREIGN CORPORATION MEDIA (Nearly every media source in USA) – most directly owned and paid by the WEF and it’s insane globalists.
DOGE will make efficient, streamlined action. Good GOD, people: NONE OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA EVER SAY ANYTHING TRUE. DO A SIMPLE SEARCH ON the company which owns your news station, which owns that, which owns that – you will find they are foreign companies.
I am dating a 78 year-old veteran and I am 72 and all we do is argue because I’m a Trump supporter and he is not any throws in my face that this morning the president said he was going to cut the veterans benefits. What can I say back to him to quit listening to the fault narratives that are on the news but he said that Trump said it so can you clarify it for me?
Tell him that his statement is, as labeled by the great Gen. Swartzkoff…. “bovine scatology!” LOL! Just a thought! :D
I’m a veteran and this administration has declared war on us… WHY?
Do I believe that Collins has any control over the matter???…Hell No! Anyone who sits across the table from this president or Elon Musk will toe the line of the administration’s conjured up policies, regardless of whose lives they destroy. Wise up, and don’t be a party to this foolishness, Mister Collins.
My experience with the VA is that of honest people attempting to do their best with little time, resources, and management support. I pity them, but wholeheartedly thank and respect their dedication to. the cause.
You obviously don’t know Mr. Collins. He doesn’t cower to anybody. He shut down the Trump Impeachment with his legal prowess.
Your experience with the VA is similar to mine, except I find several persons hanging around with seemingly nothing to do.
I pray that God Almighty creates a special place in hell for anyone that wants to privatize the VA.
DO you support the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025’s framework for restructuring, reducing and taking benefits and disability ratings from the veteran community ? Please answer this question.
Enough of the Fake News lies: Project 25 is from a private organization. It has nothing to do with President Trump. Do some basic research.
Will health care professionals be let go? The VA has made vast improvements in last 10 years or so. I was dealing with the medical issues. The whole operation seemed to be chaotic. Nobody would return phone calls. Sometimes there would be a neurologist on staff. Other times the nearest neurologist was in Buffalo. You never knew what to expect. I really dreaded dealing with the VA. I’d have to drive to the VA to get information or prescriptions or to get a simple question answered. Those days are over. Please don’t let them come back. You’ve made such great improvements. The VA has a new facility here (ROPC). I’ve had the same medical team for eight or so years now. The staff is friendly and concerned about my health. My meds arrive on time. And other vets I’ve talked with feel the same way. I can’t adequately express how much the VA has improved. The care I receive at the VA is better than civilian care (they seem to be going down hill). Please don’t let the VA slip back into chaos
I was notified by my local VA that community care service is being eliminated. I had to cancel my next appointment. They said I could either go to the community care but then could not go to the VA. That doesn’t make sense. Now I have to drive an hour and a half to my closest VA instead of 2 blocks to local hospital. Also some of my appointments
are further apart due to staff reductions??
Also since Trump started all of the funding cuts my medication deliveries have been stopping and I am constantly calling to straighten. Out the mess. Things just seem to not be working smoothly anymore.
In no way do I trust the current CIC, any of his appointees, and certainly not the “DOGE”. Looking for inefficiencies in all Federal government agencies is certainly a necessary endeavor, napalming those agencies is unacceptable and un-American.
They cut my benefits
What? Are you kidding?
What benefits were cut?
Explain your situation, my benefits have not been touched. I don’t know where everyone is lying about their benefits being touched. Can you please give more details
I got my disability cut from what they say is from 100% to 90% from apllying for the pact act and got cut from over $3800 to $2297 starting March 2025 and talking about going down to just over $2200 and wished I never put in for the fraud Pact Act to give others our money and I’m going to be homeless and starved to death and Unemployable that’s the thanks for our service is all we get and they hope we die before we get to 100% and decrease it. Just like the cadence says “they give you a hundred dollars and take back 99. I’m telling my grandchildren stay out of the military from grandad’s expeirience until they get the benefits right without the paper chase beuracracy
You didn’t know the Pact Act was a setup to do exactly what they did to you? If you were already 100% WHY did you file another claim??????
Yeah, you are a complete idiot for touching your claims after already having 100%
This is a sad day when people are on here rooting for this idiot from Georgia who is part of the problem. The Trump administration just fired the company that cleans the surgical tools in the operating room before they operate on a veteran they also just let go of the company who checks the radiation on the MRI and X-ray machines to make sure the veterans don’t get too much radiation. But some of you are on here praising this man they’re trying to sell the headquarters of the VA lol but they can actually sell the Federal building but they tried. And I see a couple people in their talking about give the man a chance you guys are pathetic. Cutting $80,000 jobs when the VA was already struggling and then you have somebody that is actually showing you they want to take veterans out anybody that voted for this crap is getting what they deserve.
Why is a company called Veterans Evaluation Services being used ? It has been my experiences with them to be a waste of time and “our” money ! All they have ever done is look at my VA records and confirm that my records are valid ! I’m sure that my 12 year old Grandson could do the same thing if I gave him access to my files ! And welcome aboard Secretary Collins !
I really hope that I don’t get cheated as I been for 13 years, with concussion that has caused me demihelanation of brain,chronic high
blood pressure, sleep apnea, seizures when anxiety is elevated and many others secondary disabilities.i have been unemployable since 2009 and not rated.
I applied for an increase in my disability rating on 6/10/24. Since then I have received requests for employment info that I have responded to. However it seems I am in a loop without end. I respond and then receive another request, then I respond again. I feel that this is a delay tactic to avoid making a decision. It is frustrating to say the least. I hope with the leadership change with the VA that this can be resolved. I have always been grateful for the care I received through the VA, and by and large have been very pleased with the level of care its provided.
Congratulations Secertary Collins on your new appointment. My husband was a veteran. He was shot in the head in Vietnam. He was in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. The VA took care of him for 55 years. Several years ago, a CT scan was done, and we found that injury took 50% of his brain. The VA paid for his rehab, education and ALL of his care. They even helped me through many difficult times. They hired him as an Educational Therapist and later as Prosthetic & Sensory Aid Services Representative. He was employed for many years and retired in 2000. We both felt that if he had been taken care of in the private sector he would not have survived near as long. The multidisciplinary team approach plus the knowledge related to veterans’ long problem lists allowed him to survive the 55 years. I realize there is waste in the VA and the waste needs eliminated. However, do not let anyone eliminate the system. It was certainly a blessing for him and me. Thank you.
Where is the waste? Elon Musk will gut everything and ask forgiveness later. You cannot encourage the reckless behavior of billionaires who have never known hardships. They don’t care what they cut as long as the number is big.
You are correct. Many INSANE people who listen to FOREIGN CORPORATION MEDIA (Nearly every media source in USA) – most directly owned and paid by the WEF and it’s insane globalists.
DOGE will make efficient, streamlined action. Good GOD, people: NONE OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA EVER SAY ANYTHING TRUE. DO A SIMPLE SEARCH ON the company which owns your news station, which owns that, which owns that – you will find they are foreign companies.
Actually I think you are a communist spy, trolling this site and spreading propaganda and lies, like a good little comrade. Please go take your cut and paste post and shove it.
Bottom line, a Vietnam draft dodger and a corporate welfare foreign national (the latter unelected) running and destroying our government and thus our country that we here lived and in some cases died for.
Sir, please don’t cave in to the spoiled Brat Billionaires who never served and don’t give one shit about us veterans. Anyone that calls POWs loosers can rot in hell – yes I’m talking about Captain Bonespurs Trump, he said that, check tape.
I can only pray that current VA leaders have the spine and backbone that politicians left at the door.
I am a 1980s Cold Warrior till I die, and you poster are in fact a commie if you support a Putin, Xi, Kim loving president.
And I call BS on your post. It simply isn’t true, and you are probably a Russian spawed bot anyhow.
(yea, Musk isn’t even a real American, he’s from South Africa and only naturalized in 2002, holds citizenship in 3 different countries, so yea, where does his allegiance lay?)
Thank you for the information, transparency and congratulations on your appointment. I’m a veteran, but also a proud spouse of a VA employee (also veteran). I’m hopeful that in the coming days you and your leadership team will be providing transparency to VA employees and staff so we can anticipate any future changes. I know the situation is changing daily and quite fluid and I’m sure we aren’t the only family looking forward to this information. We appreciate what you are trying to do. Best wishes.
fellow veterans please lets try to mind our words and stand by if we have nothing positive to contribute on this message forum- lets try to work together as i write this their are 1,955 comments on here and some are well intentioned, some are revealing our divide amongst our sides. I am on neither side I am with all of you as fellow Americans and veterans. This situation we are living through can be overcome but we must work together, remember our discipline and memories of how we work together as a team even in the most dire of situations. We must hope and expect the best from our current chain of command as our success or failure is coalescent on their decisions and actions. Health, fortitude, peace and humor as we navigate these next few years but above all optimism that things will work out.
aguilar santos
Hey Santos, you going to be so polite when your orange Jesus deports you?
Congratulations Secertary Collins on your new job. I see all these comments and veterans are confused and need their questions answered. I see Kirt Love postings and he has many unanswered questions that need your support. Why doesn’t someone from your office get back to Kirt Love for some real questions to get answered. Please follow up. Ed Bryan
Congratulations Mr. Collins on your appointment and your transparency. I receive excellent care all throughout the VA – way better than civilian care. Now, to all the negativity a select few continue to post – We are all proud that President Trump is back (I repeat, BACK!) in the White House.
No, we are not all proud that white supremacists who want to end the Constitution are back in the oval. You sure don’t speak for me nor millions of other patriots who want to PRESERVE the Constitution.
I’m dealing with a really bad case of bone spurs. LOL
Guess what over 50% of the people working at the VA are not Veterans, they don’t even know what a Veteran has done for this country, their families. You work somewhere, your boss ask or the book keeper as what you did that week before you get paid. Hey you can tell them and will tell them to keep your job. Realize that a lot of people took advantage of the virus, stopped going in to work, but continued to get paid by the taxes you and I pay to the government, then got another job or moved to an foreign beach and send in work by computer if at all. Notice how you can’t get anyone to answer the Phone. Wake up, they need to go and only those who care and want to work should be kept.
I wrote to you last week, I have been a claims agent accredited for years 20 or so. The problem is here in Arizona Doctors are needed in community care. However, a chiropractor in Camp Verde put his application in again to help and was turned down and not answered as to why, he has to be creditionaled only by one company and that company want you to pay them and you have to take all of the insurances they have or you can’t be part Of them. Kick back in sure. For all of central and no. As there is one chiropractor. This is wrong and should be checked. Verde Valley Family Chiropractor Kyle French was at one time signed with VA, but stopped working for a while family diffaculties. Now they won’t let him help. Hope you can find out the problem. All doctors and nurses are needed in this area and across the country.
I watched the video several times and all I heard was “the media is telling you things I don’t like. Well, nuh-uh!” but in a folksy voice.
Agreed. What a waste of hot air.
The Veterans Health Administration is America’s largest integrated health care system, providing care at 1,380 health care facilities, including 170 medical centers and 1,193 outpatient sites of care of varying complexity (VHA outpatient clinics), serving 9.1 million enrolled Veterans each year.
I suspect that many of the negative, fear-mongering comments here are people with memory deficits. As a caregiver of a 100% disabled Veteran since Vietnam era, I have seen the VA rise and fall with each administration. I distinctly remember the previous short 4-years under the first Trump administration as being a breath of fresh air after the Obama administration’s middle finger to Veterans. By the end of his first term, President Trump had managed to clear the backlog, get enough doctors and medical specialists hired and streamlined the process of getting care. Within just a few months of Biden in charge, it went right back to the boondoggle of the pre-Trump years.
The VA is a HUGE beaurocracy with multiple layers of services for every type of veteran from WWII to present. If you expect the system to change in 30-days, you’re only kidding yourself. You can yell or you can do something. Every county is represented by a Veteran’s Service Officer. Every county is represented by both State and US Congressmen and Congresswomen. Most, but not all, VA employees serve veterans and will do everything possible to assist you with information, processes and procedures, communications and expectations. If you’re not a jerk, one or all of these avenues are open to you. Even if you are a jerk, most will still try to help deserving veterans and their families.
Doug Collins and Donald Trump have been elected to try to straighten out the mess once again. Work with them instead of against them and you will see a dramatic improvement once the waste, fraud, abuse and red tape of previous administrations are cleared out of the way. They truly do need to “clean house” at VA to make room for dedicated people with the will, training and dedication to help with this mission. There are a lot of them but we need 100% mission-driven patriots from the front door to the top floor and no slackers need apply.
In what bizarre world is A Vietnam War draft dodger who badmouths POWs, Veterans, even service members killed in a helicopter accident, a patriot???
Oh, and his buddy Musk isn’t even a real American. He’s an immigrant from South Africa naturalized in 2002, look it up. So yea, also not a patriot.
They are both self-serving billionaires with billionaire cronies, who don’t give two shits about Vets. That means you Reader, regardless of which party you vote for. These guys are gonna screw you in a heartbeat.
How can you tell a republican is lying? His lips are moving.
Collins may believe he’s telling the truth but as soon as Con Man Trump determines the time is right, he’ll screw all veterans. You should expect nothing less from the draft dodger. And when he does change his mind, Doug Collins will be right there kissing the ring and do nothing to support veterans. It’s almost like I can see the future – right Doug.
As a veteran enjoying the benefits I earned after serving for over 32 years I can personally attest to how great The Community Care program is for when I need care that’s not offered at my local clinic. This program was introduced during President Trump’s first term. I can also remember how bad the VA was during former President Obama’s administration whenever I attempted to get care. Thankfully I had healthcare insurance through my civilian job. May I ask if you’re a veteran? If so, what has been your experience?
You may want to research that further. It’s so tiresome that people are always looking in the rearview mirror to vilify past leadership in an effort to elevate the current traitor, even if it is a lie. Pres. Obama signed it into law!
The “program started in 2014 following a scandal over wait times at Veterans Affairs facilities. The program was created through the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act, a bipartisan bill that was signed by President Barack Obama.”
Fact Check:
Fact Check:
Glad to hear you are having a good experience and it is working well for your healthcare needs; however, it is not the same for everyone, everywhere.
Where I currently live it is not efficient. Females are farmed out to the community for basic healthcare, and the claims are routinely denied for stupid reasons, regardless of an authorization. Community care is limited to a monopoly healthcare system, and Veterans are not always treated with kindness or respect. The whole community care program is also untimely.
For example, getting a mammo or other female care should not require multiple intermediaries to get an auth and schedule the care. Furthermore, if a mammo is abnormal, and follow-up is required with further films or an ultrasound, etc. It’s back to waiting for the process, again.
That said, if I receive an unfortunate diagnosis and need to navigate community care program for cancer care, etc., it would be a nightmare. In my line of work, I saw what Veterans had to deal relative to unpaid community care claims, etc. The process could definitely be streamlined.
NOTE: Any misogynists or sexists who feel the need to make negative comments about female Veterans can keep them. I’ve already heard it, seen it, and experienced it for years.
Thank you for setting it straight. I get so tired of hearing what Trump has done when it iks just an extension of Obamas work and I have been in VA care the whole time so I have experienced it personally
I know of a lady who works for the Social Security. She told my wife that on the horizon are works in place so that we have to choose between SSN and our Veterans benefits. Maybe this is a rumor started in house to provoke us to behave badly. I trust my government, and that this is just a silly rumor perpetrated by opponents of our duly elected president.
Doge is not a government entity. I insist that you stop working with a bunch of criminals.
They are not vetted or have security clearances. They are a bunch of egomaniac punks.
Dodge serves as the pleasure of the President. Legal
At the pleasure of a convicted felon, lifelong grifter, and someone convicted of sexual assault. Why would I trust him?
The predator in chief serves at the pleasure of an incompetent nepo baby. Clear the GOP lies from your ears and look at what’s in front of you. Donald Trump doesn’t care about you and never will. Elon Musk comes from a family of billionaire emerald mine owners who were literally proud members of the nazi party.
I cannot believe how easily so many of you gave our country to a bunch of billionaire oligarchs who are cozying up to mass murdering dictators. Victor Orban, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un were the only people voting against the UN resolution condemning Putins illegal invasion of Ukraine, and your idiot president joined them.
Congrats Mr. Secretary
Would you please consider the letter on Panama Veterans submitted by 34 members of congress to identify Panama Veterans under the Pact Act/
He is lying.
Senators (all Rep except Hawley from
MO) rejected an amendment to the budget outline proposed on February 20.
The amendment brought by a Democratic senator I believe From Connecticut requested the VA healthcare funding be at the same level. It is now to not reduce those levels in the new budget. It was rejected by all, except that one Republican senator. All the Democrat senators and the independence voted for the amendment. They want funding for veterans healthcare to at least stay where it is now and to not be cut.
A lot of people claim to be for the military and for veterans but when it comes down to it, they are not. They are for lining their own pockets. Rolling Stone has a great article about how doge has not found fraud in the VA all they’ve done to save money as fired, doctors nurses office workers and things like that.
Going to pitch a idea for everyone coming here. Instead of you posting once
and walking away, look for others you share similarities and unite.
VA does not want any of you to rally. They want you to remain individuals
on here and bicker. That way they can claim there is no common interest
and nothing to answer.
Best possible place to try: and set up a petition of things you all
would support. Single idea, easy to agree on. Dont write a book, Get the
first or second idea running with a few thousand on board. Then VA cant
ignore you. Like “Open door policy at VA”.
Right now, they just want to see who the loudest people are to ignore. This
is a test bed on who to turn away or frustrate. Even the service groups. These
folks want to rule by keeping you all “Armies of one” No matter how good the
idea, VA only responds to numerical support – angry mob.
Been doing this 28 years, watched what hasnt worked. Been pitching this to
advisory committee to bypass there own deadlocks. You only have to be a team
for that one idea folks. Regardless of personality.
Other wise, sec of VA Doug Collins is going to ignore every one of you. He is
already doing that with me. All talk, same old song and dance as the others.
Its easier than you think folks. Commit to a idea, and unite on it.
I just got my second denial letter for VA referred community care since there are no in-house women’s programs where I live. As a 100% disabled vet, I’m once again a subpar citizen simply because I don’t have male genitalia. I get to bleed to death from a military related injury. Thanks guys!
Hi, thanks for commenting. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance.
I agree!!! Same here! I don’t even bother to get female care anymore because it is an effing nightmare! Every time I was sent to the community, it was denied and not paid, regardless of a prior auth. Optum is notorious for denying payment even after they give an auth. I finally escalated it, with all the receipts, and nothing.
How many current and planned positions have already been lost since January 20th?
How many families have uprooted to move for a promised position only to have it canceled since January 20th?
Can you explain why a pharmacist can change the dosage of medication prescribed by a heart specialist?
Seems a bit strange.
Congratulations on your new job. I am happy to know that you were selected for this job. I know that you will do great for us veterans.
For years democrats have controlled the VA. Now that President Trump and his team are in charge, democrat vets are singing the same disrespectful songs of the fake news radicals. (See comments) Secretary Collins has been in office for less that two weeks and they are already saying he is a failure. For God’s sakes men, give him a chance. The entire administration has only had a month to improve things, and the improvements in every area are significant. God bless you, President Trump, and your entire team. AMERICA FIRST!!!
Bernie Sanders and President Biden have done fine jobs on helping veterans but you want to believe a draft dodging LOSER and his lies over actual proof of those first 2 men obviously supporting veterans. I mean you do remember that President Biden had a son in the military he lost? All of DJT family dodged serving their countries, even his granddaddy first immigrated here to dodge his country, Austria’s draft to come here. You do know that means every time he dodged his draft other men were selected to go in his place? You’re worship of one of the most greedy money hungry loving conman actually makes me sick. You’re the type to have joined a hunting party to go after escaped slaves before and during the Civil War, just reading your comment tells me a lot about the type of person you really are. Probably joined the military to get to kill more than animals too, well I joined to help defend my country and to get more education and to travel the world and learn about different cultures etc
Shut down the VA go to medicare. I’ve been waiting for a consult for 3 months and no one can say why. They have lost some of my records when they can find any. Doing away with the VA is not cutting benefits. I can almost write a book of the disrespect and l ack of care I’ve received from the VA.
AMEN!!! EXCELLENT reply, Ron!!
I only hold them to the promises they made. No one forced them to claim they would lower groceries on Day 1, they said that . I say hold them to it or they lied for your vote and you still back them? Sad
You people are the biggest bunch of crybaby whiners I’ve ever seen. Not a positive comment in the bunch of you about what good the VA does; just complaints and “give me more”. Try a little gratitude for what good comes your way from the VA instead of all this entitled bull**
Entitled? Are you even a veteran or just commenting to be a good little DT bootlicker? You do realize that some of these people have been waiting for decades to be able to get benefits like healthcare that they need in order to be alive? I know this one guy that said he’d fought for 20 years because he had to dump toxic waste for the military, but he lied about his age to join and they did something with his service record and he’s got witnesses etc but they’ll literally wait them out to death so they don’t have to pay out
Roger That, Doug!!! It’s really difficult to believe that most of these brainwashed, Crybaby Whiners could have ever served our Republic with service in our Armed Forces!!!
Good soldiers are not afraid to ask questions. Some of the people that you are censoring may have a question that you did not think of to answer. Stop badmouthing these heroes who are exercising the right that they fought for.
This sounds like the same attitude that our Vietnam Veterans received after the war when years later we found that their complaints were real.
Well Doug (Collins), is this how you treat disabled Veterans. As “crybaby whiners”. This is why you should be last to be the Sectary of DVA. You finally responded to my request to view these complaints. “Not a positive comment in the bunch of you” makes you look like the biggest “crybaby whiners”.
The comments I made are relative to the community care process, not the VA care. The VA has provided excellent care and is my preference. My providers are outstanding and caring and very professional. Unfortunately, the facility doesn’t provide a lot of female care.
Of course, this will be a reason for misogynists and sexists to vilify female Veterans.
My dad died in a VA hospital because of a lack of human resources. He sat in the ER for over 6 hours missing his medical golden window to survive and then spent 30 days in ICU with sepsis where he died. Veterans like my father deserve THE BEST.
So why, are so many veterans being intimidated about what they’re doing at their job. So excuse me for not believing a word you say, because you don’t really know it’s not you, is that criminal in the White House Trump and his pet muskrat, that will destroy veterans lives. It already has disrupted them by forcing them to answer by Monday night. I know a lot of veterans at the v. A, that I confused disturbed about what’s going on.So what do you have to say about that
Thank you for the comment. There are plenty of videos and quotes proving how little the current administration cares about veterans and anyone really
Right on, Thomas! We have a right to ask questions. When I was an NCO, whenever a commander got in front of us for questions, I threw my hand up and encouraged my soldiers to do the same. Let’s keep doing the same thing. We are not a bunch of mindless infants. We are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that answered the call. Ain’t scared of nothin’!
The 1991 agent orange Bill was pass for all Vietnam Veterans that had agent orange Health Problems. in 2002 the V.A said had boot on ground. Congress passed Years later to 12 miles off shore. Many Vietnam Veterans server pass 12 miles but are got agent orange and toxions . Please help us to get the back to the Vietnam service medal like it was in the 1991 agent orange bill for all Vietnam Veterans with Health Problems. Please help us. we are dieing out that need Benefits. that had got Bad Health Problems. Thanks Please Help Us.
I have been waiting for the Death benefit from my Husband Elden Almendares and have not received it yet. He passed on August 3rd, 2024. I have been told it is in the “NATIONAL QUE” for final approval Don’t know where that “QUE” is but it has been six months since putting in my claim. Should it really take this long? I think I should get an answer. I was told I deserve some benifit from my husband serving our country. PLease respond to me.. You can call me, email or write to me. Thank you.
Hi, Laura. Thanks for commenting. We’re sorry for your loss and to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
MR. SECRETARY you say that you are not going to cut the Vets BENTEFITS then you tell me why I cant get an answer to my AGENT ORANGE that I have in for 25 YEARS and all I get for an answer is we are working on it who do you have working on it a bunch of monkeys rember you sent us there and now you are saying to us tough luck you got sick and you are diying thanks for nothing but a bunch of bull shit from you and TRUMP
Hi, thanks for commenting. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
When will you stop denying those that were poisoned at Camp Lejeune there benefits many have already died and got nothing ?
William four Judges -450,000 claims the law was passed two half years ago.
If you have a claim send email to the White House there is a website enough is enough.
Gold Star Wife
They need to reapply under the PACT act… It’s all in there, for now until the current administration gets done with their wrecking ball
Air Force service connected E-3
What a disgrace ,that any veteran would support Donald Trump. To vote for someone who has absolutely no integrity ,releases criminals from prison because they adore him , which is what he believes we all should do . Because after all he is the king . Money and power for him and his rich supporters is his agenda . The rest of us be damned . Shame on all of you!!
I’m appalled by this gaslighting and it was a Democratic President that passed the PACT act and has helped veterans immensely and because his son was a veteran, President Biden obviously cared a great deal about us veterans, especially those of us who were disabled. I also remember Senator Bernie Sanders a liberal,(Independent/Democrat) doing a wonderful job when the VA was struggling with backlog by years and even decades in some cases. I myself am still struggling at 70% when they stole my silver fillings and replaced them with the then new composite crap that’s cured with a blacklight. The 70% is for the agoraphobia they caused but they also caused PTSD and aggravated all of the previous to my service, mental health disorders. I feel like they tried to make me a mindless thing they could control and the programming failed if I was 1 of 5 from my squadron all in the hospital the night of the Air Force’s Airman’s Ball with the 17th Commander of the Air Force attending (his wife started the digitized blue, white and gray in all shades ? BDU idea, like people don’t need to “blend” into sky, they’ll be seen, duh ???) for trying to end our lives early. Yeah I know I’m giving to much personal information but it’s partly due to my manic phase I’m in right now.
How anyone would trust a man who was well known not to pay his contractors, cheated on all 3 of his wives as an unrepentant adulterer after he vowed to honor and cherish them, lusted after his own daughters (there’s plenty of interviews that are cringe AF with him describing baby Tiffany’s rack size and legs being like Marla’s and the Katie Johnson interview describing her looking like Ivanka and he made her wear a blonde wig when she was with him and to wear gloves so she couldn’t get any DNA from him because he had to see them get destroyed after use, he was careful not to leave behind evidence and she was a Epstein girl and happened to be close to his daughter in age at the time, he also stole her purity according to her account of their last meeting) and y’all think he didn’t and doesn’t LIE to y’all EVERY SINGLE TIME he opens his yuge gaping mouth?
Sir, what you described is literally what the Biden administration and democrats did. President Trump and Mr. Collins have only been in office for weeks, doing more that Biden did in four years. Shouldn’t we wait and give them a chance to set things right again, or are we going to continue to allow our feelings to dictate blame without facts? Personally, I am very confident that President Trump and his cabinet members will do everything in their power to correct what is wrong and then build it back better. Because the majority of the voting population to include a lot of the Democratic legislation are finally acknowledging how criminally unjust he was treated during his first term and are now supporting him. Don’t you think its time to trade our feelings in for observable merit-based accomplishments?
Mr. Secretary,
You are not telling the truth; Veteran’s Administration staff are being terminated by email. You know this, if you really stand behind every veteran then you also need to be standing behind every VA staff member who has been terminated by the weakness and constant lying of Donald Trump. Every veteran served by the VA has been on the front line, in harm’s way they trusted the soldier, the marine, the airman, and the sailor next to them. It is time that you not only step forward, that you step up and call out the ignorance that this coming from the White House.
Veterans have paid the IRS federal & State taxes for many years. I have paid taxes since I was in college until I retired in my 50s. Will veterans who pay no tax on VA benefits get a “DOGE Dividend Check”? I’m certain the IRS used the tax money for fraud, that veterans have paid as civilians, and we deserve a refund, as well.
Just curious, has our care gone to crap becasue DOGE is trying to make it better? I used to have great care at my local VA healthcare facility. I believe a big chunk of the staff is gone. So how is that helping vets? I think waiting over 2 months for a Urinary Tract Infection is unacceptable. If you look online it states the average wait time to be seen is 2-15 days. Oh, and don’t fall for the lie of using the local urgent cares. The VA doesn’t cover the labs if they decide to do a urinalysis. I paid $149 to pee in a cup of which the VA will not reimburse.
Well done and well said Mr. Secretary!
34 years I been waiting on just one ounce of truth behind how I was Deserted in Desert Storm and how the Government has destroyed records and the time is coming to answer to the International Humanitarian and War Crimes major violations. I am an American Fighting Machine I will never give up on Justice or my innocence because I’m an American soldier and veteran. Put your seat belt on Mr. Collins. Because the final battle may come on your watch
Can you explain how laying off probationary workers and offering buyouts to our underpaid healthcare providers is eliminating waste?
We need more people, not less. Instead of letting some kids who aren’t old enough to rent a car screw around with your systems, maybe hire some actual veterans to audit the system who give a shit. You do not have our consent to be doing this and it will come back to haunt you.
Believe it when I see it. The president is a lier and has always hated veterans. He avoided service. The idea of privatization of the VA is just a money grab by private insurance companies and private health care. They will deny care and keep our money. The VA isn’t perfect but works leave it alone. Many are happy with it.
Thank you, Doug. My husband is going through the process right now, and we received a phone call just yesterday, and our case is moving forward. Looks like the Democrats are spending every penny they have embezzled on trolls again. The only time I have ever seen attacks like this was after a pro-Trump post in 2017 when they targeted Trump. Just remember that liberals do not like losing power, and they have lost it all. Their following is only about 15% of the population, but their voices are always loud. We are winning. Keep moving forward as fast as you possibly can. All the right people are united in this administration. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show the world how wrong the liberals have been. Power and money are all they care about. I’m sure Elon is going to find a great deal of fraud and abuse. That money is for the veterans, and I trust this administration and you to put the funds right back into the veterans’ needs. God bless this administration, and God bless you, Doug. Thank you for stepping up.
OUTSTANDING reply, Laura!!!
The VA does EVERYTHING in Slow Motion. From needing to see a Doctor (several weeks) to getting prescriptions (2 to 3 weeks) New glasses (6 to 8 weeks). God forbid I should get really sick! Someone needs to light a fire under under the VA!
Us Vets have already shown we are willing to put everything on the line. Now the Rich want to cut our benefits? Lets find out. Glad to know my post will flag me for DOGE or some authoritarian response.
I received a letter from VA a few days ago telling me that I was over payed in my benefits. The number is quite very high. They didn’t give any time frame of the over payment. I’ve been receiving service connect payments since 1993. What the heck, why did it take this long and why didn’t they give me more indepth information on the matter. All that was said is I owe money and my entitlements will be garnished. Sounds pretty lame to me. Now I have to pony up for a lawyer because VA just can’t get their act together.
A VA debt waiver is a decision to forgive or cancel a debt owed to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You can request a waiver if you can demonstrate financial hardship or that repayment would be unfair.
To request a waiver:
Complete and sign VA Form 5655, the Financial Status Report
Write a letter on a separate sheet of paper explaining why you should be granted a waiver
Include supporting documentation, such as proof of income, assets, and expenses
Specify “Waiver” in Block “3” of the Financial Status Report
Include your file number and name on each page of documentation
When to request a waiver
You have one year from the date you received your first debt letter or copay bill to request a waiver.
Factors that may help your case: Low income, High essential expenses, Unexpected financial burdens, Inability to pay, and VA errors or misinformation.
Additional information
You can call the VA Debt Management Center at (800) 827-0648 for questions about benefit overpayments.
This is just a complete lie. There is no sense in which arbitrary firings can possibly lead to improved care.
There is also absolutely NO plan to *redirect* funds to VETERANS. The only “beneficiaries” you’re talking about are the rich paying less in taxes.
Shame on you. Shame.
Are you a draft dodger too, Bryan?
We hear this all the time; however, the VA has been broken for a long time. I’m not holding my breath. The VA policy is delay, delay. and aways tell you what they can’t do never what you can do . As long as you have clinics like the one in Bismarck ND There are many others, but this one has to be the worst-case of incompetence. Talk is cheap, let’s see if we see any actions. I won’t hold my breath.
You will justifiably suffer if you believe you will be told the truth by anyone who has been given position and power under the Musk/Trump administration.
Doug Collins DID NOT ANSWER the question about Musk&Minions having access to PRIVATE/PERSONAL information as with Medical information–An outright HIPAA Violation!!!! I DID NOT “release” my records to DOGE! Did you???
There is NO transparency and/or accountability amongst the lawless incompetents and robber barons accessing veteran/private citizen information via the Department of Veterans Affairs or any other government agency that tRump has opened to a billionaire TechBro that knows he’s buddied up to the perfect ‘mark’ giving him access to Data Mine the entire US Government. INFORMATION is POWER.
No doubt this DOGE activity will emerge as the largest (sanctioned) THEFT OF PERSONAL DATA of every Vet/US citizen (for misuse and monetization) in the history of the world. There will be ZERO recourse as all the avenues of reporting and enforcement are simultaneously being dismantled and/or lead by and stocked with tRump/MAGA castrati at the top and lots of sheep in the ranks.
Doug Collins, Musk and Trump are liars and time (very soon in fact) will tell. The bad thing is our vets will have to pay the price when they have already paid so much to defend this country. Why treat them like they don’t matter.
Dan, your wrong. These people are known liars with intentions to lower the disabled veteran population to reduce the expenses of DVA. Less disabled veterans. My issue is the rest of the republican’s siding tor lies, injustice against the American ways. They are not the Superman’s except in their dreams.
It will be 2 decades before republicans can be trusted again.
I admired Reagan and the Bushes, especially with the concept of “War against terrorism”. These were trusted Republicans. Now they are humbled, by Dictator Putin. What republican now believes Putin did not start the war?
Doug Collins, prove us wrong and get the current president to promise VA disability, Social Security, and VA health care will not be lessoned like when he wanted to reduce social security to the 100% IU’s on a $ for $ ratio, to pay for his wall. Get the president to promise he will not treat disabled veterans like he did with the Honorable Senator John McCain, the last republican I could trust..
Make that promise yourself. Promise to follow the Constitution over Trump.
Sorry Dan for the statement that you where wrong. You are right that the vets will pay.
FWIW Mr Collins, most of us MIL vets don’t believe you have any power – Trump & Musk tell you what to do and you do it or get fired. They have demonstrated this thousands of times in the past month.
And worse yet for us and what’s left of the VA you occupy office space at, this article was posted by Wired . com just 2 days ago – “DOGE’s USDS Purge Included the Guy Who Keeps Veterans’ Data Safe Online.”
I’m a Disabled Veteran & I suppose when I posted the last time it got moderated…..but all of us Veterans need to think about all of the Employees @ DVA & thier Families that got walking papers and will not have a paycheck next month…..Really Sad for all involved…. Be Blessed
Mr. Collins…I very much liked your plain and to the point INTRO to believe! As DIS VET myself, it took me 11 years to convince the VA that a documented service connected disability was warranted coupled with my effort to have been massively complicated by attempting to do so via normal mail from an overseas location! I would like to see the VA promoting solid guidelines to the federal managers/selecting officials in the federal employment arena to consider job appointments for jobs applicable to qualified and certified 50% +, disabled VETs!!! Veteran preference is an absolute optional in my subjective opinion…as a Master’s degree holder, re-instatable federal candidate, TS security holder with 25 years+ experience, I quit applying for federal jobs after my 40th attempt!
Some pretty harsh comments here. Gotta give Secretary Collins credit for not blocking them. But then maybe he didn’t see them, being busy as he must be talking up DOGE and Trump’s accomplishments so far, which can’t be impressive, considering they’ve only had a month to make a mess of things. Personally, I thought VA care improved a lot in the last couple of years, at least it did down here in the Texas coastal bend. Seems not all clinics and hospitals are run equally well. Mr. Secretary, I am sure you are a nice guy and want to give Vets the best care you can, but here’s the rub, your boss doesn’t seem to care much for Vets. Will he stay out of your hair?
Why would I believe this lying POS any more than I would believe bone spurs. The draft dodger said he will cut benefits in the V A, Social Security, and Medicare and he is doing it one by one with the help of that illegal immigrant musk. It’s just a matter of time. VA employees are being fired all over the country. They aren’t cutting fat, they’re cutting out the heart and soul of the V A and the country.
The “real truth” is my retired Army husband has oxygen tubes follow him around the house and is so disabled he never leaves the house. To get his 40% disability re-evaluated for an increase to 100% or at least 70% would require a 3 hour trip each way to Winston-Salem even though we are only 40 minutes from the Durham VAMC. He can’t even leave the house but a long trip is required. Retired Army were promised health care for life.
The last time we went to Durham VAMC he had to wait in the car for ten minutes because they ran out of wheelchairs. Civilian doctors say he needs a motorized wheelchair and home health care, but the home health care company needs orders from his VA physician and say his doctor doesn’t respond. I’ve called many times trying to get his physician to put in the orders. They say they relay messages but they never respond. It’s obviously due to cutbacks and poor organization since the last election.
Mr. Collin’s, you should be wearing a diaper on your chin for all the shit you are talking. They are cutting Veteran Employees who served in the military. If that is not a cut to the hard working veterans that served. You sir are just another Trump and Musk disappointment.
As a disabled Viet Nam war veteran, I have found the VA to be very good for all of the needs my condition requires. After discussions with the American Legion rep I found that many of the problems vets are having getting the care they need comes from failure to follow the rules in applying for and keeping up with the requirements of the VA. The other problem I see in all of these comments are the failures of the writers to show respect by making demands on others when they have not complied with the requirements properly. If you are confused or think it is too difficult, then contact your Legion rep and ask for assistance. Also, anyone who thinks that denigrating and disrespecting our President will help them, they are mistaken. Ask the Desert Storm vet who rode home on Trump’s plane whether they think he is not a good person.
OUTSTANDING reply, Don!! There sure are a whole bunch of brainwashed, Communist CRYBABIES on here for the past couple of days, aren’t there??! I find it very hard to believe that most of them ever truly served our Republic in the United States military. If they really did, they sure aren’t displaying the characteristics one would expect from Warrior veterans!!
No cuts to VA staff or benefits? Unbelievable that our own Secretary is trying to have us believe this nonsense.
I live in the Worcester, Mass. VA service area and was unable to see my Primary Care Physician on the two occasions I called for an appointment in the past 4 weeks. When I finally was able to reach someone in authority at the Worcester VA, that person explained that Worcester was experiencing sever Staff shortages and appointments for urgent care were being redirected to the ER’s in the area as well as commercial Urgent Care facilities. Ever try to get chronic disease related care at your neighborhood Urgent Care facility of ER? If you are near death due toa coronary issue or perhaps a stroke they are pretty good…but honestly they don’t really care about RSV or Sinusitis…both of which were misdiagnosed while I suffered with both for 4 weeks until I finally found a specialist through Community Care and was treated with antibiotics..cleared the sinusitis in two days. No reductions in VA care for Veterans? Nonsense…and shameful.
Sounds reassuring, seeing is believing.
It doesn’t matter where you go, you can’t escape chronic TDS. And frankly I’m beyond sick & tired of those more ons. It’s only the bottom of the first inning yet they’re already predicting the game is lost. Go away, PLEASE.
I am glad to have seen the time come when veterans that have served this country get the care and benefits that they deserve and have been promised for years. The VA system is broken and needs restructure. Put administrators and department heads on a fixed salary that is appropriate to their skills, and expertise. Do away with the bonus system of saving money for the VA. Remember the VA is supposed to serve the veteran. It should not be about administrators and department heads withholding services and medical supplies to the veteran in the name of saving money and getting a bonus for themselves.
Doctors and practitioner’s need not be sitting at their desk looking at the clock when the veteran is their to be treated. If additional medical staff needs to be hired, hire them. Spend some of that money that normally goes in the pockets of administrators and department heads in the name of boniness’s, in the name of money saved and cost reduction
Make the system of filing for disability more efficient and in a timely manner instead of just “rubber stamping” denied to his or hers claim hoping that they will get discouraged and go away. Or even just die.
One other item that is important to me and most veterans i am acquainted with, is the prescribed drug program. If the veteran needs a particular drug made by a particular pharmaceutical company, prescribe that drug to him or her. Don’t prescribe a lesser quality drug instead. Which I have experienced personally. And address the issue of having the veteran pay for drugs, or even a portion of the cost. Remember the veteran has written a check to the Government that has no expiration date or amount on it. Giving his or her life for this country. What I have stated here are situations I have personally experienced and true to my knowledge.
So I would ask that the new head of the Veterans Administration, being a veteran himself, take these comments by this veteran into his consideration.
Yeah, no, the DOGE team shouldn’t have access to anything. To lie and claim they do not have access to the health records is laughable. They have access to our records. Also, they made sure the VA is an unsafe environment for LGBTQ veterans.
God bless you Sir, and God bless President Trump too. Clean it up please. Too many of my brothers and sisters have been waiting far too long for adequate physical rehabilition and/or adequate medical care. The disability review and decision process needs to be examined for more efficiency no doubt as well. Thank you Sir.
Lying puppet of the administration. Get bent, tool!
There is a reason he releases videos through youtube, and that is to circumvent actual reporters who might call out his blatant lying.
I am sorry but when they fire the people that are in charge of our nuclear weapons and struggle to find them to hire them back is not a media problem. It doesn’t take a genius to know that if you are firing thousands in days you are not putting much thought in what you are doing. When you are telling people they are being fired for performance issues and your supervisor is telling you that is not why you are being fired. It creates a problem. There has been no time for performance issues to be evaluated on thousands of people. It’s not what DOGE is doing, it’s how. You people at the top will never get it. Thanks for trying to quell our fears but I am not feeling quelled.
I see mostly sour grapes coming from what i believe to be disgruntled democrats. As far as I am concerned the VA is a god send for myself and vets who can still think for themselves and not be one of the bleating sheep who drank the joe and kalama kool aid
Anything will be an improvement. My 95 year old mom has been waiting to see if she can get Aid and Attendance in Virginia since last March. Supposedly you expedite claims for those over 85 yrs old., if this is the fast track, lord help those younger. I guess you are hoping she will die first.
Hi, Betty. Thanks for commenting. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
After reading all the comments…I am a 30 year retired CWO4 with several Agent Orange related issues. Now, I see
all the comments…And I “KNOW!” of many, many veterans who VOTED FOR TRUMP. I said, this guy, with his
record and his philandering….his treatment of General MILLY, his treatment of General H.R. McMaster (A roommate
of my son at West Point)…
Now you’re pissed off……I had a four year AF Airman First Class….who wanted all the Mexican kick out….He who
worked with many Latinos…Voted for Trump!!
Can’t cut what they don’t give. Veterans are not taken care of
I do not DOGE anywhere near any of my information in the VA database. Doge is not House or Senate appointed or established entity and Elon Musk is not an elected official with legal rights and responsibilities for any of the actions he has been undertaking.
Irene A. Abels, CDR, USNR, Ret
i would rather you be focused on HELPING the veterans. not pushing your own numbers….
Its why i am continually failing to recieve proper treatment, with BLOOD IN MY STOOL, and BLOOD IN THROW UP. Yet its not worthy enough to help a 100% disabled vet
no…. no…… Cases. cases. cases. number number number
Mark my words……………….. I will die from this illness from lack of treatment, and then my autopsy and written testament will be plastered all across the country
Hi, Jared. If you’re having a medical emergency, please call 911. Please know that we’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Say what you like, trump does not care what you think. Its going to take Congress to stop these cuts they are all to spineless to do their jobs but even if they took trump to the Supreme Court we all already know what the Supreme Court thinks too.
This is Trump’s agenda for the VA…
To revamp the Department of Veterans of Affairs with proposals to increase privatization, narrow the eligibility criteria for health benefits and replace civil service-style employees with political appointees in its ranks. – he basically wants to make money off denying care. Kinda like united health (whose CEO was recently gunned down) And to turn the VA into an extension of MAGA.. as in hire January 6er’s instead of career civil servants..
Thank you for looking out for veterans and their families and caregivers. I have been taking care of my 100% disabled vet since 1999. In 2000 he had a major stroke. During the next 20 plus years, hip replacements, open heart surgery and now suffering from dementia, parkinsonism, diabetes. I gave up my retirement money to help raise our children and in down payment for our home. He volunteered at an adult day care where he was placed to recover from the stroke until the last few years. The only retirement I have is Social Security and a small one from Wells Fargo. I just learned of the caregiver program about a year ago where I was able to get the stipend. My husband collapsed in our living room last December–heart failure–he is now in a nursing home (not a very nice one–none want to contract with the VA cause they do not pay enough). I now have to make a 40 mile trip (one way) to visit him. 3rd UTI and hospitalization since being there. Wehn he passes away, his disability pay from the VA and SS will be taken away along with the stipend. I will then have to apply for survivor benefit–which is not even half of his disability pay. In addition, last March he was diagnosed with arterial dementia and the VA supplied a wheelchair and walker. I knew I would be responsible for hauling him to appointments etc….and my 2006 vehicle was too small–so I purchased a 2020 vehicle that had more room. Now I am left with not even half the income and car and house payment (yes we purchased a different home as stairs in our split entry were too hard for him–so we got a rambler). I wish they would eliminate the survivor benefit for those married to vets long term and just let them at least keep the disability pay–sort of a retirement plan for caregivers. I hope you will consider this. It has been a difficult road for us.
The VA has been good to me. I have a good doctor from India. A concrete truck hit me from behind and I got surgery to correct a hernia. I fell 19 feet and cracked ribs and had a collapsed lung…the VA paid for the hospital and treatments. I would have been 5 figures in debt to the hospital if I didn’t have VA benefit. I consider myself lucky, most people have to pay horrendous amounts of money on insurance, and for the many things their insurance company refused to cover. I did complain when I first got into the VA because it takes so long for appointments, but I changed my tune when the VA stepped up to cover my emergencies.
Thank you, I think we all need to hear the real truth and not rumors. The main sream media likes to spead rumors just to get everybody all worked up. Again thank you and the VA to taking care of us Veterans. And I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU out to all those employees that are taking care of us, they are always courteous and caring to us.
I and many others appreciate the efforts of ALL within the VA that strive to assist veterans. Thank you to ALL within the VA doing so much to help us in many ways!!!
I don’t trust anything you say.
Coming from the state that you used to represent, I find you to be a very partisan politician.
As VA Secretary, I was hoping to hear something out of your mouth that didn’t sound like we are stupid and not smart enough to research facts. Instead we got a political soundbite.
Time will tell what happens to us all.
The doctors at the VA Medical Center in Birmingham, AL said that they are worried – they’re hearing that VA Centers are going to be closed and many doctors and nurses are going to lose their jobs. Also, I have confidence that President Trump will keep his promise. The Biden admin gave VA money allotted them by the federal gov’t to Mayorkas to use for illegals. Our SS money has also been used for illegals. If people are given checks because DOGE has found fraud and abuse, then please give the same to our veterans. Social Security was in a private trust acct until Pres. Johnson used it for the Vietnam War – it continues to be in the general fund and is being used for anything they want. It’s so amazing how the Biden admin ignored any laws they didn’t like and broke them. Also, those who are slamming Pres. Trump for not being in the military – neither was Obama or Kamala Harris. I didn’t hear anyone saying anything negative about them – at all. President Trump will make this country operate as it should – he’s a business man who knows exactly how things should be done – fraud and abuse of taxpayer money isn’t going to fly with him.
So far I have been shown NO reason to believe we vets will not be targeted. Especially the disabled. There are changes that really need to be made. Start with Congress and their leadership abilities, moral and financial. I expect this will be be deleted.
To those pushing the “Leave a comment” conspiracy theories…the majority of negative comments are real and heartfelt. Veterans and retirees have always felt as if they were battling to obtain healthcare, especially for service connected conditions. They support system has perpetually lagged behind our nation’s desire for a capable and forward deployed military. It is not the general fault of an existing or prior administration. However, and with emphasis, there has never been an internal assault on our military operations and support systems as we have witnessed in the past couple months. I wont delve into the detrimental effects on other Federal entities…but they are all connected. VA healthcare is being negatively impacted, and political mouthpiece gaslighting cannot allay our concerns.
You get what you vote for…just dont complain about it after the fact.
Please add dental care to the Care in the Community program. Delta Dental insurance costs over $53.00 per month and offers only partial coverage for fillings, crowns and bridges. The VA does not offer dental care except for rare service related problems. I know veterans that avoid social interactions because of the poor quality of their teeth. Thanks.
You wrote: “Secty. Collins said. ‘In fact, we are actually giving and improving services.'”
“He went on to emphasize that the Veterans Benefits Administration is clearing cases faster than ever and that VA remains mission-focused by doing what it is supposed to do.”
Good, but not good enough. At a regional VA medical center town hall this week too many veterans complained of delay and inaction on their cases. My personal experience is PACT Act claims procedures need improvement. This was affirmed in Congress with proposed legislation last session to additionally resource VA claims processing but it was not fully voted on. There are too many processing errors due faulty procedures and rework is 3x as costly as getting it right the first time. Clearing a case is not a measure of success when the final disposition is incorrect.
That’s great thanks. But I think it is somewhat over-kill. There are a lot of problems and I am not happy with the VA, so many things I won’t even get into here.
My biggest concern though is and has been Why I have zero Dental coverage.
The other issues will work themselves out in the coming years.
Thank You
And President Donald J Trump
God Bless
I just don’t believe him. The 20 somethings with no military background will cut as they see fit and whether on purpose or accidentally benefits/services will be reduced. Will sooner rather than later. It will come like a thief in the night but be assured it will happen. If they can fire leadership, cutting services will occur. When your benefits are delay remember his comments.
I have been at the VA 3 times since the election everyone is positive and looking for bigger and better. Doug Collin’s has been the head of the VA for what three weeks and he has communicated to the Veteran twice . I can’t even tell you who led prior … I have been involved with the VA since I got out of the Army in 1971…. I have good stories and HORROR stories … So let’s look for success
You talk the talk, NOW WALK THE WALK
Come on my fellow VETERANS, how about giving the new SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS the opportunity to prove what he has said. Before you get on my case, I was drafted on Jan 17,1966 and sent to South Vietnam on Dec. 1, 1966.
While there I went hospital twice. First time had a hernia the size of an ostrich egg. Second time,malaria two other tropical deseases, worms, and my temp hit 104.9 degrees. The only thing I currently qualify for is PTSD @70%.
I also meet those other listed requirements, but have been denied compensation for them.
Not Sure I can believe this. The present administration is fire-bombing most federal offices with major firings and layoffs across the board, including at least 1,000 in the Veteran’s Administration. I contacted my local VA Medial Center’s administrative office to ask about buyouts affecting staffing levels in the VA healthcare system and was told that, while buyouts were offered, medical staff was exempt and could not take advantage of the buyout. Still not sure how support staff, administrative staffing, etc. would be affected. The person I talked to said that there were still questions, particularly about any future actions. I guess we will have to wait and see what the future of VA medical care will look like. As a Vietnam Vet on disability, I am very concerned and this Rah, Rah speech didn’t do much to ease my mind.
Secretary Collins,
In your video, you stated, “I’m happy to partner with them [Musk’s DOGE team] to find things we need to get rid of so we can put the money where it belongs… back with our Veterans, …”
First, you must rely on the outstanding professionals in the VA’s Office of the Inspector General. Those folks know what to look for, honed by years of collective experience in the organization. Your existing VA OIG team, not some group of uncleared people unfamiliar with the internal and, often, legally required processes of the VA, are the BEST to continue their diligence in finding better ways to carry on the VA mission. They are your most valuable resources for improving the VA and investigating and uncovering fraud and corrupt practices; that is what you are looking for. Further, your statement “…find things we need to get rid of…” speaks volumes about someone with little experience in the processes and practices involved. The key to gaining efficiency and effectiveness is not to “get rid of” but to find ways to IMPROVE the quality and the processes that help achieve the mission. As long as your “partners” try to trash a system they don’t understand, there can never be acceptable change for the better. You must realize that the people you call partners, including the president, do not have the best interests of Veterans in mind – he has already called us “suckers” and “losers.” You better get this straight: we are neither. We have defended our nation against threats like this before and will again. We are Veterans, and we Vote.
Thank you!!
I have a tough time understanding all the comments regarding mistreatment by the VA. I am USAF Veteran in the upper Midwest, I have nothing but good to say about the treatment I have received. It’s either me or just there are different VA’s out there. I am more than please with the VA. Thank you…keep it up!
Thanks Doug
This is the classic Republican response when they want to cut spending:
“We need fetter out any fraud, waste, and abuse. ”
And yet, it is Republican run government programs where fraud, waste and abuse exist!
For instance, Republican supporters on this forum claim that fraud, waste and abuse exist evidently in the VA!! So OK you folks, can you point out anything you have seen or found in the VA system that is fraudulent, waste or abuse? I want facts baby and not your assumptions! My VAMC is great and takes care of all of my health problems. Hardly if ever had any problems with their servicing me! It seems that every Republican administration-Congress always tries ways to cut spending from the VA! Any anytime budget considerations come up VA funding-wise, they find excuses to vote against them. In reality, the VA medical system would not exist if not for Democrats!
And please don’t give me this all liberals are communist bull! With Trump basically in bed with Putin, Xi and Kim Un, you know how he says he has love affairs with them, well–face it–they are all real communists. And anyone here who supports Putin and Russia (really still the Soviet Union) is in fact a communist or a communist sympathizer! And right now, its Republicans who fall into the communist category! It is the Republican party that does not want free and fair elections and supports a wanna be autocratic dictator in Trump! Trump has always said he wants to rule like Putin, and he sure as heck is trying really hard to do so!
“We need fetter out any fraud, waste, and abuse. ” Hmm.
I would like to see the exact cases made for each fired VA member accuse of “any fraud, waste, and abuse”. These employees need to be given the facts rather than the opinion of DOGE or the president. Did they provide specific incidences or just told them you loss because we suspect you of “any fraud, waste, and abuse”. Where is the Due Process within the Constitution that Trump himself applied to himself?
The Fraud part is at the top, with the person who got the due process and was guilty of Fraud. It is his second nature. To commit fraud is to lie. Therefore, Trump is a proven liar, and he will lie about his lie, like the Big Lie he did not lost to Biden.
Doug Collins, prove Daft-Dodger Trump is not a liar. Prove to us that you served in the military and actually care for the disabled veterans. It is on you. If you do not respond here, then you show your lack of respect for people who served in the military., and people will not trust you.
Yeah? And trump said Medicaid wouldn’t be touched hours before endorsing a house plan to gut medicaid.
I sure hope you’re willing to fight for this nation’s veterans Mr. Collins.
Hopefully, but time will tell. For those concerned with their information… really? Come on, your on the Internet answering this message and more than likely on social media, your information has been bought and sold long before DOGE had anything to do with it. The Patriot Act guaranteed that. Google and Meta are the ones you need to be concerned with.
The malpractice this administration is going to commit and the expense of veterans do to extreme incompetence and narcissism is going to be devastating and you, sir, are complicit and will be held accountable.
Was this message put out before or after they decided to cut 1000 employees at the VA Administration..?? The date is the same.
I, for one, am so glad that Doug is at the helm. Right man for the job, in my books.
Mr. Collins, please take a moment and actually listen to the people that are doing the job in C&P and see how it can be improved. There is still a backlog, these workers just got off mandatory overtime due to reduced backlog. Now with the firing/buyout there is a known fear that they will experience another backlog. Because whom is going to do the jobs of those people you let go? Then when those persons that are left to cover their work and those who left, and fall behind, then they are in fear of getting put on PIP and losing their job! The PTSD/Anxiety associated with helping veterans as a many are veterans of not knowing if you are getting a letter for firing, is unfair to those whom serve to serve others. THE BACKLOG IS NOT CAUGHT UP, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE AND THEY SAID THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Someone is fudging numbers!
Please listen to those persons who are doing the job, not the GS 14s and up, heck too many of them!!! if 19, 20 years olds can work for DOGE, clearly you can listen to the GS 12s and below. Heck, I have a few names to improve the processing!
While you are at it, can we get 2 increases a year, or 5% will truly assist us!! TOO MANY Chiefs at the VA and that is a fact jack!! too many petty managers that will fire hard workers because NOW they can for their own personal agendas.
No one should be allowed to touch veterans benefits or to privatize the VA hospital. It’s quite alarming that the two people who wants to cut our benefits never served in the military.
Don’t believe you.
I won’t file a claim because of the Hassel I have to go through, I’m a Vietnam Vet and desert shield Veteran, Please cut all the red tape.
If there are ANY interruptions to my benefits, Doug Collins, I will hold you personally responsible. There will be no explanation that will satisfy. Cooperation with DOGE is all the proof I need to know who to blame. And I think I speak for many Veterans when I say, “The only thing I have left to lose is my benefits.”
I’m excited that the President and Mr Collins are working together. I believe what Mr Collins stated. We have enough negative comments coming from the Democrats and the fake Media. They lie with no shame. President Trump is the best President in my lifetime and I served under President Nixon. Great things are going to happen in President Trumps watch.
Secretary Collins,
With all due respect the VA needs to decentralize it’s VA Hospital management. Directors should be free to make whatever changes they feel need to be made without having to check with their boss who has to check with his boss. As a 20+ year volunteer and patient I have witnessed first hands this absurdity. Let managers manage and if they cannot, counsel, retrain and if necessary fire.
PLEASE REMOVE THE PHRASE BELOW FROM THE HIRING PROCESS. This statement is embedded into every Veteran’s healthcare job posting.
Pursuant to VHA Directive 1193.01, VHA health care personnel (HCP) are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 subject to such accommodations as required by law (i.e., medical, religious or pregnancy). VHA HCPs do not include remote workers who only infrequently enter VHA locations. If selected, you will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and submit documentation of proof of vaccination before your start date. The agency will provide additional information regarding what information or documentation will be needed and how you can request a legally required accommodation from this requirement using the reasonable accommodation process.
Announcement #: CBTA-12690744-25-MTS
Thank you.
i am a vietnam veteran and very happy to see the changes being directed to more services for our veterans 58,000 of my brothers sacrificed on that battle field they deserve the benefits they have for us it has been a long fight but it was woth it for the soldier who tookhis life at the trump tower was sending a clear message we need more or better services my prayers and thoughts go his family
Okay, Please ‘listen’ to his statement. “Veterans benefits aren’t getting cut.” Maybe; but where they are going to slice and dice the VA, is reduction in VSRs, ratings staff for compensation, medical staff, hospitals and clinics. DOGE is looking for the “waste” in gov’t contracts, e.g., assistance with transportation, cuts or elimination of travel pay, costs shares will skyrocket up for medical needs, and we will pay for it out of OUR own pockets.
Mr. Secretary,
I aske for proof VA appointment would not take longer to make. You did not respond.
I asked you to guarantee VA and Social Security would not be lost on a dollar for dollar ratio as Pres. Trump attempted in his last term. You did not respond.
I asked you to ask the president to promise VA health care, disability and social Security would not be negatively affected. You did not respond.
I asked you to respond to all comments listed here on this page. You did not respond to my comment, did you respond to others?
I asked you to not affect to retribution for these complaints on this site. You did not respond to me.
I can only believe everyone comments will be used to lower all health care and disabilities from veteran complainers on this site. You collected our names.
As the president wanted to publish the name of anyone involved with the Jan 6 investigations, are you collecting name for retribution?
Please respond to each complaint and suggestion listed here. Assure VA will not be affected and the disabled veterans here will not be negatively affected. Ask the president to promise us. Until then, faith in you is not real. The news uses facts (except Fox uses hearsays). The president and staff uses innuendoes and hearsay, with lies.
Be not one of these and protect disabled veterans and assure us what you are doing is authentic. Get the president to promise us. You promise us. You respond to all complaints positively. Or faith in you is not real.
There are 1679 comments on this site at the time of this comment. None show a response from you. Are you listening or is this a waste of time to you? I can only expect the worse since you wont truly assure us disabled veterans.
No response from Doug Collins yet.
First, Mr. Collins, Secretary of Veterans Affairs. YOU ARE AWESOM, Thank you for taking on this responsibility, and We notice alreay a HUGE difference in Improvement since President Trump took office, and with you there.
I’m also a consultant, and noticed a Lot of waste with paper being used and sent with Prescriptions. Rather than sending us Lots of paper that adds to the weight of postage, how about allowing us to just go onlinie since that info is already there.
You sound like a political hack!!!
How is cutting the VA workforce going to help us vets? The answer is IT IS NOT!
Less people doing more work does not equal better care!
Do your actual job – Serving us Vets & not Trump or DOGE.
Are you trying to reassure us or go on a rant about the “media”? Very unprofessional and NOT reassuring.
They have a lot of political propagandalists in this forum. They only believe what they hear from others. The hackers only want to find out who is draining the coffers,If you are one then, you have a reason to bitch. If not then all the years in the military should have weaned you from the political tit and shit show. Its always been a SNAFU and until they let someone get it right it will be the same. The demo/socialists destroyed, piledged and stole from the US coffers and person that dont need your money are trying to fix it. Most of the persons on the cabinet are ex patriots or rich enough to not get paid for their service. Why the hell would they do that for US? I dont feel its a gainful reason to eliminate waste from a government that taxes the shit out of you, no matter how much money you make.
I’m reading a lot of complaining, as usual. So let me say this. For YEARS, I have received VERY GOOD overall healthcare from my local VA. It’s much better care than civilian insurance plans that I’ve had in the past. ALL personnel have been nothing but pleasant and helpful during all of my visits. Thank you, VA.
Having endured pay delays and other suffering due to political budget shenanigans, it is hard to believe that DOGE led by an unelected official with no public accountability interference in VA management will benefit veterans. For decades Republicans and their wealthy supports have sought to privatize or deregulate government affairs to the detriment of the military, veterans, and the public.
Its an awesome team that the greatest president of the US history has put together to gitter done. I really hope its not just another fight between political opposition.
Was at the CBOC in Cottonwood,AZ and the picture of our President Trump was not up either, I see this may be happening across the country.
I have told all of my Veterans that the Pact Act had no money behind it, as anyone that met the requirements the VA gave 0 % which means no compensation but they would take care of you medically. That is all it was good for.
I have been a volunteer Accredited Claims Agent/ VSO for over 20 years. the biggest problem I think will save funds and a few trees is in the mailing. When I become a POA for a Veteran, I file the documents and when there is a decision or letter that needs to go to the Veteran, It is also in his electronic file that the Claims Agent can see in VBMS system. BUT, the VA sends a letter to the Veteran and to the VSO/Claims Agent/ Attorney who ever the POA is. This is not necessary as the VSO has it in front of them on the computer. Thousands and thousands if not millions of these secondary letters are sent for no reason.
Maybe this will save a lot of funds and the eqrth.
Thanks for the RIGHT information.
Secretary Collins,
In your video, you stated, “I’m happy to partner with them to find things we need to get rid of so we can put the money where it belongs… back with our Veterans,”
First, you must rely on the outstanding professionals in the VA’s Office of the Inspector General. Those folks know what they seek, honed by years of collective experience in the organization. They, not some group of uncleared people unfamiliar with the working and, often, legally required processes of the VA, are the BEST to continue their diligence in finding better ways to carry on the VA mission. They are your most valuable resources for improving the VA and investigating and uncovering fraud and corrupt practices. Further, your statement “…find things we need to get rid of…” speaks volumes about someone with very little experience in the processes involved. The key to gaining efficiency and effectiveness is not to “get rid of” but to find ways to IMPROVE the quality and the processes that help achieve the mission. As long as your “partners” try to trash the system they don’t understand, there can never be acceptable change for the better. You must realize that the people you call partners, including the president, do not have the best interests of Veterans in mind – he has already called us “suckers” and “losers.” You better get this straight: we are neither. We have defended our nation against threats like this before and will again. We are Veterans, and we Vote.
I called the phone number and a very nice young man named Kent took my suggestion and said he would pass along. Thank you Kent
“clearing cases quicker then ever” yeah by denying them! waited 5 years for my cancer claim to be denied!
glad i was hit with DU, got cancer and having the VA at least pay for my treatments….
I am not sure I believe you. We have heard too many times that this won’t happen or that won’t happen in other areas and then jobs are cut. I also know President Trump has always wanted to privatize services, including Veterans Health Services. One stop shopping and home and community-based services streamline veterans’ health services by consolidating them into one facility. You and President Trump should pay a visit to the Veterans Administration and Hospital in Kansas City, MO. It is efficient, wait times to get services and in to see medical providers are optimum, we are treated with respect, always thanked for our services, and get good mental health and physical care. Contractors and sub-contractors are currently providing jobs to over 100 workers to build an annex to move all the administrative staff from downtown KC to the new location upon its completion. The VA has already seen cuts and there has been a hiring freeze for six years. Veterans cannot afford to have to go to various doctors and specialists in the community as many cannot, or do not drive and Medicare premiums would be costly.
Who is to find “things we need to get rid of”? I feel certain that it is not a Veteran and if they are do they get their care through VA? I doubt it on both counts. How about you do something radical and ask those who go to the VA for what is and is not helpful. Do not just chose by cost and money, the way the current crew works, it’s all about money, ande them having it, not those who need it. May our democracy, country and VA survive.
Yea, right, after 40,000 lies from dump you want me to believe that a man appointed by a draft dodging traitor is looking out for my best interest. Bullshit.
Why is it taking so long to get disabilities evaluated?
The gulf war veterans need the VA Secretary Collins help in our quest. 2-21-2025 2;40 pm
When you deal with bad PLs that do not change, it takes a good staff around the Sec of VA to show executive options. Not rely on Congress to do all the work. The Sec literally has similar powers as a President. So, CFR 38 ss 3.317 does not service connect because of the UDX aspect they could fix that. Gulf war is tied to closely to Undiagnosed Illness, VA countered this by making everything diagnosed even if its wrong.
So, it fails at 93% rejection rate which VA loves. All wars should be service connected by time, date, and location. Which they have begun to do with OIF / OEF under the PACT act. Only to find the PACT act exclusionary to 1991 Gulf War vets. it sometimes can literally be the title of the section of CFR 38 that hinders a rating and the ICD codes. Something I tried to fix on a VA federal advisory committee that VA blew off. I did the l same with the PACT act in 2021 when I said in the news media it had loopholes, and by September came the flood of zero ratings. The best most can do is 30% between gulf war and OIF, OEF – zero rating is often the end result. Its not fair.
The gulf war veterans need an open-door policy to act on our serious health issues.
The Whitehouse hotline and the VA-IG system doesn’t work unless Secretary Collins fixes the complaints system.
A fast food chain and the health care system for veterans have absolutely 0 in common. It is insulting that the people that choose to care for us as veterans medically are now without jobs, ways to support their families and themselves. As us veterans individually, has any of the actions taken in the last 31 days helped any of us. Ask us. Because when you ask us, you will receive a truthful answer of you are making our healthcare worse, not better. Also a large demographic of employees that you improperly and unjustly fired, are Veterans themselves. You make no sense. You don’t care about us veterans. You make short videos saying nothing. You answer no questions. Show data. Show documentation. Your words mean nothing. Where is the proof to back up your false claims? Where are the receipts? Down right disrespectful. A spit in all of the faces of veterans. Shame on you.
Yea, like we are supposed teo believe you. Retired back in 2008, and still fighting to get benefits that I earned. Why am I having to fight for it? I met all the qualifications for the pact act, had Lymphoma, been to the places listed, and still got denied. PACT act is a crock of lies that the dems made to make it look like they care for veterans when the fact is they don’t, nor do the republicans. Have back issues that I have had ever since I retired, and well, because I never went on sick call for back problems, they didn’t service connect it. Guess it was nice of my back to wait til the week after I retired to start having issues. And those commenting well it takes time, yea I know it takes some time, but, how is it when they send you correspondence, they give you a week to have the proof sent to them or all the sudden they can give you a decision in a short amount of time.
Dear Hank: If you look back you will see that it has always been the Republicans at the White House always hinting at cutting our benefits and Social Security for the elderly. Trump and Elon are Republicans. Also, you might want to try a different avenue of applying for your benefits. I went through a VSO after being denied, while other went through other agencies that try to help veterans get what they deserve without a fee. Some even got lawyers. If you ever complained about your back to a fellow soldier or if they witness an event that probably caused the problem, you can get witness statement from them stating what they saw or heard. Good luck and don’t give up.
Hank, why are you blaming the current admin?? get help resubmitting you request!
When I was having troubles like yours I went to the American legion. They will help fill out the paperwork and send it to the proper persons. They also have personnel embedded in the va to hurry the process along. Give them a shot they have come through for me several times
I know that is hard, but it there is a reason I always told me Soldiers, no matter what, go to sick call. I can’t blame the VA for their choice when in fact there is no documents in your records. My bother had the same issue with his knee, never got it looked at, and the VA said nope. Your best bet, is to get letters from people you served with that can contest to your back issues.
That’s your problem. To get benefits, your problems HAVE to be service-connected.
Well let’s see if this comment gets totally censored out like my first two. Under the guise of moderation.
Retired in 93, finally got a 10% rating last fall. Now I get a small check monthly, oh, but same amount is taken out of my retirement, so potentially I get to maybe save on taxes. Over the years I have known many others who did get disability, strangely, none were retirees, another significant %, well if I comment it would be falsely attacked as lifestyle prejudiced.
PACT seemed a no brainer. After all my initial claims except 1 were denied, further checking revealed all the denials were done without any medical records, no recognition of RVN service. i had to even get and file copies of all my DD214’s and they still got my periods of service wrong.
Please, some improvement definitely needed.
I would love to believe your comments, but looking at the current administrations ability to speak out of both sides of their mouth, and past/current actions I want to see it before I believe it.
Let’s talk about cuts or better yet severing an established service connection due to glaring VA errors. Service connection for my sinus cancer was granted and then summarily severed due to the VA erroneously asking provider after provider for an opinion for “skin” cancer rather than my sinus cancer. DBQ Derm does not allow for a positive opinion on a sinus or any other respiratory cancer and as a result my service connection was severed then eventually restored after one provider pushed back stating she could not provide her opinion for a sinus cancer on a DBQ Derm however even though I have clawed my way back to even 100% now I am still waiting for the VA to recognize that my dental issues due to radiation damage that I claimed in October of 2020 are service connected. Cutting out the errors that result in such awful decisions will go a long way to providing better care for all veterans
In plain English, does this mean that DOGE has access to my personal health records? If so, I demand access to all the members of DOGE personal records and even Trumpy. They can’t have it both ways.
I want to know as well. What information are you, Doug, giving them?
I want to see President Trumps picture hanging on the wall at my VA center in Mobile, Al. It is unacceptable that it’s not up yet. They said they ordered the pictures jan 22,2025… Why?? He was nominated President Nov. 5th. No accuses. I am very upset. Please make that happen yesterday. Thank you
I’m sure you are looking for his recently released “Long Live the King” photo… We took an oath to the constitution , not some jerk who thinks he can be a king.
I’ll vote for that.
Definitely, should have been waiting in the wings.
Bro, Please re-read your statement. a) it took about two months before Biden’s photo went up. b) “He”, was nominated in July (or August), and elected (won) the presidency on Nov 5. Your putz is getting his face all over the VA soon… sadly.
That’s your big concern? Laughable.
I was at my local VA Office this week. It was a relief not to see his disgusting picture there.
You are among the dumbest people on the planet. You are triggered but silly stuff and spend your time online crying about nonsense. Grow up and read a book someday?
You Go Mike!!! Let Us know when that happens…
“No accuses” people are worried about their benefits, they are worried that the government is not holding up their end of the bargain.. and you are upset about King Trumpy’s portrait?
I totally agree with you
Is that going to make him more of a president than he already is. Get over it.
His picture is hanging in the bathroom.
You wont have to worry about anyone’s picture in any office. President musk is closing down all the V A offices in the country. You’re lucky that’s your biggest problem. Most of us have more important shit to worry about.
In theory that all sounds great. But based on what is currently happening across the Federal government, I have major concerns.
Fellow veterans, read up on the Bonus Army. (
Trump and his cronies do not support us, and will do all they can to destroy our military. Here’s what he just did to our top military leadership:
Stand up and speak out against Trump’s attempt to destroy democracy, Americans.
You and Trump are NOT to be believed…you are just one of his sycophant lapdogs who will do ONLY what is directly approved by Trump, his number one Lapdog-e Musk. Trump and Musk will cut our services and those in the VA who provide it. You will only respond by regurgitating whatever talking points provided to you.
Ask Donnie T. how goes his famous heel spur that his daddy used to keep him away from military service. After all, according to Donnie T.’s own words that we–those who served are “suckers” and “losers”.
NOTE Also: Musk is a native South African and immigrant who would not know the first thing about military service, where country comes before self.
Spread your hate elsewhere! New admin takes time to sort out the mistakes of the previous administration!
Your ignorance is absolutely breathtaking.
I have set and read many of the comments and I think it’s hilarious that many of the comments are about having access to your private information. There is no way that you can so naive as to think you have any private information. All private information went away with the invention of the computer and the internet. probably 85% of you use your cell phone for transactions pertaining to money or with all of the little apps installed i.e. Tick Tock which pulls every bit of information off of your phone and sends it to China. the United States is constantly participating in conflict somewhere weather it’s on the news or not. I’m not saying it’s a perfect system but the Politicians that we have and continue to vote into office have done absolutely nothing for more than 50 years while becoming multi-Millionaires on a little more than average salary which the receive for life as well as medical benefits. so, for those complaining about Trumps administration after a month, Go call you Representative (if they’re not out in the street whining and singing like first graders) and ask them why they haven’t worked on this stuff. I spent almost 23 yrs in and have been through 19 surgeries, so I have earned the right to call you out.
At the risk of getting on a MAGA-DOGE future revenge list, as a disabled veteran I have to say that this disgusted me. It was purely partisan political apologetics. The “media up here” that he dismisses is doing its job of the Fourth Estate being a watchdog on government actions, and that’s why he has to be defensive. His boss doesn’t care about veterans, having repeatedly and publicly made it clear that he thinks service people who are maimed or killed or POW are suckers and chumps. And this guy should be fired for letting Musk and his DOGE minions into our data: I gave the VA permission to maintain my health care information for its use, I didn’t give it permission to reveal it to an unelected band of idiot thugs to mine. Maybe we were chumps to serve instead of paying quack doctors to certify “bone spurs.”
Man you really need an attetude check. This news is all old false unfactual garbage.
The media were often proved right. While most media are probably biased, so are … who? Trump? DOGE? Absolutely! Cost cutting eliminates potential wasted spending on “loser” POWs and war-injured veterans. (quoting Trump). Sadly, we may all suffer in the end. I heard required follow-ups for suicidal veterans are delayed, sometimes by weeks or months. I’m sure there is waste potential everywhere, but let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Trimming waste is hard work and takes time.
I’m an army veteran ( peace time). I do have service connection for tinnitus and kidney cancer. Loma Linda VA saved my life. A doctor at Loma Linda said I was cancer-free. I sold my house. I moved to a new state. 6 months later I found out I had blood cancer through a biopsy from the El Paso VA. That was 3 years ago. Zero treatment for my cancer. Zero medication. All my pact act disability claims have been denied by someone in Waco Texas. I live in New Mexico. Oh yeah I’m a retired California state firefighter and EMT. Obviously these knuckleheads are retaliating against me, so I will never receive any of my VA benefits earned. I had to go out and pay for medical insurance just to get sleep medication. I have numerous medical issues and I will never even ask for help from the VA ever again. VA is junk. I recommend the leadership team and doctors and nurses be removed from the El Paso VA medical system indefinitely. The Las Cruces cboc ran by the El Paso VA Medical center is horrible. The nurses there call it the “Sh*t show!” El Paso VA medical system along with the Albuquerque VA medical system has it been a disservice to this veteran since December 2021. I will testify to this any day of the week.
Written by an army Cav Scout and retired Cal Fire firefighter and EMT.
Did you think it’s the VA staff that gets bonuses for turn you down. Here in AL the head of VA disability service was fired a phew years ago because he received a bonuses for the longer wait time. Took 10yrs to get mine, it was in my medical record in black & white. Like you I went 1 1/2 years with cancer my first time before any thing was done. Now just yesterday was dx for my 4 round. Good luck
Hi, Jared. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Why is this war hero a POW OF THE VA ADMINISTRATION?
I know Mr. President Trump cares about very much, and is extremely busy cleaning up ( “finally” ) the mess. I’m hoping you free me so i don’t have to bother him.
It’s called being in “Lockstep”, to be in complete agreement or to conform with someone or something else; whether or not it is right or wrong. Did you hear how Virginia is going to financially assist those in their state who have been canned by Trump? It’s NOT the state, rather, it’s TAXPAYERS who are going to have to swallow this! That is, THOSE WHO STILL HAVE JOBS!
Mr Secretary, how do veterans, veteran families and caregivers contact you directly with their concerns? I read the OMB new director Vought’s plans for veterans disabilities. Now I can not steep at night over the worry. Vought is no friend to veterans. I would like to believe you sir , but I am not letting my guard down..
I don’t believe you, nor do i believe Trump. What i do believe is that you will do whatever it takes to deliver tax cuts for the rich and cut wherever you can to get the funds for those tax cuts.
Sorry you feel that way. As a fellow veteran, you are intitled to feel any way you want. But as Secretary Doug Collins stated, the reality is what actaully happens, not what folks may think or feel.
Doug Collins knows what he is doing and knows how to do the job of making the VA as lean and efficient as it can be. However, no one is “entitled” to receive something for nothing or take advantage of funds just because they have been allocated. I hope you have a blessed day.
Ugggghhh. …so SORRY to read your comments… hopefully Trump will acquiesce(sp?)/be hands-off. He certainly has many other great achievements/100x’s better than “let’s GO Brandon” as a President.
Thanks for clearing that up. Hurray!!!
“However, no one is “entitled” to receive something for nothing or take advantage of funds just because they have been allocated. ”
This applies to Trump and Musk and the rest of the 1% way more than to ANY veterans receiving benefits or federal employess or other hard working middle class Americans. I hope that what is stated here by Sec Collins is true and that veterans retain their benefits and support from the VA, but it’s hard to ignore what is happening every day and the stories I’m hearing from friends, federal workers and VA nurses being fired without cause. The disruption in people’s lives by all this is real and not positive for them or their families. Why should we believe that we’ll be safe when others are not?
Sorry you feel that way. As a fellow veteran, you are entitled to feel any way you want. Secretary Collins, lied, because DOGE does have access to the medical records. He doesn’t know what he is doing because he has never ran an organization, let alone a government one. Last time we heard the words “Lean and efficient” a lot of veterans lost access to care. I guess you support that kind of thing though. Also, NO ONE IS TAKING advantaged of any funds that were allocated by CONGRESS. Love your gaslighting.
You’ve been duped, pal. (Unless you’re lying on purpose. ?♂️)”Probationary” doesn’t mean “new”. A lot of skilled career employees – veterans included – are being summarily canned because the incoming regime wants to assert dictatorial power and give tax cuts to the rich. It’s not to benefit us, and there’s not even any way it *could*.
Trump just called himself king! Wake up already. If you still hold to the Constitution we all swore to defend, then there is no excuse for you to be repeating this nonsense. The truth is out there, and the proof is a search query away.
I appreciate the change from the new Secretary and look forward to the new concern for Vets. I am a vet, 80 years old and the only benefit I have used was when I bought my first home in 1973, I am fortunate.
They are looking to get rid of Medicaid funding. So, all vets with certain conditions living in elderly homes will not have the ability to pay and stay. A daughter of a vet suffering from alzheimer, whose home costs $16,000 a month, is scared for her dad. Medicaid pays 1/4 of the bill every month, and they can’t afford to take up the cost. There is no new concern for Vets. If you cut employees, all VA interactions will take longer.
“I only used my benefits to purchase a home when they costed 10k, shame on other vets who need services. Only for me but not for thee”
I completely agree, that is what his first term was all about, tax cuts for the rich. I wish some people would read ACTUAL news and NOT just your right wing echo chamber where you hear what putin wants you to. When will they realize ALL cult leaders are evil?
We are all just frogs in a pot now. Some of us can can feel how bad the situation is getting, and some of us will deny to the end that there’s anything wrong with Trump’s moves to consolidate power and remove all checks on that power. Putin’s Russia is his model, and we are heading that direction quickly. Surface level freedoms to preserve the charade is all we’ll be left with while the billionaires loot everything else.
Like what Mr. Collins had to say, and I liked the way he said it. Direct and to the point in language you could understand. Not a lot of blah, blah, blah and say nothing.
Yes, very direct, but was it the truth?
I Love it.
I’m attaching a picture of a woke hallway in St. Cloud VA
Don’t know what woke is do you?
What is “woke”? You explain that to me…is it so called ‘woke” because you don’t agree, or is it because something just might be true! I am a veteran just like everyone on this chat, I’ve this before just like many of you have but I guess depending on what side of the aisle you sit on will determine how you comment. Every chat always begins with the issues then it turns into a political blame game, or who is oh so great. Politicians are all about “self”, and people are perfectly fine with things that happen or don’t happen until it affects them, then it’s the other parties fault…aren’t you tired?
According to the US Office of Personnel Management, military veterans made up about 30% of federal employees in 2021, and many of them had service-related disabilities.
This entire administration is complicit in mass firings of veterans. They don’t respect us. They don’t care for us. They don’t work for us.
All of you who believe they do and support them are guilty.
Im sorry that many of you think this is twitter. One line commentary.
Your going to turn VA off, and they want this. To make this location
the scape goat to shut down future channels.
Some folks caught on and wrote there public letters to the Sec of VA.
That this is a public soap box. Others think a ugly or vulgar one liners
is all that is needed. Those are the ones going to get us call cut off.
Dont blow your only chance to be heard other than knee jerk reactions and
spew pointless remarks. There isnt anything else left and VA wants to
shut this down too. So they claim people are rude, and so they can go
on ignoring us. Already trying this at the other sec post location.
If you have nothing, stand by some of these other people who wrote
paragraphs of interesting materials. Show them some support. Reply to
them and show some form of unity.
Unity on something, anything. All of you agreeing on one idea would
change everything. Not even a person, just the idea. Areas that could
change if you all said it together.
Can go on 1 thousand one liners, or all of you saying one common idea
at a time till VA deals with it. Vote as a group. Take charge. Get past the
personality part, focus on content. Something simple, super easy. Like
open door policy so you can be heard.
VA wants to say it lost control here, dont let them. Its already showing at
the VA Secretary Doug Collins addresses Veterans benefits rumors in latest
video. VA wants this quiet again, no problems. Silent hallways.
Realize what is happening here. Censorship is already raising its ugly head.
Yeah…and our social security is safe too…President Musk will take his chain saw to all the benefits of Americans paying taxes, while the Manchurian Candidate Trump serves as the puppet!
History has proven ithat if lies are told often enough, they become truth. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!
This guy is lying to us.
He’s not to be trusted. Now he’s also looking at ways to privatize our care – in the false interest of “efficiency” – when in reality it’s all about shifting the money to private insurance where we know care-denials are rampant and 21% is siphoned directly off of the top for overhead,
For a guy who has been on the job about a week, I hope he really knows what he’s talking about. There is a lot at stake here: I’m in the process of qualifying for a lung transplant. My condition is slowly worsening and ANY interruption in services will put me at risk for the rest of my life, bothe pre- and post-operation. There are lots of reasons for being incredulous, especially since my sources aren’t just the media. We’re forced to ride this rollercoaster to the end and I really pray that everything works out well.
And we all pray with ya brother at arms.
There is very little chance that your hopes will be met by this man. However, there is still plenty of room to resist.
For one, you can educate yourself and others on the nature of “probationary” status in federal service. These aren’t necessarily “new” employees, and these cuts are NOT targeted to any reasonable notion of “efficiency” or “improved care”.
You can also contact Congressional representatives, or even attend a protest (health permitting). Let’s not throw in the towel just yet.
I would like to know if you are a veteran ?
In theory that all sounds great. But based on what is currently happening across the Federal government, I have major concerns.
Here at the Milwaukee VA, programs are already being abolished without replacements and veterans with PTSD are getting LESS care. The art programs here that have helped a lot of veterans are being closed and deemed as unnecessary. It is very important for vets with PTSD to have more than talk and group therapy, we need to truly connect with our emotions and art, music, and recreational therapy does that and connects us with other veterans and the community. Changes that are taking away programs that veterans care about is actively happening.
I don’t believe any trump appointee.
Neither do I,
I can only hope the words you say are true but I don’t trust any of you MAGA radicals, show me! The trend on the right is to put down true patriots and cut everything so the rich can have everything, stripping away things that benefit the rest of us. We are all for trimming excess and have our taxes spent wisely but the problem is in determining what is essential and not, and how it is done!
What is this about cutting VA benefit payments. We laid down our lives for this Country, what more can we do. I’m 76 years old and cannot work anymore, I have service related problems that prevent me from sitting or standing for longer than about 20 to 30 minutes at a time.
Delta Echo India – hire: Collins
Donald subservient.
There is too much hatred on this website. You folks if you have a real problem at your VA, then immediately ask for a patient advocacy to help you with your situation.
In his first term it was clearly documented Trump lied or made stuff up on the order of 30,000 times. Now his co-president seems to spout stuff clearly not true. You do their bidding. How can I possibly believe anything you say? This whole government just makes stuff up.
More than 55 years ago when I was in the Navy we had a verb, a transitive verb I should add, that meant to discard without thought and depending on context to discard with contempt. It was to shitcan. Neither of our co-presidents served or have a clue about what it means to serve and the one who would be king avoided service and has clearly demonstrated contempt for those of us who. When it is expedient or useful I fully expect you and they will shitcan us without hesitation. I will enter all my information below so you can target me for shitcanning.
Obama didn’t serve – he said that he thought about it, but it wasn’t for him. Kamala didn’t serve – she said nothing at all about it. So, I only hear people slamming President Trump because he wasn’t in the military. Biden et al and Kamala lied much more than 30,000 times – probably 300,000 times – as everything either said was a lie or some kind of unintelligible statement that made no sense at all. The Biden admin broke laws constantly because they felt that the Constitution and Bill of Rights have no placed in the government of America. All they wanted was to make sure the com mie doctrine was in place everywhere they could get it. During Trump’s first term, promises made/ promises kept. He has made this his pledge again. DOGE is making public all of their findings – transparency is taking place every day. Trump has done more in 1 month than Biden et al did in 4 years and all of it is good for the average person – DOGE is showing where all of our tax money is being spent – it sure isn’t being spent here in America. The list of items is unbelievable – there are many people in Congress who are getting kickbacks of money to add to their coffers, millions of $$$. Trump wants the budget balanced, just as in any business. It will happen under his administration. Promises made/ promises kept. The promise list is getting checked off quickly.
Getting appt. Less than60 days
Just because DOGE finds an item due to noticeable $Dollar signs does not mean the entire item needs to be scrapped. The slash and burn attitude of DOGE is reckless and irresponsible thereby not good for the Vets and their families. DOGE is having a negative effect on our population.
Sadky I agree with everything you write.
UP to this timrI have always received excellent care from the VA.
Why sadly? Like you the va has only done well by me since the day i returned from nam. Kudos and thanks to the va. I will however say that since 1971 the va has gotten better as time went forward
DOGE is only having a negative effect on the population who didn’t vote for Trump. He won the popular and electoral college vote. DOGE is NOT being irresponsible and they are not harming any veterans or their families. My husband and son are disabled veterans. During the Biden admin, my husband couldn’t get in to see his primary care doctor for over 2 years. His appointment was canceled every time. Now that Trump has taken over, my husband has seen his primary care physician twice and he will have a cardiac appointment for the first time in 3 years – all of those appts were also canceled. So, things are looking up for our family with President Trump at the helm. The last VA secretary, Denis McDonough, gave the money that was allotted to the VA for the veterans, to Mayorkas in order that he would have more money for the illegal aliens. Our social security money has also been going to illegals and they have been given free health care – Medicare and Medicaid – which American’s have to pay for – even Medicare. So, I think you better read something other than what you’ve been reading or watching on the news. You’re badly mistaken about Trump – he love his country and will do everything in his power to make America a wonderful place to live, again.
Thank you very much sir. We all know the news media likes to put out false information to confuse the Veteran’s who haven’t any way to see the real info put out by the VA unless they go to the VA for an appointment. My son works for you all and he was worried and I told that his job was safe.
DEI hire.
Donald subservient.
I have read some impending doom remarks. I am appalled by some of the things being stated. Those of you waiting on your money, that’s not new, that’s the military units not knowing what needs to be done. Paperwork for retirement must be done 6 months out from your MDR. Disability claims take time with processing. I’ve been through it and if you don’t get the right physician and the verbiage isn’t correct it takes longer for them to adjudicate your case. All this again is based on the assigned people with individual cases. Remember you are not the only person applying for both retirement or disability. Since it’s only been one month as of today, please be patient with changes that are yet to come. The VA didn’t get this way overnight, so Secretary Collins is working hard to correct the negligence from years of not caring about the veterans. Keep positive and keep pushing for Veterans Rights.
I agree. Been waiting 18 years but can still walk, talk and have all limbs. I can wait a little while longer. Cervical and Lumbar spinal replacement. Let those with better reasons to go first.
Agree Peggy. I am a disabled veteran who fought the VA and won. My case was a lot of work on my part, the VA will not help and no one knows my case better than I do, so I treated it like a job . President Trump runs his mouth a lot so is misquoted a lot, that’s just who he is. He is NOT a politician, thank God for that. He has never disrespected us, and he will cut disability to veterans. DOGE has nothing to gain by looking into individual medial claims, that is not its mission. BUT to look into the VA itself, oh yes lots of DI there. Go to the main hospital and see groups of 2 or3 employees standing around chatting with each other. Obama did that–“created” jobs by splitting the job of one making it two.
No. While it’s true that this is a poor choice of forum for benefits issues, it’s not entirely irrelvant here. We already suffer obscene wait times and disturbingly careless denials of claims. “Probationary” does not mean “new employee”. It also includes anyone who recently received a merit promotion.
There’s no patience to give here, and asking it is harmful and insulting. These acts are not the march of positive progress. If the VA was actually overstaffed, that argument might have some play. But there’s simply no sense in which that is true. They are directly attacking on our benefits, in an underhanded and possibly illegal way.
There’s no honor or decency in the behavior of Trump or his loyal sycophants. Please stop spreading disinformation.
I also was in Vietnam from January 1968 to February 1969. I was also exposed to Agent Orange. When I returned, the only help was to get a house or a loan to go to school. There was no medical help. I had a host of problems and didn’t know what to do, so I became a heavy drinker. Luckily I married a woman who refused to give up on me.
Mr. Collins, I’m copying a fellow vet’s comment. Heartfelt.(You know I do not know why I even wrote a comment. NO BODY reads these anyway. Videos and mailings are just lip service !!!!! They honestly think veterans are just too stupid to know any better. It is so aggravating dealing with the VA. It always has been)
Sincerely Vincent A.Velasquez
Mr Secretary Collins
Thank you for standing up for our Veterans. I believe with your expertise and willingness to do the right thing will allow our Veterans a sense of honor and dignity. I would be willing to help in anyway I can here in Arkansas. I feel with my 35 years of military expertise
I can be of assistance in the VA system. Thank you for your time. Respectfully,
MAJ Penny Smith (Retired)
What expertise would that be? He has no medical training.
Thank you for your service, I think some people here are just mad because they lost the election. Give the man a chance, then comment. Lashing out without merit is just petty.
This is Bull S—T, our VA System is loaded with too many top level managers, out dated web site, not easy to navigate and slow in following up on care. I’m 86 , 87 this and it appears to me ., that gthey drag my needs out and make me do cartwheels and the deny, it appears that they can’t wait till I expire ? so they don’t have to deal with me. Our commander in chief just froze VA workings and when you go in the Drs Nurses and workers are not smiling any more. NUFF said, Anchors Away, Hooraa, Semoer Fi.
i do not know how any veteran could vote for this coward. my family has a total of 68 years in the army. we are not suckers or losers.
Please do not take the President’s comments out of context. If you are going to post a snippet, then post the whole conversation. Otherwise, you open yourself up to a defamation and slander lawsuit. Our family goes back to Revolutionary War days. Take care my friend, thanks for your service, and have a Great weekend.
In context, he called service members suckers and losers and he has denigrated US on more than one occasion. Furthermore, his disgraceful actions have led to friction between our allies and the USA, caused the deaths of countless members of both the military and special agents out in the field, and has sowed hate and distrust within our own population, all while kowtowing to the most oppressive regimes on the planet.
And lets not even start with what happened on January 6th, 2021, when he called on his supporters to attack the capitol in one of the most brazen insurrections in US history, while allowing for his own vice-president to face the gallows.
This man is not fit to be the president of the United States, is an active participant in the destruction of our government, and a puppet for foreign powers that enjoy seeing the chaos Trump is sowing in the USA.
He isn’t taking it out of context, friend. When a man says “I don’t respect you veterans,” believe him.
My family was of the original Virginia planters, and no one has ever reneged on their military duty. Your “boyfriend” has received SIX deferments (heel spurs) for service in Vietnam, yet his orange ass is all over golf courses! And, remember how the CRETIN refused to honor our WWI vets during the 100th anniversary while in France because “it” didn’t want to get “its” hair wet in the rain! Here’s your threat to the previous post, you SNITCH! (Please do not take the President’s comments out of context. If you are going to post a snippet, then post the whole conversation Otherwise, you open yourself up to a defamation and slander lawsuit). Put my name on your list, you coward! You’re thinking like the Clown in your making threats to fellow veterans. Remember who always had your back!
So why not post the context then, if that’s your sticking point? Maybe because it doesn’t make it any better?
“In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.”
Love the gaslighting you done.
you are lying , Trump never said that….. it was even never proven, quit spitting out lies
Then you better tab Obama and Kamala cowards also. Obama didn’t serve – he said he thought about it, but it wasn’t for him. Kamala – she didn’t have anything to say about serving in the military one way or the other. Walz – he lied about what he did in the military along with some other candidates who also lied about even being in the military. So, if you have nothing to say about the above people not serving, then don’t say anything about Trump not serving. Also, you have taken what he said out of context, like all good little com mies and the legacy media. All of you are NOT supporters of our President, you apparently voted for the opposition.
This is awesome news. Finally, sense making in the government. Slash waste, fraud and abuse, and focus the money on where it does the most good. As for Elon Musk and DOGE, if the paid for political hacks in the Washington swamp and career bureaucrats can’t stand getting an audit…that should tell you something.
There are three parts of Government. Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. The Executive branch is headed by the President as such he has the authority to open anything to anyone he wishes. This is the way any large business is run. To be effective he must delegate duties since he can’t do it alone. I have received a number of letters in the last few years about data breach’s regarding my personal information, so I am afraid my secrets are already out there to a lot less honest people then those working for DOGE. Do I agree with all the things going on in Washington? No, but I am sure that no matter the person running the place in the last few years the Executive has be run by various people in a fashion that has been shameful and needs an adjustment. Unfortunately going after new hires is the only way to do this until a system is established to weed out the deadwood in some of the offices.
Time will tell but given President Trump’s well documented history of mockery and distain for America’s veterans coupled with his near total disregard for the qualifications, political courage, or character, of his appointees, it is difficult for this veteran to remain optimistic about the future of VA healthcare.
Well said.
So, here is the thing, you survive the President….that is how it has been for the last 30 some years…we’ve never been given a good choice…so you survive the roller coaster ride, I am hoping that we will come out better on the other side. But, I will tell you that no matter what happens, the VA (and all of us veterans) will still be here. I mean, hello, how much have you overcome since getting out of the military? I was in during the Cold War era, and even as a female I was treated horrible by civilians (so that is my vote for NO PRIVATIZATION)…the civilian world is full of a bunch of greedy a-holes that we have to deal with on a daily basis, so if we need to cinch our belt for 4 years, figure it out. You were not given the tools you got while you were in the military service to wallow around like a civilian, so honey’s SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP. WE WILL SURVIVE, we did not learn the skills we learned while we were in to just turn into a big baby….we ARE survivors and we WILL survive whatever this presidency throws at us…
And not for anything, but I agree with what they are doing, not HOW they are doing it, should have started with a FULL AUDIT….but, the waste in our government (wouldn’t you like to be able to give yourself a raise??) is out of control. I do hope that the country continues to back its veterans, because FREEDOM is NEVER FREE. It is paid for by those of us who choose to raise their hands in defense of our country & Constitution (not the government). So, stay true to yourself and don’t just go with the flow. Find what you need to do to keep your future bright, because it is UP TO YOU…I am scared of what will happen, I only have the VA for medical, but I will survive no matter what happens, because I survived being Active Duty! If you survived Active Duty, you can totally survive THIS!!
I trust Musk and Trump to do for us what Biden only lied about.
Trump promised to abandon our allies and take away American freedoms. You voted for that.
I have been a Republican all my voting life, all the way back to the Young Republicans for Nixon’s 2nd election.
However, I will not vote republican as long as Trump and his lackeys are selling our country.
I can’t believe you and others are allowing this to happen.
You had two chances to stop it the first time around and did not! I did not realize it at that time either, but that is no excuse for what is happening now. He is killing people, don’t you see that?
Please show me I can vote GOP again. So, STOP LYING, and empowering liars. You’re handing our country over to, well I don’t even know what to call them.
Please wake up and stop him!
When will you honor your pledge,,,,
“against all enemies, foreign and domestic”
You are full of S–t
Veteran’s medical records & personal information privacy was not addressed.
Would like a straight answer.
Is DOGE having access t this information??
He just addressed it and stated they do not have any interest in our info, they want to make sure that any contracts that are in place to service us veterans, that money is actually spent on us. Please stop listening to people who haven’t a clue or just spreading misinformation. By the way the SSA and IRS have people in the same capacity as DOGE and they look at your information. Do you trust them not to divulge your information. Just relax.
I trust them more than I trust a bunch of tech-bros and a billionaire with hundreds of billions of dollars in potential government contracts to decide how our taxes are spent. Musk wants SpaceX and Tesla embedded in government spending so he can get richer. He doesn’t care about you, and Trump will go along with everything he says. I can’t understand why people like you continue to ignore the blatantly obvious conflicts of interest this administration continues to inflict on our country. Did you buy Trump stock, or his rug pull meme coin too? How many times must you be scammed before you wake up?
My friends work for VA and are veterans, their data was breached by DOGE!
Thank you for your input on our concerns over our benefits that might be cut!?….
Mrs. James R Cales
They will not be cut!
Of course they will! It’s in Project 2025, and so far they have been following to a T. People said it was not the president’s agenda, yet everything being done right now is straight out of the Heritage Foundation agenda. The budget proposes to stop any funding of Medicaid. Any vet in an elderly home or on long term disability depends on Medicaid to cover costs of healthcare. Vets in memory care will be left forced out of their homes.
Good initial message. Let me know if I can help.
I can’t believe what little faith you have in president Trump and musk after what you had under Obama and Biden. Neither one loved our military and Doug Collins is a good guy. I’ve watched him for a while now and like him a lot. It’s been a month give them a chance. The other two presidents have tired to ruin our country. I know it’s a long process and it’s hard when you’re hurting. My husband was 25 years navy and never wanted to put in for his VA” he said others needed it more. But we finally got him to realize how many problems he has. We’ll see what happens. I love America and president Trump.
Firstly, I’d like to thank all my fellow veterans for their service !!
If you don’t believe that there is fraud, waste, and abuse of your tax dollars then you are absolutely right not to support Trump and his designated representatives in DOGE. You can join in with the politicians who are fighting against the audits of organizations like USAID, but unlike those politicians, you won’t be making any money off of it. The entire process is going to take time and will require some sacrifice, but the ultimate goal is to improve the economy, shrink the deficit, and put more money back in the hands of the taxpayers instead of other countries and economies. Refusing to believe the promises made by the president are somewhat illogical as he has most definitely worked to keep so many promises that he made during his campaign in the past 30 days.
In the end it’s all up to you and, of course, this is only my humble opinion, but I choose to believe that the purpose of the cost cutting and auditing of our government offices will eventually help us all to be stronger financially and fiscally.
I would never see a fellow veteran hurt, and do not believe that in the long run we will be. If you disagree then is your responsibility to get in contact with your elected representative and make your concerns known. If you do not do this writing something here will not help you at all. Let your voice be heard where it will help.
We are strong and we are many !!
I’m the wife of a highly decorated US INFANTRY Corporal. we’re in our fifties. My MOM has TDS. I am a 3xTrump voter& hubby voted Trump/Vance in 2024 after YEARS of political apathy …WHY is my Mom(&many others) he’ll bent on saying that Trump will cut Veterans’ benefits/cut seniors’ medicare etc etc…
I’m honestly confused. I live in “stoopid liberal Colorado(Yea gangs of Illegals!)” It really seemed as though things were better 2016-2020…
Patience is a virtue. It took four years of tyranny to completely destroy the US economy and security, it will not be fixed in a month. I wish all would look at the way it was in 2016-2020, he did his best with a democratic/Socialistic Senate and House. He knows what needs to be done, and now he has the citizen, senate and house republicans majority backing him. Just got a few bad weeds to pluck to get the garden producing real produce.
All I know is my 87 year old father’s VA funded homemaker services are ending this week. The VA did not call him or notify him of this. They notified the health care company that they would no longer be paying for services as he no longer qualified. Nothing about his condition has recently changed. His housekeeper stated that about 10 of her client’s home care services were cut this week. She states she will need to look for another job. When the VA cuts benefits it effects many different people. My father is not able to care for himself. I will need to do more for him now. This will make it more difficult for me to work. Everything has gone up in price and I am no longer able to afford groceries most weeks. Now I will not be able to take extra hours at work. I am poor now and it appears things are only going to get worse for the working poor as prices on everything continue to increase. I don’t believe what this man is saying because I read the recommended report that called for drastic cuts to the VA. I also know that Trump has made very rude comments towards Veterans on more than a few occasions. He has never shown any respect for Veterans, and I doubt that will change. I am sad for our country today and just hope that the US does not abandon it’s Veterans. God save the USA
Hi, Melissa. We’re sorry to hear about your father’s experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Will the Manila VA get upgrades . Not only are there older vets here
There is a growing community of DS,OIF,andOEF vets coming to the Philippines. Plus many at the VAhere wish they could offer more services (non-admin)
Mr. Secretary could you please look into what I am about to tell you please sir. The VA is making veterans like me that got separation pay pay it back by taking our disability checks away from us to pay back the separation pay. This separation pay was given to me almost 30 years ago and they are taking my disability check away from me that I need and I know a lot of veterans had this happen to them also. This isn’t right. As a veteran we shouldn’t have to pay back any separation pay. That pay helped me transition from military life to civilian life. Veterans like me depend on our disability check to help us each month. Please look into this and please get this stopped not just for me but to all the veterans, Thank You
A VA debt waiver is a decision to forgive or cancel a debt owed to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You can request a waiver if you can demonstrate financial hardship or that repayment would be unfair.
To request a waiver:
Complete and sign VA Form 5655, the Financial Status Report
Write a letter on a separate sheet of paper explaining why you should be granted a waiver
Include supporting documentation, such as proof of income, assets, and expenses
Specify “Waiver” in Block “3” of the Financial Status Report
Include your file number and name on each page of documentation
When to request a waiver
You have one year from the date you received your first debt letter or copay bill to request a waiver.
Factors that may help your case: Low income, High essential expenses, Unexpected financial burdens, Inability to pay, and VA errors or misinformation.
Additional information
You can call the VA Debt Management Center at (800) 827-0648 for questions about benefit overpayments.
I’m concerned about African national has access to my information not only on but also social security. I request that my name and info be removed from what ever info he has.
If you ever used PayPal he has it already.
It seems to me that you have never been independent and always pushed right wing policies. Will that change in your new position?
what absolute bullshit. Trump Doesn’t Give a Damn about Vets and Musk’s Team of Juvenile hackers are attacking agencies that were investigating Musk. Paying Vet’s their Benefits or providing healthcare Doesn’t Profit the Billionaires one bit, and so will fall under the category of ” wasteful spending”. Trump has already Violated the Constitution averaging about Once per day since he Entered office, why would he stop at those of us sworn to uphold and defend it?
Oh! It seemed as though doge is a good things. I certainly do NOT want one more illegal alien crossing the border. Poor Jocelyn Nungarye, Laken Riley and too many others DEAD at the hands of illegal criminal aliens. We’re home owners, live less than 5miles north of EDGE OF LOWRY….THIS CRAP must end…our children deserve much better
They’re not doing a single thing for the American people, except taking our money. The president should care about ALL of the people. Not just some. He refused to send disaster relief to CA because we have a democratic governor. He has sent not one cent. That’s disgusting, and I’m sick of it!
I would assume that you know for certain that DOGE is doing good things as you call it? Although I am in no way advocating illegal crossing into the US, those “Aliens” as both the president and you call them are human just like you…oh wait, their not from here so that would make them aliens…I see now! Do better
How can you sit there and blatantly lie. We were at our VA today half of the staff are gone. No one to help take him to the 3rd floor . You are a disgrace . You do not support the veterans only yourself and orange.
Short and to the point – Well Done. Looking forward to the ramp-up of even better VA Healthcare. Best wishes to you and your team.
Well done President Trump appointing Doug as our Secretary. I have nothing but the highest praise for our all three departments of the VA. Specifically, the VA Health and the VA Benefits Administrations. Excellent health care since retiring in 1991.
Doug, you know where the Left and Democrats get their information. It’s truly sad when veterans feel disenfranchised. I’ve always recommended fellow Vets visit one of the well-qualified Veteran Service Officers (VSO’s) at the various veteran organizations. I am a Life member of both the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). America has great veteran organizations that provide support and guidance. BZ to you and your team.
This is a weak scripted response, as a Nam era veteran having served this country it is a disgrace what Trump and Musk and his bunch of cronies are doing to our country and hard working Federal Workers. Actions speak louder than words Mr Collins.
My uncles BOTH served Viet Nam in the Marines. I am still not convinced that “Let’s Go Brandon” would’ve been better for our Vets&Seniors’…. MY HUBBY is a Ver(US INFANTRY CORPORAL 1988-91
My husband is a disabled veteran and receives very good care at the VA. With that being said I know that there is much wasteful spending within our government. I wish President Trump would drain the swamp and not go after the Department of Veterans Affairs employees who only make 60,000 a year.. go after the big guys who are cheating the system. Why are so many people in Congress millionaires?
That’s not what DOGE said they have laid off 1000 employees though it’s not a large amount we have been having trouble with appointment’s and reliable transportation to and from appointment’s. So I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if things get any better which I seriously doubt.
Ever run this past the attorneys, Doug. Is this use of government resources for politicking? Does this violate the Hatch act? Just askin’, ole buddy.
I’m a disabled Army veteran of 32 years, and a bi-lateral amputee. I’m still waiting on my SMC case to be heard, and I definitely can’t afford to lose what I do receive from the VA now. Trump should be hands off on a lot of things, and the VA should be one, as well as the Pentagon.
Ugggghhh. …so SORRY to read your comments… hopefully Trump will acquiesce(sp?)/be hands-off. He certainly has many other great achievements/100x’s better than “let’s GO Brandon” as a President.
He has only achieved in destroying our democratic govt. It’s gonna take decades to pay off all of the lawsuits due to the illegal acts of Trump and Musk. You just can’t fire govt employees, especially those who have employment contracts, just because you want to.
Submit a congressional inquiry to your state’s congressman. This expedites your claim. If i remember correctly, from the time congress sends your inquiry over, the va has 72 hours to respond? I used to work in claims department and I myself have personally submitted a congressional inquiry and it did get addressed right away. *stuff they don’t tell you*
Thank you Sir.
Under no circumstance do my husband who is a US military veteran and myself support Trump and allowing Musk an unelected private civilian have access to any federal agency or make changes that can impact our well-being negatively. You, the VA, have the responsibility of protecting veterans their families and dependents from losing or reducing their monetary, health and mental healthcare, and other benefits. As it is the VA system is very dysfunctional and nearly impossible to navigate through, making unlawful and careless changes to the system makes it more difficult to almost impossible for veterans to access such a vital component for their well-being, especially the elderly, mentally incapacitated, and those with brain injuries sustained while serving to protect this nation.
?? Veterans Deserve Better – Why Is the VA Ignoring Its Own Laws on Missing Service Records?
The VA is failing thousands of veterans by ignoring its own regulations regarding missing service treatment records! 38 CFR §§ 3.303, 3.304, and 3.307 require the VA to accept secondary evidence (lay statements, medical opinions, post-service treatment records) when service records are lost or destroyed. Yet, veterans are being denied benefits because of the VA’s own recordkeeping failures.
The VA Secretary has no power to say there will be no cuts. The Elon/Trump dictatorship will cut whatever they want, without regard for anything except their own pocketbooks. They will cut our benefits long all while adding to Elon’s billion $ government contracts. Don’t pretend like anyone in this administration is there to do anything other than make money for themselves.
I got ripped off by the VA for 8500plus. All I got was a run around,not even a disabled tag for my truck.
I am retired DoD employee, and a Vietnam Veteran that is 100% TDIU and I find it very hard to swallow that we have DOGE who is going around pulling people from jobs. The people that they’re targeting are those who are on Probation, and the government hire these people because of the downsize that they have had over the years. A person have to remember that when a person retire, they need to train another person for that job, and in most cases they’re hiring two for the one person, because of all the work a excuse my words (an old timer use to do). I know as a retiree I filled the work for two or three personnel at time, and now a new person have to come on board an learn the work by themselves without the aide of an old timer. Yes, a lot of stuff has gone internet or through google, but there’s lots to be said about book knowledge and not just Google knowledge. I hate the fact this administration is firing people without knowing the work that is being performed. As far as the Secretary saying what he’s saying, I to will hold you to your words. After all Congress passed a lot of others to their word, and now they’re going around chopping people from their jobs, just be of trump says so or this person name musk. The word must to mean only a bad odor, and this guy is a bad odor waiting to happen. You may not like my words and I don’t care, I’m a veteran and retired federal employee who did his country proud, and I’m honor to have served both. Now, treat your veterans right and hopefully in the future the Veteran Organizations that support the clowns we put in office, will keep their mouth shut and not support any politician and see if they can elected on their TRUE words. If anyone comes after my ss, accounts or any of family information, lookout.
This dude must think we’re all stupid. The mere fact that he used this snippet to attack the media tells you everything you need to know about him. Donnie D*mb *ss doesn’t give a damn about veterans. We’re props when he needs us for a photo op and we’re disposable when he doesn’t. Never forget these words spoken by Donnie….
On disabled veterans
“Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.” September 30, 2019.
“Look, I don’t want any wounded guys in the parade. This doesn’t look good for me.” Summer 2017.
On US military officials
“I don’t want to tell you what I had to go through with these people. Some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met in my life.” October 16, 2023.
“I wouldn’t go to war with you people. You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.” July 20, 2017.
“You f****ng generals. Why can’t you be more like Hitler’s generals?” 2017.
On fallen soldiers at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery
“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” November 11, 2018.
It took less than 24 hours to find out you, sir, are a liar.
You aren’t expanding benefits, you have cut a critical resource for many veterans. You and this administration disgust me
I don’t believe one word of it, he’s a politician, he’s a maga clown for trump and trump hates disabled veterans, not trustworthy at all!
Secretary Collins,
I am concerned about my grandson; he is a disabled 101st Airborne Division veteran who was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in combat in Afghanistan. In addition to the combat injuries, he is now being treated for leukemia which was most likely caused by exposure to toxins and other hazards in Afghanistan. Based on the PACT Act, he applied for a higher VA disability rating due to toxic exposure, but he has not yet received a response to his applications for over six months. Could you please expedite this slow process.
Leukemia is a high priority claim. Those are USUALLY expedited. I’d get in touch with your vso or submit a congressional inquiry.
I was denied benefits for secondary ed because of my advance prostate cancer. informed the va that, I tried penis pump, pills penis ejects still waiting to here back from them
Thanks to everyone for their concerns. This a little off from what you explained; but, I am a Vietnam Vet, came home,
worked in private industry for a number of years; was college educated/with my blessed GI Bill Coverage: then
became an appraiser with my Local County Government after 31 years, then was told my years of service with the
government would conflict with the amount of money I was entitled too under SS would go down if I wouldn’t retire from
County Work. Hey, I felt it was time to retire because I was treated fairly. So, here’s my question; Will the government
allow the full amount of SS allotted to those, like myself, the framed amount over the time we spent in Private Industry work without losing that money, for working under the States PERS scheduled money allotted? Thanks
for your reply. Mr. Keenan PS. Word has it that President Trump is going to pass it thru to follow the new guidelines of Social Security Monies and Government Work Monies. Thank you very much for your reply
I don’t believe that Trump really cares about our Veterans we need to spend a lot of money to take care of them which is exactly what we need to do ? problems though are that doesn’t help the 1%
I certainly do not and will not trust any sort of message from The Traitor’s Cabinet. DJT, the draft dogger, called veterans like us “loosers and suckers” and naturally will not stop President Musk from destroying the VA. The VA is extremely understaffed yet 1000 employees from the Crisis Line were summarily fired. Action must be taken to restore democracy in the US starting with Congress stopping the illegal actions by DOGE and the DOJ arresting Musk for his violations of US Law including his fraudulently obtaining US citizenship.
I cant trust President Trump or Elon Musk to speak the truth when they don’t seem to care about the Ukrainian nation and more about what pleases Putin !!!
Here here, trumpy has lost his mind.
He’s not interested in Ukraine because he has no financial interests there like he has in Russia. And I guess post WWII, the Iron Curtain, and spread of communizism have been conveniently forgotten. Let’s see, Ukraine is a sovereign nation. Crimea was part of it until Puti stole it in 2014. You don’t annex by force or coercion. Puti didn’t stop with Crimea…. will he stop at Berlin this time. Trump makes America great again after he makes Trump interests great again. Putin’s puppet.
I’m pulling into your way as secretary of the veteran administration. I’ve been trying to get my disability for the last 56 years. Haven’t got anything. All I get is deny deny deny.
I’m holding you to your word I pray for my benefits. My disability benefits over 34 years ago hadn’t received anything. They keep denying me.
They are going to make it even hard to get service connected if you are not already….
I hope things get better with clearing cases. I’ve been waiting since July 2024 just to add my dependent and there’s not been a single update to it on the web site since it was submitted. I’ve called several times to inquire about it, all they can tell me when I call is that’s it’s “pending.” Secondly, it took nearly a year for my disability claim to be processed and came back with only a partial rating. I’ve resubmitted additional information, it that going to take another year to get feedback on? Finally, I’ve been trying to get a community care referral for a procedure that is authorized by the VA, and if authorized for one Veteran, it should be available for every veteran. However, getting this referral is proving to be very difficult with multiple hoops to jump through and the providers at the VA hospital not being very helpful or being cynical at best.
I just find it disappointing that illegal aliens, those on welfare or receiving other benefits seem to get signed up and receiving these benefits with little to no effort while Veterans have to run a gauntlet of numerous obstacles to “maybe’ get the benefit they have earned.
I wish Secretary Collins much success in his new role and I’m hopeful he can make the highly needed improvements. Hey, how about reassigning those 87,000 positions authorized for the IRS to the VA instead?
I do not trust Doug Collins nor any other Trump appointee. Elon Musk, an unelected billionaire, is taking a meat axe to our Federal Government, firing people with institutional knowledge and civil service protections, while Trump shreds the Constitution and the Rule of Law. We will be lucky to come out of these next years with our democracy intact. Quacks and incompetents are being installed to head cabinet positions. Real people are hurting as a result of Trump and Musk’s actions. More cuts are in the offing and no program is safe.
Time will Tell !
Glad to hear benefits earned will continue. Perhaps vets can finally receive the federal mileage reimbursement for medical appointments vs the .41 cents per mile and a deduction of $3 each way. Fifteen years ago, homecare nurses here got $.58 per mile. Wonder what VA employees get for their qualified mileage reimbursement.
Ooooorah! You said it, now stand by what you’ve said and do it! Semper Fi!
I see when he was asked about DOGE getting access to Veterans personal information how he really didn’t answer that question just like the rest of them avoid answering a simple question.
VA Secretary Doug Collins, you need to resign effective immediately and should be banned from any position within the VA or any Federal position.
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you Secretary Collins! I am looking forward to your leadership with this Department. I really appreciate your transparency and your energy! As we say in the Navy….BRAVO ZULU!
Firing thousands of employees… but healthcare won’t be affected? How dumb does he think we are? Has anyone else been at the VA and heard anyone talk about being over staffed?
Typical trump boot licker trying to save face while he plans to stab us in the back later
I’m a 77-year-old veteran (1968-1975, Honorable Discharge). I just watched the President of the United States with his [virtual] arm around Vladimir Putin, announcing to the world that Ukraine started the war that has devasted their homeland and killed thousands, followed by a rebuke by Vice President Vance of members of the European Union who had the audacity to suppress AfD’s assault on a demoratic society, and a clear move to abandon allies of 80 years for a war criminal. So perhaps you can excuse me for being skeptical of anything coming from this Administration. The G.I. Bill gave me a career after service, for which I am extremely grateful. It is devastating to see what has become of a once-proud nation.
Thank you for your service. I wish you well
Action has a Reaction. Ukraine did start the war and Putin said “OK, let’s go”, and moved Armored vehicles into position. Biden got USA involved with dollars and the game was afoot.
Watch your back veterans! He sounds like a Trump suck up. Remember that Trump dodged the Viet Nam war and has no respect for veterans!
Trump did not dodge the VN conflict. Bone spurs are identified by X-RAY not by a letter from daddy who was a land developer not a government official with pull. Clinton dodged the war by fleeing the country.
There is a special place in hell for you and the others that bend the knee and kiss ring. Sacrificing veteran care to line your pockets. Utterly shameful. You are a disgrace and I hope both sides of your pillow are hot in hell.
Full cowardice on display. They break us in their wars and then get upset when it costs money to keep us healthy. DOGE and trump will cripple the VA. Firing thousands of “probationary” employees to save a buck in the name of “efficiency”… what a disappointment and disgrace.
I was out drinking… I just woke up… what’s going on? aslo… how did you get my email?
Mr. Secretary,
I was not deceived by the rumor reports but appreciate you prompt reassurance.
Also I regret that the VA is subject to such false reporting.
I don’t understand what ‘website’ is required to leave a simple comment,
Thank you for the straight dope on the situation. Much appreciated.
Thank you for your service to America’s Veterans !! Please keep up the Great Work !!
Very disappointing message delivery and content. Hypocritical and disingenuous when thousands of VA employees have been axed by an administration that is doing immediate and lasting damage across all Federal agencies. As happened with the Bureau of Land Management 6 yrs ago, there is no concern for the impact, only moving in a manner that eliminates opposition and any effort to reduce costs responsibly.
Mr. Collins, your political invocations show you are as crass and uncaring about Veterans as the angry orange you serve. You do not serve nor honor my 20 years (and 3 family generations) of Navy service.
Please inspect the Tuskegee va
I found Mr. Collins remarks about veteran benefits being cut or threatened as a standard “talking point” that is the answer for any DOGE complaint about acting as a legitimate branch of our government. Congress needs to stop allowing him and his team to have access to any records of any Federal employees. Don’t trust the media but trust Trump, Musk and you? Your actions speak contrary to your message. Will you resign your position if this continues or will you stand up to Trump and Musk?
My experience with the VA where I live has been A plus for 35 years. I have watched them deal with staff shortages, uncertainty with funding and now the threat of having their position eliminated without a valid reason. I appreciate everything they have done in the past and worry about how the future will look.
50 years in the VA healthcare system since 1969 Vietnam I am in Shock and want to Scream
Mike R, that is straight left-wing conspiratorial fear-mongering garbage. You’ve trusted an incompetent federal government with your personal information your whole life, and didn’t think twice anytime they’ve asked you for your personal information. It’s utterly laughable that you think Trump and Elon are going to take your banking to steal your VA pension.
I’ve been waiting 3 months for approval…To have a tooth fixed!!! The government has ALL our information already.
You either work for them, are 100% leftist, or NEVER had to deal with the VA.
Quit bellyaching…Most of us want the VA FIXED.
Walter Cook
Do you honestly believe there is no waste that can be addressed? They need to go over all the contracts from govt. contractors go bankrupt without finishing a project. Salisbury NC VA. Contractor won a bid for a 3 story parking garage. Stopped at 2 levels because of structural problems. And most of the 2nd story is unusable because of those same problems. The contractor got paid $10 million and declared bankruptcy. The VA needs to stop paying for shoddy construction. And seeing how the democrats are the first ones to call for cutting DD funding. I am more worried about them. The standard talking points I’ve heard over the last40 plus years is everything is good. While waiting weeks or months for appointments. especially to see a specialist. No communication between VA hospitals or clinics. Ask about it being computer generated and was told they don’t talk to each other unless specifically asked. There can be improvement. If I believed the media rhetoric the world under Trump would have ended in 2016.
Secretary Collins,
I am going to hold you to this. I am in a 6x month estimated waiting period myself for backpay owed. I, also, 100% support DOGE. It needs to happen, and that much is obvious to me. I read a lot of scathing comments below that make me think there are simply bad actors who aren’t actually a part of this crowd within them, specially the ones that have nothing to do with the VA or your message since it appears that anyone can comment here. I can tell you that it has taken many years to get as far as I’ve gotten with the disability process. It shouldn’t take actual years for this. That’s ridiculous.
Dear Secretary,
I hope your words are of truth: only time will tell. Please help the displaced federal workers that need help as well.
Chief Johnson
It won’t be understaffed if you privatize it
NEVER PRIVATIZE. VA offers the best care. Average wait time in Civilian Hospitals for new patients, 26 days. I never wait that long. The VA offers community care if they can’t see you in a timely manner. Privatized Care will cost taxpayers (you and me) lots more money. The care givers are not specialists in war time injuries. This is a money grab scheme.
Good idea! But I am 1-Hr+ away from any VA facility anyway.
Why not just cut the VA down to just those required to treat and work with serious war injuries and severe PTSD. For the rest of us, make it so we can go to the Dentist, Doctor, etc. without having to wait weeks or months for approval from “Community Care”. I have been waiting over 3 months to get my tooth fixed. THAT is RIDICULOUS!
But, yes, privatizing would be better than it is now.
Walter Cook
Trump/ Musk, sounds like brown shirts to me.and all off his picks have drank the cool aid.
I served three tours in the Nam with the USMC, was wounded twice ,suffered broken bones and am a diabetic from exposure to agent orange. I do not trust you or any of Trump/Musk appointees, none of you are qualified for the jobs you have. I firmly believe despite your statement that if Trump/Musk says slash and burn the VA you will be the first to light the match . I believe that the VA secretary should always be a COMBAT VETERAN!!!!!! How can we trust a president who buddies up with a Russian dictator????????
100% Agent Orange Killed Us In Vietnam We Just Haven’t Died Yet Sprayed and Betrayed 1967
I agree with you he sounds like a Trump suck up! Please remember this in the 2026 election when no Republican is standing up to Trump!
Ignorance. Remember this, no Democrat stood for us. Or cancer kids,gold star moms ECT. Y’all are all about me me me me. Pogs
Totally agree, he’s going to prove to be another spineless jellyfish making excuses for commander bone spurs, who dodged the draft.
Since when did he buddy up with a Russian dictator you ate up POS.
You did not address the firing of 1,000 probationary employees, many of whom at Vets.
Doug , STOP! We know from the video you are a Trump Boot Licker
And we also know you’re a liberal. You are using hate and media propaganda instead of common sense. We have a $70 trillion debt. Mostly to China. $5.6 billion a day interest payments. A almost $2 trillion deficit. Now give me any examples of democrat cutting or even slowing of any spending. And I’ll give you one to start. They always throw the Dept of Defense out first for cuts. Guess where the money for the VA comes from. It’s all part of the DOD budget. But the democrats always say they would never cut VA spending. But like many it seems to be a case of don’t touch my govt benefits. Go after someone else. right. There are many Vietnam veterans who voted for the change. I’m one . The country is going broke. The left doesn’t care and spends taxpayer money on their agenda instead of the people who need it most. Homeless Vets and other citizens.
I don’t believe that it’s only Liberals as you call them that use hate or media propaganda instead of common sense. Yes we do have a huge debt, many people act as if it juts happened in the last 4 years. Government spending has always gone both ways, when one party is in office, the said spending is just right, but the other party is in office they are wasting tax payers money. We have a tendency to make excuses for whoever we voted for so hat we can feel good about our choice…but always remember, common sense is not common to everyone!
When will choice program come back. President Trump said he would privatize the VA, I can hardly wait.
Me too, John. VA incompetence is stunning.
This is embarrassing, you’re just towing the maga republican line blaming the media for your parties inability to lead. You sound like a used care salesman. Your fast talking isn’t fooling anyone but the fools. Keep your politics out of our medical care.
Quick question, tell how firing people is going to improve the speed of getting an appointment?! Get your head out of this administrations a$$, the military is apolitical and so should be the VA. You’re an embarrassment to the uniform.
We have to take to the streets
For what. If the democrats would agree to cuts for their pork barrel agendas like sending 50 million to house illegals in hotels in NYC or for DEI programs in other countries. Building a roads to nowhere. Maybe the deficit and $70 trillion in debt would be addressed and our benefits would be better. Instead of attacking the ones trying to fix the mismanagement of the country for the last 50 years.
What about the reduction of disability benefits due to household income thresholds with reductions of disability payments to start at houshold incomes of 125k and a reduction to zero benefit dispursed at 175k. That was voted on and put in place that is supposed to take effect in April of 2025 , but keeps getting pushed out and delayed, please address this.
Typical Trump dog. No substance with more BS. Agency under staffed but does best it can. Then it gets cut more. Doesn’t look like anyone has any balls. Your just another puppet.
Where has it been cut. 1000 probationary people out of 475 thousand. Nationwide. If it’s like the FAA firings it’s janitorial and lawn mowing people. $70 Trillion in debt to China. $3.6 interest on that debt daily. Almost $2 trillion deficit every year. Is that BS. You find running a home or business in that economic state good? Which party always calls for the first cuts to be the DOD? Democrats. And guess what that’s where the VA gets its budget from.
Trump spent $15 million to attend the Super Bowl. He spent $5 million to take a lap around the racetrack. Numerous times golfing while Americans are crying and unsure of the future. Disgusting. He cares nothing about us.
I would like to know why the V.A. took the 100% rating from me and put me at 30% by in 1988 . Now the V.A. a few years ago gave me the 100% rating. I was in the Army 1966-1988 . August of 1968 I was in the Army hospital at Fort Polk La. The Army doctor said no more active duty for me. He said I had a bad Heart and could not stay in the Army anymore . So from August 1968 to October 1968 I had no duty . So I sat around for 3 months till they said I could go home with only 30% disability rating . With a bad Heart it was hard to find a job. In August 1981 the V.A. said that they are going to put a artificial heart value . I was rated at 100% 1981. In 1988 V.A. said that I wasn’t sick anymore. They put a valve in so I am OK . So from 100 % back down to 30% . So a few ago 2023 THe V.A. put back to 100% . So my Questions are Why wasn’t given a medical discharge in 1968 . Question 1988 to 2023 why wasn’t I given back pay . I have had a very sad life because of not being able to work .
Typical VA BS. Over and hour drive for me so I use Community Care, but approvals take forever…But so does sitting at the VA.
Sounds like they should give you a LOT of backpay, but wouldn’t hold my breath. And what’s the deal with all these people in the comments bashing Trump??? He ain’t even been in a month. Not like he can make it much worse?! Bunch of Hanoi Jane wannabes trolling the comments!
Praying for You and all our Brothers & Sisters dealing with the bureaucracy.
Walter Cook
Was your bad heart the fault of the military..
I hope all of you that have posted comments or asked questions including me know that the only ones reading these comments/messages/ETC are us and the waste basket, but its interesting to see that many of us have pros and cons on the VA service and the past and present Government. the race of the Turtle and the Hare that the Turtle won bec of caution, determination and a a real consistent approach Once again todays venture Haste makes Waste
Secretary Collins, I am Henry Dittman, Major, USAF (ret). I just watched your Video Message, re Real Status of VA vs Rumor Mill Vapid, Vacuous B.S. Thanks for the update.. I look forward to seeing you and the NEW Leadership in VA providing support and help for ALL of Veterans.. I have confidence that Pres. Trump wouldn’t have selected you for this position if he didn’t have the UTMOST confidence in your capabilities. Press On, Sir…”Kick the tires and light the fires” and get this Bird in the air!!
Man have you drank the cool aid!!! This guy is a suck up to Trump who was a draft dodger for Viet Nam! On the plus side the V.A has treated me with respect so I wonder how many of them will be let go?
If you look at the rest of the very unqualified people filling cabinet positions, you should understand this one is only marginally better. He’s still a Trump sycophant but if you think that’s okay, so be it. I don’t hold people who openly flout the Constitution in high regard.
It’s an insult to think THIS administration has Americas best interest at heart. When his only self-serving whims that DOUG and little donnie care about.
Just a note. Most of us totally support President Trump’s efforts with DOGE. I for one am very thankful for my local VA and the truly dedicated staff (Topeka, KS).
I have to believe the new Director of the VA is sincere in his remarks but I have to add my story. I’m 75, I previously applied twice for VA Health Benefits, denied both times. Since the PACT Act I did extensive research to establish and prove my ship did gunfire support in areas of Agent Orange exposure. After 40+ years I was granted VA Health Benefits under what is labeled “Naval Herbicide Service”. I guess no-one wants to say Agent Orange out loud.
Further research indicates I have several conditions related to NHS/Agent Orange and I have applied for compensation. That was right at five months ago. I do understand there are probably thousands now applying. Most of my Vietnam era group do not have much time left.
I received a letter February 17, 2025 dated January 31, 2025 from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs saying they are still processing my application for compensation and apologize for the delay, I would be notified upon completion of processing. No estimation of anticipated date of completion.
Today I read in the VA Director’s comments ” Veterans Benefits cases are being cleared even faster than ever”.
Does that sound like a disconnect to anyone else?
Rome wasn’t built a day, and good things take time. I want to believe the Director’s optimism will come tobe.
Most of us DO NOT totally support Cap’n Bone Spurs, speak for yourself!
only 2 types of veterans exist that don’t support trump. 1 the stolen valor veteran 2. the never seen combat veteran with no pride in their country. put down the kool-aid and your M.A.P magazines.
“Today I read in the VA Director’s comments ” Veterans Benefits cases are being cleared even faster than ever”.”
what proof do you have of what you are saying or are you just repeating what the trumpers are saying? so much of what has been said as truth turns out to be lies. i pointed out the story in and for some reason it never showed up here. it is about the firing of over 1000 VA employees.
I’m sorry it’s been delayed for you. I think the statement about completing faster than ever is because of the recent hiring of claims processors. Especially since the PACT Act, the submissions has increased. Compared to years past, they are moving quicker, slowly chipping away at the backlog in addition to working priority claims (think terminally ill, old Veterans). You can view the current inventory and backlog plus more online. Currently sitting just under 950k.
Until recently, processors were working mandatory overtime. Since that is no longer the case, the backlog and claims inventory may go up.
I hope your claim will be completed soon so you get the benefits you deserve!!
You know I do not know why I even wrote a comment. NO BODY reads these anyway. Videos and mailings are just lip service !!!!! They honestly think veterans are just too stupid to know any better. It is so aggravating dealing with the VA. It always has been. The armed forces of America plan and hope everyone gets KIA. It’s cheaper. Much less Veterans to deal with. The only thing is they do need clinics for their budgets. It makes it easier to steal the money. Because it damn sure isn’t going into my bank account. When I see this BS rhetoric. It just pisses me off. I was so ripped off spent 4 years in. Did a good job. I volunteered for extra duty. I went to extra schools so I would be extra qualified so I could volunteer for extra duty. I was passed up for promotions because I am a white man. I entered the Army as an E3 due to four years of JROTC. I GRADUATED Lieutenant Colonel and battalion Commander. I earned drill team Commander for the last three years of high school. We won every drill meet. My Jr. and Senior years to give others schools a chance we went as exhibition only. Because we were so strong and flawless. I and team did not mind. I was even in honor grad in basic training as best drilled individual. I have letters in my file of accommodations. But my skin was too white. When I got to permanent party every single private was promoted to E4. Going through the ranks before me. I entered the Army as an E3 but time in service and time in grade did not mean a damn thing!!! I was even a sponsor for a few of the new E1’s. I was married for 2.5 years before ever joining the Army. Reverse racism really is alive and well. I shook the hands of all of the privates that out ranked me. I was happy for them they did very well and deserved the promotions however I thought I worked as hard if not a little harder due to my volunteering for extra duty. I just wasn’t dark enough. You know you have to keep the numbers in balance. Don’t want too many white men getting a head due to white privileged you know.
Oh Daryl… sad you are….and a racist too….white supremacist?
I read your post. I agree with you. If you’re not black or LGBT or over qualified you get passed over. Black and queer privilege now. I’m praying things change. Thank you for your service. I served in the Navy.
Wow, you actually said that out loud, thank you for being transparent. Many people who have that mindset don’t they just simply smile and deny the most qualified person of color. I am unsure what world you experienced, let me know where this is at where people of color are moving ahead of white men, white women, asian, indian? Please we want to go, quickly!! Minorities always have to have more education, more experience and change our appearance to be considered. Hey all you blacks, listen up there is a place where we are getting put ahead of white men and women WITHOUT EXPERIENCE and EDUCATION!!! We going please tell us. Believe it or not, some people are actually more qualified than you, yep even black and brown folks. I know in my family alone we have: Neuro Surgeons, medical doctors, lawyers, chemist, educators, high ranking military enlisted and officers and News reporters for major channels, but they all have that 1 thing : EDUCATION and they have to EARN their positions and watch people with LESS get the positions. BTW, I watched young white girls get positions without experience because white men wanted their cute faces over qualified WHITE MEN, and us others!!! S
I read both your posts and I totally disagree, if you really did your homework you will see that there are far more white soldiers in the military than there are black or any other race, and I know that LGBT isn’t a race or on any soldiers report card! Do I think that there is bias when it comes to promotions yes I certainly do, but to say that you have to black or queer (as you put it) to get ahead is just not true. Also there has NEVER been and will NEVER be Black or queer privileged in the military, and praying that things change says something about you!!!
I am a third generation veteran who is currently APPALLED by the actions of the new presidential administration. Reading through the comments of my fellow vets, it is clear that the overwhelming majority DO NOT HAVE FAITH in Trump or Musk, or that their actions won’t end up hurting the VA. You know, so they can free up funds for giant tax cuts for the wealthy. What we really need now are strong advocates for the VA, not apologists for Trump.
Its interesting about the Office of DOGE Government efficiency is a big joke i am from CA so i am very aware of
Government efficiency i continue to watch one of biggest income state in the USA 5th largest in the world going downhill every day because of the ridiculous spending of taxpayers money Just like some of the large major companies that have gone bankrupt because no one is controlling the expenses I hope that the rest of the country doesnt follow CA I just hope that Trumps effort to Make America Great Again Hasnt gone to far in Haste Makes Waste
it would be better to proceed with caution
I have no faith in this new administration. The lack of professionalism is astounding. All my years working with Veterans I’ve never seen such unprofessional behavior by a top leadership. This isn’t a campaign rally it’s a honorable institution serving honorable Veterans. Secretary your statement about not reducing Veterans Administration funds is a very empty statement. 1000 VA staff members have been fired. Many of them are Veterans and some are Disabled Veterans. You are a not in service to Veterans. You are only serving the traitor Trump.
Well, at least the news is good, we’re finally getting what we voted for, even if the video link doesn’t work ( yes, I tried it in both email and browser, it doesn’t let me watch it because it says I’m not signed in, even though I’m signed in over on YouTube. And it doesn’t give me an option to sign in on the video itself).
You are an absolute liar. Lying to veterans is a total disgrace.
If you think trump/musk care about you, you are not very intelligent.
never trust trump and musk to do what’s right for veterans. I understand there could be a real reason behind the job cuts, but I’m do not understand the inhumane way it was done — no respect
trump is a draft dodger and has already called veterans “suckers and losers”. He does not care
You sound like a liberal communist. Trump cares about Veterans . Biden had soldiers sleeping on a garage floor, Trump put them in his Hotel. He is cleaning up government waste and strengthening our military and stopping this woke crap. Things will be way better under this administration. I’m sick of ignorant people commenting negativity.
Hey Kiva, Sounds like you should do a bit of fact checking before you accuse people of sounding like a “liberal communist” and being “ignorant people commenting negativity.” How do you interpret Trump caring for veterans when he faked a bone spur to dodge the draft, calls us suckers and losers and does not want to be seen in our company? Maybe you’re watching too much Fox News.
Wrong, Trump doesn’t care about veterans or the military, never has, never will. Maybe you should wake up, read something other than drivel, and realize you’re supporting a draft dodging coward.
Clearly, your TDS has warped your simple mind. Clinton was a draft dodger and all you dimocrats still worship the Clintons. Trump never called our veterans “suckers and losers”. Where was your outrage when Biden said “clap, you stupid bastards” right to our active duty military? Typical dimocrat hypocrite!
You might look into just who the new sign in procedures are supposed to be helping. I am an 82yo Vet who has been using the site for probably as long as it has been in existence with varying degrees of success. Now comes the new double sign, double verification system which is completely beyond my grasp. I have spent many hours trying to comply but as things stand now, On March 4, I will no longer be able to access my information. I suspect this is make work for contractors. How do you “make thing simpler by adding extra steps? Anyway, I’ll survive until I don’t. Good luck in your new position.
Hi, William. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Thanks for sharing that was total BS. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Don thinks we are suckers
and so must you.
I’ve had several issues with injuries/issues caused from the military service that have been denied several times. I really don’t expect anyone under Doug Collins or, Doug Collins himself to read this, but my faith in the VA is very little.
Hi, James. Thanks for commenting. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Thank you for caring for our veterans.
I feel like we have one of our own (veteran) watching our six. All the best to him and president Trump.
This is the “VA”!!!! I believe are benefits will probably WILL be taken away. It’s just a matter of time. We do not get any raises! Except for COLA. That’s all we are worth. I do not believe President Trump will take it away but I know we will NOT be getting any raises!!!!! We are veterans. They don’t get raises. They aren’t worth any more money than they are getting now. We can’t say a word in fear of it being taken away. It has taken 34 years to break the $500.00 mark of monitory payment. That’s Thirty four years!!!!!
This sounds good, but doesn’t align with reality. Perhaps the large # of VA employees released occurred after this video was cut. Regardless, it’s difficult to believe that this downsizing will improve services. There has to be an impact when those who operate and support the Veteran Suicide Hotline receive notices of termination. Veterans are reporting scheduled appointments are being canceled. The messaging from the VA needs to be factual and convincing. Today that is not the case.
But no medical personell have been terminated from the VA. Only staff positions, most of which were working from home and did not want to return to the office. Regardless, these personell were offered a buyout which many accepted.
Personally, I have had no problems with appointment or staff having received 2 appointments in the last month. I think that we need to be a bit patient considering that the new administration has made many promises and is working tirelessly to keep those promises. Cutting waste, fraud and abuse….Money that is going to politicians instead of to the deficit or the taxpayer… is going to go slowly but I choose to believe that the process will ultimately prove to be a good one for our country.
Politicians never fight so hard as when their illicit money is threatened and a lot of our politicians really seem to hate the idea of organizations like USAID being audited.
Let’s not make it a problem before it is a problem. If you really think that there is foul play afoot you should contact your senator or congressman and voice your concerns.
Just my humble opinions…. Thanks for your service !!
Large number? 1000 out of almost half a million VA employees. Probably like the FAA firings. Janitorial and lawn maintenance staff. I’m sure that will create a care problem from the medical staff. Or those doing claims.
Doug: Tell me what DOGE and the Muskrats are cutting and eliminating that constitutes waste, fraud, and abuse in the VA. Tell me exactly how you and the Muskrats are improving efficiency. I’ve had enough of ‘it’s gonna be great’ BS. No transparency, no TRUST!
Elon Musk literally posts on x all of the fraud and wasteful spending that DOGE finds. Just because you don’t bother to go read the information, doesn’t mean that it’s not out there.
I am positively tickled that we are finally purging these money laundering mafias like US”AID” that have infested our government, squandering tax victim money on ungrateful foreign parasites.
I’ll believe it when I see it. With all due respect, I don’t buy anything that comes out of trump’s mouth, which makes me extremely disinclined to believe anything that you tell me, Doug. You seem to be in lockstep with this administration, and I don’t trust them at all. Trump likes to give lip service about caring for the troops and for our veterans, but his actions tell another story. The bottom line is, you have to prove it, or it’s just more glad handing and empty promises.
I would like to know why so many Veterans that spent as much as 25 years in the military and took a government job that are at the end of their probation was cut just because they are on probation.
They spent their entire life in the military and now fired, regardless of their job and outstanding skills just because they had not completed their probation period.
Veterans are losing their homes because our President doesn’t want to take the time see what their job is. If you are telling the truth then make Veterans on probation exempt.
Good Morning. Thank you for reaching out with this video. Unfortunately, your words offer little assurance to the disabled veteran/military retiree communities. You talk about “media” stories mentioning “possibilities” that veteran benefits may be cut, that “means testing” may be used to determine disability benefits, and the privatization of VA services in general. I read a lot and can honestly say I’ve never read a story about veteran benefit cuts originating in main stream media outlet. What I’ve read are main stream media stories reporting on alternative media sites bringing forth this type of information. Isn’t that the job of the media? To inform us? You say none of this is true. Not surprising, you’re the only person saying this. You come across as a fast talking late night TV Cal Worthington and his dog Spot type car salesman. Hello! Red Flag! Here’s the deal. We all know your unwavering loyalty to the current occupant of the White House(forgive me, in no way can I type or say his name) got you the job. It’s just too difficult for many of us to trust you for choosing loyalty to a convicted felon over the millions of veterans you now serve. Good luck.
Thank you so much for communicating with us Veterans! Please keep on doing this. Maybe a monthly meeting online summarizing what is happening with the VA.
When will these benefits be published in a handbook print again with ALL contact information.?
When will the VA have a functional phone system that is user friendly to discover these benefits that only a few have knolage off?
Mr. Collins:
Thank you for your video about VA benefits not being cut. Your information is appreciated.
A suggestion….begin your videos with the information you wish to share. Do not belittle the media. Much of what you criticized the media for is exactly what this administration is doing on a daily basis.
I am proud to be a veteran. And I applaud the VA for the excellent care I have received. And I hope the VA continues to care for all veterans in the best ways possible.
I am an elderly female veteran who lives on my VA and Social Security benefits . If this administration touches either of these two things, there will be an uprising like you’re never before seen. We’ve worked all our lives to get here, broken down and barely getting by. And I’ll be damned if I (and millions of others) will stand by and allow billionaires to play with our lives and our money!! Our government had better put protections in place and stop this madness going around!
Thank you so much for running this explanation. WE never know who or what to believe when so many negative “reports” come out the “liberal media”. So, it is really important that our SecVA comes right out and clears up the matter. JRMack, IL Army Vet
Wow! So much hate and discontent on this forum. I’m surprised the VA allows. This content to be on a veterans administration site. So many people really showing their ass. Sad. To the folks who screen these posts I would recommended to your chain of command, that this forum go away. The hate and finger-pointing here solves nothing. There’s a VA phone number to call and I’m sure there’s a VA email to send your grievances to. This forum is nothing more than watching MSNBC.
Agreed. US ARMY vet.
Amen my Brother Veteran. We served with Honor and our president Trump did us right in his first term, and why would he change now. Anybody remember serving under president Carter. I do.
You could always volunteer to not come here or comment yourself first. How about that & not parroting far right propaganda? I vote for that.
I applaud the VA keeping all comments. It’s important. To provide some context, I’m a retired veteran (25 years, from E-1 to O4), and just yesterday, I was speaking with my neighbor and good friend who is 86 years young. He had tears in his eyes as he asked me if his 30 years of service (ending as CMSgt) meant anything, given the state of the government right now. Grow up and read the comments. You might learn something about people who’ve sacrificed and then who get the runaround, or worse. Not everyone has a great story to tell; some have reasonable grievances and concerns.
Vince, I totally agree with you!
Tell me how these DOGE clowns and Musk are qualified to tell Veterans what is a waist of money on them? Musk has never served in the military. He knows nothing of sacrifice or hardship.
Musk is a naturalized South American……and the richest man in the world. Donnie despises him because he is richer than Donnie. His time will come
My faith in the VA is now in question. I don’t trust the officials in charge under this sorry presidency and administration. Waiting for the next Russian hammer to fall. I’ve had wonderful care for the past 30+ years and now I’m concerned. I’ve already had medication issues over the past year.
I’ve already had medication issues over the past year….That would have been under Sorry President Biden.
I appreciate all the good work that you and the new Administration are doing. Here’s a stupid question, tho – why is there a higher threshold & harder process for us veterans to get the help that the government’s already promised us, when they already have all our paperwork and we already proved ourselves to them, than it is to get welfare, even as an illegal? ??
Does *any* other government agency penny-pinch down to a fraction of a percent? Is that *really* a necessary part of the process when tax victim dollars are walking out the door by the billions and trillions unaccounted for (until DOGE), squandered on thankless foreign parasites?
my prayer is that your leadership will I have been trying to get my case settled since 2014 my claim was successfully remanded 10/2024 but still no settlement information to this date.
Is the Russian hammer in the room with you right now? Geez, are you hearing yourself?
Did anything happen to our VA benefits in the first Orange Age? No, my veterans disability claim was finally fully recognized only after president Trump with the VA into shape, and VA Healthcare massively improved (and then went back downhill under Creepy Joe).
Srsly, seek out the mental health services on offer, this paranoid hysteria is not healthy, and is frankly unbecoming of a former servicemember. The Cold War ended over 30 years ago, let it go.
Thank you! People bashing Trump and saying stupid ignorant comments are ridiculous! A bunch of liberal Commies…
Well, you folks keep on calling liberals commies–Right? Well how about Trump supporting Putin against Ukraine and Europe! Last I knew, Putin is a commie! But I bet you people love him as Trump does! Yupper, Putin is innocent regarding his invasion of the Ukraine. And it is Zelenskyy who is the Dictator and the Ukraine which started the war? Donald has serious mental issues it seems. And as for the VAMCs, if not for Democrats, they wouldn’t exist. Republicans time and time over the years have never voted to increase funding for veteran services! And in fact the opposite is true. They love pulling the wool over veterans eyes by putting forth their age old argument, that my cutting out waste it will help veterans, when in fact, what they really mean is that they believe way too much money is spent on veterans care and services.
And as for you all complaining that you are waiting years for VA approval of care for your conditions, just read this and then go thank your Republicans for trying to do nothing to help our veterans:
“The legislation is an attempt to hide the fact that House Republicans already voted to immediately rescind $2 billion from funding for claims processing and appeals, health care both within and outside of VA, research, and education and training for veterans as part of the Default on America Act.
This bill:
Drastically underfunds by $14.7 billion the Toxic Exposures Fund, created with bipartisan support in the PACT Act to ensure veterans exposed to Agent Orange, burn pits, and other toxic substances will always be cared for.
Underfunds other veterans’ medical care needs by allowing the transfer of $4.5 billion in medical care funding to areas outside of health care.
Cuts funding for critical military construction. The bill backtracks on our promises to our servicemembers and their families by cutting military construction by over $1.3 billion compared to the current level.
Built on a framework that fails to treat veterans’ medical care as its own funding category, thereby jeopardizing veterans’ health care.”
But regardless, thank you all for your service!
But I guess it was ok when it was Biden or Obama getting bashed…People have the right to their opinions, you don’t have to like it or agree but its their right, it doesn’t make them commies (as you call them), it makes them American!
Dear Secretary Collins,
Regarding the 1000+ VA employees you just fired, what are you doing about them? Why fire them with NO heads up, in the dark of the night, no severance, or opportunity to move to other positions? What about those VA employees that you pulled the rug out from under who are Veterans that wanted to serve the Veteran community by working for the VA? Those who you fired that are Veterans, disabled Veterans, who moved cross country specifically for that job? For those who are living paycheck to paycheck that now may need to seek out homeless services?
Frankly, if you want to cut costs, try examining the obviously CORRUPT Compensation and Pension “examination” process!!! I’ve been to numerous of those hideous “exams” where the “examiner” flat out LIES on their DBQs/opinions!!! Seriously, they flat out LIE!!! And even though the Veteran is supposed to have the benefit of doubt, the VA ONLY goes by the lying C&P “examiners” who strategically move the conversation from the Veteran’s symptoms, issues, residuals, etc., etc. to get the Veteran off track and then say, “Well, we’re out of time, now. Thank you for coming in.” And they got their nice big pay check and bonus from the VA!
The Veteran NEEDS to be able to have access to the blank DBQs ahead of time, to submit DBQs from their own doctors who know the Veteran better, and have immediate access to the C&P “examiner’s” completed DBQ/opinion immediately following it’s completion… PRIOR to the VA making a decision, so the Veteran has a chance and PLENTY of time to respond appropriately! That whole system is corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, and causes far too much stress and anxiety to Veterans who already experience much of that! And I know I’m not the only one who knows this.
SUGGESTION – reach out to YouTube channels: CivDiv and Veterans InfoTap (or Veterans Daily which is a collaboration between the two).
All that said, I understand the reason behind the job cuts, but I’m at a LOSS for the nasty, deceitful, and inhumane way you went about it… much like running those employees, and their families, over with a bus!
Please do something to help them get back on their feet after this disaster? Are you going to help them with job placement services? Food assistance? Rent/mortgage assistance? Please do SOMETHING for them!
Also, PLEASE do something about the anxiety inducing corrupt C&P “exam” process!?
Thank you for your attention, and for tolerating my “passion” and deep frustration with this “system”!
Thank you for your service, and God bless!
Sandra (Sandy) Sutter
How is firing long-term employees ( a lot of them are Veterans themselves) helping to streamline our services? Will you stand up for us when things are wrong? Or are you just going to let Musk cut our programs that help Veterans????
MR Collins,
How can you possibly believe, we believe,
that Trump/Musk will leave the VA unscathed?
Musk is tearing thru the Gov’t agencies at alarming speed, with NO oversight. He is not an elected official, nor does he have the authority to de-evolve the Govt just because Trump has such a big grudge against everybody.
Musk is overbearing and has ABSOLUTLY no cares for/about US Servicemembers. Neither does Trump.
Will you RESIGN if your statements prove UNTRUE?
By the way this was on the latest feed from , “VA Crisis Line Employees Among Those Fired Amid Federal Workforce Purge”
Good afternoon, Sir. I just read about the lies that the VA is looking into cutting down service for us veterans. At the same time, you just stated that is not true, thank God, please keep doing whatever you can for us Sir. I wrote a letter to our REAL President Mr. DONALD TRUMP, about the fact that us veterans must wait years after we applied for our disability. I applied back in May 1923, and I am still pending for that to be resolved.
I personally, have seen other veterans that have waited for a very long periods of time, and the representatives that are performing this process, at the VA department, I am not sure of what the problem is, but it takes years to receive their so needed and well-deserved disability pension after serving our country, and plenty of us, like in my case, I was exposed to Agent Orange during my service in the Army while in Korea during the times specified by the V.A., within the notification that I received in order to apply, the VA informed me that I qualified to apply for a disability pension.
I have submitted every piece of documentation, including letters of support from all my doctors’ Nexus Letter on my behalf my documents that the VA asked for, but I am still waiting for a positive resolution to my case.
I am now wearing a pacemaker because I had a stroke back in 2023, receiving an IV Infusion once a month, and according to Doctor Viviana Temino, MD Section Chief, Allery & Immunology under her treatment since 2014 and I must continue receiving the Infusion for the rest of my life do to the fact that I was exposed to Agent Orange, also now I have spots on my lungs do to the same exposure and I am also been treated with Sulfamethoxazole 800mg 4 capsules a day for the infection in my lungs for at least six months. Furthermore, I have to take numerous medications every day, three different inhalers because of COPD and Asthma, blood pressure medication, blood thinners because of the stroke because different blockage in my veins, including my brain and to top it all, I also have been seen by the Psychologist due to all the stress and a counselor once a week because all the waiting, going into three years. Medication for my stomach, (acid indigestion). Under the care of DR. Eduardo J Lopez M.D. with the Blue team at the VA Hospital, him, Dr. Lopez, also reiterated the fact of that my treatments are forever Dr. Italo Novoa M.D., my cardiologist, and I am constantly going to the VA hospital for all the treatments that I need plus all the medications that I have to take daily because my immune system has been destroyed by the effects of the Agent Orange that was, not only this chemical agent was sprayed in Camp Stanley because of this camp was so close to the DMV zone, but also was stored in the same camp, Camp Stanley.
Please Sir, we can use all the help that we can get.
Thank you,
Armando G. Torres
[Editor: Please do not publish your SSN or other personal information on the internet. I have deleted it from your comment.]
Are you claiming to be over 120 years old and that agent orange was used in Korea rather than vietnam? ? Something about your story doesn’t quite add up.
I know how you feel. Took me several years to even get my records. Vetrecs kept telling me they didn’t have them.
With all due respect Sir, you must be the oldest veteran alive. Thank you for your service.
In other words, “DOGE” which doesn’t really exist, does have access to our personal records. Thanks for clarifying.
they are screening emails. Trump: “Senator McCain was a loser “he got caught” You Trump-loving vets need a reality check. Trump was Never a friend to vets. His only friend are stacks of 100 Ben Franklins. He refused to visit the American cemetery when invited in France…and then labeled them “Suckers & Losers”
Four more years of lunacy. I pray we still have a country after he’s gone. Don’t forget, he is challenging the 8-year term limit. He wants to be a Putin or Stalin. Die a King.
It’s funny, after president Donald J Trump took office, my veterans disability claim was finally fully recognized, and I got enough of those Benjamins that my wife and I were able to buy two homes.
Jessica, please look into the mental health services offered by the VA, this hysterical paranoia is not healthy.
As for mccain, well he should have known better to stay a hero rather than letting himself become the villain. Please, enlighten me as to what is respectable about an old man wanting to throw young men into a meatgrinder of *his* political ambitions?
Spot On Jessica!
Nice try! Got any other fantasy BS you’d like to share with us! Got to admit that people like you sure have learned from your dear leader, how to lie so well!
TDS – was debunked!
Jessica, quit telling lies….. Trump loves the Veterans….. sucker and looser was more then once debunked as a lie…. you people get all upset bc he wants to clean house. you know there is a lot of waste in the VA….. office staff is the once who got let go, didn’t want to go back to office, nor medical people……. I had never problem with my VA in Asheville, you believe anything the left made you belief…… you had no problem the media told you Biden was fit for 4 years, I bet you voted for crackling Camel
Trump did not refuse to visit the American cemetery in France.This excerpt from American Military News offers an explanation: “President Trump reportedly had no say in the decision, as the Marine Corps and White House Military Office made the determination collaboratively with the Secret Service that Paris’ overcast and rainy conditions posed too much risk for Marine One to fly to Aisne-Marne, which is about 60 miles northeast of Paris.”
How many of the staffers fired were veterans themselves?
Can you tell me how many veterans have already been fired from government jobs
i am a Viet Nam veteran. i was exposed to agent orange. I am receiving benefits because of this exposure. please continue your vigilant concern regarding veterans benefits. Thank you, John Brich
I see you are a TRUMP fan so I do not know what to believe.
First and foremost advice, stop the politics. This video and message grated on my severely. An assurance that benefits will not be cut would have sufficed. I assure you, inserting politics into the MISSION of serving veterans will only lead to undesirable outcomes. I previously worked at the VA at the management level and political stances and opinions are not to be voiced publicly.
Thank you for the reassurance, good luck, and best wishes in your new position.
For the moment, I will take the Secretary at his word that VA benefits will not be cut. In comment on his remarks about DOGE and the press, I emphasize the following: First, it is the responsibility of Secretary Collins and his staff to fetter out any fraud, waste, and abuse. Our tax dollars fund this audit and investigative function of the VA and other law enforcement agencies. Elon Musk and DOGE should not assume this duty. Second, the rule of law and ethics in government matter. Musk is riddled with conflicts of interest as a large government contractor and an owner of regulated businesses. Numerous Americans have lost their federal jobs based on the untruthful disparagement of federal agencies and disregard for the rule of law. We have regulations that provide fair procedures for the reduction of the federal work force and expenditure of our tax dollars, which have been dashed by DOGE. (BTW, the name “DOGE” is an unethical promotion of Musk’s favored cryptocurrency and misleading because it is not a Department of government.) Third, demonizing the press has long been a tool of regime change. Information is power and both Musk and Trump control significant media outlets. Secretary Collins should not attack the press, especially when transparency in government is in peril. (As an aside, our names and emails are required to post on this site. I do not consent to allowing anyone connected to DOGE to have access to my email. )
“An” email address is required, but it doesn’t have to be yours. I’m using Senator Rand Paul’s
I’m so excited about our new administration straightening this mess out. I’m a veteran and a RN and know first hand the system is broke. Change maybe hard but it’s very much needed! You have my full support! I’m thankful accountability and common sense are now being used, years late but better late than never.
I have no faith in the VA as long as Elon (the Pillsbury Doughboy) is in charge. Keep politics out you say? Impossible. Everything about the grift-meister Trump is politics. Victim politics. Retribution politics. If put my name to this post, guaranteed he and his band of adolescent hackers will ferret me out and deep six me in the VA system. Trump IS a pathetic example of a human.
Do you deny Trump & Elon are using the presidency to profit beyond their wildest dream? Wake up-smell the coffee.
What does any of that hysterical paranoid rant have to do with the good news from the va?
Please, look into the mental health care services that are on offer.
Why would we trust what you are saying? Time will tell and I hope you are legitimate, prepared and successful in protecting/improving our care. Thank you.
I had to wait 3 months just to get a dentist appointment. I’ve been waiting 3 months just to get community of care to approve a doctor that I’ve already selected. What the hell are you fools doing? No thank you King Trump. I don’t like what you’re doing.
My husband has to wait longer than 3 months!
Hi, Carl, thanks for commenting. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Right!!! The firings have already started in the chem dependency program. Doug will role over like all the rest of the lackeys.
P.S. I have been under the care of VA medicine at Lovell FHC for 20 years. I would not trade it for any amount of money. I’m not going to bore with how they discovered my Agent Orange cancer on my very first visit, or how they rebuilt a badly mangled foot from and accident, or any of the other dozens of services they have provided me over the years. I have sat in waiting rooms and listened to vets my age and younger complain about waiting 30 minutes. Complain about this. Complaining about that. OMG….millions of people in this country never get to see a doctor and these entitled little f-cks just complain about services they get for mostly free. I’m going to offer a totally white American suggestion. If you are so f-cking unhappy with VA medicine, take your sorry -ss back out into the private healthcare industry and die sooner.
The worst thing VA did previously was ordering referrals of Veterans to community service. VA administratorts , prior to referral, never checked the delays in the private sector service being requested, which in Albuquerque are ~twice the delay at VAMC. VA administrators never insisted on getting reports from the referral doctor, and paid for private care before checking that reports were received: payment should always be deferred until reports are in the VA record. A delay of 6 months to being seen in the private sector can change a cancer prognosis from operable to inoperable. All attenmpts to “privatize ” VA should be strongly resisted. In most cases VA offers the most rapid access, excellent care ,and adequate follow-up.
A reduction in force is a reduction in benefits. Our VA office wwnt from 4 to 2 people, and changed the blood draws from appointment to walkin. My friend who has advanced parkinsons had to wait 2 hours for a blood draw. He is in no shape to wait that long. Please try to keep in touch with ground conditions so you wont look so out of it.
Bro, IDK if you noticed, but the VA offices have been short staffed ever since the red-plague lockdowns, just like every place else.
Is there anything that this Musk “presidency” would lead you to believe anything they say ? unvetted..not elected…has added billions to his private funds…please, we had to take tests (ergo the ability read and comprehend) to join the military…we are not stupid!!!
Did you pass a basic civics test about how the American government actually works??
Do you understand that Elon Musk is *not* the president, nor was he on the ballot, nor can he ever be POTUS, because he’s South African by birth?
“I’m happy to partner with them to find things we need to get rid of so we can put the money where it belongs… back with our Veterans.” So we “get rid of…”, people. Firing approximately 1000 staffers, is sure to help with veterans health, claims, well being, etc. Great quote from the White House clown show.
um….you do know there are 371K VA staff in America right?
Really want efficiency get the contractors out of VBA. My experience is unimpressive. I was referred to a contract nurse to assess my heart. Nurse did not take an EKG. Nurse asked me about medication and measured my scars from the heart surgery. Later I received notice that I must have an echocardiogram and drive about 40 miles to the contractor’s site. I live less than a mile from from a hospital with clinics. Finally I was told I needed to get a echocardiogram and have it faxed by a suspense date. Called my cardiologist and arranged for the echocardiogram. Contractor is churing account for profit. Sent to a NP with post doctorial work in PTSD and the NP was to evaluate me for hypothyroidism. Said I had no symptoms. I suggested I had no symptoms because I have been on medication for years and treated by the head of dendrochronology at the Univ Maryland Upper Chesapeake Hospital He wrote a letter that said I he has been treating me for this for years and stated that I had something that was 30% disability in the law. VBA questioned. Seems the VBA contractor has a list of service providers and picks the next on the lit rather than a provider that is near the veteran. Look at that scheduling process.
Funny my simple dependency update has been sitting untouched since submitted back in July 2024! Can’t imagine those actually needing something done when a simple dependent correction can’t move.
Referring to Mr Thomas Lee your remarks
Sound like the cry babies protesting about our commander and chief that’s finally draining t he swamp
Are you a disabled Vet? I am and it sounds like you are not…
I am a disabled vet and agree with his comment
Wow the true TDS is someone who worships an orange, privileged, racist, silver spoon, veteran hating, criminal draft dodger.
I agree with all the people pointing out that the Muskrats are not qualified to do any adequate work on saving money… except for moving it to Musk and other billionaires — and the criminal draft dodger, as you rightly point out.
I also think that military leaders should hold strong to truth. If all people would speak up, we could stop the tearing up of our country.
DOGE under Musk has only hackers. They have NO forensic accountants to look at the data they have stolen. The are yelling fraud and waste but can’t prove any of it, and they are not being held to account. I don’t believe that the VA should show then a thing unless there is oversight by competent independent accountants and others who understand how things work. Musk and his bunch no nothing about how government programs function and they have no idea how many people they have already seriously hurt. And they don’t care.
Another LIE from the musk trump regime
And your evidence for this is where? Surely, as a fellow former servicemember yourself, you would have enough integrity to not be making false accusations, would you?
You and the new administration are cutting VA workers without justification ( or even knowing what they do) how is this going to help veterans ?
Another trump liar. Its sad you are lying to our brave veterans. And horrific that you support the self proclaimed King!
He doesn’t care about anyone including you. You are a pawn in his ugliness. He will get rid of you and retaliate against you too.
Veterans deserve to be treated like hero’s, not rump and muskrat.
I feel sorry for your family, they must be so disappointed and shameful you.
I am extremely skeptical of what the Secretary is saying. What exactly is doge doing? What has the Secretary permitted them to access? There appears to be little or NO transparency!!!
Mr. Secretary, No, DOGE is not a government entity and the VA should NOT partner with musk.
You will be striped by so called DOGE and the veterans will suffer. Mark my word.
Each tim Trump has said that something is off the table the cuts happen anyway. He said he would review his list of insurrectionists and if they were violent they wouldn’t be considered. Welllook what happened. Now he’s looking at Madicare. My dad CMSgt. Z.C. Littleton is 93 and served in the Air Force in SAC and involved in many operations during the Cold War including Operation Chrome Dome and in and out of Vietnam while we lived at Naha, Okinawa and Clark, PI. Don’t blame me if I don’t trust him at his word!
What insurrectionists? Are you talking about the political prisoners that were kidnapped for simply exercising their First Amendment rights at a public government building? Yeah, you sound like another big mouth civilian Army brat who never actually took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
Naval officer Robert A. Heinlein was absolutely right, it was a mistake to allow civilian political power over us by something as unearned as birth.
Airman….you are so wrong. Killing a cop and causing multiple injuries to those protecting our democratic process, was not ‘Patriotic”. They should all still be in jail, not pardoned.
CDR USN (ret)
CDR, the only shooting was done by a Capitol police Lt who has since been promoted. He took careful aim, stepped forward and shot Ashley Babbott in the neck. Ashley bled to death as the camera rolled. WE saw this happen LIVE. And there were Capitol cops with long guns right behind her. A cold blood case of murder. That Lt should be in jail, not promoted. Only Capitol cops brought weapons on Jan 6.
It’s well documented that the VA recently fired one thousand probationary staffers. This means that benefits are already “cut” for those veterans who need VA services, as the pipeline will get even slower. I feel for my fellow vets who rely on the VA for healthcare and related services and I worry this will only get worse.
Why does the VA only allow 100% disabled people to access dentistry?
thats avery good question i wanted to ask that My guess is that the VA Dentist clinic is most likely an outside referral
group and the VA doesnt want to pay for anyone not havent 100 % disability
That’s actually a fantastic question, the answer to which I have searched for far and wide myself. The best that I’ve been able to find is an answer is that way back when, the dentist industry lobbied tooth and nail to not have to accept certain forms of insurance, and here we are today.
Though that still doesn’t explain why the va’s *own* in-house dentist office is so hard to access even for those of us who are at 100% disability.
How many veterans died of Covid 19 from misinformation?
Sir, someone needs to advise you that the Veterans Crisis Line has been cut by approximately 1,000 employees. These people provide intervention when a Veteran is contemplating suicide – a recognized epidemic among vets. Please use your authority to get these people their jobs back with back pay. Allowing DOGE (an illegal and unconstitutional entity) to damage veteran healthcare simply cannot be tolerated. Any and all veteran deaths will be at your doorstep and for you to answer.
Funny because already up here in Connecticut I’ve been knowington VA thinks I’ve already changed. Their people who are sending emails out to Veterans saying they’ll be out of the office until further notice people aren’t getting through it can be an hour and a half sometimes before you get through to somebody and the folks just seem to be in some kind of turmoil there. And I’ve actually heard it said that yeah we don’t know what’s going on but something’s going on. So when he started his conversation with Trump is doing what he said he was going to do I knew we were for an -ss wipe yeah I don’t think we need to believe this guy look at what’s actually going on they’re cutting people from the Veterans Administration I was told that the only people there weren’t cutting at one of the veterans Administrations are the nurses because they’re essential but yeah they’re chopping people left and right
We shall see! Are you sure that there are not medical professionals losing their jobs at the VA???? Because that is not what I heard! Not even those on a probationary hire??? Historically, the Republican Party has given nothing but lip service to the vets! Check it out see how many republicans voted against veteran’s bills! Prove me wrong! Rest assured if I or any other vet suffers any reprisals the news outlets will be notified.
You understand president Donald J Trump is not the Republican party, right? He’s the fire we elected to burn the GOP to the ground, and on its ashes build an actual pro-America party.
But let’s talk about how many bloodthirsty Democrat cowards sent our people to die in unjustified illegal wars ( fun facts, every American war after World War II has been unconstitutional because it hasn’t actually been voted for by Congress), or how Democrat Golden Boy JFK wantingly sprayed agent orange on our troops knowing that chemical warfare was illegal.
they didn’t vote against Veterans, they voted against the pork the Democrats added to the Bill. They only said “veterans” to blast Rs. The worst R was mcCain who voted against Americans, including veteran.
Remember that his boss called us veterans “suckers” and “losers”.
Don’t be a sucker or a loser. We worked hard and lost much for the benefits we have.
His boss has a 50 year record of reneging on promises. Do not believe him or any of his mouthpieces.
Iam a veteran never had any problems with VA or care . One think I believe tho is that Combat Veterans should never have to beg or depend on anyone but the Goverment to take care of them if you are a combat Veteran you deserve everthing you need to help get your life back and their spouses and kids should also be on the health insurance. Combat Veterans are entitled to more period
Doug Collin’s word is not enough. There is a $6 billion budget shortfall for 2025.
On February 13, 2025, the VA announced the termination of over 1,000 probationary employees with less than two years of service. These dismissals affect various roles, including researchers in mental health, cancer treatments, addiction recovery, prosthetics, and burn pit exposure.
I don’t trust a word from Collin’s as he was selected by Trump both of them are pathological liars.
In their Budget they show $9 trillion in cost savings. No comment on where the savings are coming from;. Trump is not sharing this as he is simply arraigning as none of this will matter anymore.
Mr. Collin’s,
Anything that has to do with improving the VA and Doge is an oxymoron! Cuts to help improve? Layoff notices at the Milwaukee VA or any other VA facility? Vets have seen this disrespect from our Commander in Chief before. Do not insult me with this BS. You should know better.
Hmm, tell that to the vets working at the VA who got laid off for BS “poor performance”. Vets are speaking out how some of them got stellar performance reviews only to be let go days later. Way to look out for us vets. As some have pointed out, especially those who were laid off with disabilities, there is legal recourse for wrongful termination.
My husbands appeal has been waiting for a judge for years. His body is breaking down due to his past military career. He is in constant pain. He fought Multiple wars and conflicts. Gulf war veterans are being pushed aside. He was one of the first to cross the burm to Iraq in the ACE tanks. He don’t even try to talk about Somalia or the other conflicts. These men deserve better. Please help these soldiers. They fought for us and risk their lives for us. The government doesn’t have time to waste. Make our Veterans a priority!!!
Amen ! Praying your husband gets his help asap.
firstly this site should not be used to attack the media or your political enemies Mr Collins. secondly I’d like to say that I have been very satisfied with the service that I’ve received from the VA both in Iowa City Iowa as well as in Des Moines
I find it interesting that the day after this article posted, another article talked about VA people being laid off and the crisis line purged. Anyone who thinks our benefits aren’t on the chopping block is drinking the koolaid.
And you expect us to believe this? VA staffing has already been cut by Trump. We have fewer VA representatives at different levels than we had two months ago. You are completely right about the media and how they work. But their spin on things is nowhere close to the spin that the government puts on things expecting us to believe them. And it has been worse these last two months with all the government firings and the cuts, human and financial, at many of the government offices. Why do you continually believe and treat us as if we are so stupid we cannot figure this out and are not able to know the truth? And the truth about DOGE and their requests and demands for personal information does nothing to help any of us, but is another verification of us losing our personal and private lives and information. This information they receive will do nothing but hurt American individuals. That can be verified easily by looking at the person that is in charge of that.
The VA already does not have enough employees in healthcare to provide veterans with healthcare services they need. Which means if Doug Collins and the VA are working on good faith to improve veterans access to healthcare, they should be hiring new employees, not firing va healthcare workers.
And a lot of those unnecessary VA workers y’all just fired were veterans, disabled veterans, and spouses of veterans. Y’all are actively harming the veteran community by firing these folks.
Doug Collins and the federal government can do all the hand waving and all the complaining they want about the media. I have eyes and ears. I don’t need the media or government officials interpreting reality for me.
Doug Collins is up here pissing on veterans, and telling us it’s raining outside.
I find these statements to be very bland and general in nature and appears to be a casual sound bit and a shot at the Fourth estate. The What quality control measures for contract performance were in place when you took office? How much time did you personally spend verifying this before bringing in an outside entity to do this routine job? Why don’t you use your inspector generals to do this task that they routinely do? How many VA employees have been terminated to date to “improve service”? How many of those terminated employees were veterans? This appea
Excellent information grate to have you on board Honorable Collins.
Great report I am a 80% TBI Disabled awarded 100% Unemployability Benefit. USArmy Military Police in the Vietnam Era conflict.
This from The American Prospect:
If left unchallenged by VA patients and caregivers, veterans’ organizations, and members of Congress, Trump’s appointee will continue to slash and trash services for veterans long after Elon Musk has likely returned to the private sector.
On the same day that protesters assembled outside his new office, Collins dismissed 1,000 probationary employees at the VA, while claiming that this move “will not negatively impact VA healthcare, benefits, or beneficiaries.”
In a quick rebuttal to Collins, Murray pointed out that those laid off included staffers working on treatments for vets with cancer, respiratory problems, missing limbs, and opioid addiction. “I’m hearing from longtime VA researchers in my home state of Washington who are right now being told to immediately stop their research and pack their bags,” Murray told the press.
Who got all the money for healthnet in 2017 ?
We all know who you really work for, so save the empty promises. Why not be transparent and just tell us when your billionaire business daddies are planning to sell us down the river. I would rather be able to prepare for losing my benefits so I can at least try for a soft landing.
I hope you have enough of a spine to stand up for us to the Musk/Vance Whitehouse because we will not forget, and we will not forgive.
You can talk to me about the weather, which I have no control over, or you could outline the services you’re making available to help me deal with the weather…and yes, part of that is making sure service providers have the support they need to be effective at what they provide. This felt a bit too focused on the weather.
Very party line here – I take issue to the kids at DOGE having such access without being vetted. I would think that there would be forensic accounting involved – not hackers if the intent were to find waste.
I’m on the same page as you. Although I don’t take issue with “vetting” per se. I take issue with granting what amounts to top secret clearance to guys with backgrounds that should be disqualifying.
I mean, take Elon Musk as an example. Soldiers and veterans can lose jobs/clearances for pissing hot, but if you’re rich enough you can do drugs on a podcast and I guess that’s okay.
Mine has been stuck at level 5 since Dec 30th 2024. It’s supposed to take a couple.weeks. I need those benefits. So much for faster more streamlined.
Mine is stalled since September of 2023
They can cut costs at the Syracuse VA medical center they have a whole floor dedicated to female veterans but r sending us out to community care for mammograms they don’t do them there
From a retired (100% disabled) sailor since 2002. The Minneapolis VA has treated me for numerous ailments and in most cases have done well. There is always room for improvement and the outside eyes of DOGE are probably best suited for determining what is best. What has been televised as cases of waste, fraud and abuse are mind boggling. May there be consequences and the punishment fit the crime.
Welcome to the club and keep the bow into the wind!
no evidence or proof of crime has been presented
My do AA has been stuck at level 5 since Dec 30th 2024. It’s supposed to take a couple.weeks. I need those benefits. So much for faster more streamlined.
I don’t believe you as you were selected by Mr Trump.
What is happening in every aspect of our government is abhorrent.
Remember Privacy Act of 1974.
This was drummed into us when I was in the military.
Collins is never going to help the vets find easier, more affordable care with continuing cuts, lay offs and hiring freeze. He, like virtually every other trump appointee are all going to kiss his a** and sing the praises of Musk.
I agree!!! 57 days for a primary care visit, unless special circumstances or 100% disabled you can’t even get routine cleaning at dental, specialist without referral is not possible at my VA. Pulmonary only 2 days a week at my VA despite pact act. There is a local clinic that sees no new patients without being on waiting list for year or more. 80 miles one way to VA. Trying my best to move most to community care. Not best choice but 2.7 miles away. Did get Pulmonary care moved to community care. Have had my CT, Pulmonary fitness test and pulmonologist visit all within 10 days versus weeks. Same old story with most people here.
Last, the question regarding vietnam and agent orange deaths. Here is just my personal story. Raised in town of less than 1000 people. Tons of fathers were WWII vets so lots of us went. 5 died in country, 7 more since of AO exposure have died. I have severe COPD, one of friends severe Parkinson, 2 more with kids born with spidabifada (sp). Same with every small town around me. Until PACT VA flat didn’t acknowledge. It’s going to get worse. I’m 75. Like the vets before us most vietnam vets dying quickly. Damn shame I believed the promise of health care for life when enlisting.
Unfortunately, my comfort level is not very high.
I would at least hope for status quo at a MINIMUM.
Another LIE from the trump musk regime!
I would like to see spouses having CHAMPVA able to be treated at VA clinics. They are lifeline of assisting their disabled spouses.
As a DAV Chapter Service Officer I am very pleased that you have not hesitated for a moment to set the record straight. I have already heard from veterans that are concerned about their disability claims and THANK YOU for getting in front of the issue. ANYTHING that you can do to assuage their concerns by using every means possible to communicate with them is appreciated.
I’ve had very little problem with the Va. they have helped me get my health back. I have talked with many other veterans and they seem to appreciate the va’s help. I don’t know what I was doing without those doctors and nurses. I believe Trump will do a great job for all of us.
Tim I am with you 100% on that. I am a combat vet . 100% disabled and have had and having outstanding care through though the VA. A lot of the post here just sounds like Dem. talking points. I remember a President in the not to distant past, that said, let the injured Vet pay for his own care, after all he volunteered for it.
I don’t believe Mr. Collins has a clue. Anyone who praises Trump, says he’s doing a wonderful job, and DOGE is doing a great job, does not live in the real world. He is a Trump ass kisser. Laying off people who provide help and support to veterans is not a sign of waste, but is a way to discard veteran’s needs. Being on the job for one week and making the comments he did doesn’t instill my faith in him.
Thank You Doug! Please keep us informed. Looking for wonderful things for our Veterans , spouses, widows/widowers, families! We need to know that our President Donald Trump and you have got our backs.
No they don’t have our backs, they’re kicking our -ss.
LOL . . . they “have your backs” alright because that is where they are going to stick the knife.
I need very little care from the VA. I am very satisfied with the care I have received for 50 + years. I very happy with the changes which have occured over recent years. I know and it is a matter of common sense that people are proned to take advantage of any system. Vets and non Vets alike. I am glad this sort of thing is being vigorously addressed because the ones who do need it most suffer. Thank you, Mr. Collins
Hi, Edward. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Time will tell the tale.
Read comments, lot of bitter vets. I am a disable vet. I will not jut anyone on 14 days on the job. When my check gets cut or I cannot visit the VA clinic the I will beleive the media. DOGE is trying to cut waste and abuse I don’t care how old they are just find it, $600 million for sushi . Every president since Regan has promised to cut the budget finally someone is doing it and we are bitching. Only Hon Discharged Vets, disabled or abled, should work in the VA!
I beg you all to research the nonsense you see on Facebook and Fox news, which you then repeat as fact. I recommend politifact, which is non-partisan. Elon Musk never said that he found $600 mil spent on sushi ( Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT a Trump fan. I do not believe that Secretary Collins is being truthful. DOGE is a train wreck being used to hurt hard-working Americans while lining the pockets of million/billionaires. I do NOT think Elon Musk, has any business in our government. But, you’ve GOT to stop gobbling up the nonsense from FB and Fox and regurgitating it.
He’s lying like the rest of the unqualified people Trump has infiltrated our country with.
The Congressional Budget Office recommended ending TDIU benefits for those 67 and older. This is a joke, as Social Security benefits are continually being reduced and it is meant to be a supplement to retirement, not a retirement. In addition, TDIU Veterans do not receive retirement plans like they would if they could hold a job, so they likely would not be able to live on Social Security alone. Someone needs to fight on these issues.
Also, I attempted to add my 18 year old daughter in August when she enrolled in college, so she could use her DEA benefits. It’s been six months, and despite having all the necessary paperwork, it hasn’t moved passed initial review. I contacted the White House Hotline and requested assistance. The response I received from the Regional Office was “wait your turn in line.” Six months to add one dependent is absurd.
Let’s talk about the 2017 Mission Act
Referring to Mr Thomas Lee your remarks
Sound like the cry babies protesting about our commander and chief that’s finally draining t he swamp
As a 90+ YO Korean Vet. I’m sick of the bitching and bellyaching from the cry babies who think Biden did the American Veterans a great service. How did he handle the withdrawal from Afghanistan? My take is that that after visiting a Naval Air Station that celebrates gay and lesbian behavior with signs that they should be proud of their degenerate behavior. What is this costing us veteran in lost funds and access to healthcare? Get educated and thank God we have a chance to turn this country around. Don’t give up and KEEP FIGHTING.
Let’s talk about the failure of Healthnet 2017
Excelente News Sir. I’ve trying to get and increase in my disability % over 20 years (imagine it) and nothing has happened. This time I had to hire a lawyers so he can help me with this issue he charges 33.3% of what ever I get… if i get it. My health issues have increased since then; i don’t what to do anymore.
I have received excellent care at the Tucson VA for over 20 years, and would not like to see their ability to care for veterans in a professional, timely (yes, timely), and caring manner impeded. So far, what the “lying” press has published about the manner in which Trump and Musk have handled the so-called elimination of fraud and waste – without having a clue as to what has actually been taking place, or delving into the ramifications of knee jerk reactions to their “revelations,” seems spot-on. Good luck on seeing the ongoing chaos bringing and semblance of positive results and improving the operations of the government.
We still have low information voter’s. As you can see by their comments. They have TDS and there is no treatment or cure. They don’t remember when the lines were so long and TRUMP pushed thru the community care program.
It’s only a month. Take your meds and give it time. Make common sense suggestions and not bully / attack the ones trying to get their heads around this mess, it’s been going on for ages. Give it time.
P.S. there are several people who just walk around the VA appearing not to have a purpose. Veteran, nurse or whatever : they need terminated.
There should be more cameras on records actions of veterans and the staff at the counters for appointments and greetings. People on both sides are unkind. There needs to be accountability.
We veterans have been pushed against thru the system and had such a hard time getting even our records. Be specific about issues!
Don’t be pricks!
Clueless. Look around. Research. Even Google. Shame.
Wow, did you drink the orange kool-aid! Poor fool,
They fired and investigated the DEI consultants’ spending and found that they were spending 8 million dollars a year on DEI programs when some VA hospitals don’t have full staffing for medical teams. Talk about crossed priorities. When there are hospitals so undermanned that they can only provide limited service, that isn’t the time to be picky about the diversity of its potential hires.
You’re so clouded by their constant stream of bs that you can’t see the forest for the trees. Musk will cut whatever he wants because your guy Trump has no spine. He backed down to Putin just like we all knew he would, and he put unqualified, traitorous morons in positions they don’t even understand.
You really cannot choose a provider through community care. For primary care, I found myself in a waiting room with immigrants who are on the public dole. I don’t know if providers are chosen by bids submitted, but don’t be surprised over where you end up. The doctor, by the way, mumbled to herself never having seen such “clean” urine, as she was looking over the results.
I would like to believe that he is being truthful and above board about VA benefits not being targeted for cuts, but the American people were told the same thing about Medicaid and now it’s on the chopping block. So I’m going to have to wait and see while reserving judgement because this administration has burned us before.
We need your protection as our current president call us suckers. We never forget. DOGE is political bullsh-t getting rid of the IG;s can only lead to corruption.
Please find a way in your heart to continue being a peacekeeper and not perpetuate propaganda. Let’s help this administration make America a better place. There is so much work to be done.
Please find a way in your heart to wake up Tamara. Have you not been paying attention to what’s going on in the government offices since Trump Took office? Mr. Trump has never had anything good to say about veterans and has called us idiots for serving our country. What branch of service did you serve in, Tamara? The truth is out there, take off your blinders, open your eyes, and get your fingers out of your ears, please.
It’s an insult to think THIS administration has Americas best interest at heart. When it’s his only self serving whims that DOUG and little donnie care about.
Your newsletter is N- propaganda. U.S. veterans know how to treat N-s. Fck you.
BS trump is screwing Veterans.
I read most of the comments and was not surprised at what I saw. Some never addressed his video most were very bitter vets, understandable as I am a disable vet, but I can’t take it out on a man that has been on the job 14 days. This man was in HOR and before I start throwing stones at him I am going to give him a chance and see what he does. I will get it out of the way so no one has to guess, I voted for Trump and would do it again given the alternative. I find it interesting that people are worried about their personal info, your info is all over the place now. They know when you go to the bathroom! As for DOGE we will find out but they really don’t care who Richard is what they want to know is Richard ripping off and or scaming the american people. Reality is,read you own notes, Collins can do no worse than any of his predecessor. The only advice I would give Sec Collins is that he ONLY hire QUALIFIED VETERANS to work in the VA. There are plenty out there that are disable but want to work. Still plenty others that want to work. Some work in government right now that may be let go look to the VA if you are a Hon Disharged Vet. Think don’t cry!
Thank you Richard!
Dawn Nance
Army 1978-1981
Thank You Mr Collins I’ve been with the VA for about 50 yrs . VA has always treated me with the utmost respect and fairness . The hospitals I have been in gave excellent care . It makes me very proud to say I am a United States Veteran . Thank You Timothy Foley
The operative questions just who is to determine “What’s not needed”- some 19 year old kid who never served a day in the Military??
wow there are a lot of negative comments on here , much like the old bots on twitter , I wonder if the same concerned people had any negative comments about the feckless D.E.I. hires from the last four years? My personal VA treatment is excellent, I hope this success reaches all vets that need it.
So true. Those that are in our right mind, appreciates common sense thinking.
DOGE is conducting an illegal heist of our personal data, and by allowing these uncleared, unvetted, unqualified criminal vermin to access our personal data you are an accomplice to innumerable Federal felonies. Resign.
If I recall, the young rascals working for Musk at DOGE came from Space Ex with much higher clearances and IQ’s than respondents in this column. WE HAD TO WAIT FOUR YEARS to find out what Biden had been up to, how about we give Trump and Musk four months?
You are so right and don’t think these kids aren’t going to sell your info to the highest bidder some where down the line when Musk is done with them. Follow the money……always sound advice!!!!
Complaining about the President is not helpful. Mr. Collins needs your issues and your recommended solutions, not a diatribe of your feelings to make you feel better. The VA has lots of problems but if you are not going to help solve them them you’re the problem. – 34 year Marine vet.
Your words are well spoken, Marine.
We’re not paid to solve them, but nice try passing blame to the disgusted vets that are commenting here. Take your trash to FB or X.
I have a serious concern when the current Trump VA fired so many veterans whom were fired without notice and now become jobless. This is not respect. In my life I have never used any VA services and only I have asked for assistance to change mistakes make on my DD-214 and NOTHING has been done in the last three years. Nothing!! I am 77 years old and I served during the Vietnam war era. So as a Native American I am still strong, health and waiting for VA response and results on my DD-214. As old as I am I need the corrected document to apply for a bank loan. Thank you and may peace prevail and the saying goes “United we stand divided we fall.”
Hang in there Doug! Just ignore the comments from the ppl terminally infected with TDS. Their disease blinds them to the positive realities Trump is bring back to our country and repairing the damage done by 4 years of a dementia ridden DEMOCRAT being in office. Refreshing to see someone with testicles putting a stop to DEI, drag story hours, illegal immigration, weaponization of DOJ, etc, etc, and on and on. The LUNATIC LEFT is finally being put in check. Absolutely amazing how many ppl are blowing snot about DOGE saving BILLIONS of dollars of OUR tax money!
Well said!
He is ignoring them. Have you seen any replies? Dougie boy is laughing all the way to the bank.
Chaplain Collins, please remember…God is watching you. Something you seem to have forgotten or chosen to selectively ignore thus far in your political career. A large number of your words, actions, attitudes, etc leading up to now don’t really peacefully coexist with His word and He will judge you. Simply a friendly reminder for you to maybe do some self-reflection and prayer. Which holds primacy for you…God or “politics”? Have a blessed day!
I hope this is all true, as a VET who has just got qualified to be on the VA health system I am looking forward to using the VA health care system to help reduce my cost of health care and provide quality health care for me as a Vet. of the Viet Nam Era. As a new enrollee I will need to learn how to best use the VA system that will benefit my health care and cost there of.
Secretary Collins: Thank you for your continued service in this important position. Our active duty military needs to be the most efficient , lethal fighting force on planet earth and space. And when their active duty time is complete as mine is , the men and woman need to transition into a well run VA and insure the injuries they have sustained are properly treated. God Bless you in this effort.
James Carter (USN 1974-1981)
hear, here! Let us just thank god that time exists. This guy will go the way of all and we will recover. have faith that another day will come and we will prevail. It’ll only be two years until it all ends and we can make things right. Vote in mid-term elections in order to make this joker a lame duck president, as Milania already knows him to be: limp.
I don’t believe a word any Trump appointee says. They are all liars and cheats, and only out for the bucks.
This tells me you believe everything that the media tells you and the Democrats tell you. Grow up and smell the coffee our government is no different than the corrupt governments in other countries and this current administration is pointing this out that some federal employees are corrupt some of our politicians are corrupt and taking the hard earned money that should be going to people that need it like disabled veterans. Instead of wasting it on people that have been dead for 150years. Just look at where Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security have been giving payments to people that have been dead in the millions of dollars that have been sent to whoever that should’ve been going to people that really need it and those of us that are getting close to retirement age. The system is going to be bankrupt because wasteful spending of money the people that are dead and the fact the new generation of Young adults are not having children to be brought into this mess of the medias that lies. My wife left the media in 2003 when Robert Murdoch walked into her office and told her to get rid of the accurate information of who, what, where, when, why and to credible sources willing to go on the record with their names in face to be published. It was all about getting the story out no matter how inaccurate it was to pay her salary she immediately quit. This anonymous source bull***** needs to go..
If you look at the people that are yelling the loudest they’re the ones with their hands in the cookie jar taking the money from the disabled veterans and people that need it truly in this country….
trump and musk are the loudest in the country
Possibly of dental care ?
I have 2 complaints One I called for meds and after waiting one week I called back was told they would order my meds, waited another week to finally receive my medication. I was with out my medication for 3 weeks, second I had an appointment at the Nashville VA. I put in for my travel and was only given a partial. The reason was stated I could have gone to a closer facility. I do not make this appointment the VA does and It was my cardiologist,??????
That is a prime example of what goes on everywhere. Thank you for commenting.
Hi, George, thanks for letting us know. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
I’m really surprised that a former military member would act in such a childish way in a forum that asked for comments, feedback, and opinions. What I’ve read is really embarrassing to even be in the same ranks as some of you people. Practice your writing skills and come across like a professional that hopefully you once were when serving. In order to balance the budget everybody needs to suck it up and expect cuts in every department of the federal government.
Apparently you think Trump is a honest person who respects women and people in general; and what did he say about soldiers and veterans ( we are dumb and stupid). So far the appointees to these cabinet positions are unqualified and uninformed in the organizations and departments they are now running. Of course he wants you to tell him what to do, he doesn’t have a clue. The current actions of this administration are not thoughtful, informed actions. Its the opposite and I quote, “we will drive them out of government service” that’s not the “will of the People”.
Actually it was suckers and losers.
This is your opinion, same as the rest of the posts.
The Vietnam war will of been over 50 years this coming May. My records have been scrubbed along with thousands of brothers with classified operations. I first started having “Agent Orange” in 1994. 6 bouts of cancer later, I still can’t get benefits. Is there going to be another delay of the Army releasing Vietnam classified service records. Please remember, Us of the classified operations. We are the “Sprayed and Betrayed” but each one of us would go back in if our nation needed us.
I have great faith that Trump and his rookie Collins are planning BIG cuts to Veterans benefits and services!
Concerns are being raised regarding the potential impact of new VA Secretary Collins on veterans’ benefits and services. The new secretary’s background and political affiliations are drawing scrutiny, particularly in light of potential budget constraints and policy changes within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Collins, described as a staunch supporter of former President Trump, has previously expressed opposition to the Affordable Care Act, raising questions about his approach to healthcare for veterans. Furthermore, his past involvement in contesting the 2020 election results has led some to question his commitment to upholding democratic principles and the interests of all veterans.
In this video, Collins said he had been there only a week and there was already a problem (rite!) and then said not to listen to the media just to trust him bro. Some find his statements uneducated and unprofessional. Collins also rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.
In December 2020, Collins was one of 126 Republicans who contested the results of the 2020 presidential election. This action has been criticized as a dishonor to the House and a failure to uphold their oath to support the Constitution.
While Collins has stated his commitment to serving veterans, his initial remarks have been met with skepticism by some, who are concerned that potential cuts to benefits and services may be on the horizon. Veterans and advocates are closely monitoring the situation, seeking clarity on the future direction of the VA under his leadership. Collins is the author of The Clock and the Calendar: A Front-Row Look at the Democrats’ Obsession with Donald Trump, published November 2021.” Not a good or popular book….
It is important for veterans to stay informed and engage with their elected officials to ensure their voices are heard as these changes unfold.
MJ, 2nd Ranger Bat
I support president Trump 100% Keep up the good work rhat you and your team is doing!
From a vietnam veteran ??
People are focused on the wrong thing of course thanks to media. I trust Doge to cut waste like they are everywhere else. What I’m concerned about is the proposed budget cuts recommendations written before the Trump administration that came out of the Congressional Budget office for 2025 to 2034 as a budget defeceit recommendation that would affect veteran benefits.
With regards to DOGE and the benefits situation. There is a report that both the 30% rate is getting cut from compensation and that Unemployability is being taken out as a program moniker for the 100 % IU. What’s the truth, just what is the truth about the cuts announced in You’re praising DOGE as a watchdog group of sorts who are sorting through the contracts. A group of 20-something engineer grads are able to do accounting? Please.
Secretary Collins, thank you for your service.
I suggest a examining the connections between exposures to jet fuels that contain neurotoxins and cesium additives in JP-7 to the increase rates of advanced prostrate cancer.
Many of us were unknowingly exposed to these toxins since they were classified top secret in years past. Anyone working around these aircraft were exposed because the aircraft did not have sealed fuel tanks and without being provided protective equipment due to the fact the additives were top secret during a special access / need to know program. We were exposed directly to the fuels and aspirated the fumes and burning exhaust of these fuels and ionized additives.
Without knowing of the hazards, we had to bring our fuel soaked uniforms home to be washed which cross contaminated our homes and further exposed our family members.
Can we get some of the Doge money found to pay for dental work for vets. Our teeth take the brunt of all issues. PTSD sufferers grind our teeth, when we are sleeping, angry or just plain trying to figure out something.
I have great hopes for what you will be doing for the Vets
RE ptsd and teeth grinding. My dentist had a really thin tooth guard made I wear every night. Its actually helped me to stop grinding as much somehow (and it protects my teeth). If I stop wearing it I clench and grind again. Its worth trying one.
60 day waits for Primary Care appointments are Unacceptable. It was less than 10 days till Republican s started chopping funding needs. Staffing and morale are at all time lows under Trump, are YOU going to stand up to Trump for Veteran needs or just cow down like the rest?
But it is in the Heritage Foundations budget proposal for 2023 amount things that Trump is currently actin upon.
Stop blaming the “media” for when you say you’re doing “this” and then you do “that”. And Strump doesn’t know what he is doing anyway.
Rite brother
Absolutely! Truth!
Please keep politics out of Veterans Affairs. All you needed to say was you’re not cutting benefits. And then keep your word.
The funding comes from the Federal Government. Which is political.
I totally agree to keep politics out of this. It’s a travesty he even brought this up. Focus only what you’re doing, not on a political leader’s policy you do or don’t support
Yeah, I caught that too. Once he said, “under Trump’s leadership,” he gave himself away.
Don’t trust a thing that this administration says or does. Hope I’m wrong but so far there is no evidence to that.
Very pleased and relieved our benefits are not going to be cut !! I had 11 hours a week for home health, which was not enough. You cut my hours back to 9 hours per week, which is terrible. I am wheel chair bound and have only my 85 year wife to help me the rest of the time. We get nothing but run around from the VA about who to talk to about more hours. The VA sends us to the VA advocate who sends us back to the VA primary Dr. (which they can’t keep) We have a beautiful new VA clinic here ,but it is not fully staffed. Sure wished we had the right person to talk to.
This outcome is exactly what should occur. I have attempted to explain this to others, but fearmongers prevent them from listening.
Mr. Collins, do you serve the veterans of the United States military and their families first or do you serve recently self-appointed king first?
Stop the Co-pay requirements for Vets Medical, doctor visits, and drugs!
Sir, you may believe what you stated (at least when this was recorded by you). However, Musk and Trump’s words and actions (including cuts of crisis staff and access to veterans’ personal dada) do not jive with your statements.
the va does everything to hinder old vets.I used to get online with the VA clinic in Niagara Falls I`m so confused with the changes .I can`t just get to my local va clinic anymore..Good going VA you made it hard for old vets
Since you’ve only been there a week, I’m assuming you are a trump appointee. All trump and musk do is lie lie lie. How do we know if you are telling the truth. Nothing they have done is even legal. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I am assuming you are a Democrat….. all you/they do is lie, lie, lie. Go see a doctor for your chronic TDS!
Obviously, you thought Biden did a good job which means your opinion is moot.. The days of the Biden crime family is over with Their just auditing the government which is long overdue Relax and watch your country get saved.
I agree. Dental Benefits would be so helpful. I need over 10K in dental care. The dental insurance offered is not economically or practically viable. It takes 6 months of pay in before benefits can be used, it has high deductible and co pays, it limits care per year such that it would cost at least as much if not more. It would delay and stretch out care beyond what is medically advisable. I now have problems with my jaw, TMJ. I think they call it (likely the result of arthritis in the jaw), but cannot get care without my teeth being fixed first. Like fellow veteran Tyrone Burns, I also need extractions and dentures. If expanding benefits is true, not just spin, please consider dental care for all veterans.
I don’t have the same faith in Doge as Sec Collins has as it relates to cuts. So far they (Doge) are not attempting to gain procedural knowledge of any organization before making cuts. I agree waste should be eliminated, but done so intelligently.
How Many Nurses Have Been Fired At the VA?
Why Did Trump Say He Is The King?
Okay. I’ll believe that the benefits won’t get chopped. However, I still don’t like, and don’t trust those tech guys at DOGE who have access to personal information, be it mine or other veterans like myself. And I especially don’t trust Musk. He and those tech guys that work for him know nothing about doing any kind of audit. He has another agenda which involves making him rich(er). He is also in league with AFD (Alternative for Deutchland). In other words, he is in league with white supremacists, or he is one himself, which to me, means ha cannot be trusted.
How many Doctors have Been Fired at the VA?
Get rid of DOGE and Musk!!!!!
How Many Vietnam Veterans Died From Agent Orange?
How Many Veterans Have Been Fired?
Id like to know how many commissioners took the buy out, quit, or got fired. Im still waiting for my HLR to be seen, 3 duty to assist errors going back to 08.. lets git r done
Dental help would be nice for all vets.
Why Are Veterans being Fired?
Thank you for fighting for us! Keep up the good work and may God be with you in this struggle to take care of those of us who stepped up to serve this great nation!
Let’s see, my physical therapist ran by MyMichigan Health care (a Community Care referral) after a year and a half of therapy, recommended an exercise bike to help with my service connected disability and from a failed surgery to my neck that left me extremely weak on my left side and wheelchair bound. My PCP also submitted a referral for the equipment. It was DENIED bymy VAMC Prostetics Department. I appealed and after 2 years, I gave up and bought my own. No reimbursement for the equipment. Next, I am wheelchair bound, I have tried to get a chairglide put into my entertainment area of my house, I was issued 2 in Colorado. They sit in my garage currently and all they need is to be installed. The VA here installed a new one going to my bedroom but says they can’t install the ones I have that were issued by the VA to the entertainment area of my house because they can only issue 1. So I have these two sitting in my garage now and can’t afford to pay myself to get one installed to the entertainment area (basement). A quote to install is roughly $1,600. Again, being wheelchair bound, I have carpet in my home, and I’ve been trying to get help (2 times DENIED SHA/SAH) with the removal of it so my wheelchair is easier to navigate in my house. I was offered the $6k HISSA (sp) grant, but when I got a quote to remove the Carpet and replace with hardwood or similar, the quotes were at the lowest $24K and that was just the hallways, living room and my bedroom. I keep getting letters and emails about all the wonderful benefits that await Veterans in my situation, but when you apply for the benefits, like with the exercise equipment, flooring and chairglide installlation, you either Beg the VA until you give up and buy yourself or do without because this just seems like the old “bait and switch” game. Yes, I am 100% (Actually combined 750%) disabled per the rating scale. I only get paid for 1-100%, I took a 50% cut in pay from what my job paid me annually to accept the VA’s 1-100% rating because I was declared unemployable due to PTSD, TBI, White Matter Disease, Meniere’s, Depressive Disorder and sedentary lifestyle brought along with it DMII, OSA and heart problems which have required 3-stents.. If you mean what you say, why are us Veterans being put through the vigerous hoops? I am glad you are cutting back on the unnecessary cost to run the VA. I just hope the differences are returned to the Veterans as you say because as I described above, it has been really challenging to get the benefits I need and in the begging process have had to reach out to my Patient Advocate (which is a joke), my Congressman on two occasions, OIG on two occasions and am about to reach out to them again because service connection hasn’t been awarded for 6-post-op secondary disabilities that weren’t present before the surgery and didn’t start with treatment/medication until after my condition begain deterriorating Post-op! I am only 1 example as I am sure many others have experienced my plight first hand. We just feel at the mercy of the VA when we are confined like I am and rely solely on the VA and I’ll tell you personally, it is a daily, stressful experience which no doubt will lead to further decline based solely on the stress and depression I stay in.
LYING SACK OF SH-T!!! Fire our hospital staff,REMOVE benefit at 65 no MONEY F-CKED on Medicare!! F-CK YOU TRUMPF SUCKING TRAITOR!
LOL, the VA can help with that anger management but your TDS is terminal.
Leave Terry alone. This is not funny.
T rump is a fraud and so are his programs. All you are doing is dismantling the government to give muskrat and his friends more freedom to rob us. The day when we get tired of this is coming and you need to think about where you stand (hint, long term vision is better than short term).
I think the administration is doing exactly what we voted for.
You have my support. 100% service related, Vietnam
That’s a bunch of crap! He is in Trump and Musk’s pocket
What about the1,000 VA support personnel that are being cut? How will that affect our medical benefits?
James H. Donahue
CAPT, USCG (ret.)
it would be nice to see full Dental Benefits for all veterans , not just retired!!! Dental health is probably more important than anything as far as sickness goes. not having to rely on anti-biotics and painkillers because of improper oral hygiene would be a great plus for our overall health. i could use dentures or implants and a few more extractions to get healthier and an improved digestive system because of being able to chew food properly!!
Secretary Doug Collins keep protecting Veterans benefits. Even my family says President Trump is going to cut your disability benefits. I say no they aren’t going to be cut. Secretary Collins keep up the good work. Lets take the money for luxury hotels for illegal aliens and take care of homeless veterans. George Miller Vietnam Veteran.
My 76 year old Viet Nam veteran husband called the VA yesterday (02/19/2025) for an appointment with his primary care physician and the earliest appointment he can get is for 08/01/2025!! AND the VA Eye Clinic is closed and not taking appointments at this time…..if this guy is trying to tell you that things are fine at the VA and deserving veterans are getting efficient and quality care, he is dead wrong and many of these veterans will be also with this type of care provided to them!!
Ma’am, this exact reason you explained above, is why Community Care exists. I couldn’t get an eye exam either, so I received a referral to get one at a civilian clinic. Just ask for the referral, and if the VA tries to give you a hard time, stand your ground. Also, if your husband cannot get an appointment in a reasonable amount of time with his PCP, again, have his PCP get a referral for your husband to see a physician in the community. This is what community care is for.
Hi, Donna, we’re sorry to hear about your husband’s experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
It is sad to see that a Christian Chaplin would align himself with the likes of trump. When you earned your master’s degree in divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary you must have missed the day they taught Matthew 4:8-9. Because when trump offered “All these things I will give you” You choose to fall down and worship him (trump).
“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
I would love to be there on your judgement day and see you explain that decision you made to God.
You really should keep your political thoughts/feelings to yourself. “We the People” elected President Trump and he is doing “EXACTLY” what we asked him to do, like putting Doug Collins in as Sec of the Veterans Administration.
suck, suck, suck….taste good??
If there was a rumor going around my units that we were going to deploy, we deployed. I don’t know about everyone else, I just know what I know. Why would Veterans, Retirees and VA workers be on pins and needles for no reason. What about the “Women Clinics” closing due to DEI? Just our imagination? I’m going to wait and watch.
In fact doge is just a front for a fraudulent scheme and have illegally entered the government IT systems.
A whole lot of worrying over nothing IMHO. DOGE, Musk and Trump do NOT want your money. They are not there copying all your info down (sheesh), ANYTHING to do with the VA is safe…including spouse stuff, etc. CALM down folks. STOP believing the lies.
And to Richard L. That free time you speak of is due to your king sir..
Either you are the VA website is a Liar ! The web page for Veterans announced at least 1000 people have Now Lost their Jobs but You sir Claimed No CUT BACKS have occurred!
Thank you so much. I am very apprciative of the work that DOGE is doing. It’s also reassuring to know that our benefits will be secure. Thank you, sir.
I appreciated the video because it introduced me to the new Secretary. I appreciated Secretary Collins communicating his enthusiasm to take charge of the VA and his desire to allay the concerns of some Veterans. These concerns have been created because they have been duped in to believing what they read in newsprint and see on TV. It’s a significant challenge to educate them and build a confidence in the VA so they can know that the VA is getting its stuff together and can effectively help them get the help they need. Maintain the attack! VR–Leland Klein
Dear Mr. Secretary, how about dumping some of the crazy policies put in place last year under the previous administration, like child-proof hearing aid batteries! Sounds smart, but they’re Veteran Proof too!? Once opened, the VA provides pouches to store them in (not child-proof for sure! So, it makes it easier for a child to ingest a bunch of batteries, instead of one at a time! Please fix this & take a look at other things we deal with daily. You are much appreciated & I so appreciate you reaching out with the truth!
How can we trust that benefits will not be cut when DOGE shut down entire agencies without any evaluation of programs and mass firing without any justification, explaination or accountability? Yes, eliminating personnel reduces cost but has nothing to do with fraud, waste or abuse.
I’m glad to hear that at least one part of the government isn’t being destroyed.
Sorry sir but the lies that have come out from the Republican administration do not give me comfort that your statement is truthful.
Dear Secretary McDonough,
I am writing to bring to your immediate attention the unacceptable conditions at the Little Rock VA Medical Center. As someone who deeply values the well-being of our veterans, I am disturbed by the state of this facility and the substandard level of care being provided to those who have served our country.
During recent visits, I have witnessed and received reports of the following issues:
Unsanitary conditions, including dirty patient rooms, inadequate cleaning, and persistent maintenance problems.
Long wait times for medical appointments and procedures, resulting in delayed treatment and worsening health conditions.
Staffing shortages, leading to overworked healthcare providers and inadequate attention to patients.
Poor facility conditions, including outdated equipment, broken infrastructure, and a general lack of upkeep.
Our veterans deserve the highest standard of care, yet the conditions at this VA hospital suggest a failure to meet even basic medical and sanitary standards. I urge your office to take immediate action to investigate these concerns and implement necessary improvements.
I respectfully request a formal response outlining what steps the VA will take to address these issues and ensure our veterans receive the dignified care they have earned. I am also willing to discuss this matter further and provide additional details as needed.
Thank you for your time and commitment to our nation’s veterans. I look forward to your prompt attention to this urgent matter..
Hi, Charles. Sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
The truth and nothing but the truth with our Veterans, Thank you Doug Collins for being transparent with the lying media(Cnn,Msnbc,etc..)
Amen to that
To see so many veterans, who are helping other veterans, be fired from the VA (especially those helping prevent suicide) is disgraceful. To see our country’s leaders spewing lies and abandoning our allies makes me sick. I joined the Cold War Army and served 32 years, and never thought to see us capitulate to despots and believe their lies and propaganda.
Individual ratings equal 120 % , yet my overall VA rating is 80%. Cannot work due to TBI, PTSD issues yet the VA cannot see unemployable as they themselves won’t hire me.
Dont give up… They (current administration) want you to, and are likely going to try to change the way the Disability Ratings are Calculated and Evaluated to reduce them and “Save Money”. 2016- 2020 was a awful period to try to get a fair disability review done.
Have you gone through the VSO in your county or the VFW? Don’t go through the VA yourself when trying to get benefits. A VSO in your county is the best thing you can do to receive benefits owed.
Why are you allowing a non-appointed civilian into the VA at all and allowing the minions to look around at our personal information. President Elon Musk should not be allowed through the doors of the VA. He is an immigrant and does not have the authority to be in Federal Buildings without an escort of some kind and to think that you or anyone would allow a group of teenagers and 20 somethings with computers into the building and snoop through personal records is shameful. Resist the ELON.
I sure need to get my widows benefits…my husband Wayne Mosby passed away 09/06/2023. I would appreciate your help. Thank You
The questions is: Are our benefits going to be taken away in accordance with the Project 2025 guidance related to VA?? recommend reading it…
Thank you Secretary Collins for the video.
I appreciate you clearing up some of the liberal media lies.
Thank you for working so hard to protect our Veteran benefits.
BTW, The President’s Executive orders have not trickled down to all VA facilities yet.
I still see VA employees using gender pronouns and LGBTQ flags at VA clinics.
As a Veteran and VA employee, I truly appreciate all the hard work this administration is doing to protect and defend the rights of conservative Americans that solely seek to follow Biblical Beliefs, God’s beliefs.
Again, many thanks
It is a matter of trust. Doug you took the first step in gaining my trust. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Dear Honorable Sec, V. A., Doug Collins,
Another Combat Wounded Veteran (CWV), has died today. Some CWV’s will die, as a cause of caustic or failed V.A. Medical Services. Some CWV’s, will fall prey to SUICIDE, (due to the same reason cited in the previous sentence), “ADDED,”‘ by THE IMPACT of the voluminous FLAWS, FAILURES, DEVASTATIONS, DISRUPTIONS, HORRIBLE DISASTERS, INSULTS, and THREATS, to We the People, and especially to we military veterans, that was willfully created by the EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, & ADMINISTRATION OFFICES-circa 2021-2024. Most of which was to repeat, and employ the antagonistic mantra of the “EXECUTIVE OFFICE-circa 2009-2016, TO FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA, from being OUR REPUBLIC, to a DESTRUCTIVE form of NWO-SOCIALISM.”
This depressed and overly stressed 80 y/o CWV (Vietnam 01/31/1968-@0200- TET’SURVIVER.), understands the opening paragraph WAS QUITE a RUN-ON SENTENCE…. but just the effort to cite a TRUTH … has given me calm, at least for the present moment. Though it is beyond any shadow of a doubt, that this CWV, has been the recipient of several VERY EGREDIOUS V. A. MEDICAL Services over the years, since I retied, relating to my never ending depression, dental, headaches, vision, and urinary tract V. A Medical Services, compound errors, that I must endure, as I am privileged, to survive with each new day my Creator THANKFULLY provides. Also with Gods love, mercy, forgiveness, direction and Guidance, to overcome my falling prey to suicide, while enduring so many emotional and destressing hardships, that has befallen on me over the years of writing that check, in Service to my Country.
Doug Collins, Thank You for your service to Our Country, and I pray GOD SPEED your LEADERSHIP, Counsel, and CONSERNED DIRECTIONS to improve the present, V. A. Medical Services, especially to the many younger Veterans and CWV’s, that they will receive the best , and better, V. A. Medical Services, than was provided to us older CWV’s.
Hang in there young man, we are still above ground and for that we should be thankful. I am also a Vietnam Vet 66-67 SGT USMC with health issues related to my time in Vietnam, specifically tied to Agent Orange and I fight my health issues daily but I am thankful to God for he has kept me going all this time. I only started using the VA two years ago but they have been very helpful since I started using them. Hopefully Sec Collins will make the VA even better. You stay strong young man, you haven’t lived this long just to give up now. Thank you for your service and God Bless You. I will pray for you.
I think we are going to be hurt financially and you know you are lying to us. Please stop telling people to tell us they thank us for our service this also hurts when it’s spoken with out sincerity
Our concern is that the VA speeds up the approval for disability applicants
F-ck your so full of bullsh-t Collins
Sure wish the VA would honor us vets that must keep medicare and supplemental medical insurance coverage. I pay over $450.a month for this as my two agent orange illnesses don’t rank me high enough for any none service related coverage. VA not honoring medicare is just a way for them to get more veteran at very low cost. Link up, please—-!!!
I would have felt some belief in what you said if you hadn’t mentioned the draft dodging “orange felon” throughout your remarks
I would like to know how hard are you going to get the Pact Act to cover burn pits for us Vietnam Vets? I would also like to know how hard you are going to push your former Representatives and Senators to pass the language correction initiative to the Pact Act, Section 804 being introduced this week by Representative Murphy and Senator Tillis?
Great.Democrat Media lies .
Secretary Collins,
As a 2001 retired navy veteran, I want to thank you for the reassurance regarding veteran benefits.
I am compelled to express concern on another matter, that being Elon Musk heading up DOGE. I consider it a conflict of interest for him to determine what is efficient use of my tax dollars while according to every source I read states he has to date received $18 billion tax dollars for SpaceX and Tesla.
Could you look in to this or forward it to the appropriate government department please? Based on the various media sources I have read, it seems 47 (forgive the fact I have so little respect or value for him I refuse to even type his name) and Elon are collaborating on an agenda that is leading our nation to an end for democracy and towards a fascist state.
Thank you for your time and attention.
It’s about time that fraud and waste and silly DEI policies are rectified. Clearly instigators have to create false narratives to panic people.
You should know veterans fall under DEI as well. Diversity, Equality, Inclusion. That is why places are able to give “points” in the hiring process for Veterans.
Not convinced. I predict that within six months we’ll see movement toward privatizing veteran’s healthcare or limiting it to combat vets.
Since this guy is a trump appointee, I don’t believe a word he is saying. You said the magic word privatizing.
Since you suffer from terminal TDS, I don’t believe a word you are saying. Sit back and immerse yourself in more Rachael Madcow, MSDNC, CNN, etc. Pathetic. Must really suck to have absolutely zero deductive reasoning. Hope you are able to reconnect to reality.
VA Secretary Doug Collins
I have listened to what you had to say and if you are truly ready to help Veterans then please contact me via the following email address. This address is one that I rarely use but I do check for answers to questions I submitted to other organizations.
I am a veteran that has extreme difficulty getting around and I do need Community Care but currently the Northern California Health Care System could care less and in most cases have denied Community Care even though it was approved before. I do have Tri-Care For Life as part of my retirement benefits from the military and I have begun a transition back to Tri-Care to make sure I receive the care I need.
Augustus, we’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
We were lied to about Vietnam and have been lied to since about defoliants end results. Many of us have AO related problems that VA keeps denying after numerous claims we have put in…backed by DAV…I learned early on to never trust anything the govt. says…and I sure as heck don’t believe anything coming out of the White House, or Congress,anymore.
Who are the DOGE people reviewing VA contracts and what expertise do they have in federal contract administration.
Will the VA post the specific contracts being identified by DOGE for elimination or reduction.
How many VA personnel (federal employees) has DOGE identified that their positions are being eliminated and what services did these personnel provide.
Your administration has promised transparency in these actions, and thus far I have seen none. Promises that VA benefits will not be impacted without evidence is poor assurance.
Your effectiveness as an advocate for veterans is yet to be proven.
Now let’s see if he means it or if he tells alternative facts/untruths.
He is full of sh-t.
Just wait and see what Bone Spurs does to the VA. Already fired over 1000 workers in a time the VA is understaffed and trying to hire skilled workers. The closest thing that we see to a real Dr is a NP or a PA. And they don’t stay around for long . They are the real benefit we receive but if you can’t hire them or they are fired, we are f-cked. Which we are as of now.
So Doug, you just keep spewing the same sh-t that comes out of Bone Spurs and let’s just see how successful you really are.
Say hello to Elon. That POS.
Please Please look into LOWERING COMMISSARY PRICES at Ft Bragg, NC…(other bases too) MANY of the grocery prices are higher than the civilians counterpart grocery stores. THEN on top of grocery prices…we pay an additional “6% building fee” which is a tax no matter what its called. The VA has so much buying power…seems the buying contracts need looking into.. Meat (beef)Prices are especially high.. At Ft Bragg/Camp Mackall we have so many Active duty soldier families & Veterans..there has to be a away to LOWER prices at commissaries across-the-board. Thanks for ALL that you are doing! :)
Just curious then. If commissary prices are higher than grocery stores, why not go to the grocery stores? That’s what I’ve done whenever I lived near bases. Commissary prices are ALWAYS higher. Also, this man’s job is not in the scope of reducing grocery prices at the commissary. The commissary is under a different department. He’s in charge of the VA. Groceries have increased in all stores, commissary or not.
I responded to my call of duty in 1967 spent 1 year carrying m60 machine gun in Viet Nam, paid my dues, just like thousands of veterans and a 100 % disabled, no draft dodger and or billionaire should have right to to attack military veterans who provided them the right and freedom they have enjoy today . keep veterans in your mind daily, not these idiots that that want to screw us and never served . Keep in mind veterans are going to stand up and for there right as this administration is mirror Russia more and more on a daily admiring Putin, pardon me if you voted for trump, but this is happing on your watch
This video is a shamefully political plug for Trump and DOGE. It begins typically by blaming the media for running with stories that they just aren’t commonly running that benefits will be cut. I read a wide range of mainstream media across the political spectrum on a daily basis and have not encountered a single story about veteran benefits being cut, but Secretary Collins probably found one somewhere. Collins doesn’t cite a single source or example and then builds a cringe-worthy political endorsement on a falsehood. Keep our military apolitical!
What don’t our veterans need? They have sacrificed life and limb to fight our wars! What could possibly be cut back? How much is it going to cost for the cooperation of the VA. I am concerned to say the least.
I am concerned that they may cut our DIC benefits. My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam, he wasn’t drafted and spent 20 yrs in the USMC and died of Agent Orange.
Touching our DIC would impact so many families who sacrificed their loved ones.
You can cut the two employees that ask the Covid questions at the door of the clinic. There are more screeners than patients. That would save millions.
Need to look into the Biloxi/pensacola VA. they do not understand how Community care works! “8 months to get orthotics. Finally after sending an email I had a supervisor repsond and flat out tell me so many employee do not show up for work an when the do they don’t work. This awesome supervisor and transfering beause she can’t take the extra hours doing others work anymore
Hi, David, thanks for commenting. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Thank goodness as my health care needs improved.
I feel that we have to give up our benefits just to keep Trump happy. That is a no no, we did not volunteer to go to Vietnam in 1966, we were ordered to go and came back not the same. As secretary of Veterans Affairs are you representing the veterans to help them keep their benefits. There is going to be a lot of Veterans in an uproar and Marching on Capitol Hill. Trump can give up part of his pay since he is a veteran. You have veterans that can not work to pay their bills and and other necessities. Veterans work hard and came back injured and now we have a billionaire in white house giving advice to our so called Cammander in Chief , sticking his nose in our benefits we earned, they belong to us the veterans.
Trump is NOT a veteran. In fact he used connections to dodge Vietnam.
Just like Clinton avoided military service, just like Bush avoided military service, just like Biden dodged military service, etc, etc. Oh and by the way, President does NOT accept one penny of his salary as President. He donates it. The only president to ever do that.
Well said!
He is also the only president who openly takes bribes – totally corrupt – hence the 34 felony convictions; wastes millions of $$ golfing more days than not, steals from charities, is notorious for never paying his bills, believes he is a king, calls Veterans ‘suckers & losers’, has total disdain for the military, lies about pretty much everything….. but sure, stay in the cult until he throws you under the bus because he will.
Veteran, well said, Trump is a charlatan idiot and so are all his MAGA followers.
Thank you, VA Secretary Doug Collins! It is great to hear directly from you about what is the truth. I wish other Secretary’s would do the same. I am a 23 year Navy veteran and was less than a month from being cleared as Program Analyst probationary for the Federal Aviation Administration (Aviation Safety) and was just terminated last Feb 14, 2025.
I am one of three who review and process the medical exams for the Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) here in the Pacific Northwest (we take care of seven states). Program Analysts along with the Flight Surgeons ensure that our ATC’s are medically qualified and we issue their medical clearances before they can control air traffic. Our job is critical as we protect the “safety of our national airspace”. Our Regional Flight Surgeon along with the Federal Air Surgeon is trying to get me back but they are not making any promises. In my opinion, it is about time that someone look into all the fraud, waste, and abuse in our government.
President Trump and DOGE should have done things differently as far as letting people go. It is a long process to get hired for a federal position and then in a blink of an eye just get terminated. A blank statement of, “DOT FAA finds, that based on your performance you have not demonstrated that your further employment at the DOT FAA would be in the public interest” is totally inaccurate and contradictory to what was submitted to HR, “I certify that the performance, conduct, and general traits of character of this employee have been
found satisfactory and recommend that the employee be retained beyond the probationary period.”
There are a number of veterans who want to keep serving our government (single parent and those who moved to another state etc.) and at the end of the day, this is the thank you that we deserve? We the People…
Sir, I don’t believe that our VA is being served by the current occupant of Maralago and his henchmen scraping our data, destroying beloved institutions, leaving this once great land into some future serfdom.
Please reimplement customer service feedback for each VA encounter so veterans can address issues (good and bad) at the time of occurrence. An advocate should review these feedbacks and address, resolve, or elevate, any issues raised.
And what of survivors benefits?
Secretary Collins,
While I understand that you are a political appointee, serving the men, women, and family’s of the US military veteran community and the Civil Servants who work for the VA must come first.
Those members and families are from all walks of life. They come from every Political party. Every State. Every Religion. They may be Gay or straight. They may have voted for Trump. They may have voted for someone else.
The one and only thing that should concern you is taking care of them.
You talk as if the men and women of your Department are the enemy.
You pay homage to President Trump multiple times in this video.
You use propaganda and misdirection to avoid having to address and answer real and relevant questions.
You try to convince everyone that “The Washington media.” is at fault, that they are manipulating us, and that they are not to be trusted. You are spreading propaganda and stoking the fires of distrust.
“They take a possibility, and then run with the story.”
So using your approach, if the media reported about the four 12 December, 2024 Proposals submitted to the CBO, about reducing, cutting, eliminating, means testing, and taxing our Disability Benefits, you would claim what?
You clearly make the claim that they should not report this information as a possibility.
And yet they have been developed, written, and submitted for review to determine how much money could be eliminated from Disability Benefits, in order to fund “OTHER” budgetary priorities, such as pre planned tax cuts. These Tax cuts, as proposed, have been determined to disproportionately benefit the small percentage of U.S citizens in the upper echelons of income.
But you say that this “Possibility” should not be disclosed, or shared or reported.
I find this greatly concerning.
In my humble opinion, you are coming across like a used Car Salesman, Yes Man, who lacks the courage and willpower to be anything but a placeholding marionette. Someone else controls the strings and the words that come out of your mouth.
You need to be a Leader worthy of the position you hold.
I’ll believe this when I see it.
I know for a fact that claims have not been moving faster. With the PACT Act there are more claims needing attention and VA was hiring but on a hiring freeze and looking to terminate those who were hired in the past two years. Stop lying to us..
Overall my experience in scheduling an appointment has been from 1 to 10, I give it a 6.
I have used the VA for the last 55 years and always had the same criticism. The telephone answering system where you are transferred from one extension to another showed a lack of caring:
the attitude is to transfer the call to someone else where you have to give the same personal information over and over again
Also, the specialty clinics are understaffed so the average wait time for an appointment is 3 weeks and up. meanwhile, the person is in pain.
Well the people who work at the VA are on pins and needles day to day. Did you tell them what you just said in this video? They are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Musk and Trump both want to go after the VA. What about the one thousand people who were already let go?
I see the hateful boomers are in full swing talking trash about our president. You can clearly see that they have way to much free time to watch cnn or any other main stream media like NPR. You folks need to get outside and pull the talking points that you regurgitate out of your behinds.
Grow up, you are being spiteful and regurgitating lies.
Stop it.
Focus on helping veterans and keep your gross political views to yourself.
Are you a veteran? Are you concerned about your earned benefits? The current actions being taken by this administration are clearly evident as not in the best interests of the VA employees and the veterans. You better read the Project 2025 chapter on the VA and then wait and see what occurs. We have a right to be concerned about what is happening, Considering the Russian relationship and unqualified individuals being placed in the Cabinet positions. Currently serving Republican Congress are not doing their job, they need to go. The Constitution I swore to defend is under attack.
you are disrespectful….
You must be disillusioned and not able to think for yourself. Disrespectful is what is happening to our country right now. I am vewry concerned….Illegal access to the Treasury Dept. The firing of a person because they are in a 1 yr prob period. Calling himself “KING”. Individuals in Musks employment being placed in every Department to observe and report on activities. Ignoring the Constitution. Who knows how much of the peoples money DOGE employees will steal from the Treasure. The bottom line here is the VA is important to a lot of people and the benefits matter, so I have issue with ANYBODY trying to reduce them or take them away, You should to, IF you are a veteran.
I am a Veteran, I am a employee of the Fed Gov, I am a retired Veteran. I am not foolish enough to hope that Trump is going to care about me or any benefits I have earned. I am not lazy, I am not stupid, I have put 40 years of Service into this country. Who are you??
Secretary Collins,
I appreciate you sharing this video. In the video, you mentioned there will be no cuts to benefits. So to clear it up for everyone reading the news, these comments, Project 2025, and Agenda 47, I have a few questions.
1. Will Veterans who are or will be social security retirement age lose any of their service-connected benefits. There are different posts out there that reference portions of Project 2025 that calls for them to be reduced to 30% or lose 30% (go from like 100% to 70%)?
2. Since DEI is being eliminated in the VA does this mean that women’s clinics and women specific doctors and procedures disappear from the VA Medical Center System?
3. Will Veterans who receive military retirement and VA disability compensation be put back to a pre-2005 timeframe where you could not draw both at the same time?
4. Will Veterans who can’t prove their injury was directly related to work while in the military not be afforded service-connected disability anymore?
The hypocrisy will kill you!
Some Trump supporters are actually intelligent people. The problem is years of right wing propaganda have them brainwashed.
Please STOP with the political garbage on this site. That’s not what this site is for. I voted for President Trump and I am “NOT” brainwashed.
My disabilities total 130% but my benefit payment is 80% due to the VA convoluted combined ratings formula. Also my colon cancer is not an agent orange presumptive despite what the American Cancer Society says. Perhaps the new director could look into these anomalies.
The Bill above my comment is a different Bill than me.
WHY does it take 25 years to get an answer about my claim and you say you are working quick
I had no doubt that the Trump admin was going to take care of veterans and keep their promises. That phony media machine is incapable of telling the truth. It was under the first Trump admin that I finally got some of my benefits expedited. Everything has been on hold for the last four years and now the needle is moving again. Thank you Mr. Collins.
Should we join the January 6 “patriots” and surround the DC pig pen and show our disappointment with the Trump musk man love team? Neither one wore fatigues for our great nation which is why they’re tearing it apart. Don’t drink the kool aid!
No, this time they wouldn’t label them “patriots.” You’d be thrown in jail as an “insurrectionist” or told to get a job.
It’s great that you are addressing concerns of many but don’t tell me that you are above trump/musk in making decisions that may affect many veterans. I wouldn’t believe anything these days because truth and integrity seems to have no place in government.
Wish the VA video was shareable!
Is any of my personally identifiable information being shared with DOGE personnel? Will it ever be unsecured?
Thank you so much Secretary Collins for clarifying, although I’m not surprised. Thankful to have people in charge that care about us folk!
why is the VA allowing a vender set up in the lobby of the Loma Linda California VA hospital and sell his wares of military hats, shirts license plates holders etc ALL MADE IN CHINA!!!!! as a Vietnam vet i find this very offensive. is this allowed in all VA hospitals??
Thank you, not knowing what the DOGE is or can do is confusing. Please continue to keep us informed.
Thank you for standing up for the veterans benefits and I wish you well as the Secretary of this department. We need a strong VA secretary.
We shall see. I have learned to not hold my breath, as it seems to be sucked out of me with every inspiration of a new president.
you have a very serious credibility problem
If you are cutting personnel you are cutting services. That’s all there is to it. The organization is already understaffed, just because it’s doing better doesn’t mean its up to snuff and removing human capital endangers the work already done. The people at DOGE know nothing about veterans, healthcare or our needs. Get them out and lead, don’t let them run some AI search and cut needed contracts because they trigger some 1984-esque word ban.
You’ve been there a week. Nothing you’ve done has impacted a veteran out here in the world. You may have a concept you think may work, but “clearing cases” absolutely is nothing you can take credit for. We don’t need that officer sunshine blown up our asses. We need results. Post another atta-boy-me when you’ve actually done something that shows you helped us. Cutting staff certainly isn’t going to get you there. Soon we’ll be back to 1 million backlogged compensation claims like it’s 2013 all over again. Freezing hiring won’t either, as the turn-over rate for the VA is high.
I wanted to watch this video to see about potential cuts to my VA benefits, not to hear a speech about how wonderful donald Trump is. Stop the maga ra ra bullshit, you are suppose to represent ALL veterans, not just the ones who voted for trump, and Elon has no business looking at my imformation, period!
Just entered VA Health Care system after retirement. VA care givers are pleasant to deal with but the VA system is not connected very well in my opinion. I only have Kaiser Health to compare it to. I have been chasing MRI/X-rays for both knees and legs for two months which was ordered by the surgeon in December and I have exhausted myself to the point of thinking about leaving the VA health and paying for part B Medicare. Anything outside of general care by primary doctor is a challenge with no follow up or phone calls on next steps. The only real help I have received to resolve my issues came from La Shawn at the Clinical contact center.
is there any truth to the idea that for every 4 people leaving the VA ya’ll can only hire 1 replacement?? also , is the government trying to Privatize the VA???
You’re a rubber stamp for your one and true god TRUMP. You’re a disgrace to the humans you’ve served with and the ones who continue to serve in the US armed forces and the VA.
You cannot guarantee anything! We don’t believe you! You serve your god as a chaplain while simultaneously erasing humans careers, retirements, and the ability to live. Service to our country is a noble duty so many of us have all taken on, IT DOESN’T matter what you identify as. YOU HAVE A DUTY TO TAKE CARE OF OUR PEOPLE.
I like Doug Collins! He’s on the same wavelength as President Trump! No nonsense, straight talk, an honest love for America…back to good old COMMON SENSE!
Let me know how you feel about all that in a year.
I have great hope and belief that President Trump and his administration, to care for all people.
Please explain why retired military (Veterans) lose their “Tricare 4 life” benefits if they do not pay into MEDICARE part B. If a veteran is 100% disabled, (service connected) why does he/she need MEDICARE?
If VA is the “primary provider” why do Veterans need Medicare B?
I’ve performed a little research on Medicare Part B in comparison to Veterans healthcare, and Part B is required to be paid by a majority of others also obtaining other exquisite Government/Military benefits, with those individuals being pretty much ordered to pay.
However, those separated are typically not ordered to pay into Medicare Part B. Reading in between the lines, if the boss of a company is not paying into it’s employees’ healthcare plan (eg. Medicare Part B), how can he/she legitimately supervise those below them for whom are (struggling/risking health and) paying into Medicare Part B. On the flip, maybe I’m just giving the system an excuse, but seems only logical as owners of companies can easily exploit the system, having the system paying for their everyday careless mistakes from subsequent employee health injuries.
Also noteworthy, keep an eye on something called guaranteed healthcare. VA healthcare is not guaranteed, to a certain extent, and can likely be cut at anytime, forcing the individuals back into the civilian Medicare healthcare whelm. I don’t like gambling, and guessing those at risk (eg. non-service connected) should probably sign-up with Medicare Part B.
Funny thing, nobody preaches the above requisites. Obviously though, Medicare Part B is expensive for the vast majority, and it is sometimes a decision between food on the table and a roof over your head; with a hell of a lot of other people wanting and taking from you, whether time or money.
With Trump lying so much, I dont believe nothing. When you say resolve the VA claims, do you mean fairly or like with Ukraine?
Please dont touch the benefits I EARNED. They were NOT given to me.
I have a case that has been at the board of of appeals since February 22 waiting to be heard by a Federal Judge with a case number that has not been heard yet. I am a 100% Veteran and I get the same ole story every time I call about it. My spouse is drawing aid and attendance for taking care of me now. What seems to be the problem just asking. It seems that to me that veterans are getting put on the back burner hoping we will die before anything is done and it is too late. Sir for so many years we gave everything for our country and now when we need help we can’t get it or those that work for VA think they are giving us something for free that have never served or sacrificed as we did.Sorry for the rant but that’s how mostly all of us Vets feel.
I am a 23 year Vietnam Veteran, who has had his life shortened by doing the right thing for our country. I am 100% disabled due to Agent Orange, which was lied to us that it would not effect us in any way, thank you President Lyndon B. Johnson, a POS democrat. After reading some of the comments on this post, I am amazed at how out of touch so many of these vets are with reality. They say that their benefits have been cut, and they have under the Biden Administration. Trump in his first term extended benefits for us. He has been in office a whole 6 weeks, and has cut so much graf out of the tax payers budget, not the VA budget, and will cut more bulls##t out of the ash and trash that Biden introduced in his kickback schemes during his first four years. I am from a small Oklahoma town, and my small VA clinic has seen more improvements in the last two month than it has seen in the last four years. Calling Trump a lier and boggyman is so far from the truth, and as for GODE, Trump would have never introduced it if he didn’t think it would benefit the citizens of this United States. He sure as hell isn’t doing it for the money, he didn’t even accept one pay check the last time. I suggest that before you go around and bash the President, do your homework first. And yes I voted for him….. twice and I do not regret it. As for you nay sayers, get a grip, get a life.
YOU ARE CORRECT! Thanks for your Service, Rudy!
You’re lying. Benefits might not get cut for now, but access to care will slow as workers are indiscriminately fired. Firing all probationary employees WILL leave a mark and since the Department of Gaslighting Everyone is rummaging around in data banks of sensitive information, it’s only a matter of time before some poorly supervised stooge steals it or leaves some back door to be exploited later when all the commotion is over. You’re not fooling anybody.
Stop watching MSNBC, Mr. Thorne.
I was feeling pretty good until I saw the word “DOGE”. They do not do anything positive and are only out to destroy.
Well, if you read Project 2025 and make it to page 646 there is a discussion of what to do about the budget. This section is heavily focused on cost-cutting and infrastructure reform and they call the existing VA Healthcare campuses unaffordable and inefficient. With that in mind they want to cut them and rely on Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs).
So, close the big campuses (hospitals).
Project 2025 is about cost savings, not about improving your experience with something you earned by risking life and limb for your country.
Thank you for calling this out so clearly Jay. Project 2025 is no joke and calls out the “cost savings” that all Trump’s cronies envision. They tried to outsource and rely on Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) in the first term and are making a renewed effort to do it now.
Shifting our care to CBOCs means longer waits and receiving care from providers who often don’t understand the unique needs of Veterans. The time to write to your elected representatives is NOW, especially if you reside in a district that voted for Trump, to reach out to your Representative and Senators to let them know you do not want your benefits cut. You can find them here:
I’m glad you can fall into lockstep with your man fRump. Oh nevermind he has heel spurs so he can’t do anything anywhere near the military. I don’t think you have any idea what DOGE is doing especially in other locations. I hope you don’t F… up the veterans benefits but right now you can’t be trusted either.
Collins is full of sh-t, like a typical MAGA f-cktard. He is part of the push to privatize the VA and sell it to Wall Street and Elon Musk. F-ck him, f-ck Musk, f-ck Trump. These scavengers are traitors.
You got that right Mr. Paul!
Reply-Russell It seems everyone on here is waiting.There is no need in being nasty, sounds like you are mad at the world. Mr Collins has only been in the job a week
Gold Star Wife
If you want to thank me for my service properly fund the VA Health Care System. Fill the medical staffing positions that have been cut. Take care of veterans. Meet your contractual obligations. Thank you.
Sec. Collins, I’m very excited to be working for the VA under your leadership. I should receive my start date this week. I’m a Master electrician in the state of Washington looking forward to applying my expertise at the Vancouver Washington campus. I’m also an Air Force veteran like yourself. Keep up the great work you’re achieving and thank you on behalf of all veterans.
Don’t speak on my behalf. Stick your own head up his -ss if you want, but don’t drag me in there with you.
DOGE is not part of our Congressional government. It was not officially authorized or funded by congress.
VA has been short of people for a very long time, then we’re finally authorized to build their staff so more veterans could get help and quicker. Now these no nothings about VA health care come in and start down sizing.
Collins is just another Trump minion doing what he’s told to do. Not a real LEADER for the VA. No substance to his video other than, just believe him.
Actuallly Tim, DOGE was started under Obama under a different name, the United States Digital Service. The more you know…
How do SES (Senior Executives) within the VA get their own flag? 90% of the work done at VA is by rank and file employees. I agreed w/ Trump when he said “drain the swamp.” Our Union (AFGE) agreed with him as well, however “the swamp” is at the top. I supported Trump up until Jan 6.
SES employees at the top making $200,000.00 a year for doing nothing for Veterans at all. This was especially prevalent within the VBA (Veterans Benefits Administration) where managers (“coaches”) were sent to central office in DC just to screw the system up worse. I worked for VBA for 26 years. Here’s and idea for Elon/DOGE – put EVERY employee on production and have them account for their workday just like I had to for 20+ years.
I trust this guy less than a second lieutenant with a map. Anyone believe this crap? Protect yourself and your family. Back up all your information and medical records. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins is a wrecking ball that doesn’t have the benefit of knowing what he is wrecking, and he doesn’t care about you or anyone else but trump.
You are obviously an American hating progressive communist.
I work for the VA and can tell you they gutted a lot of Compensation depts to give to Contractors instead, contractors were never supposed to be doing the bulk of these exams. Now they get to make decisions no appeal, they make appointments for Veterans but don’t tell them and then say they never showed to the appointment. The project 2025 already said they were going to “look” at Benefits, you know what that means I don’t trust any thing this puppet says!
Sounds good, but how can you believe what any person trump appoints says. They are only saying what trump tells them to say, when trump’s actions indicate differently. A reduction in funding and removing 1000 employees can only increase wait times for appointments and treatments, adding to the workload of the already over worked and stressed VA staff. Upto now, at the VA hospital in Louisville kentucky, I have had excellent care and treatment with respect as a Veteran. I would hate to see the quality of care regress to what it was several years ago, when Veterans were not recieving timely care and would die. If this would happen, it would not the fault of the VA staff and employees, but trump’s and his appointments.
This does not address any transparency issues. This continues to devalue the role of news press, which is their role to inform the people of what our government is doing. I don’t see improvement in VA benefits, nor facilities. Your job is to ensure Veterans are getting the care they deserve based on their sacrifices for this Republic. They swore an oath to defend the constitution, not a king, nor his servants.
Get up off your knees and raise your head. Praising a dictator is not in the job description of a VA Secretary. We’ve heard too many lies from the “king“ and his serfs. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. We’ll be watching.
Unfortunately this was posted as a reply… this is to the VA Secretary.
Biden’s administration passed the PACT act and my local VA hospital was running smoothly and efficiently. At the time, I said that any vet who voted for, in Tammy Duckworth’s memorable nickname for him, “Cadet Bonespurs,” had to be insane. It turned out that more than 60% of you voted the for peabrain. You reap what you sow.
Rich, you cannot believe everything you hear on MSNBC. Set back and watch, see what President Trump does and THEN you can comment with some authority. “We the People” voted for President Trump and he is doing exactly what he said he would do, what “We the People” asked him to do. Why are you so upset, young man ? President Trump has only been in office for a few weeks, lets give him a chance before you condemn him.
Thank you for your service
Semper Fi
SGT USMC Vietnam Vet 66-67 100% disabled
Community Care services is a absolute disaster , appointments on wrong g days and locations as well as no regard for patients available and made aware of at last minute !!!!
Don’t believe them. President Musk & Trump are proven liars. Please remember the oath you took to protect our country’s vets.
I was wounded twice in Vietnam, one sustained from a bouncing betty mine and one from an incoming mortar. Got neither purple heart, it’s been 58 years without benefits deserved, toughie shitski no?!!
Respectfully, Secretary Doug Collins?! Do you really believe that anyone trust what you say in this video. You were appointed by a criminal, liar, cheater, stealer, and everything that goes against the core values on the US military. Your message is not very asurring and somewhat unprofessional when addressing the men, women and transgender community volunteers of our military forces. FAKE NEWS sir! You sound like a MAGA (not a republican) mouthpiece for a PODUS (the New King of the US) that should have been locked up and sentenced to jail, just like any other American in the US who has committed the same or like type crimes. Best wishes to you and a an empire that is getting ready to fall, just like the Romans did from greed, crimes against people, emperialist, and capitalism at the expense of tax payers dollars.
Retired US Navy Officer, please take your Left wing political garbage somewhere else, it’s not wanted here. Not what this site is for.
SGT USMC Vietnam Vet 66-67
I don’t trust anyone appointed by trump, and that’s the way it is.
I know it’s all made up by the media. You’re trump’s nominee so I don’t expect anything else from you. They will be making adjustments to the VA for “efficiency” This will change some benefits that Veterans receive and some of changes will not be in the best interest of Veterans. I hope you will make another video when these changes are implemented and explain why these changes are for the benefit to veterans. And by the way the administration stated they are using the 2025 Plan that most likely make changes for Veterans.
I’ve had a claim pending since Oct, 2024. This guys is politician he is only telling what he is told to do to keep his job.
Given the fact that nobody knows what Doggy is doing and the capricious nature of this admin’s actions, I have no faith in anything that was said here. The US has a long history of screwing over veterans and this will be just another chapter in that book dating back to Washington and the first Congress denying promised pensions.
I served 6 years, part of which was during war. I used my private insurance for my health care until after I retired . It would be good to realize that all of us veterans were trained to look out for those around us first and ourselves last. When I needed my VA benefits was when the cost of my regular healthcare threatened to take all of my substantial savings. I applied and was granted VA healthcare in recognition of my service. My medication bills went from over $1,800 per quarter to less than $100 for the same period. Keep in mind that many vets have always done what I did. We put off using our benefits until after we retired. That means the population of veterans who are being seen by the VA are more likely to have chronic diseases and need care for problems that require far more attention than the average American.
Thank-you President Trump and Secretary Collins! Most Veterans appreciate everything you’re doing.
If you don’t like what President Trump and DOGE are doing, it’s probably because you’re a recipient of the FRAUD, WASTE & ABUSE they are finding.
Not hard to believe, you love trumps delusions. Sad part is his dislike for vets, especially those, who have been wounded. Cannot be seen in a parade, where the president may be seen in a photo. And to think he could not serve, due to his little toe problems. Stop with the false bullsh-t of expecting them to clean up the abuse issues. Lest we forget, the 4 trillion tax breaks for the Rich. I guess you would not mind giving, your
retirement benefits to the cause? Would you? AJ Duke.
Sincerely Mr Collin’s (VA Secretary) with all due Respect…Congratulations on your Appointment of the Greatest most powerful Nation of Veterans in the World, but with that being said, We will hold you accountable & responsible for protecting our Benefits & Healthcare for all of This United States Veterans…Our livelihood & Healthcare depends on your commitment & Decisions as our VA Secretary ( Again the Greatest Veterans & Fighting Force in the World) DOGE Is only a Word to us Veterans & it should be to you also..Congratulations Again (Actions Speak Louder Than Words) Thank You & God Bless
please check my va-hotline message which explains in detail what change i feel should be made to help vets like that don’t want to be buried in a national cemetary. in my case i am 91 and already paid 11000.00 to prepare my remains to be burried next to my mother and father at a cemetary [ not va burial cemetary} and presently provisions othe than a upright stone and military ceremony are available to me . it is not fair i am sure there are many vets doing the same with no financial help..legislation should chang e to help vets like me doing the same expenses before they die. thank you peter pace
Get up off your knees and raise your head. Praising a dictator is not in the job description of a VA Secretary. We’ve heard too many lies from the “king“ and his serfs. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. We’ll be watching.
Hi, Dennis. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
This guy is a Trump liar
Thank you Mr. Collins, and thank you President Trump!! I believe you and am glad you both will make the VA an efficient, well oiled machine! God bless you, your families and the USA!
This is a bunch of propaganda! I better not see my benefits cut.
Travel reimbursement for La Jolla VA Travel is taking longer. last year it would take 2 weeks or less, now it is taking over a month. Why is this?
There’s a problem sitting in La Jolla for more than two weeks?
Hi, John. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411)
Trusting the word of a Trump appointee? I don’t think so.
While I believe Secretary Collins that there are no Vet benefits being cut, I don’t believe much the rest of the BS he spouts. There have already been cuts to VA staff, including some who are Vets. Allowing Musk and his band of tech geniuses access to anything to do with the VA is ludicrous. I was on active duty in the Army from 3 May 1967 to 23 December 1970, which included two tours in Vietnam. While I was doing that, Trump was nursing his heel spurs and avoiding the Draft. Collins appears to have much more loyalty to Trump than to me and my Brother and Sister Vets.
The company that I work for does a lot of work at New York VA facilities. The waste I see is unbelievable, mostly due to laziness and lack of knowledge and using the system. I heard firsthand that two overhead garage doors had to be replaced at the facility. The facility super was given the task of getting a price. Several local contractors were asked for prices the best price was $18,000. Since the contractor was on the VA’S list of approved contractors, they had to go thru an already approved Veteran Contractor. The price turned out to be $32,000 dollar to do the same job. The contractor that showed up to do the job was the same contractor whose original price was $18,000. Waste at the VA.
So wastefulness from contractors and not the federal employees. That is what federal employees always say. Their hands are tied as to what to buy from whom and entering into contracts. But, will they actually deal with contracting fraud and abuse, of course not! That would be auditing accounts of big companies like Boeing and Space X all the way down to small companies like the one you mentioned.
I am a VA patient with the Seattle VA Medical Center. I do not believe a thing coming from the mouth of a Trump appointee. DOGE is a hit job on the entire government by a non-elected, power-hungry oligarch. I will not be holding my breath for the “improvements” to care that this man describes. What I look forward to is a return to sanity in the federal government, a government not headed by a complete incompetent. In the interim, I will wait for the knock on my door from the goon squad.
Spent 56 minutes on hold Tuesday for a 1 minute conversation to schedule annual eye exam. Might want to look at your numbers, bud.
Dude, you have clearly been drinking the Kool-Aid. And a lot!! You have no idea what that job is about. Be a leader instead of a puppet for propaganda for the tear down of this country.
Truth! 32 years with Uncle Sugar and I never had an issue with VA Medical in 4 states, SE Asia and Europe. And I am 90% compensated since 06. As a beneficiary, YOU DO YOUR PART and the VA will do theirs.
By retirement in 2014 I had had my fill of babysitting grown-ass male and female and a handful of other than” Soldiers who could not even tell you their contractional MSO nor their ETS! Bitching and whining about being told what to do. YOU tell the VA what YOU need, WHY you need it, PROVE it and it happens.
Dont step up and simply say, “my computer’s BROKE”, for example! It was NEVER Uncle Sugar’s job to hold yer and hand and coddle You!
@Flightj – that is because he is a “There we are then” person, purposely appointed by MAGA, the future King Trump or Vance of the USA. Definitely NOT TRUE Republicans.
Get the phone system at the Malcom Randall Hospital FIXED!
VA disability needs a overhaul In how they determine vets are service connected. Range of motion is not the “ONLY” way to determine one has lasting injuries just because it helps weed out claims so the government can turn their back on veterans. Thats one instance. Hearing loss – you put anyone in a soundproof box and then turn on sounds, of course you can hear them, but if your in the real world this doesn’t apply. In the real world so many other sounds are also going on that make hearing at a loss and not how we used to hear prior to military. Some age does apply and that could be taken into effect, but the current system is flawed. Only able to apply for one Mental issue? So if i have PTSd and also a mental aspect due to pain in another area, they cannot be applied together? sorry pick one. The whole program needs to be overhauled to help protect veterans. We waste a whole day for a simple dr visit if we go to the VA and the people working dont give 2 sh-ts about us. Then to get seen out in town by a truly qualified Dr not trying to just save a buck and push pills, well no way. Denied. or if on the choice program, We shouldn’t have to go get pre approval to see my choice if my out in town doctor determines i need treatment. How about if you get 12 visits to a chiro, but chiro says you need more. Denied. you should be fixed by now. Just ignore all future request that are sent in. Its a basic waste of resources and funds to keep the VA. Just give us the ability to go in town to our own choice of Doctor to be seen and get healed in our manner, Even if not the typical doctor pushing pills and its one that uses natural medicine or plant medicine to cure.
This man is a Trumper. I dont believe a word he says and I am very concerned about my veteran benifits
Thank you for putting that video out. I liked the “to the point” straightforwardness of your comments. It does make me feel more at ease hearing the truth.
Durham VA dental clinic does not answer their phone nor do they return voicemail calls. I have left 7 messages in the last 3 weeks and no response! I am 100% permanent disability and am eligible for dental care but the clinic in Durham is incognito! Help!
Hi, John. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411)
I’m glad he is in office. I’m a Vietnam Vet. I have a disability case that as gone on for about 1 yr. I am now type 2 diabetes. This should be a slam dunk because of agent orange. The VA turned me down this first time. I appealed and they admitted their error and it’s still has not been resolved. This shows that cases are not getting done quickly.
They never have! They are understaffed and the Feds are not in the business to approve any case easily as the VA is the second highest spending in the government.
When you allowed Musk (a fascist and Na–)-and his band of juvenile hackers, access to our VA data – you already betrayed the Veteran community. Your slick videos and worthless press releases will never gain you the credibility and respect that is essential to lead. Project 2025 targets Veterans benefits. We are not stupid -we can read. I suggest you reread your oath to the Constitution. As a Veteran, from a Family of Veterans – I cannot imagine why any sane person would support a convicted felon, rapist, draft dodger as our CIC. A person who has absolutely no respect or appreciation for service – and openly mocks disabled Veterans, will never, ever be worthy of respect. Do better.
I felt like you were trying to sell me a car and slash the prices. And by the way DOGE is not an official department. All you idiots think that two billionaires care about low income and middle class workers. They are the reincarnation of capitalism and the abolishment of government. Guess what ?! The VA is government! Supported by federal money! You sir are completely unprofessional and your statement meant nothing. I hope for the Best Buy expect nothing but the worst from you and your dictators Elon and Trump.
You hit the nail on the head. Never buy a “car” or whatever else they are are sell. We are all doomed.
I can tell that you are a Democrat and have very low IQ. It is your type of thinking that has almost destroyed this country. President Trump and Doug Collins are both working hard to save this country and the VA. Please move to Iran and talk bad about their leadership and see how long you will live.
Here, Here. Agree whole heartedly. They are following project 2025 by the book, in case, well it seems that no-one has noticed. After, or once they finish, decimating the Pentagon and DOD. We are next. The DOGeS, have hip waiters on. And some teen hackers who know coding and computers real good will be barking down the doors of freedom and liberty, soon! We must unite, against this domestic enemy, and stand as one. Lets make noise and show what joke jr-6, was.
Fast talking used car salesman. Don’t buy into the lies. We’re screwed.
We had an oversite group in place with inspectors general for our government. I do not want DOGE who has no legal right to be in any VAs information or looking into how the VA is run. Get them out of our business, there is no way we really know what they are gathering and keeping. You say the savings will reinvested into bettering benefits, but there is no words to that or any guarantees from money hungry billionaires. Please put a stop to this invasion from DOGE. Your message did nothing but confirm how undercover they are invading our government agencies with no legitimate right.
Waiting for 6,8,10 months for a benefits claim is not a good look for the VA. The backlog is not sustainable and very frustrate those in need. Let’s find solutions.
Firing more people is definitely not the answer, when they are already understaffed.
I’m thrilled and excited about President Trump and Doug Collins doing the right thing. I trust both and I know that they will Make America Great Again.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you Secretary Collins, for having our backs, for putting the truth out to the veteran community, for working hand-in-hand with the great work that DOGE is conducting, and for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our Great President (President Trump)!!!
You are very much appreciated Mr. Collins and we are so grateful that you are our Secretary of Veteran Affairs!
B.K. Gilbert (Retired EOD Chief, USN)
Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Looking forward to the administration’s success!
This message seems to skirt around possible data breaches regarding veterans personal information. DOGE has already broken numerous laws and it’s difficult to imagine that an unelected immigrant from South Africa cares about Veterans personal information being compromised.
Vietnam vets were screwed during the Obama years. In 2019 the Blue Water Naval Act of 2019 was passed by Trump and immediately the VA improved. Trump was given an overwhelming mandate to turn around the mess the Zombie president has left us.
This video is well-timed and provides good reassurance. But, can we trust it? The tone was overly partisan toward the Trump administration instead of being a nonpartisan head of the VA, which is NOT a partisan subject.
For the record, it was Biden who got the PACT act through and never talked poorly about veteran status (like DJT talking about John McCain’s status).
Thank you and thank God for Trump and Elon Musk. I hope DOGE will fix the Biden problems at VA.
All the hate directed at Elon and Trump is hilarious. Clearly bots. None of them address REAL veteran concerns. Like the fact that we can’t even watch the video without a YouTube account. We can submit anything about our problems with the webservice because the pages don’t load. We can’t ever get directly in touch with our teams anymore, it’s all online, and as previously mentioned, the pages don’t load. Not even to submit a bug!
Since you are a Trump appointee, how can we be assured that when Elon Musk and his minions come calling, you will not capitulate to their demands?
You are lieing
Any Vets that voted for Trump Jon Un now complaining about what he and his cronies and Musk are doing to our country with their ‘scorched earth’ project 2025 strategy (just like Putin or any other dictator), are just as complicit in this traitorous, authoritarian condescension, destruction of democracy and abandonment of American citizens. Don’t even try to argue that Trump/Musk/Project2025 and this congress is comparable to previous administrations. That s**t won’t fly. The average American voter is the dumbest (and most destructive) imbecile on the entire planet, bar none, with no idea what true patriotism is. It is they who are to blame, and it is they that must change their ways if our nation is to survive.
WOW, right on the money. I could not have said it better. Thanks for speaking up. When do we march?
You are obviously an American hating progressive communist.
I hope THEY are listening. Can’t believe grownups (MAGA GOP) are too scared to stand against tyranny, corruption, and now forsaking our allies for the war criminal Putin.
Oh my gosh, No Hope. Seek Help, SOON !
He talked but didn’t address concerns! The rumors are in Projection 2025! Firing Veterans from the Pentagon! I am sick of this.
Benefits may not be getting cut but services are. The recent releasing of probationary positions as a RIF has very seriously impacted the Mental Services Department of the Danville IL VA. And now it will take months if not years to get positions filled again. Someone needs to rethink the hirring practices. It’s oudated and to slow. Veterans need better now, not in 6 months.
I hope Director Collins is wise enough to reverse the firering in some areas and restore staffing before it’s too late.
Veterans are depending on you.
I, along with the rest of the veterans, will be holding you to this statement.
If this is a temporary distraction by you while they decide how they are going to dismantle our benefits, there will be a reckoning. You will have to explain why you did not protect and expand our benefits as you are now saying you will. Keep this in mind. We certainly will.
You don’t have to understand our lack of trust in this administration, you are tasked with building some level of trust in a country gone mad.
Benefits should increase whenever they are supporting service connected health issues.
I see all these negative comments about poor service and claims which have not been resolved for years, however, the criticism was never voiced during the past 4 years, during the Biden era. Did these cases suddenly occur now that President Trump is in office, or Mr. Collins coming onboard recently? My opinion is, those who are complaining are politically motivated and not a true measure of veterans nationwide. Regarding DOGE and Elon Musk, who was appointed by President Trump to oversee the waste and abuse of our tax dollars, why would anyone with common sense condemn such research? Should our billions in tax dollars be given away freely, with no accounting?
Bingo!! You hit the nail on the head…
Consider the source – Just the “LEFT” being vocal with no substantial evidence of anything other than their own distorted view.
Because, like it or not, we got our benefits expanded under the last administration. You may hate Biden, but we weren’t being gutted like we were under the first Trump admin, and now they are accelerating the gutting process because they don’t care about veterans as much as they care about cutting costs for their Oligarch friends.
Being a Vietnam Veteran exposed to Agent Orange I’m experiencing medical problems for the pass 13 years. My private medical doctors say you can’t rule out that the cause wasn’t from agent orange, but of course the VA rejected my claim. But all the VA information says they don’t know the full scope of problems caused by Agent Orange.
The VA has been very good to me. I served my Country without any thought of a “payback “. However the GI bill helped with my advanced education, while the health care has helped me through serious issues.
Thank you President Trump and Director Collins. Remain vigilant and caring.
Your video reminds me of a 1970s TV commercial by Ronco. “It slices! It dices!” Well it better not slice and dice my benefits. That includes the VA privatization scam from the Koch Brothers astroturfing “Concerned Veterans of America” and Heritage Foundation. And if I find out DOGE has been in my VA medical records, expect a HIPAA violation lawsuit.
You are not believable. Any one who has to disparage anything including the media to make your point holds no weight. I have been waiting ages for my disability rating to be increased and now I have to worry about the security of my VA data on top of all this. Praising DOGE and Trump is counter productive to all people with a brain. Results. We need results dumb videos.
Thank you Secretary Collins, we veterans are glad you ate leading the VA now. Please get rid of the woke crap that has poisoned are VA system. Under President Trump’s first term we were treated with respect and dignity. The last four years under O’Biden and Harris has been demeaning and difficult foe us veterans. We have had to deal with transgender staff, what pronouns do you go by signs, rainbow flags and safe space signs on the entry doors to the VA clinics and hospitals and ridiculous videos on the screens at the hospital and emails related to DEI and wokeism. They took all of the military related signs and information in the halls and replaced them with stupid unrelated so called artwork throughout the hospital. I mentioned it to the maintenance workers when they pulled the military stuff down and they said, “We don’t want too, but we were told we had to do it or lose our jobs.” Please bring back an American and Patriotic VA that respects our military and it’s veterans. I go to the Orlando, Florida, Lake Nona VA Hospital
Thank you sir,
John Morris
USN American Patriot
I read what you have experienced, not in my Community Based VA Clinic. In Arkansas. I was familiar with a Veteran Arts competition that was nation wide and regional. I think it was called creative arts something, I entered it and the Vets that submitted were given a show in Austin Tx, VA Hospital. The pictures, paintings and various art forms were from all Veterans-combat, Vietnam, Gulf War, Desert Storm (Mine). We got some certificates and a ribbon. So if you did not like the art work on the walls did you bother checking if was from some of your Patriot Brothers? Or do do you just like talking smack? And insulting us, Combat Vets, Retirees, Veterans and Brothers in Arms. Jerk-Off
Oh poor thing, how “difficult” it was for you to walk into a building and see a pride flag. How did you ever survive such horrible treatment? I sure hope you put a claim in for that.
Just so you know, gay and transgender people exist, even in the military. And a real patriot serving in the military, a real leader, would fight for all and include all Americans who are willing to fight alongside you.
Get over yourself.
I believe nothing that comes out of these individuals mouths. You all are kowtowing to a psychopath. God help us all.
Doug Collins is a slick talking trump appointee ie, a liar. If his mouth is moving, he is fibbing. I wouldn’t buy a used cat from the guy. DOGE is out to destroy the middle class. All the money taken from us, will be spent to continue tax cuts for Elon and the other ultra rich. If you believe otherwise, you are a gullible fool. This IS PROJECT 2025, and it’s only the beginning.
Why are we no longer being provided with eyeglasses? We are eligible for exams but not the actual pair of eyeglasses as we had received in the past.
I have no benefits after my husbands Carlos death will this be changed at all he was 75 % disabled he went and fought in Korea ???Carlos Mann was an honorable man ??thank you Shirley Mann
Shirley you need to go to a local V.A. office and find out if you can get DIC payment for spouse.
Welcome to the Veterans Team Sir, and as I know you all will continue to do great things to make the Veterans Services even greater. Me and my wife are retired Army Veterans and support the VA always.
Mr Secretary Collins, Welcome! I preface by reminding that my best VA experience was during Vet Friendly DJ Trump’s last term. After that came the purge, and change era. Veteran Benefit Cuts? That happened during the last 4 years (Biden), a purge of experienced doctors and nurses, replaced with inexperienced training less experienced. No one answers phones when you need, you leave a message and they call if, and when they want! The re vamped computer systems that are harder to use and deliver less Vet desired information? A joke! How much did that exercise cost? Who did that really benefit? Veterans clearing cases faster? Don’t be fooled CLEARING Claims is not a benefit to Vets Assisting to, and approving Claims is what benefits vets.
The media is part of the last administration, and will continue trying to misinform as always! DOGE? We should all WELCOME DOGE with open arms! President Trump has a track record of helping Military, and Vets at all levels, and it 110% transparent in his actions, which guarantees, All the money from waste found would be redirected to benefit the Veterans, not taken from them. DOGE will find if they HAVE BEEN stealing the money from you, as in the other departments of government.
Welcome again Secretary Collins.
4. End VA’s Individual Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age for Social Security: This option would take effect in January 2026.
A) End IU payments to all veterans age 67 or older.
B) End IU payments to all veterans age 67 or older who would begin receiving IU after December 2025.
T he Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides disability compensation to veterans with medical conditions or injuries that were incurred or worsened during active-duty service. The amount of compensation depends on the severity of their disabilities (which are rated between zero and 100 percent) and other factors. In addition, VA may increase certain veterans’ disability compensation to the 100 percent level even though the department has not rated their service-connected disabilities at that level. To receive the resulting supplemental compensation, termed Individual Unemployability (IU) payments, disabled veterans must apply for the benefit and meet two criteria. First, they generally must have a disability rating between 60 percent and 90 percent. Second, VA must determine that the veterans cannot maintain “substantial gainful employment” because of the severity of a service-connected disability. Receipt of IU is not based on age, voluntary withdrawal from work, or other factors.
This option consists of two alternatives. Under the first, VA would stop making IU payments to veterans age 67 or older (the full retirement age for Social Security benefits for those born after 1959).
That restriction would apply to both current and prospective recipients.
When veterans reached age 67, all VA disability payments would revert to the amount associated with the rated disability level; veterans age 67 or older who were already receiving IU payments would no longer receive them after the effective date of the option.
Under the second alternative, veterans who began receiving the IU supplement after December 2025 would no longer receive those payments once they reached age 67, and no new applicants age 67 or older would be eligible for IU benefits after that date.
Veterans currently receiving IU payments who would reach age 67 or older after the effective date of the option would continue to collect the IU supplement.
3. Introduce Means-Testing for Eligibility for VA’s Disability Compensation.
Veterans with medical conditions or injuries that occurred or worsened during active-duty service may receive disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Payments are structured differently than other disability programs. VA’s disability payments are intended to compensate for the average earnings that veterans would be expected to lose given the severity of their service-connected medical conditions or injuries, whether or not a particular veteran’s condition reduced his or her earnings. Unlike disability programs such as Social Security Disability Insurance, payments are unaffected by a veteran’s earnings or other types of income.
Under this option, VA would means-test (that is, restrict full compensation to those with income below a certain amount) all current and prospective recipients of VA’s disability compensation.
Beginning in January 2026, veterans with service-related disabilities and total household income below $135,000, excluding disability income from the VA, would receive full benefits.
That threshold corresponds to the 70th percentile of total household income in the United States in 2022, adjusted for inflation to reach the threshold value applicable to 2026 benefits.
CBO estimates that nearly 30 percent of veterans receiving disability payments from VA will have household income above that threshold in 2026. (After 2026, that income threshold would rise with the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers.)
Above the threshold, benefits would be phased out at a constant rate: For every additional two dollars of gross household income, disability compensation would decrease by one dollar.
Please talk to the proposals submitted to the CBO December 12, 2024 that proposed in the future:
December 12, 2024 Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2025 to 20342.
Narrow Eligibility for VA’s Disability Compensation by Excluding Veterans With Low Disability Ratings – This option would take effect in
January 2026:
A) Require disability ratings of 30 percent or higher for disability compensation for all veterans.
B) Require disability ratings of 30 percent or higher for disability compensation for new applicants.
Veterans with medical conditions or injuries that occurred or worsened during active-duty service may receive disability compensation from the
Department of Veterans Affairs.
The amount of compensation depends on the severity of their disabilities (which are rated between zero and 100 percent) and other factors. By law,
VA’s disability ratings (the basis for disability payments) are to be based, as far as practicable, on the average earnings that veterans would be expected
to lose given the severity of their service-connected medical conditions or injuries.
Those ratings do not depend on whether a particular veteran’s conditions reduce his or her earnings.
Under this option’s first alternative, VA would narrow eligibility for disability compensation by REQUIRING A DISABILITY RATING OF 30 PERCENT OR
The second alternative would require a 30 percent or higher disability rating only for new disability compensation applicants.
(Current recipients would not be affected.) CBO estimates that in 2026, about 20 percent of veterans will have a disability rating below 30 percent.
See like a bunch of liberal hacks are on this page. The funny thing is they’re blaming Trump for their sh-tty medical care and other benefits. Uhm, nice try. He has only been in office a few weeks. Your sh-tty care was under Biden.
And the congregation said AMEN…
I have received the BEST care possible, for the past years. Several MAJOR surgeries. Jaw Joint Replaced, Neck Fusion, lower back fusion. No wait times. Biden brought us the PACT ACT.
Amen to that !
Please talk to the proposals submitted to the CBO December 12, 2024 that proposed in the future:
December 12, 2024 Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2025 to 2034
1. Include VA’s Disability Payments in Taxable Income:
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides disability compensation to veterans with medical conditions or injuries that occurred or
worsened during active-duty service. By law, VA’s disability ratings (the basis for disability payments) are to be based, as far as practicable,
on the average earnings that veterans would be expected to lose given the severity of their service-connected medical conditions or
injuries. Those ratings do not depend on whether a particular veteran’s conditions reduce that person’s earnings.
Disability compensation is not means-tested, (restricted to those with income below a certain amount), and payments are exempt from income taxes.
Payments are in the form of monthly annuities and typically continue until the beneficiary’s death.
Note: See Proposed “Introduce Means-Testing for Eligibility for VA’s Disability Compensation.”
This option would include VA’s disability benefit payments in taxable income.
Doug Collins also says he isn’t a huge bundle of sticks, so can he be trusted?
Let’s make this country the best it can be. Thanks for being on the front lines for us veterans. My comrades deserve it!
A statement that wasn’t a statement. Anything to support your troll of a king.
how about giving dental care?
Why can’t we get an insurance card and a list of Doctors to go to when we are sick or need a specialist. If your sick you have to drive down to the hospital ER. I recently tried to get an appointment with a dermatologist finally got one 3month out. I went to an outside Dr. for my condition. Tried to get help with community care. No help. Filed a formal complaint never heard anything.
It has been reported that the VA Crisis Hotline has been hit with staff firings. Is this true?
Blaming it on the “press” is not going to cut it. Thousands of VA employees have all been let go. Any veteran will have his or her own personal story of observation. Collectively, veterans are heroes, survivors and fighters NOT “suckers and losers”. To have two non-veteran lackeys taking away our veteran rights is a travesty. Vets have to keep their opens open and stay strong!
Slower than ever I put in a dependent change August 1, 2024 and still in received status. 7 months? Really ?
Article seems like a one sided snow job. You should already be doing what you say DOGE is doing. The military playing politics is how PUTIN works.
I’m also have a claim on process for then three years and waiting.
You said: DOGE representatives at VA are reviewing contracts to ensure operations remain efficient and that resources are directed toward services for Veterans.
1st – DOGE do not know what the hell they doing. No experience at all.
2nd – YOU don’t have not experience SO that make YOU don’t know what the hell you are doing.
3rd – That so call President NOT a president, HE IS A BULLY, LAIR MAN getting PAID for the future.
4th – How dare you make a Video saying what this so called President NOT going to do. I bet you want tell him that in Front of his face.
5th – To say more, why don’t you send this Video to the SO CALL PRESIDENT and have him to address it LIVE on TV so millions of voters can watch it.
6th – To do MORE, why don’t you HIRE Veterans (Wives) to do what DOGE does know how to review contracts to ensure operations remain efficient and that resources are directed toward services for Veterans. VETERANS ARE THE ONLY ONES KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE NOT DOING. We as Veterans deserve better services.
8th – And the last thing- go back and listen to YOUR Video and tell me ONE thing you DID NOT say WHAT THE AMERICANS and VETERANS WANTS TO HEAR. This tells me you ARE NOT the Secretary of Veterans Affairs we are looking for.
#“ DROP THE ? “
From a Vietnam Vet: You do not speak for me. God bless and protect Trump from all his enemies foreign and domestic like you.
Nicely put. We think alike.
Did you finish grade school ? This is NOT a political site so please take your Leftwing garbage somewhere else. I disagree with you completely.
As a veteran, I am truly grateful for the care and support I have received from the VA. From the moment I reached out for assistance, the staff was professional, compassionate, and committed to ensuring I had access to the benefits and services I needed.
The healthcare services have been excellent, with knowledgeable doctors and nurses who genuinely care about veterans’ well-being. Scheduling appointments has been straightforward, and the quality of care has exceeded my expectations. The benefits office has also been incredibly helpful in guiding me through the process, making it easy to understand my entitlements and how to access them.
Beyond medical care, the VA provides invaluable resources for employment, education, and financial assistance, which have been instrumental in helping me transition successfully into civilian life. Their dedication to veterans is evident in every interaction, and I appreciate their continued efforts to improve and expand their services.
I highly recommend the VA to fellow veterans seeking reliable healthcare and support. Their commitment to serving those who have served is truly commendable!
First i trust the media and always have as secretary of the VA do the job for the veterans who made our country safe and not for DODGE TRUMP OR MUSK
Thank you Secretary Collins, we veterans are glad you are leading the VA now. Please get rid of the woke crap that has poisoned are VA system. Under President Trump’s first term we were treated with respect and dignity. The last four years under O’Biden and Harris has been demeaning and difficult for us veterans. We have had to deal with transgender staff, what pronouns do you go by signs, rainbow flags and safe space signs on the entry doors to the VA clinics and hospitals and ridiculous videos on the screens at the hospital and emails related to DEI and wokeism. They took all of the military related signs and information down in the hallways and replaced them with stupid unrelated so called artwork throughout the hospital. I mentioned it to the maintenance workers at the time when they pulled the military stuff down and they said, “We don’t want too, but we were told we had to do it or lose our jobs.” Please bring back an American and Patriotic VA that respects our military and it’s veterans. I go to the Orlando, Florida, Lake Nona VA Hospital
Thank you sir
Faster than what? For fifty years I have sought the simplest of services, nothing. Last Jully I filed again, got diagnosed with PTSD, Chemical poisoning, hearing loss, etc etc. Still nothing. In fact, trying to trace my claim, it was sent to another office in another state just to be lost again. I’m tired of this crap. I don’t have that much time left on this earth and I’m stressing anymore over it.
Dear Sir
I am a 90 year-old Navy Veteran with 32 years of Naval Service. In 1971, I was ordered to Viet Nam, where I was exposed to the Agent Orange defoliant and subsequently developed Prostate Cancer. I underwent a radical prostatectomy at Johns Hopkins, but developed complications that have left me unemployed since. Last September 2024, I filed a VA Form 21-8940 to apply for increased compensation based on unemployability. I have completed all the evidence , underwent a physical exam, but still awaiting to hear of any decision. I recently heard that President Trump was firing many VA employees and am wondering if he has fired those working on my case?
So thought I would ask you if this happened ?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Richard Mohr
VA File Number [DELETED BY EDITOR. Do NOT publish your personal information on the internet.]
If quicker than ever how come I am still at Step 1, on a disability claim to add my wife, at 7 months with no movement? That’s 212 Days. I don’t believe any thing you said DOGE laid off crisis line personnel. After congress uproar. they are trying to get them back.
I submitted online and my wife was added in less than a week. Maybe it’s your attitude.
Are VA Employees being Threatened not to talk no whistleblower’s allowed
Secretary Collins,
Thank you for helping put the rumors to rest. For the first time, I feel good about the VA and that the individuals who served their country are going to be getting the support they need and EARNED.
Thank you VA Secretary Collin’s and President Trump for your continued support for veterans.
I am one of those Vietnam veterans who Trump called suckers. While he sat back and took his deferment for a painful bone spur. His support is non-existent except where it serves him.
Yes I agree. Claims are not being processed faster, slower by the day. I have a dependant claim for over a year now. Why? When takes is to add my daughter back to my compensation claim.
Comments being censored ?
Yes, they are.
Thanks, for the info, You have always done greatwork in Washington, welcome aboard,sir,
VA Hospital needs central scheduling. Started to use the Durham VA medical and to make an appointment have to call the various clinics directly and leave a message and hope to get a return call in several weeks to schedule an appointment that could be months out. Crazy.
Waiting moderation ? Is this sensorship ?
It’s censorship….but yes, that is what it is.
Congratulation on your appointment,
I just want to ask a quick question here. I recently broke off two front teeth right down to the gum line. I need implants that cost $10,000 .00 to repair this. My Dental insurance won’t cover it because they say that it is cosmetic. The VA only will cover up to $1000.00, and it has to be done by someone that excepts Veterans Choice coverage which will only be $1000.00. Is their anything I can do to get this fully covered by the VA? The VA tried to give me an implant on a molar a few years ago and they botched it. So I am going to Clear Choice Implant center to get this work done. I have only one shot at this and I need someone who does nothing but implants. I have a 100 % disability from the Vietnam War and I am struggling with Small B Cell Lymphoma from agent Orange exposure and medical bills are mounting up. Thank You for letting me contacting you.
Hi, Geno, thanks for commenting. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411)
I was recently at the VA center in Hot Springs Arkansas and felt terrible about the way the older VETS were treated . I am 77and am lucky to have younger people to help me get to places like Hot Springs. this is a beautiful complex, proud of it. I was there for my eyesite exam. Older crippled vets had wives or friends pushed them inside. Once ‘inside’ they were told to go back out the door, take a left and walk back up a walkway to the end of the other building and look for a tent with their number on it and go in. This was done on the outside. Some Vets asked what was going on and were told where everyone could hear, that the other place had poor air quality had, not been repaired. This was over a year old they were told. Very sad.
I am so thankful for our VA Services.
Things do however take a long time. I have had a claim in for @ 6 months and no word on the status. So maybe more transparency on claims would be helpful.
God bless you, President Trump and the USA
Hi, Dan, thanks for commenting. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411)
Faster than ever! Yeah right. Claim and reviews are taking longer than ever. Says 140 days. Some one is feeding mis information.
Also say you are improving taking care of vets. But what i see is a system designed to reject vets. For sure the vets that are getting older. You have vets that are young and only served two years being taken care of better than old vets that served 8 to 20 years.
Maybe you can explain why staff at VA hospitals are being reduced! That’s a fact!
This happens quite often especially now that more veterans are opting for video or phone appointments. This also happens if the VA hired way more staff than what’s necessary.
I would love VA’s dental plan to be expanded. I currently pay for the Met Life program offered by VA but am still unable to pay for dental treatments that are needed. The copays and out of pocket are still expensive.
You either lie or are naive. I no longer trust you or the government of the former United States.
We defended the United States yet you traded it for a red hat.
You’re not allowed to be surprised when programs and benefits are cut. This is what you wanted when YOU voted against democracy.
I am not buying it. VA just fired my PCP that had only been on the job for a few months. Now I am without…again.
I have been suffering from crippling asthma and constant shortness of breath since my deployments to the middle east where I sat on top of diesel generators, worked with asbestos, and inhaled gas and excrement fumes for months on end. The VA has been willing to prescribe me combivent respimat medication for COPD and Advair, but REFUSES to diagnose me with asthma and approve my 10% disability claim for 14 years. I have done everything I need to do after the passing of the PACT act. I am tired of suffering.
Secretary Collins,
I understand that outsourcing C&P exams takes in excess of 10 Billion dollars out of the Administrations’ budget. As a veteran subject to at least 15 of these outsourced exams I think it’s time to move these exams back into the VA medical facilities. While I understand that the exams were outsourced to provide timely care, they have turned into a money grab by the providers.
Many of these exams are being administered by providers in small offices with questionable qualifications. They are more likely than not to deny a service connection lest they offend their cash cow.
A lot of people don’t understand what is going on, the ruling wealthy class (top 1%) want to “Make America Great Again” by turning back the hands of time to the past, not the 1950’s as many believe (when the tax rate was 94% on the wealthy), but to the 1890’s, The Gilded Age (the time of the Robber Barons). For those that don’t know the real history of this time period:
So how did things get this bad that the ruling class could turn back time to a period in our history that was far worse for the working class? Brainwashing. The ruling class took the teachings of Edward Bernays (author of the book Propaganda), the nephew of Sigmund Freud, and have been using that to control the masses ever since. Bernays took his uncle’s work in the subconscious mind and perverted it into a means of controlling the masses. Learn more about this below:
The Century of the Self (Full Adam Curtis Documentary)
Get educated, break free of the indoctrination we’ve been subjected to for the last century, then get active in your communities educating others to this Demonic rule we have today.
Trump Called Veterans Suckers & Losers; What Else Do You Need To Know ?
We had an oversite group in place with inspectors general for our government. I do not want DOGE who has no legal right to be in any VAs information or looking into how the VA is run. Get them out of our business, there is no way we really know what they are gathering and keeping. You say the savings will reinvested into bettering benefits, but there is no words to that or any guarantees from money hungry billionaires. Please put a stop to this invasion from DOGE. Your message did nothing but confirm how undercover they are invading our government agencies with no legitimate right.
Absolutely!!! I am a liberal–not a Democrat nor Republican, but someone who believes in freedom and human rights (equality for all people at every stage, income, race, creed, or religion) and I am horrified by how many veterans, people of faith, and those who claim to support the veterans can believe that this president is or ever was, an honest or honorably devoted servant of the people of this country or, and especially, its veterans. I am sick with grief over how the veterans are going to be treated by this administration.
They go on camera and feed us a line of BS thinking we will stay calm and forget our concerns. They have an agenda to gut social programs across the board, including VA benefits, to offset their funding of tax cuts for the uber wealthy plutocrats.
We elected the wrong people and now we will suffer the consequences.
Most of us was mislead what the president said
We? You did, speak for yourself.
Trump & Musk Are Lying and are Dangerously Taking Apart the Government to enrich themselves. Our Privacy Rights Have Been Violated. Veterans Heath Care Has Been Cut by Firing VA workers when there is a Shortage of 50,000 plus Unfilled Jobs at the VA Today . PLEASE STOP LYING TO VETERANS WE DESERVE SOO MUCH BETTER. Wake Up Veterans We have been Duped
No offense, but any man who said that Veterans were suckers to go to Vietnam, who avoided doing his patriate duty because of a “bone spur” , attempted to overthrow the election results by sending his mop to the Capital then giving pardons to those who convicted and sentenced for that attach and is a convicted felony himself and not be trusted to protect the very vets he belittled.
OH, yeah that’s the spirit. It’s them pesky Maggots that are the main problem. We know it was a tough vote between a zombie and and then a woman by God. Pray for healing and knowledge to voters and constituents, to learn about not only his evil ways, but his followers and ministry of capitalism. Sometimes we just have vote against the evil regimes. Allah Akbar, er Praise God that is, Gulf War One flashback.
Thank you for informing that benefits will continue to stay sane for veterans that deserve them. It’s a great relief!
It would be nice to keep the same nurses and doctors for a while sir. The VA is a rotating door. It’s getting annoying to keep going through doctors etc.
Also you should have a public email for us to contact. Even if it’s through your staff.
Fill the 50,000 Unfilled jobs at the VA. Disabled Veterans Do Not Want the 2017 Mission Act To Privatize the Healthcare At The VA; It is Mistreating Veterans. Sitting In Waiting Rooms for Hours at Private Clinics and Hospitals is Painful and not what Veterans Want or Deserve. Last Time Trump Was In He Damaged The Health Care of Veterans. Trump Hates Veterans, Trump is A Vietnam War Draft Dodger who is only interested in his wealth And Riches.
Major Richards Star Act is a SHAM. Only officers who served in Vietnam were all declared 100% disable due to agent orange exposure. Even Navy officers on ships miles off shore. The VA transferred funds for the disability from the veterans retirement fund. These officers can now qualify for 100% free real estate taxes and other perks.
The rest of us who served in areas where the toxic chemical was sprayed get shunned or expelled by the VA hosp.
I could go on and write a book. I’m OK with the VA treating us like dirt. I’m not OK with the 30-50 vets that commit suicide daily because of the VA.
We all know(veterans) that Doug Collins or any individual will not help any veteran or change any VA processes to better accommodate veterans at all. For decades, veterans have been s@&t upon with no changes. Everyone knows that federal workers are only there just to ride the taxpayer funded gravy train, do their time, retire and once again receive the taxpayer funded pension to live out their life very comfortably. All the while, veterans who fought for these people to have the lives that they do, get nothing much in return. It’s been that way forever and will not change, no matter who’s in charge of VA.
In 2016, I applied for VA healthcare and was denied based on my salary and the county (California)that I live in. Fast forward two years, I revisited that decision with a VA counselor. I was told by that counselor that I should have automatically been approved because of my time in Persian Gulf and Desert Storm. That’s a very simple example of how unorganized the VA is.
I do have two claims that I’m waiting for a decision on, upon which I know VA will reject. Because that’s just what the VA does, deny, deny, deny.
Why isn’t Tinnitus considered an auto-grant for veterans with clear exposure to harmful noise. Tinnitus is a permanent condition, there is no cure, and severely impacts the lives of thousands of veterans that served this country faithfully. We don’t need more bombs, we don’t need doge, we don’t need controversy, what we need is better care for veterans.
I agree, my disability claims have been resolved quickly, with the VA App I’ve watched them zoom through all 8 steps. My annual primary care visit was very pleasant, blessed to have a good doctor. I’m proud of the VA.
I am a Vietnam veteran. I am addressing the facilities at Long Beach CA. This facility is huge. The first problem to address is parking!!! They need to build a large parking structure. The other problem is knowing where to go. It is just a large maze to wander around not only to find parking but also to find where to go and also to find your car.
I go to Laguna Hills facility and it is in my opinion a great job done!
Thank You,
Carl Jokinen US Coast Guard 1969-73
President Elon just fired about 1,000 probationary employees just from the VA. That was a ‘media’ story. Are you saying that’s not true? And can’t all the stuff Elon is doing actually your job? Seems to me Elon is the republicans definition of a DEI hire. He’s an immigrant, on the autism spectrum, and 3 of his children have birthright citizenship.
mr. collins.
what about the 1000 workers that were recently let go that provided vets services? treatments for vets with cancer, respiratory problems, missing limbs, and opioid addiction. that move certainly backs up your comment about insuring care for vets.
and allowing the richest man in the world to have access to VA information and suggest possible (dubious) ways to save money?
mr. collins is an election denier, climate denier, once said democrats love terrorists, and has completely followed and supported trump
on every other major position.
here are a few suggestions for cutting government expenses…
A Government Accountability Office report from 2019 said that four Trump trips to Mar-a-Lago totaled $13.6 million for the travel and security costs. If you do the math, that means Trump’s three trips to Mar-a-Lago in the first month of his second term tallied up to at least $10.2 million. Trump’s Super Bowl trip cost taxpayers at least $1 million just for the air travel and regular Secret Service detail that travels with the president. The field trip to the Daytona 500 event—where he stayed for roughly 90 minutes—likely cost taxpayers at least $373,000.
That’s based on the fact that it costs $177,843 per hour to operate Air Force One, according to information the outlet the War Zone obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request in 2022. White House pool reports said the flight times between Daytona and Mar-a-Lago were roughly an hour each, plus the daily cost of $17,520 for the Secret Service detail, per Snopes, and you land at the $373,000 figure.
In all, Trump’s travel during his first month in office cost taxpayers at least $11.4 million.
just sayin’.
it is apparent to me that mr. collins will do whatever president musk and vp trump tell him to do.
please, at least treat vets with some dignity and honesty and tell them what you plan to do so that we have some time to prepare and adjust.
richard isom
disabled veteran, usaf
FAKE NEWS from another King Trump MAGA croney and not a trustworthy Republican! Seriously, Mr Doug Collins. You really expect us to believe this?
This is a lie! It took 7 years to finally get my disability benefits. Last August 2024 I finally was scheduled my exams which I completed and last month January 2025 I finally received my disability benefits! But three weeks later last Monday February 2025 I get a call to schedule all of the very same medical exams AGAIN only 6 months after I took them and three weeks AFTER I received my final disability adjudication!! Talk about a DOGE violation of waste of taxpayer money! Or the VA is trying to claw back my earned disability benefits as an EOD (bomb disposal) technician! So the VA IS trying to cut veterans benefits and my case, now on its 8th year is an example of Collins doing it! Next email is to my Congresswoman and news so they can monitor my case losing my benefits!
Collins, you sound like a trump appointed political hack. I’ve already been affected. My medication refill was simply removed or disappeared. Appt scheduling is worse.
Speak the truth or don’t speak at all
My question is, why does the secretary need DOGE to show him how to be more efficient? Shouldn’t he already have measure’s in place for that?
So it’s the media’s fault. They are lying. I wish you would not have said that. That’s nothing but the same lame political propaganda this new administration peddles out there to the public. And right off the bat. I don’t expect problems to be resolved in 2 weeks, that ludicrous. Change must come from a thoughtful, meaningful process. Not politicized nor chaotic. Taking a sledge hammer to it will not work. Firing countless personnel who’ve worked diligently for years is plain stupidity. Now what? Start all over with who? The VA needs to hire more Doctors, period. It takes a long time to be seen and many facilities do not have the people required to care for our Veterans.
Mr. Collins I do agree with you, the media are panicking veterans that a cut in benefits is coming but is the opposite all is DOGE is doing cutting cost on contracts that are being overcharge at the VA, I myself work in the retail business for many years and profits was the number one, the federal government don’t worried about profits and their productivity is the lowest. I myself don’t see anything wrong for some one else outside the system to audit and see where the money is being expend so that more funds go back to veterans. Wish the best. Semper FI
Why can’t the VA do electronic billing?
There are many many vets that are computer savy and would gladly welcome e billing instead of getting a three page statement and an envelope. Each month. For a bill that they will pay through their bank.
All other businesses have e-billing.
Mr. Secretary, Thanks for the confidence that our administration is taking care of our veterans! Good to see such enthusiastic support!
Good to hear.I worried that Musk would start taking benefits away.benefits we all fought for and our veterans need and deserve
You put out this comment after you already know that vets have lost their jobs at agencies all over the board. That includes vets at the suicide hotline. How dare you try to continue to lie directly in our faces.
Attention VA Secretary Doug Collins
Cared for my nearly 103-year-old proud Navy Veteran Mother for many years and dealing with the VA constantly cutting her benefits was a nightmare! I along with my sister spent years and literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours on the phone with people who were so inept, uncaring and who were being paid to do nothing but refer you to office after office as your rode the VA UN-merry-go-round. At 80 the VA determined she needed 43 hours of care weekly and at 94 cut her to 20 hours-then 5 hours- and we had to fight to try and keep even that. Seven of those years were spent being hired as her caretaker which according to the VA rules had to be done through a VA recommended agency (what a nightmare they are). They came to our home once and never came again or did a single thing after that except force me to fill out reports they sent in to collect thousands and thousands of dollars which should have gone to the rooms my husband (also a Veteran) and I had to build on to our home for her care. Mom is gone now- It took well over a month for the agency who was supposed to be caring for her to realize this Veteran who served her country in Washington during WWII had passed away. My husband and I are still paying the price of neglect by the VA and so are thousands of other families. I think the company that the VA helped steal from my Mother and us should be held accountable to repay the money they stole into and account to care for Veterans. However, realizing the slim chance of that and still caring for our Veterans, as a long-time advocates, I would welcome the chance to talk with Doug Collins! Washington actually contacted us some years ago because we have developed programs, we were told by a government official under President Trump would save taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars annually – and we have had programs ready to be launched! We could have cut government expenditures years ago and turned billions being spent to care for all of our Veterans in excellence as well as providing them with permanent jobs but the swamp does need cleaning. Please encourage Elon Musk to DOGE the VA. I would welcome speaking with him as well. There is so much to be learned from those of us who have been through this first hand! We paid a high price and went through many years of valuable heartbreaking experiences to make life better for our Veterans and will continue to do so even though my husband is in his 80’s and I am in my 70’s. Please help our nation to avoid using inefficient programs and people and ask me how our heroic men and women in uniform (especially those who are now homeless) can be better served.
Sincerely, Naomi E. Rocheleau
Funny thing to promise after 47 just made an executive order stating you’re not even in charge of your own agency.
If this is true why have DOGE and other representatives of the Administration already gone on record stating they have ran comparisons on Veterans who receive disability from VA to FAA licensed commercial Pilots? Shame on targeting those who protected us
Your lips to Gods ear Mr Collin’s but with cuts for the sake of cut that seem to be the the intent of the new administration I am afraid for all Veterans and active service persons as this administrations first term there was no respect shown for military as we were considered suckers….I appreciate the work you do for us Mr Collins and your dedication to it, Thank you.
How about getting rid of DEI hires that are present in our Hospital admins. The care at the Des Moines VA Hospital has gotten worse since new admin people were appointed a few years ago. Why hasn’t the Hospital in Des Moines put up pictures of our new President and VP.
Director of Veterans Affairs Administration,
I live in Houston, Texas. My husband comes to the VA for all his medical needs. I came to the VA with him and notice your photo was not on the walls anywhere in that government building. I notice President Donald Trump photo was not there either.
The person in charge needs to take charge and display your photo and the President of the United States on the wall. The workers here at the VA in the Micheal De Bakey building in Houston, Texas needs to step it up and stop being lazy and racist. Their service is terrible.
I submitted a request to add a dependent (my wife) it’s been eight months. Your help in getting this resolved would be greatly appreciated.
Your request to add or remove a dependent
Received on August 27, 2024
As if I believe one thing out of his mouth. His first point was not about veterans, it was about media. Pick on the media first. So, what agenda does that belie? Tell me how that helps veterans.
I strongly suggest that anyone with problems get in touch with a veterans’ clinic in a law school. That was the route I took when no private lawyer would take the case of my husband. My husband’s case was taken by the clinic at the University of Baltimore School of Law.
In a time when we have no draft,the younger generation has no need to serve our country for the benefits that are being eroded away from this administration. We have a very limited force as it is .Those who chose to serve have seen their benefits being taken away one by one. I am a former Marine and a combat veteran of the Viet Nam war. The ones who served before me in the Korean War are also on the chopping block and for what reason? To satisfy the bottom line for some moron Senator who wants to study the rats mating skills? They have for a long time put foolish requests in the budget to satisfy some stupid agenda for their personal request.Taken away from the true needs of our country and the true honest Americans who have relied on their Senators to do the right thing for our country.We called them Ear marks and pork barrel request in the past. And each year they have continued to pop up at the tax payers expense.When are they going to come clean and truly get rid of them? Or get rid of the MORONS that request the stupid things that cost us taxpayers ??
thanks to The Department of VA affairs and Doge and President Trump! the veterans need our support and the benefits we deserve!
Thanks for the info on what’s going on in the VA
Mr Collins,
Thank you for your video stating the facts. The VA has improved dramatically since I got back from Vietnam in 1970.
Please continue to help improve and retain the services we all need.
Sincerely, Don Foye USN
Hello Mr. Collins,
I’m a Councilman in the City of Campbell, Ohio and I’m also Chair for Veterans Welfare Committee. Would it be possible for you or someone from your office call me at your convenience. Some of the constituents I represent are concerned about their benefits, with the recent changes going, the mix news, media and even this website. I too have questions. But mainly I want shut rumors that are going on, that I know are not true, but feel hearing it from you would make people feel better knowing you talked to me and I can get back to the people I represent and tell them everything is going to be OK. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from soon. My office contact is 351 Tenny avenue, Campbell, OH 44405. 330-755-1663. Or you can email me
Thank you for the update!
Mr. Collins, because you were appointed by trump I can’t believe a word you just said in this video. You claim to support American military vets and praise so-called president trump who sucks up to putin, the communist who wants to fulfill Nikita Khrushchev’s promise to burry our grand children. American vets are going to get screwed over by trump just like everybody else. It saddens and worries me that the head of the VA will help trump do it.
Great presentation and thank you for all that you are doing for Veterans. The Administration is living up to promises.
Doug, I have followed your career as a Congressman and since. I truly appreciate your contributions to our country. I am an 82 year old veteran as well as a Social Security recipient and Medicare patient (parts A, B and D), and I have a request and suggestion.
While there are many good people in the VA Medical Service, getting care can be a nightmare and truly exasperating. Community Care service is obtained only after negotiating a labyrinth of call trees and waiting a long time for a call back. Community Care works great for me, only after I get through the VA part of the process. In addition, I get an annual VA physical as well as an annual Medicare physical exam. This is waste!
Why not eliminate the VA and let us get these and all VA services through Community Care by giving me a VA card that could be used just like I use my Medicare Card and my Medicare Parts B and D insurance cards (no going through a grueling VA approval process). It would provide us with the convenience of using nearby providers and eliminate the waste of having two systems, all while saving the taxpayers a lot of funding. Those VA employees who work hard could easily find work in this private sector scenario.
Thanks for listening.
FAKE NEWS! Don’t let any person (croney) appointed by King Trump and his MAGA presidential cabinet (not republicans) fill your head with false truths. How can I believe anything a MAGA slave to the King says. We all know the PODUS is a lier, cheater, stealer, and most of a CONVICTED FELONIST. I served 20 years in the US military, and these are not the Core Values I was taught to lead our troops. Where is your HONOR, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT to the US military Mr. Doug Collins? You sold your soul to the antichrist – Donald J Trump! And what a very lame non-reasurring video message to post to our Country’s AD and RET military personnel. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is probably a DUCK!
I wish they’d just let our president do his work and stop scaring people for no reason. The media is ridiculous! There’s no news reported any longer, just their opinion- and I didn’t ask for their opinion!
Why would we believe an appointee of Trump, the one who called veterans losers? Clearly in his revamping of our democracy, those losers don’t deserve any benefits any more than any other group he’s targeted. Although, he needs to keep the military alive and active for 1) ridding our country of all the criminal immigrants and, 2) defending against the coming coup to overthrow of his criminal administration (which cannot come soon enough).
This is the winter of our discontent. There is very little trust in the new administration. Defense is being cut and it appears Generals will be fired and replaced. Why would we expect the VA to be any different?
VA Healthcare is under assault by those who wish to privatize it, i.e., to create another “public subsidy for private profit” system. The privatizers have one concern: maximize wealth and power, and have little to no concern for the health of veterans or the public. VA Healthcare works because the people involved are pursuing actions to help people while in the private sector the goal is to maximize profits.
I should be able to contract the Secretary directly, I know he does not have time to read my email but he staff should, as a disabled Vet I should voice my concerns about the VA health care to him. The number one thing I have seen is VA employees that know matter how bad they are at their jobs cannot be fired, some of them are even promoted so someone else has to deal with them. thank you
Thank you Doug!! You are serving for all the right reasons!! SEMPER FI!!!
Well as a daughter and wife of 100% disabled veterans I do hope we clean up the financial waste in this area so we can have more qualified doctors in our local areas so we don’t have to travel to baypines for certain illnesses. Hard to be driving around when you don’t feel well.
More concern to the veterans, doctors, and nurses.
Thank you Doug and good luck
Remember these veterans did not say you have to wait when they were called why are they waiting now!!!
Positive comment…I would like to volunteer to help Doug..I am a Vietnam Navy veteran, a retired Supply Chain Executive, father and grandfather…..I am serviced connected and in the system..
Thank you
Clean out the democRAT swamp scum. Faster, reliable, timely mail order prescription NO BROKE USPS! Fix website on myehealthyvet or get rid of it. Put Track prescriptions back on website. Re-Allow service from providers other than centrally located VA centers. Wider based, easier understood description and rationale for limits on certain disabilities. Cut the mountains of approval levels, Employ an easier self service application process for older Vet’s with lower computing skills.
Thank you . Your message was short and to the point. The main stream media is lying again. You getting the truth out to us is appreciated.
Please continue to share this message, as it may address concerns that some individuals have. Thanks for looking out for us vets. We need to stop the fear mongering-it will be all right, there is waste in any government organization, even in the VA-this disabled vet has had excellent service with the VA-again keep up the splendid work. Sorry for those that are having issues, I say that downsizing the VA will provide better service-it might be hard for some to believe, I have worked with organizations as a consultant in the private sector for 30 years which has proven to me that efficacy through streaming lining and UPGRADING TECHNOLGLY is the ticket-=the VA is no doubt using outdate technology.
And to know those waiting on disability claims, it took six months for my disability claim to be approved, and I received my backpay for this two days sooner than was indicated on the letter so I can vouch that the VA is moving faster at this point in filling claims at least in my case
Why should any Veteran believe ANYTHING you SAY or PROMISE? You were appointed by a fairly elected sociopath who cannot be trusted by anyone in this world.
As a public servant you should not be criticizing our country’s free and open press whose diligent work has helped millions of Veterans. The press you criticize has always played a crucial role in raising awareness about the needs of veterans, particularly disabled veterans, by publishing stories about their struggles to reintegrate into civilian life, advocating for better government benefits, and highlighting the work of veterans organizations and pressuring policymakers to improve support systems for returning soldiers. Do a little history about the organization you claim to “lead”. This administration knows very little about true leadership, yourself included.
VSO offices by appointment only with long wait times to get in still in Covid protocol. Administrative law judge hearings months to years waiting to hear cases. Veterans deserve better than this.
Like a good puppet, you spew the same lies president Musk and his lapdog Donny vomit out of their mouths. When will anyone on the right in politics stand up to this poor excuse of an administration? The entire party is a disgrace with their lies and patronizing veterans.
When Trump was president, the first time veterans had a paper which they could take to a pharmacy if they needed medication when their local clinic was closed and that was terminated under Biden as I tried to use it, and I was told it was no longer valid. It is extremely important to have that benefit because example I got out of the hospital on a Friday and let’s say the VA was closed and I couldn’t get the hospitals prescription written on a VA pad. I would have to wait all weekend until Monday to get antibiotics after coming out of the hospital for pneumonia. Please see what you can do to reinstate this benefit for veterans.
You can still use community care providers if your local VA is closed. I just used it this weekend. And the prescription service is still active too. I would call and speak with someone at the VA to receive clear guidance on this. There is a protocol for using the benefit. But that benefit is still available to Veterans. It was not discontinued under Biden.
Why comment? No one will pay attention or do a thing. I’m a disabled vet. Somewhere close to 90%. As I recall I was told I would have 100% coverage as a vet when I enlisted in the very early 70’s. I don’t have it and what I do have isn’t nothing to be excited about. Thanks to Republicans the promises made to me are just platitudes and we already went through the Republican version of efficiency once to get here. The VA is underfunded already and this DOGE bullsh-t is just another way of making cuts to the VA to help get tax cuts for the already wealthy. All we as vets are, are photo ops for the Fascist right wing and are expected to put our lives on the line for little to nothing in return because it might inconvenience the already wealthy if we’re treated like we were led to believe. I swore to protect the country against all enemies foreign and domestic and as far as I’m concerned Trump and the rest of the right wing are domestic enemies… Rest assured I’m not the only one to see that…
Doug Collins already helped cut significant services and staff. I don’t see how we’re spinning it as a good thing. Dude is just another liar.
60,000 square foot state of the art new facility in Zebulon, Ga. Only one primary care physician with months and months of waiting to get an appointment… help please. Thank-you.
I should have been 100 % many years ago but have been denied over and over again. I was a combat engineer in an Atomic Demolition Munitions team 12E20 in Germany in 1966. I have had nightmares about setting off a device, killing people and team members ever since. I have PTSD Iand recognize it drove away my wife and daughter. The Army used agent purple in Germany and I have had. Many health issues. But the VA has said they didn’t have it. I have proof now I as a 79 year old reaching a point I may loose my house.
Congratulations on your appointment. I am a supporter of DOGE. I have many thoughts on how to improve the VA and the Government, to many in fact to include here. So I guess my first recommendation would be to get rid of that ridiculous paper wasting survey and come up with well thought out questions and simplify. Last one I got I started and never finished because 1. the questions were ridiculously long and sometimes immaterial or the multiple choice answers were leading or misleading or didn’t reflect what I wanted to say. Anyway I trust you will do a good job and from what I remember about your background and time in congress you care about people and the county. There’s no doubt this department and the entire government can be better and efficient at the same time. Thank you and good luck.
Go Secretary Collins
This VA leader is a boot licking Trump loyalist who has no business running this organization.
Trumps only agenda is to sow as much chaos towards his perceived enemies as he can. That is not helpful for this country.
To point out the disinformation from Secretary Collins, any funds DOGE “saves” on contracts for veterans services will be used to partially offset the tax cut going mostly the very wealthy, like Musk. it’s not going to go to veterans.
I agree VA staff has, when ever I needed to speak with them, has provided outstanding service. Although I do not use VA medical ( I have TRICARE for LIFE) I Saw the medical staff in action in Louiseville Ky. A friend needed emergency eye care. The staff stayed until we arrived and then made sure he received the treatment he needed.
I am a Vietnam vet 1967-70 and I trust Doug and President Trump much more than those woke, inept progressive socialist democrats sucking our taxpayers money with fraud, waste and abuse. Dig in deep Collins and get rid of ineffective employees and bring back the competent and caring profesionals, di it Now.
I’ve noticed that we have numerous comments by people with TDS or are simply the usual negative political hacks that simply enjoy complaining. Mr. Collins, I know you are a former USAF Colonel Chaplain and a man of God, and I wish you Godspeed as the Head of the VA. You will have a mighty task ahead of you to improve the socialized VA system. I certainly hope you can also streamline the Community Care system as well.
Take care and God Bless!
I would like to see my benefits reinstated I was dropped due to making too much income and i’m on SSA.
I don’t trust Trump or any of the GOP members of Congress ! They have gone in a direction that takes all our fundamental ways of rights and freedoms away from the American people and put them in the hands of a egomaniac called Musk .
So the VA needs fewer nursing staff?
I KNOW we need MORE hospital staff, not less.
My husband is a Coast Guard veteran. We thank you for this video. The media is into scare tactics. We appreciate the truth.
My husband of 26 years of military service was let-go. He only has 3 months to go to complete his non-probationary period. Other probationary folks are still in their jobs in the same agency. The dismissal letter said it has nothing to do with performance. Is this the response to veterans who were honorably discharged? Also, how is DOGE firing people? By draw lots? Kindly answer, Mr. Secretary.
I’m not interested in “getting rid of things” at the VA, when we all know what you’re getting rid of is nurses. I’m not interested in your efforts to privatize the VA and its services, do not think we are fooled by your rhetoric around waiting times and service availability. Just fund the VA and give us staff for the clinics and hospitals. That’s the promise you made to your Veterans, and that’s the promise you’d better keep, because pissing off a population of Veterans is a bad idea.
I respect the Secretary, and I believe him when he say’s our benefit’s will not be cut!!
Good god why would we believe anything this administration says after yesterday when Trump spit on the graves of every service man who ever fought for the ideals that this country USED to represent!?! Trump just threw Ukraine under the bus and sided with a brutal dictator. All of you who support this traitor need to wake up.
This is how it starts….getting the vasoline ready…Jack booted thugs coming for you!
Was the EO allowing VA health records to be sent to any requesting agency rescinded? I noticed this change when I was applying for homebound care benefits. I will not consent to my health records being sent to SS, IRS, and/or any agency that requests them, without notifying me or a having a warrant. Needless to say my application wasn’t accepted.
This is what they say right before they cut funding. Every. Single. Time.
I doubt that . . .
Disgusting mouthpiece of trump
DOGE is a farce. Elon Musk and his youth tech hackers have no business in our veterans health care and benefits. That has been an ongoing process the past few years and it’s happening!
The VA has come a long way in taking care of us.
Don’t let an unvetted, illegally appointee crush our vets.
DOGE might not change our benefits much, but the staff won’t be available to carry out the mission to all of us veterans.
What is this I am hearing and reading about VA Disability Payments being reduced in 2026 based on the household income? Why cut what someone has earned?
Yea… They are processing claims Fast, Because they Just Deny Deny Deny !!!
Y’all think people who make decisions are even reading these comments.
I called both of the Senators in my state and asked if the rumor were true that Veterans Preference was considered the same as DEI, they gave big big promises they would check and get back with me……crickets.
I understand your fears and anxiety over our situation as veterans.
But I just don’t think Mr Collins has the slightest idea of what is written by us here and really doesn’t even care
This video is a joke. Let’s blame misinformation on the media not the source. This what we can expect from a secretary appointed by Trump.
I have been turned down for service connecting disabilities since 2009. WHY BECAUSE VA HAS SAID MY PROBLEMS ARE FROM BEING OLD. I WAS A HAZARDOUS WASTE PERSON IN NAVY FOR YEARS WHILE IN
Why is it so hard to get VA benefits for those who served in the mid-60s through the end of the 70s’.
Well said Mr. Secretary. And Congratulations on your appointment as Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Regardless, I truly believe by eliminating positions and most importantly eliminating Vets who work for the VA is not the right approach. A sledge hammer does not replace a scalpel. With a king in office who does not, and will never, respect the Military, all veterans should be cautious and concerned about the cuts to come.
We served the country, NOW, the country can serve US!!!
Then explain to me why my appeal that I opened in October of 2022 is still not heard.? The system is broken and those vetabwho are waiting do not see an end of the road. Just more aggravation
I believe in improving benefits and other things at the VA for us veterans, we all sacrificed alot to defend our country, freedoms, and the American people, we were promised to be taken care of after our military service, and there have been times when veterans had to fight for their benefit rights, and that should never happen not only did we sacrifice, but also our family members also sacrificed watching there loved deploy when we were in Iraq and Afghanistan, so improve the VA for all us veterans and do not take away from us who sacrificed for our country, as I am still fighting about being exposed to burn pits while on deployment, as well as a Desert Shield/ Storm veteran who was exposed to all that oil well smoke up in Kuwait
With Musk and Trump in charge i will take a wait and see .
Mr. Collins I have been fighting a losing uphill battle for almost 35 years. I was OTH Separated from the Army in 1991 as a matter of fact I was Deserted by my command. I still to this day do not understand why not one person has taken an interest and called for an investigation. I have done everything possible and I will never give up on my Innocence. Now that I am service connected disabled what is the VA going to do to help me get this set aside, and exhonrate me fully and bring relief and Justice to me and my Family? The worst part is no Courts seem to have Jurisdiction but they did not mind having me falsely arrested and held without any probable cause or mandatory 48 hr review, and sure as hell never mentioned administrative credit for that time. Why would they right all my due process, substantial, and constitutional rights are still being held hostage as POW’s. I have never in my a adult life been able to have my rights even restored to me what a shame. Maybe yourself and Mr. Trump s should DOGE a after the truth to recover Justice for me. You have the power to grant me Equitable Relief, I requested a such relief from the prior Secretary and even got an email stating give them 7 days to respond that was in N November, I’m s still waiting on that email.
Thank You
i dont trust a word from any Trump rep — Trump is the biggest liar in the world. Russia invaded Ukraine, don’t let that liar make up new facts
I am a four-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force, serving proudly its Security Service, from 1970 to 1974.
I will speak frankly, sir. I don’t trust you. You are a Trumpist. You will follow whatever he says, for his good, not
for ours. You have, and will, bend the knee. I will not. I support democracy, liberty, our constitution, and our
commitment to our ideals and obligations. I support our allies. I am totally against oligarchs and dictators in the
world, and now, sadly, here at home. The oath I took is as meaningful to me today as it was when I took it 55 years ago.
I have lived here in South Carolina for almost 7 years and I can tell you this, the VA has really stepped up to the plate. It started with President Trump during his first term as President, he replaced the secretary because he wasn’t doing his job and it took veterans forever to get care. Ever since then the VA has gotten so much better. The VA is a different place because of President Trump and the people he has put in place. My only hope is that the VA moves forward to keep making health care for veterans even better, please don’t cut services to save money. I am a patriot and I love this country, I fought for this country as my father did before me. Please take care of us.
Get rid of the DOGE bros. ONLy way to have any credibility. These guys are amateurs.
How can we believe anything said by this administration about anything! We are abandoning our allies and doing Putin’s bidding. You are destroying America and your empty promises to protect veterans benefits is laughable while Elon Musk and his lieutenants are the one deciding things.
Thanks Doug, from a fellow Georgian and recipient of Vet benefits.
I have been waiting 2yrs for an approval to my VA claim that the VA says is not service connected I was injured during field maneuvers in Germany and the injury is documented in my medical records, and I have been trying since 2017 to get the VA to see this injury in my medical records but they say it is not service connected.
Great hearing directly from the Secretary. No fake news from him!!
Saying benefits won’t be cut is not nearly the same as saying disability payments won’t be cut or reduced. Please make another video that states disability payments won’t be cut or reduced.
Veterans need to listen to the context of this message. It speaks volumes that no one’s comments have been addressed.
Please do not cut women’s services anymore than it has been in Florida. I can’t believe that my primary care physician has to be my gynecologist because that dept. was cut from the Jacksonville VA clinic.
I already had to miss 5 months of mental healthcare because it was canceled for no reason other than I was seeing someone in the community instead of at the VA hospital. Now I have to start all over with someone new that I don’t trust who looks like she just graduated from college.
Its good to hear from the top. The rumor mill can needlessly cause unnecessary anxiety. Thank you for the information.
Tom Bellows
My father was WWII veteran in Army Air Force. He pushed me to sign up with the VA after my enlistment was up and I had no idea the opportunities that became available to me. I served in the US Air Force to protect this nation and did it to the absolute best of my ability. No regrets. Proud now to be a veteran and I meet daily with veterans at the Montrose campus and we built a friendship that is beyond words. The VA is critical for veterans that gave their lives and I for one appreciate immensely all that it has given me personally. Please continue the work that the VA offers and always remember Freedom is not Free.
Another Leader in fairy tale land. They already cut 1000 employees. Yes, the ones that help veterans considering suicide. Why is so hard to find a real veteran to lead the Veterans Department? Got rid of judges. Reminds me of the veterans that died before they recognized agent orange did cause cancer. Old Bone Spurs is not our friend!
the proof is in the actions and not in his words that are unproven. I remember the former congressman from Georgia before he was placed in this position. He has made several mistruths in the public space in that later position and that was one of public trust as well. So I’m waiting to see if he is a man of his word or just an empty suit for the Doge stooges.
Ok I’m a U.S. Navy veteran who has had a claim for legitimate benefits that has passed the 3 year mark. Seems I got putting on the back burner. Would like to have a determination whether it be approved or denied. Just want to get it over with
social security is not and should never be an item for discussion of cuts. its our money and congress should keep their grubby little hands off of it. Secondly, concerning a veterans disability compensation, should be provided a cost of living raise every year. In fact, we deserve more than what we are receiving now.
What does Musk and his DOGE slash and burn team know or understand what Veterans have experienced or need to heal. Only Veterans understand what other veterans experience and need. You should hold the line and resist this attack on our government and support what we need. We have done what we were asked after volunteering to serve. Do not roll over to dictator in chief and his henchmen.
Considering the mount of damage DOGE has been doing to everything it touches, having mainly to do with the fact that Musk and his army of inexperienced interns have no idea what they’re doing, I have very little faith in ANYTHING being said here. Musk is an entitled rich doofus who has no idea the kinds of traumas and disabilities we veterans are dealing with, so he is a TERRIBLE arbitrator of what is and isn’t “fraud.” I’m tired of decisions about our care, and our benefits being made by entitled clowns who have never served a day in their pampered lives, or having some moronic DC talking head telling us that we are somehow leeches because we require assistance after our service. Like I said, I have no faith in DOGE, Musk, Trump, or Secretary Collins, and I do not believe that they will not slash our benefits.
Are these individuals lawyers? Do they have significant legal experience? Have they been given backgrounds checks? Are they cleared by law enforcement to handle personal information and confidential documents? Is there accountability to those who are going over contracts? Or are we just expected to believe they are working in good faith? Lots of concerns.
Good morning,
I am a veteran (US Army)
I filled out the form for my case since august 28th 2024 and still waiting. In today date february 20th 2025 I haven’t seen anything, more than 6 months.
I hope they address the issue of the low pay for the VA workers and see that is why so many leave the VA. They need to Pay what the outside pays. I am not a VA Worker I am a Veteran who uses the VA
How about we cut-out putting Veterans into dangerous FDA/Pharma guinea-pig…I mean, clinical trials? I was a victim of said program that gave me a brief trip to the other side of the veil. That would the ceasing of Life functions by sketchy, dangerous untested drugs for all you naive types. While that was an experience, I never signed up for it.
You want to really help us veterans? Get rid of the WHOLE BODY RATING SYSTEM. Our percentage should be added up as a whole percentage and not reduced because of going over 100%. Make the 100% the maximum. I currently have 40,30,10,10,10= 70%. This is how the country I served for 21 years wants to short change me and every other veteran?
Eat s**t you Trump lackey scumbag. The only one lying here is y’all, not the media. Same old excuse.
Do you really want us to believe that Trump — or any of his sycophants – have our concerns at heart? In 2018 / 2019 our town was taking up food contributions for the military personnel here because this guy executed the longest shutdown of the U.S. government in history because they wouldn’t fund his wall. This is the guy who dodged the draft by having Daddy get 2 doctors (who both rented apartments from him) to say he had a bone spur – which could have easily been corrected with an operation. this is the guy who had the nerve to call McCain a loser and denigrated the record of the late Republican senator on veterans affairs despite routinely appropriating one of McCain’s crowning achievements as his own. This is the guy who said when declining to go to a ceremony at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018: ““Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” This is the guy who called the more than 1,800 Marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood “suckers” for getting killed. This is the guy who asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades. Just think about how many vets are losing their jobs right now, unable to make monthly payments, because of his executive orders and Co-President Musk’s DOGE cuts. This is the guy who is now posting on social media referring to himself as a king. Do you think he cares about us? You need to wake up and smell the roses – and stop trying to BS us. Like the entire congress, it is time for you to grow a set and stop lying. No job is worth your honor or integrity. JBK
Let’s Do the VA Math Hustle
VA disability ratings are based on “remaining ability,” not straightforward arithmetic. Here’s how the system works:
A veteran is rated 50% disabled for PTSD, meaning he has 50% remaining ability. He also has Tinnitus, caused by severe hearing loss (HL) from exposure to helicopter rotors or jet engines. The VA rates the Tinnitus at 10% disabling but assigns 0% to HL, meaning it is acknowledged but not compensated.
Now, does 50% + 10% = 60%? No.
The VA applies the 10% Tinnitus rating to the 50% remaining ability:
10% of 50% = 5%. The VA rounds up, so he gets 10%, bringing him to 60% total disability.
Now his HL worsens, and after a new audiology exam, the VA raises his HL rating to 10%. However, 10% of his remaining 40% ability = 4%, which the VA rounds down to 0%. His total rating remains at 60%—no increase despite documented worsening.
The PACT Act expands benefits for veterans exposed to toxins, including asbestos. The veteran has service-related asbestos exposure and is rated 10% disabled for it. Does this raise his total rating? No. The same VA math applies:
10% of his remaining 40% = 4%, rounded down to 0%. He stays at 60%.
Years later, anemia surfaces in his records, linked to asbestos, jet fuel, or firefighting foam. The VA acknowledges the nexus and grants another 10%. Again, 10% of the remaining 40% = 4%, rounded down to 0%. He still remains at 60%, despite multiple service-connected conditions.
The Real Cost of VA Math
If the VA used basic addition, his disabilities (50% PTSD + 10% Tinnitus + 10% HL + 10% asbestos exposure + 10% anemia) would add up to 100%, qualifying him for **$3,831.30 per month** in 2025. Instead, due to VA math, he remains at **60%, receiving only $1,395.93 per month**—less than half of what he should receive.
Even worse, because the VA only compensates from the **date of claim**, this veteran loses decades of retroactive benefits for service-connected conditions that trace back to Desert Storm or Vietnam.
This is not a minor technicality. It is an institutionalized method of **Denying, Delaying, and Defending** against rightful compensation.
Enough talk and start showing by doing what word came out of your mouth. I supposed when the PACT Act came out nothing really happened considering we have been suffering after Post 911 conditions. And with all the conditions I reported I only got 80% when it is suppose to be 100%.
As for education and training, there is much more to improved with helping Veterans domestically and internationally to allow Veterans to get full access if their education benefits unconditionally. Having credentials from higher institutions are not enough to get jobs that Veterans desire to do as their calling to find their new purpose in life. Do more and do better!!!
Right off the bat we have a highly politicized attack on the press? This augurs badly. The LAST thing VA should be is partisan and trying to create a narrative to control perceptions.
I’m a VA patient. Twenty years ago VA health care was really second rate and, so I avoided it at my expense. Over the last few years there has been obvious and substantial improvement. VA brought in much more competent primary care, expanded the quality and availability of specialty care and improved facilities. The most important thing was VA’s effort to recruit people, to upgrade staff. These people can make more money in the private sector but they choose to serve us because VA employment was more secure, more compatible with their family life, LESS bureaucratic than private insurers and because they have a more grateful base of patients at VA. Immediately upon jackass Musk’s shock and awe campaign a big chill went through, pending offers didn’t go out, applicants had second thoughts. The immediate damage will take time and effort to repair because confidence is important and the new administration has shattered confidence and trust.
And what are you doing? What’s your first contact with us veterans? You are sending out political messages to attack the Press? If that’s what you think then volunteer to go on TV or give interviews to the Times and confront the press directly and see what they say in return.
Even more chilling you want my name and e-mail. Anyone who’s been following events recognizes a vindictive streak in the new administration, I’m frankly concerned for my benefits because you seem to be “making a list”, here. But, damn it I’ve already seen a terrible change in morale and recruitment so I’ll take my chances.
Can you help my husband a 30 yr vet ? He is trying to contact the Navy retirement office the other day they had him on hold for 3 hours then disconnected the call we can not get any help any where thank you for your service
I’ve had a claim in since 1970 so I hope he doesn’t wait until I’m dead so that it goes away. Since I don’t know the claim number I know I can put my service number because that is public knowledge so here it is. The public is able to access this number and only access the number they can’t go any further but he can so you don’t have to delete this number. Thank you and have a wonderful day and may God bless.
[Editor: Do NOT publish your sensitive personal information on the internet. I have deleted it from your comment.]
Apparently, Mr. Collins has not read Project 2025, nor is he aware that the VA OIG has been illegally fired. The VHPI”s take on the impact that the implementation of Project 2025 ‘policy’s’ is here:
What this adminIstration SAYS and what it DOES, will likely be different. DOGE may have already gained access to the VA computers. If their previous actions are an indication of their present actions, your privacy may have been compromised. DOGE was NOT supposed to gain access to CLASSIFIED data, yet managed to post it on its UNSECURED website.
TRUST AND RESPECT IS EARNED, trust and respect can be burned with LIES. Veterans have a long history of DISTRUST of the VA for decades. The reason being – WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO, been disrespected, given the run around, delays, being treated as LESS THAN. Each new administration brings issues and policy changes. But WE ARE PEOPLE, not numbers, groups, things, actual living people who served our country with HONOR. When the time comes for our needs to be met, we cannot be assured of consistency of care. DOGE shows up and employees are told to go home, you’re fired. Did suicide hotline calls go unanswered?
H.R. 5697 ACCESS ACT is described here:
Mr. Collins, your office sent me an email announcing your new position. I wrote back that I did not have faith in this administration to provide quality care/service. Nothing that you have said has changed my mind. I doubt that you will ever bother to read these comments posted by the very people that your department is meant TO SERVE. LIES HAVE CONSEQUENCES, FACTS STILL MATTER. Viet Nam Veterans said after they returned “NEVER AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN” They made it a point to ensure that Veterans were NEVER treated with disrespect, they way they were treated when they returned home. My family has had US military service members in every generation as far back as the Civil War. Generations of Veterans have experience with the government . This administration does not respect the military, nor Veterans. The man has profound issues with his own interests outweighing those of the country. I am not alone in reserving a wait and see attitude, as we have seen this clownish sh*t show rodeo before. When our government asked us to step up, WE DID, we demand that our government STEP UP FOR US, as we fulfilled our obligations completely. ALL GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL. Our dues are paid in full, we expect to receive what was promised to us, when we raised our hands and swore under oath, to protect and serve the constitution, from ALL ENEMIES – FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.
Well Doug you’ve got the easy part done now let’s see results.
What about having to close all radiology at the Pueblo Colorado VA because everyone that could run the equipment were fired by Musk/Trump. Now thinking of sending people from other VA clinics for a few days a week to try to keep Pueblo open but cause shortages at other Colorado clinics/hospitals.
I don’t believe a word he is saying. Muskrat and Project 2025 leader and head of OBM, have already said they want to cut disability payments once we enter retirement age.
Why can’t people see that this administration says what they think people want to hear. Then do what they want. All you have to do is watch and listen to them.
Collins, from my home state, is as crooked as the day is long . He will do whatever Trump and muskrat tell him to do.
I wish more folks would take a little time to just read Project 2025. It details Everything that this administration is doing. Even though Trump lied to voters by saying he knew nothing about it. Yea right. Tried to tell folks that he was lying.
They have sent Tens of Thousands of people to the unemployment line. Tariffs are causing prices to skyrocket. Every govt. agency is being led by appointees that have No Clue what they are doing. And they have already Fired Thousands of employees at the Dept. Of Veterans Affairs and Healthcare. At a time the Dept. is vastly undermanned.
” Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it”!! And MAGA is getting just what they should have seen we would
get. And what sux is, the rest of us will suffer for their uneducated voting practices.
Hope to God out Nation survives this Blatant move to Hitlers Fascism
FIX Community Care. It sucks. Takes too long to set up and approve provider request.
Please consider increases to the spouse’s survivor benefits. It is impossible to make ends meet on the current amount. I’m so worried how I will survive if my husband passes before me. He has been 100 percent disabled for over 10 years and has suffered from his disability since 1971.
Hope your article is correct I have been waiting for a higher level review for 4 months, that’s just ridiculous. Been waiting on my C file just as long.
Thanks for the information. Sadly the media has lost all credibility with me. The one thing I cannot tolerate is a liar. As a former Sailor, liars can get you killed or seriously injured. These past 4 years the democrats and media has proven to me that they are liars. Once that bridge has been crossed with me, I will never trust that person or entity again. Never! Once a liar, always a liar.
Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. How can we trust his “gofers”? As a disabled Navy
Vietnam vet (86 years old) I am scared I will lose my care giver, my VA meds , VA DR and housing.
Say, could you be any further up T-Rumps behind? Sorry, I wish I could believe you but you basically addressed nothing in this video. It might as well been Donald himself rambling on saying nothing.
Pardon my skepticism, but quite frankly I have heard that all before, and to be completely honest our current (sic) commander-in-chief does not have a sterling reputation when it comes to honesty so I take everything he says with a large grain of salt. Nor, for that matter, do I place any trust in his chief minion, Elon Musk, who also has a track record for flights of hyperbolic fantasy when it comes to stating facts or telling the truth. As the old saw goes “The proof is in the pudding” and the veterans of this country will be watching closely and holding accountable this administration for honoring “The unwritten contract” that was implicitly guaranteed when we raised our right hands and swore an Oath that stated “ I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” It’s been 55 years since I swore that Oath, and I believe in it as strongly today as I did then and I believe that the overwhelming majority of our military, past and present, feel exactly the same way.
I amma full timem teacer with 70% V Disabiity. How will then Fairess Act effect my benefits?
“Hey y’all…it’s me again” … Great, a week on the job and already a total lack of professional bearing. Please spare me the Jerry Falwell bumpkin buddy chat…you are leading a massively important agency. Don’t try to sell me on what’s great for the VA and our current political administration is better than what’s right for the Veteran. The American tax payer understands with the utmost respect that these benefits are the price paid in keeping our enemies out of their backyards, continuing to give their children and grandchildren the freedom of choice and expression, and the ability to sleep soundly each night knowing we have/had the watch. God help you if you are knowingly being deceitful.
You are attacking the media for reporting what may happen? Isn’t it their job to keep us informed. So far it seems that our government is following the Project 2025 playbook fairly closely, and that does not bode well for veterans, or anyone who relies on their government to provide services.
Dear Sec Collins,
I live in Jakarta, Indonesia, and I fall under your VA’s Foreign Medical Program (FMP) and I am APPALLED with the poor service that office has been providing.
For over a year, FMP has been delaying payment of over $50,000 that they own me and have not disputed, but because they cannot or will not move from paying by checks to paying by Electronic Transfer they are delaying the money they owe me to PREPAY the next phase of treatment, approved and authorized under the PACT ACT.
I have even sent FMP the forms being used by the IRS, Social Security, and even some VA offices to switch from payment by check to payment by ETF.
I have been working with my state Senator from Alaska, Dan Sullivan and state Representative from New Jersey, Ms. Mikie Sherril and they have made no discernible progress in addressing a major problem that should only take days to correct.
Thank you for looking into this and if you provide me with a name and email address, I will attach the documents I have been providing to the FMP and for over a year now with no success.
Thank you!!
Dr. PDG, Jakarta, Indonesia
I am a 78 year-old Vietnam vet (1st Cav Div) in-country 1968 to 1969 at Khe San and Phuoc Vinh. Honorable discharge and returned home in Aug 1969. I immediately went to the Winston-Salem,NC VA office and filed for disability due to Agent Orange (peripheral nephropathy), PTSD, Sleep Apnea, hypertension and a knee injured at Ft Bragg the medical staff recommended medical operation for torn ligaments in March 1968. I was given orders to Viet Nam for reporting in August 1969. After discharge in August 1969, returned home, with peripheral nephropathy (Agent Orange), Sleep Apnea (nightly rocket attacks at roughly 1:00 AM EVERY NIGHT and unable to go to sleep until the all-clear siren blew about 3:00 AM and having to wake every morning at roughly 6:AM every morning; PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome); Hypertension (high blood pressure); being in I-Corps originally, roughly every other day for 6 months, you could count on a Agent Orange “shower” because we were in the tri-border area of Viet Nam, Laos and North Viet Nam.
Upon my return to the States, I immediately went to the Winston-Salem, NC office to file for my education and disability benefits. I was given a paper claim card, which I still have, and given education benefits for school. My subsequent claim(s) was adjudicated that I did not have a claim because: (1) The lost my records because of a fire and the VA office; (2) there was no records that supported my claim regardless of the fact my DD-214 showed I was in Viet Nam and given a Bronze Star; (3) they had no record of my filing a claim and/or, I had not been stationed in Viet Nam; (4) All items claimed for disability were diagnosed by VA doctors on multiple occasions, yet the copies of records were in my records and the examiners told me that my DD-214 was invalid because it “appeared” to be invalid and I could not prove that I was ever in Viet Nam.
I finally got approval for 30% disability, regardless of the fact that every visit to the VA hospital was met with the “stick test” that clearly showed that I had peripheral nephropathy; was given a sleep test for sleep apnea and given a machine for breathing help, and other medications for the items that are indicative of problems the VA found with those who were in-country and related to Agent Orange.
I have been referred to outside consultants for Sleep Apnea, Peripheral Nephropathy, High Blood Pressure, given a cane for my knee. With these and other items found by VA doctors, I have been prescribed 17 different medications for the items diagnosed by the VA, yet, I was only given small compensation starting in 2011.
I have more than 400 pages of medical records from the VA, which have been forwarded to the VA Records Collection in Janesville, WI. A recent inquiry concerning my records by the Dr working with my PTSD showed there were 2034 records in my file. The following week, I called Janesville and asked them about the disparity in the number of records, I was told they only have 434 VA medical records. The problem with the scenario is the record count is never consistent. I have only used the VA doctors for my military medical diagnosis, yet, there are occasions when their record count is zero.
When asked about my claim, I was told they have made progress on my claim and the representative told me that I have a large amount of money due to their increasing my claim percentage with the implication being “I would need a large bank account” to hold the back pay I would get. To date, only my percentage has been increased effective December 1, 2024.
It is a constant fight to get this situation resolved, as in my case, 55 years with 4 conditions that is on the VA ‘s list of compensation is nothing more than an empty promise.
I have tried the legislative approach, using my State and Federal House Members and Senators, to no avail.
I haven’t seen anything in the media about benefit cuts, Sec Collins. Or is attacking the media part of your new job? What has been accurately reported is that 1,000 VA employees have been terminated – about which you say nothing.
Why do you trust DOGE to make wise decisions on VA contracts? They are led by a mad-man named Musk who is trying to reach reduction quotas for Trump’s tax cuts. I’m concerned – and you should be also. Or are you afraid to lose your job if you encourage caution?
Your words are full of lies. I do not believe for one second you have veterans well being at stake. I’ve been lied to so many times by the VA and I’m supposed to take your word. Your word means nothing to me. Deceit and lies make up the VA and I have proof. You deny veterans benefits at a rate that is unacceptable. The VA denied my benefits for 11 years in hopes I would die. When I’m looking at my military health records stating I was injured while jumping outta planes for the 82nd Airborne and the VA was trying to convince me it never happened. When ask after 10 if I would like the VA to make the final determination or a judge I choose the judge. Exactly one month before seeing the judge the VA called me and said they would make an immediate decision within a day if I let them. My answer was no!!! I seen the judge one month later and it took the judge 13 minutes before deciding in my favor at 100% disabled. You act surprised when we have 23 veterans per day committing suicide. What do you think is happening? They lose all hope in providing their families with food and shelter. So I firmly believe half would not be committing suicide if given what was promised to them when signing the contract when entering the military. The VA administration is lying to all the veterans and denying them their benefits for as long as they can. You know this is true. Don’t sit behind your desk adding more lies.
Mr. Secretary,
Pres. Trump’s last term included an attempt to reduce social security benefits on a dollar per dollar basis for veterans IU. This is fact. DOGE is firing people with an hour notice of job loss. How can I be sure my Social Security and VA Disability will not be lost on less than an hour notice? Is there a public presidential promise? VA i s losing its employees by DOGE analysis, are VA employees going to face minimum employment loss notification or at least, a 2-week notice? I need to know the facts with proof, not possible hearsay by you or the ??? news. Please help us believe with proof, that our benefits for disability and social security will not be lost, like a public presidential promise on the news. I already illegally lost my military career on a on a Chap 61 by contractors, after serving 19 yrs, 4 mos, and 26 days and now I am not eligible for CRDP. CRDP requires 20 yrs of service. We need to know that our healthcare will not return to months long appointments like during the president’s last term. Please, we need the proof or what you say remains haunting. I cannot afford a loss of social security on a dollar for dollar basis. The President has demonstrated his disrespect for veterans the last term, publicly against Sen McCain for being an injured POW, from my state.
Please don’t permit retribution to our VA benefits for making a complaint.
Please read and reply to all the veteran statements sent to your office. Lack of responding will lead to a lack faith in you. Don’t let the news prove you wrong, present the verifiable facts.
Thank you for your service to OUR country.
SFC, USA (forced retired illegally)
Feb 19, 2025
This is the “Thank you for you service” from Pearl Harbor Naval Base…..I booked and received confirmation at the Navy Lodge in Pearl Harbor Hawaii. My wife was with me on this trip of 4 days.
My flt arrived Honolulu at 7pm. We drove to the base so I can check-in at the lodge. The main gate sentry told me that my wife cannot enter without a pass and the pass office is already close. He told me I can access the base with my VHIC card due service connected imprinted on my card . I turned around and drove out to book a hotel downtown for one night. Next day I drove to the pass office and got a pass for my wife only to find out that it is only a one day pass for her and that I have
go back to the pass office every morning to renew her one day pass during our stay at the lodge. Talk with you counterpart Mr. Hegseth to see if wounded veterans/service connected veterans be treated with some kind of dignity and respect. Hell, Guam Naval Station excluded base access veterans from their Trusted Traveler Program.
Secretary Collin’s, Thank you so much for clearing up the issue regarding benefits.. I am a 78 year old Vietnam Marine veteran who is suffering from prostate cancer due to my agent Orange exposure. I am hoping you can help me with a question I have. I submitted the information to the V A regarding some benefit issues.
You will always be in my prayers for the time I have left and I am hoping God will keep you safe and guide you in your decision making to help our country and our veterans. Thank you for reading this.
Thank you, Sir for prioritizing our Vets. It appears as though this page thread is being spammed by a lot of activists. God bless Trump and the U.S.A.
Have you lost your ever-loving MINDS? They/We/Us put a EFFing TRAITOR in the White House as a MAKE-Shift POTUS. Once Trump and Elon figure out that the Military “WILL NOT” Shoot/Murder Brown Americans. Then you can KISS YOUR VA “BENEFITS” GOODBYE, via DOGE. World War II was never even close to the current THREAT that these Domestic Enemies BURNING this country down to the ground as WE WATCH. I spent over two decades serving the US Military and America. To watch a LIFE-LONG CON MAN destroy America before our own eyes. I am ASHAMED. Trump already “KILLED” three quarters of a million Americans by his INEPT INCOMPETENT COVID Response. That’s just a drop in the bucket for what will and is DESTROYING the CURRENT FECKLESS USA. – FOFO
And DC, (something tells me ok to be up n friendly with you, Doug) I took a head Hit plate in skull etc. and helping at our VFW when able to AND just glad previous vets administration is Done (no comment – that was then, this is now)! Just many congratulations and anytime you are in SE Asia let’s have coffee together with ret.msgt Janet Cmndr. Luv it. Be safe my friend.
DOGE is already cutting jobs at the VA. I feel I am being lied to by you. DOGE is cutting jobs and benefits to people all across the government. The GOP is going along with DOGE and is doing so in order to come up with money to give people like Elon Musk huge tax cuts. I do not like being lied to. I served my country in the war in Vietnam. I was an enlisted serviceman. Please do not give me a story about caring for the veteran when you are a part of Donald Trump’s ongoing effort to tear our government apart and run it like he is a mob boss. I am sick and tired of what is going on and will work with my Congressman and Senator to put a stop to this. How dare you put out a message like this and lie to the veterans.
Thank you so much for the update Sir.
Nice. Collins is a good man
First – CONGRATULATIONS Truly. And thank YOU for sharing the Truth of Our Veterans Administration svc. as this cabal or d.s.enemy, “Fake News” as Pres Trump politely calls it… Trump’s America calls it ” The LIARs’ Media Lies-Guys who spread gossips harming Our soldiers AND their families… Just thank YOU very VERY much. Luv your initials: D. C., I forward “Our New Veterans Administration Boss, D. C. Doug Collins is guiding D. C. Washington to MAGA & HE Will. Just wait n see! “
sickening – a south African born inherent racist proudly throwing N- salutes is digging though our VA system. My great Uncle, and WWII combat veteran, rest in peace, fought the fascist and N-s in Italy. He was captured and held prisoner til the end of the war. And here we are and republicans aren’t concerned about a ‘sieg heiling’ billionaire trying to defund our government agencies so he can loot a tax break for himself. I will NOT forget what my great uncle fought for and against –
I don’t trust anything that the President says and I now don’t have any confidence in Collins. Let’s see some action, not words/
Collins has a track record of being a Trump yes man. So it was disappointing, but not surprising, that he gets slotted to head the VA. Sadly, as we all know, Trump is a fake military man that steals valor from real Americans in order to project power. He would never put his life at risk for the betterment of the rest. The concept of service bewilders him, but not in a respectable way. Oh, no. Service and its accompanying risks are the plight of suckers. The military is nothing more than a bag of idiot toys to to do his bidding. This is what he had to say about fellow Republican John McCain and his military service that included 5.5 years in the Hanoi Hilton “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, okay? I hate to tell you.”
Back to Collins, lack of qualifications aside, I was and could still be willing to give a fellow veteran a chance. He has been talking a big game about sticking up for us. But this video appears disingenuous and contrived. We are not stupid. That Collins is welcoming Big Balls and his band of tech kiddies to access our private information because it is all part of Trump’s puppet master’s plan to harvest every piece of data the administration is stupid enough to give them, tells me Collins is trending more toward lap dog than VA guard dog. Once the VA has been dismantled, funding won’t matter.
Also, DEI? Are you kidding? Our military and the VA are built on the backs of minorities. And the military is very good at producing disabled people, so it would seem fitting that the VA would be open to employing some vocational rehab or rehabbed folks. And give us a break on the LGBQ nonsense. I’m still waiting to hear of a legitimate instance where a service member’s or VA employee’s LGBQ status, on its own, impacted their ability to serve. Let’s try to focus on the real issues the VA faces that are obviously hindering its mission to provide veterans with the care and services they deserve and please stop wasting time fighting some made up war on wokism.
Another Trump shill making excuses for the cuts that have already happened. Notice the gaslighting in the phrase “media concerns”. No, they are our concerns. Trump is on record being anti-vet and anti social safety net. Musk is gutting everything to enrich himself. None of the 20 year old kids in DOGE are auditors. It’s only a matter of time.
Time will tell if this actually means all veterans or just the straight white male types.
How can we be 100% sure? There is so many lies coming out of the current administration from an aircraft accident was caused by DEI to the the president of Ukraine started the war with Russia when the entire world saw the Russianv build up at the boarder and heard Russia say there were there just for an exercise, to the amount of deaths in the war and the amount of money that they have supposedly found that was fraud, to the administration cutting budget money that has been allocated any by law has to be sent for that allocation. I hope you are corrent in what you are saying, but please excuse me if I have a hard time believing anything this administration says.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that anyone downstream of Trump is actually competent to do the job they are tasked with. Why, Trump has made it quite CLEAR he demands loyalty to himself above all others and their tasks. He has made it clear vets have little value to him through his many actions and quotes. Let’s see: demeaning Gold Star families, calling war dead “suckers and losers”, being a draft dodger himself etc. No one in his entire family has ever served either. Now we see first hand that VA systems are LOSING staff when most of the facilities are already understaffed. So how does this work to improve the VA serviced to the veteran community, of which I am a member? Sec Collin’s, I have No trust or confidence when it comes to Trumps action or word. He has proven his word means little. So, from that alone, i do not see good things in store for the current VA system. Not improvements, better budget perhaps, no I see the goal of privatization in the future. For the benefit of his wealthy handlers.
VA Secretary Doug Collins, Spineless Sycophant
I am so so pleased that Doug Collins is in charge of the VA now. I am hopeful that things will be run more efficiently to the benefit of the veterans it cares for. Is there a way to get a letter to Secretary Collins through regular mail?
Please add a Bluesky link for ‘Share this story.’ Thank you.
This guy doesn’t realize what a fool he looks like, waving his arms, flapping his gums and using the pathetic fall-back “media’s doing it” BS. Please talk to Veterans like a human, not a tool. Do you think we’re children? “Don’t worry, nobody’s taking away your benefits!” You moron! When you make it so there’s not enough workers to handle the workload of helping Veterans get their promised health care, that’s denying Veterans their benefits. When a Veteran spends the better part of their days trying to make contact with the VA health system for an appointment that’s a denial of benefits. If enough of us Veterans simply give up trying to access benefits, that’s fewer Veterans to have to spend money on. I know I’m not expressing it well, but I won’t be around too much longer so the trillionaires can keep whatever extra pennies they would have had to pay out for whatever medical care I’d be needing.
U lying for musk and his VP trump
Secretary Collins, I want to draw your attention to the incredible VAMC, Boston, MA staff. I have never experienced such professional excellence, administrative genius, and remarkable decency as I have at this location. Best regards, J.L. Ross, MD [retired, US Navy]
Sorry I don’t find this all that believable. We shall see I suppose who is telling the truth and what is hypothetical. I don’t see the President having much respect for veterans or for military service but that is only my opinion based on his past comments and actions. DOGE is a new government bureuocracy already given too much power and too little oversight. I think as veterans receiving VA benefits we have a right to be concerned about the intentions of this new administration.
I am losing faith in the country that I served proudly. Actually, not faith in the country, but any faith or respect for it’s current leadership. I cannot understand how our Senators and Representatives, who in theory work for us, can stand by and watch this country become smaller and less of a source for powerful good on this planet. They now stand by and watch an administration rape and pillage the good will we had in the world. They watch as the adminstration disrespects the countries that have had our back, and show favor to those who mean us harm. At the same time these “lawmakers” allow disrespectful (dare I say illegal) access to the institutions of government and those that serve there. Should there be changes, and is there problems, you bet. But using a sledge hammer is sure as hell not the proper way for sensible people to address these issues. Way to indescrimate. It will be interesting when the sledge hammer hits the VA. I pray we as veterans survive this senseless and brainless rampage. Think “Kristallnacht”.
I don’t believe this is true DOGE is gutting every agency why not VA and there is no evidence that what they are saying is true. I believe we Vets are about to get screwed again.
This sounds like a political propaganda video. There are cuts being made and many veterans that work for the VA have lost their jobs. How does this help ALL of our veterans. I am thankful for being a veteran and for everything the VA has done for me but when someone has to create a video praising our first felon President and a new program (DOGE) that was created by this corrupt President gives me pause.
Thank you, Secretary Collins.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) improperly awarded $10.8 million in bonuses to senior executives using funds from the PACT Act. The money was intended to retain employees in understaffed positions.
The PACT Act expanded health care and benefits for veterans exposed to environmental toxins.
The VA Secretary could award up to 25% of an employee’s basic pay as a Critical Skills Incentive (CSI).
The VA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that the money was given to senior executives in the VA Central Office in Washington, DC.
The OIG report found that seven executives in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) received bonuses of more than $100,000.
I will have my lawyer contact you since I still have cases pending.
I am not a firm believer in the lies the politicians, news media, and just anybody speaking is saying. I depend on this money to survive, and I am concerned about what a nonelected official does with my income and the nation’s money.
My lawyer info:
Travis Neidig
I actually copied this from a previous comment to save me time, as I am a 100% disabled veteran who served in Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and left the military at the end of Operation Enduring Freedom. I retired from the Government job I had about 2.5 years ago, because I just could not function anymore due to the amount of pain and discomfort, plus my double vision in one eye/eye sight loss from a head trauma while on active duty. I need to know as like it is stated below, as I have sent messages to my Senators, and I get back a typical Republican statement that does not answer my question. I need to make sure my disability payments will not be in jeopardy, period. My wife is disabled from a stoke and I need to care for her. If my disability pay gets cut I will have to sell everything I own, as I have a house payment, bills, and her medical as well. I have been following what this administration is doing and I for one am worried as my pension from the government is small. You said there will no cuts the Veterans Benefits? I need some reassurance on this.
It’s my understanding from reading that President Trump is following recommendations from Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. While I agree with rooting out fraud, waste and abuse and think DOGE is doing and excellent job. I am fearful of Veteran’s disability compensation being radically changed! I AM AGAINST ANY REFORM OR CUTS to disability compensation! I am a total and complete 100% disabled veteran and retired! Veteran’s have sacrificed more than any other segment of the American population other than maybe law enforcement. As most retired Vets are on a fixed income any disruption to that income could lead to catastrophic results to include increased homelessness, depression, anxiety and even suicide. Veteran’s have earned every single penny of their compensation and under most circumstances had to fight the bureaucracy tooth and nail to get it in the first place. I beg you please do not vote yes on any bill that would include changing VA disability compensation in any way shape or form. There are PLENTY of other places to cut spending without the continued sacrifice of our Veteran’s. Thank you for your time.
Hey, Doug, what a bunch of bullsh-t. You work for President Musk and vice-president Donald Trump. They are nothing but bullsh-tters. How can you guys fire thousands of VA professional workers and expect things to improve for us veterans? Trump is a five-time draft dodger. He never served in the military. Neither did President Musk. They don’t give a sh-t about veterans; they only care about themselves and their billionaire friends. You have to do what the -ssholes tell you to do. How do you expect veterans to believe or trust you? Two of my VA medical appointments were recently canceled and rescheduled farther out. My primary care doctor is booked up close to the end of 2025; actually, I can’t even get an appointment with him. My doctor appointments are now being scheduled with nurses. I don’t care to hear your bullsh-t, which is just parroting what your bosses tell you to say. I’ll believe you when you can stand up to Musk and Trump, bring back the fired professionals, and make actual improvements at the VA for veterans and VA employees. Oh, and tell Musk and Trump to take their DOGe bullsh-t and stick it up their -sses.
If you feel like it is time to do something about your disability rating send me a message. Don’t put it off any longer.
US Army Retired PA and former compensation and pension examiner
Dear Secretary Collins,
I am writing to express my concern regarding the potential staffing cuts at my local VA facility, which is already critically understaffed. It has come to my attention that these employees, who have undergone a rigorous and lengthy vetting process, are at risk of being reduced due to financial decisions influenced by external factors, such as the actions taken by Elon Musk and his involvement with DOGE.
While it has been assured that monetary benefits for veterans will not be affected, the quality of care we receive is undeniably compromised when there are insufficient staff to meet our needs. The dedicated federal employees at our VA facilities are crucial to maintaining the standard of care that veterans rightfully deserve. Reducing their numbers would significantly strain the remaining staff, ultimately affecting the well-being of the veterans they serve.
I urge you to reconsider any actions that would lead to further staff reductions and to prioritize the needs of veterans by ensuring that our VA facilities are adequately staffed and resourced.
You lie. You are posting a pro Trump video. Doge doesn’t need my info. My disability is minimal. I deserve more.
Dear Secretary Collins,
I am writing to express my concern regarding the potential staffing cuts at my local VA facility, which is already critically understaffed. It has come to my attention that these employees, who have undergone a rigorous and lengthy vetting process, are at risk of being reduced due to financial decisions influenced by external factors, such as the actions taken by Elon Musk and his involvement with DOGE.
While it has been assured that monetary benefits for veterans will not be affected, the quality of care we receive is undeniably compromised when there are insufficient staff to meet our needs. The dedicated federal employees at our VA facilities are crucial to maintaining the standard of care that veterans rightfully deserve. Reducing their numbers would significantly strain the remaining staff, ultimately affecting the well-being of the veterans they serve.
I urge you to reconsider any actions that would lead to further staff reductions and to prioritize the needs of veterans by ensuring that our VA facilities are adequately staffed and resourced.
‘This was a tough decision, but ultimately it’s the right call to better support the Veterans, families, caregivers, and survivors the department exists to serve,” VA Secretary Doug Collins said.
Support for firing employees. Tell me Veterans, do you feel supported?
He supported the decision to FIRE 1,000 VA employees
Mr Sectary
I filled out the form and the computer says I already made the comment and things still haven’t changed in the last eight years.
When are Vetrans going to not be treated as non-citizens! The care at the Vets station is still shitty and we are still being treated like we are COVID restrictions. You can’t even go in to drop off paperwork without an appointment. The guard at the doors won’t even allow you in to talk to someong to make an appointment. I am an 80% rated DAV and had heart surgery in Brockton MA in 2007. Was put on these lifetime drugs. When I moved to my new location because of marriage I was told by the VA station I couldn’t get my heart medicines because they weren’t service related. There is tons of missing benefits here and we are treated like animals.
Arthur Christopher Tanny
Secretary Collins,
Secondly, I started reading through the previous comments and personally I was shocked at the vitriol and downright hate (SCREAMED) at you and you just walked in the door. I am sure you will have everything straight by next week.
As some of the posters noted, their distrust of the VA and all of the red tape is warranted, taken sometimes years to get anywhere. Personally, I am a proud Vietnam Vet 68-69 and I didn’t approach the VA because I felt there were many more Vets that needed the services more than I did so I stayed silent. However, fast forward to 2021- I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer and CLL-Leukemia at the same time. I reached out to the VA to see if I could get added to Community Care with my outside Oncologist to be able to get my medication through the VA Pharmacy. On the outside this medication is $3,000 a month but through the VA it was $11.00 so you can see why I worked through the process and was successful. Fast Forward once again to 2023 my VA Oncologist asked me why I wasn’t submitting paperwork for the Pact Act benefit which listed CLL Leukemia as being associated with Agent Orange. I applied and after back and forth paperwork over months and months I received my 100% disability, for which I am eternally grateful.
Thank you for what you are doing and good luck as you dig through reams and reams of backdated paperwork. I’m sure you will be finished by next week.
From a fellow Georgian
I agree with our secretary in TOTAL. DOGE will make the necessary cuts anywhere possible and most needed to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse of our tax dollars.
So how does his speech line up with Elmo firing a thousand probationary employees of the VA?
You Trumpers really know how to lie with a straight face, don’t you?
The VA budget is being cut and VP Trump via Project 2025 seeks to minimize veterans benefits. That covers healthcare, disability, staff, hell, you’ll probably go after pensions next. Your sick Prez Musk is in your computers right now removing people and projects and cases and accessing our personal and financial information illegally. You’re Trump’s sycophant. You and the rest of the criminal gang want to kick us to the curve and let us fend for ourselves.
Because this is an oligarchical coup, not a government, and the only thing you care about is your tee time. Not us. End the gaslighting. Just tell us when you’re going to remove certain services.
To anyone reading this: if you abstained or voted for Trump, YOU are the problem. We who voted rationally don’t want to hear your whining. You refused to listen to your libtard neighbor and your snowflake kid who insisted you were voting against your interests. He’s in there now. Think he’ll leave after four years? Ha! Fascism and oligarchy rule now. We’ll be lucky to see another election until he’s out.
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Hey knucklehead, they have already been reduced with the lack of hiring nurses and in other ways. Stop the gaslighting!
Lots of complaining about what hasn’t even happened and “you support an authoritarian” blah blah blah. Shut up. I’m not sure all of these responses are from Veterans, way to self interested.
When are Vetrans going to not be treated as non citizens! The care at the Vets station is still shitty and we are still being treated like we are COVID restrictions. I am an 80% rated DAV and had heart surgery in Brockton MA in 2007. Was put on these lifetime drugs. When I moved to my new location because of marriage I was told by the VA station I couldn’t get my heart medicines because they weren’t service related. There is tons of missing benefits here and we are treated like animals.
Arthur Christopher Tanny
Thank you Secretary Collins. You are a good man and are dedicated to veterans. The system is pretty broken and has been for decades as you know. DOGE will find tons of fraud I’m sure. Hopefully with the common sense decisions you will be able to help the VA get some efficiency!
Why is the government telling the VA they can’t prescribe pain medicine ? Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin doesn’t always do the trick. I’ll bet when someone in government needs pain meds, he can get them without any hassles.
I personally believe we veterans deserve the continued assistance we require. The VA health system has been my lifeline. It has provided me with numerous treatments and medications that have sustained my life. I could not have experienced any better care even on the outside as much as I have at my VA facilities. Please do not take this very needed assistance from us. Thank you.
Thank you for VA services, veteran’s care, efficiency, and all services and funds provided!
I communicate with the entire staff on my VA visits and I hear the same thing all the time. All staff feal they have no say in what their department needs. In the military we had the same problem! The officers have to communicate with the grunts to know what their needs are. I hope the new administration can make this happen !
So, reading between the lines here… our benefits are in danger, the administration is looking to cut services to us, and this is Mr. Collins trying to hide that fact so we think that we’re safe so when Musk and his goon squad do come in, we won’t be ready for it.
I remember that NY Times Op-Ed about how our benefits package is too generous. I remember the limp-fisted attempts to manufacture consent for this. Musk and Trump think we’re stupid, and either Mr. Collins does, too, or is desperate to save his job.
I doubt if anyone appointed by felon T can be trusted.
Right. Way to toe the line. Cuts will come. The republicans are after Medicare, veterans benefits, Medicaid, and social security benefits. If you are working to improve the VA, then why did you allow President Elon to fire 1,000 VA workers? I assist veterans with obtaining benefits and I am seeing simple things like keeping a college attending child on the veteran’s benefits taking upwards of 10 months (and counting). Don’t say you’re improving when they are reducing efficiency and the ability to get benefits.
Way to toe the party line.
I have a vet friend. Who is 100% because he has a rare terminal blood cancer caused by Agent Orange. He just got a letter from the VA. It stated he was being DROPPED to 10%. His cancer is service connected and will eventually KILL HIM. Why is he being downgraded?
Thank you for your work
We must fill the jobs a our VA’s Hospitals across the country so we get the best care after fighting for our country as we were promised.
Oh, our data a safer alright. Problem is us vets can’t get into our accounts anymore. Read the comments on the how to sign in section!!!
Watch for censorship here, as is common in Yahoo.
And you all are going to believe this guy? Wait (not too long) and watch. Be ready to act (if you haven’t started already).
That guy is pushing the party line and that’s to be expected. But I only see our nation crumbling around us if we don’t protect ourselves.
Felon and draft dodger Trump, ignorant and uninformed, continues his vengeance against the federal government, hurting veterans and their families. Congress and the Supreme court must stop the lunatic, and send him to prison where he belongs.
Secretary Collins,
Need we remind you that going on video for all the public to see with a bald face lie will mark you a liar and just another sycophant to the king wannabe. The administration is leaning HARD on every single organisation to make 50% cuts in personnel! VA has always been under staffed and sorely underfunded….exactly how are you planning on improving care and services….your math doesn’t add up and your dog doesn’t hunt.
Thank you for you gracious address to all Veteran’s. The VA has assisted me in obtaining a college degree in education. I taught U.S. History, U.S. Government and taught other subjects including Coaching High School sports.
I was a Hospital Corpsman in the Vietnam War and in maneuvers I damaged my left shoulder severely and needed basically a rebuilt shoulder. Unfortunately, the shoulder never healed properly and have had seven other shoulder surgeries, plus a replacement shoulder on both the left and right shoulder. The VA has been cordial and I have had a disability since 1975. I am now at 90%. I have suffered many years with mental and emotional stress and a divorce because of being drafted the same month I was to get married. The many days away and missing loved ones home caused great animosity. The ridicules, the spitefulness, the blatant acts employers displayed with their discriminatory acts of hiring then later firing because of so called necessary lay offs particularly to Vietnam Veterans. It took me thirteen years to finally feel caught up with those who didn’t have to go in the service for many unexcuseable means that dealt with the rich and what congressman did you happen to be acquainted with. All wars are always fought by the pons on a chess board, or families are just to poor to get their son in to the reserves, national guard and of course college. I have never come to grips with all of the anxiety and the deceitfulness that I constantly received. I still can’t decide what branch of the military I belonged with. I did appreciate the respect the Marine Corp gave to the Hospital Corpsman. One of the greatest titles I have ever received is “DOC!” I am still attempting to finalize my disability to 100%. It may bring a conclusion of the four years, difficulties after the military years, and anxiety and emotional setbacks. Sorry about allowing me to sound off. I feel I have but a couple of years left and I would feel compensated for those many years of unsureity. Sincerely, Daniel R. Polad
Mr. Secretary,
While you raised important points, it is noteworthy that you did not reference the current budget proposal that aims to implement these exact cuts. While I understand that media coverage may not always align with the perspectives of officials, it is essential to recognize that the media plays a crucial role in informing the public and promoting awareness. If there are claims being made that you deem inaccurate, I urge you to counter these reports with relevant information rather than relying on political talking points. regardless of our political affiliation, Veterans deserve transparency and honesty regarding our benefits and the policies affecting them. Therefore, it is imperative that you and your team provide us with accurate and comprehensive information. We understand that you are the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. As such, we expect full transparency and request that you address the current budget proposal that aligns with Project 2025’s goal to implement several radical changes to VA benefits.
Since DOGE is currently conducting finical awareness, will VA Disability have an increase. Like when Congress voted on a 40% increase to their annual pay. Also will there be a look into revising the appeal process for disability, some vets have been dealing with this for over 5 years. Lastly , will they be reviewing TAPS? Didn’t get much out of it to be honest.
Yeah you really shouldn’t be carrying Trump’s water.
People are gonna be pissed, and your reputation will be in tatters. We aren’t stupid.
i want to remind the President and Trump that this countrry’s veterans are highly trained and do not take it well feeliing that our government is going to try to take away any part of our earned benefits. Screwing around with veterans is a fast way to be removed from office one way or another. Also, get the Camp Lejeune Pact Act done!
You’d better hope so
You Sir, sound like you are completely full of sh*t. Just another T**** stooge. “Hit the ground running”?? Yeah, sure did—abolishing basic rights enshrined in our dear Constitution and claiming to be the arbiter of ‘what is law’ or not. Literally calls himself a ‘king’. What the actual f.
We certainly can’t trust the new potus, so why in the hell would we trust you when you say he’s doing a ‘good job’?? Pound sand you smarmy politician.
I am a Georgian and Disabled Combat veteran from my service in combat in Vietnam and Gulf ! (Desert Storm).
I offer my congratulations to my fellow Georgian Secretary Collins on his appointment. AND to my fellow vets i know this man from his campaign rallies for political office in Georgia, and he is a fine, honest man who will offer HOPE to vets for equitable and FAIR treatment by the VA. He has already addressed his intent to greatly improve the VA and I hope we as Vets can aid him in helping us.
Like all of YOU, I await better things.
If you say the VA will not be affected then why have VA employees been fired by DOGE ??
I do not believe you. I do not believe you have our best interest at heart and I do not support our President Musk and his lackey Trump. I did not vote for those derelict felons and so don’t appreciate our personal informative being given to them. My family going back to my grandfather has served in every war since the Civil War. The way this government is going, we will not be the United States of America anymore. We will be the United States of Russia or whoever has the most money.
Do not touch our benefits or you will see war.
Please get the Community Centers in Colorado to approve care outside of the VA. I’ve having to pay for my care while they sit on the paperwork. Then to be told that their doctor that reviews case said no over rides the PCP (who’s in North Carolina. Haven’t seen a physical doctor since 2020 ) from the VA. Been fighting this for 3 years for care and can’t get reimbursed for treatment that I’ve had to pay waiting. They have 45 days to processes refusals, then send a notice denied for continued care on acupuncture. When they do approve it’s for 11 visits. If they allowed 30 visits for a year it would save money in all this process. Folks that have test for cancer and other serious conditions are having the same problem here in Colorado. I have been to the VA in DC and they have the Community Care call me which doesn’t solve the problem. I’ve been told by them the “Corporations” policies state they have to deny at least once a year. I have a long list of excuses they’ve given me for delays and denying or approval. Please help.
Our benefits may not be getting cut but it is a shame that the job cuts and hiring freeze has stopped the expansion of a new CBOC branch in Las Cruces New Mexico.
I don’t believe a word of it. Anyone appointed by the current regime is suspect at a minimum, a co-conspirator and kleptocrat in reality.
He’s a trumper. I cannot trust him.
They cut the Veteran Crisis Hotline this week. This is so necessary for veterans who are suffering from PTSD and suicidal ideation.
On average, around 17 U.S. veterans die by suicide each day. In 2023, according to the most recent VA data, Its around 17 to 22 people daily.
As for the Veterans Crisis Line, the VA reported that in 2023, the hotline received about 1,000 to 1,500 calls per day on average. The number of texts and chat messages has also increased, showing the desperate and growing demand for mental health support among veterans.
Cutting these services means more people who are desperate don’t get the help they need. It means more people will die. I’d much rather have my tax dollars go towards helping kids be able to each school lunches and veterans in great need than padding the pockets of people destroying the last fabrics of community and care we have for our most vulnerable. Tax cuts for the rich don’t benefit the great good. No one voted for this.
DOGE is a scam designed by south African musk and felon don to screw veterans out of their benefits.
They’ve already fired suicide prevention counselors and other vital VA workers.
Do not trust them. These fascist are dangerous.
The secretary of the VA, Doug Collins, speaks with forked tongue!! Check the Ann Arbor, MI VA. People are being fired. One lady with 38 years there and only 2 years from retirement, gone! Take his words with a grain of salt. That VA medical facility is one of the busiest in Michigan.
there are approx 19,000,000 living Veterans.
less than half, about 9,000,000, are served by VA.
(far less have P&T ratings)
imagine if VA had them all or even 75% — they’d need 6x budget increase, as they already need a 3x.
Doge needs to be eliminated like all enemies of the American People
Thanks, good to hear
It’s a cinch you’ve NOT been keeping up with nor understanding EXACTLY what is happening within and to our VA! You “claim” to be partnering with DOGE … however, these teenagers have NEVER been vetted nor given “clearances” as any other government worker HAS to do. They are also NOT experts in contract development nor do they have the necessary background/expertise in budget forensics. They are ONLY programmers who know LITTLE about the Cobalt (one of the main program languages used by our government) language or HOW to use it. WE have no guarantees that they are NOT just scamming the data as there are NO apparent guardrails to ensure WHAT is done with that data both during and following their “rummaging around” those databases. You are NEW to this Department and job. You have NO ONE with any historical background to understand WHATEVER they might tell you. We know, for a fact, that they’ve delved into the SS database and have NO expertise for dealing with that data. Their claim that some 150+ year olds are still being paid PROVES they have little expertise to parse out the data in a meaningful way! I’ve no confidence in your ability to “cover” the VA’s needs given how you’ve addressed this attack on the VA data.
100% SC veterans at the Louis A Johnson VA Medical Center in Clarksburg , WV. (VISN 5) are waiting over one year to get dental services needed in the community, that they cannot offer in house ! Only approximately 6 veterans per month are approved on the waiting list of over 100 names ! Why ?
Verty nice shill for Trump. I don’t believe a single word out of your mouth.
William Bushey
Ex-Navy, retired Military Sealift Command Boatswain.
yet. not happening yet.
maybe it won’t — you did not say that explicitly. but, if you are backing that with some kind if trust with those two. whew. but you sound like and are a politician.
What branch of the service did you serve in ?
Clearing claims faster than ever seems to be by denying them. I Was at step 5 for the past 10 weeks, then suddenly I went backwards to step four and got emails that I’m going to be redoing my C and P Exams, I’m guessing to do their best to make me look like an idiot and a liar. I try very hard to get by day to day, I raised 2 kids with my disabilities and how I still don’t know. I constantly feel on the brink of losing my sense of reality and breaking down beyond the ability to pick myself back up. I don’t know how to try harder,, I’ve given it all I’ve got. I know longer know what to do. I know there are others in what seems like a desperate place and now this, now another failure. You say you’re here to help, but I now feel that is a cruel untruth . I’m going to pray for me and all of the other veterans that are counting on you.
Brenda Grimm
I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU. Prove it that you are going to keep and expand the VA work force that is in dire need of MORE health professionals, not less. When I can not get an eye appointment for six months at the VA in Lakewood Washington and have to go to community care, THAT IS WRONG. We need more VA professionals, not less. Tell DOGE, go to Russia to find savings!!
ut oh. now we know our benefits are up for the chop.
These people are straight up liars.
I was recently drooped from80%to seventy because they said they made a mistake and keep saying bone on bone gets better what kind of doctor or human being is that stupid afer 43 yers
Nobody believes you. Of course why should we be surprised.
How does DOGE define “efficiency”? That’s such a broad term.
Close and sell all VA Hospitals and clinics, property, medical machines, etc. All of those employees laid off (DR, NP, RN, MA, etc) will hire into the medical field where they want, filling staffing needs at local hospitals and clinics. It will either grow hospitals and clinics, or empower those workers to start their own businesses and locations. You could even give them preferential service agreements/contracts. That allows us to go wherever we want/need to go for services needed. The VA ID and SSN is our insurance card. VA gets billed & bargains with the providers, and settles to pay them. That way we find and keep our PCP, specialists, etc. No need for travel claims and reimbursements. Selling the buildings and properties will also allow new businesses to develop and put money back into the VA. Only a few employees would be needed for staffing admin (negotiations, verifiers, approvers, and logistics). Run the numbers and tell me I’m wrong.
Y’all just cut 1000 workers and you’re trying to feed us this line? Trump calls us all suckers and losers, and you’re one of his sycophants who defends him relentlessly despite that. You need to do your ACTUAL job and defend veterans with more than just false reassurances and platitudes, what are you actually going to do to help us? Hire those thousand people back and then further expand the VA’s workforce because a consistent problem with services is everyone who works for the VA and does real work is overworked due to how poorly staffed it was before your lousy boss decided to cut that many people for no good reason. Do better. Don’t let some illegal immigrant heading an illegal “department” destroy the VA.–KbuMUvZnmT
In the words of Carol Kane from the Princess Bride, “Liar! Liar! Liiaaaaaarrr!” Of the 1,000 VA employees who were cut, hundreds of those were direct service providers including those who man the Veterans Crisis Line. Many others were claims processors and related positions, who are responsible for making sure veterans claims for benefits are processed in a timely and quality manner. Therefore when you say we are putting the money to use for veterans, you are liar.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to sacrifice their lives for us, Jesus Christ and the American Veteran. I’m a 100% disabled veteran and any reduction or cuts to our benefits would create a hardship for me and my brothers! BM3 USCG Cold War veteran.
Dear Sir,
I have faith in you looking after the veteran.
Thank you
Don A.
I’m sorry to see the VA secretary become a mouthpiece for the lies that the POTUS is spewing. I’m sorry, but he’s not worth listening to.
ALL of these firings within government institutions is “their” effort to have only those loyalists (fellow republicans) staffing them. Voter rolls were the first to be examined before the chopping began! Trump hates anything to do with the military (having stolen the one million he raised for vets during his 2015 campaign). Remember how he refused to honor WWI vets while in France during the 100th year anniversary of the war because his hair would get wet! He’ll disrespect and will take everything away from you, too!
How could we believe ANYTHING that this guy says, based on who he represents?? It’s so sad. Unfortunately people will find out after the fact.
When will the Secretary address the issue of benefits which have already been cut? Namely, the reduced hirings of doctors, nurses and technicians throughout the 170 hospital and clinic system. The shortage is acute. The only way a vet can see a real doctor these days is to protest the medical attention of “nurse practitioners,” who obviously are not doctors.
Veterans are not dummies. We see, as Secretary Gen. Shinseki warned before Trump fired him, that a certain faction of politicians and avaricious businessmen is doing all it can to make the VA appear to be dysfunctional and failing, so that the way will be paved for giving the VA to Wall Street. And the ultimate reasoning behind this nefarious plan is that our free hospital system for veterans is “socialism.” Capitalists hate giving away “free stuff,” even if it is vital medical services and drugs to care for the men and women who sacrificed their precious time and sometimes their health and their very lives to defend the United States of America, whatever role, great or small, that they played.
Better helping us? Clinics and centers are already understaffed, in what reality is firing 1000+ staff helpful? How is downsizing the Crisis Hotline helpful? How is getting rid of SSRIs and telling receiptents to go to ‘wellness farms’ helping veterans?!
In what reality is taxing benefits and even thinking of limiting benefits and making them even harder to get helpful? This administration is turning into a dumpster fire and regret ever having voted for him and his unelected lackey. I have more trust in the real people getting notices and emails within the VA, on ground dealing with all of this and sounding the alarm then I do a bought yes-man.
Can you get the VA clinics to hire more doctors? There seems to be a shortage and have to wait months to get into to see one! Also, can you get the VA clinics to start answering their phones? I live in Texas .
Sad situation!
Secretary, you say at the end “…come to see me.” I need to see you and give you the first-hand look at what this highly rural service-connected disabled veteran needs in the form of efficiency. And I can fill you in on exactly where it is so inefficient in the VISN 20 system of VHA. I don’t need to apply for a claim, I don’t need to ask for more money, I don’t need to hope that the Office of Rural Health will be there for addressing the rural veteran’s delima of the benefit of basic medical care because this division of the VHA is only apparent to the veteran in this corner of the country to be a research gathering institution and no longer accessible to the veterans that depend on that voice that separates us from the urban veteran that has much more efficient/available/more choices of receiving medical care whether it be basic medicine or even more critical, the unique medical needs of that mostly alone to the veteran and not that of the general human race. Please let me know how I can speak with you, I’ll even be glad to make a trip to the big building in DC where you keep your desk, that is if I’m even as a veteran allowed to enter that building (past administrations made it off limits in the simplest of terms where as it was easier and more productive to be invited in to the White House complex just down the street). So please reach out to me and I’ll be glad to provide some efficiency from the most western spot in the lower 48 that one can live…and loving it.
Personal note: I always knew the chaplain had my back in the many years I served, and it’s the chaplain once again that has had my back in recent years at the VHA, and I understand and have confidence the chaplain on the flight deck is going to have my back also. Instills confidence there is hope.
I don’t believe anything this man says. He is nothing more than a Trump toadie.
I would like to come see you.But ,i probably wont be the only one.
I find it hard to believe the words coming out of the mouths of imbecilic lickspittle…
Thank you very much! Unlike many people commenting on here im doing great! I appreciate my benefits, it seems like everyone is a victim these days. If you need any help let me know. Make America Great Again!! ?
Leave my VA and my disability benefits alone. Stop firing staff! Allow me to continue to receive the excellent health care offered me since 1975. And I don’t believe you Collin’s.
This could not be more wrong. VA employees have been fired en masse without cause. I fail to see how that could possibly make anything faster. Where is your integrity? Shame on you, Mr. Secretary.
We have been waiting many years and were told by the end of June this year. (first it was January. Hope they get more people to help sort this out.
He’s lying. Like a snake. This administration and all their toadies don’t give a damn about veterans. They’ve fired the staff manning the suicide crisis phone line. They DON’T CARE about us. Period. This is all bullshit and mirrors, and we vets need to stand up against those who would reneg on the promise we made – our lives for the safety of America, and they will take care of us afterwards.
Why are my comments not being posted as I wrote them? I thought we had free speech in this country.
That’s what Hegseth told the DoD…And now guess what President Elon has announced?
In the Philippine, they do not pay travel pay because a few file a false travel claim. Instead of punish them, they are punishing all veterans. I think if someone file a false Travel claim, they should lose all their VA benefits.
Look into veterans getting private doctor prescriptions filled at the V.A. pharmacy.
We can’t see our providers because we have NO providers. Tell me what’s efficient about that. The programs mean nothing if they are not accessible and efficient. How do I know this? I’m a Physician Assistant and have practiced medicine for 18yrs in the Army and now in the civilian sector. THE VETERANS NEED HEALTHCARE and other services NOW.
If they aren’t going to attack VA benefits, why has musk and his clowns fired people hired to saves veterans lives from committing suicide!? From what I’ve read musk and his idiots have started firing sucide hotline personnel!
You are serving a criminal who is dismantling my beloved Republic in a EO coup and handing over unconstitutional power, to an unelected, unvetted, Unconfirmed by Congress civilian billionaire that has him by the short and curlies. You and the rest of his fascist oligarchs and lapdogs should be ashamed of yourself, and you’re not. You have spit on my constitution, my oath(and your own) and my service as well as all those who have served before me and continue to do so. If you voted for Fat Nixon, you are either complicit in his crimes, or you allowed yourself to be duped because he hates the same people you do. You are NOT patriots. You’re nothing but low-level co-conspirators and I wished you would feel the pain that’s coming the most. But that’s not how this works. You’ve hurt all of us equally. Way to go.
“find things we need to get rid of…”? That’s oddly not reassuring. What do you mean? What things? Be more transparent!
Thanks for making it clear to all Veterans.
Any veteran that voted for the current occupant of the White House betrayed the oath they took and disgraced the uniform. Our fathers and granfathers fought a war against fascism…. and you voted for it.
I agree hole heartedly
your good i support trump and believe you
You don’t hire a bunch hackers (including a teenager) to do audits and forensic accounting work.
I give this guy as much credibility as I do Trump and VP Musk- zero.
No veteran wants to — nor deserves to — be held in suspended animation while you attempt to digest the words of a lactose intolerant Commander-In-Chief with a documented history of bone spurs.
The rest of us have REAL issues.
SecVA Doug Collins is either cutting veterans benefits or he isn’t. Don’t play the game, twinkle toes.
Restore the SIPU’s Combat Vets need them
Who removed Paragraph G in VFR 1108.08 and why?
Bill Montanari
Interesting. Tell me, why would there be a need to “find things we need to get rid of”?
Where did that money go that you will have to “put the money where it belongs …. back with our veterans”?
Can you give a guarantee that it won’t get “lost” again? I know, there is no guarantee.
Thank you for clearing up the rumors. Additionally thank you for taking on the role of VA Secretary, this job will certainly change you.
I am very familiar with the Charles George Medical center in Asheville, NC. My husband had a hemorrhagic stroke in August 2020. Agent Orange left my Viet Nam vet with, among other things, chronic high blood pressure that, although he lived an incredibly healthy lifestyle, caused a small blood vessel to burst in his brain. My guy, who was a very successful small business owner, a great father, a builder of all things, including a family, a business, a cabin cruiser sailboat and our current home, has spent the last 4.5 years in a bed, having been robbed of all his gumption and motivation, not to mention the use of the left side of his body. He’s a shell of the man he used to be.
If it wasn’t for the Asheville VA and the amazing and dedicated employees and support staff, helping to guide us through the complicated morass of the system we would not still be in our home, I’d probably be in the hospital and my husband would probably be in a substandard hell hole of a “nursing home”.
How dare you and your commander and his ilk be so damned cavalier with the futures of the men and women who kept you and all the rest of us safe by offering up their own lives in service. How dare you fire the very people who make so many veterans’ and their families’ lives more liveable!
Every damn single employee (or volunteer) we have encountered at the VA medical center is there because they CARE and appreciate the men and women who serve/served this country. We do not need less of them, we need more! I feel very fortunate that my husband received his disability rating (a year after initial application), I am being compensated for being a full time caregiver (a year after initial application) and that we just got major funding for a converted van (a year after initial application) that my husband can drive his wheelchair into and we can actually TRAVEL to the VA again. We hope to go visit our daughter and other family members now!
It was the dedicated workers through the VA who made this happen for us. We are grateful every day for them. They, like the Capitol Police officers, should be held up in praise for the sacrifices and dedication they have made for us. WE NEED MORE OF THEM.
If you want to eliminate WASTE, start at the top, with the commander in chief and the unelected Elon Musk lording over the DOGE.
How long will you continue to lie to our faces!
Start answering the 100s of questions posted here instead of continuing Trumps big lie!
It’s about time I am a combat wounded from the operation desert stormn/shield seen combat and got danger pay and over seas pay and got the combat action war ribbon but not a combat action badge why not thank you joseph
Don’t believe a word this man says. He is Trump selected.
Why does the VA play with my percentage? every time I have had an evaluatuion they may give me an increase in the area of concern at the time, but decrease the percentage on a prior evaluation percentage.
So….. I call B.S. Sending Vets out in the community isn’t “improving Veterans care…” In the 21 yrs I’ve gone to the V.A., I’ve never had a bad provider. If you think waiting to be seen would be better, try calling a civilian provider for an appointment and see how far out they are booked. The V.A. is well versed in matters specific to Vets, like Agent Orange exposure, etc; that civilian providers (especially those with no military service background) are not experienced with. The contract with those who defend this country is based in part by the country providing care…it’s one of the reasons we take so much less compensation then our civilian peers. Pushing us out to the civilian community is just a ‘passing the buck’ play of shucking that responsibility.
VA Secretary Doug Collins The VA is already trying to cut my disability benefit by 10% and deny me benefits for PTSD (even though I provided a buddy statement from my commanding officer who also served as VA Secretary), TBI and presumed exposures to cons diesel fuels etc
Looking forward to the improvements and increased focus on Veterans!
Thank you for the update !
We are supposed to trust your word? I didn’t cripple myself in order for fascists could take over our government.
VA Secretary Doug Collins The VA is already trying to cut my disability benefit by 10% and deny me benefits for PTSD, TBI and presumed exposures to cons diesel fuels etc
Is he seriously defending Trump & Musk?? They are both destroying the country and firing numerous government workers including Veterans and closing entire government agencies and Doug Collins says Trump & Musk are doing a good job! Maybe it is because he is afraid of losing his job and then again maybe he actually believes what he is saying, but Trump & Musk are destroying our democracy right before our eyes and people like Doug need to face reality because I just heard on the news that Musk is coming for The Pentagon next!
Doug Collins I am very disappointed in you!!
How can we be sure that you are truthful? Certainly, the president isn’t as well and is not being transparent. How can we trust you when you believe in him?
I am a 90% unemployable disabled Army Veteran. I am also 63 years old. I fought tooth and nail and struggled for years to receive my rating. To cut my compensation would truly put my wife and I in jeopardy. The VA has been helping me and my wife now that my rating has been increased. I have VAHC and she has CHAMPVA that helps us with our medical care.
I have faith in Pres. Trump and Elon Musk to cut government fat. I was shocked to see what USAID was spending on other countries under the title of CHARITY. That money could go to homeless vets or programs for Americans.
Mr. Secretary I have confidence in you and your office. I trust you are fighting for the Veteran along with Sec. Hegseth and Pres. Trumps team.
Horse excrement. I was at my VA clinic today – there is a nurse shortage AND A HIRING FREEZE thanks to your buddy the S. African fraudster and his little band of DOGEbags. Congress already woefully underfunds the VA to serve veterans and now the hiring freeze..?
You’re a liar, sir.
One week on the job and Collins is already attacking the media who is trying to report all the cuts this administration is making. Collins is lying, they have already fired all the provisional VA hotline workers.
BS. I was at my VA today – there is a nurse shortage and now a hiring freeze. So even if you were telling the truth the VA is woefully understaffed to serve veterans properly. And that is on the Congress. Call your buddies and call OFF the foreigner and his DOGEbags
Your comments are all in present tense. You do NOT affirm that benefits will not be cut in the future.
1000 VA employees were cut. The VA was already understaffed. Where are we when VA staff retires?
Our new VA secretary is an obsequious Trump toady . I watched the video. No explanation about the 1,000 employees who were fired last week. Plus a half truth about DOGE. We don’t know if they’ve taken VA patients information – yet. But they already have every US citizen’s personal info following their raid on the US Treasury. Yes, Project 2025 plans to cut your benefits. The way I see it, the plan is to annoy you into giving up by having you constantly re-verify your disability rating, plus some services will be made unavailable to you. I’m sure the new Secretary is going to be OK with that. A lie by omission is still a lie, Chaplain Collins. Proverbs 19:9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish. Oh, and remember Mr Secretary, If you “hit the ground running”… You’re more than likely going to trip and fall on your face.
I don’t believe anything that Trump, Musk, or any Trump appointed person says right now. Trump said one minute that Medicaid wouldn’t be cut. An hour later, it was announced that Medicaid would be cut. Firing employees at the VA doesn’t say to me that the cuts are meant to provide better services. It’s the exact opposite.
A tax on is a cut. A reduction in COLA is a cut
I am in the same boat with others for my Pact Act retroactive claim.
Doug Collins on the job one week and he’s already attacking the media. This guy is getting ready to cut benefits, all the while lying through his teeth about it.
And when will something be done about Fort MacClellan. All the chemicals we WACs endured. No one has helped. Sad sad sad yes we are getting old and death has knocked at many doors. Are you waiting till only two are still alive?
Yikes, the wording in this is so concerning. Another pandering to the corrupted leadership. Sure, they won’t do this or that….then proceed to do exactly those things. I’m not holding my breath.
DEI removal from various VAs already making the staff take down anything dealing with Black History, LGBTQ+, and Woman Veterans says it all. The illegal “promises” of paid leave so you won’t just get fired later is all a joke. Then, not stopping the hate given from old, hateful, brainwashed salts to various minority groups that are also Veterans like themselves is just sad. What happened to this supposed comradery?
All of us Veterans served to preserve the freedom we ALL enjoy in the U.S.A., or is it just for the straight white males? This whole video makes me disappointed in the appointed Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
There are a lot of individuals below that worded it just so excellently. I will be submitting complaint after complaint to all the various offices until shit stops going backward in time. Even before all of this, it was and still is a full-time job to babysit the VA into doing what it is supposed to do. Several VHA Directives were broken, and lies were spouted. If the military had not messed me up, I wouldn’t be dealing with this organization but here we are.
Is he seriously defending Trump & Musk?? They are both destroying the country and firing numerous government workers including Veterans and closing entire government agencies and Doug Collins says Trump & Musk are doing a good job! Maybe it is because he is afraid of losing his job and then again maybe he actually believes what he is saying, but Trump & Musk are destroying our democracy right before our eyes and people like Doug need to face reality because I just heard on the news that Musk is coming for The Pentagon next!
Doug Collins I am very disappointed in you!!
I was told VA is cutting benefits for tinnitus patients. This was alarming. I do suffer from tinnitus but when I had my hearing tested at the VA in Houston I wasn’t tested for tinnitus, I was tested for hearing damage starting from my separation date. After 6 years working on fighter aircraft I have to ask twice, turn the volume up too high for others and other issues not associated with tinnitus and in conjunction with tinnitus. If my disability benefit is cut, so be it. But reading this article seems to conflict with what I was told. So thanks.
So why are VA staff members being fired for no reason? That’s not lawful, what about the families of those employees?
“Trust me, I’m the president”
“I’m not a crook”
Things to remember.
I don’t trust you Collins. I hear that anyone who obtains a position like yours has to state that the 2000 election was stolen in your interview. I don’t trust that sociopath Musk and I damn sure don’t trust that draft dodger Trump. Trump is an amoral unethical dishonorable liar, convicted felon, corrupt businessman and politician who sexually assaults women.
I hope that what you’re saying is true and that they won’t be taking away veteran’s benefits, for your sake and mine. Because if they do, Oh boy. I can’t even imagine what 5 million veterans, their families, active service members, and the people who support us would be willing to do to wrench that back from a despotic regime. The second you do that, the second a coup starts. Good luck getting the military at large to support you.
So much waste. Like paying to ship insulin overnite and it takes FedEx 3-4 days to get it to the veteran. Most time ice pack is warm. Putting the Dexcom transmitters with prosthetics . And then trying to call and ask for refill. No body at VA answers phones. Or returns a call.
Hopefully you’ll go back to letting vets go to outside resources when the waiting list is to long for care.
This is how it was done during President Trumps first term and veterans loved it.
Please go back to this exceptional resource.
Thank you Secretary Collins
Vetnam vet my records were cleaned came home 1968 they keep denying me veterns affairs needs to get fixed
How about helping Veterans who served Honorably instead of Denying better percentage rates. Trillions if dollars go over seas, and billions went to illegals, but Veterans get denied.
The secretary can’t guarantee that. How can we trust what the Secretary says, in any case?? 8% cut at the Pentagon and veterans are getting fired so who’s to say that benefits won’t be next in the spring?? You can’t guarantee that Secretary, now can you? Chaos is all that we’re seeing and no promise lasts 5 minutes around here…
Rhank you to all of those trying to make things better !@
Please make the VA Insurance considered “ credible” under Medicare guidelines so we can quit paying $180/ month to stay qualified for Medicare without penalty if the VA ever drops veterans currently under VA insurance
Why did they cut the Hotline for veterans that had veterans who were thinking of suicides calling in?
You are working for a person who lies and is not concerned about the American people let alone the veterans who served this country for the freedoms we all enjoyed no matter what political party you belong. This is a person who had called veterans who were MIA, captured or killed, losers when he never served in the military. How can we trust you to protect our veterans when we can’t trust the person you work for. Will you have the guts to stand up to him and his ridiculous side kick ?
I hadn’t heard the rumor that benefits were being cut. I DID hear that most of the layoffs at the VA were veterans. Is that true?
Staffing at my assigned VA Medical Center was already short staffed and personnel cuts will be devastating. I saw my primary doctor at the Baltimore Medical Center in December, when two lumps were found on my throat. She recommended that I be seen by an ENT specialist. However, the earliest appointment I could get is March 4th. Three months to address something that could be very serious in unacceptable. The first week in January, I was referred to physical therapy for lower back pain but the earliest available date is February 25th. I also asked if I could go through Community Care to have my therapy done locally because I live an hour and fifteen minutes from the medical center. Previously, it was quickly approved for another problem. However, this time it was quickly denied. So, at this point, it surely doesn’t seem like money and staffing is being directed to better Veterans health care.
You are working for a person who lies and is not concerned about the American people let alone the veterans who served this country for the freedoms we all enjoyed no matter what political party you belong. This is a person who had called veterans who were MIA, captured or killed, losers when he never served in the military. How can we trust you to protect our veterans when we can’t trust the person you work for. Will you have the guts to stand up to him and his ridiculous side kick ?
As a mouthpiece for the man who is carving up our civil services and selling them to his toadies, things already weren’t looking great for you. Then you put out this video lying to our faces when we can read exactly what the executive orders say and we know VA staffing, budget, and benefits are being attacked. They’re even floating taxing VA benefits as income as if that were a sane idea. You ought to apologize to us and wash your mouth out with soap. You ought to resign. I’ll thank you to at least stop lying to my face.
I’m in Spokane where they have been trying to “fix” the new computer system for the past 5 years. If you need a place to flush more money…I’ll take it. The system should have been scrapped years ago. It was to work the day it was paid for and still has problems. Veterans are tired of reporting them as it seems no one cares.
I Do not trust a draft dodger or a legal alien musk digging into our personal business like soc va and our personal bank accounts veterans deserves better than this.
I have been fighting the VA since 1969 to have my disability upped to 100%. The most they will grant me is 90%. I have a bullet in my back, and scar tissue from the base of my skull down my back to just above my butt. I also have a scar just behind my left ear and numbness on my hands and both feet un into my calves. Most a bullet logged in my back that somewhere in the paperwork went from be recognized as a bullet to shrapnel fragment. It clearly shows a bullet on my x rays. The VA refuses to understand that I have serious health conditions and continue to ignore my doctor’s letters and medical records. DEALING WITH THE VA especially NOW is horrible and because of the strain it puts on my health I have to step back and keep quiet. There isn’t any hope of help from the VA especially with tRUM P AND musK IN OFFICE.
Another Trump shill following his marching orders in fealty to draft-dodging lying Trump. Nothing but bold-faced lies from another radical right christian nationalist on a mission to implement Project 2025, which was the intent all along. I think we’ll soon see Veterans medical services handed off to a private corporation that will only give veterans less service for more money.
I hope you do I was treated for cancer I did not have 6 months of 3 kind’s of chemo and my primary care doctor told me to shut up about it also severed my lyranex throat has a hole in it
Why should we trust anything anyone from this administration says about anything? Going by previous history, none of you cab be trusted.
There is no way the VA will operate as efficiently as it should when you fire thousands of employees without doing due diligence and without having invested the time to understand the processes.
This is reassuring. However, at Charles George in some clinics long awaited doctors in the employment process ready to join a clinic are having their commitments cancelled. Doctors needed to provide long needed care where the need has for a long time out weighs what can be provided.
I wish I could believe this guy.
Vietnam vet here. I volunteered to serve, unlike your draft-dodging blustering bully of a President. VA workers are ALREADY being fired and you have the utter gall to gaslight about “improving services.”
You are a disgrace and should resign. With all due respect, f-ck off.
I try to utilize myhealthyvet but cannot figure out why I can’t make progress with any issue that arrises. I got a n assistance with try to find records within the new sign-in processes, and with the assistance was able to get some things to work but during the 5 month process, have lost the myhealthyvet account Username and password to the account itself. The system says my account has no username or password on it.
How can it determine the file is there if when requested it says neither item exists??
I do not want Trump’s goons hacking my email for their filthy N- political messages. Now they want to politicize VA. None of the cowards served, but they’ll suck on the blood of those of us who did. I don’t want Collins hacking my email for his N- agenda, Now I hate Trump and his goons worse. Get out of VA.
Considering the manner in which all this CHANGE is taking place and the commotion it is causing, there better be something really noteworthy on the horizon.
Change for the better is good but the manner in which it is being undertaken is questionable.
I don’t believe Mr. Collins. When the VA has been understaffed and underfunded for at least 50 years, with reports of “probationary staff” at the VA are being fired, and with current difficulties in getting timely appointments, I have serious trouble believing that things are improving. I can imagine VA staff is having a hard time wondering who will be fired.
With p47’s past comments about veterans being losers and suckers, I don’t believe he or anyone in his cabinet will make the veterans’ situation better.
Gerald K. Ambroson
Thank you Mr.Secretary and Congressman for your video and straight to the point, no bs regarding the rumors that gets amplified by those using scare tactics. I served 30 years in our Armed Forces, served 1 year with the VA and soon realized to many didn’t live by the creed of President Lincoln’s promise during his famous Gettysburg address. I have also served 11 years as a DOD government employee. Yes those rumors travel fast and many retired military and active duty personnel hear these rumors and I appreciate your video and your words addressing the rumors!!
You lost any chance of getting respect from veterans when you allowed Elon’s baby N-s into the VA and gave them access to the computer systems. Congrats on being on the job for only a couple of weeks and already losing the trust of the people you claim you are here to serve. If you are doing anything under the “leadership” of a certain hitler wanna be, then you will never get an ounce of that respect back. YOU ALLOWED THEM TO FIRE 1,000 employees right off the bat, and you think we trust you?
What a crock of trump.
I don’t believe this sh-t in the slightest.
There is nobody associated with the fat orange felon that can be trusted.
I’m rich, I’m a 0.43 percenter, so I really don’t care if I get my 100% disability each month. Maybe all of you out there should have been a little more financially responsible while you were wasting your money on nonsense.
Thank you for your commitment.
Thank you Secretary Collins for reassuring Veterans that our hard earned benefits are safe under the leadership of President Trump. However, like a football game we are only in the 1st quarter. I continue to be concerned until the 4th quarter. I have heard about 1,000 VA employees (many Veterans) being fired with little or no notice because they were recent hires. The VA must take care of its workers who in turn take care of its Veterans. Please continue to place our Veterans, some [other than me] who have given so much, first. (2/327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, Vietnam)
Sir, yes you are clearing cases, but not in the favor of the veterans at all, just the VA. Please don’t try to tell us different! Apparently your office doesn’t answer any questions, as I’m seeing from others. 2 weeks, Sir we’ve been dealing with the bullsh-t longer than that. Ugh!
As a veteran,as well as someone who worked at the county level of the VA helping vets with claims and benefits, why would I believe anything he had to say. He is appointed by trumpthefelon, obviously from his statement on DOGE he is giving access and is cooperating ! They are gearing up to privatize the VA health care which IS NOT in the best interest of veterans! How in a week on the job he can say they are “clearing cases faster than ever” is s beyond me! That statement alone sounds exactly like trumpthefelon’s boasting words! It’s a sh-t show that will just continue to get worse .
Could you clarify for me how many civil service employees received letters that they might no longer be employed by the VA and what this mix of personnel looks like. You may be processing claims more quickly but are service members getting the care they need or are they being farmed out to civilian providers with 6-8 week wait periods? I am a veteran of 28 years service with a disability. I receive my care through Medicare and Tricare for life due to issues w the VA availability of care. It isn’t much better w Tricare for life as the majority of referrals go to outside agencies. The service members and their families are then on their own to find a provider. We called that turfing patients when I worked in health care. Seems there is still a lot of it going on.
You did not address peoples concerns about loss of benefits-you shoved it off to an irresponsible media. That is not what I, as a veteran, want to hear.
Doug If the V.A is working faster than ever I would like to know why my higher appeal for care givers has been sitting on someone desk since Nov 2023. And im still waiting for it to be asign to someone . My Husband is a Vietnam Veteran . And was wounded in vietnam shot by is own lieutenant is 90% he has went down hill. For any verteran are family to wait a year is ridculous.
You Sir are, full of horse sh-t.
First day in office Trump fired bunch of VA primary care physicians. My primary was one of them.
It has been 4 weeks and guess what, that number has surpassed 1000+ fired VA employees. Most of them are Veterans. Veterans taking care of other Veterans. And you’re here making a short video promising what? That our hard earned benefits aren’t going to be cut? Are you all there? Do you have any clue what’s going on in the government?
There is combat Veterans being deported because ICE doesn’t care about documentation. Trump just want numbers. And you sit here and right out lie that our benefits aren’t going to be touched? They are already touched. From fired primary care physicians to veterans working at VA hospitals. The VA has already been affected massively even if it was a huge ordeal to Veterans just dealing with VA to begin with.
You’re a schmuck and a bootlicker.
Why should I believe you….
So that it’s clear, Project 2025, which Donald Trump has followed to the letter thusfar, has plans in place to fully privatize the VA and strip us of our benefits. The method they’re using is identical to how they systematically destroyed the Postal Service last time they were in office. If you are reliant on your veteran’s benefits for your medical care, housing, income, or otherwise, you NEED to have an alternative in place for when they do to veterans what they’ve already done to farmers. I could frankly care less about what Mr. Collins says. Also, you need to be resetting your credentials in all of your VA-related websites; Vice President Musk’s kindergarten class had no business being anywhere near our personal data, and you should expect to have that information leaked or spilled, so have resets on standby.
Step 1, Cut 1,000 employees from the VA. Where did I get that info,
VA Secretary is a full blown MAGAT.
This message from the boss seems to be contradicted by the notice I got yesterday that our Radiology location was closed down. I am not calling Mr. Collins a liar but don’t like the smell of this.
I have a SDVOSB that service my fellow veterans!
Secretary Collins,
If the VA is expanding benefits for Veterans, why did the personnel working on the Burn Pit Registry get terminated from their jobs? Why are no hiring actions for new healthcare workers moving forward? I see lip service, but no substance behind your words. Actions speak.
Will a rating that is based on “presumptive findings” be across the board? I have a condition that gave me a rating due to harmful/toxic chemical exposure, but that same exposure didn’t cover other conditions like it should have. Will these conditions be re-considered? I have an appointment with my local VSO on 2/28/25. Will they know of the improvements that you speak of Mr. Collins? Is there a direct line/email to contact you? That would be great!
I do not appreciate the new VA Secretary blaming the media for his inability to control the narrative on his agency. The media’s role is to report what it’s told frkm credible sources and journalistic standards require two verifiable sources. I only listen to and read media that follows these journalistic standards. I and my father are both retired military officers with high disability ratings; he was 100% and I’m 70%. He and I both served to allow free expression and a robust media to openly report important issues that inform the American public. This demonizing of the media is dangerous and un-American. I deeply resent the VA Secretary, who is suppose to represent and care for military Veterans who have been disabled in the the service of American ideals, to actively tear down one of foundations of our Democracy. I have personally read about the recent disgraceful suggestions of lowering some disabled Vets ratings assuming that only those disabilities received directly as a result of combat are worth compensating. This ignorant and disrespectful idea was obviously made by someone who has probably never served as it shows a complete lack of understanding of what it means to serve and the sacrifices all military members, and their families, make. Considering how little respect the new Secretary has for the fundamentals of a free and open Democracy, regardless of how difficult it might make his job, makes me believe he would support these suggestions as he seems just another puppet of an administration who also has very little respect for military members and the job they do. I an very disappointed, but not entirely surprised, that a man with these credentials and opinions has been named VA Secretary. After listening to video, that was somehiw meant to reassure Vets, I convinced that he cannot be trusted.
You Are A Lying Simp — 1000 VA Workers Just Got Cut, from DOGE — Many of these workers are Veterans, but you choose to spit in all our faces.
Now if we can just get medical care sooner then 3 months from making an appointment. I don’t know how anybody thinks the VA had gotten better cause it hasn’t
Unfortunately, any complaint or comment that is attempting to elicit a response will more than likely fall on deaf ears:
“The comments section is for opinions and feedback on this particular article; this is not a customer support channel. If you are looking for assistance, please visit Ask VA or call 1-800-698-2411. Please, never put personally identifiable information (SSAN, address, phone number, etc.) or protected health information into the form — it will be deleted for your protection.”
[Editor: I’ve removed eight SSNs from comments just this morning alone.]
This is who you all voted for so shut up and deal with it! He told you all exactly what he was going to do but I guess because you’re white you thought you were exempt lol! We could’ve had Kamala!!!!
I am the 92%!
Why are VA employees, including health care workers, being told they should find other employment? I have been getting great care at the VA, but am disturbed that DOGE/OMB/Trump/Musk sent every employee an e-mail telling them they should terminate their employment with the VA. Note, my niece is a VA pharmacist and got the e-mail encouraging her to leave. Healthcare workers are hard enough to recruit as it is, why encourage them to leave? Note, my general impression from my VA hospital is that the workers are paid less, but the work atmosphere is better: less pressure to bring in revenue.
So glad you’re in charge of the VA, the quality and customer service and response time has suffered over the last 4 years.
Make this website more useable. This thing flies you all over the place except where you want to go!!!
With all due respect, Mr. Secretary, you are gravely mistaken about DOGE and their actions. I urge you not to mislead our nation’s veterans with false information. Take a closer look at the insidious activities DOGE and the mastermind behind it are orchestrating within the federal government. Our veterans deserve the truth, and something ominous is on the horizon for them.
The VA could save a lot of money by allowing veterans to opt out of appointment reminder notifications sent by mail. Personally rarely ever arrive prior to the appointment.
Dr. Hunter R Novak, AD2
Thank you Mr. Secretary. Those of us that use the system, know all too well the deficiencies that exist, and I suggest to you, please visit with veterans and hear us out. I also support the elimination of dei. It is rampant within the VA. Good luck to you sir, and visit Houston sometime soon.
I don’t believe a word of it
Secretary, you’ve been there a week and already the VA is doing better, processing claims faster. Do you think we’re stupid! You have a credibility issue! Are you firing staff, or is the unelected DOGE bypassing your authority? Operating so much better while DOGE does its work? Come on!
Run the VA appropriately, leave your political bull out of it.
I guess he thinks he can bull sh-t us. My disability rating claim is stuck at step 3 since August. But Doug can fire 1,000 hard working, tax paying VA employees and delivering faster than ever? Who does he think he’s kidding. This guy doesn’t have two functioning brain cells to rub together. He’s as clueless as the rest of this administration’s picks. If
I’m lucky I’ll get to keep my current rating but I think these guys are going to try to screw us over. Remember his boss thinks soldiers are “Suckers” and “Losers”…
No, the “media” is not the problem. I’ll take good investigative journalism over the nonsense you just spewed any day. Your video message was so unprofessional it was like if you think your audience are a bunch of brainless knuckleheads who can’t think for themselves. We deserve much more respect than that. Try again.
I claim has been on APPEAL FOR FIVE YEARS. I am still waiting, Can you please help me!!!!!
Typical leadership-speak that happens before budgets are cut. The VA Secretary doesn’t control how much the VA receives, others do. Usually it’s Congress, but it seems to be DOGE now. In either case it’s 20-25 year old staffers, who lack meaningful experience, that do the detailed work. So, (all too many) cuts will be made in the wrong areas.
Being a “company man”, the VA Secretary ultimately will proclaim success, stating: waste was cut; money was saved; efficiencies were achieved; and service was improved. As evidenced by his video address, Secretary Collins knows this is how it will play out. But only the part about money being saved will be true. But don’t blame Doug Collins – he isn’t the one swinging the budget axe.
More bull sh-t from one of Trump’s inexperienced hired goons!
I do not BELIEVE ANYTHING this administration says at all, musk and his vice president do nothing but lie and these spineless republicans do not even push back, when are they going to realize that they need to stand up to him ,he is not God or a god musk and his co-president are going to ruin this country we fought for our country that more than these 2 clowns can say!!!
How do I get a meeting with him. And can we get a X weekly town hall meeting
Since we are accommodating everyone nowadays let’s award Desert Storm Veterans with a Purple Heart for combat. I mean the VA did acknowledge toxic exposures from this war by creating the PACT ACT. Let’s get the Purple Heart approved for those respiratory conditions caused by the Khamisiyah bunker explosion and release of sarin gases. Not to mention the chemical attacks by Saddam Hussein’s army or were those M8 alarms imaginary?
We need more wheel chairs at the VA hospital in Miami,that we can roll ourselves when we have several appointments the same day, because mobility transportation is too slow picking you up from your appointment and taking you to the next.
2. All Veterans need full dental treatment. It’s a Shame, that because you are not 100% you can’t get it. You should help all Veterans regarding of your persentage.
Are we supposed to believe this Trumper? The Trump administration is running on nothing but lies! Trumper said he would not touch Medicaid, now Congress is going to do cut it, and he approves it. Lies, Lies, Lies!
I recently requested a review of my 10% Disability, for. GI condition that has plagued me for over 50 years and I have been waiting for a determination. I was not aware that a reevaluation was even possible until recently, and it would be an enormous benefit to me, both mentally and financially as I am no longer able to work. Thank you for your time.
Henry Thompson
Lets talk about what a scam the PACT Act is, I was denied despite having evidence and I know friends who are getting denied too.
Iraq 07 – waking up every morning to the smell of burning plastic and jet fuel.
They put you in charge because they know you have no courage or backbone – just another opportunist and yes man
Second attempt to post. I’m very suspicious of the video pronouncement. Anything coming from the current crop of “leaders” must be viewed with deep skepticism. There is clearly an attempt underway to further privatize VA Healthcare, and that is no surprise. The current administration is run by anti-human tyrants driven by one value: maximize wealth and concentrate power.
I’ve only had excellent experiences with VA Health Care and the people are always extremely supportive and knowledgeable. When I ask VA Healthcare reps why VA healthcare is so much better than the (un)healthcare in the private sector, the answer is almost always the same: “At the VA, we care about people; in the private sector they care about making money.” Well, that obsession with making money, at the expense of the health of veterans is what they will try to bring more and more into VA Healthcare. Vets will be treated increasingly as disposable. Moves toward privatization started under Trump 1, and now under Trump 2, and the DOGE steamroller, they will roll over VA Health care. Vets better stand up soon to protect it, or it will be gone….
There is nothing efficient about this administration. Tired of hearing such MAGA nonsense. Give us a break, there is a rapist and wife abuser as the SECDEF who has nowhere near enough experience to run our military-he’s a Fox news host! That is beyond reprehensible-and that is who is leading our brothers and sisters still in service? What a slap in the face. That being said, I have no faith in any of you to take care of our veterans who are no longer serving, especially from a draft dodger Commander in Chief who was too cowardly to serve his country. Like everything the DOGE claims that is false and with zero proof, I doubt VA claims are being processed any quicker. You just fired 1,000 VA employees, most of them are veterans. Drop the lies….tired of an incompetent administration who cares nothing about the average American or Veteran.
amen brother!
Oh look, another status quo shill for our benevolent dictator.
Mr. Collins, I am a 74 year old Vietnam Marine Corps vet. I am 90 plus % with unemployability to 100% PT. I have a family of 5. They are all from the Philippines and are all legal with blue passports. I have a lot of friends who would love you to look at the matrix and our pay. My son from my first marriage is also as I am. 2003 to 2007 Marine and 100% by unemployability. He is 44 this year and cannot work.
For myself, I am under, I believe, poverty level. He is just above it. We will not be getting a raise with our President! Our raises aren’t even figured by what inflation truly is to US. Maybe you can figure out a way to at least increase the base pay for us.
For my son… He is moving to Thailand because social security says he can work!!!!! The government says he can’t. Maybe someone can fix the wording for Social Security or someone besides a DEI can look at his claim.
Semper Fi
Secretary Collins, thanks for posting this video. I hope Veterans will come to this site for VA news rather than be alarmed by the Lamestream Media. And thanks for serving our country, and Veterans well.
DOGE, is not doing anything but wasting tax payers money. Stop falling for these lies. VA Secretary is not fighting for us he is going alone with them. They just laid off 1000 VA employees when the VA need more staff. This is BS.
Many thanks for the quick clarification on our benefits. Hate to see guys and gals getting upset because of what has been said or inferred. We all know Trump’s way of thinking and he would not touch the benefits unless they were being taken advantaged or stolen.
This did not instill the trust and confidence I was hoping for from you, Mr. Secretary. You simply sounded like a Trump talking head pointing fingers and defending non-government employees. You have made it clear that if at any point the current administration says to drop veterans benefits you will bow the knee and roll over to their every whim. Very disappointing. You are absolutely not committed to us, the veterans. Grow a pair and stand for the veterans you serve, and not some childish billionaires.
My experience is first-hand and arises from my following up on the very unusual non-receipt of a reply to a message which I recently sent to one of my VA providers via the messaging platform. I phoned and reached the doc’s RN, who apologized and explained that the doctor, who is additionally burdened as the department chair, was under intense stress and an unexpected extra workload because the arranged hiring of another physician for the department had been frozen. That turned the intended staffing plan, which had been inclusive of the new hire physician, on its ear and required major on-the-fly personnel assignment adjustments. Then a large group of nurses who had been working from home via their computers, since their jobs were done by phone and emailing with patients, were ordered to return to the hospital for no apparent reason, where there is no space for them! These kinds of created problems have no corollary benefits and are the opposite of improving patient care!
Well done information, I was a recent inpatient for 8 days at the MKE VA, I found it interesting that 2 CNA staff talked while I was watching Fox news that the VA was going to have cuts ? Actually I knew better being a Retired Army member and not a Democrat voter !
I didn’t watch the video, you lost me with your cowardly support of DOGE and its illegal activities. I don’t believe you for a second. Who doubts that your fearless leaders, cowards, liars and thieves all do not intend to cripple the VA and “drown it in a bathtub” with the rest of the Federal Government? I am offended that you think we are so blind and stupid as to believe these criminals are not going to hack away at the VA. Astonishing.
Appreciate the information
lo que sea, donde sea, cuando sea
What will people think once they find out how untruthful the current administration is with respect to what they’re actually doing; which is to undermine confidence in all government functions so the argument can then be made that privatization is the remedy to all of the made up problems that we’re currently hearing about. If that were to happen, how long do any of you reading this think it will take for those privatized and previously government functions to be raided, pillaged, and desecrated leaving all of us with nothing to show for our years of service and commitment? Better wake up.
Yeah, sure Jan. Benefits back to the veterans. Not likely, back to the wealthiest 1% and corporations. Shame on Musk and his adolescent henchmen as well as 47 for the illegal dismissal of the dedicated employees of the VA who were also likely veterans. I stand with you.
President Trump made a great pick for Secretary for the VA in Doug Collins! I am very confident that Secretary Collins will fight for every Veteran in this great country of ours and Make The VA Great Again!!!!
What I’m getting from between the lines is we’re gonna hear a lot more “that’s not service related” and more claim denials. Words are trash, we need to see results. We got enough lip service while serving. Show us actions and results or sit down and save the oxygen thieving.
neither trump nor musk had the balls or the dedication to serve. if they mess with veterans that will start a very deadly civil war with men and women who are very good at combat. you do not want to f*** with these many millions of veterans most of whom believe in the 1st and 2nd amendments as highly important in protecting freedom. we the people will take our country back from felon trump–the worst embarrassment in our nation’s entire history.
Doug, knock off the political bullsh-t; you are not a member of Congress anymore. I don’t expect to hear a partisan line of attack against the media. I will hold you accountable for ensuring there are no drastic cuts to the VA, aside from actual fraud and abuse. Not the cascade of misinformation coming from Doge. Do your f**g job and manage the VA to improve the range and quality of veteran services. I get sick to my stomach reading about the plights of some verterans in these comment.
Doug Collins is a very honorable man. I feel very confident in his ability, integrity and work ethic. We all know you are dedicated and will give your best effort.
Mr. Collins,
I have been fighting the VA disability benefits for 14 years. They do not recognize the Leukemia that I have and say it does not meet the qualifications that someone has set for Agent Orange. I have appealed the decision made by clerks not a doctor of oncology. I am on the Agent Orange registry two times but can’t get the full 100% disability check.I had to retire early from the Dallas Police department because of the Leukemia. It would be nice to have a doctor of oncology look at my records to make a professional opinion. I also have submitted a case of record that went to court and the Veteran was awarded the pension. We both have the same kind of Leukemia and he was given the benefit of having a compelling case.
I’m a disabled veteran as the government knew the water that we were drinking,bathing and food that was contaminated with chemicals that the government knew. That water killed many and made veterans and families sick.. I for one spent 2 years at Camp Lejeune and have HEART issues and CANCER..I rely on my Veterans disability and medical insurance..I hope and pray the new administration that I voted in does not do anything stupid to our very loyal and dedicated veterans.. This seems like this administration cares about no one but themselves!!!
President puts a freeze on federal hiring which includes the VA. – Then president removes the freeze on VA medical hires. +
Then Musk fires all probationary hires-
Explain to me Mr Secretary, how is firing all the new hires you just gave the green light to, plus all the probationary ( hires with less than a year already on the job) is improving veteran’s healthcare
My claim was received 2years and 6 months ago with no word or activity on my claim..I can’t believe that there are only 4 judges for over 400,000 claims..
I Am over 75 years old..
The truth will surface about a year from now one way or the other. I live in Idaho and have to say the VA is much more responsive and efficient than the private sector health care. Please don’t mess with that.
I find it hard to believe after over 50 years of the Vietnam War ended the Veterans are not being compensated financially for their services I attended a combat veterans counseling session I am Desert Storm/Shield combat veterans there were Vietnam Veterans attending also the reasons that I heard for these Veterans not being compusated properly is appalling you have to prove the chemical Agent Orange was sprayed in the area you served in that is unbelievable the military assigned you to fight in Vietnam and now over 50 years later I have to proved where I was in the jungle of a foreign country we need some Vietnam Veterans combat veterans working in the department for compensation to help assist in taking care of all Veterans all the opiates and the other mind altering drugs they are prescribing is not enough to help care for disabled veterans mental or physical disabilities we need help taking care of our own people here at home the good ole USA.
2 of my va dr called me a lair. Saif I was faking my disability to gain money and benefits
Help me please. I have no one to
Plus after 3 wifes 2 passed away Please help me President Trump our Commander in Chief
The minute king Donald say cut the VA cost and befits this guy will drop to his knees and say yes sir.
Congratulations Mr. Secretary!
Thank you for your service.
May God watch over you in your new role with the VA.
Strength and Honor!
Thank you sincerely,
SRA Alan R. Boisvert
Why do we not get paid travel expense for driving to medical appointments? I had dozens of appointments over the past 3 years and have not got paid.
Please do not be intimidated by the draft-dodging Trump and his agenda that consists of revenge and retaliation. He is single-handedly jeopardizing our country’s democracy more than anyone else in our history. Dissing John McCain was the lowest of the low.
Senators and Congressmen of the Republican Party are being forced to bow to his wishes simply because he has threatened them by having them be primaried. The VA has been very good to me and countless other vets, please continue to stand by us.
Peter Haviland Army 11Bravo. C.I.B. MoPH
I am a Marine Corps veteran disabled discharged. Now 100% 7 years now.
Yet I need HELP. Please, until this gets to our President Trump.
250 years OUR CORPS has protected the Commander in Chief.
Now this (JOSHUA REMMERT) Marine needs the support of President Trump
Share pls
I have evidence that Strong Hold Health Care LLC has violations. I have recorded and actual conversation bribery. I have recorded of stealing veteran disability time and cash from these veterans
I was almost killed in Beruit Lebanon peace keeping 200 plus Marines die and you deny my claims
I filed for dependent benefit for my wife on August 24 , 2024 to date I have not received the benefit . I have checked with the appropriate office and have been advised that nothing was wrong with the app and that it was going through the system
and the benefit would be paid retroactive to the application date. No one seems to know how long this process will take. How can I learn when this benefit will begin?
I feel this is untrue in a sense. I have been waiting almost 3 years and my remanded claim is still sitting in the same place it was assigned to in December so I’d imagine another year.
Typical Trump/Fascist propaganda
I am concerned about co-pay on my percriptions I am disabled (10%) and on fixed income
Thanks for the reassurance.
The VA is one of our nations most caring and compassionate organizations and your leadership sounds like it will stay that way.
God bless you
God bless our president
God bless our nation
Not true, you fear monger. President Trump said he is looking to expand veterans benefits. However, the fat needs trimmed almost everywhere, and if you’re going to spew lies, you might need to worry.
I am a VA driver from Butler county.
I take veterans to amd from VA hospitals.
I was told because of the VA hiring freeze we could not add any more drivers. We are really short on drivers, being as of right now their are only three of us. Is this so?
Let’s get our Vets off the streets & into some housing that’s been occupied by the Biden Admin illegal aliens, get them fed properly and training and job opportunities that were wasted on these illegals.
The VA loves to see Veterans Homeless EH?
I’m going to save this video so I can make a stitch of you responding to project 2025 and president Trump removing all of the benefits you’re lying about not being cut. I bet destroying the lives of 1000 probationary employees was right up there with “improving veteran care.” Less care givers = more care giving. Got it. Make it make sense.
First let me apologize for many of the comments I have read below by misguided Vets. Next, thank you for answering the call to cooperate with the President and DOGE. I think our President had done a magnificent job correcting the horrid damage done by the prior administration.
Steve Hall, SGT, 9th Inf. Division
Vietnam Vet 1968-69
how come VA employees were terminated by DOGE without a proper evaluation or notice.? DOGE terminated them without any idea how it would affect VA services. We vets are not stupid so quit feeding us incorrect information
i like and trust i watch him for year he seem far and a GOD loveing man he will bb good for vet
Mr. Secretary,
As an Army veteran in NC, there is a big problem with community care program. You cannot get a phone call into the office. I have had to use my Congressman twice to get any help. I am looking forward to you getting the VA back to the Trump 1st term standards like Wilkie.
Hire more people so that our claims can get processed a little faster
No no DOGE is illegal dont trust them. It’s beyond unconstitutional we can do better
ATTN: US Troops in Kosovo on KFOR missions since 1999, much under OEF funding. The entire place burns everything 24/7 (there is no modern trash/sanitation system) and US troops serve on NATO FOBs downwind from KEK (Soviet Era dirty coal-fired Power Plant) – it looks and smells like Blade Runner 2049. I have the pics, DD-214 and lung nodules to prove it. YET, Kosovo is NOT on the PACT Act for Environmental Exposure List. Whisky Tango Foxtrot – VA? PS- I’m also one of the rare Vets who earned BOTH the MGIB and Ch33 Post 9/11. I got the letter saying “Congrats….you earned both, please wait for our next letter in ~ 22 month”. I’d like to re-start Edu ASAP …..please.
This video is nonsense! VA cannot possibly care for Veterans faster ,when you have allowed DOGE to cut the workforce so drastically, and so willy-nilly, with ZERO thought to the impact of those thoughtless cuts. Long term, expertly trained employees, many of them Veterans themselves, have been fired for alleged poor performance. RUBBISH!
Doge never took the time to look at performance. They never took the time to look at responsibilities. They never took the time to look at the fact that VA employees are truly dedicated to Veterans, who have unique issues and concerns that require skilled and knowledgeable employees to address efficiently.
DOGE representatives at VA cannot possibly be reviewing contracts to ensure operations remain efficient and that resources are directed toward services for Veterans, because DOGE is not qualified to do so. The folks who ARE qualified to do that for Veterans have been terminated, lied to, denigrated, and insulted. Doge is grabbing as much data as they can get their hands on, and nobody really knows what data they are grabbing, or what they will do with it now. And, that includes you!
Your comment that you look forward to partnering with DOGE would indicate that you have been asked to do so. You haven’t!
Services are not going to be better or faster with less employees present to doing what they know how to do best, while an unelected, un-vetted DOGE is determined to cut as much as they can, from wherever they can. DOGE makes these cuts, not to help taxpayers, but to funnel money into Elon Musk’s companies, assuring that taxpayer’s needs are not being addressed at all,. Nor are the needs of Veterans.
It comes down to this…you took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. You also swore to support and defend our Nation’s Veterans. You can now either live up to your oaths, or fail entirely! Pick a spot!
If choosing the latter, you would not be alone. The vast majority of elected or appointed Republicans will be hanging their photos on the wall of shame, right next to yours, as Doge continues to be permitted to continue this chaos with no oversight, as our Veterans are abandoned, and Democracy is altered entirely.
What you likely should not continue to do is to address us all with assurances that everything is A-Okay. You are honestly not in a position to provide those assurances. Nobody is.
In what state at they clearing cases, I have a case in DC, and file supplemental appeal that they broke into three case. There is no justice, nor when they claim an error in the case but the case remains or no change in decision dispite call center giving said information that there was an error. But I’m also sure no one cares or will fallow for more information.
I’ve read that there will be a “means test” in 2026 using 2025 tax info. Any clarification on this would be great.
I agree with Mike from 18 February 2025.
LMAO like anyone is going to listen much less respond.
This is a propaganda piece/video. Anything coming from this Administration must be viewed with great suspicion. There is a goal of increasingly privatizing VA Health Care (already underway and pushed under the previous Trump Admin). I’ve had, up to now, only very positive experiences with the VA Healthcare and when I ask people at the VA healthcare facility why VA Healthcare is so much better than in the private sector the standard answer is: “We are here to help people; in private health care they are out to make money.” Those moneymakers are looking to loot VA Healthcare too. We must stand up and stop the privatization of VA Healthcare. The people in charge have anti-human values. They only value increases in their wealth and their power, and we veterans will suffer.
Hello Doug, my name is Sanders Cupac and I am a 72 year old Vietnam era veteran living in Thailand. I live off of my 994$ monthly social security payment and it was stopped in February for no reason. PLEASE help me. I LOVE TRUMP and the new transparency and stopping WASTE.
PLEASE HELP ME, I am really hurting here.
Secretary Collins, Make sure you direct them to PR. As a USVI resident and an old contractor for the Army, I see where efficiency can be easily had by using more LOCAL USVI Community Care providers (we have three Islands) and DME services. The Acting Director has stated he is addressing the discrimination he see between the PR VA and USVI Veterans and vendors. ex. The PR VA will fly a contractor to USVI to install a wheelchair tire or deliver a bedside hospital table.
Or, they will fly the Veterans to PR to have a tooth cleaning instead of using the local Dentist that has been registered w/ OPTUM and every other similar contractor we’ve had in the past. I literally, had to fight tooth and nail to get VA community care employee to use a local dentist, pt or mental health provider for the Veteran I’m a Caregiver for instead of flying her back and forth to PR.
Yes, in the USVI we are lacking in Medical options, but the options we have are top notch, and maybe the VA should look at & take into consideration our high cost of living and give USVI community care providers an additional percentage over medicare allowance (out of the cost saving from airfare) to entice more local community care providers.
Oh hell since I’m asking for the moon, just build the USVI our own small VA hospital similar to the one we had in Alaska in the early 2000’s (just put it on St. Croix). Let me know when you’re going to do a site visit.
don peters II
USVI Veteran
“Always out Front”
I am an AF Vet. I utilize va community health care because I live far from any va health facility. Collins talks a good game. He’s allowing that idiot in the white house – I should BOTH idiots – Trump and Musk to get rid of va personnel that are needed to make sure va services are carried out correctly. I have to reapply yearly for my community care and EVERY year I have to jump through hoops to get it done. God help you if you don’t – I would have to pay the bills. This year is no exception. My end date is Feb 25 – I applied again in January and I still do not have confirmation on my renewal. This is just one example. These are not medical personnel but people that manage the ‘behind the healthcare’ paperwork and various other things that make the va work. BUT TRUMP HAS FIRED VETS – EVEN DISABLED VETS – FROM THE VA. You tell me how THAT helps veterans. What a load of horse hockey. You think the voters are buying this? Think again. D. Taylor
Mr Secretary: I forgot to mention the most important points.
As you know there is talk among members of Congress (your party) to change the requirements for
service-connected disability especially when it comes to PTSD. What is your personal position on
these proposed changes and your position as Secretary of the Veteran’s Administration?? Do you agree
with the congressmen’s comments that too many veterans are filing false claims and receiving benefits??
My position is that when ‘too many people’ are getting a benefit from the government in a particular program
you raise the requirements. Got an opinion??
I am so happy Trump won. I am overjoyed that every DEI programs was cut. I hope DOGE takes a wrecking ball to every wasteful program that is ripping off the tax payer.
Thank you for the reassuring platitudes. Now, am I supposed to believe them? I suppose we’ll have to see but VAs history looks bleak. We, the veterans, have no real say and certainly no control over the services we are provided nor the quality of those services. As a medical professional, I can report they range from excellent – thanks to a dedicated, professional staff – to non-existent – thanks to a lack of funds that would make Mr. Musk proud.
I have to say, in all honesty, that I do not trust you sir. I hope I’m mistaken. But, as the saying goes, “Money talks, BS walks.”
As an aside: The folks suffering the effects of the poisonous environment at Camp Lejeune will, I’m sure, receive the same timely assistance that those receiving assistance for Agent Orange poisoning: After they’re dead.
We’ve all been used and discarded.
Dear Secretary Collins, here in Rhode Island, we have concerns of cutbacks. Alost of rumors, to include a 91 year old Korean War Disabled Veteran being told he no longer will be assigned a primary provider, which has been responsible to prescribe his medications. As a veteran contributor for I sent an email to Director Lawrence Connell, Providence VA Medical to address Rhode Island veterans concerns who have contacted me on benefit cuts due to termination of employees. More than 48 hours, and a response which only included attaching a VA press release, no response to how many employees terminated at providence VA Medical Center.
In addition, I also sent an inquiries to Senator Jack Reed (d) and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (d), only to receive a response without answering the simple questions sent to Director Connell.
Im asking for answers to the following:
How many VA Providence Medical Center employee were terminated and their positions( I review your list of exemptions, I see NO medical or benefits that would be impacted.
Here is the mail sent to Connell, Reed, and Whitehouse ( only to be stonewalled on answers:
Good Day Director,
I hope all is well.
Few question, about an article I am working on for publishing on Thursday for RINEWSTODAY
Q1 Did any employees working at or for VA Providence Medical receive termination letters as part of recent 17,000 employees terminated?
Q2 If yes, were you able to receive waivers for those employees; as you may be aware, VA Secretary Doug Collins statements waivers are allowed, and not one of the firings impact Veteran medical or benefits,
Q3 Last week, according to a wife of a veteran at a private long tern care facility ( which the veteran is paying for), says last week she was told her 92 year husband primary care provider is no longer employed. She request a new one, to include an appointment. She was DENIED, VA advised he no longer was eligible for primary provider since the facility he is in has one. He still will be eligible to receive audio, prescriptions, etc…But will not be assigned a primary.
What is the policy for a combat disable veteran living in a RI long term care facility—-are they still eligible for a VA provider, since they remain registered in VA Health care?
Hoping to have information no later than 5:00PM on Wednesday, for an article to be published as a feature in my weekly veteran column on RINEWSTODAY, which is published every Thursday.
John A Cianci
Veteran contributor
How stupid do you think we are? 1,000 crisis hotline workers just got let go. This is all BS lip service. You’re a straight up liar.
I am a Gulf War veteran and lost my hearing and I am considered clinically deaf but the VA pension program has determined that I am only 10 percent disabled. I receive a paltry $351 a month pension. I fear that The orange man and his sidekick, who have no problem lying to the public, would gladly take that from me at a moments notice. Anybody who associates themselves with those two men are liars by default. You can’t support someone who tells lies more than the truth, and not become complicit in those lies.
It is sad when “clergy” lie! Stop being partisan! Our media is doing what they are supposed to do. Report on the news. The REPUBLICAN controlled congress is saying that VA Benefits are on the chopping block! When you have to come back and “eat crow” by telling us that you were “wrong,” but probably not in another video, because you will not have the courage to do so, WHAT THEN?!? Trump said that he would not mess with medicare… oh wait, medicare cuts are being “doged” out too. Oh wait, wasn’t it said by some Republican Senators that no VA worker would lose their job? Yeah, tell that to the 1000 workers who were fired last week. Our social security is “safe” too, right?!!! Just stop lying! We veterans deserve more than “clergy” lying!!! All Veterans deserve a non-partisan VA Secretary looking out for all of our needs!!! #STOPTHELIES
Another liar from the Party of Trump. VA Health is already understaffed, and now, many staffers have been fired to satisfy Trump and Musk’s lust for chaos, injustice, cruelty, and to cut spending so that they can lower the corporate tax rate to 15% for themselves and other billionaires. Does that seem compatible with the lies Collins just spouted? Refer back to this video after they drop veterans in lower priority groups from VA healthcare, in line with Project 2025, you know, the plan that Trump denied any knowledge of. Russ Voight, who is helping to oversee the destruction of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, was the major architect of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation.
Thanks… And I’d like you to know that my local VA center here provides excellent care. I’m aware of Vought’s and Project 2025’s recommendations and I’m thankful for veteran’s organizations supporting the continuation of the services and benefits we currently have. I am still concerned at any attempts to split or divide veterans into new claimants versus old claimants or veterans receiving social security versus those not receiving social security. We all took oaths to serve our country knowing that we had no control over when or where we might be in harms way. We all deserve the same levels of care.
Pretty good video
We don’t believe you DOUG!
I just went to the VA yesterday in Des Moines. They need staffing help and equipment. Please establish a hotline for us to call or chat with to keep things improving at our clinics. I have been miss diagnosed twice because of these things.
It would have been nice to be able to watch the video. Youtube won’t let me today unless I sign in so they can track me. I refuse to let them. So, anything you post using youtube will not reach people like me for a while at least. Youtube decides I need to sign in during time frames of their choosing for random lengths of time.
Senator Collins, we have a huge problem with the VA in the Myrtle Beach area, myself and another veteran would love to sit down and discuss the issues with you
say what you want to say. ‘giving and improving services’ in your world means privatization.
Your job is to continue this privatization program. Look at your background and your prior
work experience.
There are presently 40k unfilled positions at VA facilities. This is the hammer to use to
send to private doctors. Private doctors who have limited or no experience with veterans
or veteran’s issues.
Don’t play vets as fools, don’t bs us, tell us what you are really going to do.
It is disgraceful that they align yourself with DOGE and Project 2025 (which this administration is definitely following). DOGE has gained illegitimate access to everyone’s personal, professional, and financial data and we’re just supposed to accept that Elon Musk is going to police himself on conflicts of interest. Yeah right. What I would give to be a security personnel armed to the teeth at one of these locations. Musk and his fratboys would never make it to a single computer without going through an insanely extensive background check. I have veteran friends who have been waiting 2+ years on a background check and Musk just gets a green flag immediately? I call bull!.
As for the VA. I don’t have an issue with the healthcare I receive. Last year they extracted a tumor, and the wait time was almost nonexistent. Just had to do a number of tests beforehand that took some time. I tell my friends and family about the good care I receive, at what would essentially be socialized healthcare. Super scary, isn’t it? That healthcare would be funded by taxpayer dollars. That’s why republicans for many many years have tried to privatize the VA, which would turn it into a for-profit organization. You should be blocking every attempt to interfere with the VA unless it has to do with expanding resources or increasing funding. My local VA hospital is severely understaffed, and I live in a larger city. I can’t imagine how it must be to live in the countryside.
Make no mistake, republicans are eager to defund the VA and turn it into profit for big pharma. Nothing scares them more than a citizen that has power over their own lives, and they want to take that power for themselves. Resist with all your might if you want the support of veterans!!
Don’t look like a lot of NAM VETS here. Must be that we’re mostly gone and ones left are giving up.
That’s good to know I hope it’s true. Who is a supervisor to reach for Voc rehab. My husband school was not paid so now he’s not in school. Know one is answering emails. A phone number would be nice for Maryland
let us keep using ds login to access no need to make another login for va way to much work and 1 more thing to worry about as i go through during my cancer treatment
Please explain how loss of a thousand staffers will improve VA operations. Thanks.
Sir,you should do an investigation at the Austin VA clinic in texas.ive been going there for 32 years and it has gone to sh-t.they have mostly foreign doctors that are there for a check and don’t give a damn about your health.if I had the money I would go to a civilian doctor. thanks for your time.
Any veteran who has ever had to deal with your entire inadequate and antiquated system for health, benefits, etc. will tell you just how BROKEN the VA has been for a very long time.
No intelligent veteran is going to believe the lip service you’re giving out. We’ve been buried in so much bureaucracy and red tape for so long that unless you actually back up your claims of positive change with some real action and results, you are just another politician who cares nothing about the brave men and women who have served this country.
We are human beings first and foremost, so start treating us as such. Look at the systems that you have in place and figure out how to run more efficiently. Ask yourself if the months and years it takes to process benefits, administrative changes, health requests, etc. would be acceptable to one of your loved ones. Would this be acceptable to you if you had no other options for healthcare? Would you take your wife or children to a VA facility? I won’t even take myself to VA healthcare, so I already know what your answer is.
The VA is like a sad, sad joke to veterans. It a shame that anyone who has served their country should be treated the way they are. You should be ashamed of what you’ve walked into and if you don’t do anything to clean up the mess, none of us will have any respect for you. We know when we’re being BS’d.
All you idiots in the comments want to blame this on Trump or Elon. You know damn well that the VA has been broken much much longer than that. So, Secretary Collins—in the event that you ever look at these comments, how about you earn your paycheck and show us Veterans some real results. Faster claims, faster appointments, update your systems… HELL, overhaul the whole damn system because it’s BROKEN. You wouldn’t run a normal business like this because it would have gone under a long time ago. FIX THIS BROKEN SYSTEM.
Someone mentioned contacting our congressmen. I highly suggest that we all do. It’s time for real change.
Ratings examiners are leaning on Contract C & P Examiners to give negative exams that will disqualify Veterans from establishing nexus for their conditions. C & P Examiners are conforming to the VBA’s desire to deny claims, which is trying to find fault and deny veterans’ claims. The Pact Act is not benefiting Vietnam Veterans.
My wife was in Balad Iraq and exposed to burn pits. She was denied on her initial claim so she asked for a higher review. The higher review said the VA made a mistake but it’s been over a year with no progress. It is not true that the VA is clearing claims quicker. She is incapacitated 15 days a month from migraine headaches a presumptive condition from burn pits. She was labeled as having tension headaches in the initial claim.
The voters elected draft dodging felon to be POTUS. The day after the election I asked my coworkers, “Do we have a new Commander in Chief or a new Dictator in Chief?” Not 1 person answered but the look in their eyes… PRICELESS! I cannot believe anything anyone says that works for this dude. Mr. Collins, please prove me wrong BUT, I have already had 2 appointments with my VA PMC cancelled. The first was scheduled for Feb 2025 and the follow in March 2025. I have not heard when they will be rescheduled. Do U have that problem?
Thank you for your comments and for clearing up the “RUMORS”! HAPPY TO HAVE YOU AS OUR SECRETARY, thank you for serving.
You sir are a liar.
If there is anyone in government that I feel I can trust implicitly it’s Doug Collins… I believe he will put all of his efforts into improving services and working to ensure that Veterans get everything they have earned…As a 100% disabled Marine Vietnam Vet I am at the age where a lot of things need attention and being in the Central FL area I have had the best care anyone could want and I’m confident that the future will only get better…
I believe President Trump and Sec Doug Collin’s. President Trump has always been put veterans first unlike Biden and Obama. And Sec Collin’s was
a straight shooter as a congressman. He is a good man.
Thank you for the awesome message!!!
All talk…How can he say they are clearing cases faster than ever in just a week. Another Trump Simpleton.
Thank you for the awesome message!!!!
And thank you for all the VA does!!!
Your mouth is moving so you’re obviously lying. No one in the administration should be trusted al all. In fact, expect the opposite from what’s said.
Here are things that need to change at the VA. I have been going to the N.Texas VA in Dallas for over 25 years. The doctors there have almost killed me 3 times, and it is all in my medical records. 1. Stop hiring unqualified foreign doctors. The Dallas VA is full of them. 2. Make it easy for Vets to get outside medical help, when we can’t get it at the VA. The way it works now, and the way it is set up, is a total nightmare. I have diabetes and I’m on blood thinners. The orthopedic doctors will not see me half the time. I need a shot in my knee every 6 months so my knee will not grind bone on bone. They have refused to see me the last three times I have ask. This has got to stop. These doctors are there to help us, not turn us down. 3. The service we get at the Dallas VA is shocking. I just told you about one problem. There is many more. The Dallas VA is good at covering their tracks on problems like these.. We need a lot of changes at the VA in Dallas.
I don’t have a comment, but I do have a question. Will Veterans have to choose which monthly check they want to keep receiving and their other compensation we receive be cut out completely?
If that is true, then you as sos and others are NOT doing what is best for Veterans. Firing employees at the Veterans Crisis Line is just plain evil, too. If you are not a Veteran then y’all don’t know and definitely don’t care what is important and needed for Veterans.
There cuttin . Just denied your claim
“Doing what DOGE is supposed to be doing.” What exactly is that? Nobody in the Administration has publicly laid out who they are (personnel), what they are doing, who is in charge, and whether they are actually employees of the U.S. government.
You say that the VA is doing things quicker and better now than it was doing only 3 weeks ago. Pretty hard to believe that.
Finally you close with an offer to “come to see me.” And just how is that supposed to work?
What has been addressed by my Representatives in Congress is that VA Joint Compensation needs to be “looked at as a way to cut back on unnecessary spending.” This is not media fluff but from my Congressman.
“Doug” are you going to fight for VA Joint Compensation or immediately do what you are told by the higher ups?
Yes you can contact me with follow-up comments.
Dear Mr. Secretary,
I am a 100% Disabled, United States Marine Corps, Desert Storm Veteran.
You speak so lovingly about DOGE, but who are DOGE, and what authority do they have to look at government (including VA) contracts?
DOGE is not an official Department of the US government, as creation of Departments in the Federal Government can only be created by Congress, by law, according to the Constitution.
DOGE is not a government contracted corporation, so how is it that they have Legal approval to enter government facilities, look at government contracts, look at private American Citizens information, stop actual government contracts and fire government employees? How is it that they can do all of this and more without Security Clearance or any other type of government background checks, or government contracts bidding?
What gives you the right to forego the security requirements put in place to protect Veterans, and to just allow them to run through Veteran Administration data?
You say that DOGE is looking through VA contracts to find inefficiencies and that the VA is not getting it’s budget cut. First, isn’t that your job? Second, if that is true, then why are VA employees being fired?
I request timely and truthful answers to these questions.
I intend to gather fellow Veterans and sue you, DOGE, and the government and other heads of Departments of the Federal government, to get everything that DOGE is breaking, fixed, and to hold department heads accountable for allowing this to happen. I also intend to sue to have DOGE and it’s members, and it’s supposed leader, Elon Musk, brought up on criminal charges for likely violating a variety of laws involving:
1) entering secured government facilities without the requisite approvals and security checks.
2) illegally withholding funds provided by Congress.
3) illegally accessing the private information of American Citizens, including those of Veterans.
4) many other violations.
The American People, especially Veterans and Seniors, are Angry Mr. Secretary.
Inspite of your empty words, I know personally that cuts have already begun, and in all likelihood will continue to expand. Numerous employees and new hires at the Dept of VA have been removed or furloughed, including many veterans, as the government is one of the higgest employeers of vets.
Supporting this regime causing needless unfounded destruction to our country based on lies and unsubstantiated claims needa to stop before we truly dont have a country anymore.
As a 100 percent service connected veteran. I’m concerned with the difficulties of seeing Dr’s in a timely manner. In Tennessee all i get are excuses. I can’t seem to get my medicine as I did in Alaska. I wish someone would contact myself so I can get honest positive results. I want to live. I did my part.
Simple question: will he stand up and fight Trump and Musk if they try to cut Veterans benefits or be just another sycophant?
Hahahaha!!! No. No one believes you and it’s not as funny as my haha’s might suggest.
You’re a liar! Loyal only to your dear leader the president elon, I mean donny t.
You are and will continue to sell us out along with the rest of the United States.
Just tell us the truth. I mean, why stop lying now? You have absolutely nothing to lose at this point.
I’m sure you know and understand that our level of trust and confidence in our federal government is at an all-time low. I can only hope that your words in this message are true and that myself and other vets who have fought to preserve the Constitutional values of our country will not lose the benefits we have through the VA.
Well one thing that needs improvement is benefits admin. They don’t seem to take the word of VA doctors regarding disabilities and instead contract out to outsiders who, no matter what VA doctors say, decide the disabilities don’t exist.
This would reduce outside contractors cost and better serve the veterans.
Mr. Collins, we are all for you and wish you a happy and productive tour.
This was a message from VA Secretary Collin’s to veterans addressing rumors about benefits cuts.
He succinctly stated there will be no cuts.
Yet some (obviously liberal) vets questioned his statement and went off on unrelated rants.
It embarrassing to witness such a lack of decorum from alleged vets who allegedly live this country.
Thank you DOGE for uncovering massive fraud—some likely at the VA—and thank you Secretary Collin’s for dispelling the rumors.
How about making the VA follow the law and allow us community care if we can’t get an appointment. Right now they are spitting in our face basically and not allowing it with like flat out NO if you request it. @!%^#@$#%
You’re cutting veterans out of the workforce? How does that help??????? Most vets are on a fixed income. I am glad II still have a job and extra insurance at age 64. This is a bunch of bull for our veterans!
This is all well and good. However, I will believe it when I see things change. I got out of the Air Force in November 1976 believing the VA was my Advocate. Being a Vietnam Era Veteran I know that is not the case. I am still fighting them. I fell and landed on my KNEES, they have called me a liar since the beginning because the doctor stated he was treating my right knee. I have had many surgeries since I got out. Almost all have been due to falls because of that Knee buckling. I have been honest and truthful the whole way. I cannot say that for the VA. I am at it again and see that I am at step 3 or 8. I figure that are going to delay until I am dead. They want us Vietnam ERA Vets to die and go away, and yet all we did was serve our Country while our Country spit in our faces. I will not be giving up until I am dead. Sadly The VA doesn’t really care. Mr Collins, let us see what you are doing, my Congressman never responded when I wrote him years ago.
We see what’s happening. Tread lightly.
Doug, you sound like a used car salesman.
I am a Veteran and a VA employee, and I am not buying what you seem to be trying to sell.
When you start out your tenure by acting as if we at VA haven’t actually been working full speed ahead in order to serve Veterans, their survivors, and their caregivers, it shows that you do not understand how seriously we take our mission in performing the most noble job in the United States government.
Get to know us. Get to know what we have been doing. Listen to us when we tell you what is or is not working, and what can work better. We know because we are the subject matter experts in what we do. We swore an oath because that is how much this job means to us. DOGE knows nothing about anything, and has loyalty to nobody, much less the American people.
We see you, Doug. I hope you’ll make the effort to see us, too.
I have about 10+ remains in my file that’s been sitting there for years, I should be 100% but I’m not I’ve done everything in my power to get to 100% but for some reason or another and I don’t have an answer for this maybe you can answer my question why am I not not , at 100 percent::: Cancer survivor::: type two diabetes::: chronic kidney disease::: hypertension::: neuropathy::: exposure to ionizing radiation::: age range:::: And yet my file just sets there toxic water, Marine Corps base, Camp, Lejeune, kidney cancer::: kidney stones:::
Sorry I don’ t believe you sir and DOGE, Elon & Trump can all go to hell.
Mr. Secretary, Are you going to expand the act act to in clyde all exposures of toxic substances to include all of the the USA? Also anywhere in the European and Asia theater?
My claim was filed in 2020 and I am still waiting. All my evidence was submitted, I have already spoken with a judge and they are now just sitting on it and waiting. Years of waiting is not efficient and yet they are all still getting paid more than the average American to not help us vets. Do not even get me started on the horror show is supposed care at my local VA hospital. Those people would rather vets die than actually treat anyone.
On the campaign trail it was said that Project 25 was not in the plans for the government. And now we are seeing it coming into fruition.
And the plans youre trying to ease our concerns about are in the CBO’s report.
Frankly, I cannot trust that you will not push forward the agenda by the President’s Assistant to gut our government. You are lieing to us.
Unfortunately this hold no weight. DOGE and President Trump have already fired hundreds in the VA including doctors and nurses. Appointments are getting canceled, services are not improving and can’t when you’re cutting staff. Trump said he wasn’t going to mess with Medicaid too, but now he’s all for gutting it as part of the latest bill put forth by the House. Project 2025 calls for privatization of services and reduction of disability and education benefits for veterans and that is the blueprint this administration is following.
How can I send you an email or contact you directly? My son who is an Army vet, is getting good service, but the VA Hospital in WPB, FL, 2 miles from the Presidents home in Mar a Lago is terrible. They treat staff like dirt and good doctors and staff leave. My son is suffering from PTSD and has been fighting the VA for 100% disability.
You don’t actually believe that load of horse manure do you? You can’t guarantee that VA services or benefits won’t be cut. Remember he hates the military and we are all suckers and losers. First time in my life that I’ve been embarrassed to be a disabled veteran.
I am so happy that Doug Collins is the new VA Secretary. I am also so thankful that President Trump won the election. And most of all I am hoping that DOGE takes a wrecking ball to all the wasteful programs at the VA that take away from the mission to help Veterans. I think the DEI programs at VA were destructive and un American. I suspect that there are many more programs that are unnecessary. I also find it incredibly difficult to trust any therapist in a group setting or one on one that supports the delusion of a Veteran that thinks they are transgender. I think it is a crime to support the decision of a Veteran to “change” their gender. It was very hard for me to sit in a therapy session and be told to believe that a man is really a woman. How did that happen at the VA? I hope it ends.
Can you address the gaining movement that President Trump is aware of to afford disabled veterans of a certain or higher disability percentage an exemption to federal income tax?
I need immediate help with my va home loan. I’m being railroaded by the mortgage company even though I was under fema protection. I have called my senator and congressman in FL. I received letter stating they can only ask VA they can not influence even though we have been wronged. Please I tried to find your email address after you were confirmed but it just had your name no picture yet. Please help us. 22 years 3 wars 70 years old. Disabled veteran who filed for disability in 2019 and still waiting on it to the administration desk. I’m totally deaf . My hearing loss was from working on aircraft and high frequency radiation same reason I could never have children but that’s only worth 10%.
Thank You Secretary Collins, Great to hear the truth as I truly believe with President Trump in Charge we will get that .Plus giving the VA What they need. Good luck GOD BLESS You and Yours ???Rev.Joe
Dear Sir, as a disabled combat veteran and a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Veterans, and the Paralyzed Veterans of America I do not believe you or the current administration when you say write this drivel. The Trump administration has made it clear that the VA will be targeted for reductions, and having many appointments every month for my disabilities I have heard from people within the VA of what is going on, that good people are being let go, and that more is to come. We had a saying in Army Special Operations, “don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining”. We know better, deserve better, and don’t believe words, only actions. We’ll see, I’ll check back in next year and we can really see what is going to happen.
CONTACT E MAIL [redacted]
Douglas Allen Collins is a lawyer, politician, and reserve chaplain. In the late 1980s, Collins served two years in the US Navy as a chaplain. After the September 11 attacks, Collins joined the USAF Reserve Command, where he presently serves as a chaplain (Colonel). As a member of the 94th Airlift Wing at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, he was deployed to Balad Air Base for five months in 2008 during the Iraq War. He is a member of the Republican Party, he previously served as the U.S. representative for Georgia’s 9th congressional district from 2013 to 2021 and in the Georgia House of Representatives from 2007 to 2013. He lost his bid for the senate. He finished third.
He is a “shoe clerk”, FOBBIT & RE-F.
Trump & Musk didn’t serve. And I can’t believe any vet supported or supports them.
Hello Mr. Collins,
Well, you said come see you if I have issues. So here I am. I have a few and no I’m not going to Ask VA on your website. I’ve been there and done that. It’s no help because it limits you to issues it’s willing to help with. Never the issues we Vets really want help with. I won’t get into them here, but if you’re serious about helping. I’d like to mail you a letter or send you an email detailing them.
Thank you,
Sounds like you’re trying to keep YOUR job! Are you willing to bet nothing is going to be cut at the VA? Please contact me on how much you are willing to wager.
He full of sh-t just like trump. He is lying to our face just like his boss trump. This guy is has no honor, respect and honesty every time him or his boss president elon / trump open their mouth is lies. He and his bosses trying to bring back BS choice program which is garbage. I used it before and it was nothing but garbage and I could have had everything I needed done by the in half the time it took with choice and they still never got it done right. No wonder the VA got rid of it before under president Biden. Trump ruins everything he touches like the VA. Leave the VA alone you can’t fix what is not broken and trump does not fix anything so stay of the VA system!!!!
What is taking so long to get back pay. It was submitted Nov ‘23 and authorized Oct ‘24 and till today still waiting on the VA to audit my back pay.
Mr. “I been here for about a week,” this statement of assurance is hard to believe. Media spin is one of the most infectious hallmarks of our current Executive admisistration. It appears you’ve also caught the sick.
I hear no cuts then I hear find things to get rid of! That means cuts of some kind, $, programs, Doctors, privileges. There has already been cuts! Can’t trust my own Gov SMH. I served to honor my country with excellent work that keeps America free. In a month this duely paid for Government has separated the U.S. not uniting the U.S.
Great, I thank you for shar5ing this video
Keep up the good work!
What about the fact that ALL hiring is suspended for the next four months? What about critical VA positions that need to be filled to support Veterans in getting their benefits? What about the fact that all new hires who were on probationary status – yes, even those new hires in the VA – have been fired? What about the critical positions that they filled? The equation is clear – cutting positions equals fewer services. It’s been a slash and burn with no strategic thinking or management since January 21, 2025.
I’m glad to see that the VA will still be able to meet our needs. Hearing aids are critical for a lot of us, we can hear our children talking, laughing and our spouses no longer have to raise their voice. It may seem trivial to others but it means the world to us to hear clearly.
Words are cheap — let’s see what actions are taken. How secure is our personal and medical information once it’s shared with the kids from DOGE (probably none of whom ever served the people of the US or are veterans) whose loyalty seem to be to one man, who never served, and not to veterans or our country!
You’re a liar! Right now the cuts that have been proposed are going to take away the call centers for VA prescriptions. You’re going to set us back 20 years. Stop lying it’s so easy to fact check you.
I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about here. It’s not like trump just replaced the VA secretary with a talking head who claims that there’s nothing insidious about a billionaire and his team making tax cuts within the US government. Don’t worry guys, everything’s ok because trumps talking heads say so, nothing to worry about!
Given that the current director is a Trump appointee, I have little fairh that the benefits I was promised will not be cut further. I am sure I speak for a large percentage of veterans when I say that I will believe it when I see it. Pres Musk and his sidekick, Trump have made their opinions on the military and veterans crystal clear; that they view us all as “suckers and losers”. Secretary, I want to believe you. However, the history speaks much louder than the “thoughts and prayers” speech.
I have had 2 cases initial file 2017 – NOD Sept 2020 on docket Hearing July 2024 – still waiting to be sent to a Judge. Almost 8 yrs so far going through the system. Cannot find out how many cases are in front of me cannot see any indication how long it may take. All I hear is it will be awhile just be patient. Not sure about rest of veterans waiting to get their cases resolved but I am beyond “not” impressed .
Just tired of the lip service.
I would like to talk to someone about the
current problems in getting agent orange
Benefits. It takes 2 years to get paperwork processed. To do this I had to hire an attorney who got 20 percent off top. Not all my paperwork was submitted at the same time I have been told I have to wait
another 2 years for the balance. I thought I paid all of this in 1968-69 in Vietnam.
Why don’t I believe you, Doug? What records are the DOGEies looking at? Are they looking at my service and medical records? Are they looking at my disability compensation?
If Trump/Musk plan DoD cuts why wouldn’t they cut veterans benefits? I just don’t trust them at all.
I’m not worried about our benefits being cut or revamped. But I do have a problem, back in 2016 I was separated from Service because of Budget cuts. So when I was processing out, I received a check for my services of 26 yrs. I thought okay this is good since it stated that on my DD-214 that I was to receive it and nothing else was said or mentioned. Well when I went in to start the process of my disabilities from service, so when things were all graded and I was told what I would receive. Only after that I pay back the separation pay first. I was told that I never should have taken the separation pay. I was never told that in the beginning. So with that being said is that I should be able to receive that separation pay back.
Thank you sir ?? would it be possible to further assist with dental care for veterans that need dental help but can’t get it ? Living with dental pain is hard.
100% agree with Earnest Lewis & I’m a white veteran
Also think my VA care has been excellent.
Something our draft dodger & President Musk could never understand
Wow. That was not biased AT ALL. I do not trust anything he said. Neither should you.
100% agree with Earnest Lewis & I’m a white veteran
Also think my VA care has been excellent.
Something our draft dodger & President Musk could never understand
You’re going to do more, yet 1000 staffers were cut…I can do the math.
Dont send me this trump propaganda again!
Bullsh-t. Bullsh-t with a ” folksy drawl” is still bullshi-.
Sounds like a whole lotta my Republican fellow disabled vet friends are having some justifiable Buyer’s Remorse>
Why am I getting communication about Camp Lejeune when I’ve never been there. I just deleted them but they kept coming back.
~7 years from start to finish to have 4 teeth implanted by the VA!! Pain clinic intern/student bends and lodges a computer controlled needle in my spine. VA sends me for an experimental surgery, effectively shortening my life span by no less than a decade. That is just a few examples of an endless list of how poor our care is. I have never had a good experience at the VA ! I’m no economic analyst but I fully believe our medical ” benefits” should become medical INSURANCE! The DOGE thing very well could save the country trillions by doing that. No buildings to buy, lease, upkeep etc. Reduced employees wages, and utility costs. Tons of savings from my point of view. I’m beyond disgusted with the fact we veterans sacrifice up to our lives for this country and we receive the worst healthcare this country has to offer. Rarely do we have a doctor for more than 1 1/2 years before a new one appears. no family doctor, no history, just a new face and start over at ground zero. Yes now all these colleges would lose the guinea pig practicing on the veterans to earn their degrees yet I thought this was for veterans not for colleges to train students on us. We veterans deserve insurance not medical “benefits” that don’t benefit us and guarantees us the worst healthcare we can get. Am I wrong or do we not deserve to have our own doctors that we and our family members build history and rapport with? Give us insurance instead of the word benefit, which truly means if we want professional healthcare, it will be paid for out of our pockets.
Well, the VA is as full of bureaucracy and process that weigh down the VA from getting his/her benefits. They also have process that don’t make sense to get a referral that even the referral doctors at both ends don’t understand. They also have a system that doesn’t keep the Veterans involved and aware of the process of approving referrals aka request for services, that the vet has to keep calling and trying to find out where their request is and what is the issue, instead of an automated system that helps keep all involved in every step of the process. This avoids wasted time on both the Vet and customer service rep that doesn’t usually have the info, they are just a middleman/woman. Approving procedures, test, labs and consult in the community care process is very cumbersome on all involved (Community provider, the ancillary services, the specialist, and the Vet.
Making these processes more efficient would save money, time and headache for the VA, Vet and taxpayer.
I’d like to know where the data is that Elon Musk and his team of unauthorized individuals took. Elon Musk has not been authorized by Congress nor the Senate but somehow has access to our records either directly through the VA or through the treasury which ties into the VA documents. I’d like to know what happened to my personal documents and I’ve a right to ask under The 1974 privacy act.
What are you doing to protect veterans?
What is the current status of my personal data and records?
What is being done so that an individual who is not a naturalized citizen nor authorized by Congress or Senate will not have access to them in the future?
Why has the VA not put out messaging that says our data is safe and not in the hands of a third-party? Is it because it actually is in the hands of Elon Musk where they should not be.
What has the VA done to make sure that there was proper vetting?
As you can see, I have lots of questions
Since trump made the comment when visiting the allied cemetery in Normandy, about the soldiers buried there, I have been mad every time I think about HIS comment, ” THEY WERE FOOLS AND SUCKERS”. He BOUGHT his way out of Viet Nam. I did not and neither did the 53, 281 men and women who died there.
Great to hear. Maybe we can get a raise on out travel reimbursement.
Then Why is my VA primary doctor after I lost my job my car my private health care telling me I am not paralyzed and the VA is not doing anything for me and to loose weight and good luck after I just lost everything!!! Good riddance in my book ????????????✊
Hallelujah! Information we can trust!
Please fix TriCare
I trust flying on an airplane right now more than I trust your word. You’re a political appointee working for a serial liar who changes his mind daily and has no problem throwing you under the bus. Thank you for the reassurance, though, bud.
Anyone who has to defend Trump and Musk is not an honest person. Mr. Collins is a politician who will say anything to stay in good grace with our first elected felon CINC. Disgraceful time for Americans.
“DOGE” representatives at VA are neither qualified for forensic auditing, nor are their actions acceptable on any normal basis. As for the threat to veterans’ benefits, I don’t take the word of any Trump appointee any more than I would the word of Trump itself. Nor can you improve services by firing people wholesale. 1st thing I saw at the local facility Tuesday morning was a filthy bathroom, which probably used to be cleaned by a probationary janitor that was fired. I asked staff, and yes, probationary employees have been fired. I don’t know how many. “Improving services” is a LIE. “VA employees are reporting effects that include closures of operating rooms, reductions in the number of available intensive care unit beds, and cuts to inpatient mental health facilities. You’ve gutted the SUICIDE CRISIS LINE! If you have any self-respect you’ll resign.
A GREAT choice for this position!!!
Oh wow, the new VA secretary is totally looking out for veterans—by gutting the workforce that actually processes their claims. Nothing says ‘supporting veterans’ like firing thousands of them and pretending that somehow speeds up their benefits. But don’t worry, folks! It’s all about ‘rooting out waste and abuse’—which, judging by the layoffs, apparently means veterans themselves. What a pathetic, bootlicking stoolie. You’re not streamlining anything, you’re just setting the stage for even longer wait times and more bureaucratic nightmares. Absolute disgrace.
Vets need a resource for issues and damages caused by VA providers, where the managers and chiefs cant protect them. That includes a way to get falsified medical records changed.
Maybe, just maybe, the VA will finally approve benefits for my husband. He served in Vietnam and many years later was diagnosed with Cancer in his sinuses that grew and pushed up to his brain. He suffered severe nose bleeds and headaches so horrible he couldn’t even sleep. When we applied for benefits to help my husband, he was denied because the VA said we couldn’t prove it was due to Agent Orange and his type of Cancer was not on the “list” of covered Cancers associated with Agent Orange! Even though the doctor (ENT) stated it was most likely the cause of his Cancer, but how the hell does one prove that? The VA did tell him though, that if he was ever diagnosed with Type II diabetes, he would qualify for full benefits! The ONLY thing they approved him for was a cheap set of hearing aids. He lost his hearing and his teeth due to the Cancer treatments, but the VA still wouldn’t cover the costs of any of his treatments. Thank goodness we both had jobs that helped cover most of his treatments, but the VA definitely turned their backs on my husband.
I don’t believe one word from a Trump appointee. I know damn well, that Trump/Musk want to cut everything possible to fund more tax cuts for the poor billionaires. I absolutely believe General Kelley and General Milley, that Trump thinks Veterans are suckers and losers. I remember everything Trump said about John McCain. So, how long before our medical care gets privatized? It’s a GOP dream come true. I get great care from the VA, as it is now, and I can tell you story after story about when the VA outsourced scheduling after the Phoenix VA scandal; I couldn’t get tests done, because the private company didn’t do their job.
It took 2 whole years after the awful private insurance company bowed out, for the VA to catch up on unscheduled appointments. My 2 ratings equal 100%, so of course I receive 80% disability. How long until these DOGE people come after it? I don’t believe that they don’t have access to our private information. How would you know? Musk has locked everyone out. There is zero oversight of DOGE.
If you believe anything they say, then I’ve got land in FL for you.
And if you voted for that you are getting exactly what you deserve so stop whining.
A couple of comments:
1. I saw a report on CNN two days ago about a 10 year Marine Corps veteran who was working in a key administrative position in a VA clinic, cutting through red tape for patients, scheduling appointments, and ordering supplies, but was just fired. How is this suppossed to help veterans seeking or receiving care at this hospital. Who is taking over his duties? According to the Marine Corps vet, there was no time for a transition plan. If one expects the nurses and doctors to assume these duties, there is no doubt that access, availability, acceptability, continuity, cost-effectiveness, and quality of care will likely be adversely impacted.
2. I am a 60 percent disabled vet and receive care in the community. I’m going on a month now waiting for VA Martinsburg to extend my community of care provider in endocrinology. Until this is accomplished, I can’t see the endocrinologist, nor order my insulin from the VA pharmacy. How many people were cut from the community of care offices?
it’s too soon to tell, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, But I am incredibly skeptical with anything DOGE touches. I haven’t seen anything but wildly outlandish claims not backed by any substance and reflex actions taken without any understanding of the consequences. To be openly accepting of what they are doing before they’ve really done anything strikes me as disingenuous and dangerous.
Thank you for the informative message. The wait me and other veterans have endured is too long. Currently I have an appeal that I had a hearing in late October that was filed in 2019. Another Appeal was just awarded in November of last year. Waiting and going through the various hoops is frustrating to say the least! Thank you and please improve this process
Why in the world should we trust Doug Collins, noted Trump sycophant since 2016, to tell the truth? Trump thinks we are losers and suckers, he absolutely does not care about us.
Fellow Vets, do not listen to these mercenaries. CYA and guard your assets. They will absolutely cut our benefits if it benefits them.
Thank you so much for the video! This is why the “bad” extreme left media just needs to be shut down. They don’t know what to do with their narcissistic minds, so they keep putting out bad information. There is something seriously psychologically wrong with them. They are not listening to the millions of people to do what is right with common sense. Just a complete shame!!!
Also, for the Camp LeJeun cases. If you have an attorney, they wait until they have 500 cases or more and then go to court for the day. The attorney’s are taking 30, 40 and I have talked with some that are taking 50%. There should be some law on that one a senator should put a bill forth.
Anyway, thank you Mr Collins
Then why did I just get told by my primary care doctor that all of a sudden I’m not paralyzed and there is nothing the VA will do good luck and lose weight????
And we’re supposed to believe maga? Yea, right. Magatards are famous for telling the truth and not for baiting and switching at all. Man, thank you so much for your assurance and for your unabashed integrity. We’ll see how the future goes but I have no faith in bad faith.
For all legal purposes, DOGE is not a legal Department and should not any business reviewing anything related to the American people.
As I recall, that’s what the Inspector General’s are for. Because no one wants to stand up to the person who occupies the WH, everyone has to suffer. The President continually lies to the American public and frankly, it’s embarrassing.
The American people deserve better and especially our military and veterans.
Why should we believe that our benefits are off the table? He would do and say anything to save himself.
Thank you Secretary Collins. As an Army veteran and supporter of President Trump, I know that President Trump is the best friend of we veterans and that you and him will do the right thing.
I don’t care about the cuts maybe they should and maybe we’ll better service too many veterans died because of the va not helping them
The new VA Secretary is obviously an arse-kissing TRUMPTARD. Elon is not finding waste, he is simply cutting things he wants to cut in order to get himself (and his fellow billionaires) big tax cuts by screwing real Americans. Over 1000 VA workers have already been fired. So the idea that we are going to increase benefits and improve services is a complete lie. Our so-called president is a wartime Draft Dodger who calls veterans Losers and Suckers – and this is how he “honors” real heroes.
As a disabled veteran, it took a year and a half to get approved. I didn’t know the system and realized I left out hearing loss tinnitus and sleep apnea so I finally applied for these things and got approved for everything except for sleep apnea which makes no sense it’s all about money. And that took another year so now if I appeal, it’ll take another 200 days to get an answer from my appeal. I think they’re just hoping that we die so they don’t have to pay out. I hope you change my mind. Thank you.
You are saying this to keep your job knowing that any negativity about the President will put you on the chopping block. I do not have faith that this administration will protect our benefits as they are already following everything else in the Project 2025 manual. You cannot trust anything this administration says or does.
And what is being done to protect veterans’ jobs in government service?
Although the VA might be maintaining benefits for veterans, my wife was employed through the VR&E program with the VA, and fought hard through her probationary period with the VA. She only had a little over a month left to go and was cut despite outstanding performance reviews. Although I believe that there are individuals taking advantage of the federal employment system, a massive cut of just blanketing probationary employees was not the way to go.
I don’t belive a single word that you said. You were appointed by Trump because you are loyal to him. You cannot be loyal to him and the country, including all of the Veterans you claim to represent. You represent an authoritarian regime that is trying to destroy our country and turn it over to Russia. My father and uncles fought facism in WWII but you are embracing it by being loyal to Trump. Trump and Musk have already fired over 1,000 VA employees, including doctors and nurses, but you don’t seem to care that our healthcare will suffer as a result. How is taking medical services away from us while lowering disability ratings “giving and improving services.” How do we know that an unvetted billionaire or his unvetted teenagers haven’t already been at our medical records? After all, he’s aready received access to our Social Security numbers and tax information, so what’s to keep him from accessing our medical information and benefits? I know that you won’t, because you are loyal to Trump, which is why you were appointed. The plain and simple truth is that you cannot be trusted.
You are not telling the truth. Cuts will be made and the money will go to give tax cuts to the rich. You should be ashamed.
I apologize, but, “Faster then ever?” I have had 2 claims in for almost 2 years… And another one in for 7 months, just to add my 18 yr old high school senior back on my dependent list, since he was taken off as soon as he turned 18…
Not to mention, now my employer of 19 years, has recently made me fill out multiple questionnaires about my PTSD. Now I have been required to switch jobs and schedules within the Department !!! Hopefully whoever is in charge of the EEOC can make some appointments available within the time limits to file a charge for discrimination, but that doesn’t seem to be happening very quickly either. Although I WOULD NEVER, I’m really starting to understand why there are 22 a day that give up…
Thank you for the information,for the past four years the VA has been SILENT!!
Thank you, sir.
I know the va has treated me great and will continue to do so my only concern is that it takes what seems to take forever to get paper work changed when you get a rating change just in my case I have been waiting for the va to add a dependent added sense July of 2024
I hope its true you (Mr Collins) are here to help the Vet. Please, be honest with us the vets of the wonderful country
This bogus, of course doge is looking for CUTS going . All one needs to do is look at all the CUTS to varios federal agencies creating more danger for Country and devasting affect for families. Ask yourself why havrn’t programs paying the various contracts that Musk have with ANERICAN funding??
I dunno man, the 1000+ layoffs at the VA that everyone is hearing about doesn’t give us a lot of confidence in what you’re saying. Frankly, no one, other than Trump and Musk can even say if VA benefits will be cut, because they are the ones in charge.
Thank you Secretary Collins for your reassurance that veterans benefits won’t be cut. It’s very difficult to understand why that would even be considered by our leadership. I am hopeful you will be successful ìn your thoughts for all veterans.
I am a retired female Veteran. After reading most of these comments it saddens me that so many of us are waiting YEARS to get a reply concerning our disability claims. I ask you, why would anyone in their right mind ever consider joining any branch of service? We gave to our country and then the government just disregards us when we need help because of what we have experienced while serving our country.
President Musk and his minion trump care NOTHING about the Veterans. He made that known when he called us, and I
quote, “losers and suckers”
I can tell you this, if anyone attempts to screw with our disability ratings you will have a war on your hands.
Thanks for tackling this mess at the VA. Ad a 100% disabled veteran I am willing to help out any way possible to get the VA back to a Premier agency. Sgt. Joseph Vary
Collins is not being honest. They fired 1,000 employees. Just heard that they are rehiring 12 that were fired because they work on the Veteran crisis center.
You lost me at embedded subtitles. Back in the 80’s, TVs started including a button to turn on subtitles IF you want them. Online video sites like the one this is hosted on (YouTube) ran with that OPTIONAL subtitle button. And yet, so many places now force embed subtitles, completely eliminating people’s choice in favor of pandering to a subset of people who require or insist upon their ever presence. And yes I understand they help those with hearing issues or are in a loud workplace. That’s the target audience for the ON option of the subtitle button, give their freedom of choice back, and mine too. So no thanks, I will not watch your words dance in my peripheral vision while you speak. Write it in an article and save the bandwidth.
All you 2-4 year slackers can just relax. Stop bad mouthing our President and the efforts he is making to fix the damage the democrats have done. The cuts were long overdue to get rid of the lazy people at the VA that don’t want to do their fair share of the work. Once they get workers in those positions the care will improve. As a combat vet, I am embarrassed by some of the comments from the low life bad mouthing of the administration. Maybe that’s why you aren’t getting the care you think you deserve. Straighten up.
Thanks for giving the fact straight up. That’s how we like it
As a suggestion, I am a disabled veteran in Crawford county Pennsylvania, we got a new CBOC last year, just ten years after receiving a new one. When I asked about this I was told we will get another new one in ten more years, why? If upgrades are necessary, which I don’t really see any in this facility, but if they are, why not spend a quarter of the money improving the existing facility? How much could the VA save by doing this rather than constantly building new facilities? Use some of those savings to help improve the lives of vets decreasing medical costs, and thus creating even more savings? Just a thought
ANYBODY! that condones Trumps action is a LOSER! According to Trump, we, as Vets, are losers. This idiot, has to go.
Mr. Secretary, Trump and his minions have shown repeated disrespect to Veterans, both living and dead. For you to tell us that you envision no cuts to the VA programs, you are either a polyanna or you must be living in a cave. I look for them to cut some of the allowable meds, terminate the Community Care Program, to institute co-pays, and to make it more difficult for Vets to be granted disability. If I’m wrong, Mr. Secretary, I will apologize.
Thanks for that. I appreciate the “real” news straight from the source.
Please respond to Sen. Warner’s and Sen. Kaine’s comments that veterans are the major work force in the federal government and will be the majority of those fired. Thank you.
As a retired Air Force vet with multiple VA claim denials, I’m so saddened and yet happy to see all the Vets on here posting their anger towards a department that is supposed to protect us and provide support.
Knowing that my fellow veterans are angry and fed up with the current “administration” is a great first step and a group that can lead the way in clearing house. Please don’t lose momentum in this fight.
You don’t fire doctors, nurses, and hospital staff, thus causing appointments to be cancelled and ORs shutdown and then tell us it’s gonna be good. You are hurting us.
I did not hear a denial that the CBO proposals are not going to be implemented. Paying for tax cuts for the wealthy on the backs of veterans is just wrong! A folksy video that seemed devoid of facts is not convincing.
So thankful to have veterans in our family, that use the VA services. We go to Hines in IL….grate for good care there.
I wouldn’t trust Doug Collins with the health car of a snail! He is an unqualified tRump appointee and his only loyalty is to tRump, not veterans!
Disgusting. You’re a disgrace to the uniform, spreading these lies on behalf of a man who just today declared himself king. The veterans posting about DOGE illegally firing them aren’t fake, but you are. Again, you’re a disgrace and so is every other enabler of this budding dictatorship. Sic semper tyrannis.
Did they cut the VR&E benefits during Biden Admin. I got declined twice, been out of work, asked for assistance a 3rd time, was put in VR&E Independent Living Services and they sent me all these little medical contraptions that don’t really help with big issues. Asked about ILS grants to modify bathroom and widen doorways and my VRC said they don’t have a contract with any Contractor to do that so I could not get help with that.
I applied for VR&E employment education & training, but was put in ILS? I even asked if I could get help with starting my own small Veteran owned business since VRC opined to not send me to school, and got denied on that too. Just got letter from VRC that says 6 months into ILS now they closing VR&E ILS case. Will the new VA Secretary review recent VR&E program denials?
I’ll just be sitting here for a couple years before anyone gives a response? Very used to that, months and years. This is why private health insurance is a better option, when someone can afford it, V.A. wait times are absolutely ridiculously too long. It’s a broken system, and a good reason to never let Congress promote nationwide government Healthcare, cause that means civilians would see how Vets die from service-connected issues while waiting to be seen by a V.A. doctor
The VA should not be giving credibility to DOGE. Transparency? Who’s in charge of Doge? Who are the employees of Doge? Where is their government contact and security clearance? Why don’t we have the names and faces of these people?
I am glad that you are at the helm Doug. I am confident that you will clean up the mess. I have a few concerns about the process and the contractors. Good Luck
Thanks to Sec. Collins for his support of all us Veterans
I am glad that you are at the helm Doug. I am confident that you will clean up the mess. I have a few concerns about the process and the contractors that are reviewing my claim. Good Luck
I don’t trust anything this administration has to say about not cutting veterans benefits. We already have a hard time getting appointments and they firing employees so how can we trust in this administration.
That isn’t what the budget plan from Congress says. Mr. Vought and the OMB are trying to cut funding. VFW, DAV, and PVA are advocating on our behalf while our leader ensures we don’t display any pride flags; a blatant display of disrespect to our LGBTQ family members and Veterans. Every single service member, regardless of lifestyle or preference, deserves respect and LDRSHIP.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins ;
Thank you, Secretary Collins, for your message assuring us that our VA benefits are safe. While I did not believe the Democrat’s or the media’s claims to the contrary, your message confirms my belief in President Trump, the Republican party, and your support in America’s veterans.
Louis W McClure
Vietnam Veteran
I don’t trust anything this administration has to say.
If DOGE is working on saving money, where are the forensic auditors, and why did they hire hackers?
I want a REAL explanation of what’s going on without NONSENSE commentary about “media” or “mainstream media” bullcrap. Say it straight or I don’t care what you have to say.
Please look into VES, contract service, It is for the contractor to make a profit and have no way helping vets… They can make a appointment 30 days out, the vet has to live by a contractor’s schedule. Let’s make the VA about the Vet and not about a contractor making a profit.
I’ve never seen a secretary veterans affairs sound like a snake oil salesman until now. WOW
Please allow dental care through the Care in the Community program. Dental insurance has limited coverage, minimal (50%) reimbursement and is very expensive (over $50 per month for Delta Dental). Allow veterans dignity and oral health via fillings, crowns, bridges and implants that can be provided by a local dentist. May God bless.
Thank you for the update Secretary Collins! I new you would do an excellent job! Can you cancel the new Gov ID program? It’s the same one the IRS uses and I don’t feel safe giving them that info. Besides the VA should take its own ID for me to log into my healthy vet to message my doc or order my meds.
The best way to stop this madness is to tell the men and women of the armed forces who volunteered and served honorably that they will not receive the VA benefits checks at the end of each month.
Any way the docket can be moved along more readily for disability appeals? Retired in 2020 and still waiting.
I have found VA Workers to be professional, kind. and hard working. Sometimes I am ashamed at the treatment they are given by other Veterans. While I did my duty to our country, It is you and the people serving under you we Vets need to thank “for your services” to us.
If you tie your performance and that of the agency to Trump and DOGE then you are immediately suspect
What’s being done about appointments? I’ve been trying to get an appointment since September 2024 for my back pain and only get the run around when I call.
This guy is a bootlicking Trump syncophant. If you think for one second they’re not coming for your benefits you’re crazy.
What about the VA employees that were fired? Most of them were veterans, I would appreciate it if you were hones and just stated the facts that Trump does not respect us. He has yet to apologize for stating that the CMH, id the same as the Presidential Medal Of Freedom
When are you going to support the Service Dog Insurance Benefit? It’s time has come. Research proves the value of these special animals to veterans.
We all hope and pray that you are a man of your word. We have been wronged before.
I want the real truth my husband has been gone going on 2 years I am trying to get his disability he was at 70% when he passed I guess they are wanting to wait and see if I pass away so they don’t have to deal with me I need help !
What about my Health-E-Vet?
Historically, this President and his hand packed, unqualified stoogies, have a history of lying. Time will tell…same crap of blaming the media. The media so far has been correct on what they said a 2nd term of Trump would look like.
Absolutely thank you for clearing that up I’m a veteran receiving veteran benefits and it’s all I have think the good Lord and the government but this news is a bunch of bull crap so thank you for clearing that up and I appreciate everything you guys are doing thank you
Apparently, the VA is already cutting it’s own expenditures. I’ve had my classification and cut-off figure changed and for the second consecutive year, the VA is attempting to downgrade me to having to pay co-pays on my medications. With the meds I’m on, this would come to $400/month that would have to come out of my food budget, because that’s the only ‘budget’ we have. It seems that we manage to be just a few dollars over the adjusted cutoff every year. For over 20 years this has not been the case but now, with the budget shortfall, we’re suddenly being squeezed.
It has been two half years since the Camp Lejeune Pact Act was signed.I found
out today my claim(lawsuit) will more than likely be the first of next year.I can not believe there are only four judges for 450,000 claims something needs to be done.All of these Veterans are waiting is the govt just waiting for them to die off?
The 10.8 million dollars of the Pact Act funds the higher up V.A. used for a raise 136 people I was told they did re coup 97% of the funds. Is there a new IG to contact?
They have no business being in any government computers. Is this the largest beach of data in US history.
You need to contact your congressional representatives and senators like I did. The problem with the PACT Act IRT Campaign LeJeune H2O contamination is it did little to set out the parameters for compensation. Whereas the VA established clear cut criteria for benefits and eligibility, the Dept of the Navy has not, and they are letting the courts establish those criteria. As you probably already know, this is going to take a long time, and frankly the evidence trail for people like my parents and myself who were exposed from the 50s to the 80s is ridiculously hard to come by. My dad already passed away. My mom’s in her 90s. Many like them, will pass on before these issues get resolved without additional legislation. Don’t wait on the VA.
The IGs have been fired
No! President Bone Spurs fired all the IGs. He wants free reign to disassemble democracy and not be accountable.
They being doing that for years. Why do you think Agent Orange took forever to be in lists for claimable things?
The money available is in the Billions, not millions. Payouts are anywhere from $25,000 to one million per veteran. I don’t know what determines the amount the veteran gets.
I dont believe a damn word. Your wannabe orange king doesn’t give a damn about dead vets, hurt vets, captured vets… he said it himself.
The fact you even have to say anything about benefits is indication of bs.
I agree 100% on them waiting on us to die. I’ve had my claim in since 1970 and can’t get anyone to do anything. Are they going to check on past claims? I certainly hope so!
Hate to burst your bubble but you need to know the truth. When Collins says they are clearing cases quickly, that means they are denying them. And then the appeals process begins. It’s been 10 years now for me with an 1151 case. (malpractice) You know what your case file looks like after several appeals (for bad info) looks like after a dozen of people have looked through your case and commented? You probably do if you’ve ever looked at the notes in your medical records after a visit. The amount of incorrect info is staggering. I haven’t given up but I’m assuming now this admin will deny it permanently. I doubt I live to see it. I pray all of you will eventually see positive results but it might be decades down the road, if ever under this administration. It absolutely is deny until death.
I know it takes a great deal of time due to the fact that only 4 Judges hearing cases. I was finally approved after waiting more than a year. benefits were back dated and paid on when I filed. Once you are in the system it works great. I now have 100% of my health care taken care of at a VA facility and got a large lump sum settlement and my monthly tax free check is on my bank account on the 1 st of every month.
Is there a way to contact your office directly with correspondence or is this the only 2 way communication?
Sir, will you ask Pres. Trump to please sign an Executive Order authorizing and directing the VA to finally recognize the harmful health effects from K2-Uzbekistan radiation as presumptive service-connected conditions? As you know, the serious issue of K2 radiation has remained unresolved now for over 23 years. Further, the 2022 PACT Act failed to adequately address K2 radiation. We, the disabled Veterans of K2 appreciate your and Pres Trump’s support in this critical healthcare matter Sir. We believe at this juncture that an Executive Order is the most appropriate and expedient means to finally address the K2 radiation issue. Thank you very much Sir for your time and consideration.
I’m the spouse of a 100% service connected disable veteran that served 12 years and in the Persian Gulf War and they VA still has not added me as his dependant nor can I get my ChampVA until I’m recognized as his dependant. Who can I contact to help get this completed? I need medical insurance. It’s been almost 5 months!
What I find disturbing is the constant praising of Trump and the dig at main stream media. That pretty much sums everything up. If it quacks like a duck… Say goodbye to your bennies, my fellow combat vets. This administration doesn’t care about us.
Good luck to all of you vets that have remote doctors that are filling in because nobody wants to work in your local clinic or they can’t get good ones to come there..or they guess the previous one..when they force good doctors to leave the VA because of some stupid mandate to be in an office. Lol. As a vet I feel horrible for you. Good luck and God bless.
Good luck to all of you vets that have remote doctors that are filling in because nobody wants to work in your local clinic or they can’t get good ones to come there..or they fired the previous one..when they force good doctors and nurses that brought the gap, to leave the VA because of some stupid mandate to be in an office. Lol. As a vet I feel horrible for you. Good luck and God bless.
someone opened a can of worms. good luck
Come on Mr Hochstetler, you know how this works. ONE way communication. You can try the Secretary’s hotline phone number, which goes right into an automated service and good luck to getting the right operator to connect you to the Secretary’s administrative assistant. Lots of SMOKE SCREEN and GASLIGHTING!
When will the Camp LeJeune Case be funded? Many families have cases filed for years without any answers. Please make this a priority!
The Camp LeJeune funds are there. It is only four Judges hearing all of these cases.
Dear Mr. Secretary,
Many people support efforts to prevent fraud, but veterans with hiring preference working for the VA or other federal agencies—many with over 15 years of service—have been fired. These terminations were not due to poor performance, as claimed, but because they accepted promotions that placed them on a one-year probationary period. As a result, veterans who have sacrificed for their country are losing their jobs, despite the protections meant to support them. These actions are being taken without consideration of the long-term consequences.
What? That’s stupid. I would almost bet that TRUMP don’t know that.
I’m also concerned about the Camp Lejeune litigation. Delayed justice is denied justice. We deserve justice.
I am so glad that we finally have a person with our best interest in mind. I’m looking forward new and improved VA and I know all my fellow veterans are too . Thank you Mr Collins .
Do you know if Trump is committed to assisting more Veterans that have been convicted of felonies since he is also a convicted felon? Can federal employees now also be convicted felons?
Yeah, how about the transparency of firing veterans with double digit years of federal service just because Musk said do it. Is that helping your veterans who happen to be employees too? Stand up for your workforce Sec Collins. I fought for my country and a South African billionaire is making these decisions. So much for my exemplary 18 plus years of federal service with the VA.
Disappointed, unemployed disabled vet.
Nuts, as a famous general once said.
Nuts. How many VA staff have been cut?
How can we believe anything said by this administration about anything! We are abandoning our allies and doing Putin’s bidding. You are destroying America and your empty promises to protect veterans benefits is laughable while Elon Musk and his lieutenants are the one deciding things.
That isn’t what the budget plan from Congress says. Mr. Vought and the OMB are trying to cut funding. VFW, DAV, and PVA are advocating on our behalf while our leader ensures we don’t display any pride flags; a blatant display of disrespect to our LGBTQ family members and Veterans. Every single service member, regardless of lifestyle or preference, deserves respect and LDRSHIP.
I agreee with you one million percent!!! Thank you!
Enough with the LGBTQ. Get out of here with that nonsense!
Our Vet money and efficiency has nothing to do with displaying who you have sex with! we just need to focus on real issues not displaying our sexual preferences to all to see.
Hell yes.
Would protect above commenter in prison.
Truth’s are better said than lies. With the transgender operations, constant medical attention, Mrs Cross are you going to pay for that medical expenses bill? In the military, at many commands, never cared who was gay, bi, lesbian, during the late 80’s. Don’t ask don’t tell, was a good idea. I do understand about marriage, same rights as a heterosexual would. Why, maybe you can answer this question. Why does the LGBT+ community have to advertise what is done behind their bedroom doors?
Thank you!
Retired Navy Submariner. Heterosexual. I have a cousin who is gay n married, whom Since being my cousin with a tight knit family( aunts, uncles, cousins from both sides of my parents families.
They’re not going to fly my flag, why should they yours?
We don’t need to single out people for what goes on in their personal life.
The American Ensign and POW flags are the only flags that needs to be flown.
Those two flags represent everybody.
What about the firing of VA employees during their probationary period. Is this happening as we cut the government? How will this affect our care and services?
Amen…I’m with you on this. All Veterans means all Veterans.
LGBQTXYZ, get their recognition on Veterans Day just like the rest of us
Nobody cares about your sexual orientation (or anyone’s). Thank God President Trump (& Secretary Hegseth) has focused our military on doing the job of being a leathal fighting force – not some social engineering experiment on queers.
Lol mental illness
Exactly this. Thank you for saying it so clearly.
Cry me a river ! If you full inclusion why the Hell do you feel that you need a “SPECIAL” LGBTG PREVENTION NUMBER ???Use what all the rest of us use !
This is about veterans. Not your lifestyle preferences. You get as much respect as anyone else. Deal with it.
No person of sound, rational mind truthfully gives a s*it about the LGBTQ “family.” Have those persons nothing greater to celebrate in their lives than their sexual preferences? If that be the case, what a meaningless, unproductive life they live. Have they accomplished NOTHING greater than deciding who they decide to share orgasm’s with? The entire LGBTQ scene is a disgrace to humanity for celebrating a personal preference that absolutely NO ONE cares about. GMAFB, ms. cross. Bravo Zulu for getting rid of that disgraceful pride flag.
Thank you Mr. Collins for fighting for our right as veterans. We, the one that serve are very grateful to know that the benefits for the veterans are not going to be affected by this new presidential changes. A lots of us depend on the veteran’s benefits.
That sounds like fake news. Trump won’t cut veterans benefits unless one of those entities is skimming money off the top. I hope he finds it if it’s there!
Michelle, #1 Mr Vought and OMB are Cutting waste not Funding where it is needed. #2, I am a Gay man my self.
I am for What the Standard Norm Was before DEI, the LBGTQAI+++ alphabet that all but ruined the Military with its Demands. I do Not care if You are Trans, Lesbian, Gay, or Bi.
I Believe that you can be who and what you want to be in your own home, space. I DO NOT NEED TO HAVE THAT SHOVED Down My Throat, In My Face, or PARADED in Front of Every one.
That is Private and between you and your Spouse, Partner or Flavor of the Moment. I believe most feel the same.
To Me SHOUTING I am Queer and I am Here is Disrespectful while in Uniform. There is a Modicum of Respect not only to your self but Also to GOD, this Country and The Flag. What and Who you are is your Business Not Mine and everyone else’s.
Michelle, #1 Mr Vought and OMB are Cutting waste not Funding where it is needed. #2, I am a Gay man my self.
I am for What the Standard Norm Was before DEI, the LBGTQAI+++ alphabet that all but ruined the Military with its Demands. I do Not care if You are Trans, Lesbian, Gay, or Bi.
I Believe that you can be who and what you want to be in your own home, space. I DO NOT NEED TO HAVE THAT SHOVED Down My Throat, In My Face, or PARADED in Front of Every one.
That is Private and between you and your Spouse, Partner or Flavor of the Moment. I believe most feel the same.
To Me SHOUTING I am Queer and I am Here is Disrespectful while in Uniform. There is a Modicum of Respect not only to your self but Also to GOD, this Country and The Flag. What and Who you are is your Business Not Mine and everyone else’s.
I completely agree with you! Thank you for having the COURAGE to post your comment. Retired US Navy CDR.
The only flags that should be displayed are the U.S. flag, Military branch flags and the P.O.W. flag. No need for anything else.
The American flag represents them just like the rest of us veterans. Did these veterans fight for our country under the gay pride flag or the American flag? When I was in Vietnam I fought under the American flag.
You are a liar, there are no cuts.
Dear Mr. Secratary
It’s my understanding from reading that President Trump is following recommendations from Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. While I agree with rooting out fraud, waste and abuse and think DOGE is doing and excellent job. I am fearful of Veteran’s disability compensation being radically changed! I AM AGAINST ANY REFORM OR CUTS to disability compensation! I am a total and complete 100% disabled veteran and retired! Veteran’s have sacrificed more than any other segment of the American population other than maybe law enforcement. As most retired Vets are on a fixed income any disruption to that income could lead to catastrophic results to include increased homelessness, depression, anxiety and even suicide. Veteran’s have earned every single penny of their compensation and under most circumstances had to fight the bureaucracy tooth and nail to get it in the first place. I beg you please do not vote yes on any bill that would include changing VA disability compensation in any way shape or form. There are PLENTY of other places to cut spending without the continued sacrifice of our Veteran’s. Thank you for your time.
Michael S Jordahl
Over one thousand VA probationary employees were fired in the last week as part of DOGE ruining everything we have.
Don’t sit there any say nothing is being cut. Cutting the workforce is harming veterans.
Agree..many veterans concerned about means test & 30% getting eliminated. We all followed orders and have the scars visible or not. Contrary to popular opinion, VA disability is NOT an entitlement program.
I’ve been trying to find more info about the means test. From what I understand capital gains could be counted as income. So if a vet bought stock and wanted to sell it to pay off a house or buy a fancy new car it could actually cancel their benefits! If the means test comes true they could use 2025 tax info. is owned and operated by Gannett. The same people who operate USAToday. They may have military in the name but they are no more reliable than USAToday. I would take anything there with a grain of salt. And if someone is appealing to my sense of fear? They are probably trying to con me.
Hard pass.
Don’t believe you.
He full of sh-t just like trump. He is lying to our face just like his boss trump. This guy is has no honor, respect and honesty every time him or his boss president elon / trump open their mouth is lies. He and his bosses trying to bring back BS choice program which is garbage. I used it before and it was nothing but garbage and I could have had everything I needed done by the in half the time it took with choice and they still never got it done right. No wonder the VA got rid of it before under president Biden. Trump ruins everything he touches like the VA. Leave the VA alone you can’t fix what is not broken and trump does not fix anything so stay of the VA system!!!!
Inspectors General are how you root out fraud, waste, and abuse, not by having people with no concept of how the government works take a hammer to things they don’t understand. Audits are done with forensic accountants and subject matter experts. Elon has a bunch of JR tech bros, one of which was fired from a previous job for giving away company secrets. Btw, Trump fired all the IGs.
I wish I could shake your hand. That was the best way to say what all us vets are thinking as I sit in a hospital bed right now due to my injuries.
I think they should cut it all including the Vet benefits THIS IS WHAT WAS VOTED FOR! so let’s see it through.
Do let us know how that goes. I expect him to swoop in at any time since he really will need your vote again.
You haven’t been paying attention:
You’re getting exactly what you voted for, and we tried to warn all of you this would happen. Congrats. You voted against yourselves.
Fine words – but why all the layoffs? Don’t be too surprised when they try to privatize the VA.
So, it’s ok for others’ income to be affected. Just not yours. Maybe they served their country honorably as well.
If you think DOGE is doing an excellent job then you shouldn’t be surprised when DOGE finds a lot of fraud at the VA that results in reduced or suspended payments, or worse, for veterans like yourself. DOGE has successfully eliminated programs and employees we once thought were indispensable. They’ve already fired 1000+ VA employees. They will be heading to the VBA with the same intent.
They need to revamp the disability requirements. Too much glorified welfare. It should be LOD only.
You need to send your letter (comment) to your senators and house rep. The head of the VA doesn’t vote on bills. That’s congress’s job.
You deserve to be cut off if you think they’re doing a “wonderful job.”
So veterans being fired in huge numbers from federal employment is fine because it doesn’t directly affect you?
These firings includes nurses and people at the veteran’s crisis hotline, which will affect vets using VA Health Care facilities and those suffering from PTSD or other mental health issues. We either care about vets or we don’t – it shouldn’t matter how it affects us individually.
Collins is just another suck-up, yes man for Trump.
You support Trump and DOGE yet fear having your benefits cut. Get real man. It is your support of these guys that will enable the cuts.
Wow! Our personal information is at risk of being exposed to hostile actors, DOGE is, was, and continues to be a front used to create mistrust in our government agencies, and hard working ‘Mericans are losing their jobs as part of a failed attempt to balance a budget consistently and historically ruined by the GOP…and still there are those that support this type of nonsense. Except when it applies to them. Let’s see who continues to support what, as access to all of our traditional social services are slashed or elimated so those pesky tax cuts don’t expire.
I’m with you my brother!
Amen! My husband is a 100% Disabled USMC Vietnam Veteran. He’s been on the poisoned water national list since about 2007. He was told back then if there ever would be money, he would be entitled. When the lawsuit started, we contacted our present attorney. They know how long he’s been on this list.
Wow. Then you just care about your benefits and nothing else Trump and Musk are doing to destroy this country from within?
Elections have consequences, I’ll have to accept what comes with it.
Yes you want the cuts…but not to anything that will affect you. As a disabled vet I also do not, but you somehow think that as long as it does not affect you, its okay to cut them. Im sorry that you lack compassion and empathy for others….which is what the men in charge suffer from as well. You do not think that others losing their jobs are facing catastrophic results to include increased homelessness, depression, anxiety and even suicide. Shame on you. The man in charge will not be reading your comment….he has better things to do than care for veterans.
How is DOGE doing a good job? It’s not even an official federal agency. They are terminating essential workers on false pretenses and claims, causing chaos, destruction, anxiety, and hardship on regular working class people. This entire administration is a coup and whoever they elect to oversee programs, including the VA, they are only minions who follow every unconstitutional law given to them and disregard ethical policies that were put in place only to overturn them and eventually cut standard benefits to veterans and civilians alike. It’s only a matter of time when they start looking at va disability benefits and the recipients who are receiving those benefits. They definitely have access to our personal data and healthcare records. They don’t care about veterans. And why would they, especially Musk!
The Sec Def. Has no vote on anything. When Trump and muskrat come for our disability, there is nothing Clins can or will do about it.
Consider than less than 1% of payments were erroneous in the last 7 years according to the IG, DOGE isn’t doing a good job: it’s a farce to distract from their egregious behavior
Yes, I’m STILL fighting this battle. It is absurd the amount of crap we have to navigate through, wait over a year just to be told no, didn’t happen in the military. Then, it is up to us to hire a lawyer to help fight it. This whole process works against the veterans.
there is a concerted attempt to privatize VA Healthcare; the vipers want to convert it into private and for-profit un-healthcare of the sort that exists in the private sector. VA Healthcare in my expereince is far superior to the private system and for a simple reason: inside the VA Healthcare system people are there to help people and not to make profits. I’ve heard that comment from many physicians and nurses who have worked in both.
Mr. Collins doesn’t give a tinkers damn about veterans. He works for Musk and Fat Donnie the Fascist King. I expect that by 2027 the new American King aided by the NAFP, New American Fascist Party will have so decimated our system of government that even our military and those who have suffered and died will become meaningless. In my opinion Trump and Musk plan on dividing the world up three ways. China, Russia, and the U.S. will each control 1/3 of the globe. My question to Collins is WHAT THE HELL are you going to do about it?? Do you even care? Are you simply overseeing the dismantling of the Agency designated to provide care and assistance for those of us who served our Nation? I believe that you’re the chosen sucker. After your mission is complete you WILL be tossed aside like a box of garbage. You Sir are a fool. May God save your soul…..if you have one.
Good Man ! ?
His lips are moving, he’s a republican, he lying while some unelected billionaire technocrat robs us all blind. Faster case fliw? That means they are denying us.
Dear Secretary Collins, I am amazed that veterans are being let go from the VA. I see many of those veteran types working at the VA hospital in Decatur Georgia and I would hate to see them lose their jobs because of some fanatical, cutting efforts by this administration. I hope you will take action to preserve, the opportunities that veterans have to serve other veterans in our VA facilities.
I agree Captain. When I worked at a VAMC, I saw more non-vets who were a waste of a position. Their attitude was, “after my years probation I cant be fired”. Many non-vet employees live by that code at VAs.
Been bothering me also.
It is too late. They have fired all probationary employees with no reason with a note in their termination letter saying they were fired due to underperformance, and that is just the beginning unfortunately. They are also making cuts to Medicare which all tricare for life recipients ultimately transfer over to. Anyone who thinks this will not hurt veterans are not thinking clearly and assuming this guy is being honest will be severely disappointed.
Liars, all of you. Letting are constitution fail while you watch.
I completely agree with your comments and feedback. The same thing is going on in Florida, VA regional in West Palm Beach. Right in the PODUS’s Winter White House backyard. You would think King Trump and the Secretary would preserve these low paying jobs since it is already extremely difficult to recruit qualified personnel that understands the unique administrative, physical, mental, spiritual, and financial needs required by our military personnel. Just try to explain your situation to a civilian network provider. They just want their money for services!
I completely agree with your comments and feedback. The same thing is going on in Florida, VA regional in West Palm Beach. Right in the PODUS’s Winter White House backyard. You would think King Trump and the Secretary would preserve these low paying jobs since it is already extremely difficult to recruit qualified personnel that understands the unique administrative, physical, mental, spiritual, and financial needs required by our military personnel. Just try to explain your situation to a civilian network provider. They just want their money for services!
You are just giving lip service while you support an Authoritarian. What about our Democracy, and all those Vets, including my grandfather, who fought and died for it, against Fascism in WWII. Now you embrace it. After all of the lies that Republicans have told to me in my lifetime, I would not believe anything more that you ever have to say. I became a United States Marine and I am still a Patriot but You support Billionaires over someone like me. Money is your God. So far there has been zero benefit for my service but then I chose honor
and principle over money. A love of my Nation. Unlike you. I don’t count on you helping any of us. There has been no Justice for the loss of my child at Camp Lejuene. No Justice for anything. I hope that you believe in a Just God, I do. Men like you are going to answer for all of it at Judgement. You still believe in your lies and have zero repentance, no change from your sins. Cuddle with a dictator for worldly wealth and status out of fear. Refuse to help the least of your brothers. Play God in your decisions. No better than those who murderered the Jews. No better than those who condemned Christ to death. No forgiveness from the Lord God. Unforgiven.
You are a clown ?. Crawl back to your Circus
Unlike the ungrateful comments that support the previous missing in chief, i feel its wonderful that we are rooting out fraud and waste. Even if that means laying off VA employees. In fact, it would be cheaper to issus us a card accepted by outside doctors and hospitals for community care.
What did the last 4 years of Biden get you? Go ahead I’ll wait.
I have to admit, there is a lot of truth to what this person is saying. The mega men and women in Congress and the Senate have violated their oath to the constitution. They have turned their backs on democracy and have supported a traitor, a felon and a hollow man, and just like him they have no moral compass, no values and no character.
History will be especially hard on these people, and any veteran who has his sense of self will be willing to go through the last full measure to ensure that these people never rise to the top.
I served in the US Army and am a 100% disabled Veteran. This is the most heartfelt, brutally honest, beautiful way I have heard someone describe what the unabashed sledgehammering of our Constition, our Democracy, our lack of ethics and compassion is doing to the very fabric of our existence. I beg of you to share this beyond here. It needs to be read by the people. And if you don’t want to do it or remain anonymous, I would be honored, as one battle buddy to another, to share this with others.
Sorry I don’ t believe you sir and DOGE, Elon & Trump can all go to hell.
Here are things that need to change at the VA. I have been going to the N.Texas VA in Dallas for over 25 years. The doctors there have almost killed me 3 times, and it is all in my medical records. 1. Stop hiring unqualified foreign doctors. The Dallas VA is full of them. 2. Make it easy for Vets to get outside medical help, when we can’t get it at the VA. The way it works now, and the way it is set up, is a total nightmare. I have diabetes and I’m on blood thinners. The orthopedic doctors will not see me half the time. I need a shot in my knee every 6 months so my knee will not grind bone on bone. They have refused to see me the last three times I have ask. This has got to stop. These doctors are there to help us, not turn us down. 3. The service we get at the Dallas VA is shocking. I just told you about one problem. There is many more. The Dallas VA is good at covering their tracks on problems like these.. We need a lot of changes at the VA in Dallas.
Your left wing liberalism hate is showing. President Trump and Mr. Musk, no matter how much money they have, are trying to save America. Do you live in a cave? Have you not seen all the wast that they have found? If they don’t fix it. You want have to worry about the VA, America will be broke and there won’t be a VA. The U.S. Government now employees over 50% or the working population. We can’t have that. The government was NEVER suppose to be that large. The government should never employ more than 38% MAX. I suggest you crack a book and learn the truth and get off of CNN and MSNBC.
Hear, hear! I’m surprised that the censor allowed your comment. They’re blocking mine. They’re afraid of “dangerous” ideas being seen by other, like Orwell’s 1984. Thanks, Big Brother!
Wow, this country was founded as a constitutional republic and the democracy you speak of was formed within the republic to turn the country into a corporation. So I will ask you take the blinders off and do little more research. Both parties have failed this country and some of the rotten leadership have been in office for decades. But don’t take a word I say to heart I just ask you to do you due diligence and research. Not everyone is bad or has bad intentions, and if these people don’t do good for us then I will join you in the tinfoil hats brigade and vote in some new that will more then like replace and repeal all that being done this time around. But there is moving to another country. I even have researched if this country fails US like I have experienced in the last 3 years cause I when from 70% in late 2020 to be to 90% in early 2021 to 60% in summer of 2022. So tell me how Mr. Collins is the problem
Perfectly said!!! So very sorry for the loss of your child.
This is the same guy that said the VA “will not be cutting any employees.” So I agree with you 100%, I can’t trust this dude either.
Oh, really.
Well Said. I couldn’t of said it better myself!
First of all, thank you for your service. Secondly, your comments are so out of touch with reality. President Trump very much respects our servicemen and women, and if it weren’t for him and serving as our President 4 years ago, our VA health system would still be in dire straights. He fixed a broken system, and now our Veterans are receiving better care. Please do your research.
Didn’t the Jews kill Jesus? You must be a troll op on the Internet, but cool story though, Bot.
Yes! I agree with everything you stated! Lip service as vets lose their jobs! Pathetic they will answer for all their stuff!
Hi J Medley. First I am so sorry for the loss of your child at Camp Lejuene. There have been a lot of injustices in our country, and long wait times to get claims finalized etc. but in all seriousness you can’t blame that on any one party. Your remarks about Trump and our new Secretary are so wrong on many levels. You are simply spewing what the liberal media have been dishing out for so many years trying to eliminate Trump from becoming President. Look back – two assassination attempts, two impeachments, endless lawsuits, special hearings etc. – All failed. Millions and maybe billions of taxpayer dollars spent on trying to derail the man. I’ve been in politics so I know the game. I have to close that you are in no place to think God is on your side and against Trump and the Republican party. Despite what you think Trump really wants to make this country great again. I get the fact his personality may rub you the wrong way but give the man a chance. Since you seem to be a Godly man, put him in your prayers that he does a great job for everyone. Have faith and hope he does the right thing!!!! Best to you and yours, a Vietnam Vet
You’ve bought into the propaganda, “Trump Bad” is the mantra. If there is any “fascism” it’s in the Democrat Party, the self proclaimed Socialist. I feel for you brother, please open your eyes to the truth –> “Trump GOOD.”
Although you have a right to express your opinion, this rant does not possess one ounce of facts to support the accusations. This extremist approach does absolutely nothing but cause unfounded division. Stick to the facts, keep an open mind, and read a variety of news sources to create a more balanced viewpoint.
By the way, there are worse tyrants throughout history than the recent dictator in which was referred. At least try to spice it up a little with some ancient Roman, Chinese, Russian, or Mongolian oppressors. Continually comparing others with the same old name is unimaginative. ;)
You are blaming this administration, how about the previous administrations?
You are very misled, but I can tell you for certain that under the Biden administration my benefits went to hell. My prescription drug copay almost doubled, and I couldn’t/can’t even make an appointment with my primary care doctor without going through some stupid person that doesn’t even work in that office. I don’t know where you get your information, but you have no idea what you are talking about. You sound like an idiot with the crap you are spewing.
You’re just an America Hating Sheep that believes Everything the Lying Fake News Tells you !!
Amen! My ancestors fought in the American Revolution and most wars since. This administration has no idea what they have done but they will soon. I don’t think there will be a civil war because this isn’t between civilians ( except the “cult”) but the oppressed will rise up and show the billionaires the error of their ways. History is on our side. 1776.
“I’m the Secretary of VA, and I’m telling you right now, that’s not happening… the reality is, Veterans benefits aren’t getting cut,” Collins said. … “I’m happy to partner with DOGE [an un-elected organization that was not created by the US Congress as the VA or USAid was, just an arm of Elon Musk’s business empire] to find things we need to get rid of…” he said.”
What BS, first Collins says he’s not cutting VA benefits…then he says, oh yes, by the way I am cutting benefits, we’re just calling it “efficiency”…literally on the same page!
Secretary Collins is just a stooge for Musk, our N- co-president from South Africa. He is appointed ‘secretary’ to take an axe to the VA benefits we EARNED by our sacrifice. Trump, a Vietnam draft dodger, has never respected veterans and does not honor our service. To Trump and Musk, we are just “suckers” (Trump actually said this!). Wake up people, this is all in the project 2025 playbook. Musk-Trump wants to kill the VA dead so that we have to deal with their golfing buddies/ vultures who own the private health insurance industry. All while betraying our allies in NATO and selling Ukraine to the Soviets. RIP America 2025.
J Meadly Sir, Seems you’re looking to blame certain individuals for the loss of your child. Many lost loved ones concerning the Lejeune issues and or continue to suffer. There is never true Justice after suffering a loss as yours. We do need to heal and as in the Marines, continue to move forward.. I do strongly suggest you seek counseling. The VA has the means and am certain would like to speak with you. Good Luck.
Well put my friend!
I agree with you 100%. I was at LeJeune as well. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Good lord above. ?
All of this feels like a full on tail spin. It takes cptsd to a whole entirely different level! And the Veteran’s suicide hotline has already had some operators cut! As if their jobs aren’t absolutely necessary. And they wonder why vets isolate. What a joke-what a slap in the face!! I WILL pray for you and your family.
Well said My Brother, well said!
I created the Desert Storm Battle Registry as a survey in 1997 to
find my fellow GWI veterans. More than 5,000 filled this out. Then
I progressed to full advocacy by 1998. By then DOD knew me quite
well as I inventoried there servers and threw it back at them. I was tired
of not knowing anything or why I was so damn sick.
DSBR name tags, and name plates began to fill boxes from events that
I was recognized at. Media was easy back then. No one turned me away.
Till global media coverage in 2003 opposing troops going to Iraq. Even
had a DC PO Box for mail.
2008, got my own VA federal advisory committee. VA went out of its way
to shorten our tenure and muzzle us. Even threaten me, then pretty
much hide our committee and its final report.
2012 VA cut us all off. Played dirty with gulf war advocates. Ran off our
advocates in favor of ringers. All the while making things worse for Gulf
war vets and playing up Deployment Health. Who have been hiding 4
significant disease trends from the veterans and the public.
Here it is 2025 and Im still here. Out lived hundreds of advocates and
fellow supporters. Still, DSBR hung on for 28 long years. Of which VA
has gotten very braisen. Not posting my letters to the RAC year after
year likes its a choice. Taking down all evidence I exist the last 3 years.
I find it highly offensive 14 Secretaries of VA have ignored everything Gulf
war from a veterans stand point. That we have no real say in our care,
benefits, and healthcare. You will choose for us. None of you have done
right by me, or the 697,289 other fellow GWI vets. Going all the way back to
PL 105-368 that you twisted and abused.
Must be very comforting to look down your nose, and act like DSBR does not
deserve professional courtesy. 28 years of work means nothing. What could I
possibly offer versus you? Try 28 years of experience and dealing with 13 other
Sec of VA that like you felt veterans input is a joke. Every damn one of them was
a public servant and forgot that when it office. Your supposed to be available.
Technically, Im your boss. Not the other way.
So I will say to you what Ive been saying back in the Army to officers. How could
you loose what you never earned, my respect. You demand it, then you treat me
like a feral dog in back ally. You want my respect now, earn it by doing your job.
Which means answering phones and emails. So far, zip there. DSBR came along
way before you, and Ive helped far more gulf war vets than you ever will.
We started out nice 2 weeks ago, and now I know 2025 is you cutting throats,
hiding behind staff, pretending to care while you pretty much spit in my face.
Blocking my browser access to is also blocking me from MyHealthevet
website. Your denying me access to medical care. Real brave, real smart. So I
think Im justified to be grumpy with you. I only get this way reacting to others,
I didnt start this. Just reached out to you and you blew me off..
Change is coming either way.
Kirt P. Love
Director, DSBR
Former Member VA ACGWV
Didn’t you hear?
Eat [redacted], fascist.
Thank you, what they don’t want us to know is the fact most Vets of Desert Storm are like myself. We were some how connected to a Bradley Fighting Vehicle or M1 ABRAMS, or some other mechanized source. The US Army conducted a study in 1981 on the two tanks mentioned. This study revealed that just firing of the weapons alone Carbon Monoxide was lethal at every position within those tanks. The DOD, and Army refused to do anything about it other than ignore it. Myself I have suffered from Rumathoid Arthritis every since Desert Storm I was 11M. I enlisted at 17 fresh out of High School healthy as an OX. Thru my own studies and research there is a known link to CO poisoning and Rumathoid Arthritis. I have a TERA MEMO attached to my file and conceded to by the VA, but none of that matters, it’s just a piece of paper. Come sit with me some times when it takes all I got to get out of bed because of the pain I am in. I have accepted the fact that RA is chronic and it will take my life someday if a cure is not f going. What I can’t accept is the very Government I defended and would do it again in a heart beat as most of us would, now I’m having to defend myself because nobody with Authority has the balls to stand up and do the right thing for us Vets. It’s always some other law it more red tape, I didn’t recall any of that when I was called to fight a War we really had no business fighting in the first place! Mad as hell at Army,DOD, and now the VA is falling right in step with those two. Grow a pair do right by the very people who gave you a job to begin with or resign and put me in that seat!
They may turn a blind eye, but we are still watching. Thank you for the advocacy over the years, Kirt. GWI (or whatever they want to call it) has been a nightmare for so many.
You have my undying respect and admiration Kirt. I also had to voice my displeasure to superiors while serving which didn’t serve me well. You seem to have the ability to voice your opinion and stop. My mind demands my adrenaline push me beyond that and display a much firmer view for my point of view.
U.S. Army Vietnam Vet
Well over 80% disabled and find the VA extremely lacking to the point I’m convinced I’m just a photo op.
Please focus on the Caring for Survivors Act as so many of us lost not only our loved one but also a substantial amount of our income
You want the VA to focus on the survivers moreso than the actual veterans? Many veterans are single and single with families and cannot work but yet you feel that its more importants for the non-veterans to get the disabilty that the actual veterans need? Im sorry you lost a substantial amount of your income but I lost the ability to have children because of military issues among other issues so Im not losing an additional income..Im losing most of my income, my home, and may be facing living on the streets if they cut the benefits. I WAS in the military, not just married to someone in it. PS…when I could not have kids my military husband left me to find someone that could.
Currently VA has over a quarter of a million pending rating cases, which is taking an average of 140 days to complete. Is that faster than ever? Historically, VA has staffed up during wartime periods but when those employees retire service suffers. Veterans’ needs for VA services do not go away after they are discharged. Many times as veterans age, their needs for disability benefits and health care increases. It angers me that Elon Musk and his wunderkind, none of whom served one day in the military, are attacking the VA. Shame!
This empire was built off of the blood of those who served in units like mine, and you better f***king know that we are not oblivious to you trying to f**k with our disability ratings and services. Keep that in mind. You can lie to the masses with the current administration’s lies, but you won’t pull that s**t with us vets. Remember that.
Less w 0ke Culture? As a nurse you dedicate your career to helping those you serve. Us veterans are very diverse and come from all ends of this country to serve and you should respect that. So if providing them with w 0ke services is what is required to help THEM it shouldn’t be your voice who dictates what they need.
A lot of vets voted for this admin. So the wool has been pulled over their eyes and quite easily, unfortunately.
I second that!
Sadly, some of these Vets are delusional and have fallen into the cult.
!!! You speak the truth, unfortunately
If one comment from here could get the attention of anyone in a position of authority at the VA, let it be Mr. Hirth’s.
Stick your hand in our cage and pull back a stump.
How is freezing hiring for the WARTAC program, and taking medical services away while lowering disability ratings “giving and improving services.” You can’t BS us. We are what sustains this empire. Active or reserved… You’d do well to remember that.
I don’t believe a word the Sec. is saying. He’s just another puppet of this administration & the so called “DOGE”. I’m very worried about the outcome of all this stupity and the future of our USA. Take care & carry on.
Secretary Collins ,
I don’t believe your going to read any of these emails. I’ve reached out to Congress the VA representative, and my Congressman in Texas with no results. I’ve had 3 botched surgery’s from incompetent surgeon’s. Now I have to suffer the rest of my life and I don’t trust the VA at all thank god for community care. As far as I’m concerned the Government has given up on us and has given everything to illegals and Fu$k us.
I will continue to fight for my country and what I believe in
Dear Sir,
There are 182 comments on here.Are you going to answer any of them?
LOL… Don’t hold your breath.
He’s not reading them-they don’t care, I promise they don’t. Tomorrow, thousands more will lose their jobs in America while the Felon in charge whines about when he’ll get his new Air Force One delivered—because that is government efficiency:)
my brother, he is not even going to read any of them.
Do you actually think he is going to read them? Sorry your comment was pretty funny. Let me answer you as a disabled veteran. NO, he is not going to answer you. He is probably having his very expensive coffee with his amazing breakfast chatting about how hard his job is and cant decide what kind of furniture he needs for his new office.
No, no he is not. But you kinda knew that, didn’t you
You wanted this job, now do it
Please Exend the Blue Water Line to the original Vietnam Service Medal Line that was took away from Blue Water Navy off Vietnam in 2002. This was the agent orange 1991 Bill for all Vietnam Veterans. I been trying for almost 20 years to get my Benefits. I got a lot of Health Problems from Agent Orange and Toxins on my Ship. I am almost 78 years old.
My husband is like you. VA doctors told him to file because certain illnesses, like prostate cancer, he had would be automatic because of Agent Orange. When documentation was filed, weirdly, VA kept saying they didn’t get them. They seemed to get records that were not needed. they also close the case if they don’t get what they want by a certain date. We filed through Texas Vet who took the paperwork and handed it to the VA office and still they wouldn’t acknowledge they received them.
How can we possibly believe anything this fascist government says. The president just declared himself king! DOGE was given unrestricted access to records. We have a HHS that wants to put those with mental illness in camps. How can anyone believe this!?
Great. Just another bootlicker kissing POTUS butt.
One of the slowest entities on this planet is the VA . It takes an average of 6 months to 3 years to get an answer from the VA in disability claims. Molasses going uphill in the winter time on Mount Everest is faster than the VA. Such a disgusting way to treat veterans that literally give their lives for the defense of this great country. And you wonder suicide rates are so high. Veterans have no choice but to give up. It would be nice if one of the largest health care systems in this country could ACTUALLY take care of its veterans. Please pass this on to the VA boss and maybe for ONCE he will ACTUALLY listen to our concerns.
People commenting like he gonna read it lmfao.
As I read I wa liked lol. Some are writing a yrs of what they did.
We know he’s not going to read them. We know no one on his staff will read them. We know he doesn’t care. The comments are for each other to hear the voices of their compatriots.
This is why I would never vote Republican. The sheer stupidity and depravity is an insult to those who served their country. I understand that you rich white scumbags feel that I as a black man can serve and die for my country but I do not deserve to be treated equally. We as black people have fought for this country since its founding and still are treated as second class citizens. Your recent cuts to the VA are yet another example of your disregard for our service. It is my hope that Karma shows how much of a bitch she is. You are led by a 5 time draft dodger who called us suckers and losers, however it is my belief that you are the suckers and losers and I will stand on that until I die…
Absolutely. They’re not gonna read any of this stuff, but I’m really enjoying reading what my fellow veterans are saying.
Awesome! Thanks for posting
Amen brother!
As a white veteran I have to tell you that they don’t care about any veterans no matter what color. I do understand that you may have faced prejudiced issues in the past…so have women, and its not right. About the rest of your comment…I agree totally. Im also nog a fan of old rich scumbags who are robbing us blind to their advantage. That’s why I am up all hours of the night filled with anxiety, depression and questioning if tomorrow they will be coming after us.
lol shut up, all this garbage has been given to us from all the previous generations Dem and Rep combined working for their globalist overlords have crushed us veterans and made the VA one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, and now all of a sudden 30 days into Trump you’re gonna cry about Republicans and “waaah white people” when the VA has been an institution of death and depravity for the past several decades? Get lost, you’re nothing more than an anti white ideological hack.
Now you know how my Irish ancestors felt when they were forced off their lands and taken into slavery to serve in the New World. My Celtic brethren were called and treated as sub-Human till 1830s. So been there, done that.
Up to 20,000 Irish were worked to death to hand dig the New Basin Canal in New Orleans in the 1830s because African slaves were deemed too valuable to risk. In 1862, the US Army project to build a canal on the Mississippi River during the War to bypass Confederate Army batteries on the bluffs of Vicksburg. It was dubbed Grant’s Canal, but after the first failed attempt, that quickly changed to Grant’s Folly. Undeterred, General Grant secured President Lincoln’s approval to force recently “freed” African slaves to hand dig and dredge the adjacent wetlands. It is recorded that 200+ of these men lost their lives for this useless project that was always doomed to failure.
In the end, we are all cattle to the powers that be. Race and nationality have little to do with it. Democrats aren’t much different from Republicans. They both belong to the same Progressive Party.
sounds like this one needs to be audited. Bet your claims are fraudulent
You can’t fire (without cause) over 1000 dedicated VA caregivers then pretend you actually give a dam about our health care or convince us that you won’t also come after our disability benefits so greedy never-served billionaires (like Musk) can shove even more billions into their pockets. Trump may hate us “suckers and losers” veterans because (being a pathetic coward) he ain’t us. But WE will outlast him!!
Mr. Secretary,
Since there gas been a staffing shortage of doctors, nurses, and support staff. Why did you layoff 1000 workers? For transparency “Why are you afraid of Donald Trump? As for Elon and his SpaceX techs. No I highly disapprove of non- or improperly vetted civilians that has no clue whatsoever they are doing to have access to my records or any VA records. To be honest you, Trump, Elon, and Republicans in general are an embarrassment to this country. Elon is from South Africa and not from the US. Having access to all these records and making decisions hurting America’s workers.
I hope they do away with this glorified welfare system. Unless your disability is LOD you shouldn’t get any. This could save the govt billions. I hope they take a hard look at this.
we HAVE to Make America Great Again. There will be pain for sime but I totally support the cuts. there us so much waste and fraud and faking. billions and billions
Hello, my name is Alfonso Perez. A Disabled Combat Veteran in South Texas. Since 2010 I have submitted documents in support of a claim. I was in combat as an Infantryman during the Gulf War. When I was discharged, a clerical error did not show my medals that I deserve and served for. Mainly, my Combat Infantry Badge. This is important to me. I can pass this on to my kids and grandchildren. Showing that I served my Country. For years, I have been fighting the US Army Vital Records Department and Board of Appeals. I have emailed and talked to several offices and departments, hoping to get help in this matter. Mr Collins is the only person that can help me at this point. I also been fighting the VA over my failing and declining health. I have pictures and my statement where I was exposed to the burning oil wells and burning material that we were tasked to do. I have been complaining of shortness of breath, bone and muscle pain from day one. When I filed a disability claim in 2007. Although I am 100% disabled due to combat, I suffer from several illnesses. The VA has helped me in getting an electric wheelchair and a lift for my home. I am bed ridden 90% of the time. My wife has been caring for me the past 3 years. This is when my health has worsened. I applied for the caregiver program, and have been denied several times. There’s been time I want to give up. But my wife motivates me to keep going. PS I also believe my injuries and illnesses should be awarded a Purple Heart. As it was a tactic used by the enemy. God Bless and Thank you!! Alfonso Perez (Mission,Texas) 18th Airborne Division/24th Infantry Division Aco 3rd/7th Ft Stewart Georgia
Brother, your wife sounds like a saint. I had luck getting my dd214 updated through military awards section of manpower.
I feel you brother! I did ask about the Purple Heart as well. NBC warfare was used against us on multiple occasions, M8 alarms, Khamisiyah bunker filled with sarin gas. I too, believe we deserve a Purple Heart. Your CIB should be easy to prove with your DD-214 showing your time in Desert Storm and your MOS. Send a copy to HRC to get it fixed. Oh yeah, file for Aid and Attendance instead of the caregiver program.
Good Luck.
Dear Honorable Secretary of VA Mr Collin’s , I was so happy to hear that you are now the New Secretary of the Va. Cherry Point Base had referred me to the VA in New Bern, NC. after seeing 5 Jag Attorneys at Cherry Point Base with President Trump placing my case Under Major Domestic Violence April 2018. Congressman Murphy office in Greenville stated they would be glad to help when I had a claim . Sir I do have a claim that Honorable Senator Dole, Craven county DSS had assisted with in 2008 with Winston Salem VA. I understand that you are a chaplain. Sir this situation is not God, it’s evil. Thirty years of the quality of my life and family is completely destroyed. The course of our lives have been changed unnaturally. Since President Trump had taken office I have had to notify the President. The only assurance that I have received is from Craven Community College, very little assistance from DSS , and one of the families from the college assisting with one of their familiy members temporarily, with staying with a elderly. I have also contacted Randy Forbes law office in Washington DC Greenberg Traugrig as they taken my consideration rights, civil rights, liberty rights, fundamental rights, with them not honoring the rule of law. I would definitely appreciate any assistance that would be given as they have me trapped financially. Thank you
We have no proof whatsoever that an unvetted non-federal employee working under the fake federal entity DOGE that was not even Congressionally created (as lawfully required)…has not illegally accessed our super sensitive military Veteran medical records, disability records and personal information contacting our SSN #s, birth dates, address, phone numbers, etc. I do not believe anyone hired by the current president, a convicted felon.
Awesome! Thanks for posting . My feelings exactly! Where is the accountability?
have you ever been to the DMV????
Please – you are assuming that any other federal employee is honest and good. What we do know if our country is in deep financial trouble and DOGE has the smartest people on it to comb through waste, fraud and abuse to save our taxpayer money. So quit whining and realize how licky we are to have these 2 great men working feverishly to save America. They are plenty rich enough – they do not have to do it but they must for our kids. By the way, 58% of Americans approve of Trump and Elon’s DOGE. DOGE employees are employed by the federal government as hired by Trump/Elon.
This…right here. Absolutely.
We need to have our Vr@e. Benefits expedited.
Veterans have to wait for 5-7 months for any sort of vocational rehabilitation. The offices of Greenville SC are completely closed and when I went in person to the physical office, there is a schedule sign and a government vehicle. The department of the Veterans affairs educational benefits needs and our health care benefits are slow and veterans are dying waiting for the proper care!
Please work with Doug Collins together so we can fix Greenville SC. CBOC and build another hospital for veteran in the Upstate south Carolina!!
ChatGPT said:
Certainly! Here’s a revised version of your message with a clear and professional tone:
Subject: Urgent Request for Expedited VR&E Benefits and Improved Veteran Services in Greenville, SC
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I am writing to bring urgent attention to the current state of Veterans’ services in Greenville, SC. Veterans in our community are facing excessive delays in accessing Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefits, with wait times of 5-7 months. This situation is unacceptable, as it severely impacts veterans’ ability to transition to civilian life and gain meaningful employment.
In addition, the Greenville SC offices of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are completely closed, leaving many veterans without support. During a recent visit to the physical office, I noticed a schedule sign and a government vehicle, but no available staff to assist. This lack of accessibility is only furthering the frustration of our local veterans.
Our veterans are also facing delays in receiving educational and healthcare benefits, leading to serious concerns about their well-being. Tragically, some veterans are dying while waiting for the care they rightfully deserve. This is a situation that cannot be allowed to continue.
I urge you to collaborate with Congressman Doug Collins to address these issues and expedite the process for VR&E benefits. Additionally, I implore you to work towards establishing a new VA hospital in the Upstate of South Carolina to better serve the needs of our veteran population, particularly those in Greenville.
The time to act is now, and I trust you will prioritize the health and well-being of those who have served our country. Our veterans deserve better.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your prompt response and action.
You Have 2 Senators And A Rep. Collectively they Will Be More Than Happy To Expedite All Concerns. Lindsey Graham/Tim Scott/Nancy Mace. They Are Dedicated In Helping Veterans Of All Military Campaigns. The Above Individuals Are Dedicated to Transparency. Good Luck!
i think it wonderful that the military has decided to consider to right some of the wrong judgments unfair decisions handed down,most vetrans didnt join the military to fail or qut to get thrown out, , we sighn up in all honesty to succeed , for life careers , to lead productive lives , some unfortunate veterans may have fell short in some of there endeavors and encounters during there service , or for various other reasons , weather you couldnt get along with your higher ups, because of biases ,racism , mentel illnesses ignored ,harrassment/ mst ,ptsd, fraternizing , seen and judged by one person veterans not being given the chance to redeem or get medical help in some instances counseling, instead of just being thrown out most veterans dont want to leave fail go home failures ,the process were flawed mental health wasnt recognized., ptsd wasnt recognized untill 1980 , many veterans suffered mentaly it was ignored or went unnoticed there were no proccessin place ,this is not a hand out,, it is a hand up, to our fallen misfortunate stigmatize hidden wounded soliders ,there were discrepancies ,prejudices inconsistencies in the discharge process, so i think it was over do. good luck to those veterans who suffered for years carrying this hidden wound, being look down on frown upon, rejected, not able to get jobs, ,because of differences between two people from different backgrounds cultures etc , because of mentel conditions at the time of said events or a behavior sustained from trama ptsd mst ,harrassment, fraternization,
As a wife of a Veteran and I feel to just vent my feelings here. I wished that if my husband’s PSA level was thoroughly examined and monitored closely like yearly mandatory check up for males I believe that He would not start His Chemotherapy tomorrow, 2/18/25.
It was 7-1/2 years laps His VA doctor didn’t check his prostate until His PSA level became very high and cancer cells was present that ended him getting Prostatectomy surgery. My husband had several infusions, injections and oral meds but the cancer had metastasized to his bones. Now Chemotherapy is needed to hopefully stop the spread to his organs. I hope that this comment helps improve the dignity of patient care in our Virginia Veterans. I believed that negligence of care is present in my husband’s care. I’m very sad to see Him undergo many treatments.
I thank You for allowing me to share. God Bless.
File a TORT CLAIM against the VA for negligence. It is not hard to do. Gather your evidence and submit your form.
Good Luck
I’m very sorry to read of your plight. For any veteran men here, just do what I did – doesnt cost a ton of money – go to Quest labs and pay for your own “PSA blood test” and if the result is oitnof range get that to your doctor and that will start the action going for diagnosis. Too many wait around or trust in the gloved finger test. Just pay for your own psa blood test. I did and thank God we caught my husband’s PSA was very high. That triggered a prostate biopsy which was a gleason score showing aggressive type, so then a staging nuclear medicine bine scan and visit to surgeon at City of Hope for robotic removal. And get this – the doctor at that initial medical annual physical was not going to give him anything because he looked so good and healthy and strong. But I was the one who pushed to write to get the blood test (more accurate than digital rectum exam). My hunch was because he was not having good solid urine streams – yes I heard a change in his urine stream “habits”.
May God bless your husband and you. I wish him the best. I too got Prostate cancer, possibly from Agent Orange exposure but who knows. I’m lucky it was caught early, treated with radiation/hormone therapy and is in remission. Even though I have a primary care doctor at my local VA Clinic, my civilian Urologist called out the cancer diagnosis early with my sudden high PSA level. Take care brother.
I’m sad to say I really no longer trust the VA Administrations. No issues with the doctors, nurse at the facilities but the senior leadership.
Once again the senior leadership within the VA will need to earn my trust. Zero trust in DOGE
DOGE found hundreds ( if not more by now) of upper level case managers working from home, using personal computers ( not DOD secure) to access VA account information and sensitive information… Along with the lack of security measures by these admins they were only working a few hours a week while still taking a full salary….
Criminals running VAMC Caregiver authorization . If you’re dying, you’re not a problem for long and if you’re dead, you’re not a. Problem..
DOGE it out of Existance. Criminals that never approve a single Veteran for caregiver help. Absolutely anti-american, against Veterans that need caregivers that are blind, and have all the problems with activities of daily living..
Call me
1SG Combat Vet, Caregiver
The VAMC Caregiver program is criminal lengthy weights, obscenely long interviews just to say no.
They need the doge now and eradicate its staff completely. I help take care of Veterans. It is a salmon and swim upstream and you know what happens..
The rule is if you’re dying, you’re not a problem for long and if you’re dead, you’re not a problem
VA should loan on tiny Homes for Veterans on wheels. There are too many veterans that are homeless, and never could afford a five or $600,000 mortgage, but they may be able to afford $125,000 government sponsored Tiny home on wheels with their service connection.
I was rated at 100% disabled (service connected) back in 2012 before I was discharged from the military. I had a major depressive episode due to bipolar disorder and TBI with mood disorder. Not to mention that my career was done due to my 2 lower back surgeries and 1 cervical surgery that led to a prosthetic disc and fusion in my neck. Dealing with the constant pain and the plethora of consistent changing medications, I had a suicide attempt that led to me smoking some pot. The Army violated Army Regulations and Command Policy as well as some other nefarious acts that led to me being taken to a special court martial to adjudicate a BCD as well as threatening me with 4 years in a military prison. Having a wife and two children, a home that we had bought, and watch many other soldiers get wrongfully disciplined by command and getting unfavorable discharges, I opted to take a chapter 10 in lieu of the court-martial. I found out later on after having the chance to actually look at my records, I found many mistakes and other discrepancies in my discharge that I can say with the utmost conviction, my discharge was wrongful. My DD214 is so messed up it will take forever just to fix that one document alone. After my exiting service with two terms of service, the first term of 3 years 4 and a half months under honorable conditions and a second term that was 3 years 2 months of service cut short and getting a characterization of OTH, I went to the VA 3 days after my discharge. I wanted to find out if I had any entitlement to benefits at all. I was told by the VA that I was entitled to no benefits at all. Not even unemployment. I went back to the VA in 2015 in another state, which was my home of record and found out that I could get medical benefits for any injuries or conditions being treated for while in service. In 2018 I entered the DOM to stop drinking and tried to apply for my GIBill. The college I was wanting to attend told me that I didn’t have any GIBill benefits because of my OTH discharge. In 2021 I found out that I did have my GIBill benefits through another education institution. However the VA wants to short me 10% of my GIBill benefit. I did a patient inquiry into my VA records in 2022 and could not believe what I found. The VA has me showing that I have no service connected disabilities and that I have had no surgeries what so ever. I started going through my medical records from my disability claim while in the service and am appalled by what I am finding. The incorrect information, the false statements by physicians, the refusal to use my tri-care paid off post mental health providers diagnosis that the VA at the time was treating me for, the policy violations from Army Regulations and Command Policy on soldiers that are in the MEB/PEB process and the VA IDES process, finding out that MEB/PEB and VA disability determinations were purposefully withheld from the General Court Martial Convening Authority when the disability processes were completed and before my court martial was even read to me. These disability finding are supposed to be taken into consideration when a soldier is taken to a court-martial not to mention that I had a daughter that was enrolled in the exceptional family member program for autism. The program I was in was a Joint DoD and VA program while going through the evaluation process. I have contacted the VA and DoD and they both wanna play “pass the buck” and not take responsibility for the indiscretions they have both committed. Let’s also add that during the time of my evaluations the Unit I was assigned to “a pilot program” was being investigated for multiple issues. I have ran into more issues for trying to do the right thing and point out these issues through my own personal experience as well as documentation that proves what indiscretions had been done against these soldiers. I have solid evidence of it and I can’t get a soul to look at it. I have been played so many times by my health care providers when they tell me to bring in any documents that I want put into my health records. I bring them in and no one looks at them. They had me believing that they didn’t have any record of my medical history from the Army. Then I find out that they can pull them up at any time. Why would they stress me out like that? I called the main VA in DC to get transfered 4 times, the person I spoke with told me they have no record of my claim filed back in 2011 or my ratings in 2012. I find that odd when I have all of my records to include the original claim filed in 2011 that is date stamped received by the VA in Winston – Salem plus the entire packet filed with the MEB/PEB and VA DES including my NARSUM, QTC exam reports, and MEB/PEB and VA Findings and Ratings, a signed DA199 that shows my paperwork was withheld by the signature date alone. Can we say, “denied due process” and “railroading”?
Daniel are you living my life. I was Deserted by my command in March 1991 as other unit members witnessed this. Then it all got turned on me and mysteriously all the unit records vanish. Then comes the ol Chapter 10 OTH I would have been better off at Court Martial. I was straight out denied records by the DOD until I got my Congress rep involved in 2006, but they even have him the ol bait n switch move cause the records he got were nothing more than fire starter. Imagine my surprise in 2023 when yet again I request my Congress rep to get records and I think somebody made a boo boo for the first time in 33 years I learned the name of my accuser. Your not alone brother Chapter 10 OTH is no where remotely close to the bulls eye of Justice and that practice needs to cease immediately. any one that is facing these issues we are stronger together than apart hit my email so we can ban together and demand answers and change in this new Golden Age!
Are more judges going to be appointed for the Camp Lejeune Claims and lawsuits which are at 450,000 and it has been two half years?
The 35 year time frame is it a law ? If so who ? Can you please reply or email me.
Once again Thank you for your time.
Gold Star Wife
Please don’t take my doctor away. Dr. Douglas Jones, VA hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the best doctor I’ve ever had. I don’t know what I would do without him.
Thank you standing up for us vet
Naw, only a few of them. Don’t forget there are also minority Vets who won’t get anything and will have to fight for the same rights as their fellow Vets.
I have a concern for housing right now I’m pre-planning for move out and I urrentlg reside in the south bay area and would like to move to treasure Island I hear there are housing opportunities slved there and I wanna make sure I get placed where I wish to live. Any help answerijg this question would be greatly appreciated
Nobody notified to me to get tested ever after Desert Storm and now all these years later I find out I am sick from it. My driver has been 100% disabled for YEARS but now I am filing and have to fight tooth and nail for my family. I don’t have a positive outlook so I am filing more for
their future. I have been sick for years and you need to do better notifying us before it’s to late like now. My health is in shambles and now I have to battle on my claim!!! I can’t believe this really was done to vets who would do it again for their country.
Collins, you’re a liar like the rest of them. We don’t trust you. And all the overreach of DOGE that you’re allowing to happen? You’re a freaking disgrace. You must really think we’re stupid. You record a video with your cheery southern twang thinking you will win us over? You won’t. We aren’t sheep.
Once you were sick you should’ve started seeking treatment and follow up care. You waited until the PACT ACT was available for the bells to go off in your head. Like most GW Veterans we were sick almost immediately upon return. We noticed the changes and sought care only for Dr’s to tell us we were crazy and it was in our heads. It’s not too late for you as every condition is presumptive by providing your DD-214 showing your service in theater. It’s helpful to have those diagnoses’ but not required. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS are all presumptive.
So why are you cutting doctors and nurse who are on probation? It is hard enough to get this group to apply for jobs in the VA. I am very concerned about the state of the VA for our veterans. I am a retired VA nurse who loved caring for Veterans. My late husband USMC/VN died in 2004 due to Agent Orange exposure: non Hoskins lymphoma. It seems that the current administration in DC is not listening to the “boots on the ground “ employees, those nurses and doctors and health techs who care daily for our veterans. The VA is not a business: it involves real people : who put their lives on the line for our country.
I hope veterans will wake up to see how the VA has been privatized for decades. —with decreasing benefits. And that Congress for the 7th year will NOT cosponsor and pass a Dental bill (HR 210) for all veterans in the VA healthcare system. I am told “too expensive”. Check out who has signed onto this bill.
Dealing with a doctor that lost job because of the morphine he was writing, he left me no choice but to quit myself. I ordered CBD off Amazon & failed urinalysis from taking supplements. That was 2013 roughly? VA will not pay for pain medication because I’ve since got my Medical Cannabis Card & get in prescription. The VA hasn’t paid for my medication since I quit the morphine the doctor prescribed (180mg 4times a day) . If I hadn’t thrown away I would not be here. Was up to 370lbs. Please look into why Veterans get punished for pain medication because of the THC? The first thing I did joining the Navy was I had to get a waiver for using in high school for the government. My mother said always be honest & here’s a good reason why? I like a pain patch but it costs 90$ a month. Paying for my own medication has hurt me, also recovering from Storm. Being punished for CBD is outdated & another reason for the VA to say no? Would like to help other Vets as well. Very Respectfully Sir thank you
Please check on why the higher V.A higher up Admin used the Pact Act funds for a raise 10.9 million? Marsha Blackburn V.A.Admin website. Why are there only four judges overseeing the Pact Act claims lawsuit 450,000? Who made the ruling 35 year time frame when it was 1953-1980.Thank you so much for your time
Musk would love to know about the 10.9 million..
How can we trust anyone appointed by Trump and his co-president Musk. There is no truth anymore. I doubt any of our data is safe.
Many veterans who have injuries caused by their military service should be taken care of. From slipped discs to the most severe in which they lost limbs. Its the honorable thing to do. I don’t understand how non-veterans who dont risk their lives can even ask to take away any benefits from veterans. The way I see it…send those kinds of people into combat or have them unload heavy equipment all day year round which eventually breaks down their body. Once they have their injuries..I bet they dont want to be abandoned. Its not even just physical pain… as the years go by… veterans get so freaking angry their pain is non-stop and they can’t do what others can do. Get jealous of injury free people older then them jumping around. Can’t even stand without freaking muscle spasms/cramps or annoying headaches. And it gets worse as you get older. Filled with nothing but regret.
Secretary Collins, first and foremost, congratulations on your appointment. I was hoping to send you an email, but that seems impossible. Not sure if this will reach you, but hopefully it is relay to the leadership team associated with the VA facility. I am a retired veteran, USMC. Looking through these posts, there definitely is some bellyaching, I am sure some is warranted. I just want you to know on how employees at the White River Junction VA in VT, go above and beyond. I had an appointment on Wednesday at occupational therapy, I also was scheduled the following day to get my hearing aids. There was a pretty good snowstorm rolling in the following day, and I knew if it was going to get as bad as predicted, I would not make my appointment. I took a chance and went to audiology and explained my concerns, the staff up front were professional and got an IM to my audiologist. She cut her lunch break short and saw me. Hearing aids issued. Accolades to the professionals at White River Junction VA in Vermont.
Please check on why the higher V.A higher up Admin used the Pact Act funds for a raise 10.9 million? Marsha Blackburn V.A.Admin website. Why are there only four judges overseeing the Pact Act claims lawsuit 450,000? Who made the ruling 35 year time frame when it was 1953-1980.Thank you so much for your time
Musk would love to know about the 10.9 million..
It seems the vast majority of vets and their wives posting here do not trust you, Elon, the VA, or this new “administration” to gainfully repurpose the blood money earned by firing 1000 caregivers.
Secretary Collins and President Trump Please check on these things Marsha Blackburn is on the V.A Admin.The higher staff of the V.A. got a big raise 10.9 million dollars, Mistake they used the Pact Act funds Veterans are dying waiting on there claim it has been two in a half years since past.There are 450,000 claims and only four judges for the case load should be 20. How can there be a 35 year period when it was 1953-1987 DOJ made this ruling? Thank you Gold Star Wife
Im very worried for my niece who works for the VA in research will her job be affected? Please say no.She says her friends are being fired as she texts me. And her job will be eliminated by 2027.?
Gut VHA and give us insurance, community care is trash and the approval process is a nightmare for veterans and the providers who get paid $.27 on the dollar for services. As a provider I wouldn’t want to deal with that crap for a fraction of the pay. Just saying. ?♂️
Dear Mr. Collins,
My husband, Clifford Oliver Mealy, is undergoing treatment for service related bladder cancer. He served in the Navy during Vietnam. And applied for his benefits in 2023 after he was diagnosed.
He has not been able to work. His business as a photographer has faltered because he is unable to work.
He was told that his benefits would come in a year. Now it’s two years and he has yet to receive his promised benefits.
Then, he received a letter that his benefits have been “deferred.”
We cannot get anyone in the VA to tells us what this means.
Needless to say, this is very upsetting as his diagnosis has destroyed his business. And we have no idea when this will be resolved.
This needs to stop we need all employees who work at VA with these cuts now we are going to wait longer for all dr. appointment, compensation reviews VA was already short hand now it’s even more if you want to make cuts look at the contract that the goverment has with vendors, look at Elon Musk and how many contract he has with the goverment and how much he made off the goverment.
Mental health “professionals” are just treating Veterans with legitimate issues with very little concern. They rush Veterans through these unhelpful programs rather than addressing the actual problems to fill their books. I would like to see a change where they take quality over quantity.
Taking anything away from veterans is shameful especially when the military budget is so large. Cut that in half and give it to the veterans! We are being told that people working on the veterans crises line were laid off! You are lying to us Collins! During Trump’s last presidency he was found to have lied more than 35,000 times! Each lie has been documented. Stop believing what he says! There are people working the crises lines at the VA and they are saying that they were fired. I think I will believe them before I believe you or Trump. You don’ care about the veterans. Neither does Trump. I wonder how much he is paying you to misrepresent the truth.
“The Trump administration is right now firing researchers at VA who do lifesaving work for our veterans—research to prevent veteran suicide, build lifechanging prosthetics, address opioid addiction, and more.
Loved this! Straight forward right on target!
… and have enough respect for the dignity of the office to put on a blazer!
Jane, get a life!!!
Please focus on Fraud Waste and Abuse. I guarantee there is tons of money spent on veterans who have passed away who are still being sent disability compensation.
I’m a huge supporter of Pres. Trump, and I’ve been generally pleased with his agency/dept picks. However, in response to a veteran friend’s concerns about “cuts to veterans’ services and benefits,” I pulled up Sec. Collins’ video above, and I was wholly unimpressed and underwhelmed by the Secretary’s drive-by remarks and his folksy, gee whiz attitude. It struck me as arrogant (“I’m so smart I don’t need preparation”) and lazy, too lazy not to have developed SPECIFIC AND SUBSTANTIVE rebuttals to the left’s SPECIFIC allegations.
More directly: Mr. Secretary, Pres. Trump has given you this incredible honor and entrusted you with this grave responsibility to lead this august Department in serving our treasured veterans, women and men to whom we owe the highest debt to provide them and their families/caregivers the very highest quality healthcare and service. Lack of preparation and lack of seriousness is disrespectful and is not going to cut it! It might be fine to “wing it” or “phone it in” as a commentator on a news show, but it’s not appropriate for this position! Going forward, if you don’t actually KNOW the specific allegations leveled against the Department, then be smart enough to have your deputies brief you first. Then PREPARE your remarks WITH SPECIFICITY, before you go on camera. Your response was not only vapid, it was embarrassing. I was therefore forced to go elsewhere to address my veteran friend’s very real concerns, to which she was entitled to receive a responsive, quality, SUBSTANTIVE answer. Until your staff can bring you up to speed, here’s a simple response you could have given (though we should be able to expect far more from you, since you head the Department – you should be the resident EXPERT on all things V.A.!):
Please relay all of my remarks to the Secretary.
“At VA, we are focused on saving money so it can be better spent on Veteran care. We thank these employees for their service to VA. This was a tough decision, but ultimately it’s the right call to better support the Veterans, families, caregivers, and survivors the department exists to serve,” Doug Collins.
An Oxymoron statement to say the least…you’re a used car salesman (no offense meant to used car salesman) you will say anything to accomplish your ultimate objective just like your Commander and Chief ( Project 2025 ) Zero hope for a fair and impartial government and VA. And by the way cutting Veterans from their jobs is truly heartless. Dick move Doug! Why not start with the 10 million in bonuses for the upper echelon in the VA. I wonder!
The buck stops at Trump, he chose this guy. He should be held accountable for his poor choice. He also chose the OMB head, who is the real threat to Veteran’s benefits.
I have one word. BULLSH-T
gulf war veterans need a reform act in 2025/2026.
is there feed back ?
We are in need of help from the top
There is a “Scam” on the disability claims on the veterans. I have been fighting it for over a year and a half with minimal outcome. My local VA veteran advocate is a Star, but the data input center in Janesville Wisconson is a constant “let down”. The failure is the VA hand-off to private 3rd parties for the “confirmation appointments.
I’d be glad to share the details with a real Military Veteran in Secretary Collins office if someone can contact me …
Collins is full of it and services will fall significantly. Our government leaders are liars, who maintain control by continual misrepresentation. Too bad the many believe others because of their own inability to control themselves. Do not expect anything from our government because it has become self evident that those leaders can only enrich themselves by screwing those they supposedly represent
Lies lies lies. People have never waited longer for their benefits to be approved, you won’t give them the services they need or medications, and make disabled people drive for hours to see a doctor that can’t do their job because of your policies. You should be ashamed to stand there and lie like that you monster
Sounds like someone with a Bad Chicken Dinner, eh?
Dishonorable discharges get nothing from American taxpayers.
Trump administration begins mass firings across government
Fri, February 14, 2025 at 9:28 PM CST
“more than 1,000 at the Department of Veterans Affairs,”
How does firing 1,000’s of people at the VA help improve services to us?
Concerned with taxing VA disability that was proposed in Dec 2024 – this would greatly impact many disabled vets and their families. Spouses who get CHAMPVA due to their vet spouse having P&T 100% disability should be able to use the VA facilities. Meds by Mail under CHAMPVA take close to 3 weeks to fill prescriptions.
Dear Honorable Secretary of VA Mr Collins, Thank you for your service. I personally have had a hard time receiving assistance after going through major domestic violence with one of your Marines. Honorable President Trump with his administration April 2018 placed my case under Major Domestic Violence. Cherry Point Base referred me to the VA in New Bern a few years ago. Congressman Murphy office stated they would be glad to help when I have a VA claim. I do Sir that Honorable Senator Elizabeth Dole and the Department of Social Services assisted me with in 2008. They have a copy of my claim, yet nothing. I have lost my dad as a United States World War Two veteran, my mom, two Aunts and I was told I would never see my brother a live. They took many years of special occasions and holidays away from me. They changed the course of my life and family unnaturally. One of the biggest problems is they have my domestic violence money and compounding it and spending it their project with making thousands off myself and family every day. They continue to give my husband federal money and benefits after the Trump administration placed my case under major domestic violence. NC is a 50/50 state with out domestic violence issues. Major discrimination. I have been in and out of homelessness while owning property which there was a mistake on. They have taken away my constitutional rights, liberty rights, civil rights, fundamental rights and denied me attorney. I have contacted Randy Forbes with Green Traurig in Washington DC with notifying President Trump, With the United States Supreme Court as they continue to take my life and family for money. The only assistance that I have been receiving is from Craven Community College, while attending, DSS, and a family from the college to assist in care giving to one of their families. I have been staying with a elder for the last few months. Sir I have requested mercy and grace from President Trump as this has cost a total of 30 years of the quality of my life and family. A few years ago I had spoken to Diane from Winston Salem VA as they do know that this was major domestic violence with one of their marines. Honorable Secretary of VA Mr Collin I am requesting mercy and grace from the VA to have closure on my case. Thank you.
I deal with the VA in Hampton I get my medication‘s by Mail from Hampton my doctor is in Hampton Dr. Chip route and I don’t have no issues with the VA I get 100% disability from the VA for ancient Orange Vietnam and now I got chronic bronchitis That I filed another claim for but when I get my medication I got all this paperwork with the medication‘s which I don’t think they need I always throw it in the garbage I think they should go paperless when they’re sending your medication’s to you just about every veteran knows what their Vedic medications are for I think they should cut back on the paperwork that goes in the mail that ends up in the garbage it’s costing the money to print it cost the money to buy the paper for packaging all the paperwork is in the package when you get it with your pills good luck to all veterans and the va .vetnam vet
Absolutely true! The reams of paper sent to me (with my name and address on every page) is completely unnecessary. Maybe only when the medication is first prescribed and perhaps once a year at renewal would suffice? As it is now, the bill for paper alone in the Pharmacy must be a big hit on the overall budget.
Ya’ll believe this if you want. Musk is running it all and is making millions a day on government contracts. They don’t care about vets or anyone that’s not elite. It’s all part of Project 2025 and put it out there. Ya’ll done F around And Found Out. People want to blame Trump, but he’s so far deep in, clueless and he’s lost control and only doing what’s he being told.
Thankyou for taking care of the Veterans.I am Vietnam Veteran.I was over there from earley 1968 to 1970.I had two tours with the 39th cav.The VA has been very good to me and still are.Thankyou very much for all the help they have given me.
I don’t believe a word from you or the Traitor and his clowns.
So…you were pleased with the dementia patient in the Oval Office the past 4 years?
Donald J. Trump and JD Vance are patriots.
So many on disability that musk or Trump don’t care about am afraid
Neither served
O called the dead losers and suckers
Bought his deferment from the draft. Bone spurs. Don’t let them hurt the veterans that suffer.
Too bad the VA doesn’t treat TDS. Because you got it bad! Get help before you stroke out.
We need a New Greenville Clinic here in South Carolina in. There no Staff, No warm AC, NO cafeteria, not enough services. and Our Veteran cannot find any VR@E services available! the Negligence is above and beyond! The chief of staff and Medical Director of Columbia need to be replaced as of yesterday!!
Thank you for the update. We need to do something about the rating system for service connection. I’m currently rated at 70% for PTSD, 50% for my feet, 30% for my lung (gulf war veteran), 10% for hearing, and 10% for my back that I have had 3 surgeries on and will need another one within the year. This is crazy!!! I’m rated at 90% rather then 100% and only 10% for my back!!! I can barely walked and stand not able to work anymore but I’m 90% that has taken since 2011 to get this rating!!! We need to fix this!!! ASAP
File for your presumptive condition. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and IBS. ASAP!
We the Veterans love to have a 9/11 post Veteran running this Gigantic Trojan Horse and making sure, he can Taim it well. the Horse has been acting while for many years and is time that our sheriff in town. keeps it well behaved!!
This is not true. Collins isn’t be honest. I have several friends that are Veteran Service Officer’s have been FIRED.
Mr. Collins,
Can you please get rid of the mandate to take the COVID-19 (so called vaccine) and the flu shots as a VA healthcare worker. My family was mandated to take it and now have permanent side effects. This should be a personal decision not mandated by employers, or government agencies.
Noone is required to take C19 anymore.
You are being a lying drama queen. It was never mandated in the first place.
Good to see a real leader that has been where many of us have been,
thanks for taking the rein’s Sir
Clearing cases quicker? I had a claim in since 6/2024 to add a dependent and it has been in step 1 of the process for 8 months. I checked the status today and the VA website says I now have no claims. I called the VA and they told me the VA closed the claim. No action taken! The VA rep had no clue as to why they would close it. This is adding a dependent back on. This should not be a difficult request and it certainly shouldn’t take 8 months then have your claim closed with no action taken.
Same here since July 25, 2024. The claim is stuck in the “claim received “ stage. I’ve emailed AskVA several times and keep getting the same response about they identified a problem in their program and they are working on it as quickly as possible, blah, blah, blah.
The VA claims process is a joke at best! As far as firings go, I only have issues with the half illiterate DEI employees behind the office counters. They need to go and be replaced with competent employees who stay off of their personal phones and stop their personal conversations when someone is trying to check in/out, ask a question, etc. There was an incident at the VAMC that I go to where they were behind the sliding glass having story time. A Vet walked up, the girl at the counter turned around, saw him standing there, and then turned back around and continued story time. The Vet slid the glass window open and the girl went off on him in front of everyone. It did not end well for either. She got snatched through the window opening and he was detained by the VA rent-a-cops. I don’t know how much trouble he got into, but hopefully she learned that some Vets are easily triggered and you don’t talk to us like we’re off the streets.
I’m just happy I can put names to faces.
We need a roundtable discussion about national issues related to our service connected disability’s. The VA staff and Doctors are not listening and we need a special exemption for presumption rules that are lacking from the Gulf War 1990/1991 War Zone. We should be treated the same way the OiF /OEF are getting. 1991 War Veterans are not getting the treatments they deserve. We need National Attention on this matter. The law needs to change post 1990 Veterans.
As the parent of a veteran who was wounded in battle, not given medical attention and then operated on because he had a growth coming out of the side of his head where he had been impacted and they “couldn’t send him back with that” and then had to wait until 2017 to receive full benefits, I don’t understand. I have within the last 8 months applied for his medical records again from NARA. They referred me to the Army and the Army has not responded to my request to have my son put on a Casualty list and be given the Purple Heart which he bled for. Please let me know who I can contact to get this processed and also get a car which a paraplegic can drive (applied on 3/2024). Also have the home modified, and his benefits listed as 100% service-connected instead of 90% 10% unemployability. This happened in 1/1991. Please help to resolve.
Contact Wounded Warrior Project.
Good morning Doctor Bonafoux Rivera, I want to express my gratitude and respect for your courage and commitment to help your son. This forum here will not be able to resolve this issue. You may need to contact your local VBA or VHA and work with a patient advocate or a veteran organization like the legion or DVA. If you must you can also reach out to the congressman or senators from your state as they may be able to put assistance on this issue. I wish your son and the family health and strength, please stay focused and do not give up. The nation and all other veterans are with you.
aguilar santos
Mr. Secretary, Pres.Trump & etc..Its hard to believe the the VA in not recognizing BURN PITS in Vietnam.
They were used eveyday in all base camps. Stiring everything they could burn in these pits, by our hands
using wooden poles and no mask or breathing , no eye protection, no hearing protection, no protective clothing you name it.
All done by the lowest ranking personnel.
So the VN vets file claims for Asthma, skin cancers and etc… all denied !
So what else can they do to us?
This is where the military got its ideas to use them again in the Middle East.
But they recognize this damage to the soliders there, not Nam.
So please fix it! Correct the failures of last aministrations who have failed us.
Secretary Collins and Presdient Trump administration
Thank you
The DOD has long maintained that there never was any Agent Orange on Okinawa. This is a lie. It was used to clear foliage along the Kadena AFB perimeter fence. In 1971 the DOD (under pressure from the Japanese Government) conducted “Operation Red Hat” where all poisonous gases and defoliants were transferred to Johnston Atoll aboard naval ships. Those sailors involved are eligible for Agent Orange treatment and compensation. Those Okinawan Marines who loaded these chemicals onto deuce and halvess and delivered them to the dock are not! I developed high level and profuse prostate cancer (classic result of Agent Orange exposure). It had to be removed. The VA wouldn’t cover it because “there was never any Agent Orange on Okinawa. I can deliver proof that there was. In fact, years later there were many barrels of AO found buried at Camp Foster where l was assugned.
Under Biden the pact act was passed to help veterans that was impacted from burn pits get your story right
Not Vietnam burn pits sparky
The VA claims that the benefits are improving and the care is improving. When I needed a x-ray on my neck it took 3 months to get a order and by then I already had a ct scan at the hospital which the care wasn’t any better. I ended up going to Vanderbilt emergency surgery to remove a tumor off my spine. VA or any civilian care around where I live is hopeless.
When you deal with bad PLs that do not change, it takes a good staff around the Sec of VA to show executive options. Not rely on Congress to do all the work. The Sec literally has similar powers as a President. So CFR 38 ss 3.317 does not service connect because of the UDX aspect they could fix that. Gulf war is tied to closely to Undiagnosed Illness, VA countered this by making everything diagnosed even if its wrong.
So it fails at 93% rejection rate which VA loves. All wars should be service connected by time, date, and location. Which they have begun to do with OIF / OEF under the PACT act. Only to find the PACT act exclusionary to 1991 Gulf War vets. it sometimes can literally be the title of the section of CFR 38 that hinders a rating and the ICD codes. Something I tried to fix on a VA federal advisory committee that VA blew off. I did the l same with the PACT act in 2021 when I said in the news media it had loopholes, and by September came the flood of zero ratings. The best most can do is 30% between gulf war and OIF, OEF – zero rating is often the end result. Its not fair.
There isnt enough room and they only allow 5,000 words here. So you will find the bulk of my remarks on the VA Facebook post of this article. Im a 28 year advocate, Disabled combat veteran, and served of a VA federal advisory committee – ACGWV in 2009. In 2003 I was world famous for opposing the deployment of troops to Iraq. Last 3 years Ive pummeled this public comments portion of over VA RAC meetings, and found VA ignores these public comment portions.
Im a subject matter expert with a lot to offer. Im also a historian having participated in our plight since 1997. So Ive learned one thing about VA, unless your part of the wealthy in the executive branch – then they dont care. Ive looked out the Sec of VAs window long ago, and this is my 14th Sec of VA to deal with. As long as Im a poor disabled veteran, Im not worthy of there time. It didnt use to be this way.
Clearing cases faster? Over a year ago, l filed a 511 claim. It took a year to clear when the average clearance time was 14 months. My claim was rejected due to “not service connected”! 511 claims are for injuries sustained in VA hospitals. There is never a service connection in 511 claims!
I’m fighting an 1151 claim going on 10 years. They are always denied. Then you go into the never ending appeals process. Get help from DAV or another VSO or organization. And keep an eye on them because some of them aren’t competent either.
VA’s answer to my questions is to block my cell phone internet access to
which says volumes. Sec of VA Doug Collins signed off on that for it to happen.
He has no intentions of helping anyone in my income bracket.
Pretty sure we have another coward Sec of VA that doesnt face veterans unless
he benefits from it some how. As Ive only written 4 emails and asked simple
questions. I think the biggest reason they are dodging me is I found there maybe
a 1 in 5 rate of ALS in those that served the last 34 years. At minimum 1 in 10.
Well, Ive got my answer then. Snob Sec of VA. Religious zealot with a superiority
complex. He is one of the chosen, and I am not. Seen enough of these. Its gods will
my life has been like this, and some of us are just unlucky. He only has time for
his fellow followers, believers, and the rest of us are wrong.
Going to be a very bad year for us veterans. Till folks catch on.
I have been assigned a new VA clinic that recently opened. I have a new Doctor. How is the order to fire all new federal employees going to affect my new clinic and my Doctor? I have been exposed to Agent Orange and currently have a mass in my lung and also in my throat. I am scheduled for surgery in May, is that still going to happen? I put in a claim for my agent orange exposure, is that still going to be processed? When you say your clearing cases faster than ever, is that because your just saying NO quickly? What percentage of claims are you denying? The scuttlebutt is that all new claims will be denied. This stuff is giving me a lot of anxiety.
Thank you Mr. Collins. Not to shabby for your first week!
As a Government employee for 40 years (NAVY-VA combined), I see there is nothing easy or quick about applying for benefits. I have given up on reopening claims. I can relate to some of these comments.
Keep the faith!
Madam Collins,
Thank you for denying these allegations and simply telling us lies. The truth would be unbearable and make the administration look bad. Please refrain from telling the truth if it makes you look bad. Continue to lie to us and we will believe you as long as your lies are what we want to hear.
Madam Collins? What are you, 10 yrs old. Grow up and act like a Veteran who served Honorably, but my guess is that you probably didn’t.
He’s probably from ME and has been writing to Susan Collins. Cut and paste. Your reply indicates more about your own values than his. You should be ashamed not him or her.
You know darn well he meant Secretary of VA Collins. You should be ashamed that your momma gave birth to you.
Hello Mr. Collins. If you want to see what is really going on in the VA that are supposed to be knowledgeable veteran raters, please sir contact me and I will give you the details to look at my case. I have called my congressman, called my senator, call the complaint line twice and my claim is a hardship claim, Going on eleven months and been to 16 C&P exams. I have done everything that I can think of. I know this comment won’t reach your eyes but you have staff that hates veterans. The more they can give you the run around and not rate your claim, the better the must feel about themselves. The VA is violating their own regulations and I will be happy to provide rules they set about medical evidence and exams. Everytime I complain too loud, they has VES set me up more appointments. Then they lie to you when you can see your file and have screen shots to prove they are not being honest. USMC 3/1972 – 11/1974
DOGE has absolutely NO authority to access veteran’s personal information. It is NOT a legitimate organization and therefore needs to be blocked.
I personally trust a multi Billionaire, more than the past dozen supposed leaders, we all need to face it our info is already out there , as many time as we have had medical record swappers, the streamlining of our services, out info has been jeopardized decades ago, let them find and let us all know what our tax dollars have been blown away on, when we had people in charge who didn’t even know which gender they are you were seriously comprised,
Have faith in the powers that now be.
I have to admit, there is a lot of truth to what this person is saying. The mega men and women in Congress and the Senate have violated their oath to the constitution. They have turned their backs on democracy and have supported a traitor, a felon and a hollow man, and just like him they have no moral compass, no values and no character.
History will be especially hard on these people, and any veteran who has his sense of self will be willing to go through the last full measure to ensure that these people never rise to the top.
spoken like am intelligent person. Good on you. too many here speak without knowing truth.
Why on earth would you trust a billionaire that fired the people who were investigating his companies within the first month of being placed in a position? Musk is literally only here for the money that he will earn. He does not care for us nor for any Democracy, hence why he was supporting the far-right parties of European countries.
Why would you trust a billionaire who is firing thousands of people so he can save more money on his taxes? Why would you trust a man who is destroying NASA so he can get his personal company more contracts from the government? Think about it for a moment, please. You don’t become a multi-billionaire without deciding money is the most important thing in your entire life, and he is going to sell us all down the river so he can become the world’s first trillionaire.
I pray that you are not serious. People do not become billionaires because they are honest or trustworthy. If you are willing to toss away your constitutional rights to privacy, that is your choice. Real Americans are not built that way.
Faith is believing what you know ain’t true. – Mark Twain
I am posting to question your comment that no benefits are being cut back. I am an 80 year old 100% service connected total and permanent disabled Viet Nam veteran. I am homebound and unable to effectively perform most of the normal activities of daily life. For most of 2024 the VA Community Care Team in Dallas Texas awarded me 58 hours a week of Home Healthcare Aid. This allowed me to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and my quality of life was very good. In August of 2024 my weekly hours were reduced to 11 hours a week and after an appeal this was increased to 13 hours a week. When the time for review and renewal for this benefit arrived in 2025 I was again awarded 13 hours. Any reasonable person can do the math and see thar 13 hours for a 7 day week equals 1.8 hours/day. As most providers require a minimum of 4 hours/day this leaves me with help for three days out of a seven day week. On many occasions when I contacted the VA about this benefit I was told that all of the veterans in this area were being cut back. No reason was given.
The VA needs more people, not less. It took me 1 year to get a specialist approval in the Community Care system. They don’t have enough nurses to approve cases. It’s good my issue wasn’t life threatening. Also, cuts to benefits, including disability compensation have been proposed in Project 2025, the conservative playbook that the administration appears to be following.
Dear President Trump,
I am writing to make you aware of an injustice that has been done to veterans across the country, I left active duty in 1994 after serving 11 years as an active-duty Army officer. I was offered a bonus of $61,201.91 based on time served and my rank. Congress authorized DoD to offer these bonuses so the military could reach Congressionally-mandated force levels without involuntarily dismissals.
That bonus, $61,201.91, was taxed by the Internal Revenue Service by 28% ($17,136.53.), leaving my net bonus $44,065.38 which I received May 31, 1994 and my family and I used to put money down on a home and to bridge the gap between the security of a military career and the insecurity of beginning another career, which was the purpose of the bonus.
Within a month of leaving the Army, I received a letter from the VA stating that I was authorized 10 percent disability payments of VA Disability Compensation, $87.00 monthly at the time. The same letter told me that I would not receive that amount because I had received a separation bonus and that they would recoup my VADC until they had recouped my bonus amount. 21 years later, in 2015, the VA let me know that they had recouped the net amount of my bonus, $44,065.38 and I started receiving VADC.
I also continued my military career in the Army Reserve – ultimately qualifying for reserve component retirement which began for me at age 60 (February 15, 2021). The Defense Finance and Accounting Service told me that they were also required to also recoup my 1994 separation bonus, less what the VA recouped.
DFAS, however made it clear that the law allowed them to recoup the “pre-tax amount,” less what the VA recouped. So DFAS told me that the balance I owed to them was $17,136.53; that’s precisely the amount the IRS withheld in 1994.
The first problem is that the law doesn’t really say what DFAS says it says. DFAS interprets the law to benefit the bureaucracy. The language in the law is NOT clear, but instead of giving the benefit of the doubt to the Soldier, they give the benefit of the doubt to the government. The second problem is that DFAS cites laws, rules and policy and they claim that they have no choice but to follow the “rules” but they do not follow the same rules and policies when it requires them to do certain things.
Essentially, Congress, DoD, DFAS, and the VA played a massive decades-long shell game to move and shift money. Congress gave DoD the money to complete that post-Cold War, 1990s drawdown with the minimum amount of financial pain to the service-person. DoD and the VA then figured out ways to get that money back and use it for other purposes.
My bonus has been taxed three times – once in 1994 by 28% ($17,136.53.) a second time by the VA by $44,065.38 and again in 2021 by 28% ($17,136.53) by DFAS. I’ve had to pay back to the government $78,338.44 for a bonus of $61,201.91.
That’s a tax rate of 125 percent. DOGE needs to look into this
I am seeking help on this, not so much for myself, but for other veterans who are in difficult financial situations and who could truly benefit.
Here is an online petition with more comments
A military retirement represents much more than the dollar figure involved; it represents an acknowledgement of the sacrifice made by the Serviceperson, their family and loved ones. It represents the covenant that Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Sailors underwrite, endorse and embrace as free citizens of a great nation. We sign that covenant with our own blood and with the blood of our families who sacrifice in ways that are inexplicable to those unfamiliar with military service. Bureaucratic rules and processes such as the ones I described diminish in tangible and palpable ways the reciprocal feelings of goodwill, devotion, and affection that servicepeople should feel toward their Nation
It seems that programs like the Veterans Transportation Network would be prime targets of Musk and the Muskrats.
Veterans with 100per cent disability get free dental care at VA. Why can’t veterans with 90 per cent disability disability be given the same preference? Can one of our representatives in Washington proposes putting forward a bill before Congress to make this a law.? Many veterans cannot afford private insurance.
My husband died because it took a month or longer to set him up with doctors and approve them! After he died VA denied an ambulance bill of $5,000 just because of a 72 hour rule I had never heard of! When my husband was dying and needed an ambulance do you think I would think to contact you? I informed the ambulance service that he was a veteran they should have done something! Another Joe Biden/Kamala Harris F up! That last hospital visit I was finally told after a few trips there and they claimed flu and pneumonia; was actually the last stages of cancer in his lungs and mastesized through his esophagus and other areas and had gone to his liver and kidneys! VA NEEDS a complete overhaul of doctors, administrators and all! It has gone to crap!!!!
This crap is Biden Harris doing’s!!!!
File a TORT CLAIM. You are right the hospital is supposed to contact the VA. If I’m dying how can I call the VA? I can’t!
I’m so sorry about your husband! The VA IS totally screwed up but it always has been. I’ve had my own issues with ambulance payments, incorrect diagnoses- repeatedly for different issues and was never as happy as when I aged into Medicare and could avoid the VA most of the time! That said, this has nothing to do with who is President. The VA does it’s own thing under the VA Sec and we have had a whole lot of losers over the last 20 years and before that. And the VA Sec is restrained by the amount of money allocated by Congress. Don’t blame Biden/Harris. They inherited the VA from the past 100+years and they only had a Democratic Congress for 2 years to try and make changes. They did allocate a lot of new money for a lot of programs including the VA. The last 2 years the GOP got nothing done. And now Trump is rolling back all that money, those programs, and making deep cuts of funds and personnel. This post by Sec Collins is a bunch of BS. You wait and see.
I too, have a Biden/Harris story. I am now a widow. The VA’s failings began long before Trump and Musk. The VA and the DOJ (grant programs)both waste serious money.
Trump and his administration is pro service member. I have every confidence they will honor the commitment to our veterans. I am a veteran and I am a former VA employee. There are thousands like me who will stand up to anyone who tries to undo the sacred services for our fellow veterans.
We know there is stuff that needs to be cut and procurement regulations improved. Perhaps even high paid upper management could need trimming but I hope they retain all the dedicated staff that is high performing and needed and cut only those who aren’t.
I welcome this opportunity to reevaluate government that so many administrations have failed to do in the past. Let this process play out.
It amazes me that you, as a veteran who pledged allegiance to the Constitution, pledge fealty to an unelected billionaire sociopath and sitting, draft-dodging, puppet “president”. All this, despite the literal acts of treason on Jan 6th. The ability to be so committed and vested in sociopaths who do NOT have your best interest in mind and are solely motivated to make themselves richer and more powerful at the American people’s expense is baffling to me.
Making the government more efficient and eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse is a fantastic goal.
What this administration is doing is NOT that and if you choose to actually evaluate their actions and consequences, maybe you will understand what is happening to our country.
No facts. That is what you offered. You would rather have Biden? Obama? Maybe Clinton. Fraud, waste and abuse must stop. You and I paid for others to defraud the United States and to fund terrorists. So, “and if you choose to actually evaluate their” (Dems) actions and consequences, maybe ytou will understand what is happening to our country”. Surely you do not believe that our country was better with 4 years of previous administration?
Jan of 2024 Biden signed an executive order that authorized the 24/7 surveillance of all American Citizens. That is actually called the most treasonous act of any American president in history. Just saying.
You are not a Patriot, this is an untruth at best and more likely a lie. It wasn’t an executive order, it was an extension of the previous bill after it was re-authorized by Congress. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is crucial in disrupting terrorist attacks, cyber intrusions, and foreign espionage and has also produced intelligence that the U.S. has relied on for specific operations, such as the 2022 killing of al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri. It does NOT surveil ALL US citizens 24/7. I assume you have a reason to be concerned? I don’t.
Please do your research before posting incorrect information. In April 2024 President Biden signed a BILL that had bipartisan support (60-34 vote in Senate) EXTENDING a key US surveillance program (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) that was first authorized in 2008 and renewed several times since. It targets non-Americans in other countries and communications of Americans in contact with those targeted foreigners. Google it for more truthfuland educational information.
Yes, would prefer any of them over a draft dodging convicted felon.
Anybody spouting opposition to what Trump and DOGE are doing is simply uninformed. We could not have a better, more supportive leader for this nation and our military and veterans.
Mazel Tov Secretary Doug Collins! Is there a way that us senior Veterans receiving their medications (Not narcotics) can be automatically sent without having to remember to reorder them every month or every other month? Online, mail, phone call to pharmacy, message to the primary physician is sometimes diffucult to remember and sometimes confusing?
Ask if you can get 90 day supply and If you have an online account, when you receive your medicine go online and check the box to order a refill. According to a technician in the in hospital pharmacy, when the refill is due, it will be mailed out automatically.
SecVA Anthony J. Principi addressed waste in a 2005 op-ed for WaPo.
He outlined changes that could save the government 125 billion dollars without harming veteran quality of care.
So the news media is making all of this story up out of whole cloth?
“This executive order seeks to impose severe hiring restrictions and would disproportionately harm veterans, who make up one-third of the federal workforce. Requiring agencies to hire only one new employee for every four who leave will drastically reduce VA staffing levels. At a time when the veteran population is aging and the VA’s mission has expanded under Biden, this policy will lead to massive delays and outright denials in health care, benefits processing, and disability claims – the essential services veterans depend on to survive.”
You obviously have not read the actual order. You must be listening to MSN’s version of the facts, which are very tainted (to Left Wing propaganda). Do not be a sheep. President Trump is doing the right things, and I see nothing that DOGE is doing that will impact veterans negatively. Quite the opposite. Waste and abuse are being eliminated, money will be going where it should be now.
Dear Honorable Secretary Collins,
Congratulations on your new assignment as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. I am elated that you have encouraged veterans to come and see you for the truth of what is going on. In addition your promise to ensure and protect the VA from cuts with your heart and the God that you serve. According to the weekly report there are 953,078 pending VA disability claims as of February 8, 2025, and a Back Log of 254,679 claims. What is the plan to insure that there will be enough employees to continue adjuicating these claims, if many of the government employees opt out and leave Veterans Affairs or are fired? Hiring is not just a come to work, it is a long process to learn how to adjuicate claims.
Rochelle Crump,
Former VA Regional Office Employee, 23 years Government Service
United States Womens Army Corps (WAC) Vietnam Era
Let’s make sure that these said employees doing claims are even qualified to do so. I did a claim back in 2022 and then shortly after my claim came back with more red tape to slash, a newsletter came out from the VA stating that the personnel they had doing claims were not qualified to do them. You can find a lot of information about VA subject matter at the GAO website. Government Accountability Office.
Thank you for your service and this letter! 10 years and waiting.
What’s Doug Collins’ email address?
Great to hear from you so candidly Honorable Collins! As a VA Nurse and a surviving Navy and Army Veteran spouse, I have some concerns and an initiative to share regarding a service members eligibility for state VA nursing home care. I would like to share some thoughts with you and or your staff. Please advise. Thank you for your service then and now!
Thank God and my Savior Jesus Christ for President Trump and Secretary Collins for their love and dedication to America and those who have and continue to serve Her and protect Her!
Congratulations secretary Collins. You are a patriot and I know the VA will be in very capable hands under your leadership.
I read yesterday that they may target veterans with service connected disability who also draw social security. That sounds about right for this crime family.
Can you post the source you read this from?
Thank you Secretary Collins I hope to see you in person when you visit the Phoenix VA. Be safe and God Bless!
Mr. Collins,
I would like to speak to you about the years of horrible healthcare I have received from the VA. This has included waiting three years and writing three different Georgia Senators to try to get help. Furthermore, I have lost coverage for six months numerous times and no one can tell me why. Please contact me at the email below to hear more. I also have an easy way to make VA Healthcare a lot better for Veterans.
Thank You Secretary Collins !!! I feel better every day now. God Bless you.
Project 2025 plans to dismantle the VA. Read the article wake up. They are coming for veterans as well.
Mr Collins,
I myself will hold your feet to the fire about our personal information, health records, treatments not being invaded by a non approved group(DOGE). Further, any cuts or changes to the VA benefits by the Project 2025 will fall on you! Any services that are taken away from Veterans is a complete insult by your boss! Keep your word as you would in deed!
I don’t believe a word any of them say. There is no reason an illegal immigrate tech billionaire with no military service and multiple failed enterprises should be poking around the VA much less any part of the government.
you have never done anything and it Didn’t go the way you wanted?,
Don’t believe it. He is shaking hands with the devil while telling his living in hell is the better than heaven.
My dependents request has been sitting there untouched since August. It would be nice if someone would at least open the file and respond with in process or something.
I had the same problem with CHAMPVA- I opened a congressional inquiry
Can’t believe what they say, my husband passed a decorated Nam vet. 6yuears ago, they said he had cancer spots, we ask can you do a biopsy? Doc said ahh, don’t worry it’s not growing it’s very small. An aggressive cancer seven months later he passed. There’s the supposed compensation for this type of cancer, and for the burning of pits in Nam,, to late now, I can’t claim nothing, So they say. They were negligent
Sorry for your loss.
Its hard to believe the the VA in not recognizing BURN PITS in Vietnam.
This is where the military gone its ideas to use them again in the Middle East.
But they recognize this damage to the soliders there, not Nam.
So please fix it! Correct the failures of last aministrations who have failed us.
Secretary Collins and Presdient Trump administration
File a TORT claim for negligence.
Secretary Mr Collins.
My Issue is Burn Pits!
In Vietnam Burn pits were almaost a everyday issue in all base camps using wooden poles.
We using gasoline and diesel and keep stiring it by hand, burning it down as much as possible.
What went in them was everything you can amagine, for 10years.
This was always done by low ranking personnel.
No breathing appliance, no earing protection, no body protection except your clothes you have on.
So If you think about it, that’s where the Middle East wars got the idea.
So, please help stop some of this dissreguard for the Vietnam Veterans.
In 1991 we were all told the VN war was started on a Lie, we were not attacked by North Vietnam.
WOW how did we all feel after that? How did we feel coming home where we were hated in a lot
of places.
Just look into an See.
From the looks of some of the comments, they need to file a claim for TDS from Service connected injuries sustained by watching Fake News. Seek some help and get your 100% for Psychosis.
You’re acting like a child. Grow up
Amen!! Very refreshing Sir.
Amen brother. What a bunch of sea lawyers on here.
Thanks for the update Doug! We know you have our back and of course prepare for all the left’s Fear-Mongering. That’s all they have left and yes the gravy train is over.
Hay just went to VA at Hines in ILLINOIS I need surgery on left knee, I am 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran Marine, they said I will have to wait four months for a appointment, that is bad I need help,
Frank Lasick Jr
If you don’t have Medicare or Medicaid from your State I’d highly recommend looking into it. I have always received much better health care from Medicare than the VA.
It’s been 16 months waiting for a dependent, my wife to. be put on my va benefits. We call the local va office in our location and they tell us it is still open
Why is it taking so long?
Congrats VA Secretary Collin’s, this I will say ..say what you mean & mean what you say…personally don’t have any faith in DOGE…but now seeing is believing…Pentagon is next in line
WOW! Congratulations Doug Collins & Thank You President Trump for realizing the Competence & Quality of this Patriotic Man from Georgia! Doug ~ I am a United States Marine Corps Veteran having served in Camp Lejeune North Carolina wherein I endured, proudly I might add, “Advanced Combat Infantry Training” > The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is intended to help Marines like myself having had to drink contaminated water ~ every hour~ every day ~ that I was stationed there in 1963 AD. I am a survivor of Colon Cancer ~ Prostate Cancer ~ Kidney Disease ~ COPD and many more illnesses. GOD has been Watching Over Me as I recently turned 90 years of age. I have participated in Monthly Zoom Webinars conducted by my Attorneys’ Wallace & Graham,Salisbury NC since I became their Client representing me in 2021AD. As of this writing very few settlements { 8%} have OCCURRED UNDER the PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION. Call Me Doug when you get a chance Bob Higgins Semper Fi
So happy that you are the Veteran’s Secretary! Our Veterans are in good hands! Thank you Doug Collin’s and by the way, my cousin, Jim Miller, is your doppelgänger. He is a retired Texas Ranger and he not only looks just like you, he talks just like you! It is uncanny! Hope all goes well with your new position and I know you will help our Veterans fairly and improve on Veteran’s care. Charlotte Naizer. Belton, Texas
I don’t believe anything this administration Elon, Trump or VA director say. If their lips are moving their lying.
100 percent agree. Project 2025 talks about dismantling the VA as well. This man is just giving us lip service.
Amen to that!
Va and the so called benefits is bs. First I was turned down for not serving 2 years when I was just short. And now vso supposedly put in claim for me but va never received it. Lies and corruption is all it is. Vets don’t get anything. You put your life on the line so ungrateful -ss people can deny you. Then you now see why vets kill them self or blow sh-t up or just run ungrateful -ss people down. Maybe you people should give vets the positions to help vet
Not crooked -ss politicians who just pad their pockets and screw vets
Maybe do some research. Don’t speak for those who actually served and actually defended this country by risking our lives. You said “maybe you people should give vets the positions and help vets”.. Glad you said that because Doug Collins is in the Air Force. haha.
No way these comments are coming from vets. The only whiny vets I’ve heard from was from the air force
Hey buddie, I’m not whining and I am AIR FORCE
I’m a vet and nothing but hopeful and positive feeling of the way I hope things will be, think about another 4 years of what we just had.
Congratulations your Honorable Doug Collins I have been an admirer of you for years and know the VA is going to be enhanced with your expertise. Your Honor I do not know the staff member to send my letter to so I am sending it to you. Thank you for your past service and from here on there is no past just a future of service. We look forward to the future success you will have in the Department of Veterans Affairs.
this man sounds sincere.i am hoping he will do a good job..
I am employee at a VA Hosp in California and my democrat colleagues can be disruptive to my workflow, making efficiency even worse. They cannot move on from the election result. I just want going to work and do my job. Leadership seems to tolerate since they probably have the same politics. Also, our local workers union is fear-mongering and misaligning your messages.
I have Coumity Care and when my doctor request blood work i have to go to a private provider where the VA has a facility very close to my doctor and has a lab but will not accept me but they pay the private company $800 to do blood work
TY Dec Collins! As a VA Hosp employee, I can say we really use some efficiency, restructuring and less woke culture.
I agree! VA Nurse too.
Good morning,
It would be nice if there was a way for us VA employees to make suggestions on ways to cut down on unnecessary procedures and wastefulness and see it followed through.
Less woke Culture? As a nurse you dedicate your career to helping those you serve. Us veterans are very diverse and come from all ends of this country to serve and you should respect that. So if providing them with woke services is what is required to help THEM it shouldn’t be your voice who dictates what they need.
Less woke Culture? As a nurse you dedicate your career to helping those you serve. Us veterans are very diverse and come from all ends of this country to serve and you should respect that. So if providing them with woke services is what is required to help THEM it shouldn’t be your voice who dictates what they need.
Ah, so just go get screwed to the women, black, LGBTQ, and other minority Vets that served then? If you are truly a VA Nurse, you need to get fired for not taking care of ALL of your Veterans. Woke means positive change and moving forward. Do you really want to go back into the past? Silly questions…of course, you and others like you want to. Leaning into hate is just…well, hateful and disgusting.
Can we please get dental care for veterans using VA health care any medical problems can occur due to bad dental issues would be nice if we could use community care in my veterans get dental care as well as medical care!
If you go to your PCP and ask for a referral to dental due to health issues, the VA has to honor it and then dental becomes a health issue. Also check your DD214 and see if block 17 is checked yes or no. This has to do with a final dental exam upon discharge. If it is checked NO then the VA has to pick up any dental that was done in the service.
I Coumity Care and TriWest should issue an insurance card to provider the medical staff on contact billing info
He doesn’t even consider us female veterans, as veterans. He’s lying because he’s a Trump loyalist in the cult. He’s one of the ones trying to tax our disability compensation.
ATTN: Dept of Veterans Affairs
5 yrs ago I wrote to you
Nothing new here, getting fuked again by the VA I will be filing a Federal Lawsuit Against the VA for FRAUD, MISREPRESENTATION, FAILURE TO PAY LEGAL LAWFUL BILLS DUE AND OWING TO CIVILIAN HOSPITALS, Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Rescue Squads, ie. The Choice Program and For Ruining my FICO SCORES and CREDIT REPUTATION due to Collection Agencies and their Harrassment. ALONG WITH THE VA, I will also name Congressman Tom O’Halleran CD 1 AZ and his Veteran Representative in Casa Grande, AZ , for not acting for over 2 years on this issue as well as individuals in the Miami VA Hospital System, Lake City Florida VA Hospital System and Tucson VA Medical Center. Lawyer up folks ’cause the paperwork is being filed.
I want to thank the Dept of Veterans Affairs for making me HOMELESS AGAIN…After deducting more than $800 USD from my unemployable Benefit, Due to Severe Hypertension and Heart attack/Stroke risk, of which I had a STROKE this past year, they do not give a sh-t that a Veteran is HOMELESS…
I will probably be dead before the Dept of Veterans Affairs answers any questions that I have had regarding taking over $800 from my VA Benefits…
<<<<< Do you see the avatar of me, I am 72 years old, plagued with severe HYPERTENSION, Covid, Bacterial Pneumonia, STROKE, and Dengue this past year, I was eligible for Unemployable benefits from the Veterans Administration, this month The VA slashed over $800USD from my benefit because of Social Security that I receive…Can someone explain to me how the VA can do this? Can anyone help me?
Contact me, Thanx…
Carlo Mathiesen
December 12, 2024
Department of Veterans Affairs
St Petersburg, FL
Subject: NEXUS Letter to Support Continued Disability Benefit Amount
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter to support my request to maintain my previously approved unemployable disability benefit amount. I am a veteran and I have been experiencing multiple service-connected conditions that have significantly impaired my overall quality of life and ability to function.
I currently suffer from the following which were not included in previous medical examinations, conditions:
1. Tinnitus
2. Anxiety and Depression
3. Migraine Headaches, which cause severe symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously
4. Shortness of Breath, a side effect of the medications prescribed by VA healthcare providers
Each of these medical conditions has been well-documented by VA medical personnel and various specialists over the years. I have been under continuous treatment and care at the Department of Veterans Affairs facilities, and I am currently prescribed multiple medications to manage these symptoms. Unfortunately, these medications have introduced new complications, such as shortness of breath, which I attribute directly to the prescribed treatments.
My migraine headaches, which result in intense vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously, have significantly reduced my ability to engage in day-to-day activities and have made it difficult for me to maintain a stable routine. Additionally, my anxiety and depression continue to exacerbate these challenges, compounding my overall mental and physical health struggles.
Due to these service-connected conditions, my ability to maintain consistent employment or perform routine tasks has been substantially impaired. I kindly request that the Department of Veterans Affairs reconsider and approve my continued disability benefit amount, as I rely on these benefits to manage ongoing healthcare costs, treatment, and support services.
My situation highlights the direct correlation between my connected disabilities and the challenges I face. Continued support will allow me access to critical medical care and ongoing treatment from VA healthcare providers who are familiar with my health history and specific needs.
I am available to provide any additional medical documentation, treatment records, or statements from healthcare professionals who have treated me through the VA system. Please do not hesitate to contact me
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I sincerely appreciate your support in ensuring that I continue to receive the benefits that are crucial to my ongoing treatment and well-being.
Carlo Mathiesen
He doesn’t even consider us female veterans, as veterans. He’s lying because he’s a Trump loyalist in the cult.
why would u even say that?
Because it’s true. He’s part of the J6 insurrection and could care less about veterans. People need to wake up and pay attention
Because she is correct….
I have a honorable discharge from the army reserve and I have been trying to get help with my veterans assistance in Meridian Ms and not to forget to mention I have disabilities while serving into the army reserve due to the fact that I was transferred to the regular army bases for my terms . I have have filed a timely claim for my benefits and compensation. But I believe archive lost all my DD214 during all my tours . It’s been 2 years old and I just been forgot about because during a peaceful term. Please let me know my status of the complaint I filed.
pissed off disabled veteran cant even post her name. thats why she can comfortably say crap. I am also a female vet. I get what I need; not more than I need. I hope all vets get what they need, not what they want. Doug Collins will hopefully properly ditch the waste and the lazy employees, and properly train the employees to all be on the same page; that I know they are not.
Living In Fantasy Land Sandy. Google Has Sold Out The Trumpers. They Have The Full Text Of Project 2025 For Your Reading Pleasure. If The Trumpers, Spewing Would Take The Time To Read The New Bible Of The Right Wing They to will Finally Wake Up To What Trump, The Heritage Foundation And Other Subordinates Have In Store.
Whether a Person Id’s Themselves On These Pages Or Not Isn’t Relevant. What’s Important Is The Screw Job Awaiting Veterans Of All Walks. Sec Collins Has to Play His Nice Guy Roll. Bottom Line, Sandy. What Project 2025 Dictates Is Final. Wake Up Sweetie.
Before Trump became president, I thought he might continue being a DICTATOR after the first day. Guess what, I was right. He and Musk are going to turn my USA , what I fought for, into a Regime, lead by a DICTATOR.
And Biden was going to turn the USA to Communism.
Perhaps if there is any waste or fraud in the VA or other areas, some of the recouped wealth could be used to up the wages of the vital VA workers; from guard or custodian to maintenance to nurse or even the most highly-trained neurological surgeon. Cut the waste and reward those whose efforts are so vital to keeping the veterans heathy as can be!!!
Cure for vets PTSD. On final. Trials
Thank You for the clarification of DOGE role.
I’m a 100% disabled since 1979 and 82 years old female with 22 years of service in the Navy.
In 2020, My pay has been cut to pay back a
erroneous debt of $40,000 reduced by $1,000 a month. I have sent forms , letters , marriage licenses and birth certificate proof and numerous calls, But they have continued to say I owe $40,00!
Why is it taking over 6 months to add dependents to my benefits? This is ridiculous as sone families experience financial and medical hardships.
I had the same problem with CHAMPVA- I opened a congressional inquiry
Hi, Lillian, thanks for letting us know. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Secretary Collins,
I hoped to hear you specifically state that you will testify before Congress that you will not support means-testing for eligibility for VA disability compensation, as outlined in the report at
That you will not support ending VA’s Individual Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age for Social Security as found in the report at
That you will stand tall and will not support the administration’s VA’s Disability Payments to Veterans being included as Taxable Income, as found at
That you will not support making any alterations or advocate for any changes on the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities that affects our disability payments, as laid out in Project 2025 that says you want to partially cut benefits for Veterans. (See
I wouldn’t trust a Trump appointee to tell the truth, even under oath. I just hope that Congress grows a pair and stops giving up their Checks and Balances powers.
Robert Grant, thanks for the links to SPECIFIC plans. Secretary Collins believes what he says but I don’t trust his boss as far as I can throw him.
You rock!thank u.
Well I think that even in the VA and veterans are socialist communists that believe all the BS the Biden administration. But I am a true patriot and with Doge and President Trump’s secretary Douglas Collins will improve on veteran needs 100%.
We Will Hold You To Your Word! Time Will Tell.
Thank So Much I Have Thyroid Graves Disease along with Ted Eye Disease Lost my Eyesight Because of water Contamination Camp LeJuene Diagnosed in 2010 Service 1989 Disabled
I’m a Vietnam vet in las vegas I hope you don’t change the great care and outside referrals we get as needed.we also have great people from doctors and all their staff.they have kept me alive til 82.Good luck inn your new job.
Good luck with getting the “in the community” visits approved. 14 denials last year and 2 so far this year. Hopefully this changes with the new administration.
I would like to see the CHOICE program returned.
I would like to be able to see a local Doctor instead of traveling Miami to have my cataracts removed.
I am 88 years old be great to have it done locally.
Hear. Hear.
I’m in the process of suing the VA on numerous levels. Enough is enough. I am also going on local news programs about the lack of care I have received since 2010. I hope my voice will help ALL veterans that are at the behest of incompetent, lazy VA employees. Especially at VA North Texas and TriWest.
Is it possible for veterans who have retired from the military use other pharmacies than Walgreens,CVS, Walmart or Publix because they are not in the Veteran’s best interest. When I was able to use my family pharmacy never had any problems getting my medicine. The pharmacies listed above do not care about the veterans at all.
What on earth do you expect this puppet to say?
Right on! Glad to see a critical thinker in the comments.
Right with you! He’s a puppet of the guy who called our fallen military “suckers and losers.” A puppet of the guy who told his entourage that disfigured military veterans should not be part of veteran ceremonies. The puppetmaster has already hit the understaffed VA by firing a bunch of employees and ending contracts. Project 2025 will take away more from VA and Medicaid (and maybe even SS and Medicare) so that he and his cronies can get that sweet 15% corporate income tax rate. Read this “dangerous” comment quickly, before Big Brother’s censor removes it, as they have others.
I was on hold with community care for 56 minutes this am. Then message on phone problems with phone system. Not the 1st
Time. I am a SDV, try not to drive due to flash backs. Told I live in too rural ( Madison fl) for VA transportation. I am told My treatment is available at VA in Lake City. And cannot use community care services.
Hi, thanks for commenting. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Terminate Trumpy Crappy-ss Vonsh-tzhispants and Couchf-ck McGee and President Musk the sewer rat.
Right with you Ken ✊
EFFICIENCY is a highly subjective concept. When the current president berates troops who die, become prisoners of war and/or called slackers, it is difficult to trust that veterans will be honored, protected and rewarded for their service to the country. Keep an eye on your current services and future ones you may need. Even if you voted for this administration keep your eyes and ears open.
So how about working on the time at takes to schedule an appointment. I called the VA about a week ago to make a primary Care appointment at Fort Belvoir Virginia. I was told the soonest date that they had for an appointment would be July 15th. I mean I went ahead and schedule the appointment but that’s 5 months away you would think that they might be able to do a little better than that anyway thanks for posting on YouTube.
Hi, thanks for commenting. We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’ve submitted your comment to the appropriate office for potential assistance. In the meantime, please submit additional inquiries or issues to or call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411).
Why is it that a none military medical problem is not covered st the va hospital?
Sure hope you’re not BS’ing us!
..Thank You to the ALL “TheVA”… for all THE RESPECT, CARE, and TRUTH, in HELPING The VETERANS of The USA!!!….and Congratulations to The 47th President of The USA, Donald J. Trump and To Our New VA Secretary Mr. Doug Collins…..Veterans KNOW,,,that President Trump will ALWAYS have His Loyalty, Trust, Support with EVERYTHING needed in their LIVES!!!……God Bless Our USA….Our beloved Veterans, of THE USA!! wherever WE ARE!!…….The ole saying was & still is..”Never Mess with The VETERANS of The USA”…….Freedom was never Free..It is Fought For, so AMERICA LIVES FOREVER!!!-Amen…..Thank You Mr. Secretary..& Mr. President!!…
Wow scary read through the reports on very disturbing. We serve, retired, got injured while serving, earned VA benefits for those injuries, paid into SS for our entire lives. It’s hard to believe that anyone would even consider looking into cutting benefits for any of us. We have paid for these benefits in ways that are not imaginable to someone that hasnt served. Take away benefits when I turn 67 seriously? I paid for one my entire life and earned the other risking my life for this country.
Damn.. page not found. They took the budget down. Hopefully someone copied it.
Is DOGE, vetted?, how many actual Veterans in DOGE, if zero, they should hit the f*cking door because penny counters don’t know the journey.
Also could you put up photos and qualifications of the DOGE inspectors.Let be leaders by doing what is promised “transparency” and not generic statements like “hitting the ground running” when we all know the clear destination of your running matters.
Thank you for asking these very important questions!! I fear dependent Chapter 35 benefits are on the table, too.
This is all just messaging, not factual information. Why don’t you answer the following, Dougie:
1. Do you support means-testing for eligibility for VA disability compensation, as outlined in the report at
2. Do you support ending VA’s Individual Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age for Social Security as found in the report at
3. Do you support VA’s Disability Payments being included as Taxable Income, as found at
4. What planned changes are you advocating for on the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities that affects our disability payments, as laid out in Project 2025 that says you want to partially cut benefits for Veterans? (See
Veterans…do not be fooled by these talking points. He wants to cut facilities and your benefits. Contact your Congressional members now to tell him cuts are a non-starter.
Exactly. So many Vets are convinced their benefits won’t be touched. Are they ok if their dependents lose Chapter 35?
Is it possible for veterans who have retired from the military use other pharmacies than Walgreens,CVS, Walmart or Publix because they are not in the Veteran’s best interest. When I was able to use my family pharmacy never had any problems getting my medicine. The pharmacies listed above do not care about the veterans at all.
Get up off your knees and raise your head. Praising a dictator is not in the job description of a VA Secretary. We’ve heard too many lies from the “king“ and his serfs. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. We’ll be watching.
Relevant and important information. Thanks for asking and addressing this propagandist BS
What a bunch of malarkey. We’ve been lied to by this whole administration. We wanted a better economy, not this dog and pony show of renaming bodies of water and stopping benefits from other people. Every cabinet member lied bold faced to Congress, so I don’t think this secretary is any different. He’s a big fan of contracting out medical care to the public sector, which is not equipped to take on the entire veteran population. I don’t doubt he won’t start chopping out the low performing employees, but he sure won’t replace them either. You like waiting 8 months for a dependency claim? Try 2 years after they get done firing everyone. Want hour long wait time for a phone call where you get to talk to a heavy accent foreigner? Or a robot? This Secretary will be the one to do it.
Call your Members of Congress and hold this guy’s feet to the fire.
Notice how he first addressed the media and not veteran’s concerns? This is a fascist move…..I don’t believe a word out of this man’s mouth.