The following article is authored by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and originally appeared on CFPB’s blog. Visit our website to learn more about VA home loans.

We’re announcing an enforcement action against a lender that wrongfully used the logos of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). RMK Financial Corporation (also doing business as Majestic Home Loans) sent out ads to veterans and other VA-eligible borrowers that misled consumers to think that RMK’s products were endorsed by VA, or even sent by  VA, and they misrepresented the terms and costs of the mortgages themselves. This is the fifth enforcement action we’ve completed in the past two months against companies using deceptive mortgage advertising.

Deceptive advertising to mislead consumers

RMK sent out mailings to over 100,000 consumers across the country. These ads used the name, seal, and logos of VA, giving the impression that  VA had sent the ad or endorsed the product. Also, the ads misrepresented the price of the advertised mortgages, including whether the interest rate was fixed or variable. Sometimes, important disclosures about loan rates were hidden on the back of the ads or buried in fine print. Envelopes were plastered with warnings about “fines or imprisonment” under US law.

Two years ago, along with the Federal Trade Commission, we warned companies that were placing mortgage ads directed at consumers, some of which targeted those eligible for VA benefits. Since then, we’ve continued to investigate mortgage lenders, including RMK.

The VA won’t advertise to you

Mike Frueh, director of the VA Home Loan Program, had this to say about mortgage offers that represent themselves as coming from the VA:

“VA will never email or mail out solicitations for our loan program. VA does not endorse or sponsor any particular lender; instead, we work to ensure all Veterans and Servicemembers can safely use the benefit they’ve earned, at the lender of their choice. If you have any questions about your home loan benefit, please visit the VA website, or call VA at (877) 827-3702.”

Here’s what you can do

While we may not reduce the volume of your junk mail as a result of today’s action, we hope that we’ve called attention to a significant problem. Here’s how you can avoid being taken in by similar offers:

  • Be a savvy consumer— look at everything an advertiser has to say about the product they’re selling. Today’s action involved a mortgage lender that placed flashy seals and logos front and center, but hid important disclosures in the fine print on the back of their ads.
  • Get information from trusted sources — even if an ad is plastered in official-looking seals and impressive endorsements, check with a trusted source to learn all you can about the product being advertised. Learn more about VA loans and refinances. Ask CFPB also has answers to some common questions.
  • Let us know about misleading ads— if you see an ad that looks deceptive or misleading, or just looks too good to be true, submit a complaint to us. We accept complaints about mortgages and other financial products marketed to veterans, such as consumer loans. Information you provide informs our work every day.

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  1. Charty Auctions April 27, 2015 at 10:11

    Did the VA take legal actions against RMK?

  2. DannyG April 16, 2015 at 23:27

    NAIL ‘EM TO THE WALL & LET THE VETS USE THEM FOR TARGET PRACTICE !!!! And I’m normally a pretty mellow guy: until someone messes with my family.

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