VA Secretary Bob McDonald and House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller participate in the DAV Forum at the 2015 Disabled American Veteran national convention in Denver.
VA Secretary Bob McDonald spent much of this summer — VA’s Summer of Service — sharing his vision for VA’s future with fellow employees and Veterans in cities across the country.
He spoke at a number of Veteran service organization national conventions and held town meetings at a number of VA facilities, recruiting new doctors and nurses and promoting MyVA – his plan for transforming VA.
The Secretary took his message to conventions of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Pittsburgh, the Vietnam Veterans of America in Springfield, Ill., the Military Order of the Purple Heart in Las Vegas, and the Disabled American Veterans in Denver, where he also participated in a DAV forum with House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller.
VA Secretary Bob McDonald shared the podium with his father, Ray, at a town meeting at Hoosier Village in Indianapolis. Ray McDonald and his wife, Fro, reside in the retirement community.
He held town meetings with employees and residents in some of those cities and also in Anchorage, Alaska, and Indianapolis, where he held a press conference at the Indianapolis VA Medical Center to talk about the VA budget and a town hall meeting with employees. He also conducted a briefing on VA operations and his work to transform VA while at the Hoosier Village, a retirement community in which his parents reside.
“We’re in the process of transforming VA,” McDonald said. “VA during the time of crisis became very bureaucratic, very inward looking … almost like a Kremlin … and what we want to do is … improve the VA to be the best customer service agency in government.”
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September 10, 2015 As VA was wrapping up its #VASummerOfService [...]
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Very nice job VA Secretary McDonald and staff.Allison Hickey Dept of Veterans Affairs what a military service record! Now that makes me proud to be a veteran. SALUTE!
I would like to hear from Mr. McDonald personally. I had the pleasure of meeting you at the Charlotte, NC clinic when you visited there, and was surprised to hear that Robbie was still not only driving at the VACO, but was one of your drivers. What I need to speak to you about is a very powerful movement a friend of mine and myself have been working on. It is scheduled to take place in Washington, DC on May 28,2016, starting at around 9:00AM until 6:00 PM. We plan to organize at the base of the Capitol and march to the Lincoln Memorial. We would love to have you be a part of our historical event and would also want you to speak there. This event is so that Congress and the general population recognizes the state of Veterans Affairs and how they, not the V.A. have failed it’s Veterans. I truly hope to hear from you very soon, as we want to move on with our plans.. Upon contact, I will inform you of the name of our event and the details we have thus far worked out. I will also be seeking suggestions and/or advice fro you if at all possible at that time also. Thanks in advance for your considerate response to this……………….George C. Horton, Jr.
The VA Dr who did my husband’s exams messed up back in 2008 and 2011 according to the !medical records and the Veteran Law Judged so we had to redo testing. It was supposed to be expedited yet we are still waiting and about to lose everything because he cannot work!
I filed one claim in April 2011. Winston-Salem then split my one claim into two claims. They only rated one part of my claim and left the other “unrated”. I have not heard one word since I had to appeal not one claim as originally presented, but now two claims because they were split and only half was rated. They repeatedly sent me to physician and requested the same exact medical documentation I had provided via return receipt which was received two months from when my actual claim was submitted through the State Veterans VSO. They even wanted a copy of the report from me from the physician THEY sent me to. Through the Attorney General’s office for two years and them working with me, a supervisor agreed to rate part of my claim, but there was no time for the other. They were given a deadline that an claim over two yeas had to be moved. Even though I BEGGED them to PLEASE look at the documentation (even sent my own ARMY Medical record) and they still were asking for information even though they had it. They made me wait until they entered in my SEVEN volumes of paperwork into the computer system. That was in 2011 and here it is 2015 and I still have not been rated. Meanwhile denied care by the VA to see any specialist, I have suffered three units of blood due to a hemoglobin of 5.1 which is critical, a cardiac stent, unit of iron, permanent vascular damage to my left leg, broken ankle requiring a plate and screws and living with shots in my ankle to walk, permanent TEDD hose and ankle brace which is and has been total cost out of my pocket because of their negligence. Also because of all this happening, I have suffered a mini stroke as well and that is not even in my claim. I have no confidence in the VA Clinic here and never will. They very easily could have killed me by refusing to allow me to see specialists I needed to see. This was even through contacting the VA Director Ms. Goolsby. I have no confidence and never will ever have confidence in the VA. Seeing as it has been over 4 years since filing one claim and getting split into two, I have no idea what is going on and this should have been a simple process when ALL proof was provided at least 4 or 5 times. Same exact info. It is really sad and very hurtful to the Veterans who have to pay for their own medications because the VA refuses to fill them even though you follow a procedure. The only change I have seen is that I am alive and do not have to worry about not being allowed the specialty care I need. Good luck to those who are still waiting like I am.
Interesting accounts across our nation
I am sorry-I strongly feel that they “swept” the majority of us, under the table. I am so tired of Appealing, having no representation, etc. I was recently told, that 2 yrs. ago, someone “dropped the ball”, about medical need. Was a proud Airman, Denise
i for got to tell you i was on the uss newport lst 1179 from 68 to 72
i put in a claim for something that happened in 1970 this is my 4th time putting this claim in.this time i track down my petty office who was on deck when i was hit in the head and knock out.there 6 guys from frist div.then the va sent me to see 2 doctors and there report says the same thing.please let me no if the va got to my claim yet.i understand there alot of claims out there i just like to no how long.
He was in Orlando in May to dedicate the fabulous new Lake Nona facility – three years late, but not his doing.
I have watched him onn 60 Minutes and heard him speak elsewhere. He is spot on and I take my hat off to him. Secretary McDonald is fired up and getting the job done.
I just had a fully developed claim process in under 75 days! The system can and has worked for me since becoming a part of it five years ago.
can someone tell me why it is my husbands disablilty claims have not been completed ? since 2004 on have been waiting on hjs claim for auto allowance and specialty adaptive housing? I as they say things are moving faster what the heck is taking so long. It has been in Preparing for Decision for the longest time. I find it ridiculous. He served honorably, dosed with Agent Orange has all sorts of health problems which were reviewed and is 100% disabled. I have been fighting since back then. Have requested expedition of claims due to not having a car, I cannot make his appts all the time, he cant leave the house! it is irreprehenaible they way they treat the FORGOTTEN WAR, THE VIET NAM SOLDIERS WHO HAVE BEEN SUFFERING, so dont tell me it is moving fast on claims. Also I am entitled to A & A totaling approximately 1,690.00 of which i have not received. I am his primary caregiver, fiduciary, why has it not been included in his disability monies. He should without a doubt be receiving the full entitlement plus my A & A. It is a 24 hour job yet i am dismissed. I want and deserve an answer, Will anyone respond directly to my email? I will wait and wait til I get one. I refuse to give up . The VA,I honestly believe that they are just waiting for him to die. A disgraceful way to treat a veteran who now, because of Agent Orange cannot live a normal life, go anywhere, enjoy his grandchildren! I am furious and I should be, he should get what he serves and i deserve and they are just holding finishing his claim. I will not stop here, I will seek out any Senator, Congressman,I will fight and write til my fingers bleed.
Looking forward to a respomse and hope you do. Katherine Mc Brinn
Does McDonald ever go to any southern cities?
He was just in Georgia last week… Last I checked that was still part of the South…