Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Marine Corps Veteran Stacey Thompson.
Stacey joined the Marine Corps after graduating high school at age 17. She served from 1998 to 2000 as a Traffic Management Operator.
She served her first overseas assignment in Okinawa, Japan in 1999. While there, Stacey was sexually assaulted by a senior NCO. When she reported the incident, she was separated with an “Other Than Honorable” discharge.
In January 2016, after years of litigation, Stacey received a discharge upgrade from Department of Defense.
She now currently involves herself in art, speaking, and other creative endeavors that allow her to share her experience with others. Stacey was recently paired with a service dog, Reef, who has been a great companion.
Thank you for your service, Stacey!
Nominate a Veteran for #VeteranOfTheDay
Do you want to light up the face of a special Veteran? Have you been wondering how to tell your Veteran they are special to you? You’re in luck! VA’s #VeteranOfTheDay social media feature is an opportunity to highlight your Veteran and his/her service.
It’s easy to nominate a Veteran. All it takes is an email to with as much of the information as you can put together with some good photos. Visit our blog post about nominating for how to create the best submission.
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I am a veterans of the USMC station at Camp Lejuene NC from 04/1972 to 05/1074, I was very sick while station there. I am still sick from the contaminated drinking water. I am looking for other Marines that was station at camp Jejune during the same time 1972 -1974.
6th Marine Regiment
Hi Veterans,
I am a retired US (Army Woman) Vietnam Era Veteran (E-8), last of the Women’s Army Corps. I would like to be featured. We are a forgotten group, but some of us are still around.
Sharon V.
Sharon, It’s easy to nominate a Veteran for #VeteranOfTheDay. All it takes is an email to with as much of the information as you can put together with some good photos. Visit our blog post about nominating for how to create the best submission.
How could it take 16-years – we need better Corps leadership. Semper Fi.
I am not a Marine Vet but what happened to you should not be forgiven. I am a senior NCO Retired and would never condone that to happen on my watch. I am very proud of you and your perseverance to get to the end of that tragic time in your life. All I can say is keep on the goodness of your life and never look back. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALSO THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.
The very thing that makes me sick, is that as MARINES, we are supposed to PROTECT, those that may not be AS strong as those that would assault them! These “superiors”, that handled this incident all deserves, a “Big Chicken Dinner”, and a Blanket Party! What a bunch of PUNKS! He was more worried about a, “Senior NCO”, than doing the RIGHT thing, the HARD thing, as he was more than likely his buddy! Hmm, what would it take to bring your Marine Corps buddy up on charges, let’s see,COURAGE, BRAVERY and a healthy dose of INTEGRITY! This “superior” DID NOT DESERVE THE HONOR OF BEING CALLED A MARINE! As he did not posses the basic decent characteristics of a human being, much less a MARINE! We have and should always be held to a higher code, of ethics and honor! These 2 scumbags should both be in Leavenworth! Making BIG rocks into little rocks, for a few years(20 SOUNDS GOOD TO ME), the true travesty here is not only did a young lady get accosted, the actions of those that should have protected not only her well being but her rights, was not there for her! Stacy, I’m sure you will have an incredible amount of mail, but I’m curious, did you Request Mass, when you saw that nothing was going to be done to this sorry piece of crap! ( and yes I’m having difficulty finding words to say, because all I can think of, for adjectives, are curse words!!!!!) BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE, wait, I’m mistaken, this isn’t about just the 2 individuals that began the cover up, with you getting an, “Other than Honorable Discharge”, this went much higher! what trumped up charges did they make up for you? I’m sorry this happened to you! But it does appear that you are as strong as any Marine I served with, that kind of strength is not something anyone should underestimate as the POS’s did! The thing that seriously makes me saddened an afraid for so many other WM’s, that saw this, or even heard of it, knowing what happened to you, this individual is nothing more than a serial rapist, and I would bet you weren’t the 1st WM he assaulted! Nor the LAST! I seriously hope you got more than just an honorable discharge, I hope you sued them for every penny you could possibly get! It’s this feeling of power that NCO as well as Commissioned Officer’s have that make them “THINK” that they can cover up anything they want to, so they won’t have to deal with it, or pay for it. or maybe it just reflected badly on them, it’s very similar to the Camp Lejeune water contamination, that was swept under the carpet for almost 30 years! So may Marines have had to suffer and many have died, before they are willing to step-up and do the right thing, the bottom line is it takes making them pay out large amounts of money to make change happen! WHY!?!? Are these people that dumb!? Or are they just that arrogant? Why would so many people get involved in a cover up, of pretty large magnitude, just to keep one sick individual, that is obviously guilty, from doing the same thing to someone else’s daughter?
You, Stacey, are a BEAUTIFUL STRONG, WOMAN with an unbreakable code of honor! You are a REAL MARINE, and what the Corps NEEDs to fix the incredible amount of stupidity that prevails! I hope and pray, you are in a good place, with a HAPPY fulfilled life, no one man or woman deserves to be treated the way you were! I’m proud that being a Marine, I can call you my Sister of the Corp! Please BE Strong as you obviously always have been and keep fighting the good fight, and Thank You for sharing your story!
Stacy i know what your going thru as far as the MST I’m a disabled vet from the Army and suffered in silence i was I long before you1983-87 i was also gay and ensure the witch hunts that they used to do to find the gays. Now because i didn’t report the NCO. I suffer from PTSD among other things. I did get out from the army with an honorable but i suffered in silence for years before figuring out about the PTSD. I’m glad you have taken matters and brought about a wonderful outcome. I’m working on doing the same in hopes to help my fellow vets and others who not only suffer from MST but battle trama with PTSD try to move beyond theborders we suffer behind and know that it is not the militaries fault but it is the unfortunate people that can lie their way in and hide behind pour greatest power the military. I agree that the truly guilty should be punished for not only the act but for following orders that were morally wrong to protect those that offend.
Stacey, Sorry this Happen to you while serving your Country and the Corp. On my Return from Viet Nam, I had to Stop in Okinawa for debrefing. While there I had all my Gear and Pictures from Viet Nam Stolen.. To Me this was SAD as I spent 19 Months and 13 days in Viet Nam and Lost Everything that Meant everything to Me. My time in Okinawa was not good after this Happen to me. I do wish you well and I hope nothing but the Best for You. (Mark D Anderson), it’s not the Marine Corp that needs forgiving, it’s the People in the Corp…
Stacey you are I my prayers always. This should never go unpunished. People like that make it hard on the few NCO’s that take care of their personnel like they should be taken care of and not taken advantage of. Stay strong. I’m not a Marine but I feel your pain and am sorry that you had to endure this.
Thank you for your service, Sempre Fi!. I am very sorry that you had to endure all the heart ache with what happened to you.
I was stationed at Camp Hansen, Okinawa during my time in the Marine Corps and found it to be a really beautiful place to tour. I know with what happened you most likely didn’t get to enjoy it. Congratulations on your recongnition,
I wish you only the very best in your future, God Bless!
Thank you for your service! Congratulations on your recognition! I wish you the best in all you do! Sempre fi!
Stacey, As a male Marine Corps veteran, I am very sorry that you had to endure this. I don’t know you, but I served with a number of Women Marines (as we called them then) and they were all outstanding Marines that deserved to treated with honor and respect just like their male counterparts. Sexual assault is not the Marine Corps way, and must not be tolerated in any shape or form. Please forgive the Corps, and remember that the vast majority of Marines are on your side. Thanks for your service.
Everyone in the chain of command of her bc proceedings should be investigated, if discharged or retired reinstated, and charges brought. It appears there was a cover-up to protect one of their own not the Corps.
I served in the Air Force and saw similar stuff happen several times (no sexual stuff but lower level) when a senior NCO or officer got in a jam and a fall guy selected for an Art. 15.
Wouldn’t do the career thing for that reason.
When fired by the Service, life is over.
Thank you for your service, Stacey!
Service-Sacrafice that’s what one hears when she/he gets into BC. How horrible and outrageous. Has anyone ever mentioned to you a docudrama called THE SECRET? I think this would be a good match for some like you, nay, especially like you. Since I took it’s mantra as my HB (higher being) my life has had a never look back joy to it!
I wish and pray (to my HB) that your life begins anew! & That you never look back again. However, I must enlighten you on two things: from the start you must follow the course every waking minute; when you1st open your eyes till your PM prayers. 2nd it’s ALL about giving thanks and giving all to lesser beings.
When I first became a novitiate, all the day long I would give thanks…
As a old and wise Ph.D. once said, before a final exam ‘ I would like to wish you all luck, but, I know that you won’t need it, because, you all studied.
ADJ 3 Lee Swendsen (Years Active 68-70)
Stacey, I’m so sorry you were forced to endure such treachery by self-righteous people. I fail to understand what makes people do these evil deeds. My heart aches for you and is also overjoyed by your resilience. Always know that there are people like me that support those who are in need.
Congratulations on this well deserved honor, Stacey. Thank you for your service and courage!
thanks for sharing this