I visited Kansas City back in March to attend the 100 year commemoration of World War I. While I was there, I sought out Veteran stories happening in the area, and I was fortunate to stumble across a very cool one. Veterans Community Project is building tiny homes for homeless Veterans.
Their mission: “Veterans Community Project is dedicated to supporting every man and woman who took the oath for our country. We are determined to make a difference in the lives of homeless Veterans, a task accomplished by the community for the community.”
Their goal is to build a village of tiny homes to house homeless Veterans in the Kansas City area. The Veteran, when given a home in the village, would essentially get to keep everything in the home. So, when they transition out of the village into their next home, they can take their fridge, bed, towels, etc., along with them. The Project plans to arrange other services for the Veterans in their village and provide community service projects for the village residents to participate in.
Veterans Community Project recently broke ground for infrastructure and are hoping to begin housing Veterans in November. “We look to be housing our first 10 Veterans by Thanksgiving,” said CEO and co-founder Chris Stout.
The organization was founded by a group of Veterans that each bring their own skill sets and character strengths to the team. When I visited with them, it was clear they not only love their mission but they love the Veterans they serve.
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Unfortunately veterans in Texas are neglected and many of them are homeless
Will the VA build tiny houses in other states,my grandson is homeless n is very interested in the tiny houses,he Served in the Army nine years n was engaged in three overseas ,this is wonderful plan especially if they build them in other states!
I’m a retired expert in drug and alcohol treatment; I and I’m sure others will be glad to lend our expertise to a project like this . . . It is painful watching all the holes in the pier and watching all the vets slip away . . . Get involver and if you have resources; We have the time . . .
Tiny homes; sounds great Tim; Lots of space out there in almost every community for tiny homes for disabled veterans, veterans and others in need’; We have the land now we need the support to get the zoning, without awaking all the Amorals out there worring about home values, first, instead of what we need to do with all the homeless out there . . . Lets come together and save some lives and bring hope to veterans and families in need of a break . . .
Do they have any projects in Texas. The homeless Veteran here need help and a place to live.
Awesome! Fabulous idea, anything that helps a fellow vet get out of homelessness is good in my book. I hope others take note.
I think that the Veteran tiny house village for homeless veterans is fantastic. There should never be a homeless veteran anywhere.
How do you put application to sign up for a tiny home to live in. I am a homeless veteran who served in the coast guard search and rescue crew emt.