Each year on the 11th day of the 11th month, Americans celebrate Veterans Day, a tradition born from the signing of the Armistice that ended of World War I. It is a day when all Americans honor the brave men and women who have defended our nation and preserved our way of life. They are America’s best.
We have a saying here at VA – “Every day is Veterans Day.” And it is true. As an organization, it is VA’s honor to care for our nation’s finest citizens. As employees, it is our patriotic duty to serve and care for them.
Veterans Day, however, is truly a special day at VA facilities across the nation. The Veteran community gathers to share their experiences – experiences that often draw laughter as well as tears. Hundreds of communities, proud and thankful for their Veterans do the same, holding parades, special dinners and other celebrations for those that have allowed to us to grow and flourish as a Nation.
In honor of Veterans from coast to coast, The VAntage Point team is going to bring the sights and sounds of various celebrations across the country to you through images, stories and podcast.
On Veterans Day, please be sure to visit Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat throughout the day for live pictures and stories.
While Veterans Day may be the highlight of our November, the celebration of Veterans and military families is already underway. The president recently signed a proclamation designating the entire month of November as National Veterans and Military Families Month.
This year, VA is expanding the tradition of Veterans Day and extending the observance for the whole month of November. We want all Americans to join us this month as we build on the significance of Veterans Day and better show our appreciation to those brave men and women who charged into harm’s way without reservation. Visit our website for a calendar of Veterans and Military Families Month activities at https://www.va.gov/vetsday.
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At 75 I find my body giving way to many of the injuries that it was able to midi gate and hold at bay when younger and in better helth. Things in my case like arthritis in the joints once couch between two 250 pound bombs being stored in the munitions storage area.
Diabetes after year after year exposure to agent orange , chemicals used to fill bombs with napalm and cleaning up the areas where build up was done. Yet there is no outreach to us to help understand and manage the helth issues we endure now as a result of being exposed to the items and more such as radiation in storage facilities, transport ,and daily activities involved with our service.
Our records show by location and speciality what we encountered, today computers can easily identify the exposure and individuals who should be given special tests and support.
Thank you for an opportunity to express my concerns and opinions.
I only have great things to say about the Huntington,WV VA they have taken very good care of me and all my medical needs, everyone there is helpful. No complaints here thanks
You need to stop complaining and look at both pictures. I used CVHC and it was far better than CHC facilities. So maybe you just think because you served everyone should let you go first.sorry for you.
What? You have to be more specific and who did you file complaints with? This is important
Everyday is veterans day? Then, why won’t you give this vet – who served 8 years active duty in Vietnam Era, ANY health care?
How do you honor veterans when they are discriminated against by Supervisor and management within the VHA healthcare system. Where veterans with disabilities are denied rights that are covered by law, where Supervisor use their position to hinder veterans promotions, where upper management lies and defend wrong doing that’s honor that’s respect? I say no Carl Vinson VAMC is the worst at treating veterans