Today, we dedicated our #VeteranOfTheDay post to honor all who have served this country and made the ultimate sacrifice.
All gave some, and some gave all.
We honor their service.
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This week’s Honoring Veterans Spotlight honors the service of Army Veteran David Hickman, who served during the Iraq War.
This week’s Honoring Veterans Spotlight honors the service of Air Force Veteran Luther H. Smith, who served in Italy during World War II.
This week’s Honoring Veterans Spotlight honors the service of Army Veteran and Medal of Honor recipient William Maud Bryant.
I’m a former USAF service member in US military but now trying to put down new life in Germany.
I have been to Iraq two times and it’s not easy. So this massage is to fellow service members to keep it up .
And those who didn’t make out from the military may the soul rise in perfect pieace.
So brothers and sisters let join hands together and continue fighting for our great country.
One love from
Joseph Kaba from Baltimore Maryland
But now living in Germany Eppelheim.
times.we are hear and hear people and their thanks and praise for our service. we are greatful till the end,but lets not let all end here. i ask you fight that the veterans affairs will do the right thing for the survivors as well. don’t let their tour end with not recieving what they should. but making the veterans affairs fully transparent will see that our appeals and benefits we deserve are done more openly with more information on times involved for us to recieve those benefits we struggle so hard to get.and to all our fallen brothers past,present,and future looking down on us. we will get our deserved benefits to prove we will always be united for us all. love to you who have given the altimate and for all who have served and continue to serve to save our beautiful country from tyranie and communism and terrorist who would do us harm.God bless and behind his truths we stand forever.