Homeless Veterans receiving care under the Homeless Veterans Program at the Oklahoma City VA Health Care System will receive winter coats and boots collected and donated by a local Veterans organization.
On December 7, the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, Chapter 10-3 from Lawton, rode their motorcycles to the Oklahoma City VA Medical Center to make this generous donation. The donation included so much gear that it took two trucks, a Jeep, and a 16-foot trailer to haul it all.
“We are so appreciative of donations from community organizations. The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association has been a reliable, long-time community partner supporting our efforts to help Veterans,” said Melissa Overfield, Voluntary Services chief. “Chapter 23-1 from Dallas also assisted with this very large donation. Right now, they are working on their fourth pick-up.”
Health Care for Homeless Veterans program
The Health Care for Homeless Veterans program at the Oklahoma City VA Health Care System offers outreach, case management, and residential treatment services to help Veterans transition from living on the street or in institutions to stable housing situations.
For more information about VA’s services for homeless and at-risk Veterans, call 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838). For information about volunteering or donating to the Oklahoma City VA Health Care System, call 405-456-5162.
Story and photos by Audrey Umhoefer, public affairs officer, Oklahoma City VA Health Care System.
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Motorcyclists may look dangerous but they have big hearts and they always help the ones in need.
My husband is a veteran who faces struggles every day. Broke his leg foot and ankle all with one fall. Then I added the burden of emergency open heart surgery. If that wasn’t enough yesterday he got the diagnosis of an aortic aneurism. I saw the blankets for vets and thought this would cheer him up. The problem is I don’t know how to get him one. He greats every vet he sees with “thank you for your service & God bless you sir. What a wonderful heart he has. My sweet gentle giant husband. Thanks senior from Mcloud ok.
Depends on where you live. Most areas have quilt groups through on base organizations, churches, the uso, the VA, the wartior transition unit, or the red cross.
These helpers and volunteers for our veterans are truly God’s extended arms. Bless all if you my friends and servants. You all deserve recognition and a hug. Love you guys! A 71 yr Old grandmother from Mcloud ok. Ps. Have a very blessed Christmas and New year.
You are all so AWESOME and I’m truly PROUD of all of you.❤️
Being a Homeless Veteran in a Homeless Veterans Shelter, getting ready to move into a studio apt. this Friday, I can really appreciate this story. This clubs here in Phoenix are AWSOME. Major Players in helping the Homeless Vet’s.
ALL I can say is, ” AWSOME OKLAHOMA!’.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ronald Lavern Barnes II
Thanks to people like these who take care of homeless veterans when the government won’t.
Kool. I am proud to be army veteran from arlee mt!
Hand out every year, should not take so much effort