To our Nation’s Veterans:
Throughout our history, you have rallied time and again to protect and serve your family, neighbors, and friends. Your leadership, patriotism, and entrepreneurship exemplify the American spirit.
As Article I Section II of the Constitution directs, every 10 years, we conduct a census to determine representation in Congress. Think of it as a national roll call. The next national roll call is coming, and we must hear from you. The 2020 Census is a mission-critical opportunity to make your numbers known. This opportunity only comes once a decade, so 2020 will be the time to make sure your community is counted.
We need your help! Please get your community prepared by taking the following steps:
- JOIN OUR TEAM. We want to hire Veterans for temporary census jobs. Apply to work as a census taker at If you know others who are looking for work, please spread the word.
- RAISE AWARENESS. Tell other Veterans how the 2020 Census impacts services they rely on. Discuss this at Veteran service organization chapter meetings or the next Veteran gathering you attend.
- PARTNER WITH US. Visit to learn more, become a partner, and download materials to share with other Veteran leaders, business owners, and nonprofit partners in your community.
- RESPOND TO THE CENSUS. Mark Census Day, April 1, 2020, on your calendar, and plan to respond to the short census questionnaire for your household as soon as you can. Mailings will go out, and the online response portal will open in mid-March. You can choose your preferred method of response: securely online, over the phone, or by mail.
Veterans benefit directly when their communities are counted correctly. Billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed each year based on census data that support education, housing, health care, hospitals, fire stations, and more. An accurate count is especially crucial for Veterans in rural communities, those with disabilities, and those at risk of homelessness. Data from the 2020 Census will also help the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs plan programs and assess emerging needs for Veterans.
To get started, visit
Steven D. Dillingham
Director, United States Census Bureau
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I am in Western NY with driving capability of 100 mile radius per day
I submitted an 20202 Census job application in May 2019. Census responded that I am eligible to work for the Census. There have been several emails saying the Census will be hiring as of late January or early February but I have had no offers from Census so far.
I have to question what the basis the Census is using to offer jobs? Who you know?
George G Rose
Charlotte NC
I worked for the census in 2010 and hoped they would hire those with prior experience. Had my app in for a year now and haven’t heard a word from them. Could really use the work.
Don’t even bother trying. Figured I’d give it a shot…wth…can’t hurt right? 2 times now they’ve ‘sent me a link’ to verify my email address so I could get started. Never received that email. No, it is not in spam or trash….they never sent it. If they can’t even get that correct, I do not want to work for them! Good luck if you try.
I was a census taker in 2010 I enjoyed taking part in it. At that time all applicants were were given an appointment to come in and take an exam and if we scored well we were called in for training and sworn in and given our binders of the area and contacts who have not returned there forms. Now I have not been able to sign back into my account and unable to accomplish much relating to employment for 2020. I will say if you succeed getting through I believe it is worth it.
Sounds like a big waste of time and energy. I was interested until I read through the comments. I am 70, Vietnam veteran and in good physical condition short of the hearing loss from artillery.
I’m a Vietnam Nam vet. I applied in November 2019 and checked in regularly. They have ads for vets, yet I’m one and never heard a peep from them. It’s just BS!
I applied in January 2019 and wasn’t hired until February 2020.
I am so totally fed up with “attempting” to work for the Census 2020. I’m a disabled veteran as well, I completed my application in February 2019, completed my background check, and taken my photograph for my badge. In addition, I’ve been offered, not one, but two (2) jobs! The problem, I dare say, is the leadership, supervisors, trainers, or all of the above in my area. It’s really bad. The first job I was to have been a Census taker, where I would be out in the field, I had to call them after three (3) weeks past the time frame I was told I would be contacted for my training. The lady, although she sounded so nice, acted as if she didn’t have a clue as to what I was talking about or who I was. Her exact response was, “Did you miss a phone call, well maybe they called you and you missed the call”. I don’t think so. She had someone call me back and I was told that the job was completed for this area. I received another call in September 2019, offering me a job as Census Field Supervisor. I was told the training area would be either in Roanoke or Lynchburg, VA and we should begin after the holidays and I would hear from them before the end of the year. I waited, and waited to be contacted, no response, yet again. I made my first call on 12/28/19 just to check if a training location had been finalized, I was told no site has been located yet but training would probably begin within in two (2) weeks. On 1/17/20 I called and was treated so rudely. A lady tried to dispute me as to whether or not if I had even filled out an application, here I had completed payroll information and I can’t even get on payroll! A somewhat more professional person got on the phone only to tell me that I must be in one of the upcoming groups for training. On 1/27/20 I received a call from them, I thought, finally, this is it! Instead, I was told there was a mix up with the location for the job the offered me. The job was in fact in Wise County, which is almost 4 hours away. I was told since this job was a supervisory position I wouldn’t have to go there everyday but I would have to go occasionally. I was speechless, but I needed to know how the mix up occurred, apparently someone noticed that I was a disabled veteran and simply asked “is she able to travel that far”, which I a not. I was told that other jobs were coming open in my area and since my application is still on file, they would call me, so far nothing!
I file my application in October 2019 and have made two calls asking for status and was told I would be called when hiring for my are; Lorton Virginia…Was also told since I am a veteran they will leave me a message…Still waiting!
Don’t take the risk of working for Census. 1990 after a bankruptcy in Whatcom County, WA got a job with spouse taking the Census. Later asked for those employment records and was refused. Reason for request; March 2010 found 1969 Sept. Colorado marriage certificate had been illegally changed/”faked’ showing spouse’s nickname not legal name. Census Bureau wouldn’t help prove our ID so prevented from REAL-ID, etc. Up date: California DMV keeps old records and will help a VET!
Applied with the Census Bureau in February ’20. I listed as a disabled Vet and I received this massage “Ineligible – You are a male applicant between the ages of 18 and 25 who has not registered for the Selective Service” I call a three different numbers and no body can help me out. It is normal…
Are they too busy to respond to my application?
They have my application. They have had it. No response. Nothing!!
I’m in the same boat, I applied 3 months back I’ve heard February is suppose to be the prime month they hire. I still haven’t heard anything.
I was a enumerator for the 1990 U.S. Census. The position I worked at in my town, was to go to people who did note return there census form. I was provided with a printout , and would drive to the location to contact the person and have them fill out a short form . Most people cooperated, the one’s who didn’t were visited by my Supervisor. Sometimes the address provided was no longer there, do to fire, or just turn down. Do this job, I needed to be mobile to be able to walk to the address, be able to communicate, why is a current Census needed, and the value of this information. Be able to keep a cool head, greet, say thank you. Other skills , you should have be able to read a street map, keep good record of your mileage, keep track of all your paperwork to be turned in. The job I had was P/T , you got paid for the hours you worked, paid for mileage.When I finished that assignment , I was offered another short assignment.
Website link in flier doesn’t work. Googled searched key words, backdoored my way in. Registered, got email, hit link, took me back to register. Logged In and ignored registering a second time. Applied, answered two questions, sent back to beginning of application. Tried again, looped around again. Tried a different browser. Logged in, sent back to log in. Logged in, sent back to log in.
Screw it. I’ll try my hand at gambling online.
Applied with the Census Bureau in January ’20 and never heard from them. I listed as a disabled Vet and a “no response” is typical…
I don’t very well because of throat cancer. Is there anything else I can do where I don’t communicate with the public?! Any inside work? Who should I contact?
I am a retiree who worked the 2000 Census as a recruiting assistant and the 2010 Census as an enumerator and assistant crew chief for about 7 different stages from March to September. I did an application plus screening with fingerprints and all in June 2019 and have yet to have offers. I have also asked whether the offset of retired and disability pay would be waived for Census workers as it has been in the past operations. That, too, is unanswered and will important to stability of income for veterans. Please respond.
I’m not sure if any of the following will help anyone, but here goes…I am a veteran and served as an “Enumerator” during the 2010 census. The position only lasted for about two weeks as they just needed a couple of people, in my county, to go to houses to verify the data that some citizens put on their census forms. In 2010 I was able to claim a 5-point Vet preference. This year however, the criteria seems to have changed and now I am in the 0-point category. I applied over 5 months ago to be a census helper and after never hearing anything, finally called the numbers provided. I got routed to a very nice fellow veteran in the central part of my state who said he had no evidence of my application at all, even though my online app status is “Available for hire”. He said that they were currently trying to fill positions in a 20-county area (in Central Texas) and things would ramp up in the next month (I called early February). He referred me to another number (nice lady in Louisiana) who said that all applications go to a central location in Maryland (?) and remain there unless a hiring person, in your area of residence, “escalates” the need for applications. The need for census workers seems dependent of the population of the County that you live in? That’s all I know for now. Hope this helps someone.
I’d like to help in some way because I think this is really important but, I’m not the type of person who can go around knocking on doors.
I have appl8rd and is seriously being considered. I am 80% with unemployability being payed at the 100% rate. I am total & permonate @ 100% rate. If I accept a position will I lose my compensation from the VA.
Do any of these posts get answered???
I retired in 2019 and applied to be a census taker on the Census website. They called me within a couple of weeks for a phone interview, and then I had to fill out some more forms on line and go to Office Depot to get fingerprinted all within the next 30 days. They seem to be pretty well organized with a well-defined process (so far). There are a lot of detailed forms to fill out but I think it’s worth it. I would encourage all to apply and if you don’t hear back, call their Help Desk at 855-562-2020, Option 1.
For those having issues getting back into your application file, go online to Call the 855 number provided there.
For those asking about pay rates, that same website gives updated pay rates. Here in Michigan, it ranges from $14 – $21 per hour.
There seem to be a LOT of questions and concerns, but no answers. Is anybody reading any of this? If so, is anybody getting any responses or relief? Are they doing anything to make it better for the people that are having problems applying?
JULIE, why is there such a difference in hourly pay and why would States matter?
Julie Severson,
It really comes down to leadership and training of those in charge of hiring. I am currently working for the Census and I can tell you that leadership is a major issue in the Census.
I certainly hope someone is answering these vet’s emails. They don’t deserve to be left hanging. Hurry up and wait is no longer an excuse.
I am a Veteran and was hired for 8 weeks, almost a year ago. I am grateful for such an amazing opportunity to be a part of something so important for our Nation, my state and the communities we serve. 2020 Census honors Veteran’s Preference 100% FOR QUALIFIED APPLICANTS which includes uploading a copy of the required documents to prove you are a Veteran–checking off the box doesn’t qualify you. If you feel uncomfortable with information a recruiter gives you or with a conversation with a Census employee, call your local Census office and ask to speak to a confirm or clarify. There is no age limit so everyone is encouraged to apply – Census starts April 1st and ends the last day in July so I continue to encourage everyone I meet to apply on- line. Look on line to find Recruiting Events in your area so that you can speak directly with a Census Recruiter for assistance in your application and what Census is looking for in applicants. No resume or previous experience is required, pay is weekly and the interview is by telephone. Census communicates with Veterans via email and by the phone numbers you provide so that means you must check your email daily and answer all phone calls just like you would for any job that you apply for. Good luck!
I keep trying to check on my application but it keeps telling me my email is incorrect with my password! My email and password is correct!!! I tried creating a new profile but it told me an account already existed!!!!
I’m just trying to check on my application!!!! I am a 10 point disabled female veteran!
I’d like to do this for some extra cash, but I’m not sure about my availability during the summer. Vacations, family reunions etc.
I’d like to do this but not sure of my availability during the summer.
The pay is competitive if you decide to apply for a census job.
Im trying to apply as a Census Taker and was successful creating a profile. Now when I try to log in it says that my email address is not valid. Explain that when they sent me an email response previously at address. What gives?
I apply and I a veteran spouse didn’t hear anything back since January.
Definitely interested.
Will accepting a position to count the census have any bearing on my benefits.
Also I am 100% deaf so I would need a position that i coul perform in this capacity.
I had already filled it out.
I was at my college and I pre register, or pre applied but I am not able to get back on the site
I applied via the simple online website. The only extra step(s) you may need to take is to submit your DD214 form showing your dates of military service. If you can’t find the DD214 you received when you retired or were discharged, go to to request a copy. If you have a service-connected disability, go to and request a “disability award letter.” No, I don’t work for the Veterans Service Commission — but that’s where I phoned for help after I tapped and found my local office’s number.
Can I do this part time? What is the pay? Hours?
AWESOME approach.
I am a 75 year old 100% medically disabled veteran and limited mobility. What would I be able to contribute I the census?
I’m interested,
Great idea for something meaningful
I’d like to join.
I applied for Census 2020 work in early February at the Las Vegas VA main facility, and beside being a five point veteran and with previous Census 2000 work experience, I have yet to hear from the Census Bureau. I have called the Las Vegas Census office three times, and each time I was told I would be hired the following Friday. I was really excited at the prospect of working for the Census Bureau again, but I am no longer holding my breath. I may, however, keep calling the Las Vegas Census office to check on my status for hire, just to see if they can come up with a different lie/excuse next time.
Hello, are there posts that do not require walking, such as office work, paper work.
Thank You
Fidel Mejia
I took a Census Bureau job as an enumerator back in 1990, when it was the only work I could find at the time, even though I had an extensive resume as military vet – dang Bush economic recession. It was challenging and interesting work – flexible hours and minimal supervision, required a vehicle to drive to a lot of remote places trying to find people who, in many cases didn’t want to be found. The bureau wanted a long form from most of those folks and it was long and seemed somewhat intrusive. Be fore-warned: even though it is a fed gov job, the pay is barely above minimum wage – at least, it was in 1990, maybe they are offering a little more now. As well, the work only lasts for a few months and the bureau doesn’t particularly care about advancement or additional job opportunities.
Can a Veteran’s widow apply? Dates of employment?
“ . . . and those at risk of homelessness.”
Homeless in Paradise
Where can I be?
Where can I pee?
Where can I find
A place to put me?
Out of the cold,
Out of the sun,
Out of the way
Of everyone?
Where none have to see me
And none have to hear?
Where none need to fear me
And I need not fear?
A place where my things
Can stay when I leave
And, when I come back,
My things will still be?
Where can I find
A place I can keep
My self to myself
And legally sleep?
2000 by Daniel K. Bell, Technical Sergeant,
U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Honolulu, Hawai’i
I am the wife of a veteran I have applied twice 2nd of December and a month ago and I haven’t heard anything
Wish l could, but my knee can’t handle walking all day.
US Census management is the most contemptuous, despicable group of people to military veterans; they openly disregard LAWS that afford veterans the right to take sick leave for VA medical visits deny sick & annual leave. If you work for the census you need your head examined. Into the valley of death go the valiant.
Sign up at your own peril
It is unfortunate that your experience with the Census Bureau was poor. I have worked for Census since 2006, am a veteran, and have have never experienced this. The reality is every situation is different….whether it be due to uncaring management, confusion about the law, concerns about leave abuse or personality conflicts everyone’s experiences will be different. There are two veterans (myself included) in my office and we are never denied leave for VA related issue and our supervisor is required to take training about veterans hiring and rights annually. I wish you the best but want everyone to know that your experience at Census is not typical to all veterans.
Hi John. I agree with Christina. My experience with working for the Census Bureau was a positive one. Granted, I only served as an Enumerator for a couple of weeks during the 2010 census but veterans were put at the top of the hiring list and we were treated well. I’m so sorry that you had a bad experience.
Mr. Gibbs, I 100% agree with your assessment of the leadership of the US Census Bureau. After 23 years of service in the Army and working for several other federal agencies I have never seen such poor leadership and the mistreatment of veterans. I raised all my concerns to the Atlanta Regional Office and to Mr. Dillingham himself. Do think I ever heard anything? No. I also wrote to everyone of my Congressional members. Do you think I heard anything? No. It is the biggest waste of taxpayers dollars and it is scary that they control such an important aspect of our country. I would not recommend that any veteran work for this agency.
Mr Stout, I am a 30% disabled Vietnam veteran and a retired Army civilian, GS-15. I live in Georgia. I applied six weeks ago. I called the Macon office and everything seemed positive. However, I have not heard anything. I have sent a number of emails asking for the timeline for making selections. No response. Tomorrow I will be writing to Senator Kelly Loeffler who is a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs committee. I will be asking for her support and to point out that we should not make hiring a Veteran simply a bumper sticker as it was in the 70s and 80s. We will see if I get a response.
Would be interested in taking the census in an area close to the Central Texas area
Will working as Census taker does the pay affect my VA monthly compensation?
If you’re at 100% it might, other than that, NO it will NOT.
I would like to learn more about this opportunity.
I filled out an application online but have heard nothing; can someone help me please?
I applied a couple of months ago, but it doesn’t seem like the Census Bureau is interested in veterans unless we have service connected disabilities or “point preference.” I’d love to work, just don’t think that I have much of a shot because of disability/inability to walk neighborhoods.
I applied a while ago and I have not heard from anyone. Just e- mails telling me to get ready to ” join the team”.
Would love to help.
I applied, just waiting for the reply.
I’m in desperate need of a job
Semper Fi
Grunt Hellway,
Semper Fi my brother.Once a Marine always a Marine. A big hello to all you squids that took care of me on the independence on my way to vietnam. H. BERGER 1st Marine Airwing Da Nang.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your country is asking you to once more step into the breach and serve this great nation. Let each of us in our own way help with this cause to better our community, our country and ourselves.
Tried to apply and nothing sent to email address
Sign me up
Count me in
Not committing just yet, I am very interested though. May I please get a little more information on the details of what one would do exactly. like would I have a stack of papers and go around asking vets questions or what? id love the extra income but I myself am a disabled vet and would love to give back to my fellow servicemen by making sure we have an accurate census which would ensure that our vets are receiving as many resources to them as possible.
Christopher Nicolai
Anyone can apply. You have to go to the website and fill out an application. In many cases, you will not hear anything until they are ready to start training, which may take months. I was contacted in December, and my training does not start until the first week of March. The pay is based upon the job that you do and the county that you live in, for example, in Hancock County Oh, a Supervisor makes about $22.00 an hour. If you drive your car, you will be reimbursed for milage, I think .58 cents per mile. The day is not a standard day, meaning you may only work 3 hours a day, and you cannot work on Sundays. Hope this helps!
Would love doing this
Is the ethnic citizenship question still one of the questions?
Why is there such a range in pay?
Thank you, Iesha Dixson. Yes it was helpful, but I’m seeing a lot of negative responses on here. I guess it depends on where you live. I wouldn’t be available for any travel besides my small town.
I’m interested in a position with the Census Bureau.
How many hours are involved? What is the rate of of pay?
Steven D. Dillingham
Director, United States Census Bureau
When are you hiring for the Lorton, VA 22079 area? I have had my application on file since October 2019. I have talked with the office in this area and was promised a call when the hiring starts.
Appied back before october and havent heard a thing from them. I’ve called numerous times and just get “we’ll be calling soon”. 4 months later still nothing.
I’m a Vietnam vet who applied over six weeks ago
and submitted my proof of service
Haven’t heard a thing
Hurry up and wait I suppose
I applied for one of these jobs several months ago. I’m retired; a USAF veteran (66 years old) with a bachelors degree in Accounting and a Masters degree in Finance. I’m not looking for a career (I had several computer and financial careers in my lifetime already.) I just want a little extra part-time income. I might add that I live in a very large city in southern California (not out in the middle of nowhere.)
I keep getting emails from the Census Bureau, stating something to the effect of “We’re sorry that we don’t need any assistance right now, but we may contact you in the coming months.” I know that I’m fully qualified for any one of their positions, so it seems odd that they have no position for me at all. It’s as if they’re just going through the motions of soliciting applications from veterans but not really interested in hiring any of us. Either that, or they aren’t interested in those of us who are senior citizens. Could that be the case?
It really feels like a total waste of time to even bother.
Thank you for your service Len. I’m an Army vet. I don’t think there is any discrimination against “senior citizens”, if that is your concern. They hired me to be an Enumerator in 2010 for that census, and there were several of us “silver-haired Foxes” in the training class. The trainers said that hiring was more dependent on veteran status and the populations of areas that you live in. Hope this helps. Good luck.
I’m a Vietnam vet who applied over six weeks ago
and submitted my proof of service
Haven’t heard a thing
Hurry up and wait O suppose
I would love to do this!
I am willing to work
Interested. 100 VA. Do have hearing aids.
I am retired, but I would love to help my country again.
Wondering if a 100% permanent and total disabled veteran could do this without any issues from the VA for working temporarily???
I am interested in the part-time opportunity regarding the 2020 census! Please let me know what steps to take to be considered for assisting in this all-important service!
Jerry Chandler
I worked for the 2020 Census for 3 months. Horrible work environment and they treated all the veterans horribly. In fact every veteran on my team quit.
I’m interested but login process is all jacked up…as usual. Now cant do any thing via the site after several tries. Guess you dont need people that bad if you cant make it simpler to apply……
I’d like to work with the Census! Sedimentary position, clerical filing will suite me. I drive, am a veteran in Philadelphia., and a really cute! lol Senior.
What does the job entail?
Hello. I am very interested in being a census taker
I am interested. Please send more information about duties and responsibilities.
I want to know if ILLEGAL ALIENS are being counted by the Census Bureau. I do not feel they should be counted. As the census is for US CITIZENS for political POSITIONS in Congress. That’s why the ANTI AMERICAN DEMOCRATS want them counted to begin with. IT’S WRONG!!
What is this crap about posting too quickly? ARE YOU PEOPLE ON DRUGS OR WHAT??
They cannot accommodate service-connected vets with mobility limitations. I tried. You’d think they’d need office or phone workers.
Can I apply?
As a Veteran, I applied Last September and the status have been on ‘Your Application is available for employment’ for a while. I called them and they told me that’s my status. I wonder when they’ll call me.
Retired Federal agent. Can I apply?
Great idea to hire a Veteran…Thank you, from all of us.
I’m interested
Hmm. Signed up almost a month ago. 30 year retired army with some disability. Haven’t heard anything sense my sign up
I’m interested.
Good Idea. Country needs a lot of help.