On Tuesday, I was excited to be with thousands of our nation’s Veterans in Detroit at the VA for Vets Hiring Fair. The fair went through Thursday, with interviews and job offers happening on the spot for jobs all around the country and across a wide variety of occupations–from pizza companies to big-name consulting firms–along with government agencies. I was especially impressed to see video interviews happening with people all around the country.
For folks in Detroit, staff were on hand to help give tips and guidance for job searches through USA Jobs with computer terminals right there, so Veterans could take an immediate look themselves. We had staff on hand to help Veterans translate their service experience into terms civilians will understand and suggest jobs that might fit the skills Veterans have gained during service. We also had folks ready to explain the federal security clearance process, so applicants could get a sense of what information it helps to have ready and how they can help their case move quickly. Taken together, it was just about everything Veterans might need to know to help make their job searches successful.
And even if you weren’t in Detroit this week, you should know that my organization, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, is proud to help job-seeking Veterans year round. We’re working with the VA and other agencies to implement the President’s Veterans Employment Initiative within the federal government. We’ve been able to help thousands of our brave service men and women transition into civilian work. In 2011, over 28% of new hires in the federal government were Veterans, a 20-year high. We’ve also increased our hiring among disabled Veterans, from 7% of new hires in 2009, to 9% of new hires in 2011.
If you’re a Veteran looking for a job, or if you know someone who is, I hope you’ll take a look at the resources available to you. There are now Veteran Employment Program Offices in 24 federal agencies, helping Veterans write resumes for civilian occupations, and helping Veterans find and apply for jobs that match their skill sets. We’ve also made sure that the new Recent Graduates Programs keep the application window open up to six years for people who serve in the armed forces after graduation. You can also look online at Feds Hire Vets.
These are just a few of the ways we’re honoring our sacred obligation to serve those who serve our country. Together, we can help more Veterans put their skills and experience to work at new jobs.
John Berry is the Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management, where he is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and setting benefits policies for federal civilian employees.
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Another Question — Anyone no why the newest VA training porgram is not available for older vets. Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) http://benefits.va.gov/vow/education.htm First stated eligibility a Veteran must: Be at least 35 but no more than 60 years old and unemployed. I tried to get an answer from VA and the Chair of the Congressional Committee of Veteran’s Affairs. Responses NONE. Guess some think a vet over 60 has nothing to contribute. Want further confirmation try and get a Government job when you are over 60.
This event was a joke and a political event from the start. First, how is an unemployed veteran from New York or Florida or Nebraska supposed to pay to get to Detroit?
Also, why were all the Directors of all VHA Facilites hiring ordered to attend this event at taxpayer expense?
Why not hold regional events where local veterans can come to pursue jobs that are more local to them?
Also, please answer Al’s question above.
Mr. Berry, supposedly there were over 24,000 jobs available around the country. Out of the thousands of veterans who participated and were matched with those jobs, how many were extended job offers?
More than 1,300 have been extended offers so far. https://news.va.gov/7459/more-than-1300-job-offers-made-to-vets-at-va-hiring-fair/
How many were 62 year old Vietnam vets????
Wrong Medication VA Suicide
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