Walgreens offers discounts for Veterans, military members and their families July 3-5.

Walgreens brand items are 30% off, along with a wide variety of other items available at 20% off. This includes all other brands that are owned by Walgreens, such as PetShoppe, Living Solutions, Nice!, Finest Nutrition, and more

Who can get the discount?

The Walgreens military discount is available to Veterans and all current service members who can provide proof of service and are enrolled in the Walgreens BalanceRewards program.

This includes members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. It’s available for active duty, Reserve and National Guard. Veterans and military family members are able to claim the deal as well.

Gusts must have a BalanceRewards card or account to take advantage of this deal. Customers who don’t have BalanceRewards can sign up in-store or online by clicking here and filling out the requested information.

This deal is only valid in stores, and it’s only available July 3-5, 2020. Restrictions do apply.

Discount not valid on alcohol, dairy, tobacco, stamps, gift cards, newspapers, magazines, money orders/transfers, transportation passes, lottery tickets, charitable donations, pseudoephedrine or ephedrine products, clinic services, prescriptions, pharmacy items or services, sales tax, the Prescription Savings Club membership fee, and items or services submitted to insurance for reimbursement or where otherwise limited by law. Offer is not combinable with buy 1 get 1 free, buy 1 get 1 50% off or buy 2 get 3rd FREE. Offer does not apply to bulk orders, back-ordered items and out-of-stock items.

The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of the VA. 

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  1. Ronald Driver July 6, 2020 at 14:30

    walgreen’s is not the friend of any vet that is for sure. watch out.
    as for their membership card it offers very little. even the credit cards beat it by a far mile.
    compare all national pharmacy benefits. it is your time and your money.
    walgreen’s just might amount to a desperation choice only.
    the membership card is pure garbage. a scam.

  2. Ronald Driver July 6, 2020 at 14:24

    i have held an active ongoing walgreens membership card since i moved to florida in 2002. i have been on meds right along and of course i have boughten many other items along with px drugs. last year i spent $5,380.52 total on px drugs alone!!!
    i have yet to receive so much as a wooden toothpick from my ”valued membership account” and by now i could care less. if you have a choice in drug stores i suggest you move slowly, research, compare, then join a pharmacy worth your time and your money. even the stinking credit cards give you something back. walgreens is not YOUR friend even if your a vet.

  3. Curtis Michael Shane July 3, 2020 at 12:57

    Walgreens store #19804 at 7968 Fort Hunt Rd in Alexandria, VA 22308 is not honoring the 4 July weekend discount for veterans. Both the cashier and in-store manager said they knew nothing about it and had not been informed by corporate about it….and to make matters worse, when reviewing our receipt later we saw the cashier charged us twice for an item we only had one of.

  4. stephen holmes July 3, 2020 at 11:30

    Home Depot does not give all veterans a 10% discount. You have to have a disability or 20-30 year retirement. LOWES gives all veterans a 10% discount 365 days a year

  5. W. Nathaniel Norman July 3, 2020 at 08:22

    Thank you Walgreen’s, Lets always remember the sacrifices we made. We look at people who are not grateful for those sacrifices. Its nice when someone acknowledges us (Vet’s). Because our earlier comrades were not appreciated in the 70’s.,

  6. Jim Hall July 2, 2020 at 22:54

    If any of you think a cooperation gives a sh*t about your welfare, , you are seriously delusional. RA- 69-72.

  7. Ron Hellenthal July 2, 2020 at 16:14

    I would not step foot into another Walgreen’s. I needed some diabetic test strips because the VA pharmacy didn’t ship on time, so I went to Walgreen’s in Aloha, Oregon to get some, and I was forced to pay over $100.00 plus, even though I had a coupon from Good RX for close to $80.00 dollars. This was the last straw, I am a disabled vet, living on a fixed income and this was going to be the last time of many, that they screwed me by overcharging me and others. All they are is bloodsucking the people that can’t afford their inflated prices. They knew I was a vet.

    It’s really big of them to offer a discount for 3 whole days, are they sure they can afford it.

  8. Stephen John July 2, 2020 at 13:37

    Well I tried it once and everything I needed wasnt on sale so I gave up…
    But I am glad so many other veterans are happy thats what really counts..
    Thanks for all who served and are currently serving this… the greatest of all countries.

    • Loralee Ford July 2, 2020 at 14:37

      Stephen John is the name of my favorite uncle–out of five uncles! :) Hope you’re having a great day! :)

  9. Jodi Osborn July 2, 2020 at 13:25

    I have had Nothing but problems with Walgreens pharmacies and stores. Won’t waste time airing multiple complaints, but to sum, their corporate policies are inefficient to both customers and staff. Has anyone noticed the disclosure that some items will be 30% off, other items are 20% off? That’s typical Walgreens. They want to get you in the door hoping you will stay. I support businesses such as shopmyexchange who are always there for veterans and their families.

    • Timothy Lane July 2, 2020 at 14:33

      The hell if I’m going to pay Walgreens to get a discount.

      You have to pay to be in their Balance Rewards program.

      What kind of savings is that if you have to pay to get a discount. People who shop there multiple times a week might come out with a tiny discount after taking out the FEE to be in their program.

      Pay this multi Billion dollar corporation to get cents off purchases?


      • Diana Tomlinson July 2, 2020 at 15:55

        Timothy Lane. Hi, I’ve had a balance rewards card for several years. It didn’t cost anything, provides some savings, and accumulates rewards points. It’s not a credit card, just a rewards program.

      • Guy & Jermaine Troiano July 3, 2020 at 17:20

        We have never paid a fee. Where did you get that idea?

      • Fre Owens July 4, 2020 at 11:00

        It seems you have the Balance Rewards Card confused with something else. I’ve had a Walgreens Balance Reward Card for years. It costs nothing to sign up and there is no fee.
        Like all rewards programs, the products covered are limited, but I’ve saved money on things I routinely buy, and I’ve received discounts I wasn’t aware of when I scanned the card at checkout.

  10. Michael Shuster July 2, 2020 at 13:03

    Thank You Walgreens! It is great to do business with a company that honors our service!

  11. Michael Shuster July 2, 2020 at 13:01

    Thank You Walgreens some of us old Vietnam Veterans need this extra help! You all are awsome!

  12. Brad L. Collins July 2, 2020 at 12:27

    Hey Sheldon if you are a pacer hello from Brad Collins grant pacer and Army Veteran.

  13. Richard Jackson July 2, 2020 at 12:25

    Take the discount and run. If you can’t participate because you don’t want to share info, “Right ON, your Choice”.
    AND everyone has a right to their feelings/opinion.
    God Bless America!

    RVN 1970-71 101st Airborne

    • Dave July 3, 2020 at 02:30

      Right on man!

  14. TMORGAN July 2, 2020 at 11:50

    Thanks for this input.. I didnt know that this company is requiring to scan my military ID. You saved a future cashier from being given the 1000 yard stare when they went to ask me to do that. LOL


  15. Stacy McCollum July 2, 2020 at 11:35

    Every little bit counts. My family and I appreciate your generosity. In fact, I’m heading up to Walgreens right now!!

    • Terrance Herren July 2, 2020 at 13:41

      You are a day early my fellow Vet, save that trip for tomorrow!

      • Loralee Ford July 2, 2020 at 14:41

        I looked for the ‘like’ button, but I couldn’t find it. So–here is an actual verbal ‘like.’ Thanks Terrance for taking care of your brother! That is awesomeness!! Have a great weekend. I’ll be working, but–hey, I have a job! :)
        Happy Independence Day to the rest of y’all–the ‘we few, we happy few. We band of brothers.”

  16. Scott Isherwood July 2, 2020 at 11:17

    I’m proud to be a Veteran. And I for one thank any one who acknowledges me as veteran by saying “thank you sir for your service” that is a good feeling any day of the week. I also thank any retail giant for giving back to the veterans of this great country. As we get older and are on a set income every little bit helps from whoever will offer it up.

  17. Al Greco July 2, 2020 at 10:24

    Intention is good,not well thought out. Take notice of corporate discounts to military every day of every year. Home Depot, Lowes, Dennys, IHOP are good examples. Make a move like that and watch your store traffic fly off the chart. Semper Fi.

  18. Erick W. Miller July 2, 2020 at 10:01

    Too much in the way of sour grapes from so many, some claiming to be veterans. Maybe they are. Who knows? Are CVS, Snyders, or Walmart sending trolls to insult you? Thanks Walgreens. This vet appreciates the discounts.

  19. Felicia M July 2, 2020 at 09:56

    Why are there so many crybabies on this blog?! Walgreens is not obligated to do ANYTHING for Veterans/Military, and yet they are….either you take advantage of the opportunity or you don’t. Point Blank Period. Stop whining. Walgreens owes you nothing!

    Thank you Walgreens…most of us Vets really appreciate your support!!

    • Don Old Guy July 2, 2020 at 12:46

      I am amazed each year in the town where I live now. In 1969 San Fransicko greeted me with obscenities as I returned. Wonderful gate agent at airport got me on a flight on Christmas Eve as she was being yelled at by an irate Hippie that felt just because he showed up after gate time he should go ahead of me. Five years ago, when I visited the city on a day when my current residence provides free and discounted meals at 90% of the establishments, I received puzzled looks from each of the places I inquired about Veterans Day discounts. “Why would we do that?” Only the local McCormick and Schmick had an offering. After thinking about it, No, no one owes me anything. The 188 combat missions and 500+ combat flight hours were done for my family and friends. Thanks, though, it is appreciated.

  20. Brian O’Connell July 2, 2020 at 09:03

    It’s the little things that count for me . Thank you for your service from people is fine . But serving is a family tradition . I don’t need thanks . When things like this are offered , it means a lot to me and my family . Thank you back at you .

  21. michael burnham July 2, 2020 at 08:45

    Yah, thanks for giving up your private information, your cell phone so they can track you, to get a measly discount, for only a couple of days. “Walgreens Reward card”.
    Some deal. It’s nothing but a promotion for morons to give up their info for a few pennies

    At Home Depot, it’s 10% all year long, on ANYTHING, and all you have to do is show your VA card or your DL (In Texas you can get “Veteran” on your DL). Now THAT’s a real deal. Not the fake like Walgreens.

    • Karen Campbell July 2, 2020 at 11:38

      Home Depot took away all their Veteran Parking Signs and also did away with their 1-% discount, as of this week when I went to Home Depot. I was shocked.

      • Loralee Ford July 2, 2020 at 14:44

        I used my discount at Lowe’s last week…in case anyone needs to get some home/fixer-up stuff. :)

      • Greg July 2, 2020 at 16:03

        Karen, I don’t know what Home Depot you went to but the one near me in Illinois has always offered a military discount but unlike Lowe’s where your veteran status is registered so you don’t have to do anything, you have to ask for it. Sorry that your Home Depot does not follow suite.

  22. John Gollte July 2, 2020 at 08:02

    All I can say is Thanks, God bless America .

  23. James Bird July 2, 2020 at 07:23

    Thank you very much!! Active Army and Mobilized Army National Guard Veteran of Viet Nam and Desert Storm eras and OIF, Iraq, 06-07 FOB Speicher.

    • Sherri De Witt July 4, 2020 at 17:23

      To James Bird……Did you serve with Scott Speicher? I served with him at Cecil Field, Fl during Desert Storm as he was training at my squadron, VFA 106. Your name sounds familiar and I see you mentioned Speicher.

  24. john dunlap July 2, 2020 at 07:21

    Thanks loads, Walgreens, for making the military discount available only in-store. Pretty much leaves out those of us who are staying home so as not to contribute to the COVID spread. I’m glad your company cares about our health.

  25. Teddy Wilson July 2, 2020 at 06:25

    Thanks Walgreens. So great to see community support and appreciation for Veterans, service members and our families.

  26. Ralf Nadir July 2, 2020 at 05:49

    Based on “exceptions” I don’t see any reasons to stop in

  27. Edward Mason July 2, 2020 at 02:18

    to get the discount one must be a member of the rewards rhogam but how does one join Question below does not allow the correct answer which is 648.or 187

  28. Joseph Thibodeau July 2, 2020 at 01:07

    Thanks for the discounts and the free flu shots!

  29. Oscar Yancor July 2, 2020 at 01:03

    You all are awesome!

  30. Roger Thestrup July 1, 2020 at 23:44

    I’m a Vietnam Combat Veteran of 1967-68, 100 % disability. Yet, I have to “sign up” to receive a 30% discount that lasts 3 days? You want my business just for three days? And get my information so you can advertise you’re giving Veterans a break? How about the rest of the year? I served in Combat in Vietnam on forward fire bases, came home to an ungrateful country. No welcomes at air ports for us back then, some protesters greeted some of us. I didn’t have that happen to me, but ran into anti-military types in search for a job. A veteran looking for work, after return, I got bum rushed out the door. WHY? Cause President Johnson was making his great Society, and ordered any corporations doing business with the Federal Government needed to hire minorities to continue getting tax breaks or contracts with the Federal Government. Need to bring hiring to reflect the racial percentage of each group, Black, Hispanic, Asian and females. How many of your Corporation are “Combat” Veterans? Today? I was turned down in 1968 after 13 months in Vietnam in a forward Combat Unit! And told I didn’t fit the hiring target! By IBM, Bell Tellerphone, NCR, Con Edison, one HR administration official actually told me that!!! Now you want to be nice to Veterans, I was a Combat Veteran when it wasn’t popular to be a Veteran!! Maybe if you just said, all Veteran has to show is that he’s a VETERAN, I’d take up your offer!! Poor public relations by your corporate office!

    • Gregory Potts July 2, 2020 at 09:08

      Quit your *****in’. Grumpy old man!

    • Kim Shuler July 2, 2020 at 09:13

      Dear Roger, Thank you for your service. I will tell you that you have held on to that anger far too long. Most of the people working in retail stores and pharmacies these days weren’t even alive during Vietnam. It’s been a long, long time since then. Let me encourage you to give up the anger. Also, realize not everybody has veteran discounts and the ones that do aren’t necessarily thinking just of your situation. When people think of veterans these days they think of The Gulf War, Afgahnistan, Iran and Iraq. So chill. Count your blessings. We don’t even have a Walgreens where I live so I couldn’t get the discount if I wanted to. Peace, Brother. Kim, Det E, 42nd MP Group Customs.

    • Shannon July 2, 2020 at 11:58

      Holly Crap. 1st – Thank you for your service. But geez, it is just a lil discount Walgreens ad. Maybe u should join a group at the VA. Not being smart, but seriously, if you get this mad about an add. WOW

    • TMorg July 2, 2020 at 13:52

      Hey Roger,

      From a Vet to a Vet, THANK YOU BROTHER for your service. I for one do not believe you have “carried your anger for far too long.” I was appalled when I read that comment. Then seeing that the comment came from a Vet, I just cant think of any Vet I know that would say something like that.

      Kim, I am shocked at the level of disrespect you are showing to our Vietnam brothers and sisters out there. You have no proof that Roger is holding on to anger, maybe this ad by Walgreens, which by the way has MANY vets angry, just brought up a bad memory for him. Maybe he thought he could come here and vent to his Brothers and Sisters.Who knows, but frankly what he does and doesn’t hold onto is none of our business.

      Also I was shocked and upset by your nasty, disrespectful comment “When people think of veterans these days they think of The Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq” “So chill” Honestly Kim, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING saying such a hurtful comment to our older generations? Who are you to speak for millions of Americans and what they view as a Veteran?? Not even sure I know what you mean by saying when people think of Veterans they think about “Iran???” Has there been tensions with Iranians? Yes, especially since 1979 but hard pressed to say that we have been in a war with Iran that makes Americans immediately think IRAN when they hear the term Veterans. Most would say the thought to comes to mind with Iran is the hostage crisis but those were civilians held hostage, and rescued by the CIA and Canadian officials.

      Anyhow, I am asking that your intolerance towards our Brothers and Sisters that went to combat in Vietnam ends. Unless you also fought in Vietnam I cant think of a time you would have come home FROM WAR to the level of hate, and outright disrespect that our Vets in Vietnam came back to. They were also shown widespread hatred and disrespect when trying to find jobs after the military, such a sad time in the history of Veterans. Your attitude towards one of those Vets Roger, above, will stick with me, as its something I never would have expected to read. I am betting you will say I need to get over it also, or show zero regret over your position on the subject. I hope I am wrong!

      Thank you Roger and Kim for your service to our great Nation.

    • Jodi Osborn July 3, 2020 at 07:51

      Thank You for your Service! I was just a kid, but remember watching the news and driving by neighbors homes with black crepe on their front door for those who didn’t come home from Vietnam, not knowing then that I’d be married to a Disabled Vet, (36 yrs so far). There are many of us who respect all veterans from every generation, and are grateful. Things are getting better for veterans, and that is almost entirely due to the actions of Vietnam Veterans who came home and made positive changes. You can be angry, it’s your right. Just know you are appreciated, too. Happy 4th!

  31. CJ Reed July 1, 2020 at 23:10

    They require you scan your ID (front and back) with picture and your service number into their system. i can see showing it, but scanning it? AT&T wants to do the same thing. So, someone hacks into their data bases–foreign or domestic? Anybody see any problems with this? I’ve gotten deeper discounts with Walgreens by looking on the back of my Walgreen’s cash register ticket. If you have a good VA doctor, they can prescribe many, many of the “over the counter” medicines you have to pay for at Walgreens. The same goes for what Active Duty doctors can write for: Tylenol, eye drop and nasal care medication, antibiotic ointments, vitamins of all kinds, bandages, ankle wraps, band aides, skin creams, lotions, foot relief cushions, on and on. Just ask your provider during your next visit with them. Military and VA pharmacists have always been gracious toward my family and me in seeing that we get what we need–and their data bases don’t get hacked. Often times, if the military or VA pharmacy doesn’t have what you need, your doctor can put in a request to have them special order it for you. My son needed oatmeal baths to calm his skin; the military pharmacy got them for him. My daughter needed special baby formula; it can be very, very costly. Again, the military pharmacy came through. Walgreens had it locked up behind glass so it couldn’t be stolen–that’s how much they were charging for it. Co pays vary at the VA. Last time I checked, much of what is available is 5 dollars or less or nothing if you have enough service connection. Active duty–no co pays.

  32. Jay Bee July 1, 2020 at 23:03

    “Discount for Veterans, free Flu shots at Walgreens on Veterans Day weekend”. Discount on ‘Free’ Sounds fishy.

  33. Carol Vagnoni July 1, 2020 at 22:32

    Thank you Walgreens for honoring our Veterans

  34. Steven Alex Zaharakos July 1, 2020 at 22:27

    thank you

  35. Kenneth Timpe July 1, 2020 at 22:21

    What about the other 362 days?

  36. joe vegan July 1, 2020 at 21:40

    re: 30%/20% discounts. What a joke! First I have to create a store account, then figure out the ‘Restrictions Apply’ are, then drive to the store, then wonder up and down the aisle looking fore somethimg that qualifies that I also might be able to use – that is not on the enormous exclusions list. ALl that to save 2 bucks on … Oh, no. That’s excluded too! This is not being generous, this is creating the illusion of generosity.

  37. Thomas Whalen July 1, 2020 at 20:59

    3 days only? You should be ashamed of that. I gave 3 years of my life for the military and USA and you give me 3 days? Not on my watch! See Ya I have choices, and can tell you never served.

  38. Michael John Fox July 1, 2020 at 20:56

    Looking at the descriptions of what is not included, sure looks like it’s not such a great deal. I could save more by shopping at my regular grocer.

    Sorry excuse for a discount offer.

  39. Scott Houck July 1, 2020 at 20:54

    Very much appreciated. Thank You very much. I wish other stores would do something for us all
    Thank You Again !

  40. Sheldon Davis July 1, 2020 at 20:04

    Many Many Thanks for your efforts to help Veterans with disabilities and in need.

  41. Peter Enchelmayer July 1, 2020 at 20:03

    Walgreen’s 30% discount has more restrictions and clauses than a pre-nup.
    30% valid on Walgreens products only, and 20% on Walgreens owned items, whatever that means.
    Neither valid on Rx, dairy, newspapers, etc.
    I’ll stay home during this Covid and order what I need from Harris Teeter shop at home, where there’s no fee charged for disabled, seniors and nice people.
    Thanks anyway, Walgreens.

  42. Agd July 1, 2020 at 19:29

    In other words, discount applies to items marked up 300% so 30% off brings the price down to , do I eat, or do I support some fatcat Walgreens exec who has a Mac mansion on an island in Nova Scotia…

  43. Al Monnet July 1, 2020 at 19:24

    It didn’t have retired military do we qualify

    • Sherri De Witt July 4, 2020 at 17:33

      Is retired military any different or more special than “Veteran?” It clearly states Veterans.

  44. Ronald James July 1, 2020 at 19:12

    It feels good to know that some companies appreciate the vets!!!! Thanks

  45. Mark Casadevall July 1, 2020 at 18:31

    Thank you for the information I will take advantage of this Semper Fi

  46. Earl Carr July 1, 2020 at 10:28

    Thank you.

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