Earlier today, the American Legion released its 2012 System Worth Saving Task Force Report, which surveyed Veterans from 25 VA medical centers and 24 veteran town hall meetings in American Legion posts about quality of care and patient satisfaction at VA facilities.
Facility executive leadership, patient safety managers, patient advocates, and women veteran Veterans program managers were among those surveyed on the VA side. American Legion also conducted interviews about their experiences. Some concerns raised were localized, like wheelchair accessible facilities. Some were broad; Veterans at the Nashville VAMC suggested departments would benefit from information sharing, which is a priority for VA at a high level.
The whole report is worth the read to see what we do well, and what areas we need to improve. If you aren’t enrolled in VA care but want to see for yourself, you can determine your eligibility here and apply here. And if the words from Legion members aren’t enough, get the facts straight about the myths of VA care.
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Survey was done @ 25 VAMC’s & 24 American Legion posts. How many surveys were from “actual” veterans and how many surveys were completed by employees? And WHY only @ American Legion posts? Were the survey takers being bias? Why were’nt surveys done @ VFW, Amvets, DAV etc…”
I live a rural area of North Central Arkansas and I see my primary care Dr. at the Mountain Home, AR CBOC, which is herds veterans through as fast as they can. My impression is they get $$’s from the VA as a contractor, and the more veterans they see in a day, the more profit they make. Its all about money. The direct VA facilities that took care of me in California (Palo Alto, CA facility) is/was terrific. Seems that direct VA facilities care more for veterans than the indirect ones like CBOC’s. Not sure about other CBOC’s and how they are, but this one cares not for veterans IMO.
I had always said the care at my local VA (Long Beach VA, Ca.) was excellent, that is until my last hospitalization. The night nurse I’m sure enjoys causing pain and threatened assault on my person because I wear a pain patch trying to remove it all the while usurping the doctor’s orders. Nurses such as this guy should be fired and escorted off the premises. When I called my wife to apprise her of the situation he ordered me to hang up the phone which I refused. I walked out of the hospital after discharge with arms that look as if I’d been beaten because it seemed no one could hit my veins for blood draws.It’s as though every thing that could go wrong did.
the va has always been great to me.
why isnt there any help or respite for the elderly vet that has no service connect and not totally poor, without money?
why didnt the senior vet get the same coverage as the vet after 9/11???
I would like to know why its such a hassel with VA when iomes to disability paperwork and why they lie to you and say they never got such paperwork ? especialy when you have the written paperwork with the date and time and signature who received that such paperwork? I gave my country 22 years of my life and I served it with honor and pride and gave my all and would that again!!
I have been on disability retirement pension since 1989. I suffered injuries while training as an Airborne soldier. Broke my neck among other problems. After years of being put on high dosages of pain medicines I am not able to get off these medications and I am not able to use my Masters Degree in my state because of the laws concerning use on the job. The dosage is very low but law prohibits the use of any and all pain medications. Being a hard working productive citizen has left me nothing due to rules. How can this be changed or lessened for Veterans in my predicament?
The VA healthcare still has a lot of room for improvement. What looks good on paper may differ considerably from what is actually being delivered.