- Veterans will at no cost receive the GoodTrust Premium Plan for 12 months (value $96) when they create an account.
Creating a will is likely not anyone’s idea of a good time. The excuses are many: “It takes too long,” “It’s too expensive or complicated,” or “I don’t have enough in my life that would matter to anyone.” GoodTrust wants to dispel all those notions and provide a practical solution for everyone – especially for the nation’s millions of Veterans.
Data shows that more than two-thirds of Americans don’t have a will, leaving their families and loved ones in the dark in the event they pass away. GoodTrust encourages any Veteran to take just 15 minutes to complete their will online – for FREE. The holidays are a good time to ensure that those most important to you are taken care of.
GoodTrust offers a step-by-step wizard that makes creating a will easy, secure and comprehensive, and can be stored and shared within a GoodTrust account. When you’re finished creating a will with GoodTrust, it only requires two signatures from witnesses to make it legally valid.
Physical and digital assets
A will covers more than just what happens to your physical assets, like a home or car or computer. What about the guardianship of your minor children? Or your pets? Is it clear to family members what should happen to your priceless heirlooms, medals and awards? Half the battle is sometimes letting people know what exists so there’s nothing lost if left unclaimed.
Determining today who should receive any of your prized possessions can eliminate potential family friction down the road. Why have anyone argue about who gets what or leave them in a state of confusion? Providing clarity today will help family members later and your own peace of mind now.
GoodTrust can also make it possible to add a digital executor who can assist with any “digital remains,” like photos, videos, emails, financial accounts, online documents and more. Those memories and stories can be just as valuable to pass on as anything else in life. Plus, GoodTrust offers a Digital Vault that allows you to secure important accounts by designating what should happen to them (including social media, financial sites) and share critical documents, like a DD214 with Trusted Contacts (e.g. loved ones, family members).
Send Future Messages of hope today
GoodTrust also has an option for Future Messages, which allow anyone to send a heartfelt note on a date of your choosing. You could pick an anniversary or birthday, or an out of the blue time to see how someone is doing. GoodTrust offers a variety of templates to help you get started creating your message, and you can select your background, decide on the theme. GoodTrust takes care of the rest and ensures it’s delivered on time.
A special offer to get started
Ready to get started today? As part of a limited offer, Veterans will at no cost receive the GoodTrust Premium Plan for 12 months (value $96) when they create an account.
In addition, all Veteran families will receive a 50% discount on the GoodTrust service fee when helping to manage the digital accounts of a loved one who has passed; simply enter GoodTrustVeteranLove at checkout. GoodTrust also encourages Veterans to set up a free consultation as part of the Premium Plan.
The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products or services on the part of VA.
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I would like to know who in the VA is responsible for allowing these continuous bait and switch policies to go on. Free Will? Bull.
The VA news letter is rife with kind of stuff. Take for example the Travel Discount letter that was put out. So I went through all the steps to sign up. Well it turned out to be the Priceline site. That’s not what’s bad. But when I went to Priceline directly, in some cases, the Priceline price was better than when going through the VA portal. Denis McDonough needs to do something and I will write him. If I don’t hear from him, then POTUS needs to be informed. Don’t sneer at this. Politically, VA is a hot topic.
I was considering using the Free Will service, in fact I think the name of the company is actually called Free Will and it went out in a VA newsletter within the last few months, prior to this most recent one.
Can you please tell me a little more about why you believe this might be a bad idea? I would like to do some estate planning for my family, it’s not something I have setup at the moment.
how in the F can a Marine vet peddle this crap on a VA site? What happened to ‘…keep our honor clean..”? Wait don’t tell me, he just sang the words didn’t know what they meant right?
Be Afraid….be very afraid. Don’t even attempt to create the Free Will and then delete the account. They have a clause in their account agreement for free use of your information, even after you delete your account.
“Information for signing up for the Services means the first and last name, email address, gender, zip code, date of birth, and the date and time of associated with the Account creation and (if applicable) deletion of you or anyone you have authorized to act on your behalf (each a “Collaborator”). By submitting the mentioned information through the Services, you hereby grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid, sublicensable and transferable license to use reproduce, store, and display the information, including after termination of your Account or the Services, as necessary (1) to operate, provide, and improve the Site, the Services and our (and our successors’ and assigns’) businesses; (2) to send you promotional materials with your consent; (3) to contact your Collaborators on your behalf, and (4) for audit purposes (for example, when you delete your Account we will store the Basic Information to address certain inquiries you may have surrounding your Account)”
Run from this one. Misleading promotion to sneak into your wallet or purse. The va is in default on this approved ad.
Have literally spent years trying to reach the local VSO officer. I would call when the notion struck me to see what help he could provide me for various situations. Each time I found a solution from another source. That was up until most recently when I needed to pursue an increase in my disability percentage. Basically, I have become very crippled from for a continued deterioration of my backbone from a cracked spine which was caused by a bad jump many years go.
I would call and get the same long list of things that were or really no interest to me but understandably of interest to some other vet. Then the part of the message about how busy he was taking care of my fellow vets, etc. etc. then I was instructed to leave a message and my call would be returned at the moment he was free. Same message for literally several years, same voice. I finally found the number for the person who managed the entire hospital and complained.
The VSO guy called me immediately, made the appointment about a day later. Met me at the door to the hospital. Quickly handled my problem which consisted in contacting the DAV who handled the whole thing after that point.
Then, about two years later I wanted to see what the procedure was for an entirely different problem. I called. Same voice, same message same results. Haven’t gone further with it yet.
I can tell a goldbricker when I see one in non-action.
False advertisement-it’s not free. So sad
another scam just like auto insurance that uses veterans or say they serve veterans. they all should be kicked out of our country. keep informed my comrades and if you don’t know investigate and ask questions until you see them start to sweat.
Just remember nothing, nothing is ever free. So is the case with this. The VA has fallen back to the Obama days and deception again.
It is my experience with simple wills that there’s no need to modify it unless there are changes in the data, and, then, all that’s needed is to do a new will. I suggest people Google “free simple will (state)” and see if a form is available through an agency such as the state bar association. Wills normally don’t require notarization, only witnesses to the signing. When the will is done, it needs to be put in a safe place and someone needs to know where to find it. Don’t panic. But those with more complicated estates should do a “living trust” with a “pour-over will.” A book can be purchased with all the details and the forms. The living trust needs to be notarized (usually free at one’s bank). If an estate is complicated, a lawyer made be needed so that the documents are right enough to allow the avoidance of probate.
Mr. Lopez,
There is one question I would ask of you sir, but I’m afraid I already know the answer – which is “No”. “Have you no shame, sir?”
DAV offers free wills, for FREE.
Remove all like this and put information about how you can get things like this at a government agency for free!! Not something that you end up paying for.
Come on Mr. DIRECTOR get this off the VA site and stop trying to privatize it.
There is a culture of hype, privitization of Government services while increasing size and scope of Government but claiming to strive for smaller Government, and more, that is at issue in the heart of the VA. This culture and mental construct was based earlier in our nation on Ayn Rand fiction books, she was a Russian expat. The “George Patton” style of business type books of 40 years ago also were examples of this phoniness.
So, when I receive an email from the Director that opens up so large that 75% of it does not appear on my wide-screen desk-top computer monitor? It is a sign of the casual ignorance of big egoes who sit behind desks, make speeches, glad-hand, and generally do nothing of real value. Their demands are committed to committees and it continues rolling down hill from there.
I’m glad to have my healthcare coverage due to my service, because I could not afford it otherwise. I’m tired of the frauds in the upper eschelon in agencies that are supposed to serve others. Instead, they get their money for little to nothing.
It is the workers below them who excel, and for whom I owe my life. Thanks to all who strive for putting the Veteran first in the VA system. Everyone else should be escorted home and told not to leave their kennel.
Well said and shame on those who are responsible for the “bait and switch” offer
I too was surprised at the end of the “read” for a free will. Shame on the Jar Head who is offering nothing but a chance to line his pockets at the expense of fellow veterans. And shame on the VA for such inclusion of SPAM on their website. There’s enough bothering all of us who use the service to have to contend with crap such as this. Give us something we can use, like good care and an ear that is listening to our problem(s). I complained for 2 years, trying to have a tophus removed from my elbow. Once my Primary Care physician finally got the hit that I wanted it removed, it took another two months to get in for a pre-op screening. The elbow is much better now.
This “free will” is a scam!!
Veterans can create a will free of charge
Where?, I have spoken to the Social Worker at the V.A. Hospital and nothing doing, I spoek to legal advisers and legal volunteers at the V.A. Hospital and again nothing at all.
Thank all you folks for your comments. They saved me from chasing this link and then getting upset. Merry Christmas!!
Man am I glad that I read the reviews here. Thomas Tucker you are 100% on target…Nothing Is Free …Thank You!
I’ve addressed multiple issues of false advertising in the VA News emails.
Was told, “You’ll have to use ‘view entire message’ at the bottom of the email and then scroll to the bottom for the disclaimer.
More or less, any internet jack leg can give them a ‘veterans free’ link and no one at the VA is confirming what they’ve been led to believe before they pass it on to us.
Our data is being grabbed while believing the VA has our back. Disclaimer or not …. that’s no way to treat veterans. PERIOD! Shame on you.
To think the va let’s this scam be associated with them says a lot about outrage va. Thanks for nothing
The VA and Andy Lopez should be ashamed of themselves. This is nothing more than a typical “Bait and Switch” scam. Hopefully my fellow Veterans see through this immediately as myself and many others have. I would also expect the VA to do a better job in the future at screening out “Patriots for Profit” such as Mr. Lopez.
My apologies, I thought I was still in another page talking about National Park Service. Yes this looks more like Bait & Switch.
Joseph Banasiak, on December 22, 2021 at 8:57 pm , wrote: “Who at the VA got paid off to include this deceptive comercial advertising on the VA News Wed 12/22/2021 8:19 PM ??? Veterans can Create a Will Free of Charge. You Sir are a disgrace, worst then a telemarketer & deserve to be fired.”
Sadly, Joseph, just about every post by these VA bloggers features some money-grubbing scam meant to cheat or deceive unwitting vets. I used to be offended, but I guess I’m now just numb to the realty.
I don’t get it. There is nothing in here that helps me put a will together.
It’s economics; their demand for your money along with the old bait and switch concept. No need to pay for their service when it’s part of a benefit for you military service.. Eligible Veterans can get a no cost will through the JAG Office at the local military base. Contact the base for more details.
you must be eligible for legal assistance eg, active duty or retired, to get the military will. LTC Savage JAG Rtd
Who at the VA got paid off to include this deceptive comercial advertising on the VA News
Wed 12/22/2021 8:19 PM ??? Veterans can Create a Will Free of Charge.
You Sir are a disgrace, worst then a telemarketer & deserve to be fired.
“Veterans can create” translates to “is possible to…” This doesn’t exactly mean that you, a veteran, will be able to get a will done without paying for it. Expect fees. Note the usual disclaimer “does not constitute an endorsement” by the VA.
Free for 12 months?> what gives? The will is only good for 12 months? Sound like crap to me.
Everyone wants me to be a customer. Getting ready to turn 65 suddenly I get 3 letters a day from people wanting to “help me” with my choices by giving them a piece of the lucrative American health care pie. My mom dies of alzheimers after years of me being sole caregiver when there was zero help from anybody, my life savings and hers gone by the time I overpaid the mortician, and AARP keeps sending me subscription offers until finally they just renew her subscription at no charge since that keeps their subscription numbers attractive to all of the “helpful” folks that buy ads. Marine veteran or not, I don’t want your product for “free” if you’re using it to leverage more sales. If you want to help other veterans just do it. Even my tax service offers me an honest rate of $17 for a will without a maze of hype and bs.
The VA News email said we can “create a will for free.” So what is this 12 month, $96 dollar premium plan. Is is Free or is it not Free. Is the $96 premium plan an upgrade?
Mr. Lopez, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but only if it is truly free. People do need to create a will, especially if you have things you want to go to specific people after you are gone. This is just my Opinion, wills are not that complicated, what is complicated is keeping the will up to date with changes and that can be an issue for which I would be willing to pay a reasonable fee.
This service is a rip off. “Free to get started” but they keep your will in the cloud for a monthly fee after the first year, then charge your survivors to get it after you pass. I can’t believe the VA would let the old bait and switch advertise with them. DO NOT give every personal bit of information to the internet folks!!
WE decide what to do with our money so there are many vets with the money to do this, the VA is only running it by you, not sponsoring it! VA has a new director, so you can write to him!
And what happens after 12 months? Are we stuck paying $96.00? And is that a month, a year, one time? What?…. My dad always told me if It sounds to good to be true, the is probably is not true.
Read the “Terms and Conditions”. They are not licensed professionals! They get your credit card info first,, then you WILL be billed at one year UNLESS you cancel AND IF they acknowledge your cancelation. Not worth it for me.
There is enough in the comments for me not to waste 15 minutes. Reading time took less than 5. I am 10 minutes ahead. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After I got to the box before posting this, I had to give thanks that I am not mathematically challenged.
Veterans and People and you don’t have to be a Veteran can you please Spread my belief email your Senators or your Representative contact the Veteran Affairs Committee passed a new Disabled Veteran Law who is 100percent service connected need a Dentist that knows how to put in G4implants for free because they don’t have one works for a Veteran Medical Centers Dentistry or have a contract with a Veteran Affairs Administration and if a Disabled Veterans who is 100 percent service connected don’t get the G4implants it will definitely cause real bad Swallowing Problems and really bad Heart Failure plus real bad Gum Disease…Thanks for your Support and stay Healthy as possible and be careful of the Virus.
Yes I keep writing them my good buddy!!!!! All the time. Good to see you on here.
These sites provide comparisons of different companies. I do not companies that try to sucker you with a free this or that, then when you are applying they had fees.
Also note this comment from above, “The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products or services on the part of VA.” It would be nice if VA only promoted items it endorsed.
Too many unknowns here. And releasing your information into the great allegedly secure internet can be problematic.
And I love the disclaimer tag: “The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products or services on the part of VA.”
As Thomas above said: “Nothing is free.”
Why is the VA even involved with spamming for these commercial activities?
Reply to the editor – I don’t have a subhead; I have a headache. I left my subhead in San Francisco.
Create your WILL, get started, WILL take you to the Twilight Zone where you WILL enter the Outer Limits. You WILL be, Bewitched and WILL be Lost In Space. But, you WILL not get your WILL here.
If a will only takes 15 minutes to create, why must I sign up for a 12 month service??
Veterans Admin. has significantly gone down the hill and especially in healthcare. I personally would like to change my Primary Care Doctor because she will not listen to my complaints and has gotten very angry with me in the past. I don’t know how to request this change and most likely I will be denied the request without another option to be considered (75 year old Army Veteran with health issues)
From a 77 year old Sailor, be persistent.
Ask them online: https://ask.va.gov/
Call them: MyVA411 main information line 800-698-2411 hours 24/7
Call TTY if you have hearing loss 800-799-4889
I have used the patient advocate for problems like this before. If the advocate is not receptive to your needs another option is contacting the facility director. On VA .gov website you need to look aroundfor complaints. I don’t recall exactly where I found the info. But you can explain cituation and make your request. They should respond back explain the process to get a different primary doctor. Also if that doesn’t work there is a inspector general of the VA for complaints also. At VA facility in Dallas tx there are signs in different places with the website for the inspector general. They should also be posted at your facility. Main thing is you have to be persistent. Goodluck
PUT in writing you want a new Primary Care Doctor, that you want to interview that doctor, that you want a doctor that is board-certified and not a Resident or Fellow which can mean they are not staying long so you will be getting new doctor every year or so which is NOT good medicine. YOU want to choose from a number of doctors after interviews or you may like the first one you interview. You have that right to choose your doctor and like your doctor. Address the letter to the Director of Primary Care at the Hospital you attend so if it were VA Boston it would be Director Primary Care VA Boston and then the Address of the hospital etc.
Go to the patient advocate at your local VA hospital and request the change. They were able to do it for me when I had my concerns.
I had to change mine, he accused me of being on drugs and delayed a hip implant for a year, I lost 2 1/4″ waiting for that bas****. I wrote the VA hosp and requested a new primary care DR and got one.
I fully understand your dilemma Larry. It used to only require a verbal request to change your primary care physician. Than about 10 years back it became impossible to change, no matter how bad, incompetent, or unwilling to listen to the patient the doctor was. – I fear for myself as well as others who have been assigned to someone that simply doesn’t like them. – We earned our benefits but VA seems to have taken the attitude that we have to settle for whatever they give us.
Hi Larry.
I was in the same boat as you. I have “fired” two VA primary care providers because they either would not listen or were condescending. I finally landed on a really good one.
You can change your VA primary care provider at ANY time, at your discretion.
Respectfully, you don’t ask them. You tell them that you need to change! Immediately.
I’m at the VAMC in Seattle, WA. And I went in person to the primary care wing, and asked to change. They asked why, I told them, and then they gave me a form to complete, including my complaints and why I wanted to switch providers.
I then asked all of the receptionists and staff who they would recommend. They told me, sat down, and got me scheduled with that doctor.
If travel is an issue, you can also call the “Patient Advocate” office at your VA medical center. They have helped me twice, quickly.
Tell the Patient Advocate your problem and desire, and they will help you. They’re all veterans themselves, and I’ve had good experience with the office. However, with COVID, they can be slow to respond.
If you can’t find the number, here are the Patient Advocate numbers in my area. You can call one of these, and then ask for the number for your location
Patient Advocate VAMC Seattle (206) 764-2160
Patient Advocate VAMC American Lakes (Tacoma, Joint Base Lewis-McChord) (253) 583-2585
I hope this info helps.
Good luck and Merry Christmas
Thomas, Seattle
Hi Thomas, Thanks for taking the time to pass on this information, I’m a veteran in Seattle that has been interested in getting health care through the VA for many years, but I don’t pursue it because of my perceived dread of creating a complicated nightmare.
I just may try calling the phone numbers you listed to reach out for help.
Merry Christmas from Kathleen in Seattle (Cap Hill)
Hi K. Murphy.
You’re welcome! I hope the info helps.
I understand your hesitation.
I was actually eligible for VA healthcare since 1997. However, didn’t start using it until 2019 when I was my lowest point. In fact, I was actively suicidal. I was in a VERY dark place.
However, the VA in Seattle literally saved my life. I’d called the Veteran’s Suicide National hotline. They immediately put me in contact with a VA Social Worker in Seattle who oversees suicide prevention.
I’d been trying different community care clinics trying to get an appointment with any doctor I could fine. But I couldn’t find an appointment for more than a month out. Even at public mental health clinics.
The VA social worker, Jennifer, had me go to the VA Seattle THAT INSTANT, into same day mental health. And from there, I was assigned a team of providers. And most have been fantastic, exceptional. Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Counselors, Sleep Doctor, Physical Therapy and now, my primary care doctor.
I’m sharing all of this because I don’t know your specific situation. But want to provide comfort to you if any of it relates.
Now.. the actual mechanics of how to schedule with the VA is VERY EASY. Like, REALLY simple. I’m happy to detail what to do.
But the easiest is to just go in person to the main reception adjacent to the entrance. They have a dedicated office for enrollments.
Bring your social security card, DD 214, if you have it. Last year’s tax return, if you have it. But don’t get hung up on finding those. They can still process if you don’t have them. Just far quicker and easier if you. Especially the DD 214.
And here’s the link to the eligibility below.
Post here if you have any questions. And if they’re many, I’m happy to go offline and walk you through the process.
Have a great Christmas and New Year!
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for this information. I’m a veteran recently rated (>50%) and am going through the deep learning curve for VA health care.
I have kept the phone numbers you listed and will use then if I am in need of help.
Many thanks, Rob in Seattle (Blue Ridge)
I’m in vancouver washington and all my care goes thru the Portland Oregon VA which has the worst care on the planet. Been dealing with the VA here in Vancouver since 2004 when I filed for service connected disability which I finally got in 2015,after the judge told the VA that they did everything wrong in my case. As far as patient advocates go I tried that route one time and will never do it again. Completely useless. Last 3 primary care Dr’s completely useless. One said the reason states legalized pot was for population control, the next one tried to tell me how to say f*$& you in Turkish for my whole 45 minute appointment, and the one I have now told me that I was diabetic when I’m only borderline. His exact words were today you became a diabetic. Now they won’t give me any meds unless I go see him which I refuse to do. Told them I want community care for any and all my medical needs because I dont trust the people they hire and they said they would send out a referral for community care and have not heard anything since. The worst this I ever did was join the military. Was lied to then just as I’m lied to now. They put things in my file I’ve never said but what they think they heard. I got a behavioral flag for cussing out the housing person because she lied to me and I called her on it. Was suppose to be for 2 years going on 8 years now. All the while my health is declining and I’ll let it decline before I ever go back to one of there unqualified fake Dr’s. I’d rather die than deal with the stress it causes me in dealing with them
Hi again, Larry.
I’m quite certain that you can request a Primary Care doctor through the VA’s Community Care network.
I haven’t tried this myself.
However, I do remember reading this. And, I use various Community Care providers regularly.
These are regular doctors that you would find in an insurance plan. They just have to be authorized by the VA to be part of the Community Care network.
The Patient Advocate or even the staff at your local VA should be able to help you.
Good luck.
Thomas, Seattle
Exactly! Why can’t they tell us upfront what the fees will be?
…and it doesn’t show a link to get to the service. Pathetic.
[Editor: The link to the service is under the last subhead, third paragraph from bottom.]
Kind of confusing to me. It states FREE! Then towards the end it talks about FEES! ?????
Nothing is free.
It states $96 dollar value. So I would assume the free 12-months is worth $96. So year #1 is free. Year #2 is a charge of $96.