September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month. VA Insurance Service is highlighting its mission to provide our Nation’s Veterans, service members and military families with life insurance products and services. There are several life insurance programs available for service-connected Veterans and upcoming changes will expand the benefit to even more Veterans in honor of their service.
What is Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI)?
S-DVI is VA’s current life insurance program for Veterans with service-connected disabilities. The program offers up to $10,000 in basic life insurance coverage. S-DVI also offers up to $30,000 in supplemental coverage if a Veteran is totally disabled, unable to work and qualifies for a premium waiver.
S-DVI closes to new enrollment at the end of 2022
Both S-DVI and supplemental S-DVI will close to new enrollment after December 31. Veterans currently enrolled in S-DVI may keep their coverage after this date, if they choose. Veterans currently not enrolled in S-DVI may apply within two years of the date they receive a new service-connected disability rating or by December 31, 2022, whichever comes first.
Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife) launches in January 2023
On January 1, 2023, enrollment opens for VALife—a new VA life insurance program offering increased access for Veterans age 80 and under with any level of service-connected disability (0-100%). Veterans who are 81 or older may apply for VALife within two years of receiving notification of a new service-connected disability rating if they:
- Applied for VA disability compensation before age 81, and;
- Received a new service-connected disability rating after turning 81.
VALife offers the following benefits:
- Guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance up to $40,000, available in increments of $10,000.
- Premiums will never increase for the life of the policy and are competitive with similar private sector offerings.
- No medical requirements for enrollment. Due to the absence of medical requirements, there is a two-year waiting period for full coverage to take effect.
- Cash value that builds over the life of the policy after the first two years of enrollment.
- Fully automated online enrollment with instant approvals.
- No deadline to apply for Veterans age 80 and under.
If Veterans currently have S-DVI, how do they switch to VALife?
Once the application goes live on January 1, 2023, S-DVI-insured Veterans age 80 and under may switch to VALife at any time by applying on the VALife website. There are, however, certain application time frames to be aware of:
- If a Veteran applies for VALife on or before December 31, 2025, they may keep their S-DVI coverage during the two-year waiting period for VALife coverage to take effect. The S-DVI coverage will end after the two-year waiting period and the full VALife coverage takes effect.
- If a Veteran applies for VALife on or after January 1, 2026, their S-DVI coverage ends on the day they enroll for VALife, and they will not have that coverage during the two-year waiting period for VALife coverage to take effect.
Learn more about S-DVI and VALife
Veterans and their families can learn more about S-DVI and VALife by visiting the following websites:
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I have life insurance as a DOD and am confused I believe I still have life insurance from active duty in the army from 74-77 . Do I qualify for this VA program as a new member starting at the beginning or will I start at whatever total I am at in my Arny and DOD total. Sorry insurance confuses me. Please have patience with me I am just learning. I am 75.
I am 75, 100% service connected disabled. Which insurance can I get? Like others, I find this very confusing.
I am 20% disabled 75 yes old do I qualify for affordable life insurance from veterans admin?
It would be nice to know the cost for our age and if their is disqualification for health reasons.
CONFUSED: When I was offered S-DVI 20 so years or so ago I had a complete misunderstanding of the offer. I thought that they were trying to sale me a minimum of $10,000 worth of life insurance, and I could purchase more increments of $10,000 if I wish to do so. Stop and think, who in their right mind would turn down free life insurance. The way the offer was worded was very confusing to me at the time and here I am without it. I am 100% disabled veteran due to combat wounds received in Vietnam. I would appreciate any advice or assistance that you could afford me. Thank You, USA Retired SSG Kenneth Huffman.
VA Pamphet 29-9 explains all the information that veterans need.. Just read! Available on website…Plans , Age and Premiums….
VALife touts —” Premiums will never increase for the life of the policy and are competitive with similar private sector offerings.” — The private sector has offered “similar” programs for years. What makes it more beneficial for a disabled veteran?
That’s the gov. black hand in anything financial to their favor. U.S Gov is one of the biggest extortionist cartels in this world. Why don’t they just give us whats owed to each and every citizen to do as we will not what they will with what they’ve claimed from us and our parents since birth. Know your sovereign rights ladies and gentleman. claim them back before we all get completely and 100% totally screwed. We are all under their rule with their Social Security Insurance tax laws they claim from our blood sweat and suffrage. Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules governing the use of the oceans and seas are known as the Law of the Sea.
Well Done VA, successfully confusing an entire generation of older Vets.
100% Service Connected vets have access to 10,000 whole life insurance (SDVI), and can apply to have the premium waved, if they act as soon as the 100% rating comes in. There is a time limit. Anything ABOVE 10,000, the Vet has to pay a premium. The older format was considered “term” and gained no value, however, they recently made SDVI “Whole Life” and it now gains value (over the 10K), which can be borrowed against or added to the payoff upon death. I’m keeping what I already have.
Your VSO should have told you about this, and hand-carried you through the application process when you got your initial award of 100%
I am dav service connected-30% rating-so how do i get the life insurance coverage and does it cost anything-age 75-please respond and give me details please Charles Barry Lowe
Help me with getting this life insurance please. After reading, I thought the government finally decided to open the enrollment for veterans that wasn’t educated on how to apply for life insurance after receiving a disability rating, not to mention being granted 100% totally disability benefits compensation. It should be part of the requirements being it’s free at that point or at least educated about its existence and provided the information on how to apply. I ran out and bought life insurance at AAA at the minimum of what I could afford, because I didn’t know about this. Then I find this article,thinking I can apply. To answer the two questions to determine I do not qualify because , my disability status has not been updated by VA in the last two years. Where is the help for us veterans that fell between the lines. I am only concerned about getting benefits I believe I should be entitled to, my age, disability and etc makes it difficult. Is there another program to assist me.
[Editor: Every VBA compensation claim decision letter that grants service connection also comes with information on VA life insurance eligibility. You can learn more about the expanded eligibility for the new VA Life Insurance program, here: ]
I was not made aware of any “two year” requirement to apply for this life insurance after my initial disability rating.
So, now, I’m NOT qualified ?
That seems a bit typical of the VA; experts on what they CAN’T do for veterans
Can I switch my VGLI to whole life or this insurance. I currently have mine through Prudential. It is my getting way too expensive. I am also 80% disabled.
I would like to get an extra insurance!
My name is Charlene. I am his wife he is 94 how do I go about muting insurance for him
When this insurance went up to $400.00 dollars a month, I had to let it go. What kind of insurance are you selling? It does not make any sense at all. Why have insurance when you can’t pay for it. And I had that insurance for more than ten years and got nothing back. I lost all that money.
I served from 79-83, honorable discharge, didn’t continue life insurance through VA, am not disabled, so under old program was not eligible for life insurance. Does this new program change my eligibility?
I’m wondering the same thing could you let me know if you hear anything on this as well thank you
I find the S-DVI & VALife options confusing. I currently have Life Insurance through the VA, but I have no idea if it is related to these terms used.
How do I find out If I need to do anything or explore more coverage? A link to ask questions would be most helpful.
i am 100% disability my life ins is 10thousand will it go higher hard to understand the writing
Good to know, thank you
The VA is allowing this life ins fraud
Great news
If the cost /benefit of VALife is competitive with similar private sector offerings, why should I purchase it?
“Competitive pricing” plus, infamous VA poor customer service to boot !
I have VGLI thru Prudential since I got out in 1992 and I am currently 50% and now waiting for an answer on my recent appeal status claim. I had no idea about this program how does it compare to VGLI and it’s year fees? Could someone please contact me with more information on this matter please.
Two-year waiting period? Just another predator feeding off of us–thanks, VA
A “Waiting Period” for aging veterans ?
Sounds like somebody’s cousin’s going to make a killing, financially
I am interested !
I am 79 with a 50% disability. Can I apply
Can you let me know when I have to sign up please? Thank you.
I’m 80 years old and i have a 30% service connected disability. how much would i have to pay(premiums monthly). what would that policy cost me?
My S DVI is only $10 thousand per my disability. Will I be able to get or purchase $40 thousand in VALife in Jan 2023. Am I still limited to my disability percentage?
What is the cost of the life insurance? I am 77 yrs old. I am a dis-a led vet.
VA insurance is no where close to the private sector.
I am almost 76 and 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran. Is there any affordable life insurance available to me?
Have you noticed inflation? $40k won’t help anyone
Why can’t veterans be offered whole life insurance up to 400,000 dollars? The insurance offered is not enough but appreciated.
What is the Max coverage I can purchase?
I’m 100% service disabeled.
In 1961 all I could carry over after discharge was $200,000.00 due to the dollar I need to increase my coverage
I’m 79 years old and uninsurable.
Thank You
Can you send me an application to apply for VA life insurance because I am service connected at 100 percent .
Very confusing! If a Veteran has a service connected disability they should be given more than a ten thousand dollar life insurance policy!
We are not being told how much this will cost. I’m on a retired budget and have no life insurance it would be nice to see a chart
This is really dissapointing. First I was so excited to learn we are able to get this insurance with VA, but when I started to answer the questions to see if I qualify, (I receive VA benefits monthly for a service connected injury). The question that disqualifies me is whether I’ve been
updated by VA in the last two years. I don’t know what sense that makes and I’m very disappointed.
Can you please tell me the cost of Life Insurance?
Service connected 100% would like ins
I already have insurance through FERS, but this is great that the VA offers life insurance.
In your ad it doesn’t inform me how much this cost.
We didn;t know you had VA life insurance. I am 85 almost 86 can I apply? and what is the cost. I have my own burial plot. Thank you