On August 10, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Honoring our PACT Act of 2022. Section 804 of this law is the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (CLJA), which allows people exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to file new lawsuits.
- VA’s Camp Lejeune exposure to hazardous materials site
- VA’s Camp Lejeune Water Contamination FAQ (download PDF)
You may have seen advertisements from lawyers, law firms or others seeking to represent you in litigation related to this new law. These lawyers, firms and private parties are not connected with VA benefits or services. Whether you decide to seek relief under the CLJA is entirely your decision and will not influence VA’s decision to provide you benefits or health care based upon your exposure. It also will not affect the amount of benefits or health care VA can provide you.
It’s important to know, however, that if you are awarded relief by a court in a lawsuit brought under the CLJA, the award must be offset by the amount of any disability award, payment or benefit VA provided to you or your legal representative relating to exposure to water at Camp Lejeune. This would reduce the amount of the award you receive from the court, but it would not affect your VA benefits.
Any award must also be offset by Medicare or Medicaid benefits. We recommend you contact the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for information on how a court award under the CLJA could affect your benefits under those programs.
Additionally, please note that the U.S. Department of Justice has set up a phone number and email address that anyone can use for questions about the status of cases filed in federal court under the CLJA. The phone number is (202) 353-4426, and the email is camplejeune.pactact@usdoj.gov.
Understand your options for health care, benefits
All Veterans and family members who believe they were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, should contact VA to understand their options for health care and benefits. VA has established presumptions of service connection for several diseases for Veterans, reservists and National Guard members exposed to contaminants in the water supply at Camp Lejeune.
The Camp Lejeune Family Member Program covers out-of-pocket costs for 15 conditions for family members who lived at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987.
Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces at Camp Lejeune for not fewer than 30 days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, are eligible for hospital care and medical services for any of 15 illnesses or conditions. They are also eligible to enroll in VA health care for other health care services they may require. The family members of these Veterans who resided at Camp Lejeune for not fewer than 30 days during this period (or who were in utero during the period while their mother resided at that location) are eligible for hospital care and medical services furnished by VA for any of these 15 illnesses or conditions.
Learn more at VA’s Camp Lejeune exposure to hazardous materials page, download VA’s Camp Lejeune water contamination FAQ or call 1-800-MyVA411. Your local Veterans service organization may also be able to help. VA will not charge you for providing information related to these services.
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This whole things is confusing. The VA seems to say that you do not a lawyer to collect compensation, if any, for possible toxic exposure at Camp Lejeune. Yet, as far I know I never got that information before. What happen to those of us who signed up with one of those many law firms offering compensation benefits?
Remember Devildog’s. If You Sue The Government/ Marine Corps For Any Of Those Conditions Listed. And the VA Treated You Any For What You Suing For. You Going to Have To Repay The VA For That Care if You Were Treated At The Va For It. So Make Sure It’s Going To Be Worth It. The Lawyers Going To Be The Only Ones Making The Money.
I was stationed at Camp Lejeune for a year, and I have none of the problems, Thank God but I can’t find out if I could pass anything on to my children? Which a couple of my children do or did have health problems. I called my local VA they couldn’t answer it, I was told to call Cleveland VA and they couldn’t answer it. So, any help would be appreciated. Semper Fi !
I cannot understand why WOMEN MARINES are being treated like dependents. Breast cancer is a major issue for the Veterans. I had a minor case because I caught it early. I have Marine sisters who weren’t as fortunate. Sure you’ll pay for our care, but not offer any disability benefits? I don’t know what you are thinking. Just because there were so few of us, you can’t sweep us under the rug. Remember. WE ARE MARINES, TOO!
I was told it was because of Congress. They wrote the law. Well, you chauvenistic men… It’s high time you recognize and reward the women who have served this great country.
I Totally Feel You And Agree ?. And Thank WMs For All They Did And Do
I served at Camp Lejuene from March of 1981 through September 1981, I was proud, proud to be there with a bunch of wonderful, funny, crazy knuckle heads from many walks of America good guys, family. I drank a lot of water there, I order Marines as an NCO, to stay hydrated. I not only experience gastrointestinal issues no where else in my siblings or parents. I was often treated for many little subtle nuisance medical problems, with one on top of another. My insides are screwed up, my life is limited because of my gastric, rectal bleeding, ED, urinary, kidneys, and more. I, despite my wrecked life which should have been given back to me following my service. I am much distraught that as my responsibility as a NCO, I made other Marines, who were real human beings, real people, drink this water, water that was known by other people who were within authority of their duties and responsibilities people who knew that Chemical were leaking into a vital source of a natural consumable (water). I feel so bad to be responsible for them that served on base with me. The VA is the next big crook in this saga, creating a Gauntlet of a process for service members to pass through just to find out the missing records related to illnesses from the course of serving. The most wealthiest nation in the world, you get to brag this to the rest of the world because of all of the service members that serve, and protect it first, not second but first. The artful skill of deny, deny, deny until we die. If this was a war you will have been the greatest force to have wounded and killed more Marines then any other force we ever faced. All of the responsible people, every Commander and Chief, every base Commander, every member of the military oversight committees, and the U.S. Congress and others it happened on their watch. The truth, Hidden in plain sight…
i would like to know if u are getting va disability benefits for heart conditions if u file in this lawsuit will your disability rating be reduced or do u have to pay back what u may be awarded in the lawsuit does this lawsuit in any way have the possibility of reducing your va disability
ADAK Alaska Naval Base had bad water contamination.
I was stationed at Ft Fisher Air Force Station from 1976 to 1979. (This was a small Radar Station near Wilmington N.C. it did not have a Commissary). Due to a lack of a commissary my family and I shopped at the Camp Lejeune Commissary and PX twice a month and while there we ate and drank the water. Would my family and I be eligible for 2022 CLJA lawsuit?
I was exposed as a Marine Dependent not as a servicemember. So paragraph three should NOT apply to me. Father was a Marine stationed at MCAS New River. We lived at the Base Housing.
The water of Ft. McClelan was contaminated for years and no body doing nothing for that. I got a lot of health issues after spent 19 month there in the Chemical School and Permanent Party in 62nd Chemical Co. (SG) 2nd Chemical Battalion from 1972 thru 1974.
Fellow Marines. Don’t bother with the VA, instead sign in with a law firm suing the VA and Navy for the Camp Lejuene contaminated water exposure. Here’s the reason for doing this rather than trusting the va. My brother serviced on active duty in the Marine Corps from 1970 until 1972. In 1970 he served at Camp Lejune for 45 consecutive days and his DD214 shows that, plus the VA is has acknowledge the he was there for those days and during this time frame. But in October of 2021 he was looking jauntice and started turning yellow. He was not involved with the VA at that time because he had outside insurance with his employer. Anyway his doctor sent him to specialist in Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia and they determined that he had cancer of the pancris and possibly the liver but they could’nt confirm this until they opened him up. So he was operated on and they removed one third of his pancris and his entire bile duct which connects the liver to the pancris. After the surgery they told him he only had 6 months to live and started him on high doses of cemo. at that point he filed for a disability comp claim with the va. despite giving the va all necessary paperwork they required and all the hoopes he had to jump through it all was for nothing. with all the paperwork and medical documentation my brother submitted to the va, was one important medical report the va was hoping for and they found it.. it was the medical report that my brother only had 6 months to live. now the va knew all they had to do was wait him out. and here’s the proof. he followed on line the va review on the status/progress of his claim. the review showed very slow advancement of it moving forward. my brother even called them on two separate occassions asking them if they needed anymore documentation and each time the response was no. my brother fought hard to stay alive long enough hoping to see his claim being approved. so instead of 6 months and the good fight my brother like any good Marine would do he passed away 9 months after his surgery. my sister-in law(my brothers wife) notified the va on day one of my brother’s passing and lo and behold exactly one week to his death cmae his notice that his claim was denied because he didn’t get the cancer within one year of his separation because that’s the rule with presumed conditions, is the vet must get the cancers witin one year of discharge. So if that’s the case why didn’t they deny his calim within say the first month. So my other 3 brothers and me who all served active duty in the military encouraged my sister inlaw to join the law suit by outside attornies thar are filing claims for the new past act called PACT act thanks to Joe Biden who got it passed. In ending they took a good patriotic family like mine who had 5 sons who all served in the military honorably are now discouraging our grandsons from joining the military for the way the va treat the veterans who served while others just sat back and watched the vets fight and protect our freedom.
So, what good does it do to join the lawsuits going on? They’re just going to take it out of your disability check if you get awarded anything! I was stationed at New River Air Facility for 1 year 9 months. So far, no cancers. Thank the good Lord! But, if I did, where’s the benefit. I’m 100% already so there is no increase in my check and I’m already receiving all of my medical care from the VA.
So, you get involved with one of these lawsuits and, let’s say, get awarded $20,000. The lawyers take $8,000. You get the remaining $12,000. Which is the VA going to take from your disability check? 12K or 20K. If it is the 20K, that means that, not only will you not benefit from it, but you will end up paying the lawyer’s fees, too!
Even if I do get any cancer from it, I’m not messing with the lawsuit. It would only end up possibly costing me money! The only ones that could benefit are men who aren’t receiving any compensation at all.
Please include us women who proudly wear the title too
I’ve heard the water at Shemya AFB, now Ericsen AFB, Alaska has had contaminated water for decades. Any words on that and what the people who served out there can expect to suffer from?
First of all we lived in Tarrawa Terrace of a year and half. I served 2.5 years at Camp Lejeune. I started having trouble with high blood pressure when I was stationed there. It should be in my official medical records from the service. I now have arterial pulmunary hypertension. No one else in my family has ever had this. My daughter got cancer from the water at Tarrawa Terrace. She is receiving treatment. I have a disability for my hearing with the VA. But do I have the right to increased disability? I am in constant pain in my legs because of neuropathy. It is very hard to work and live a normal life. Mel Bozell
I would like to know the status the Wurtsmith AFB contamination suit on behalf of those of us who drank the water there. Like Camp Lejune, its water was polluted by chemicals
Yes there were likely many other locations where there was asbestos and TCE was in the water, like Aurora Colorado. They went on city water at that time because of TCE in the base water. Why does one need to sue to get compensation, that just enriches lawyers?
As a Gold Star Surviving Spouse and caregiver to several Military Family Members with some who’ve passed from toxic exposures I’m grateful to see VA stepping up on these issues. We have Partnered in Affiliation with US Department of Defense to help all afflicted by Toxic impact through our personal branding of Health Items.
They suck, 21 days there and i was denied. BLALDER CANCER. i will wear a urostomy the rest of my life
John M Cook
Cancer has taken all the men in my family ,my grandfather were active in 2 wars born in 1934 I believe died of cancer not sure we’re he was drafted, his son my dad was a 4 year vet mechanic in the army also passed in April 22 Bruce Thomas,and Darrell Thomas the youngest also the same cancer, I need le there don’t know though,
Thanks for your help.
Those of us who served (Marines, Walking Dead, Khe Sanh, 68) often times have found the VA to be fair and helpful.
My personal suggestion for VA benefit applicants is to seek help from a service organization regarding VA claims. I’m a lifetime member of the DAV but other groups are excellent too.
Personally, Camp Lejeune pursuing a damage claims filed with the NC Federal Court or Navy JAG is more uncertain. A google search informs me to some extent. Attorney fees range from 25 – 45% and personally I haven’t filed yet, there is a two-year period to file. I was stationed at Lejeune and now have had lung cancer twice.
Good luck to my brothers and sisters!
I trained for 6 years at Camp Roberts California. The water there was nasty. If you got even the tiniest scratch it got infected. Are they testing water at all the other bases and camps?
So you want to poison all of us Marines, kill us , or leave us with illnesses for the rest of our lives, that effect us in ways beyond belief. There is really nothing more that can be done medically that will make a difference in my case, there is no closer, no nothing. You knew about this, you did nothing about it! You covered it up, what’s worse is the VA is not admitting any wrongdoing. You know there is a lawsuit against Iran for there part in Beirut Lebanon bombing in October 23, 1983, I was there for that, and I am very fortunate that I survived that. I know that there was plenty of information that our own Government knew about and did nothing, and I am sure that the VA is in control of that too!
Furthermore when I was in Beirut some were assigned to burning the human waste, I can remember when we burned at least 10-12 pans until all ash. Now I tried to get put on the registry, but was told no, because it was the wrong Era . So consequently, everything is about Iraq, Kuwait, afganistain, and Vietnam. We are the forgotten past,
There was no Beirut bombing in 1983. In regards to the burn pits, my asthma chronic bronchitis ext .. means nothing
I just left a comment, but need to add something. My other children are affected from the Agent Orange and so are my grand daughters. The Heart, hip dysplasia, smaller digits, and spinal stenosis, are just a few that jump out at you. I should have been medically discharged and studied for at least 10 to 20 years minimum because I developed so many conditions after Vietnam, like strokes, peripheral neuropathy, chloracne, permanent nerve damage, lung damage, coronary artery disease, degenerative bone disease, continuous Group A Streptococcus passed down to my kids & grand kids, GERD, acid reflux, 100% blocked left carotid artery, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, liver disease, kidney disease, blood pressure issues, BPH, HIVES and skin Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema just to name a few. I am being waited out in my opinion because the claims have been in the process for 40 years, but the evidence has been withheld 51 years. I should have been medically discharged and me and my family provided medical care, and my son might be alive. I’m sure he would be. This was a tragic mistake of injustice and over reaching powers that is responsible for my sons death, but thankfully I am now 100% Service Connected, but I should have been 100% at my discharge of April 20, 1972. My dependents never received one cent in compensation and pension, nor medical care or benefit of any kind. The damning evidence is still being withheld and will be past my death. I truly was left behind and denied medical care at the Kansas City VAMC from 1985 (my first attempt) to 2014. I was deceived by employees there in 1985, in the 1990s, and gave up in the 2000s. I’m still trying to get justice because it’s only right. I was unjustly deceived and it needs to be made right. That’s only the right thing for the VA to do. It should have done it over 50 years ago, but it did it intentionally, and now needs to be corrected!
I can’t believe the VA is sending out this news letter, letting people know they can sue the VA for benefits because of being at Camp Lejeune, when I had to fight for 50 years for any compensation and I was boots on ground in Vietnam? How could this possibly be? Myself and my family were deceived and all my medical evidence was withheld for 45 years to prevent any sort of C & P from being awarded, and I was medivac’d out of Vietnam due to a skin disease from the Mekong Delta, misdiagnosed as an allergy to Chloroquine. I suffered for decades and my oldest son died due to Agent Orange, and I still have appeals waiting that will be denied again. The VA is still withholding the evidence. Why this two-faced approach? It’s because of the money amount isn’t it. 50 years of retro pay for me and my dependents is too much for the VA.
Couldn’t agree more my brother. Only the most toxic substance known to man at that time sprayed by the millions of gallons. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, we so stupid. No, Dow Chemical and others got rich. Now add 34 years, YES 34 fcking years of poisoned water while in infantry training at Lejeune. Nothing to see here. Cannon fodder. That’s us.
First of all thank you for your service. I am sorry to hear about your son. I am a Marine vet. I think there thinking is this..If they wait long enough they will be able to shuffle your paperwork off to another snot nosed person that’s never been in the service, just out of college and doesn’t know anything about what we all had to go through. We were all probably in and out of the service before they were even born. I was poisoned at three of there bases. And have been sick for 50 years, and had a stroke and been on disability for 15 years but you can’t convince the VA that it’s all service related. So I have been down that road of being shuffled off to someone else. And have had many claims denied. They just don’t want to take care of us properly. They think if they wait long enough you will just drop over dead and then they can forget about you and move on to the next sick and or dying veteran, And tell them NO you have been denied.
TYFYS from SFC (Ret) Babcock, retired CVSO, now volunteer Veterans Benefits Educator (https://www.linkedin.com/in/janebabcock/)
PLEASE contact your nearest ACCREDITED VSO Rep. They are free, trained, tested, attend annual training, most often are veterans themselves, do not work for the VA, are paid by your County/State taxes or Veterans Organization to assit you in obtaining all your benefits. And to assit your surviving family with theirs. https://www.va.gov/ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp
– Under the Agent Orange Nehmer Court Ruling, if you filed a previous claim, was denied and that condition or exposure place (Bases in Thialand, Guam, American Samoa, Cambodia (Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province), Johnson Atoll) and the Blue Waters around such places, then have been added to the Presumptive List you are entitled to retro-pay.
– If VA had all relevant evidence to award a claim at the time but did not file the regulations in place at that time for non-Presumptive Conditions but denied the claim, then you may well be eligible for retro-pay under the “Clear & Unmistakable Error” (CUE) regulations.
The largest retro pay Ihelped a veteran claim was $480,000. NEVER FIGHT THE VA ALONE! But why pay a Lawyer when a trained & Accredited VSO Rep can do it for free.
Sorry for your misfortune with the VA bureaucracy. Don’t give up!!
I fought for 20 years before being compensated and waiting 12 years now on another appeal. Never stop fighting!!!
Facts continue to show that the VA, Fails and refuses, to support Disability Claims. Now add the Camp lejeune Toxic Water that has caused all kinds of medical problems, tell us Veterans, you cannot trust anyone, especially the VA..
I have a Camp Lejeune Toxic Water related VA claim in since August, I’ve had nerve issues that started back at Lejeune but I couldn’t put two and two together untill they notified of the poison wells twenty years later. Good luck trying to prove service connection 40 years later. Time will tell if the VA is just gooing through the motions or intends to help.
What are the bases were included on this list I found some articles about San Antonio off at Air Force Base Little Rock Arkansas Howard I was served at all three of those bases my husband was it two of them and he did die with cancer I had colon rectal cancer he died in 2009 I was at outfitters for space and 67 and 68 then we went to Little Rock and 68 to 1979Then we went to San Antonio and we’re in San Antonio to 1985
TYFYS from SFC (Ret) Babcock, retired CVSO, now volunteer Veterans Benefits Educator (https://www.linkedin.com/in/janebabcock/)
– PLEASE contact your nearest ACCREDITED VSO Rep. They are free, trained, tested, attend annual training, most often are veterans themselves, do not work for the VA, are paid by your County/State taxes or Veterans Organization to assit you in obtaining all your benefits. And to assit your surviving family with theirs. https://www.va.gov/ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp
– Please Google “38 CFR 3.307”, “38 CFR 3.308” and “38 CFR 3.309” these will lead you to the regulation regarding Presumptive Conditions based on when/where veterans served.
– Remember any illness conceded as Service Connected (SC) doe not have to be a direct cause of death, only a contributing cause, to award Dependent Indemnity Compensation (DIC). Example: I assisted a Widow in obtaining DIC by providing the medical records and professional medical opinions (Nexus) that the Pnuemonia listed on the death certificate could have been fought and likely recovered from if the veterans hadn’t had uncontrollable Type II Diabetes and residuals from treatment of multiple Agent Orange Cancers.