For those of us who want to be of service to Veterans but aren’t medical professionals, contract specialist jobs are a great path to an engaging and exciting career with VA.
As a contract specialist, you’ll have a hand in every stage of the procurement process for your facility, coordinating with numerous departments and stakeholders up and down the chain of command. You’ll also be the point-of-contact for outside vendors to address concerns related to the government procurement process.
While our medical providers serve Veterans directly, the work you do will handle the behind-the-scenes business that makes providing that care possible.
That’s not to say the work is easy. If you’re interested in becoming a contract specialist, you will have to meet some requirements. However, there’s a lot of potential in the role, whether you come from an academic background, another federal agency, or even the military.
Along the way, you’ll have access to our incredible employment benefits, great time-off options, expansive insurance offerings, and education support for when you’re ready to take your career to the next level. All of these can make an enormous difference for you and your loved ones.
Work at VA
If you’re an expert organizer, a role as a contract specialist is a great way for you to give back to Veterans and earn meaningful rewards for yourself. Learn more at VA Careers.
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Ya’ll need to provide/demand better training for contract specialists to outside vendors. I have seen so much waste because the size or incorrect item was ordered. When it has happened to me, I’ve been told not to return the items but to keep or donate them. I’ve personally had so many mistakes made with different departments not knowing how to place a proper order and outside vendors repeatedly sending the wrong items. One time I kept receiving the wrong item in the wrong size four different times! I ended up buying it off of EBay. Sad.
I would enjoy working with vets or even their family members.i volunteered for the Bradenton va as a coordinate helping call to remind veterans of their upcoming appts. The VA has my name for helping veterans I h as ave a lot more to add but would do that if you are interested in me