The VA Careers team is dedicated to streamlining your job search efforts through social media efforts. The most recent Twitter Chat, focusing on Mental Health professionals, was a successful event—reaching an audience of 33,100 people and making connections between social followers, health care professionals, and VA recruitment experts.
We will continue to promote these events through our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. In order to make the most of these events, make sure to consider the three stages—before, during and after—and learn how to maximize the benefits from these interactive chats.
Before the Event: Follow VA Careers on our social channels so that you can be the first to know when the next Twitter Chat is scheduled. About a week before, we’ll announce the date and time of the event, along with the topic for discussion. If you need more information on how to participate in a Twitter Chat, check out this blog post.
During the Event: After logging on to your Twitter account, search Twitter for #workatva. We encourage all participants to use the designated hashtag so that all Tweets—whether questions or answers—are easily accessible in one place. Most important, the chat gives you an opportunity to ask your questions about applying and vacancies. @VACareers will be moving the conversation along, and depending on the topic, VHA National Recruiters and subject matter experts also contribute to the discussion.
After the Event: If you are not able to join the chat, you can catch up by logging into your Twitter account and searching for #workatva. Our team continues to monitor the chat room dialog for several days after the event to ensure that someone will get back to you with an answer to your questions.
The VA Physician Recruitment Twitter Chat is scheduled for March 19, 2015, 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST. If you are a physician interested in career opportunities and growth at VA, or a member of another health care discipline who wants to learn more about applying at VA, we encourage you to join us. If you should have questions about using Twitter or navigating to #workatva, please call Wade Habshey, VHA Healthcare Recruitment Marketing Liaison, at 504-565-4341.
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