On Thursday, 5/26, @VACareers partnered with VHA nursing recruiters and the national healthcare recruitment & marketing office during a Twitter Chat to address questions and comments from candidates. Multiple nurses joined and tweeted questions about vacancies, the application process and benefits using the #workatVA. Twitter chats serve as a forum for candidates to have personalized and direct access to recruiters who are prepared to accept resumes and process for consideration.
If you weren’t able to make the chat, check out our Events Calendar to view all upcoming chats, or tweet us anytime using #workatVA and the VA Careers team will respond promptly to your question. You may also forward your resumes to VACareers@va.gov.
Here are some of the common questions received during the chat and their answers:
“How do I contact a nursing recruiter directly?”
“What can I do to ensure that my resume stands out?”
“How does VA support my work/life balance?”
“Are leadership opportunities available?”
To see all nursing opportunities available at VHA, click here.
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