On Thursday, 7/16 @VACareers partnered with VHA recruiters and the national healthcare recruitment & marketing office during a Twitter Chat to address questions and comments from candidates. Multiple health care professionals joined and tweeted questions about vacancies, the application process and benefits using the #workatVA.
If you weren’t able to make the chat, check out our Events Calendar to view all upcoming chats (the next Chat will take place on Thursday, 8/20), or tweet us anytime using #workatVA and the VA Careers team will respond promptly to your question. You may also forward your resumes to VACareers@va.gov.
Here are some of the common questions received during the chat and their answers:
“How do I highlight my experience on my resume to make it stand out?”
“How long does it take for the application status to be updated after applying for a position?”
“Are there any job fairs where I can sit down with a recruiter in-person?”
“Why have I not received a response to my application?”
“Are there internship opportunities available at VHA?”
To see all VHA health care opportunities, click here.
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