The administration’s FY 2017 budget proposes $182.3 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Funding will continue to support the largest transformation in VA history; expand access to timely, high-quality health care and benefits; and advance efforts to end homelessness among Veterans. The following fact sheet summarizes the VA’s FY 2017 budget proposal. The full budget will be posted on at 1:30 p.m. EST.
Under the President’s leadership, we have turned our economy around and created 14 million jobs. Our unemployment rate is below five percent for the first time in almost eight years. Nearly 18 million people have gained health coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect. And we have dramatically cut our deficits by almost three-quarters and set our nation on a more sustainable fiscal path.
Yet while it is important to take stock of our progress, this budget is not about looking back at the road we have traveled. It is about looking forward and making sure our economy works for everybody, not just those at the top. It is about choosing investments that not only make us stronger today, but also reflect the kind of country we aspire to be – the kind of country we want to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
The budget makes critical investments in our domestic and national security priorities while adhering to the bipartisan budget agreement signed into law last fall, and it lifts sequestration in future years so that we continue to invest in our economic future and our national security. It also drives down deficits and maintains our fiscal progress through smart savings from health care, immigration, and tax reforms.
The budget shows that the President and the administration remain focused on meeting our greatest challenges — including accelerating the pace of innovation to tackle climate change and find new treatments for devastating diseases; giving everyone a fair shot at opportunity and economic security; and advancing our national security and global leadership — not only for the year ahead, but for decades to come.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is charged with fulfilling President Lincoln’s promise “to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan.” To support this mission, the 2017 budget provides $75.2 billion in discretionary funding for VA, a 5.0 percent increase above the 2016 enacted level. In addition, the budget includes $3.6 billion in estimated medical care collections, for a total discretionary budget authority of $78.7 billion. The budget also includes $102.5 billion in 2017 and $103.9 billion in 2018 advance appropriations for VA’s mandatory benefits programs.
This funding will provide the resources necessary to fulfill VA’s mission to provide timely, quality health care and services to veterans. It will allow VA to operate the largest integrated health care system in the country, including nearly 1,300 VA facilities serving approximately 9 million veterans enrolled to receive care; the tenth largest life insurance provider, covering both active duty service members and enrolled veterans; a compensation and pension benefits program serving over 5.0 million veterans and survivors; an education assistance program serving 1.1 million students; a home mortgage program with a portfolio of over 2 million active loans guaranteed by VA; and the largest national cemetery system, one which leads the Nation as a high-performing organization, projected to inter 132,093 veterans and family members in 2017.
Funding Highlights:
The President’s 2017 budget provides $78.7 billion in total discretionary budget authority for the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide needed care and other benefits to eligible Veterans, their families and survivors. This includes:
- With the 2017 advance appropriations, a total of $65.0 billion for VA medical care to provide high-quality, timely health care services to Veterans and other eligible beneficiaries. In addition, the Budget requests $66.4 billion in 2018 advance appropriations.
- Supporting improvements in Veterans’ mental health care, telehealth care, life-saving treatment for Hepatitis C, specialized care for women Veterans, long-term care, and benefits for Veterans’ caregivers.
- Investing $1.6 billion in programs that will continue VA’s gains toward ending Veteran homelessness.
- Providing $7.2 billion in discretionary funding for Veterans’ care in the community, which, combined with resources from the 2014 Veterans Choice Act, will support over 15.6 million medical procedures for Veterans by non-VA providers.
- Strengthening Veterans’ benefits programs by improving the timeliness of non-disability claims and further enhancing disability claims processing accuracy and efficiency.
- Increasing burial access for Veterans and eligible family members with the construction of new national cemeteries in Colorado and western New York, and national cemetery expansions in Jacksonville, Florida, and South Florida.
- Continues the largest department-wide transformation in VA’s history through the MyVA initiative, which is changing VA’s culture, processes and capabilities to put the needs, expectations and interests of Veterans and their families first.
- Proposes a simplified appeals initiative to provide Veterans with the timely, fair and streamlined appeals decisions they deserve.
- Supports legislation to streamline the care in the community programs.
Sustaining and Strengthening Services for Veterans and Their Families
Improves Veterans’ Access to Medical Care. The budget provides $65.0 billion for VA medical care, a 6.3 percent increase above the 2016 enacted level, to provide high-quality and timely health care services to Veterans and other eligible beneficiaries. The budget proposes $66.4 billion in advance appropriations for the VA medical care programs in 2018, a 2.2 percent increase above the 2017 request. In addition, VA will direct $969 million from the 2014 Veterans Choice Act to support increased access to VA care through critical investments in VA staffing and infrastructure improvements in 2017.
Protects Critical Funding for VA Medical Care. The 2017 budget provides over $7 billion to continue VA’s focus on expanding and transforming mental health services for Veterans to ensure accessible and patient-centered care, including treatment for post-traumatic stress, ensuring timely access to mental health care, and treatment for Military Sexual Trauma. In addition, the budget requests $1.5 billion for life-saving Hepatitis C treatments and clinical resources; $725 million to support over 36,600 Veterans’ caregivers, up from about 30,600 in FY 2016; and $8.5 billion for Veterans’ long-term care.
Continues the Commitment to End Veterans Homelessness. The 2017 budget supports the President’s commitment to ending Veteran homelessness by emphasizing rescue for those who are homeless today, and prevention for those at risk of homelessness. Between 2010 and 2015, the overall number of Veterans experiencing homelessness on a single night has declined by 36 percent, and we have achieved a nearly 50 percent decrease in unsheltered Veteran homelessness. Through unprecedented partnerships with federal and local partners, we have greatly increased access to permanent housing, a full range of health care including primary care, specialty care and mental health care; employment; and benefits for homeless and at-risk for homeless Veterans and their families. As a result of these investments, in fiscal year 2015 alone, nearly 65,000 Veterans obtained permanent housing through VA homeless program interventions, and more than 36,000 Veterans and their family members, including 6,555 children, were prevented from becoming homeless. Despite this significant progress, much work remains to end Veterans’ homelessness. The 2017 budget requests $1.6 billion for VA’s homelessness-related programs, including case management support for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-VA Supportive Housing program (HUD-VASH), the Grant and Per Diem Program, VA justice programs, and the Supportive Services for Veteran Families program.
Advances Medical and Prosthetic Research. The 2017 budget includes $663 million for development of innovative and cutting-edge medical research for Veterans, their families and the nation. For example, the budget includes funds to continue the Million Veteran Program (MVP), a groundbreaking genomic medicine program, in which VA seeks to collect genetic samples and general health information from one million Veterans in the next five years. MVP will help provide answers to many pressing medical questions and lead to improvements in care and prevention for veterans and the nation. In addition to VA’s direct research appropriation, medical research will be supported through an additional $1.2 billion from VA’s medical care program and grants. As part of the largest integrated health system in the United States, VA’s research program benefits from clinical care and research occurring together, allowing research to be directly coordinated with Veterans’ care.
Strengthens Veterans Benefits Programs. Improving quality and reducing the length of time it takes to process disability compensation claims are integral to VA’s mission of providing the care and benefits that Veterans have earned and deserve in a compassionate manner. VA has reduced the disability claims backlog from a peak of 611,083 in March 2013 to a low of 71,352 in September 2015 – an 88 percent reduction and the lowest number of backlogged claims in five years. While VA has processed an unprecedented number of rating claims in recent fiscal years (nearly 1.4 million in 2015, and over 1 million per year for the last six years), its success has resulted in other unmet workload demands. The 2017 budget invests $2.8 billion, $118.4 million (4.4 percent) over the 2016 enacted level, and includes an additional 300 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees to help reduce the non-disability claims inventory and provide Veterans with more timely decisions. The budget also continues the centralized mail and national work queue initiatives – innovative approaches to increase the accuracy and efficiency of claims processing.
Provides Lasting Memorial Services and Increases Burial Access. The 2017 budget includes $286.2 million, an increase of 5.5 percent, for the National Cemetery Administration (NCA) for cemetery operations and maintenance, to uphold VA cemeteries as national shrines, and to increase burial access for Veterans and eligible family members. The budget supports construction of two new national cemeteries in western New York and southern Colorado, and national cemetery expansions in Jacksonville, Florida, and South Florida. These cemetery projects support NCA’s goal to ensure that eligible Veterans have access to a burial option within a reasonable distance from their residences. NCA anticipates conducting 132,093 interments of Veterans and family members in 2017.
Advancing Key Reforms on Behalf of Veterans
Reimagines VA’s Relationship with our Veterans through the MyVA Initiative. The 2017 budget provides VA with an opportunity to develop a detailed framework to transform the entire department by combining functions, simplifying operations and providing Veterans with improved care and services so that they see VA as MyVA—a world-class, customer-focused, Veteran-centered service organization with a motivated and committed workforce. VA will use the resources the 2017 budget provides to realize MyVA’s five priorities: improving the Veteran experience, improving the employee experience so we can better serve Veterans, improving internal support services, establishing a culture of continuous improvement and enhancing strategic partnerships.
Streamlines and Reforms the Appeals Process. Under current law, the VA disability claim appeals framework is complex, ineffective and opaque. On average, Veterans wait five years for a final resolution of an appeal that reaches the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA). Fundamental legislative reform is essential to ensure that Veterans receive timely and quality appeals decisions. The 2017 budget proposes a Simplified Appeals Process – legislation and resources (i.e., people, process and technology) to provide a simple, fair, streamlined appeal process so that, by Fiscal Year 2021, Veterans will receive a final appeals decision within 365 days from filing of an appeal. The 2017 budget provides $156.1 million and 922 FTE for the Board of Veterans Appeals, an increase of $46.2 million and 242 FTE above the FY 2016 enacted level, which provides a down payment on a long-term, sustainable plan to provide the best services to veterans.
Improves Programs for Veterans’ Care in the Community. Currently, Veterans can access medical care in non-VA settings, through care in the community, a multitude of programs with varying rules, requirements and eligibility criteria. These bureaucratic obstacles result in programs that are plagued by inefficiency, inconsistency and place unnecessary burdens on Veterans. The 2017 budget proposes legislation to implement necessary business process improvements to begin to address these problems. Proposed reforms will build on existing infrastructure to develop a high-performing network, streamline clinical and administrative processes, and implement a continuum of care coordination services. The proposed legislation is consistent with recommendations set forth in the Independent Assessment of the Health Care Delivery Systems and Management Processes of the Department of Veterans Affairs (Independent Assessment Report), which was required by Section 201 of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014.
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June is 40 years of having to fight the VA or VBA in Detroit. The stupidly of beauracracts that make getting treatment, compensation, or help in general is unbelievable to outsiders . I’ve had to drive clear across the state of Michigan for formal appeals hearing only to be told no one there ! $228.00 in diesel fuel, then order of purple heart convinces me to accept informal hearing only to be promised benefits that 10 days later I got a call canceling those benefits yet I’ve signed my rights to further appeal away. And purple heart won’t represent me! Total bait and switch by VBA hags. Mercy Hospital is 5.2 miles from my home. Yet VA just had me drive over 300 + miles , 2 trips to a x ray and mri of the knee they have fought 40 years of denying me proper treatment. That’s over a million back pay .
Improved access to care doesn’t just require money, it requires adequate health workforce capacity: nurse practitioners can help fill the void if given full practice authority. Pass Veterans Health Care Staffing Improvement Act (S. 2279/H.R. 4134).
Money has never been the problem. The American people have, since the first settlements, voluntarily taken care of veterans. The problem is the FACT that much of the money is
“misappropriated”, the upper echelons are corrupt, the unions think they run OUR health care system, most vets are sick & tired of being pawns & don’t support Secretary McDonald, & in my mind, the biggest problem is that the gov’t is too involved in the everyday lives of the American people. All that, & I haven’t even mentioned front-line employees!
Change can happen in a split second, but Good change usually takes a while! I hope I’m alive to see “MyVA”/OurVA become a reality!
$$182.BILLION.!! BIG DEAL! I won’t write much, except to say to the commentors above me, I am truly sorry for your losses, mental anguish, & daily sufferings. I am a cancer survivor, thanks to the VETERANS Administration, & have been hurting since abt 1979. I not only empathize, I personally relate to each of you!
Today is a bad day – my “demons”(ptsd) are showing their horns, & reading abt your pain isn’t helping. I want to believe that the VETERANS Administration CAN & WILL get “right” & that OUR brother in arms is the man that can HELP make it happen, but like I said. ..
$182.bil BIG DEAL – the POLITICIANS & CROOKED “EXECUTIVES” already have plans for that!
They have a job & are not the least bit afraid of losing it!
Vets deserve recognition, lets fly their Flag.
Some VA facalities are better than others, I found out through trial and error. ‘had to move a thousand -miles from home. ‘been home one time in 8 years. Afraid to Leave James A. Lovell VA Hospital .
I was honorably discharged from the military in March of 2006 and given a severance pay because I lost my orders to a ship due having medical issues that could have been remedied while I was on shore duty if the doctors at NAS Jacksonville had took the time out to do their job. I had been complaining of stomach issues indigestion, heartburn that kept getting worst. Being that I had my tubes tied after my last child, the doctor didn’t do an xray or MRI or anything to see if something was really going on. I transferred to Wallops Island Va, to take a school that I needed for the ship I had taken orders to that was being built in Maine the USS Farragut. Needless to say when I got to Virginia my stomach situation got worst. I ended up having to have emergency sugery because I had gallstones in my gallbladder as well as in my bile duct headed towards my pancreas. I had to have my gallbladder removed and an ERCP to remove the gallstones in my bile duct. I lost the school, when the doctor released me he said make sure the doctors keep an eye on your LFTs (Liver Function Test) because they ate elevated. I went to Maine took convalescent leave. Two days after reporting to the ship I was told that they didn’t have the medical facility on board to help me if something else happened with this situation. I returned to Jacksonville, where I was told that being that I was not able to go to sea I had to get out. Any medical stuff I would have to take up with the VA. I really felt like that was a slap in the face I had given the Navy 10 1/2 years of my life. They gave me a severance pay. As soon as the they awarded me 60% service connected disability. Giving me nothing for the Gallbladder situation. The severance pay had to be paid back before I started receiving the pay for my service connected disabilities. During the gallbladder procedure my liver was scared so the LFTs, wouldn’t get better so I have since been diagnosed with a Liver Disease called primary sclerosis cholangitis (PSC). A condition that is commonly found in men. Of course when I filed a claim for this 10% the only way you can get more is if you become jaundice. So in other words if you are dieing we will give you more. The worst part of this condition for me is the itching. My hats off to the VA doctor who notice there was a problem he quickly sent me outside the VA to be seen. The only thing can be done is to monitor me, when and if the situation gets worst i will have to have a liver transplant. So I’m stuck with getting paid for 60%. So over year of paying back the money no job for 10 of those months. I really got into a terrible financial situation. I still haven’t recovered from being what I feel was thrown out of the military like I was nothing. I get angry everytime I think about it! I get depressed all over again. I really thing no one should have to pay a severance pay back at all. Had the Naval doctors at NAS Jacksonville caught the problem I would have had the the procedure in Jacksonville Fl. When I was fit for sea duty I could have went to a ship. If not I could have taken overseas billets with medical facilities to accomodate my medical situation and retired at 20 years as a Proud Sailor.
Why can’t the va help non war time vets,i had open heart surgery i sure could use a va disability help
but they don’t care.I’m just like the millions of vets that did not serve in a war zone but qualify for assistance.
Brother Crowe, while there were no declared wars during my tenure, there were 3 “conflicts”. I am a “non-war-time” 100 %, svc-cnctd, disabled veteran. Our country calls, & we answer – sometimes, nobody knows, cares, or acknowledges our missions, but we carry the scars just the same as those that receive in declared wars! Be proud that you served this Great Country, & don’t give up!
What needs to be done to improve the VHA system is all VAMC staff MUST be aware of VHA Directives and Handbooksand follow the protocol outlined in them. VAMC’s are mandated to use the protocol which is clearly spelled out in these. This will provide what everyone continues to request, VETERAN CENTRIC SERVICE.
Since my discharge from the USAF in 1984, I have used and was employed at several VMAC’s across the country. I do Adaptive Sport programs through the VHA system, only had VA healthcare until the ACA (I was uninsurable due to my Service connected injuries & diseases), and many times there is not care in the private sector that compares to the specilized care offered only in the VHA healthcare system. Some VMAC’s offered Extraordinary Care, Compassion and Service to me. I have been to others where they are rude and it appears the veteran is an interruption to their socializing. Those VAMC’s have what I call HALL WALKERS who are there to socialize and do as little as possible. The irony of this is, once vested, it is impossible to fire these “VETERAN CARE FUND SUCKERS”. Many times as it is a huge problem for the supervisor to give them a poor rating. They are promoted out of one job and into another. They are like a cancer destroying those who are VETERAN-CENTRIC. They cause discord and before you know it, those forced to work for or with them pick up these poor traits. If the system could be changed to rid the VHA system of these CANCERS, them maybe change will come along.
I am an optomitst and with the proper perspective on the mission being the focus the system will be able to change. It may take a while. Our legislators need to understand the hiring and firing system must change. Merit awards, promotions and advancement should be awarded to those who earn it by providing the VETERAN CENTRIC Care you and your current staff are striving for.
Take the time to talk to those of us who have seen all aspects care. By that I mean talk who work/worked aat VAMC’s and are/were patients as well. I find well educaated, motivated employees are the ones who are there providing VETERAN CENTRIC Care. New hires should be made aware of proper protocol and not fall into the “THAT IS THE WAY WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE IT” mindset many who are along for themslves not the veterans have. It is hard to change peoples values, it is much easier to purge the DEAD WEIGHT and ATTITUDINAL employees.
In the meantime hang in there and keep up the great strides to improve the VHA system…
Wow, a lot of money! Certainly hope the VA do-nothings enjoy their upcoming parties, retreats and bonuses!
I truly respect the commitment by VA secretary McDonald to reverse the course of this gigantic department of the VA. However, I’ve not yet become a beneficial veteran of his efforts. I am currently a veteran with a 40% disability rating. That 40% came abt aft er over a 20 yr. battle with the VA. I might add it also came abt through many, many appeals.Which brings me to the crust of my comment.. I have an appeal now with the VA that is approaching 1 yr. Each time i check the status of that appeal online the stage and status has not change in 8 months of the almost 1 yr. that appeal was received. I find this very frustrating an ridiculous that no action has been taken to move my appeal toward a level that a decision can be made. Now as a veteran dealing with this process i better understand why it is a 5 yr. wait before a veteran receive a decision on his appeal. This should be address with the highest urgency by our VA secretary so that this ridiculous appeal process can be favorably improved…..
The VA Hospital in Northport, New York should be investigated and I will be filing a complaint with both the Joint Commission of Veterans Affairs and the Inspector General. My husband died after a month there and six prior hospitalizations. I hold this hospital responsible for his death. I was told that it is a teaching hospital and all residents are under the direction of a Doctor. During all these hospital stays we only spoke with a Doctor during the last stay. There is no continuity of care since the Doctors and Residents change every four weeks. Trying to find out information or ask questions is like playing a game of telephone, you ask to speak to a Doctor and a resident comes, who them speaks to the senior resident who then speaks to the Doctor. The answer comes back in reverse order. We were also told that any of the specialists in the clinics could not be called for consultations. Nurses aides were abusive, both verbally and physically. Important information was not recorded by the aides or nurses. Many of his symptoms went unrecognized, and diagnosis was assumed. I can go on for pages.
I filed a Clam for (HGPC) high grad prostate cancer, l had my prostate removed by a non VA physicality, went through all the procedure and also filed on my lung problem that I’ve had since I returned from Vietnam, I got nothing for my conic COPY and bronchitis and I don’t smoke, I did recived 20%for the cancer which was Dixon AO related, after doing some research on the percentage I recived I learned that with PC in remission I should have gotten 100% temporary, and when I had it removed I should have been rewarded 100%permanently, so my question is why is it that I only got 20 %. The 20%should have went toward my lung problem which is correct for lungs, in lue of this I don’t see where the VA has changed at all, same old BS, now I have to apeal there decisions which if they had done this correct the first time, apeal would not be necessary, my evaluation was done at the VA clinic in Saginaw Michigan and my option is they act like the money is comming out of there pockets, and the women that checked me out maybe a Dr. I don’t know, was rude in my opinion. Anyone who can give me some advice it would be appreciated, I hate to go through all this again but I want give up.
I’m a 60% disabled veteran, and I must admit that the VA has done an excellent job in getting me benefits. There are a few claims that has not been approved, but given them time, I’m sure it will work out. My hat’s off for a job well done. Thank you
Dear Robert McDonald – VA Secretary,
I have kept in personal contact with you for over a year on a regular basis about my VA Claims.
On Feb.10, 2016 – I have just submitted my 16th VA Board of Veteran Appeals even though I have been winning my VA claims because the VA Claims Processing Personnel keep changing my Claim dates illegally which you know about.
Also, the VA took back three of my Service Connected Ratings that were over 20 years old against VA Regulations which is protected by Federal Laws which you also know about.
I am now confused about you saying that you care for me and other veterans because of your in-actions in stopping these VA Federal Criminals !!
I know you know who I am with this public note !!
There is a real problem in the Greensboro NC area with some homeless Veterans being able to get permanent housing. Some other source other than the va has the money. A better system needs to be in place to house homeless vets….run by the va . Having more money won’t help….if it’s going to end up in the same hands that have control over it now.
Mr. Secretary,
I filed my first claim with the VA 20 years after I retired from Active Duty, so I am certainly not trying to game the system. I am now 70% disabled but have not been approved for Individual Unemployability (IU) although I am unable to fill a full time position.. If the monies involved are the critical factor, I recommend that people like me be granted Unemployability certification, which would allow us to become eligible for state benefits, without additional pay by the VA. Please let me know your thoughts on this. I am confident that this change would not violate Federalism Laws and would serve as an enormous boost for those in the 70% – 90% who volunteer to waive additional pay.
My father was diagnosed with Dementia in December 2015, he is nearing 80 years of age amd lives in a 450 sq ft apartment that is run down and unfit for him. He had to stop working in August 2015 due to hisome short term memory loss. He served as a Marine 60+ years ago. He has never received any type of assistance. He needs to be able to move into a assisted living center that provides memory care. The county does not help with anything and between his wife who is on hospice and his severe depression from not having resources to get groceries, etc. Unfortunately the Medicare pays very little and he has stacks of medical bills that will never get paid. The long-term health care for vets needs to be understood and raised because if and/or when something is improved my father will have passed away most likely. He has have never been able to receive questions answered in a timely manner when calling to find out more information about what’s available to him. Seniors do not have cell phones and are not computer save atleast not any I know. So I wonder how our vets will receive any information if it’s no mailed to them.
Miss Miller:
I retired in 1995 it took me 18 months to get help try to write your congressmen in your state or a VFW Post near by.
Someone out their will help you get help for your DAD.
While it might be a small thing, in this case one single extra letter makes a Huuuuge difference:: in the article on National Cemeteries the writer used the word “internment” BUT should have said “INTERMENT.”
A small but important distinction: the dead belong interred in the ground, not interned in prison.
Thanks for your comment. We’ve updated this here on Vantage Point and sent your note along to those who wrote it for us.
Strengthening the veterans benefits program should be near the top of the list! So many veterans and spouses of veterans are not even aware of the benefits available to them. Only about 5% are even aware of the Aid and Attendance benefit that can help senior veterans pay for the costs of care.
I’m a honorably discharged veteran and I was found to be 80% disabled on July of 1995 by the V/A. I bought my house at the Crooked River Ranch 16 years ago and I have $35,000 left to pay my mortgage off. I’m hoping that you could help me pay it off earlier. If you wanted to talk to my latest mortgagee they are
Thank you for any help that you could give me. Tom LeKander
I was assessed as 100% disabled. My primary care provider is the Harry S. Truman VA hospital in Columbia, MO and the satellite clinic at Ft Leonard MO. For the record I have received absolutely outstanding medical and mental health care from the medical and administrative staff. They are professional caring individuals who make every effort to accommodate my requirements and they do so in a manner which makes me feel a valued customer.
I have nothing but positive things to say about the care I have received from courteous, caring professionals. COL-R T Murray
I read this whole article, & it sounds great, except that I am an American Veteran, NOT a customer. Of course, it always SOUNDS great! Let’s talk abt the “motivated and committed workforce”. Exactly TO WHOM are they committed, & WHAT is their motivation? The upper echelons, thus far, have shown themselves committed to stealing taxpayers’ money, a large portion of the employees motivated to keep their jobs & great benefits, while accomplishing as little as possible, & “MyVA” is still a dream for most veterans.
Believe it or not, these words come from a Proud American Veteran who supports Secretary McDonald, but in all honesty, feels that the gov’t will NEVER allow him to fully realize his heartfelt wish to transform the lives of his brothers & sisters!