VA Secretary Bob McDonald and Defense Secretary Ash Carter at the Vietnam Wall

VA Secretary Robert McDonald and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter hosted a wreath-laying ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to recognize the Vietnam War 50th Commemoration and the men and women who served. (VA photo/Robert Turtil)

VA Secretary Bob McDonald, along with Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, honored the men and women who served on this Vietnam Veterans Day with a wreath-laying ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. The event was part of the nationwide 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War.

“This commemoration has special significance for those of us at VA because of our honored mission to serve those who have ‘borne the battle’,” said McDonald. “It’s also an opportunity to remember our VA colleagues who served in this generation of Veterans, to extend our heartfelt appreciation to them and to their families who shared the burden of their loved one’s service.”

“As Secretary of Defense I’m proud to use this moment, this place, on this day to say ‘Thank you, and welcome home.’ You could never hear those words enough,” said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

U.S. Army Veteran Vincent L. Smith III, who served with the 23rd Infantry Division, was grateful that Vietnam Veterans were finally getting the recognition they deserved. “[Being at this ceremony,] it’s something like a closure. We were not looked upon highly when we returned in ’71 by the public at large. I remember when I came home my family members were treating me like I was a stranger. This is great. I’m speechless at that. It’s just overdue and I’m thankful for this,” he said.

More than 9,000 organizations across the country have joined with VA and the Department of Defense as commemorative partners for the 50th anniversary. VA is a major partner in the commemoration, hosting 329 events at VA facilities across the nation today to honor and thank Vietnam Veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.

Lexington Vietnam 50 event

This morning, Vietnam Veterans joined together at the Lexington, Kentucky VA Medical Center for a flag raising ceremony in honor of their service. (VA photo/Megan Moloney)

Lexington, Kentucky, is an example of those joining in the effort. The city’s mayor, Jim Gray, issued his own proclamation designating March 29 as Vietnam Veterans Day writing in part “.. the Lexington Veterans Affairs Medical Center, which serves nearly 40,000 Veterans each year, will host a special flag raising and reception at each division and community-based VA clinic in commemoration of the service of our Vietnam Veterans.”

“When Vietnam Veterans came home 50 years ago they didn’t get the kind of welcome that Veterans get today. What Ash and I tried to do today was to welcome home all those Veterans and make sure that they felt the thanks and appreciation that Veterans today feel. It’s a great honor for us to be here to honor Vietnam Veterans, to honor their service to our country,” said McDonald.

Authorized by Congress, established under the Secretary of Defense, and launched by the President in May 2012, the Vietnam War Commemoration recognizes all men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. The commemoration extends through Veterans Day 2025. Nine million Americans, approximately 7 million living today, served during that period, and the commemoration makes no distinction between Veterans who served in-country, in-theater or were stationed elsewhere during those 20 years. All answered the call of duty.

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  1. Greg Pierce April 8, 2016 at 18:58

    Still no comment from VA on why only a very, very few vets were notified. The VA certainly has no problem sending me bills.

  2. Jeffrey Warix April 8, 2016 at 13:23

    My father was a proud Vietnam Veteran. He shared stories with us about coming home to angry mobs of people, spitting on them and wanting to fight them. My dad recently passed away at the age of 67, due to Agent Orange and contracting many diseases that go along with it. It is a shame that these heroes have been and are disgraced in the eyes of the VA and government. It pains me to think back over the past few years of dad’s life and see how he struggled to breathe. My dad fought to receive benefits for years only to be denied. Don’t tell me that these brave men and women who fought in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange didn’t contract lung issues. His breathing was laborous, and he fought for every breath until the day he passed. He finally was diagnosed with a heart disease that is on the list, and eventually it took his life. Mom and I have fought for his benefits since he has passed. It pains my mom every time going to the VA because we have to relive his passing. Mom is finally receiving DIC benefits from his cause of death, but we are still fighting for his backpay when he first applied after being diagnosed with CAD. It has been almost 3 years now and the VA keeps sending us more and more paperwork to fill out. I wonder how he can be diagnosed with a disease, be the death of him, get pension after, but not when he first applied? I am thankful for his service and him being my hero, but wonder why it took 50 years to recognize this? Also, why our government and VA are still fighting to keep from honoring them? Do the right thing! My dad finally went home, he is with GOD now.

  3. Gerald Dixon April 7, 2016 at 21:48

    I had a problem with the VA in Orlando Fl. It is not a little problem. I have made contact with all of the people I know of to contact with no results. My first contact was with the Patient Advocate in the Hospital office this woman is supposed to be the person that are supposed to help resolve problems but she made more problems. She got tired of hearing from me because I didn’t have the capabilities to copy a form she wanted me to sign for change of provider. I told her I went to enrollment and signed the form. After I told her I signed the form she blocked me from contacting her on MyHealtheVet. My original complaint took 21 days for the Doctor to get back to me by way of a Nurse. The Doctor is supposed to get back to you in three days. I didn’t feel the Doctor was working in my best interest after many times contacting the Doctors Office with no results. It was at that time I requested a new Doctor I would check with the enrollment Office to see if a New Doctor had been assigned I was being told every time I inquired at the enrollment office if there was any word on a new Doctor I was told it would take 3 to 6 months to get a new Doctor. So I contacted My Senator Marco Rubio that was a waste of time I never received a response to my complaint from him or any one in his office. I then contacted Veterans Administration Inspector Generals office. After not hearing from them in a few weeks I contacted there office I spoke to a guy named Rich or Rick he informed me it would take 6 weeks for them to decided if they were going to investigate my complaint I never did hear from the IG’s Office After a few months without any contact from the IGs office. I contacted My Congressman, John Mica’s office I was told by the person at his office it would be taken care of and I would have a new Doctor. After several weeks without any contact from his Office I called, I was told that they had to give them 30 days to reply to there investigation, I informed the person it was over 30 days. She informed me she would get back to me on Monday that was about three weeks ago I still am waiting for a return call from that office. So as of today I am waiting for calls from Rubio,VA Inspector General Office, and Congressman Mica office. The last time I saw my primary Care Doctor at the VA was on May 28, 2015. My wife called the VA to cancel a different appointment I had with a different clinic and ask about me getting an appointment with a Doctor she was transferred to another person that said they would make an appointment with a Doctor that I needed to be seen. I was given an appointment for February 9, 2016. So from start to finish it took from the May 28, 2015 to February 9,2016 for me to see a Doctor. I am a Diabetic, Heart Problems Agent Orange, COPD, PTSD, and other problems. I requested medications and some I got other were expired so I was out of those medications. This is the Great Care we Get from the Veterans Administration. I forgot to include a Letter sent to the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, Senator John McCain, He did reply, His reply was if it comes up for a vote on the senate floor he would consider what I said. This is all documented by me every contact I had with the VA and all others. Please forgive my Typing and punctuation I am not a secretary as you can see. Gerald Dixon Thank you in Advance for your consideration. Today is April 7, 2016 I have not received any correspondence from anyone I have named in this document. I hope this make sense cause when I am upset I don’t do real well my brain goes faster than my typing and punctuation doesn’t matter
    Gerald Dixon

  4. Richard Krause April 4, 2016 at 18:12

    i was unable to attend the vietnam day commemoration is there any wAy i could still get a pin

  5. Zenoba L. Powell April 4, 2016 at 06:05

    God Bless, I received a great deal of insight reading these replies. These are only a few people out of the millions of veterans who don’t even have access to a computer or have support from their children anymore. I am currently enrolled at Liberty University and God has called me to become a Military Clinical Chaplin. I feel the the “spiritual-connections” are void within the federal systems. It’s up to us to continue speaking out for the welfare of our Military Veterans. The VA McGuire Medical Center in Richmond, VA, has made remarkable changes and actually follow-through with their obligations, down to the Receptionist…I have learned a great deal from my Husband, who served in Vietnam, 5th Special Forces…I am going to continue pursuing
    The Retroactive Agent Orange Claims…they are entitled to these compensations. I thought I was the only spouse that was disappointed and frustrated with the revolving circles of dealing with The Department of Veterans Affairs. I also just received a notice that he no longer qualifies for Service Life Insurance…What A Shame That They Are Treated This Way…I Will Be Lifting The Department Up In Fervent Prayer…Please Continue To Pray For Our System To Continue To Be Reformed And Conformed With Righteousness…Many Continued Blessings…Times Of Change A Ahead !!!! Let’s Believe And Know The GOD Had All The End Results…The corruption and neglect within these departments will come to a hault…

  6. Aroy Crowell April 2, 2016 at 14:02

    We must wonder of the sincerity of ”WELCOME HOME”.It appears as if there’s a high degree of HYPOCRISY involved in this ”belated salutation”.I wonder how was it possible to name the V.A.,Veterans Affairs,when in actuality,the agency appears to ”shun”Vietnam Veterans.If a comparative study was conducted juxtaposing benefits granted to vets from other conflicts,as opposed to Vietnam Veterans,i believe that there would be a great ”disparity in granting of benefits”.

  7. dennis rosenwald April 1, 2016 at 23:52

    VA helped me alot with the treatments that available at that time.

  8. dennis rosenwald April 1, 2016 at 23:47

    66-67 nam. Was in artillary 1st infantry division. Proud of it ! Did my duty. Got spat on. DON’T YA LOVE IT?!!

  9. Jose A. Lopez M. April 1, 2016 at 22:30

    I am a Viet Nam Vet. US Army, Served on the First Cavalry Division, 228th, aviation, batallion., I was a spec.5, and proud to have serve in Viet Nam. I was 21, now I am 72,. Have lived in Venezuela South America for the past 32 years.
    I know that war was hell, many bad memories, we all learn to live with it, the VA help me to get over it.
    Many thanks to all the people in the VA. Specially the Houston Regional Office

    I am very proud to be a US Veteran, I am a DAV, .

  10. Joe Davis April 1, 2016 at 19:20

    50 years delay to welcome us home? Sounds like the decision to do this was mired in the VA appeal process With so many others. Getting that backlog cleared would be a REAL thank you.
    A drafted infantry veteran 68-69.

  11. Charles Weston April 1, 2016 at 19:17

    Thanks to ALL who served on land, in the rivers and off shore of Vietnam. It was a bad time for us when we came home,
    but we did what we were sent to do. The military forces Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard should be
    running the wars, NOT the politicians. That needs to change NOW.

  12. jeff long April 1, 2016 at 18:45

    this is 4th try anyone that was aboard the USS CHANTICLAER ASR7 1969 west pact tour, the ship is now on the brown water list and is now open to agent orange . I’m 71 now and just got service connected 60% I was a cook you guys were divers and were working in the water. go in and get checked out if not for you for your family.
    going to west palm for my care , got to give them codos no complaints here there always buzy

    god bless all ————-go get checked out

  13. kevan flanagan April 1, 2016 at 17:35

    Agent Orange, is what they want you to focus on.. Agent Blue is the bad guy.. Mc Donald must choose to add Bladder Cancer to the presumptive list soon. The VA asked the IOM (Institute of Medicine) to study the list and make reccomendations for changes on the list. They reccomend Bladder Cancer. There were also agents white and pink.. I think this may be the end of any future changes.. And then we’ll be all dead anyway.. Please if you can help our fellow Vietnam Veterans, email, call, Mc Donald, Congressman, Senators, any media including MSM.. to encourage the VA and McDonald to be serving to these Vets.. And true to themselves.. Allow this to be added.. The IOM study for Agent Orange and Vietnam Veterans has recently been releasd and you can find it complete online.

  14. Ken Barthelette April 1, 2016 at 16:16

    I served eight years from 1960 to 1968. Four Stateside and four Overseas. USAF. More than 6 years was on a Missile Launch Crew in three different locations.
    The first time I was welcomed home was at a Civil War Reenactment. A stranger came up to me and said welcome home Sarge. I thanked him as it made me feel good.
    When I got out of the Air Force in 1968 it was difficult to find work. I lied on all my applications as most employers would not hire a Vet. I always checked off NO on military service. It was a bad time.
    I gave up on a compensation for losing my hearing in the USAF. The VA says no but they have helped me with hearing aids. I worked underground and supplied power for the missile sites with diesel driven Generators. Failed a hearing test in 1966 at age 23. I was retested in two weeks and sent back to work. The VA says that they can’t find a record of that and it is only age related hearing loss.
    Welcome home guys and keep on smiling as you all did what you could for the ones that would not serve. God Bless

  15. Will Haeske April 1, 2016 at 14:38

    Welcome home? It’s a little late for that you guys! Half of us are already gone. B567724 served our country 69-71 USN on base in DaNang. 1969 the year of “Operation Ranch-hand” when our government and military sprayed more ‘agent orange’ in one little country on the planet than ever in our US history, thank you Monsanto for spraying that shit all over us during the Vietnam conflict. I salute the men and women of the Vietnam War, god-bless keep the faith and remember this…”if you let them anger you – you’ve let them conquer you”.

  16. Richard Jones April 1, 2016 at 14:04

    I wish to say Thanks to the system for this but and an I am sorry to say, to little to late. It been 50+ years to get to this point on the back side of todays vets kudos. The stains and pains are to imbedded in ours lives now with out the help and recension to aid us in healing. We did not have to be a combat vet to have taken a life over there and live with it along with the piss thrown at you or the rat hole of houses we had to live in when we cam back, Some of us still waiting for the help we need and the paper work done at the VA wile today days vets get the answers they have earned, in a speedy way. Lets take care of Vietnam vets first be for we pass. From a Sgt. of USAF with two years over there.

  17. Jeffrey Snow April 1, 2016 at 13:37

    I was in during Vietnam. I went into the USAF from June 1969-January 1973. I was in Security Police K9. There are those of us that feel guilty that we weren’t required to go to Vietnam but there’s is guilt. My duty station was RAF Lakenheath England. I spent all my time there. In 1971 I took a thirty day leave to go back to the ‘world’. I flew military standby so I had to wear a uniform, I landed at JFK. I had to go to LaGuardia Airport to fly to Pittsburgh. My home was in NE Ohio so Pittsburgh or Cleveland was my destination. When I walked outside of JFK there wasn’t a band playing. I was advised by a passerby to change clothes. I couldn’t because I still had another leg to go. It wasn’t real bad but I could see the disapproval in some faces. I could imagine guys coming back from Vietnam. These guys went over as boys and came back as a scarred man. Then to have people totally disrespect them was an extreme low blow.

  18. Jack Simpson, Jr. April 1, 2016 at 13:35

    Thank you for the VN Day salute. I was a Marine in VN in 1967. I was a voluntary Artillery Forward Observer with an infantry company (D Company, 9th Marines, 3rd Mar Div). Our location was from Dong Ha northward to the Ben Hai River. Our enemy was the NVA (North Vietnam Army). The casualty/death rates for both sides was high. I do not have many good feelings for the American civilians of 1968+. Again, thank you for this salute. Better late than never.

  19. Concerned Vet April 1, 2016 at 13:22

    The photo of the “Vietnam Veterans MC” perhaps shouldn’t have been provided. Of course you know they are a 3 Piece Patch Motorcycle Club scantioned by the Hells Angles. Not all who wear that patch are Vietnam Veterans, or Military Veterans, but “Associate Members”. Check it out.

    • An Educated VN Vet April 2, 2016 at 23:17

      Did you ask any of them if that is true? Check it out.

  20. joansmith April 1, 2016 at 13:03

    I am a spouse of a marine vet he has passed in oct of 2015 ,he had some really bad medical problems and the closer he became to his passing the agent orange consumed him,I took him to the er two days before he died and they said after numorous tests that he was dehydrated and 3 broken toes and sent him home,i begged them to keep him for evalution and they said no,wellhe died two days later in our bed..what the heck,i thin the er in Tucson dropped the ball.this man wassosickhe had been on oxygen for two years .and the last twomonths you could see a littlemoreof himslipping away every day. and the localpolice treated it like a crime scene when they found out he was a vet .I miss him dearly he was a oneofakind, 15 years we were together.. he was a e-6 .rest inpeacemy love..

  21. Steve Hartington April 1, 2016 at 12:54

    It seems that the new 30 million dollar VA in Anderson SC is not good enough to tell the Vets that use the place, that there will be a ceremony going on. This is the second time they have had an event there this month, but thought it best to not notify any Veterans! They also cancel crucial appointments with Mental Health patients to hold these events. Totally disgusted with the system

  22. Jerry D Taylor April 1, 2016 at 12:25

    I was in the 2nd Marine Division stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC. I was exposed to volatile chemical compounds. I was given a special courts marshal for an office hours offense, an offense I denied then and now. Then discharged with a BCD. The only thing I have to say is that I am a Vietnam Vet. that was and continues to be discriminated against from boot camp until this day! But I will never stop fighting for justice.

  23. Noreen Kaminski April 1, 2016 at 12:25

    My father did three tours of duty in Vietnam alone as well as Korea. We served with him. My dad died in 1978 with the memory of people throwing things at his family when we returned stateside. When he died I remember my mother having to fight with the local VFW and American Legion for him to be included in having a flag on his grave, We were told Vietnam and Korea wasn’t a war so he didn’t qualify. Not to mention the fact that she had to choose from the VA’s $40 or social security for my younger 5 year old brother’ Gee why couldn’t they have both. There was no post traumatic help for him or for us in dealing with him. My dad gave 23 years of his life to this country and no one ever thanked him. Ever since then I learned not to treat future service men and women and their families how we were treated. And your thank you now doesn’t do anything for him.

  24. Donna Comer April 1, 2016 at 12:20

    My husband fought in Viet nam. From 66to68 he was in a specialty group. He was in the agent orange chemicals. He died in 2003 with cancer it ate to the out side holes big holes. He suffered so bad. The va said it was not caused by agent orange. I have tried to get it changed but they keep denying my claims. They do not still to this day treat the widows of the veterans like we should be treated. They take away your benefits because you made forty dollars more with your s.s than with the pention. It has been hard but I have survived. Thank you

  25. sylena Sanders April 1, 2016 at 12:18

    1st Lt Sylena Sanders Signal Officer served my country in Reserve for over 12years, and it’s a shame that way I have been denied benefits by the VA and recently relocated to another state to be denied again for service related but military can’t locate record and delay making a decision on my compensation and benefits to be able to get treated for my cancer. Vash housing deny housing for length of ADT, homeless desperate woman Veterans hoping for life. What have we fought for our country to be treated like this regard less or wartime or peace. Where is our dignity and pursue t to live.

  26. DCD April 1, 2016 at 12:09

    I Am a Vietnam Vet 1970-71-14 Months of Extreme Fighting, Loas; Cambodia, Sucked down more Agent Orange, than You can imagine.
    I am one of Many I’m sure, that after 35 years, FINALLY, Got attention, from the VA, during My PTSD evaluation, they ask ” What is it, Vietnam Vets want,” I broke down in Tears, and Said, ” Simply enough, Just ” WELCOME US HOME”. Now its ever where.

    Thats Most of all any service Man or Women Want From Their Country.
    I gave of My entire Youth, To this Country, came home and found people Throwing Bottles, & cans at me, and others returning.
    I ripped off my uniform inside the Plane ride home so, My parents would not half to witness, that.

    Shame on ALL, those that Caused this and other Useless Wars.

  27. Thomas He'Bert April 1, 2016 at 11:16

    The officers should be found and brought up on charges,it’s luckily any of them came home most would have died under strange shots! I did two tours in Vietnam and to this day I have never been in any parade! To me it took 50 years for them to get to us that should have been done way back then. I’m a life member of VFW and that’s about as close as I’ll get.The Women and Men who were there should get a special medal and get back paid for there service. But I guess it’s just one day a year that they have to face to remember all Vietnam Veterans.It better for all them people that our finly day but to me it’s still a slap in the face! They make a cheep medal for the 50th anniversary and then they try to make people feel better,you know most Vietnam veterans don’t really think the medal is worth a 5 cents!

    • Thomas He'Bert April 10, 2016 at 18:11

      And you can’t even buy a cup of coffee with any medals you have gotton from any war!i still have bad dreams and sleep with the light on I also have five street light all around my home, and some times I go out side and Carrie my hand gun filled loaded and walk my fence line! I still see people comming out of the woods comming to my home!

  28. Jesse Perez April 1, 2016 at 11:12

    Why aren’t the Vietnam Veterans who lost there lives due to Agent Orange not added to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC. There are a number of Vietnam Veterans who lost there battle due to cancer years after fighting in Vietnam. It time to add these Veterans to the Memorial. Jesse Perez USN Ret.

    • MKK April 3, 2016 at 13:06

      My husband was diagnosed with Lukemia from agent orange from Viet Nam. Sad situation with not knowing when his treatments will start. Sure puts a damper on your life, but we are planning things and hopefully be able to share our time with our grandchildren before Chemo will start. What a sad war that was. Even sadder with what our kids and grandkids have with the stuff going on in the world today.

  29. Larry masters April 1, 2016 at 10:26

    I’m a Vietnam vet and today for me is the day the company I have worked for the past 20 years fired me because I had a seizer 1st one ever will more than likely have to cancel my health insurance since I will not have anyway to pay for it so Thank You BESTWAY CONCRETE OF COLORADO

    • Jonuts65 April 1, 2016 at 13:28

      Hey Brother, I was also there, 70-71, sorry to here the way your being screwed, its becoming a way of life here,,cut throat, did you ever think about going to your local VA,? I get all my medical care at the VA here in Wisc, Zablocki VA, one of the best , if your a Nam vet with boots on the ground you more than qualify for Almost free care,, Obama Care, whats that ?, Good Luck and thank you for serving, take care.

  30. Randy Yates April 1, 2016 at 10:20

    It was a different time. I enlisted in the US Army toward the end of the Vietnam War and lost many friends because of it. But, many of my friends remained loyal. My wife was proud to be the spouse of active military. I grew up in an Army family -Not lifers. As far back as WWI and every war until the Vietnam War, someone in my family served during a war in the US Army. I am not sure if there is a name for that kind of family service, but I grew up knowing that tradition of service. My grandfather kept his M1 from his service and it became a family symbol. When I enlisted in the US Army, it was neither a decision nor a life plan, it was fulfilling and carrying forward a family tradition of service in the US Army during America’s time of need. I was baffled and befuddled by the rejection and avoidance I encountered during my service because, in my mind, I was proudly following in the footsteps of those in my family who had gone before me.

  31. jim LZ_LIZ 68-69 April 1, 2016 at 10:05

    To all my fellow Nam Vets!

    Welcome back to the WORLD!

    I pray that these long years back have been good to You.

    • Frank Becker April 1, 2016 at 12:03

      Jim, you have no idea how much those words mean to me!

  32. Stuart R. Pattison Ssgt USAF 1966-1971 March 31, 2016 at 14:32

    It is unfortunate the veteran did not receive the treatment he thought he deserved. I seems he will need some serious counseling. His DD form 214 should help the VA to work through this. Best of luck to him. God Bless our military and the USA

  33. linda mcpherson March 29, 2016 at 18:21

    I am the caregiver of a Vietnam USAF Medic,What he endured, serving this country, was that of which was compounded, by the horrible mental treatment, upon him, by, some, high ranking officers, and the sad thing was, that none of the other-ranking officers stepped in to do anything about it. He was the sole survivor of his unit, and was given a field commission, as Major, and that set the ranking officers, who came against him.- OF BS -that should have not been tolerated! OTHERS IN COMMAND- TOTALLY ALLOWED FOR THE THEN, YOUNG MAN, TO BE EXTREMELY, MISTREATED.What they caused upon him, they, carried out the threats that they made -to his face.THEY told him-_ ” You are a midget and you do not belong in the military- I will see to it that you are thrown out, you re a DISGRACE”! OH YES. AND THEY RIPPED THE FIELD COMMISSION FROM HIM, I FIND THAT- UNACCEPTABLE AND A TOTAL DISGRACE OF OUR FED.GOV.
    He suffered injury, in the blast that took the lives of HIS FELLOW BUDDIES, and in this alone, HE, was beyond grief stricken over this.THOSE SORRY high ranking officers, caused the young man, to not get the rightful things that were due,him, and they assured that his records were, lost, so he has suffered throughout his life, SEVERE AT TIMES, PTSD. HE RECALLS EVERY WORD THOSE HATEFUL, DISGRACEFUL OFFICERS, SAID TO HIM.THEY, CRUSHED HIS SPIRIT! They were upset at how physically fit he was, through the physical courses, and when he excelled though them, they did horrible things to him. NO ONE HAS EVER CARED TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT FOR HIM! WHAT A JOKE, AS I HAVE TRIED TO HELP THIS MATTER- AGAIN, WHAT A JOKE! He would not attend the service today, because, WHAT A JOKE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR HIM, and to relive the past of what those MIGHTY HIGH RANKING OFFICERS DID TO HIM, WHAT A DISGRACE TO OUR MILITARY, TO HAVE SUCH AS- THAT KIND.NO ONE, has given a **** to correct, in any way, that nightmare, and he suffers, every day, and he always will. HE HAS BEEN LEFT LAYING IN THE GUTTER, IN HIS SERVICE, IN VIETNAM.OF ALL THE TIMES HE HAD MANAGED TO HAVE ASKED, FOR HELP, HE WAS SHOVED UNDER THE RUG- THANKS TO THE BS HIGH RANKING OFFICERS. HE HAS BEEN LEFT, LAYING IN THAT BS! THE MILITARY NEVER LEAVES A MAN BEHIND….. NOT, TRUE! THIS FINE SOLDIER, EARNED THE RANK OF- MAJOR, AND THE MILITARY LOST ONE OF IT’S MOST PROFOUND INTELLECTUALS! TO ME, THIS SOLDIER, IS, A GENERAL ! I SALUTE HIM EVERY DAY THAT I LOOK INTO HIS EYES! AND I FEEL HIS PAIN, THE PHYSICAL, AND MENTAL TEARS! HOW MANY REPLIES WILL THIS GET, WE WILL SEE, HOW MUCH HE, MATTERS . no, he could not, attend, today ..

    • larry e murray April 1, 2016 at 12:04

      Veterans i’m 71 year’s old now and been fighting the va for 47year’s.I been trying to tell them my dd-214 is wrong they put i was in the 815th eng con. when in fact i was in the 70th engineer company (dt) out of Fort Mead Maryland that was made up in 1966 and i came from Germany. They picked me becouse i was in artillery so they sent me to Fort Mead Maryland and put me in the 70th eng company (dt) in 1967we did some training and then they sent us to vietnam we was on engineer hill 18th hq. In 1968 we worked with the 19th combat eng we did mine sweeping on the road’s but the va keep’s telling me there was never a 70th eng company out of Fort Mead Maryland when i know there was one i was in it and have record’s and pay records from 1967 to 1968 when i got out from the 70th eng company now i find out in 2009 the 19th and the 70th was given a valorouse unit award from the department of the army u.s army human resources command . permanent orders 252-09 .same way i got a purple heart being shot over there but the only record’s i have of it is a field report from my sgt with his sn and name and rank but the va say’s that isn’t good. How can i have all this if there wasn’t a 70th engineer company in vietnam. what make’s me mad is they say i wasn’t in combat. i have all the record’s showing i was in the 70th engneer company out of Fort Mead Maryland in 1967 but they say i’m lieing that i don’t know what i’m talking about please help me be for i die.

      • Gary Waldrep April 1, 2016 at 15:56

        Wow ,Same thing happening with me ,. They have medical records , but no service records. I been fighting V A for 39 years. only 57 but served 18 months in the phillipine islands in 77 and 78. medical evacuation , separated with 156.00 seps pay. almost dead now . living parasites in my lungs traced to that region only. I am denied since 1989, my service connection

      • lynn jackson April 6, 2016 at 13:19


    • lynne mccall April 1, 2016 at 12:33

      God Bless you for speaking out for him. I thank him for his service

    • Bruce Johnson April 1, 2016 at 15:05

      Linda McPherson, find a pedestal ! no! not that one! a higher, much higher pedestal and place that “General” on the very top. around the base of this pedestal, sprinkle the ashes of those with all their ill-gotten medals and ribbons. take care of this man, and thank YOU for being, well…YOU. you’re BOTH heroes.

    • Robert Gracom April 2, 2016 at 01:34

      This whole Viet Nam “welcome home” thing is a crock of unadulterated b.s. ! ! ! ! Ask any of the businesses you go in to nowadays if they offer any deals for Veterans……. everyone will tell you no. Any help come tax time? no ! ! How about a ticket to see a movie ? ? F no ! ! ! It took me 40 years to even get any acknowledgement for my PTSD. The PTSD that really proved problematic was from my 40 year battle getting help ! ! ! ! ! The VA sure loves to sound the BIG horns when letting everyone know when they’ve finally gotten around to showing what still adds up to too little too late. Maybe they should spend any special event money on feeding homeless vets and our wounded warriors.

  34. Kandy March 29, 2016 at 16:35

    Thank you for your service. It must have been extremely trying to be a medic. I am a paramedic/ED RN and could not imagine how difficult your job was.

  35. John N. Hazelton March 29, 2016 at 14:52

    I served in Vietnam in1966-67 with the 4th Infantry Division ,shipping out of Ft.Lewis, Wa. aboard the USS Pope
    (19 days) arrivig at Quinohm and marching into Pleiku just ahead of the monsoon.
    I then went back 1970-71 with the 1st Cav at Phuoc Vihn,Bien Hoa, Fire Base Mase ,and thenXuan Loc.
    Iwas the senior medic of a squad of35 men. 5 of of us were regular army and the rest were Seven Day Adventast and
    I was a SP/6 and served 21 years 4 months and had 16 assignments in 21 years.
    Iwill be attending the ceremony on the 30th of March 2016 , held at the Dayton,VA IN THE Protestant Chap.
    Welcome Home and thank for your service.
    John “Doc” Hazelton
    U.S. Army Retired, Combat Medic
    Vietnam Vet X 2

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