Today at 2:45 p.m., VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin takes questions from Veterans during a town hall-style digital event on YouTube Live.
Play the video above to watch, or go to this link on YouTube to view the video and live chat during the event.
Note: the program begins at minute mark 3:46
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How much do you know about VA care, benefits and services? Don’t miss out on what you've earned—check out the "2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors, and Caregivers" handbook to learn more.
VA has updated its process for awarding G.I. Bill benefits. This means that many Veterans who served multiple periods of military service (for example, Veterans who reenlisted) may be eligible for additional benefits for themselves or their beneficiaries.
Summer Sports Clinic is a rehabilitative and educational sporting event for eligible Veterans with a range of disabilities.
I fell down the stairs three years ago, Dr. Was mad at me for calling her stupid, got another doctor to take pain medication away after first surgery, Next surgeries should happen this year.
Filed complaints against both but still bedridden, probably be crippled when they get around to doing the surgeries.
If we all use them for Urgent care and Pharmacy, I mean millions plus the twenty a day that are still killing themselves, we can close these places save $ Billions and make everything private.
The two VAs in Orlando are disappointing to say the least. Came from Providence VA where I felt like I had a private doctor, now both VAs feel like prison hospitals.
My VA Center is James A. Haley in Tampa,FL.
MY Confidence in the VA care is 95%, I find from doctors down to clercial staff the VA has provided myself better medical care than I was getting in the private sector from large medical clinics. Please have more of these Townhall YouTube sessions and they do need to be longer untill you see participation drop. Thank you Secretary Shulkin for your heart felt care for veterans, I am an 83 year old Korean veteran and have had many Vietnam Veterans work under my supervision in the private sector and they all had mental issues the most Korean veterans didn’t have to face. I go out of my way to thank a Vietnam veteran.
I live in Wisconsin and our local VA clinic and hospital in Milwaukee have provided good service for myself. From things that I have read, that must not be the case nation wide. Except in remote areas or some kind of special case, why not integrate all of us into the regular hospital system. Put VA administrators in our hospitals to look out for the special needs of us Vets? This would save lots of funds and allow Vets to receive the best care available.
Norb Osburn
AF Vet
When I heard there is a veteran still waiting for a decision after more than 30 years, I figured the president “alone” wants change in the VA. Don’t say it is unacceptable and not say you are going to settle that veterans claim tomorrow. This is pure bull and just a side step, another way of avoiding responsibility. Nothing will be done for that veteran and he is a dead man waiting.
At what point do you say “OK, THIS MAN IS SERVICE CONNECTED.” OVER 30 YEARS and you still don’t Know? What does the VA Want? How much is enough for the VA? This is more deception and diversion, and just another excuse for unaccountability. Fix it now or get off the pot!
Comments are held for moderation. WHY? What are THEY afraid of? Censorship, plain and simple and as if we do not know it. Let ALL comments post and call it FREE SPEECH in America. OH, we live in 2017 AmeriKA so ,,, never mind. Go back to YOUR ways… YOU also gave up YOUR freedom and your kid’s freedoms so go for it. YES, YOU are the problem. Is there really any reason to monitor comments (VET’s COMMENTS) ? NO, NOT in a REAL AMERICA.
I am a Veitnum purple heart. vet. Been working for 16 years for my compensation. While there I gave 110 % when i got back home the VA gives me 30% for Agent Orange and with there stupid math table, they take 20% back.Just a way to steal what little compensation a Vet dose get.. As far as Shulkin goes I personal thing he is a waste of time. If he was going to do any thing to help the Vets he had plenty of time, He has been in the Vets Asso. a long time. I am a Trump person all the way but I think he made a mistake with Shulkin He should of put a military person in there. An old saying , military takes care of military.
I have been tryi ng for over a year to buy a home with my “VA Home loan” all i got was a complete run arround. Frist the said I could get 100% financing then all the sudden I had to come up with a Home inspection fee, home apperasial fee, an $350.00 inearenst money which I talked the realitor down from $600. after all that and submitting all kinds of paper work we found a house and we thought that wll was well. We made a offer which was accepted set closing date then 2 weeks later the LOAN company said that they would not fund the loan, we lost all moneyand fees paid. Now we are back to square one. Right now I have given up ever being able to buy a house.
Charles Webber; Exceptions for blue water sailors in rates (Ordnance) who put agent orange on planes and cleared planes when they came back . I have liver failure which is one of the side effects and was denied benefits. When is this going to cover us?
I look forward to future meetings like this one and to further improvement in VA.
I went to VA in Temple Tx for a health care provider I was told that I am not a qualified veteran, so Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq dose not qualify me,and if I am seen they charge my private health care a outrageous cost, so with all my service related illnesses I see my local Dr to help me and with no compensation from the VA. So keep pouring money into VA programs so theses directors can get there benefits
Dear Sir,I Jonathan C. Naugles,Im a Beriut Marines who was !0-2 80 10-3-84>i have been trying to get my Va Pension increase dfor 25-33 yrs. I got 133.00 a month.My wife has had 15 stroke and on SSI. If wasn’t for her parents support now .We would die,Sir. Please have someone look at my case in Apeal Status. I suffer fromPTSD,and Bipolar, and hearing loss, and other things.Please help,Please Help me.
Sorry about that ,it made me mad to type all that I did, and for some reason it went away.
Screw you, I just finished a long typing session , now its gone
What’s up on this temporary CHOICE program that’s due to expire in August 2017. It’s a broken system in areas like the Upper Peninsula of Michigan being an area of smaller towns like we like it. It took two months to get an X-ray through Choice. They have no idea of locations in our area of those willing to help Vets you are told they’re not on the program. Some help
Why is it that now after the election we are having to tolerate an Obama appointee? Does our fine Commander in Chief really believe that the VA is in need of an overhaul or was it just needed votes? Also why is the SSA allowed to ignore what another government agency (VA) has already stated such as unemployable and yet be allowed to make their own determination about employment? What one agency states on employment should be accepted by the other agency. By the way the House is supposed to be changing this scenario to what the VA states the SSA has to abide by, but I am sure I will be dead before the Congress ever acts they are too busy with Nancy Pelosi trying to go to war with Russia. I wish those who supported abortion that their mothers would have believed as well!!!!!!!
Why is it that now after the election we are having to tolerate an Obama appointee? Does our fine Commander in Chief really believe that the VA is in need of an overhaul or was it just needed votes? Also why is the SSA allowed to ignore what another government agency (VA) has already stated such as unemployable and yet be allowed to make their own determination about employment? What one agency states on employment should be accepted by the other agency.
Let’s clean up the backlog of Agent Orange claims based on exposure in Okinawa. The total cost is minimal compared $$ spent on illegal immigration, $$ spent in ‘contributions’ to most every foreign country etc. A.O. Veterans First, then see if there are monies to ‘give away’. It’s been a cover up, we all know why (political fallout might impede retention/expansion of bases on Okinawa)
I like to know this. I retired in 2010 and had a required retirement physical and they found out I had high cholesterol of 300 I recently requested a revaluation of my benefits through the VA Channel I filed the forms and they responded back a few weeks later that my high cholesterol was not service-related in 2011 I want of having a heart attack due to blockage in one of my arteries and had a stent placement done so if it was found during my retirement physical that I had high cholesterol shouldn’t that have been a contributing factor for me having a blockage in one of my arteries of 67% and it was not caught during my physical nor did they ever mention of having a heart disease now I’m trying to apply for revaluation and I keep getting turned down that it’s not service-related but yet what’s foundering my retirement physical I need to find out who or where should I look and try to seek help to get my benefits for that issue
How does a VA employee contact Sec Shulkin? Sec McDonald put his personal cell phone online during the VA scandals in 2015.
I like many vets Vietnam era living in the Philippines cannot get full medical care at the Outpatient Clinic in Manila. This facility has the capability to assist the vets who go there, they won’t even address a simple request for flue Meds or treatment, I was told see a MD after driving 3 plus hours to the clinic. I guess since we’re all dying here there waiting for no more request so they can close this facility? When you question the administration about why they say the va won’t give them the authorization or funds to treat US fully, only our stated on record injuries?
The VA has had my appeal for 18 months and I have yet to receive a decision on a very simple appeal.
What can I do next.
Why does the VA think you can live on a small amount money , and get a increase, the last one was 1/2 precent can you live on $3,000 a month try paying house and a dependent. With everthing else.
I am a 100% service connected Vietnam War veteran it took me 16 years to reach a decision. I was 11 years back pay. Now I am going through now 2 years going to 3 years with out a decision on a claim that the VA sent me to fill out. I AM 70 YEARS OLD NOW AT IF MY APPEAL takes me 16 years I will be 86 and the appeal will do me no good. I hope the VA is not waiting for me to die before I receive this appeal
I am waiting for a MRI,It has been 5 months and cannot even get an appointment after leaving at least 10 messages,My Wife receives better care with Champ VA,My doctor tells me they have to cut some of the Meds I have been taking for years Just because of a directive ????? Are we one size fits all ???? It appears with the Pain Meds and Benzos being curtailed that The VA is Telling the Veterans to self medicate with Alcohol and Street Drugs which Leads to so many more problems.
b when are you going to quit patting worthless Va bureaucrats on the back /authorizing more worthless studies /report and actuall doing something with REAL results !!
As a two year Marine Corps Vietnam war Vet, I suffered unknowingly with PTSD for fifty years prior to becoming aware of the cause of my many problems. I have made significant progress during the last five years of continuous therapy, but during that lengthy period my earning years were decimated, and I now arrive at senior citizen status with very little financial reserves as a result. What responsibility does the VA assume for insuring I don’t have to spend my limited time on earth in financial distress?
How long will it take before the Blue Water Sailors of Vietnam will be taken care of. Or are you waiting for us to pass away, so the problem will go away. I think we all did the time over there so we should all be treated the same.
I think the number one question Veterans have is when ? Can the Veterans Choose” to use VA or a Private Doctor ?
If Illegals or Refugees have this right Certainly we do too and I think it should be made available starting today.
After all many of us are paying” for Private Medical even though it’s free with VA because the VA’s many issues.
I hope you find this disturbing to you as it is to us.
I would why the Veterans Administration is condoning the use of alcohol and drugs for veterans. According to my Dr and pain mangement clinic in Marion Illinois that class II narcotics are being withdrawn from veterans per the DEA. I take 3 hydrocodone a day for sever pain. I am having to fight to keep them. They are wanting to cut them back to 2 a day and eventually will cut them out all together. I asked them what I should do for pain, they replied medical marijuana. So I asked them then if they were condoning the use of alcohol and illegal drugs they just smiled and said to do what I needed to do.
The Care Program is great but I am continually blocked by VA. They use repeated scans and lab work that had already been done to break up the month. Also if you stand up against them you are punished. I have bad chronic pain and have had this pain for many years. Now they VA is taking all my meds and I don’t have any other health insurance to go back out to the pain clinics. Why am I and others being punished because some people cannot control themselves? I have a entrapped nerve and many other things and was told by 2 outside pain clinics who were very serious about NOT giving out pain meds for whatever. Then 2 different VA pain clinics agreed and now I am beefing told for my health, really? Have you ever tried to sleep or live in terrible pain? Not worth much and my body is breaking down fast as you are killing me. Also I have kidney stones regularly and have had to go around my primary care doctor 4 times to get help with infections even while passing blood. Now they have caused my prostrate to swell and since August I have passed 4 very bad scabs looking things and I am in constant pain. I have tried everything to get help calling my senator’s aid and etc. with only excuses when I get a answer. Why can’t I get help a dog would get help already. My doctor called me back finally and all he cared about is what little pain medicine I have left which will soon be taken to zero. I told him to not worry himself about that and to please help me. He answer was not to get me in faster but to send me a very slow acting medication to “kill my prostrate” his words. Now why kill my prostrate until you know what is going on? Would this make you happy sir? I can give you more of these types of stories and the VA did not just start being bad in 2014 that is when it finally come to light let us be honest. I am not against anyone as I love the Lord and I want you to have GREAT success for all Vets. Thank you for doing what you doing and I know we as Vets can be hard to deal with some times and I apologize on my behalf. Thanks again!
he is a traitor to the vet he will cut our bennies
he is there to cut vets care and to dismantle it.
There has been great progress in the past tow years regarding VA Health Care here in Indiana. I wish they would continue with the Town Hall meetings as well. The problem here in Indiana at least, is that the Regional VA Benefits Office, does not communicate wht the VAMC. There appears to be this invisible brick wall. In addition, instead of utilizing the VAMC for Claims exams or reports, they hire an off the street medical person (VES) which in this case, has a record longer than OJ Simpson for mal practice and other related medical problems. I currently have three NOD’s in process for the past three years that are a direct result of this lack of communications with the VAMC. Why do we have “PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS” if they are not relied upon by the VA? Bring back common sense to the VA and end the political bureaucracy.
Why does it take 12 months for dentures.
My question has to deal with appeals. My appeal has been going on now for 18 years. Why does it take so long for appeals to be adjudicated? The evidence shows why this should be granted but yet my appeal is still waiting to be adjudicated. Sure it will be nice once it has been adjudicated in my favor, but again there is no reason why it should take this long. After all, when our claims/appeals have been adjudicated in our favor, yes there is a lot of money that is owed to us and that comes from tax payers like myself along with other Veterans, that are experiencing this same very thing. It would be nice to be able to enjoy life instead of waiting till I have one foot in the grave and the other is soon to follow.
My next question has to do with how VA will give a diagnosis but don’t have any concrete evidence that is the true diagnosis.
Gulf War Veterans need help with their health conditions but for the most part we have been forgotten.
(1)What will you do about the mess that the VA comp dept has done regarding the denial of vet claims asking for more info, when it’s already in the file & included with the claim. The va has recently been found to have done this in error. When will this be corrected. I am a victim of this initial claim is being denied & they are asking for MORE INFO, WHICH THEY ALREADY HAVE.
(2) why are VETS not being compensated for their transportstion to & from the VA.
Forms are at least 6 months late for reimbursement, transportation dept at VA, keeps saying , next month, however nothing ( no money)has been reimbursed.
We need our money back.
Gulf War Vets need help. Everyone has forgotten about us.
The town hall was an (redacted) kissing session for Shulkin. While homeless veterans, vets awaiting claims appeals, and those on wait lists for care seethed with anger, Shulkin congratulated himself as to how well things were going. At town hall after town hall, the pattern is the same, congratulate selves, reiterate a general vague plan to do better, and once again leave many veterans with their specific questions unanswered. Apparently Shulkin will be more of the same. It is DISGUSTING. Veterans deserve better. No veteran question submitted to a town hall meeting should go unanswered. I don’t mean with a vague generality but with a specific plan. I am KDRogersMD on Twitter.
Thank you for this digital downhill meeting. I am hopeful now with President Trump’s leadership and expectations, the VA system will get fixed. My father is an 83 year old Korean War combat veteran. I am a Registered Nurse. I’m appalled at the substandard care he gets at the El Paso VA ( in Texas). There is no accountability for poor performance. In fact, it’s perfectly acceptable. First thing that needs to get done is to change the job security. They need to be able to get fired for poor performance. I think if they do that VA wide that will help a lot of these issues. Drain the VA Swamp too.
I’m Michael King, I receive My illegal treatment at the Amarillo Texas VA!! My Dad was murdered at the Amarillo Texas VA in 2013, overdosed!! I was overdosed there in 2014!! However as You can see I somehow survived!!! The Veterans Hospital is a lawless bunch!! I filed a Tort claim because Patient Advocate Cato talked My Doctor into prescribing a medication the day I was released from North West Texas Hospital, spending 39,000+ to help Me get off the exact medication!! Then told Me You either take it or You will be in trouble!! First thing that happened they threatened to take My service connected check!! I finally got in to the Directors office, she first laughed then said,” That would be a felony both on patient advocate and the Dr!!!” I said the proffer is in Your own records!! Anyway as You can see it is way more than a mistake or sub standard treatment!! They are all 154 Hospital’s, The most organized Criminal Organization in the History of the World!! If You happen to know of a way to get this to Someone Big enough to shut down!! Please let Me know!! anytime day or night!! God speed!!
What about the Viet Nam Blue water sailor issue and the VA”s attitude toward them?
Why is it so hard to get a job at the VA when they have job advertised on USA Jobs? Several of the jobs I applied for were canceled?
Question from Samuel in Arizona
1. I feel we are dealing with abusive service when Veterans apply for disability it many times takes more than 6 months to receive a review and then they want more information when everything is in the application. The people deserve more quick service in conveying the approval or decline.
2. Problem next is when a file is declined and the appeal is even longer and is ridiculous. The wait conveyed by their rule is they say they do not have to review and rule for 432 days. My appeal is now starting 6 months and people are dying waiting. This is ridiculous. There is no file 4 pages long that can not be reviewed quickly within one hour and recommend for approval..
We have not forgotten the cover up and 100’s of Vets that died and could have lived our their lives due to this cover up they did not.
It took me 6 years from first inquiree the even be approved for my VA Care approval. I am a decorated 70 yr. old Vet that deserves better respectful service.
Need to know what you are going to do about the Burn Pit issue .Veterans are dying with their problems from exposure with absolutely nothing being addressed by the VA . Help these Vets and their families
The Department of Veteran Affairs employs at least 500,000 individuals all of whom are enrolled in pension plans and just maybe its the interest on the money that is available that keeps their jobs secure, so the men and women who fought were injured or died is no longer a priority in their minds. Its all about job security and they will stall until your living in a cardboard box for lack of support.
I would like to see this new technology used in EVERY state of the union, at least one. You aren’t allowed to cross state lines without breaking the rules, so the analysis of your problem is dependent upon whatever resources they have available. This machine cost 1.5 million so one might wonder why the budget is in the multi billions but a 75 million dollar investment that cuts to the chase has not been considered.
Why does it take so long to get a reply from The VA about an appeal that started in 2012
Give me my money lve been waiting over44 years
Philip Doyle bridges: I have been waiting 47 years. In hospice now so the VA will win again, wait until the vet is dead and do nothing… USMC 1967-70 VN 1968-69. Their captcha does not work = takes many tries.
Why does the va keep on not telling. The thrush.and not paylng me my retro active back pay compensation. 5612
We deal with the Malcolm Randall VA facility in Gainesville Florida how do we get them to return a call from patient advocate my husband has been waiting for two months for an appointment any help would be appreciated
we have the same problem in nola. bob maness, are you still on the payroll? i keep a record of facebook messenger contact since theres no way to email anyone in the va
When Can I Start?