Aside from health care, education benefits may be VA’s most valuable offering to Veterans. The Post 9/11 G.I. Bill offers tuition, a book stipend, a housing allowance and more. While these benefits will help pay for an education, student Veterans often need a community and additional resources to succeed on campus. Student Veterans of America (SVA) has been leading the way in guiding their fellow Veterans.

“A student, that has this one thing, is three times more likely to graduate than any other one thing: a friend on campus,”  SVA President Jared Lyon, said during his episode of This Week at VA. For many student Veterans, that friend can be found in their campus’ student Veterans group. These local SVA chapters are very valuable to the community and to the university.

Since 2012, Student Veterans of America has held annual leadership institutes around the nation. These programs were meant to nurture students to be leaders on campus and help advance their chapter to the next level. As the program got more popular, demand began to exceed availability.

Now, they’ve decided to provide similar guidance through an online leadership training course. The 2017 Chapter Leadership Academy will consist of a series of web-based interactive sessions teaching key components necessary for chapter leadership success. These events are designed to empower and inspire the SVA chapter base while providing the tools and resources for all our chapters to grow and thrive. Student  will learn how to design, develop and deliver an effective student Veteran organization.

The online program will be held July 20, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Those interested in the webinar can visit, or simply click here to register

SVA hopes this web-based content will have their network of student Veterans fully equipped to bring meaningful and sustainable change to their campuses and local communities.Chapters and student groups are encouraged to register multiple members of their organization.To find a local chapter, visit SVA’s chapter directory.

For those who have not used their education benefits, visit to learn how to take advantage of the G.I. Bill.

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  1. Jan Walters July 22, 2017 at 16:05

    I am a 62 year old female disabled veteran with bipolar disorder & PTSD. I have been accepted at American Military University going for my Bachelors degree in Homeland Security? Probably won’t get a job in it due to my age, but at least it’s one thing I’ve always had on my “bucket list”!! I’m going for it because I dearly love my country and relish this opportunity, even at my age. If I can do it, anyone can!

  2. Kat williams July 19, 2017 at 13:31

    Is this program for veterans as well. I have been unemployed for more than a year and it hurts that there is no support for older veterans. I’m telling you this because I’ve told it so many times more than I care to admit. Where can we go for jobs because no one wants to give me a career ( too old) is what I’m told in so many words. Waiting for an answer

  3. Danny L Holycross July 18, 2017 at 19:19

    Would like more information on this at (redacted)

  4. Tom Dullaghan July 18, 2017 at 16:40

    Great news for the younger Vet’s. us pre-911 Vet’s are becoming the forgotten ones. Why can’t ALL Vet’s have a chance to
    get a degree?

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