As VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration, we often write about the VA benefits that Veterans, service members and dependents can take advantage of, and while there are many of those, there are also many financial programs and services and benefits extended to Veterans and their families from our partner agencies outside of VA.
Foremost among these is the Financial Literacy and Education Commission from the Treasury Department. The Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC) was established under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 to develop a national financial education web site and a national strategy on financial education.
Presently, there are 19 contributing agencies under the commission, including the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission; Departments of Education, Agriculture, Defense, Interior, Labor, Veterans Affairs; Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Federal Trade Commission, Small Business Administration, and Social Security Administration.
So, what can these agencies and FLEC do for you?
Think of FLEC as an outline or table of contents where each “chapter” is a link to a different resource. At, you can learn about the programs designed for young people, for educators, researchers, or for different stages in one’s life. There’s a resource guide on financial institutions; a guide for youth employment; savings programs; college funding resources; and investing.
Among VA’s contribution include info for home buying with the VA home loan. HUD can help you locate a housing counselor. SBA talks about how to start a small business. There’s even info on shopping for an automobile. Have questions about student debt? Need credit counseling? Want to find a new job? Specialized job-hunting assistance if you have a disability?
These are just some of the assistance and resources you can find at FLEC. Of course, if you have questions about VA’s financial benefits and resources, we’re the experts and would be happy to assist you in the comments below.
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I am a Vietnam Era Veteran. I want to thank the VA in El Paso Texas they have been very good in my medical treatment
I have had a total knee replacement at the hospital on Fort Bliss and thank the doctor and his team for the great treatment
So yes the VA is the greatest . I also have a fine doctor a the VA clinic on the east side of El Paso, Texas great staff thank to the VA I am in good health.
I’m 90% disabled and 10%UI. I’m a female veteran from the Desert Storm era. I’m trying to obtain everything possible available to me from the VA. This includes: 1) obtaining 100% TOTAL AND PERMANENT 2) remove the UI 3) obtain aid and attendance assistance 4) SHA & Convenyance benefits & 5) obtain a service dog for depression and PTSD
I have been told that the VA will help me with putting in a lift—–up and down steps in house —–put bath room on ground floor of my house —-and things like that —Where can I find this in fo—VET LEE
I Think you must all be correct that the VA really does hate veterans I have a problem that I have never been able to get help with and I was medically honorably discharged I’m rated at 100% but can I get medical care at the west Los Angeles veterans hospital no. So for all the people in Washington keep up the great work your doing for the veterans that way you can get your paycheck and we as bedrooms can be urinated on some more. If you don’t get it are used the word urine instead of the S word so why didn’t offend your poor little ears
Nice picture of Canadian money.Mofos.
This must be CANADIAN Veteran Benefit Administration. All I see is CANADIAN MONEY pictured, so I assume America’s VA has no money, thus the reason benefits have been denied for Vietnam Veterans as the lay dying in the streets. They are useless now that they are damaged, and Iraq’s veterans and Afghanistan veterans will be next, but treated better. You starve veterans that are war damaged and reward war cowards like Bowe Bergdahl. Explain that to the victims of VA’s hatred for veterans.