Nicholson: “Right Resources for Right People” Working for Veterans

WASHINGTON – Continuing to honor the nation’s commitment to meet the needs of America’s veterans, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson announced today that President Bush will seek a landmark budget of nearly $87 billion in fiscal year 2008 for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), with health care and disability compensation for veterans receiving the majority of the spending.  

The FY ’08 proposal represents an increase of $37.8 billion, or 77 percent, from the budget in effect when the President took office.

“This landmark budget will allow us to expand the three core missions of the VA — those being to provide world-class health care; broad, fair and timely benefits; and dignified burials in shrine-like settings for our nation’s veterans,” Nicholson said. “This budget also allows us to continue our progress toward becoming a national leader in information technology and data security.

“With the right resources in the hands of the right people, anything and everything is possible when it comes to caring for America’s veterans,” Nicholson said. “At VA, we already have the right people — 235,000 dedicated employees.  With the President’s proposed landmark budget, we will have the right resources.”

Under the new budget, VA will begin a new initiative to provide priority in processing claims for disability compensation from veterans of the Global War on Terror.  Secretary Nicholson also announced plans to create a special Advisory Committee on OIF/OEF Veterans and Families, which will advise him on the full spectrum of issues affecting VA and the veterans and families of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

The FY ’08 budget proposal calls for $42 billion in discretionary funding — mostly for health care — which is the largest amount ever requested by a President.  It also would provide $45 billion in mandatory funding, mostly for compensation, pension, educational assistance, home loan guaranties and other benefit programs.  

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