Nicholson: Veterans Can Show Pride in Their Service

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson is urging all veterans across the country to pin on their military medals this Independence Day, July 4, to show their patriotism and pride in their service.  

“We want to inspire the American people to recognize and honor the military service of their fellow citizens, and to engender a greater sense of pride and satisfaction on the part of the veterans for what they did for our country,” said Nicholson.  “This initiative shines a bright light on millions of our fellow citizens who answered the needs of our nation both in peace and in war.”  

Nicholson encourages the 24 million living Americans who have served in the armed forces to display their medals on the Fourth of July by pinning them on their civilian clothing over their left breast.

Nicholson first urged veterans to wear their military decorations last Veterans Day under a program called “Veterans Pride Initiative.”

The Veterans Pride Initiative asks veterans to wear their medals on Independence Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and when attending other patriotic events.  Major U.S. veterans organizations have endorsed the initiative.

Additional information about the initiative is featured at VA’s Web site at, where veterans can also learn how to replace lost medals or confirm the decorations to which they are entitled.

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