Even on the best of days, we at VA know that providing for yourself and your family–and having financial stability and security–are some of the most important things in life. We recognize that many of our fellow Veterans who are also government employees impacted by the partial Federal government shutdown are experiencing significant personal and financial stress right now. We share your concerns, and I want to personally say that VA is not only still open for business, but we are actively working to provide you with much needed support and relief.
If you are a Veteran and federal employee, or a Veteran and federal contractor, that is currently furloughed, here are some of the things we are doing for you:
- Compensation and Pension: VA continues to pay disability compensation and pension benefits to 5.5 million disabled Veterans, dependents and survivors.
- Education Benefits: We know that January and February are the peak times for spring semester enrollment. Right now, VA has over 1,100 employees processing GI Bill® benefits for beneficiaries. VA’s Education Service is working overtime during this critical enrollment period so that GI Bill® payments are issued correctly and on time. Anyone facing a financial hardship due to the furlough or a delayed GI Bill® payment can contact the Education Call Center at 1-888-GIBILL-1 for assistance between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
- Home Loans: VA has encouraged loan servicers to be flexible in dealing with borrowers who have lost income due to the shutdown. In addition to providing assistance through loan modifications or other loss mitigation options, VA loan servicers can waive late fees and suspend negative credit-bureau reporting. VA can still guaranty loans if a Veteran borrower has been furloughed or otherwise negatively impacted by the partial shutdown. Veterans who have questions about their VA home loan or Specially Adapted Housing benefits can contact VA staff toll free at 877-827-3702. See https://www.va.gov/housing-assistance/home-loans/trouble-making-payments/.
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program: VR&E applicants will continue to meet with their counselors who will determine eligibility for services and develop and/or implement a plan to achieve employment or independent living goals. There is no disruption in payments or services, and VA encourages you to apply for this benefit program.
- Insurance: Both the Insurance Center and the Office of Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance are working as usual to issue new policies, collect premiums from insured Veterans, maintain policies, pay claims, and answer calls from Service members, Veterans and their beneficiaries.
- Overpayments: If you have a VBA debt and need temporary financial relief, contact the Debt Management Center (DMC) at 800-827-0648 to request assistance. The DMC can stay or suspend collection activity on your account until April 1, 2019.
- VA Community Care and Hardship: There are options for Veterans who suffer from difficult financial circumstances and struggle to pay VA copayments. More information is available at https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/revenue_ops/Financial_Hardship.asp. For a myriad of focused financial assistance and hardship services, visit https://www.va.gov/finance/policy/vfffa.asp.
We also encourage you to visit the following resources from other federal agencies and organizations that may provide helpful information and financial services to support you during this time:
- Office of Management and Budget: You can find important unemployment insurance resources for Federal Agencies and Employees at this site including the following:
Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees Fact Sheet (December 2018) (PDF file)
Quick Reference Table of State Unemployment Insurance Laws (external link) (PDF file)
- Thrift Savings Program (TSP): Employees can refer to the TSP publication, effect of non-pay status on a TSP account, or contact their agency representative for information about obtaining a loan from a TSP account: tsp.gov.
- Treasury.gov: See these FAQs for furloughed employees: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/266/Frequently-Asked-Questions-for-Furloughed-Employees_2018-12-20.pdf.
- Mymoney.gov: This website serves as a one-stop shop for federal financial literacy and education programs, grants and other information: https://www.mymoney.gov/Pages/default.aspx
- 1-800-FED-INFO: If you have a question about federal agencies, programs, benefits or services related to financial literacy and education, trained specialists can answer your question in English or Spanish, or refer you to the agency that can help.
- Office of Personnel and Management (OPM): Visit https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/furlough-guidance/guidance-for-shutdown-furloughs.pdf for furlough guidance from OPM.
- Department of Labor: It is possible that furloughed employees may be eligible for unemployment compensation. State unemployment compensation requirements differ, and some states require a one week waiting period before an individual qualifies for payments. This DOL website provides links to individual state offices: https://www.careeronestop.org/LocalHelp/UnemploymentBenefits/Find-Unemployment-Benefits.aspx
- Bank & Credit Union Support: Many credit unions and some banks are offering furloughed federal workers no-interest or low-interest loans during the shutdown. Contact them for information.
- Helpwithmybank.gov: This site helps you find answers to your questions regarding national banks, federal savings associations, and credit cards. Also see this sample letter for creditors and mortgage companies: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/furlough-guidance/sample-letters-for-creditors-and-mortgage-companies.doc
- MilitarySaves: A component of America Saves and a partner in the Department of Defense’s Financial Readiness Campaign, this organization seeks to motivate, support, and encourage military families to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth.
VBA is honored to continue serving you–our Veterans, dependents, and survivors–during these difficult times. I will continue to work with our entire network of VBA staff and partners to support you in the best way possible to address your needs and concerns to fulfill our vital mission.
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Thank you from the commander of an American Legion Post 165 strong – Semper Fi!
My son who in the VR&E program was told by the university that he is attending that the VA has not paid for his purchasing of books and that he will have to pay for them out of pocket. Two questions, is the university mis-informed concerning the purchase of the book by the VA? If he has to pay out of pocket outside of VR&E program, will he be reimbursed?
I am new to VR&E but last semester I paid out of pocket for books and then submitted the receipts to the VA for reimbursement (to your counselor). They cut me a check for the amount a week or 2 later. There is a way to have the VR&E pay directly I think but I am not 100 percent certain.
You need need to file a compensation claim for those service connected disabilities
Thank You sir for the information, very helpful and much needed during this unfortunate time.
Very Respectfully,
Sophea Dutch (U.S. Army OIF/OEF vet)
How have you received BAH already? The term just started… I don’t receive Jack until the end of the month and this is my 2nd yr full time.
I have been having trouble getting dental work done in a timely period. It’s takes 8 months or longer to get a crown. I have 4 missing teeth and 8 others that need crowns or implants etc. They say they have one of only a few VA hospitals with an implant team but I have never talked to anyone who has had an implant done. I have been told that I would, could may have an implant but after 3 years I don’t think it will happen. They would rather put in a bridge using two good adjoining teeth then use one implant. They have had trouble with keeping staff so appointments are spread out and they are over working the present staff. They use tricks to make it looks like they are scheduling appointments closer then the results actually are. They are using outside vendors to help on things like root canals, some more complicated extractions etc. but after years I still have 4 missing teeth and 8 more needing crowns or implants. I think the old adage that they put you off hopping you die first is not very far fetched. If at the rate of 1 crown every 8 months or more I would be 86+ years old before my dental work is caught up. I have talked to many vets that are having the same exact problem. My state rep. checked into the problem and informed me that the dental dept. has a staffing problem. That’s great but in the mean time the vets are the ones who suffer. I’m sure that other groups would not have to go through this type of waiting…..
Seriously, they actually took the time to copy and paste how they are helping veterans.
*This info sounds routine in nature and they aren’t going out of their way to do anything different.
*This list of resources is already made available to veterans.
This is a pat on the back to distract you from thinking they’re deficient and otherwise negligent.
A little gratitude goes a long way.
I want to thank the veterans administration as well for doing a great job helping and working to resolve any issues that may concern our benefits or health ! You don’t receive enough support for the great things that you have done for us, veterans. It may take a little time but you do come through. I don’t receive anywhere near what some of the others do but I’m grateful for all the things that have done past present and are still doing! Keep up the good work and “Drive on” ! :-)
If there is anything i can do to help. I’d be more then willing to go to mcallen to help, with what ever i can do. veterans helping veterans. Please call if you need some volunteer work..
Roberto clarke
Totally agree, & yes, VA has the time & resources to wait you out, they want you to die!!!! Copy & paste is all they did, good luck getting a real person when’s you contact those agencies.
I want to say to each and every man and woman who serve this country how thankful and appreciative I am to all of you. The VA does not honor and treat you as you should be treated. There should not be any waiting periods or application processing or claims to file, you gave yourselves to this country and you should NEVER have to apply or wait for anything you need. Did the government have to sacrifice anything for you to step up for them? Also to all of those who choose to disrespect our President obviously need to do research on the chain of command. Stop following what the media says and think for a moment exactly what has he done that has effected you negatively? He is the first and only to be looking out for our best interest. You complained that we pay other countrys too much money and get involved in their business when we shouldnt. Now your all complaining because of what? That he’s looking out for us rather than everyone else? Come on people think before you speak. The mess that has been created is going to take longer than a couple years to fix and it isn’t just the president who is wanting that it is the people otherwise it wouldn’t be on the table. Lol
The VA is trying to connect with and help as many of the 5.5 million veterans they have already helped, myself included. It was a long muddy road home. Please connect with the DAV. Let them do their job. If
Please monitor these comments for trolls or remove the section entirely. We don’t need more stress reading all the negative comments. Thank you so much for the email notice!
I am a Veteran 100% P&T. I am also a new Business Owner of a Fudge Factory and need to know what is available as far as VA help?
VA is a joke, they dont care I have been fighting with them for over 4 months after challenging them in court for over 3 years and the courts ruled in ny favor and still no response
I have been fighting for compensation since 2003!! That’s 16 YEARS! I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, Panic disorder with agoraphobia, Bertolotti’s Syndrome and so much more, but guess what? They say it’s not “SERVICE CONNECTED”. Hmmm, how is that? I was just fine until I went to Desert Shield/Storm, on the USNS Mercy, hospital ship. The VA is a joke. I get my meds of course, but nothing more.
Maybe it’s the fact you were on a hospital ship and not actually boots on ground where anything was actually happening. Just food for thought.
On a hospital ship IS boots on ground! I’m so sorry for the post that suggested otherwise. We are all in it together and as such we are all traumatized by what we See and are exposed to!! Obviously the person who posts otherwise is Not a veteran and therefore doesn’t understand or know better.
First, thank you for serving the country in a difficult area of conflict. I am a Vietnam veteran, who also has been denied VA compensation, due to the fact of the VA saying my disability is NOT service connected !! I was given a couple of resources within the Government, that can be of assistance, if would like those ‘connections’, let me know and I would gladly supply them to you *
Contact Goodman Allen and Donnelly in Charlottesville. Ask for Kristen Arvey. It took 7 years but I finally got my rating a couple of years ago.
Any Veteran serving our country who suffers from any diagnosed ailment during service years = service connected. Point Blank.
Thank you Dr, Lawrence for keeping us in the loop.
Regards and respect,
Cpl. Charles E. Morgan , United States Marine Corps disabled Vietnam Veteran
i need assitance with several benefits please call me at (redacted) thank you so much jason willams
Hi Marsha, I work in financial aid. I understand it’s illegal for us to interfere with your aid in any way. They have to acknowledge the agreement between the school and the VA. Best wishes.
My friend and companion a vet. Became Ill in Nov! he went to VA urgent care in poplar bluff mo!!They transferred him to Regional Medical Center in Poplar Bluff! With kidney and liver failure he was transferred to University Hospital in St. Louis Missouri!
They kept him a few days said there was no hope so they transferred him to General Baptist nursing home for hospice comfort Care!! He was taken by ambulance there January 10 the. The ambulance ride was 3 and half hour ride he was checked in and died 13 hours later on January 11th,2019..
The Dunklin county mo. Coroner Now has his body trying to make arrangements with VA to figure out where to bury him since he has no family that he has seen in many years!! he was homeless when I met him he is still homeless apparently!! He has suffered many years as a veteran had filed intent to apply for upgraded disability but time ran out! So I wonder what is the coroner or VA going to do with his body!!
Apparently you dont need to know
People are so easily duped. If the VA cared you would have already had all of this information in your VA Welcome Packet. And if you think you will get help from the VBA – think again!!!! So many vets walk into the VA Hospital or VBA and expect everything should be handed to them. Most Vets are Arrogant Arses – just like the VA & VBA.
Use the resources provided to you and then verify everything you are told by the VA & the VBA. How do I know? I have a friend (since 1986) who believes everything that the VA tells him. The VA keeps him drugged up nicely – he doesn’t know if he is coming or going.
The VA is NOT your FRIEND and yes they DO WANT YOU TO DIE!!!! The VA has the infrastructure to wait you out. So hurry up and die.
My US Senator was told one thing about my VA filings – yet I can not find any of that same filing information on eBenefits. The VBA at 6900 Pecos Drive in Las Vegas – WILL NOT TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!
1. Don’t trust the VA.
2. Verify everything the VA tells you
3. Keep copies (hard or sfot copies) of everything.
4. Get a digital copy of your VA files from the VA Repository. Comes to you on a CD. This way you know what paper the VA has on you.
5. Find a Veteran Service Organization (VSO) to help you. You can be so easily overwhelmed by the VA/VBA and the games they play. DAV in Las Vegas totally SUCKS – Use the American Legion or Order of the Purple Heart.
Good Luck!
You are correct because now 17 years of my information is all of a sudden missing gone and no one can find it and my Doctor of that time all of a sudden was made to retire in December 2018. All of information has be misplaced or rewriteen nothing is the same all of it is changed every bit of it I should have made copies of it to include all of my blood work during that time and I am in terrible pain every day however all of my information that my previous doctor put in my records is gone never to be found again I don’t understand how this has happened but it has All of it has disappeared gone Every time I go to do blood work it gets switched with some one else’s and I know what is supposed to be on there however nothing shows up anymore nothing
Really sorry that your experience with the VA has been FUBAR. For some reason, they had my back for the most part. I won’t complain. Okay, yes there could be some improvements, but my primary care Doc is top notch. I must be one of the lucky ones.
With kindness and love for all disabled veterans.
Thank you!
I am ready to help any way I can I’m a veteran waiting for my disability tacking care of my nephew that has mental health disibility almost homeless due to no real help yet. I have heart decease diabetic kidney failure and some cancer but I am up and ready to serve whare ever I’m needed I’ll pass out food clean dust sweep hell at 69 I need a job but no one wants to hire me used to be in the restaurant business experience gemoligest living on less than 900.00 a month rents are 1250.00 for a decent studio apt no food allowence it’s included in the 900.00 payment but I’m ready to volunteer or tack a job just call me to action. John watson (redacted) thank you and God bless .
What state do you live in?
Food bank resources might be more helpful.
Go to VA. gov
God is in control
No. God is not. Grow up and take responsibility.
I am a full time student under the Post 911 GI bill. I received my BAH for January but my school has not been paid and I have not received my book stipend. My financial aid payment won’t be released until the VA pays the tuition payment to the school. How delayed are payments to the school?
I am an acupuncturist in MI and treat Veterans for PTSD and other crippling disabilities under contract with the Ann Arbor VA. I see my patient Vets every day yet the VA has not yet paid me for treatments over 1 1/2 years ago. I am a very small practice, just me, and the amount the VA owes me now is my total income for a year. I love doing this work and helping my patients reduce life threatening anxiety and debilitating pain, but I cannot continue much longer. It seems I am financing the VA!!
My husband had been on temporary disability. How and when will a determination be made for permanent disability?
Thank you for the reminder of services available. Hopefully this shutdown will end very soon.
it depends when they do a reevaluation of his injuries usually when your put on TDRL you get reevaluated every 5 years or until a determination is made
My thoughts exactly!
I would like to thank the VA for all of their hard work and dedication. Soldiers know the importance of what president Trump is doing. If we didn’t love our country we would not be here. Stay the course!
Thanks to VA without them i would not be here God Bless America and all her vets ……Semper Fi to my Brothers
What kind of benefits, if any, above would apply to active USCG members?
I see no additional help here. These are all benefits SUPPOSED:Y available to disabled veterans in all times, good or bad ! How about working on the back log of veterans claims and appeals. The continuity of the VA is somewhat lacking also. Every time I talk to some one, it is a different person. And they know absolutely nothing about My claim. It is like starting over every time I contact the VA ! How aggrevating. And with a claim on appeal for 9 years, I have just about exhausted ALL the patience I have. Do the right thing, for a change. Settle some veterans claims. Think ! Without Us, You would Not have a job !
Get a hold of the service officer at the DAV Disabled American Veterans shop they will help you. Explain your situation.
I appreciate all the support from the VA during the partial government shutdown.
I am a Notary in the Dallas Fort Worth area in need of going on a ride along with a Notary Signing Agent (Home Loan closure). If you can help me, please text me at (redacted).
Only way to solve this total mess is the U.S.A. tax payers need to impeach this village idiot we have for a Presudent!!!!
I agree. Trump is the worst president ever. Bush second. Yet his ignorant blind sheep bootlicking followers continue his poop taste good.
Your an (redacted) if you do that your going to get another Clinton or if your really lucky that (redacted) Pelosi or Schumer is that what you want? Besides our President Trump has done more for the military since President Reagan. I can’t believe a soldier or a Vet would even suggest that!!!!!!!
Thank you to all my fellow Veteran’s that have helped me through my struggles. Let’s send a message to the Va. “Thank you for your service.”, is supposed to mean something !!!!!!! Do better this is not good enough! Let’s and do what we do best! ❤️ Vets help Vets! May you all be blessed!
Now please set up a emergency donation and actually give it to the veterans that need it!!! Please! Since it was important enough to post it in the bulletin.
VA is willing to let me die. We Veterans get the short end of the stick. I no longer trust VA to do anything but let me die.
Very true, but sad that you feel that way… if that makes sense?
This shutdown is a joke and so is this email informing veterans of existing programs they’ve already earned. How about really doing something to assist furloughed Veterans!
So basically the same resources you provided before the furlough. This list is not helpful at all.
Can we help?? im a vateran currently seeking work, or i could voluteer if needed!!
Thank you for your positive reply. All of these whiners on here want something for free. Help yourselves and people will want to help you even more. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems.
Jay you are so right. If Vets go to the DAV Disabled American Veterans they will help at no cost. I tell people to go there and they helped them all at no cost. They will even help you over the phone.
John Paul Loarca- The National Guard has a program called Citizen Soldier For Life. It’s a free program that helps service members, veterans, retirees and dependents find work, regardless of service branch. Counselors are in all 54 States and territories. Check out these sites to get connected with someone:
Are you still processing disability compensation claims during the shutdown?
Yes they are! Said in mesaage!
Didn’t know they were processing them BEFORE the shutdown ! Mine has been on appeal for 9 years !!
I feel for you’ll but the issue is the Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who do nothing but tell our President NO NO NO NO!!!! Is that there jobs or aren’t they making bucks to come up with solutions. That’s what I’ve been told there up there for. Alot of us fought for our country not most of our congressional republicans or democrats have ever and they make a very good pay check and they also receive free medical care and life time salary do all you soldier we fight for our country and now for our pay that we get which by the way is well below standards. And then you’ll don’t even have the balls to put your name on your comments
I have posted this notice on all of my websites to broadcast the message to those who did not receive it directly.
My complete records of service in the United States NAVY have been lost, corrupted or deleted, I have lost my originals to a storage building fire in 2014 so there is no chance now to prove what I gave and sacrificed, only 13 months of my 3 years & 10 months can be accounted for, but still our great government organizations like the VA are stepping up to ensure we Veterans are taken care of and that is something to be grateful for.
I currently live in a metal shipping container and survive on my Veterans disability pension and Social Security benefits without which I would be seriously hurting as I have no family or friends to turn to. I am very grateful for this country and what I do have, and I wish more Americans would take the time to realize how much worse off they could be without our governments help.
Thank you !
Georges,F (redacted) United Sates NAVY
Thailand Unit – Vietnam Campaign 1970-71
There is a way for you to get the benefits you have coming to you. It is a longer process but it can happen and I have personally seen it done. A good Service Officer in your area should be able to help you with this.
A true copy of your DD214 will tell alot about your military service and the VA should be able to recreate most if not all of your official record that was located in St. Louis and they have some other sources to get records.
All is not lost you just need a good Service Officer in your area to guide you with the process. It is a long process now but hopefully when the law changes in February it will be faster to get the answers you need.
God bless you and these United States of America
I prayed that politicans opened their eyes about people who are suffering. Politicians raised their right hand to protect and defend these United States of America and the constitution. Wake up! Do your job for why you are voted in. Into your office. I always given food for the church to feed our fellow Americans who are misfortunrated. Your egos don’t pay bills.
I’m disabled for work but mentally and somewhat physically able to contribute.
Before I became disabled, I was an executive and a business adviser.
How can I help? Please let me know. I’d like to be of service.
Is the VA still going to be processing claims?
Iv noticed my claim has been stagnant QTC medical appointment back on Dec 24th.
I don’t need any help, but thank you for being there for those who do.
This is stuff you offer all the time. Why even send an email out to furloughed vets acting like this is new stuff? Lol y’all really think I’m gonna go buy a new house right now when I’m not getting paid?
Thank you for this peace of mind.
Thank you sir!
This is the most caring correspondence I’ve seen from The Veterans Administration. It means a lot to me, my family and most citizens of our formidable country. Thank you.
Trying to get a life insurance policy but don’t know where to go and do
Prudential Life Insurance Co.
Looking to get info on like insurance combat vet
This has nothing to do with being furloughed, these are the services VA suppose to provide…so, there’s no real help for furloughed veterans?
This is a great resource to help people affected by the shutdown.
Thank you so much for everything that you do…From a humble veteran
I think this is a great thing you are doing. Lets support our President and get through this period of time.
As a disabled veteran myself, I find this to be the most responsible and compassionate list of options offered. I am an accredited VSO representative and I will be using this reference for those who may need it.
U need assistance with V.A home loan & Education questions
Thank you for the information, I’ll be sure to pass this to another Disabled Veteran!
Dear Sirs, Is it possible that I missed any benefits that I may apply for at this time? I am currently receiving Social Security Benefits monthly, and also VA Disability Benefits monthly.
Also would like to know if I can attend a trade school after receiving benefits to attend school in (1975-1978). I received my
Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology. (1978).
Thank you for your help.
Ralph E. Krause
I am not sure about being open. We have worked on a problem between VA and their contractor QTC since November 10th without any solution regarding a claim. VA blames QTC, QTC blames VA. On Dec 19th we sent a priority letter to VA asking for someone to clear up the VA/QTC problem impacting us. Thirty five days later we have have had no response. Open?
Thank you for publishing this information.
Thank you for sending this to me,will included you in my prayers! Bill
This is ridiculous. There is zero protection for any person listed great. I’m glad you sent an email to loan servicers. I guess the Trump admin and his cadre of yes men has done its due diligence.
This is ridiulous.
Well here’s my reply….
I have a compensation claim that will take two minutes of someone’s to understand and correct….
Here I am on month 7 and still not receiving my 90% disabled benefits.
Don’t tell me you people care.
Feel free to respond to (redcated)
Good work!
Hello what if I don’t want to use my G.I. Bill ?? is there any monetary award that can get instead please reply to (redacted)
Thank you from a disabled veteran.