The Code of Support Foundation provides essential and critical one-on-one assistance to struggling service members, Veterans and their families with the most complex needs. One of their goals is to integrate service members, Veterans and families into a searchable, vetted, on-line platform called PATRIOTlink that makes direct connections to resources and services.
PATRIOTlink enables any user free access to vetted, direct, cost-free, Veteran services. PATRIOTlink users can login, browse, and use hundreds of resources available to them. Veterans, caregivers, family members and providers can sign up for a Free Account and start searching today!
The Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Experience Office signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Code of Support in December 2018.
Together, VA and Code of Support hope to improve the access to and navigation of resources in local communities to best serve Veterans, families, caregivers, and survivors. Code of Support provides case coordination, education and engagement, and a navigation platform that allows service providers to reduce the amount of time it takes to find resources to meet their clients needs. VA cannot do it alone and partnerships like Code of Support help to augment and supplement VA services and benefits where needed.
VA is providing Code of Support the most up to date resource and contact information to access and navigate VA services and benefits that includes caregiver support services, suicide prevention and homeless coordinators, Vet Centers and domiciliary units. One of VA’s goals is to ensure that access to services and benefits is easy, efficient, and creates positive experiences in receiving care and support where they live.
Veterans and their families should not have to struggle with finding resources and services, so VA encourages Veterans and their families to use the free services from partners like the Code of Support Foundation for easier access and navigation support.
To learn more, visit Code of Support and PATRIOTlink
“When I called Code of Support my back was up against the wall. I was struggling with my VA Claim and just days earlier had lost a close friend to suicide. They did something that hadn’t happened in years: they listened.”— Zachary Bell, Marine Combat Veteran (from Code of Support website)
The information contained on this page is provided only as general information. The inclusion of links from this page does not imply endorsement or support of any of the linked information, services, products, or providers.
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Each week, we receive job announcements from employers and employment websites—including RallyPoint, RecruitMilitary, VetJobs and HireMilitary—looking to hire Veterans. This post contains links to job listings for the week of Jan. 13, 2025. Each week, we’ll continue to post relevant and timely listings as we receive them, and for the locations listed.,
This looks to me as just another place that thinks they know what they are doing!!! All they are for is trying to direct you to the right place! If you are having that bad of a problem there is no need for this web site!!! All you have to do is call the VA in your area and speak to the Veterans Assistant Manager, thats what they are for!!!! They will tell you where to get the right information right then and check your file to see if you are qualified for the service you need. There is no reason to use this third party site that takes no responsibility for you or the information they give you!! Everything thing you need Is on the VA’s web site!!!! And if you can’t figure it out all you have to do is call your local VA for help!!! Just my take on this!!!c,
This looks to me as just another place that thinks they know what they are doing!!! All they are for is trying to direct you to the right place! If you are having that bad of a problem there is no need for this web site!!! All you have to do is call the VA in your area and speak to the Veterans Assistant Manager, thats what they are for!!!! They will tell you where to get the right information right then and check your file to see if you are qualified for the service you need. There is no reason to use this third party site that takes no responsibility for you or the information they give you!! Everything thing you need Is on the VA’s web site!!!! And if you can’t figure it out all you have to do is call your local VA for help!!! Just my take on this!!!
I tried to send a claim because i have been bothered with back pain for years. Also i tried to get DC because my husband was in Vietnam. I did contact a Rep and he told me that since my husband was in that there was a goid chance that he was in contact with agent orange. My husband passed away April 25th 2003.both if my claims have been denied ihwv3 submitted my husband s claim every year up until last year. Hopefully someone can assist.
Our SO here on the north oregon coast is in denial about the Vietnam war and agent Orange. I was severely exposed to Orange and purple from 1961 – 1969. I have grown up with major Chloracne, immunizations are a death sentence, I had ovarian cancer removed, now my spine and neck are being eaten away from the inside out. I also have recently diagnosed with perotid cancer, arthritis where my joints in fingers, toes, knees, etc swell up almost to where it wants to break out of the skin. The sheath on my spinal cord is also being eaten away.
Anyway, I called Portland VA and they sent me agent Orange paperwork, but they did not provide a person to help me fill it out and do things right. According to SSI I am 100% disabled, yet I only receive 751.00 a month. I am unemployable and have been all my life because of the Chloracne. People treat me as if I have leprosy. I am always covered with oozing big deep red sores all over me. I cannot do anything about it, beyond my control, as was being unknowingly infected.
Anyway if anyone can help me get someone to come to me to get this done, and done right. I am only half way thru my life, the perotid cancer limits me to 5 years of life. How do they know that, unless they have it timed out like the 3,6,9,12,18,24,36 program. I really would like to finally at one point have a life and enjoy my grandchildren. I’ve had to live a solitary life because of agent Orange & purple. I am scarred, disfigured, oozing mess. I really need relief of some sort. It has been 57 years of torture. The government military did this to me, they really need to take responsibility and fix me.
Hello. Nothing is free in this world anymore. I’ve been struggling with my claim since 2002 and am still at 20 % service connected. I need help please……
I just tried Vetpros. They take a small cut but they know what they are doing. I’m done with VA reps.
Can you supply me with Vetpro contact info thanks
So sorry about your situation. My husband had the same problem. He finally got his 100%15 years after trying. The main fact is, you have to submit that claim EVERY year. If you skip 1 month, it they bump you back down to the bottom. Call your local DAV. They can help you find a Service Officer.
Look up the VA on u-tube they have alot of information relating to help vets with just about everything
I have a WWII VET that lives across the street that really needs help. He can barely afford food.He is 92 years young and lives along. Im afraid he is going to pass away in his home and nobody will ever know. I check on him time to time and i gave him my number just in case. Id like if someone could donate a button he could press in case he fell or had aheart problem. My number is (redacted) and im Frank, im a 100% disabled gulf war vet trying to take care of another vet that deserves better.
Hi Mr. Blair. You are awesome! We are here on this earth to help each other (in my opinon). Your neighbour should be receiving Medicare benefits. If he has Medicaid also and is on a Medicare Advantage plan, the insurance company might have the Medical Alert available to him at no cost. See if you can find out about his medical coverage. You may contact me. I am in Florida.
sorry to hear about the gent.I am a Vietnam vet fighting for my 100%also. but can not afford much but would donate a monthly dollars(I think like $19.95 a month )to help the 92 year old gent. out> if you wanna contact me about it I will help as much as can.
If you go to the VA, they can give you one for free. Services included. Hope this hels.
Frank, the VA provides those kind of devices. I know because they gave me one (the one they gave me only works at home in conjunction with my landline; I had notify 911 that I had one, so that when the base unit calls 911 I would not have to speak, I can either wear it on a belt or around the neck…can wear it in shower. I live alone and cell service is very poor.
Call the VA hotline and report your problem with them, hopefully they will send someone to evaluate him?!?! If not send an email to the president and see if anything happens. Good luck Frank
Please contact your local VFW; most have a Veterans relief fund. They can possibly help. If your neighbor receives less than $1100 a month from any income source then he is eligible for war time pension. It’s $1,200 a month. He needs to call the VA Regional Office and ask if they can work with him.
Can you please contact me about my husband he is a transplant. VA did his transplant! I am trying to upgrade our living arrangements for his disability and because I can’t afford our own new home we are struggling.
Please help our living conditions it should not be this hard!!!! Too many slum lords!
Call the local volunteers to check in on him ( Hearts of Golds, Senior Services), , to take him food ( Meals on Wheels…) , Take him to appointments ( senior service volunteers). I did all that with dad, and it helped him a lot. Sounds like you could use the services as well ! Thanks for helping him.
There are a few kinds of grants to adapt the home of disabled vets. Try this VA website or the contact info below:
DID YOU KNOW? VA offers monetary assistance to Veterans with specific service-connected physical disabilities, so they can construct or modify a home to best meet their needs.
HOW TO APPLY: Fill out and submit VA Form 26-4555 at or call 1-877-827-3702 to have a claim form mailed to you.
I have some problems that the va cannot help me with but when they vet me choice Mr out everything gets messed up. I have yet to be seen.
How can I help someone in need and join a support team in Oceanside CA?
Robert Davis
Master Sergeant
USMC, Retired
Google VFW,American Legion, Disabled American Veterans etc. There are so many organizations that need Veterans. Become a member and you will have all the work you can handle.
If you live in the Nashville Tennessee area and need a job, the VA hospital there is 10+ workers short in the house keeping position.
Explain family. Just limited to immediate family or sister brother mother ?
My husband was in Vietnam
He has Parkinson’s disease, prostate cancer, diabetes and lung cancer. I am interested in help with at home care if it is needed. I am the only caregiver at this time
Have your doctor put your husband on hospice. The social workers are wonderful. They will get you caregivers thru the VA. I get 28 hours z week of assistant I understand your frustration I am in the same place are in. God bless you.
You should get a va form 26-1880 and have your husband S doctor complete it and submit it to a variety rep. When approved, your husband will be paid an additional amt to his school disability payment. The extra money (aid and attendance) can be used for hiring an assistant for the vet.
So PATRIOTlink charges Veterans for services thst others orgs, to include the VA, offer for free which is confusing as to why the are identified more as a “resource” when that’s not exactly true as they are actually a “fee-based parallel org” to countless free orgs so the recognition from the VA by way of email that this org offers redundant services but at a cost is bothersome.
So you would stay away from this organization—also did you receive info about Veterans Tickets for different sporting events —thank you in advance on any info
Lou A
Vietnam veteran
Hello, PATRIOTlink is free to all service members, veterans, and their family members to use. There is a basic plan for users that offers free searches to locate local, regional, and national resources. There are three separate plans the Basic for all users, Premium and Enterprise for service providers/nonprofit organizations. Please
when will dental services be open to all Veterans?????
When all your teeth disappear—
Greg, you have to be 100% service connected! The dental backlog at most VA hospitals is long because the VA will not hire more dentists.
I am a 69 year old Vietnam Veteran. My disabilities are not service related.
I’m retired after 22 years with the U.S. Postal Service as a letter carrier.
I’m on fixed income and I am having financial issues.
In February of this year my water heater went out and a water line broke in my crawl space leaving four feet of water in my crawl space. At the same time my car developed mechanical issues I can’t afford to fix, so I have no means of personal transportation. I hoping to have a vehicle donated to me.
Even if your teeth disappear they still will not take care of you unless you are 100% Disabled.
Yah, agent Orange are my teeth all from the inside out. I have no teeth left. Been this way 10 yrs. My weight is about 96 lbs. Can’t eat. Only liquid.
Ralph, at almost every VA they will transport veterans to and from VA hospitals and some CBOC’s! Contact your VA or some DAV’s provide transportation.
I am trying to investigate why my records cannot be located since I was stationed at Camp Geiger, North Carolina from 1954 to 1956 and then transfer to Okinawa. I was released from Brooklyn, Navy Yard in 1958. I am a former marine. My problem is that I am having problems getting assistance. I was told they are still trying to locate my records.
First let me say that I am not a professional advisor but I am a Vietnam vet and would like to make a comment in your regard.
My brother, also a vet does have a copy of his DD214 (discharge papers) which of course does verify his time of service, however he has misplaced some medical records.
When he inquired about obtaining a copy of these records he was told that “they couldn’t locate said records” and that they probably were destroyed in a large fire that occurred in the St. Louis, Mo. federal records center sometime in the 70’s.
I know that this information is not of a positive nature and for that I apologize. I do hope that this information does not apply to your situation and that you are able to locate your records
I am a Vietnam combat veteran, I have agent orange which contributed to my heart surgery (double bypass) I just recently learned that now I have cancer in my lymph nodes,vocal cords and liver. I worked all my life so my wife and I could retire and enjoy our sunshine years but instead I had to retire early due to the damage done to my heart muscles which help pump blood to my body, now due to cancer I have more problems with strength, energy, Ed, stress, and more. I have a therapist but I still won’t discuss my Vietnam experience, my wife has to do all the lifting to our apartment, we live on the second floor in our complex she makes my food, takes me to my doctors appointments and now to my chemo and radiation appointments. I can still drive but she wants to be with me always, she does all the groceries shopping and any thing else we need. I am so depressed that I can’t help my loving wife, she is a prayer warrior and says to me till death do us part. I feel I am more of a burden than I am a man. My brother that lives in California says their is a program through the VA that pays her for helping me since I am a 100 percent disabled but don’t know where to go here in Las Vegas. I know once I start my chemo and radiation treatments it’s going to get worse climbing the steps up to my apartment, if anyone knows where to go please let me know. Thank you for your help Phil
Is there any help for a woman who has been married to a 100%disbled Vet for 24 years. He has been having PTSD since Vietnam. Worked for the Post Office for twenty some years. Has had several medical problems for the last 19 years. Now he has cancer (brain tumor removed, lower portion of left lung removed) . They only removed the tumor in his front left lobe of his brain, just to give him more time. He is terminal. A year ago he had to go to a 24/7 faciality while I had a right hip replacement. While I was recovering his daughter convinced him to remove me from his VA POA (I have been his caregiver/POA since he started getting sick 19 years ago.) and give her the VA POA. Then she convinced him to remove all our money from our bank accounts, changed direct deposits and put the money into an account with his and her name. I don’t know how he is or where he is at. Needless to say, I have not received support. I applied, ST Louis says, I’ll have a reply by 05-22-2020. We purchased this home on a VA loan in 2004. I cashed in my 401K when we purchased this home. I have $991 per month coming in. I have been trying to save the home. I can’t do anything with the home without his signature. The State of MO is investigating Elder Fraud. Meantime, our home is going into foreclosure. There needs to be some kind of safety net for not only Vets, but the spouse that has taken care of them and have stuck through thick and thin.
Cannot figure out what ‘borne the battle’ is: there are names and music for each name, strange symbols not seen before to click on but what is the result? The whole thing could have a reference page to go to that explains the concept and content. Or, who ever created it and those that understand what is displayed will enjoy but not share. Are my taxes paying for it?….. One more frustration, thanks VA.
Too often veterans are mistreated but staff for a variety of reasons. Staff compiles a record of the veteran’s behavior wherein he is depicted as hostile, uncooperative, paranoid, depressed, angry, unstable, etc..Staff causes the Vets computer history to reflect a very troubled individual who must be regarded as dangerous or suicidal. Any nurse, aide, volunteer, office worker, etc can contribute and influence the veteran’s record regardless of the VA employees abilities or qualifications. The vet is often mislabeled by staff who are motivated to deliberately falsify these record which are maintained and expanded without the vet’s knowledge. These various file slanders are motivated by anger, malpractice cover ups, and just plain ignorance. Power over others by employees who themselves have serious mental problems is not uncommon. There are many psychological studies of prison inmates that explain this phenomenon. VA employees are encouraged to be politically correct. They are presently implementing attitudes against pain medication no matter how necessary and essential it is to maintain the lives of vets who are suffering beyond any other pain relieving method. We now have American citizens with the power to deny life sustaining pain medication from another group, that is, disabled American veterans! Why do we allow our own government this kind of God like power? The Veteran Clinucs hold secret committee meetings to share and develope programs to deal with veteran’s who are difficult to process in their time treatment control guidelines. Vital health and treatments are denied “troublesome” vets. The compiled files are formed into a picture of a mentally unstable vet who is naturally prone to violence, threats, assaults, suicide, etc….the vet is referred to suicide watch and the like as often as possible…..I have to conclude that these various abuses can cause the very behavior for which the VA has built the crazy file! The growing number of suicides by vets can not be explained outside these facts! We must do something to help these American hero’s. We must consider the obvious. We employ a huge number of VA doctors, nurses, and support staff. Surely, they are some abuses from at least a few. There is no single group of perfect people on this earth. It is reasonable to understand that even a very small number of VA staff can wreck havoc on our veterans….I contend that there are more than just a very few……
This data is vital to many Veterans. We need enhanced programs to train us for future high demand-tech career opportunities. These programs will help us transionalize into the next century and become self sufficient.
Why won’t the va give dental care to he vets with less that 100% all say is that you have to get help els were, the va will not see you to help you with your problem, you can be in pain, and eating solf food only because my teeth are in real bad, they say we can not support are help me, maybe you will are can help me, I thought that the va was here to help and support the vet, I guess that is no help, so maybe you can help me, thank you very much.
Walter. I think the VA recently changed it to 70%..
I need help with aid & assistants for me and my wife—Please Help
Call your nearest DAV. They can get a Service Officer to help you. VA needs someone who gives our Veterans options. Not excuses. Also ask SO about Aid and Dependents benefits. I was able to get help and he was discharged in ’19
He was discharged in 1945 and they found his records.
At this stage in my life (70 years old). I am only concerned about burial benefits.
I think it’s great that even though the government needs to improve, there are the Veterans who care about one another, no matter what nationality they are. Now that is God. I always hoped to live in a mixed community.
I need someone to represent me for my VA claim. I had an appeal with the Appeal court and
I was represented by an Attorney from Bro Bono group, but the court remanded my case
back to the lower court and my Attorney said that she can no longer represent me further on, and advised me to find another attorney. I need someone for free and I know that the fees
are filed to the VA by the lawyer for her/his compensation.
Is there anyone there that will be able to take my case?
Looking forward for your prompt reply,
Leonardo R. Panganiban
Leonardo R Panganiban. Try Woods And Woods 1-866-426-2827. It took me 5 yrs but am 100% total and permanent. Good luck!!
I tried to sign up for a free account at PATRIOTlink but was unable to because it said that sector was required consisting of the following choices:
Dept. of Labor
Dept. of Defense
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
State Government
Local Government
Federal Government
Community Organization or
Educational Organization
I tried to use the Contact Us address, but my email was rejected
Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.
I don’t know if this is a scam or just not set up properly or not meant for individual veterans and family members etc. to use or what, but I’m frustrated and wanted to give a heads-up.
Charles, just today I had the very same thing happen to me (except my sending the email to them hasn’t been returned yet.
Hi Charles,
My name is Roslyn, and I am a Program Specialist with PATRIOTlink at Code of Support Foundation.
I promise you this is not a scam and you will have access to thousands of resources after creating your free account.
If you are unsure which to select from the ‘Sector’ drop down menu, please select the ‘nonprofit’ tab to complete your registration.
If you have any other problems please email us at
Thank you for pointing this out we are in the midst of making the sign in process smoother.
Hi I’m veteran US Marine Corps I service Unite State vietnam war and US Empire
I am very sceptical of this program. Says it is for all veterans. A number of years ago I applied for veterans medical coverage. They wanted a copy of my latest tax form and then turned me down. Hence, I am a non-believer. Yes I have health insurance, I was applying just in case I would ever actually need VA help.
Man, V.A. Medical has came a long way since then. RE-APPLY,…! If you have a V.A. recognized disability they HAVE to see you or refer you to outside medical. RE-APPLY!
How about some examples of “services”? I’m not interested if it’s code talk for government programs. I’m also not going to sign up for something with no indication of what other than vague services references.
No faith in programs.
Hello, I work for the PATRIOTlink program and the database includes services such as Financial Assistance, Housing (Transitional Living, Shelters, etc.), Retreats, Adaptive Sports/Activities, and Goods and Services (Home Care, Personal items, Medical Devices, etc.). Signing up for a free account offers users the ability to search for local, regional, and national organizations that provide services and programs that can meet multiple needs. If you have any questions please contact us at Thank you.
Want to get as much information as possible in all areas mentioned can tell you more as I get involved…here in the Houston Texas area we have all kinds of Veterans that need extensive help.. their families, caregivers, medical facilities and especially the homeless, women and non service connected and more
Thanks for been there