VA Accepting Provider Applications to Extend Program for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury

Veterans Choice Act Extension Offers Opportunities for Potential Providers

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced it is currently accepting proposals for the Assisted Living Pilot Program for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (AL-TBI). The program had been slated to sunset this year, however the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (“Choice Act”) extends the program through October 6, 2017.

“Due to the severity and complexity of their injuries, Veterans with TBI can require an extraordinary level of care and other support services,” said Interim Under Secretary for Health, Dr. Carolyn Clancy. “The AL-TBI program provides specialized assisted living services to eligible Veterans with traumatic brain injury to enhance their rehabilitation, quality of life and community integration.”

Under the AL-TBI program, Veterans meeting the eligibility criteria are placed in private sector TBI residential care facilities specializing in neurobehavioral rehabilitation. The program offers team-based care and assistance in areas such as speech, memory and mobility.  Approximately 187 Veterans were enrolled into the AL-TBI Pilot Program in 46 different facilities located in 22 states.  Currently, there are 94 Veterans enrolled in the pilot. 

The extension of the program offers opportunities for providers wishing to participate in the program. VA is accepting proposals through November 20, 2014.  To be eligible, contractor facilities must meet Federal, State and local standards and be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in Residential Rehabilitation/Brain Injury Program. Contracts for the extended program are expected to be awarded in February 2015.

For more information about the AL-TBI Request for Proposal, visit For more information about the AL-TBI program, visit

Working with Congress, Veterans Service Organizations and other stakeholders, VA has taken steps to implement the Choice Act legislation. In addition to the AL-TBI extension, VA is:  

  • Continuing work with its newly established Program Management Office to oversee planning and implementation of the Choice Act legislation across the Department;
  • Putting in place the mechanisms to provide the authorization necessary to carry out major medical facility leases;
  • Extending the pilot program called Project ARCH (Access Received Closer to Home) through March 31, 2015, and exploring additional contracting options to execute the remaining 18 months of the pilot program;  
  • Seeking industry’s input on addressing third party administrator services through VA- sponsored events such as Industry Day held on September 17, 2014;  
  • Awarding a contract to the MITRE Corporation, Alliance to Modernize Healthcare, a private not-for-profit company, to support the Independent Assessment of VA health care processes; and
  • Expanding the Fry Scholarship Program to include surviving spouses of Servicemembers killed on active duty.


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