Every week, VA sends a weekly newsletter called #VetResources that is filled with valuable content – including free resources, important updates and discounts for Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors.
While VA makes no endorsements of the privately offered resources, we share them to generate awareness of all that is available to the Veteran community.
So, here are the Top 10 most popular Veteran resources from 2021:
A comprehensive list of Veteran and military discounts (last verified October 2021) that are good all year round and are updated based on additional awareness.
Entrance fees for National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sites, as well as standard amenity recreation fees for the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers locations, are waived for current military service members and their dependents, Veterans and Gold Star Families.
Guitars for Vets (G4V) presents an instruction program designed for Veterans working through physical injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder and other forms of emotional distress to help improve communication, coordination and interpersonal skills.
A list of links to free tax preparation and electronic tax filing services for current and former members of the military.
A social network by, for and about service members and Veterans, RallyPoint provides such services as mentorship, job placement and access to counseling.
The Microsoft Software and Systems Academy offers free, formal training in some of technology’s most in-demand roles to the military and Veteran community.
Amazon offers SNAP EBT acceptance, competitive prices, wide selection and free shipping options to improve the grocery shopping experience, including free access to Amazon Fresh and exclusive discounts on essential items.
Vet Tix provides free tickets to Veterans and service members for a wide variety of events, including professional and collegiate sports, concerts, rodeos, festivals and more.
Together We Served recently launched a free “Veteran Finder” app to find and connect with the network’s 2.1 million Veteran members.
American Corporate Partners (ACP) works with post-9/11 Veterans to help them find meaningful employment after military service.
If you do not receive the #VetResources weekly newsletter, sign up today at www.VA.gov/VetResources. Past newsletters can be found here, and all #VetResources blog posts are online at https://news.va.gov/category/vets-experience/vetresources/.
Know of a Veteran Resource we should share? Post it in the comments box below.
The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on the part of VA.
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Each week, we receive job announcements from employers and employment websites—including RallyPoint, RecruitMilitary, VetJobs and HireMilitary—looking to hire Veterans. This post contains links to job listings for the week of Jan. 13, 2025. Each week, we’ll continue to post relevant and timely listings as we receive them, and for the locations listed.
Wow! I just read all these comments for the 1st. time. I’m a Navy Vet, female and have loved going to the VA for my health needs. I get excellent care no matter who I see! I’ve been going since 1996.
VAMC care varies from facility to facility. Where is yours? Perhaps we should use it!? (But then you’ll have trouble with your care also).
I livei n Phoenix and that’s exactly what happens here from September to about May every year, when the “snowbirds” descend, clogging up the appt schedules.
I just received a copay bill for meds from the VA. Do we once again have copays. Most all private insurance providers have waived copays. This may be a rhetorical question, but should I drop VA meds n go with a private insurer?
I interesting on helping out
I would like to go to photography classes. I used my OJT 1972 till 1975 in an apprenticeship.
My mental health dr. recently asked me to start using my primary care dr. for my mental health needs. The reason being, “there are too many soldiers coming home with mental health issues.” I’m a 70 y/o female vet with severe ptsd and am 100% disabled. Why are they not hiring more mental health professionals instead of ignoring the needs of elderly veterans? Or is it just elderly female vets?
If anyone knows how veterans can get assistance with preparing a will or a trust for free, please reply. I’m interested. I have only found a pile of gimmicks so far.
Have you tried to call JAG, if they are not able to help maybe they could point you in the right direction.
It took 7 months for my primary facility to be reaccredited. I could not see anyone without their referral.
I have called everyone in the VA to get a printed copy of the procedure for medical help. “You can’t get that because you
didn’t do such and such”. Everyone just gives another number to call, after this happens several times, I wind up back where
I started, in a loop.
Have a 10% across the board reduction in force, and streamline the entire process.
Eliminate the Tri-West business, they cause more trouble than help.
When my husband Steve first arrived home from Viet Nam (Infantry, boots on the ground) he was jeered at and spit upon. Now, when we go to the store and out in public, people come up to him and thank him. 50 years later, but it brings a smile to his face and tears to his eyes. It is never too late to thank a vet!
One thing that does irritate me is to see people park in Vet spots on the parking lot who don’t show any identification; we have a specialized license plate noting his service; Steve always wears his Viet Nam Vet cap; I never park there if he is not in the car; he’s the vet, not me.
Just looked at a story that said most veterans are satisfied with VA, if you have no other choice which a lot of vets are in this boat then use the VA but if you can avoid it please do. I tell people the story about how they took an x-ray and saw a mass in my chest. I was very concerned so I went to my private doctor and he ordered a pet scan and everything turned out OK. Very expensive test. Now back to the VA doctors four years later they called me up and said they were doing a follow up to the mass shown on the x-ray and did I ever get it checked out? The doctor then proceeded to tell me the good news is we know it’s not cancer, I responded why is that ? and they said you would’ve been dead within three years the fact that you’re alive proves that it’s not cancer! Sad & Crazy but true story!
The DAV ( Disabled American Veterans) National is primarily there to serve our veterans in obtaining accurate information on Veterans claims and appeals. This service is free and includes all of the current information on claims.
I would hope and expect that you, the publisher of this information would do the research to verify all the information you provide to keep from getting Veterans hopes up and not be disappointed and/or misinformed!!
What? Do you not think they did their best? Be kind and thankful they provided information. They told you it was as of Oct v
My husband passed away 12/31/2017 due to Vietnam related issues. I have been getting his 60% disability. Am I eligible for a tax deduction on my property?
This is a state-by-state issue. In Indiana, there is a partial exemption for disabled veterans and surviving spouses.
You need to check with your property appraisers office in your county. Many counties will allow a surviving spouse to remain in the home with the same tax discount that they were receiving before the veteran passed away. But if you move, you may create a new tax roll in your name alone, and pay taxes as everyone else.
My husband served in Navy and did his tour in Viet Nam. Boots on the ground. He was recently diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). Has anyone heard anything about Viet vets getting this ? I just read the letter a widow wrote about her husband having leukemia.
Yes. What your husband has is usually caused from exposure to something (Agent Orange), or some other chemicals. I was exposed to a chemical which caused my Multiple Myeloma.
He should make a claim.
no, it is not covered. keep an eye on it though as the VA has added a few new diseases that are considered service related. it is all about continuing to get your spouses disability payments if he/she should die. my husband died in 2021 from AML, acute myeloid leukemia. it is not considered service related. hoping one day it will be. go see someone at DAV. great organization. they will help you put in the right paperwork to try to get some sort of compensation. actually glad to hear your husband has CML and not AML. much less deadly and most likely he will still live a good and long life. my 36 year old daughter was diagnosed with CML in 2018, the year before my husband got AML. he lived 17b months.
I sent a request to Guitars for Vets to the chapter closest to Northern Virginia in June 2021 and a follow up about a month later. Still haven’t heard back. This is potentially a great program but please advise vets — some may need to manage expectations.
I am a veteran. I applied for the G4V program back in March of 2021. I didn’t get a reply for months. Eventually, they fixed the website, but they don’t have enough teachers or funds to serve every veteran at once. I finally got a turn in November. I should get through 10 classes by end of January. Please sign up and be patient. They will expect you to upload a dd214, so be prepared for that.
Together We Served NOT FREE!
Just signed up for Together We Served site. At the end, it tells you that it is free for 10 days only. Say that you won’t be charged after the trial but insists that payment information be provided!
Seriously! The VITA tax portion here is from the year 2015 and locations to get your taxes no longer exist and it still them making appointments for 2015. Really?!
I recently researched GRANTS that are available for veterans to start a business. What I found was this: there are literally HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS available through multiple grant programs. Unfortunately, these federal dollars are available NOT to veterans, but to new immigrants and members of other specified, insular groups whose gratuitous entitlement to these funds is wholly unconnected to ever having pledged their lives or their health defending the United States. Yes, there are a few small private grants out there, but no big, federal programs with grant money earmarked to help veterans start a business. Sadly, my Congressman and Senators couldn’t care less about this disparity and frankly, I don’t know if anyone else out there really cares either. I sure would like to see that change.
Editor’s note: to learn about programs available to Veterans, see the Small Business Administration’s page at https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/grow-your-business/veteran-owned-businesses.
Ladies or widows if your husband was service connect you might want to go to American legion, Disable Veteran Administrative DVA Or Veteran of Foreign War VFW they have service officers to help you with your questions and provide help . Even if your unsure if if he was service connect or not. They will look into things for you. These are all Veterans that there for veterans and family. I AM a veteran and a widow of a Veteran.
You have got to be kidding.
I am trying to obtain tickets for the Kenny Chesney concert in Nashville ,TN .. I signed up on the VetTix website.. It’s probably me; but lt was just to complicated and no way to talk to a live person… My fiancé is a huge fan and l want to bless her with a couple of tickets.. so she can take her mom or a friend with her.. I wanted to give them as Christmas presents; But was not able to through VetTix… Please help!!!! Thanks….
In order to use tickets of any kind, the veteran must attend. If the tickets are fou d to have not been used by the veteran, you can get a lifetime ban.
Vettix is a great program. I use them for various tickets.
LinkedIn offers free primeum upgrade for a year to Veterans, military spouse and military members. Must sign up in your desktop vis Sheer ID/ ID me.
I applied to the Guitars for Vets program in June 2021. Haven’t heard anything from them but that they’re overwhelmed with requests. I appreciate available resources but is anyone monitoring them to ensure they’re available?
I waited for months. I finally got in. I’m taking classes. It’s awesome. Just keep waiting. Your turn will come when a teacher is available. Make sure you apply on the website and that they have your email. I was contacted by email when it was my turn.
If there was a legal person who could offer info on a wide range of possible solutions to problems and give a direction on what the ways to do certain things are .where to go or who to see would be great
Coming in 2022, Home Depot, all locations, will be honoring Veteran Discounts.
The Veteran must pre-regiter, an easy online service.
I am registered, already.
It depends on where you live and what kind of service you get. People in my town that work and the office of veteran affairs they’ve never been in the military or had a surviving spouse or surviving children nothing whatsoever to do with the VA and when you go in there to talk to them they actually resent the fact that I am eligible for no property tax. Property tax exempt. I should have been getting it since 2005 is not my job to know their job I went down there and told them that my husband passed away and he was able to get $1,000 off our property tax per year so for years that’s what I did the exact amount that he was getting taken off our taxes they were just doing the same thing even though I brought down his decision letter saying more likely than not your husband’s death was military related so I thought well I still get the $1,000 off from the property taxes well it wasn’t until 16 that I read an article that said a surviving spouse should not have to pay any property taxes at all. In my eyes they owe me a lot of money however I don’t have the money to get a lawyer that would even want to handle this. They don’t mind handling somebody that gets hit by a car or something similar they only want to take easy jobs and probably figure that you can’t fight and win any type of dispute with the government and it’s a shame my husband died in 4 hours from the time he was taken to the hospital. Don’t you think that his primary doctor should have known what was wrong with him. They had no clue. He passed away from some sort of leukemia. I want every single month with him to the doctor and they never said anything about it. When I call the VA after he passed away I told him to stop his check because it was going in direct deposit. They told me to mail in the death certificate and in one month they said more likely than not your husband’s death was military related therefore I don’t have to pay my property taxes. Well I guess they’re doing something right
I have to agree!! I think we treat our vets (and their families) like crap!! We should all do more for our vets!! I’m very quick to defend our vets honor!! I sit with a Vietnam vet and im amazed the pride I see in his face when people thank him for his service!! We should thank every vet every day!!
Great resources. Thank you for all you do. I am a surviving spouse. My husband’s death was military related 2005 he passed away. I am doing all right and I just want to say thank you for the information that you giving to people that might need it. I would say that what it comes down to, it’s all about where you live. In my town when you want to speak to somebody said hand of veteran affairs they were never in the military. But yet they’re able to tell you or me what I am eligible for? That is so wrong.
One frequently overlooked Veteran Resource is Fisher Houses. Particularly during the holidays, a hospitalized veteran’s greatest wish is often just to have family by the bedside. Ask any VA staff members what pleases their patients most and they’ll say visits from loving family members. But often, traveling to the hospital is just too expensive for the family other than to make a brief visit. Fisher Houses (where available) overcome this problem by providing exceptional (and very comfortable) housing for a family with a hospitalized veteran nearby at NO COST. Every time I pass the very first Fisher House alongside my own VAMC, I silently thank the Fishers for their incredible generosity in creating a Foundation to sustain and expand this project. I also make certain that my own charitable giving adds to the impact, and especially the expansion, of the Fisher House presence at VA hospitals nation-wide.