Orlando VA embraces telehealth to provide comprehensive and holistic care for women Veterans.
Orlando VA is a beacon of hope for Veterans battling addiction… it's also a symbol of support for those who served.
Orlando VA’s revolutionary approach to PTSD services is providing a beacon of hope for Veterans and their families.
Veteran’s personal combat zone included basketball, powerlifting, powerlifting circuit and track and field.
A VA eye care program provides telehealth consultations, remote diagnostic capabilities and seamless coordination between health care providers.
Healthy Teaching Kitchen offers Veteran patients nutrition knowledge and the guidance and skills to learn how to cook.
Digital dentistry upgrades improve accuracy, reduce time, increase efficiency, boost patient satisfaction and minimize environmental footprint.
A group of Orlando caregivers enjoyed an afternoon of camaraderie and painting on canvas.
Orlando VA staff participate in a variety of whole health activities. The overall health and resilience of employees is critical.
The National SimVET Center is a common space that gathers simulationists, health care professionals and public health leaders to fulfill SimLEARN’s mission to advance Veteran health care.
“It’s more than landscaping. It’s creating an environment that fosters healing and peace for those who have served our country.”
Orlando VA Domiciliary residents use pour painting to express their emotions and help with depression, anxiety and trauma.