About James Ridgway
James Ridgway is a Veterans Law Judge and the Chief Counsel for Policy and Procedure at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. James is also a professorial lecturer in law the George Washington University Law School, co-chair of the Federal Circuit Bar Association’s Veterans Appeals Committee, founder and administrator of www.VeteransLawLibrary.com, co-founder of the National Veterans Law Moot Court Competition, www.nvlmcc.org, and author of more than a dozen law review articles focusing on veterans law and legal argument theory (available at http://ssrn.com/author=1378084). He is also a past President of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association, www.cavcbar.net, and was Editor-in-Chief of the Veterans Law Journal for five years. His text book, Veterans Law: Cases and Theory, will be published by West Publishing in 2015. James’s involvement in veterans law began during his second year of law school after his father, a decorated Air Force fighter pilot and Vietnam veteran, passed away from service-connected causes.
James Ridgway2015-03-23T07:15:35-04:00March 19th, 2015|