Are you a Veteran with aspirations of entrepreneurship and business ownership? Do you need guidance to help you put your idea into action?
Applications are open now for the War Horse Writing seminar, an expenses-paid opportunity for Post-9/11 Gold Star children to not only write and publish their own stories of sacrifice and service, but convey to the public the profound human impact of military service.
VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) is hosting on-site and virtual hiring fairs in February and March that are designed to connect job seekers with positions related to the PACT Act, the new law that may make Veterans exposed to toxins while serving eligible for benefits and care. The fairs are part of VA’s PACT Act initiative to hire processors to handle the many claims that have been submitted since the PACT Act became law in August 2022.
As a Veteran, you may be eligible for certain tax benefits under the tax code. It's important to file your taxes before this year’s April 18 deadline and be aware of the benefits that apply to you.
The VA Women’s Health Reengagement Training (heaRT) Team is on a mission to share information on women’s health services available at VA. VA Women’s heaRT discusses how to apply for and use VA health care to educate women Veterans on the VA health care they earned and deserve. Here are the seven things you need to know about the training:
Warrior-Scholar Project (WSP) offers free one- and two-week academic boot camps at college campuses nationwide. These academic boot camps are designed to prepare you for college the same way boot camp prepared you for the military.
This time of year can feel heavy. Veterans in need of support may be coping with loss or trauma may be recovering from an emotionally challenging holiday season.
VA’s National Advance Care Planning via Group Visits Program engages Veterans, caregivers and those they trust in facilitated group conversations about the kind of care that’s right for each of them. It also covers the steps you can take to have your wishes heard and respected when the need arises.
Rooted in an epic display of patriotism, the Old Glory Relay epitomizes what Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) is all about, showing our nation’s Veterans that their best days are ahead through a strong focus on health and wellness.
It comes as no surprise that the soft skills learned through military service are a great draw for hiring managers. Resiliency, determination, loyalty and discipline are just a few of the skills of note that Veteran applicants and employees often possess over their civilian peers.
VA and the Veterans Day National Committee are now accepting submissions for the 2023 Veterans Day Poster Contest. Submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on April 1, 2023.
The National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic is designed to help Veterans whose current rehabilitation goals would benefit from the value of adaptive summer sports. The NVSSC serves Veterans living with spinal cord injuries, amputations, visual impairments, neurological conditions, PTSD, burns, and TBI/polytrauma.