Navy Veteran Walter Johnson Jr. spent much of his life battling addiction and homelessness, but became a certified nursing assistant at 70.
Iron Mountain Health VA’s Healthcare for Homeless Veterans program is shifting the culture in the fight against rural homelessness.
Facing rejection for being transgender, Anya McDonald was homeless for years before finding stable housing with help from VA
Colleagues from VA’s HUD-VASH program and San Francisco VA discuss how VA homeless programs are changing to meet the needs of aging Veterans.
When Navy Veteran William Peterson was diagnosed with cancer, he reached out to VA, where a collaboration proved to be a “Good Win.”
“Social Work service members can be found throughout the medical center and are involved in almost every aspect of care.”
Navy Veteran Margarita Belmarez became homeless during Hurricane Katrina and again after Hurricane Harvey, but was able to buy her own home with help from VA.
How the Isakson-Roe Act impacts Veterans’ lives with funds for life-saving essentials such as food, shelter and transportation.
VA permanently housed 40,401 homeless Veterans in 2022… exceeding the goal to house 38,000 Veterans by 6.3%.
On the latest episode of our Ending Veteran Homelessness podcast, a senior executive and a physician explore the nuances of the Housing First model.
In greater Los Angeles, the One Team approach helped VA and its community partners house 1,790 homeless Veterans in 2023
Former homeless Coast Guard Veteran Patrick Thrasher gets housing assistance and cleaning services through HUD-VASH.