WASHINGTON — Research studies that challenge the conventional wisdom regarding potential links between military service during the Gulf War and the numerous, yet often undiagnosed, illnesses reported by many veterans were presented recently to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Advisory Committee for Gulf War Veterans Illnesses.

“I am very pleased with the progress of the committee and ongoing research into the illnesses that continue to afflict the brave men and women who served so well during the Gulf conflict,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi.  “They haven’t given up on their search for answers and neither will we.”

Presentations June 16 by the principal investigators of four completed studies looked at the nervous system, cognitive function, use of pyridostigmine bromide (a drug protecting people from nerve agents) and exposure to pesticides and nerve gas.

Antonio Sastre, Ph.D., of Midwest Research Institute in Kansas City, Mo., presented, for the first time, results of his Defense Department-sponsored study of autonomic nervous system function in Gulf War-era veterans.  The autonomic nervous system controls many of the body’s functions (like breathing) automatically, without any conscious effort.  Using a battery of tests to capture the complexities of the autonomic nervous system, Sastre’s findings indicate that ill veterans demonstrate autonomic system dysfunction on a broad range of tests.

Results of a just-published VA-funded study by Roberta F. White, Ph.D., of Boston University School of Medicine and the Boston VA Healthcare System Medical Center indicated that Gulf War-deployed veterans performed “significantly worse,” on tests of attention, visuospatial skills, visual memory and mood.  Additionally, Gulf War- deployed veterans who used pyridostigmine bromide performed worse than their deployed comrades who did not use the drug.

John Vogel, Ph.D., of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California, discussed the use of accelerator mass spectrometry to detect very low levels of pesticides and their effect on the brain’s increased absorption of a second toxic exposure.  The research, conducted with animals, was sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Likewise, undetected low-level exposure to sarin nerve gas can cause delayed development of brain alterations that may be associated with memory loss and cognitive dysfunction in animals.  This study, by Rogene Henderson, Ph.D., of Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in Albuquerque, advances scientific understanding of the long-term effects of exposure to chemical weapons.

“This new research has important implications, not only for ill veterans, but for the development of medical defenses to protect future American troops and civilians from chemical attack,” said committee chairman James Binns.

The advisory committee was established by Secretary Principi to review research and give advice on those areas showing the greatest promise for finding the cause, or causes, of Gulf War illnesses and treating Gulf War veterans.

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