WASHINGTON – – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will host an all-day “Welcome Home” event for recently returned veterans of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) and active duty service members preparing to separate from the military.  The comprehensive outreach effort will take place Saturday, June 2, at the Washington DC VA Medical Center (VAMC) from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to thank these brave men and women for their service, as well as to provide information about the many services and benefits they have earned,” said VA Secretary Jim Nicholson. “Many of these services are aimed at helping them and their families with readjustment and transition back to civilian life.”

VA will offer a variety of screenings and counseling in the following areas: readjustment, employment, education, home loans, life insurance, transition and health care.

A unique feature of the event is the inclusion of a Marine Corps “Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Muster” conducted by the Marine Corps Mobilization Command (MOBCOM).  MOBCOM conducts these events monthly at sites across the U.S.  

“Like an information fair, the musters are designed to assist each Marine as they transition from active military to civilian life and to remind them of their remaining statutory service obligations,” said Brigadier General Darrell L. Moore, Commanding General, MOBCOM.

Those interested in attending may contact the event coordinator, Paula Gorman, at 202-745-8320 for information. VA expects 800-1000 attendees.

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