Peake: VA Prepared for Future Needs of Veterans

WASHINGTON — After a detailed three-year study, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has decided it will continue to provide services at its four Boston-area campuses — Bedford, Brockton, Jamaica Plain, and West Roxbury.  

“The potential benefits to be gained from any consolidation do not justify the disruption to veterans or to our first-class health care system in Boston,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake. “For the future, VA is prepared to provide health care for Boston veterans at its current four campuses.” 

In 2006, former VA Secretary James Nicholson rejected consolidation of all Boston health care services at one location, but selected for further study the possibility that Bedford’s services could be moved to the Brockton campus, and that VA’s Jamaica Plain and West Roxbury might be consolidated. 

These options were investigated thoroughly, along with another more limited transfer of Bedford’s services to Brockton that would have retained nursing home and outpatient services at the Bedford campus.  VA’s review of these options found there was no convincing data that consolidations would significantly improve quality of care, access, or achieve significant financial savings at this time.  

“The process ensured veterans and other stakeholders’ issues were fully reviewed in great detail,” Peake added. 

In announcing his decision, the VA secretary said there may be opportunities at the existing campuses for reuse of vacant land and buildings to provide benefits to veterans. 

“Opportunities may be available for housing homeless veterans, assisted living facilities, geriatric continuing care communities and affordable housing for veterans through VA’s Enhanced-Use Leasing program,” Peake said. 

VA will continue to strategically plan for the needs of veterans in the Boston area, taking into account veteran population trends, enrollment projections and changes in demographics of veteran health care needs and utilization. 

“I want to thank the Local Advisory Panel, veterans groups and the Boston congressional delegation for their input into this extensive study process,” Peake said. 

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