Decision Is Good News for Area Veterans

WASHINGTON – Veterans in the Louisville area will be receiving a new, state-of-the-art medical center from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to replace the existing facility, Secretary of Veterans Affairs R. James Nicholson announced today at a news conference in Louisville.

“Louisville area veterans will get a modern facility that matches the high quality of care they receive from VA,” Nicholson said. “Veterans and their families can rest assured that the uncertainty has ended, and a new world-class medical center is on the way.”

Nicholson was joined during the news conference at the current Louisville VA Medical Center by Rep. Anne M. Northup, Rep. Ron Lewis and Sen. Mitch McConnell.

 “I want to thank the many leaders who made this possible, including the Kentucky congressional delegation, veterans groups, local leaders, other stakeholders, VA employees and our affiliates in the academic community,” Nicholson added.

The Secretary said he is directing that a technical analysis for the new facility begin as soon as possible, followed by establishment of a site selection board to evaluate potential locations for a new hospital.

The Louisville decision was made after a study was completed that has been in progress since 2004 to upgrade health care facilities across the country that serve veterans.  Nicholson concluded that VA has enough information to end the analysis phase of the project and move into the site selection process.

Once a preferred site in Louisville is selected, VA will conduct the necessary due diligence for property acquisition and request congressional approval before the new facility can be built.  VA will also seek to improve women’s health services in the process and is examining whether to collocate VA’s regional office for veterans financial benefits processing at the site.

The current Louisville VA Medical Center has a main hospital building and 15 outbuildings on a 47-acre hilltop near downtown Louisville.  The buildings, parking and related facilities were constructed around 1950.

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