WASHINGTON, D.C. — Catherine Rick was recently named the top nurse executive for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Technically known as the chief consultant for VAs Nursing Strategic Health Care Group, she will provide leadership and guidance to VAs 55,000 nursing personnel, who care for 3.6 million veterans each year.

Rick formerly was the Associate Chief of Staff for Nursing and Primary Care at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center, a position she has held since 1997. Before joining VA in 1992, Rick worked in the private sector in various clinical and administrative roles. She was nurse executive consultant for a large Milwaukee home health care agency and assistant administrator for patient care at Northwest General Hospital, also in Milwaukee.

“Nurses are the mainstay of VA health care,” said Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Hershel Gober. “They provide care to veterans 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Without nurses, providing health care to veterans is impossible.”

Rick earned her bachelor of science degree in nursing from Alverno College and her masters degree in nursing administration from Marquette University, both in Milwaukee. She holds the American Nurses Association certification as an Advanced Nurse Administrator and the American College of Healthcare Executives certification as a Healthcare Executive.

“Ms. Ricks nursing and administrative experience with both VA and private-sector health care systems will enable her to contribute significantly to VAs rapidly changing environment,” said Gober. “She will enhance the management team, and I look forward to working with her.”


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