Ben Osevwe is a psychiatric nurse who knew his Army Veteran patient well enough to tell her to come to the hospital for surgery and next to call the Crisis Line when her depression threatened.
Talk with VA recruiters about healthcare careers in pain management for Veterans at PAINWeek 2019, the national conference for frontline practitioners.
Explore a Veterans Affairs career in mental health at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Aug. 8-11, in Chicago.
Women Veterans are more likely than civilians to experience intimate partner violence (IPV). Dr. Katherine Iverson of VA Boston Healthcare System studies the connection between IPV and TBI.
Here are 8 things to know about PTSD and effective treatments from VA’s National Center for PTSD.
Recruiters for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are […]
Local Vietnam Veteran finds closure at St. Louis Vet Center
A career in mental health at the U.S. Department of […]
The newly approved Spravato nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression will be made available to Veterans based on their individual medical needs combined with providers' clinical assessments.
Memories of morally injurious events that are incompatible with Veterans’ views of who they are and what they stand for may cause intense feelings of guilt, shame and rage.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced in May […]
Veterans and their families can integrate music into everyday life to help improve mood, and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other common afflictions.